Thursday, 28 July 2016

" Cardinal Pell Yes ! but Teflon Billy No ! "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 28/7/2016.
Also on my blog:

Subject: " Cardinal Pell Yes ! but Teflon Billy No ! "

Michele Guthrie the ABC, MD.

Cardinal Pell.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight, 
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl in the early 1980's

Kathy - Teflon Billy's alleged " Rape " victim in the 1980's.

Well people what do you reckon?? this lefty ABC 7.30 Report going all guns blazing
to try and become relevant, make an impact, in this 24/7 highly competitive media rat
to the bottom by destroying Cardinal Pell's reputation before, I emphasise " BEFORE"
the Victorian Police have had time to investigate, interview Cardinal Pell and present
a case to the Victorian Prosecutors Office.

I actually recorded and re-watched this 7.30 Report a couple of times where this
ABC 7.30 female reporter was, in my view, virtually frothing at the mouth with
excitement, so much so she was regularly leading the so-called major witnesses in
order to hurry the interviews along, especially as both so-called witnesses were
probably some what mentally slow due to years of alcohol and drug abuse?? none I
gather as the result of the alleged activities of Cardinal Pell and themselves they

In fact I gather both were reluctant to come forward and speak to the 7.30 Report
and had it not been for the constant badgering by the ABC 7.30 reporter, they I gather
would not have? so was the desperate need for the 7.30 Report to beat the media
pack come what may.

In other words bugger the consequences
let's have a trial by media, because we are
convinced the bastard is guilty so who needs the Victorian Police or the Law Courts,
because we will pin this bastard Cardinal Pell's arse to the Ballarat Cathedral Door.

Ballarat Cathedral.

They are so desperate they have put this up on the ABC web site:




These ABC media low life's are hoping to go back to 1961 and 1970 to 1990's.

Now I am not a Catholic and I don't particularly like Cardinal Pell!!

However what I do like is what I consider to be the good old Aussie sense of " A Fair
Go "-" Your innocent until proven guilty within our legal and judicial system " and not
some reporter, ABC or otherwise, supported by their organisation trying to be a smart
arse, the ABC ofcourse is full of them take Tony Jones of Q & A as a prime example,
making a so-called name for themselves regardless what this might do, and the
ramifications, or the hurt this might cause to the person concerned, their families or
in Cardinals Pell's situation the Catholic congregation and true believers, while to all
intents and purposes the case against Cardinal Pell is purely circumstantial and
conjectural and yet to
be prosecuted by the Victorian Police in a proper Court of Law.

News Flash Teflon Billy Shorten accused of allegedly " Raping a 16 year old girl "

Yep here is a " News Flash " for you ABC 7.30 Report because you seem to have
missed it the first time around, where it is alleged by a now 45 year old nurse by
the name of Kathy now living in NSW, that when she was a vulnerable, and seemingly
naive only 16 year old girl while attending a Victorian Labor Party Youth
Camp, where
Teflon Billy Shorten I am led
to believe was a Labor Party Youth Leader of about 19
years old in the early 1980's, that Teflon Billy heinously,reprehensively and viciously
" Raped her ".

I and many 1000's of others have listen to the recordings made when Kathy was on
air talking to many Radio hosts in Victoria? surprised you missed it ABC 7.30 Report??.

After all the Victorian Police seemingly arrested Teflon Billy and questioned Teflon at
length and even presented a case to the Victorian Prosecutor who decided not to
prosecute the case against Teflon Billy not because the Prosecutor believed Teflon
Billy was innocent, but there was every chance the case against Teflon Billy would
not be proven, or words to that effect.

You know ABC 7.30 Report I am amazed with your so-called tenacity and vigour that
you have put, and are putting, into the case of Cardinal Pell that you missed the case
of Kathy v Teflon Billy Shorten because you would only have to go back to the early
1980's as compared to the Pell case where your going back to the 1960's??.

We have the same Victorian Police force that investigated the Kathy v Teflon Billy
case as is seemingly investigation the Cardinal Pell case.

Kathy stated on the Radio interviews that there were many of Kathy's witnesses
that the Victorian Police either only interviewed over the phone or not at all??

Therefore ABC 7.30 Report surely this would be a juicy one to get your
teeth into? after all Cardinal Pell maybe an important figure in the Catholic Church
but this bloke Teflon Billy Shorten almost, based on scare tactics, lies and unsupported
promises, became the Prime Minister of this great country of Aussie on the 2/7/2016
at the last Federal Election ?? what not important? not important enough for the ABC
7.30 Report to spend scarce Aussie Tax Payers funds to at least comprehensively
and fully investigate with the same vigour you are doing with the Cardinal Pell case.

Surely the ABC 7.30 Report could also put on the ABC web site:


As you are doing with the Cardinal Pell case and who knows all those alleged
witnesses of Kathy's could come forward and maybe this time convince, with the
help of the ABC's
7.30 Report intrepid, undaunted searches of the truth investigating
team, get Kathy to at least get her day in court and see if the judge accepts Teflon
Billy's statement that he is quote " Drawing a Line under it " unquote and refuses
to discuss it??.

Well people I can confidently state that if we are waiting for this ABC mob, whether
that is the 7.30 Report, The Insiders, Q&A, ABC News TV or Radio to properly investigate
anything that their favourite son the Labor Party Opposition Leader Teflon Billy Shorten
does that by any standards of normality, let alone someone that aspires to be the
political leader and PM of this great country, anything not right or generally unacceptable
to the average Aussie, including the allegation of heinously,viciously and reprehensibly
"Raping" a 16 year old naive and vulnerable young girl when he was in a position of power
as a youth
leader? then our wait, based on past experiences, will be indefinite!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.