( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs
Sir Mike's Comments 31/7/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject " ? The Age of Entitlement is Over ".
People I have just received what could be referred to as an essay on what wecontribute as Tax Payers and in general citizens of Aussie to the welfare ofour so-called Federal peoples representatives, commonly referred to as pollies.
Pollies squawking.
I am led to believe that " Pollies " is not an abbreviation of " Parliamentarians "but " Pollie " as in parrot, ie; they squawk a lot, flap their wings a lot, cost a lotto care for and maintain, however take flight when things get to tough and they
believe it is not in their interest to hang around and be accountable for theiractions, or lack of.
Now when I received this essay it was attributed to a certain Aussie Dr in aQueensland University being the author, and actually gave his full name and
details plus his email address, which I thought was either very brave or very
foolish ?.
Academic point of view.
However on investigation I have discovered that it turns out that this bloke had
only just received it as part of a " Chain Mail " and must have thought it interesting
from probably an academic point of view and forwarded onto his friends,and ithas now seemingly gone viral, even though on investigation this bloke pointsout that he has quote: " No idea about the research or it's veracity " unquote andrequests that his name and details be removed, which ofcourse I have done.
How is that for becoming " Famous " or " Infamous " depending on your point ofview, certainly the pollies across the political spectrum would not like it, withouttrying.
details are not on forwarded emails.I believe the moral to this story from the good Dr's point of view is make sure your
Now I have not authenticated these figures because over the years that I have
been blogging I have come across numerous articles, essays, presentations allin similar vein so I have no reason to doubt these so-called facts or assumptions,
and as I believe this " Author Unknown " essay is not only well presented,but verytimely considering these pollies across the political spectrum are expecting usAussie plebbs to accept that our so-called " Age of Entitlements " is over and weshould expect to tighten our belts another couple of notches, even though theycollectively are not prepared to do the same, and the reason we are expected todo with less is a direct result of their across the board amateur decisions, or lackof, going back decades!!
I refer you to mikes comments dated the 27/2/2015 subject " Governments - Re-Active not Pro- Active - ?? WHY ".
I believe, supported by decades of supporting evidence, that pollies across theboard, in at least the Federal and State governments, that the majority of pollies
productivity is very poor and are far more financially compensated, one way orthe other, than it warrants compared to the hard working Aussie Tax Payer thatmakes all this possible.
When you consider that the main " Tools of trade " a pollie must have is surely
their voice, the way they speak, how they say it in the way of construction
and audibility, as well as their physical appearance and presentation in order to
exude confidence and continue to receive the confident expectations of their
Physical Strength.
If you listen to the House of Rep's and the Senate as often as I do I am sure youwould agree that the female pollies speak well, but ofcourse what females lackin their physical strength and statue have as an important part of their DNA an
arsenal, the fire power, the ability,to more than hold their own verbally against
the average Aussie male and where their brain and mouth work as one, very few
' Umm's' or 'Arr's plus they seem to have done their homework when presenting
" Whatever" in either the Reps or the Senate.
Whereas the blokes on average leave a lot to be desired?.
They do a lot of ' Umm's ' and 'Arr's ' and very often when presenting a bill oramendment it is obvious they have not done their homework by the fact of the
lack of detail, repeating the same old mantra, dragging up history, attacking the
pollies opposite or the cross benches, all this as a filibuster to get their name in
Hansard, the written record of parliamentary proceedings, and to try and justify
their existence.
It is often stated, by the pollies ofcourse, that they are there for the public good
and if necessary they could get better paid jobs and prospects in the privatesector? yet every 3-4 years they collectively spend millions of dollars to getre-elected? the bulk ofcourse is refunded at $2.61 per vote over 4% of the primaryvote after the election by ? WHOM? the good old Aussie Tax Payer ' OFCOURSE 'who else!!!
The world will ice over before we run out of Aussies lining up to be elected asan Aussie pollie, because if you make a success of it financially you are set upfor life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now as a person in a past life that either managed other peoples or my ownenterprises, therefore as an employer, there are many pollies I would not feed,
let alone employee
Oh and by the way as I have stated before anyone receiving funds in whateverform paid for by the Tax Payer, including the pollies, do ' NOT ' pay tax!! all theydo is give the poor hard done by Tax Payer a " Refund " of the money,fundsexpended/received.
Photos from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia.
The Aussie Senate.
The Aussie House of Reps.
The problem as I believe the majority of Aussies are viewing our politicalsituation is that we have 226 pollies, 150 House of Reps, 76 The Senate,
most of which are becoming professional pollies, in other words it is theirjob just like any other jobs, and certainly not a so-called calling to serve the
Aussie population, but more a point of feeding,clothing,schooling etc; and
putting a roof over their and their families heads like any other Aussie.
Where at most elections there maybe a loss or gain of some 15-20 seatseither way across the board in both Houses, which means as a whole thereare say 226 - 20 = 206 that does not change hands and that are just re-cycled,the " Status Quo " remains.
We have had, and still have, pollies that have been in their respective seatsfor 10, 20 years and up into their 60's and 70's, and being a 76 year old I knowfull well that from say 55 years onwards the steam, energy levels andenthusiasm start to wane, and drop off dramatically, and most just hang on
hoping to reach retirement, which in the case of the Federal pollie is very
financially rewarding, and nothing like it will we find in the private sector at the
same level afforded to the average Aussie plebb!! even though it was theaverage Aussie plebbs hard earned Taxes that paid for the pollies retirement.
Hence the increase in minor parties being voted in at the 2/7/2016 Federal
Election because Aussies in general are becoming even more disillusionedwith the self interested, political factions, political short term decisions, boysand girls political clubs of the LNP and Labor Parties, talk fests that achieve
little of any real consequence, promising unfunded, unrealistic schemesjust to get into power and control the Treasury Benches.
However Aussies if your going to sit on your well padded arses and believethat your duty is done by voting for some pollie you would not know aboutunless you were handed a " How to vote card at the election booth ", thenI suggest you cut out the whinging when the pollies ask you to once againbend over further to take the additional pain as a result of even more amateurpollie decisions, or lack off.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down and at least showsome anger if not disgust - this is your hard earned money there spending!!
Subject: Mr. Turnbull is sure to propose this?
Update on pension entitlement for all. Read and send on?
As a self funded retiree, I’m frustrated with Canberra’s continuous
fiddle with Superannuation contributions and rule changes
Plus the measure to Re-balance the Pension Assets Test to be
implemented on 1 January 2017.
So here's fair warning to all politicians of any persuasion, this group of
aged voters may be about to make the greatest impact on any Federal
election in history, ignoring them may be the start of a changed political
environment in this country.
Change the Entitlements
I absolutely agree, if a pension isn't an entitlement, neither is theirs.
They keep telling us that paying us an aged pension isn't
Paying politicians all the perks they get is even less sustainable!
The politicians themselves, in Canberra, brought it up, that the Age of
Entitlements is over:
The author is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of
twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.
In three days, most people in Australia will have this message.
This is one idea that really should be passed around because the rot has to
stop somewhere.
Proposals to make politicians shoulder their share of the weight now
that the Age of Entitlement is over:
1. Scrap political pensions.
Politicians can purchase their own retirement plan,just as most other working
Australians are expected to do.
2. Retired politicians (past, present & future) participate in Centrelink.
A Politician collects a substantial salary while in office but should receive no
salary when they're out of office.
Terminated politicians under 70 can go get a job or apply for Centrelink
unemployment benefits like ordinary Australians.
Terminated politicians under 70 can negotiate with Centrelink like the rest of
the Australian people.
3. Funds already allocated to the Politicians' retirement fund be returned
immediately to Consolidated Revenue.
This money is to be used to pay down debt they created which they expect us
and our grandchildren to repay for them.
4. Politicians will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Politicians pay will
rise by the lower of, either the CPI or 3%.
5. Politicians lose their privileged health care system and participate in the
same health care system as ordinary Australian people.i.e. Politicians either
pay for private cover from their own funds or accept ordinary Medicare.
6. Politicians must equally abide by all laws they impose on the Australian people.
7. All contracts with past and present Politicians men/women are void effective
The Australian people did not agree to provide perks to Politicians, that burden
was thrust upon them.
Politicians devised all these contracts to benefit themselves.
Serving in Parliament is an honour not a career.
The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so our politicians should
serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.
If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, then it will only take three
or so days for most Australians to receive the message.
Don't you think it's time?
THIS IS HOW YOU FIX Parliament and help bring fairness back into this
If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just delete.
If you wonder why the above individuals are asking for your help look at the
figures below.
Date of Effect 1 July 2014
Specified Statutory Office
Base Salary (per annum)
Total Remuneration for office (per annum)
Chief of the Defence Force > $535,100 - 764,420
Commissioner of Taxation > $518,000 - $740,000
Chief Executive Officer, Australian Customs And Border Protection Service
> $483,840 - $691,200
Auditor-General for Australia > $469,150 - $670,210
Australian Statistician > $469,150 - $670,210
Salaries of retired Prime Minister and Politicians
Additional salary (%)
Salary as of 1 July
Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister
Leader of the Opposition
House of Reps Speaker
Leader of the House
Minister in Cabinet
Parliamentary secretary
Other ministers
Shadow minister
Source: Remuneration Tribunal.
So if I press all the right buttons, the TOTAL annual wages for the 150 seats in
the Parliament are:
Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister
Leader of the Opposition
House of Reps Speaker
Leader of the House
Minister in Cabinet
Parliamentary secretary
Other ministers*
307,329 x 71 = A$21,820,359
Shadow ministers*
$243,912 x 71 = A$17,317,752
The TOTAL ANNUAL SALARIES (for 150 seats) = $41,694,311-PER YEAR!
And that’s just the Federal Politicians, no one else!
For the ‘lifetime’ payment example (below) I used the scenario that:
1. They are paid ‘lifetime’ salaries the same as their last working year and
2. After retiring, the ’average’ pollie’s life expectancy is an additional 20 years
(which is not unreasonable).
It’s worth remembering that this is EXCLUDING all their other perks!
SO, for a 20 years ‘lifetime’ payment (excluding wages paid while a
Prime Minister @ $507,338 = A$10,146,760
Deputy Prime Minister @ $400,016 = A$8,000,320
Treasurer @ $365,868 = A$7,317,360
Leader of the Opposition @ $360,990 = A$7,219,800
House of Reps Speaker @ $341,477 = A$6,829,540
Leader of the House @ $341,477 = A$6,829,540
Minister in Cabinet @ $336,599 = A$6,731,980
Parliamentary Secretary @ $243,912 = A$4,782,240
Other ministers** @ $307,329 = A$6,146,580 x 71 = A$436,407,180
Shadow ministers** @ $243,912 = A$4,878,240 x 71 = A$346,355,040
TOTAL ‘life time’ (20 year) payments, (excluding wages paid while in
parliament) = A$833,886,220 – OVER $833 MILLION
Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, John Howard, Paul Keating, Malcolm Fraser,
Bob Hawke, et al, add nauseum, are receiving $10 MILLION + EXTRA at
taxpayer expense.
Should an elected PM serve 4 years and then decide to retire, each year
(of the 4 years) will have cost taxpayers an EXTRA Two and a half million
bucks a year! A$2,536,690 to be precise.
A 2 year retirement payment cut-off will SAVE our Oz bottom line A$792,201,909
There are 150 seats in House, minus the 8 above = 142 seats, divided equally for
example = 71 each for both shadow and elected ministers.
This example excludes all wages paid while a parliamentarian AND all perks on
top of that - travel, hotels, Secretarial staff, speech writers, restaurants, offices,
chauffeured limos, security, etc. etc.
150 seats, 20-year payment of A$833,886,220 less annual salary x 2 years of
A$83,388,622. [$41,694,311 x 2]
“Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the
ACTION: Push for a MAX 2 year post retirement payment (give ‘em time to get a real
Spread it far and wide folks. People should know.