Saturday, 30 July 2016

" ? The Age of Entitlement is Over "

          ( Me at my place )         
           I am coming out loud and proud declaring the following:
          1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
          2. I am heterosexual.

          3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
              Christian values and beliefs
Sir Mike's Comments 31/7/2016.
Also on my blog:

Subject " ? The Age of Entitlement is Over ".

People I have just received what could be referred to as an essay on what we
contribute as Tax Payers and in general citizens of Aussie to the welfare of
our so-called Federal peoples representatives, commonly referred to as pollies.


Pollies squawking.

I am led to believe that " Pollies " is not an abbreviation of " Parliamentarians "
but " Pollie " as in parrot, ie; they squawk a lot, flap their wings a lot, cost a lot
to care for and maintain, however take flight when things get to tough and they
believe it is not in their interest to hang around and be accountable for their
actions, or lack of.

Now when I received this essay it was attributed to a certain Aussie Dr in a
Queensland University being the author, and actually gave his full name and
details plus his email address, which I thought was either very brave or very
foolish ?.


Academic point of view.

However on investigation I have discovered that it turns out that this bloke had
only just received it as part of a " Chain Mail " and must have thought it interesting
from probably an academic point of view and forwarded onto his friends,and it
has now seemingly gone viral, even though on investigation this bloke points
out that he has quote: " No idea about the research or it's veracity " unquote and
requests that his name and details be removed, which ofcourse I have done.

How is that for becoming " Famous " or " Infamous " depending on your point of
view, certainly the pollies across the political spectrum would not like it, without

I believe the moral to this story from the good Dr's point of view is make sure your
          details are not on forwarded emails.

Now I have not authenticated these figures because over the years that I have
been blogging I have come across numerous articles, essays, presentations all
in similar vein so I have no reason to doubt these so-called facts or assumptions,
and as I believe this " Author Unknown " essay is not only well presented,but very
timely considering these pollies across the political spectrum are expecting us
Aussie plebbs to accept that our so-called " Age of Entitlements " is over and we
should expect to tighten our belts another couple of notches, even though they
collectively are not prepared to do the same, and the reason we are expected to
do with less is a direct result of their across the board amateur decisions, or lack
of, going back decades!!

I refer you to mikes comments dated the 27/2/2015 subject " Governments - Re-
Active not Pro- Active - ?? WHY ".

I believe, supported by decades of supporting evidence, that pollies across the
board, in at least the Federal and State governments, that the majority of pollies
productivity is very poor and are far more financially compensated, one way or
the other, than it warrants compared to the hard working Aussie Tax Payer that
makes all this possible.

When you consider that the main " Tools of trade " a pollie must have is surely
their voice, the way they speak, how they say it in the way of construction
and audibility, as well as their physical appearance and presentation in order to
exude confidence and continue to receive the confident expectations of their


Physical Strength.

If you listen to the House of Rep's and the Senate as often as I do I am sure you
would agree that the female pollies speak well, but ofcourse what females lack
in their physical strength and statue have as an important part of their DNA an
arsenal, the fire power, the ability,to more than hold their own verbally against
the average Aussie male and where their brain and mouth work as one, very few
' Umm's' or 'Arr's plus they seem to have done their homework when presenting
" Whatever" in either the Reps or the Senate.

Whereas the blokes on average leave a lot to be desired?.

They do a lot of ' Umm's ' and 'Arr's ' and very often when presenting a bill or
amendment it is obvious they have not done their homework by the fact of the
lack of detail, repeating the same old mantra, dragging up history, attacking the
pollies opposite or the cross benches, all this as a filibuster to get their name in
Hansard, the written record of parliamentary proceedings, and to try and justify
their existence.

It is often stated, by the pollies ofcourse, that they are there for the public good
and if necessary they could get better paid jobs and prospects in the private
sector? yet every 3-4 years they collectively spend millions of dollars to get
re-elected? the bulk ofcourse is refunded at $2.61 per vote over 4% of the primary
vote after the election by ? WHOM? the good old Aussie Tax Payer ' OFCOURSE '
who else!!!

The world will ice over before we run out of Aussies lining up to be elected as
an Aussie pollie, because if you make a success of it financially you are set up
for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now as a person in a past life that either managed other peoples or my own
enterprises, therefore as an employer, there are many pollies I would not feed,
let alone employee

Oh and by the way as I have stated before anyone receiving funds in whatever
form paid for by the Tax Payer, including the pollies, do ' NOT ' pay tax!! all they
do is give the poor hard done by Tax Payer a " Refund " of the money,funds

Photos from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia.


The Aussie Senate.


The Aussie House of Reps.

The problem as I believe the majority of Aussies are viewing our political
situation is that we have 226 pollies, 150 House of Reps, 76 The Senate,
most of which are becoming professional pollies, in other words it is their
job just like any other jobs, and certainly not a so-called calling to serve the
Aussie population, but more a point of feeding,clothing,schooling etc; and
putting a roof over their and their families heads like any other Aussie.

Where at most elections there maybe a loss or gain of some 15-20 seats
either way across the board in both Houses, which means as a whole there
are say 226 - 20 = 206 that does not change hands and that are just re-cycled,
the " Status Quo " remains.

We have had, and still have, pollies that have been in their respective seats
for 10, 20 years and up into their 60's and 70's, and being a 76 year old I know
full well that from say 55 years onwards the steam, energy levels and
enthusiasm start to wane, and drop off dramatically, and most just hang on
hoping to reach retirement, which in the case of the Federal pollie is very
financially rewarding, and nothing like it will we find in the private sector at the
same level afforded to the average Aussie plebb!! even though it was the
average Aussie plebbs hard earned Taxes that paid for the pollies retirement.

Hence the increase in minor parties being voted in at the 2/7/2016 Federal
Election because Aussies in general are becoming even more disillusioned
with the self interested, political factions, political short term decisions, boys
and girls political clubs of the LNP and Labor Parties, talk fests that achieve
little of any real consequence, promising unfunded, unrealistic schemes
just to get into power and control the Treasury Benches.

However Aussies if your going to sit on your well padded arses and believe
that your duty is done by voting for some pollie you would not know about
unless you were handed a " How to vote card at the election booth ", then
I suggest you cut out the whinging when the pollies ask you to once again
bend over further to take the additional pain as a result of even more amateur
pollie decisions, or lack off.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down and at least show
some anger if not disgust - this is your hard earned money there spending!!


Subject: Mr. Turnbull is sure to propose this?
Update on pension entitlement for all. Read and send on?

As a self funded retiree, I’m frustrated with Canberra’s continuous
fiddle with Superannuation contributions and rule changes

Plus the measure to Re-balance the Pension Assets Test to be
implemented on 1 January 2017.

So here's fair warning to all politicians of any persuasion, this group of
aged voters may be about to make the greatest impact on any Federal
election in history, ignoring them may be the start of a changed political
environment in this country.

Change the Entitlements

I absolutely agree, if a pension isn't an entitlement, neither is theirs.

They keep telling us that paying us an aged pension isn't

Paying politicians all the perks they get is even less sustainable!
The politicians themselves, in Canberra, brought it up, that the Age of
Entitlements is over:

The author is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of
twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.
In three days, most people in Australia will have this message.

This is one idea that really should be passed around because the rot has to
stop somewhere.

Proposals to make politicians shoulder their share of the weight now
that the Age of Entitlement is over:

1. Scrap political pensions.

Politicians can purchase their own retirement plan,just as most other working
Australians are expected to do.

2. Retired politicians (past, present & future) participate in Centrelink.

A Politician collects a substantial salary while in office but should receive no
salary when they're out of office.

Terminated politicians under 70 can go get a job or apply for Centrelink
unemployment benefits like ordinary Australians.

Terminated politicians under 70 can negotiate with Centrelink like the rest of
the Australian people.

3. Funds already allocated to the Politicians' retirement fund be returned
immediately to Consolidated Revenue.

This money is to be used to pay down debt they created which they expect us
and our grandchildren to repay for them.

4. Politicians will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Politicians pay will
rise by the lower of, either the CPI or 3%.

5. Politicians lose their privileged health care system and participate in the
same health care system as ordinary Australian people.i.e. Politicians either
pay for private cover from their own funds or accept ordinary Medicare.

6. Politicians must equally abide by all laws they impose on the Australian people.

7. All contracts with past and present Politicians men/women are void effective

The Australian people did not agree to provide perks to Politicians, that burden
was thrust upon them.

Politicians devised all these contracts to benefit themselves.

Serving in Parliament is an honour not a career.

The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so our politicians should
serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, then it will only take three
or so days for most Australians to receive the message.

Don't you think it's time?

THIS IS HOW YOU FIX Parliament and help bring fairness back into this

If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just delete.

If you wonder why the above individuals are asking for your help look at the
figures below.


Date of Effect 1 July 2014

Specified Statutory Office

Base Salary (per annum)

Total Remuneration for office (per annum)

Chief of the Defence Force > $535,100 - 764,420

Commissioner of Taxation > $518,000 - $740,000

Chief Executive Officer, Australian Customs And Border Protection Service
> $483,840 - $691,200

Auditor-General for Australia > $469,150 - $670,210

Australian Statistician > $469,150 - $670,210


Salaries of retired Prime Minister and Politicians

Additional salary (%)
Salary as of 1 July

Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister


Leader of the Opposition

House of Reps Speaker

Leader of the House

Minister in Cabinet

Parliamentary secretary

Other ministers

Shadow minister

Source: Remuneration Tribunal.

So if I press all the right buttons, the TOTAL annual wages for the 150 seats in
the Parliament are:

Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister


Leader of the Opposition

House of Reps Speaker

Leader of the House

Minister in Cabinet

Parliamentary secretary

Other ministers*
307,329 x 71 = A$21,820,359

Shadow ministers*
$243,912 x 71 = A$17,317,752

The TOTAL ANNUAL SALARIES (for 150 seats) = $41,694,311-PER YEAR!

And that’s just the Federal Politicians, no one else!

For the ‘lifetime’ payment example (below) I used the scenario that:

1. They are paid ‘lifetime’ salaries the same as their last working year and

2. After retiring, the ’average’ pollie’s life expectancy is an additional 20 years
(which is not unreasonable).

It’s worth remembering that this is EXCLUDING all their other perks!

SO, for a 20 years ‘lifetime’ payment (excluding wages paid while a

Prime Minister @ $507,338 = A$10,146,760

Deputy Prime Minister @ $400,016 = A$8,000,320

Treasurer @ $365,868 = A$7,317,360

Leader of the Opposition @ $360,990 = A$7,219,800

House of Reps Speaker @ $341,477 = A$6,829,540

Leader of the House @ $341,477 = A$6,829,540

Minister in Cabinet @ $336,599 = A$6,731,980

Parliamentary Secretary @ $243,912 = A$4,782,240

Other ministers** @ $307,329 = A$6,146,580 x 71 = A$436,407,180

Shadow ministers** @ $243,912 = A$4,878,240 x 71 = A$346,355,040


TOTAL ‘life time’ (20 year) payments, (excluding wages paid while in
parliament) = A$833,886,220 – OVER $833 MILLION

Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, John Howard, Paul Keating, Malcolm Fraser,
Bob Hawke, et al, add nauseum, are receiving $10 MILLION + EXTRA at
taxpayer expense.

Should an elected PM serve 4 years and then decide to retire, each year
(of the 4 years) will have cost taxpayers an EXTRA Two and a half million
bucks a year! A$2,536,690 to be precise.

A 2 year retirement payment cut-off will SAVE our Oz bottom line A$792,201,909

There are 150 seats in House, minus the 8 above = 142 seats, divided equally for
example = 71 each for both shadow and elected ministers.

This example excludes all wages paid while a parliamentarian AND all perks on
top of that - travel, hotels, Secretarial staff, speech writers, restaurants, offices,
chauffeured limos, security, etc. etc.

150 seats, 20-year payment of A$833,886,220 less annual salary x 2 years of
A$83,388,622. [$41,694,311 x 2]

“Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the


ACTION: Push for a MAX 2 year post retirement payment (give ‘em time to get a real

Spread it far and wide folks. People should know.


Thursday, 28 July 2016

" Cardinal Pell Yes ! but Teflon Billy No ! "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 28/7/2016.
Also on my blog:

Subject: " Cardinal Pell Yes ! but Teflon Billy No ! "

Michele Guthrie the ABC, MD.

Cardinal Pell.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight, 
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl in the early 1980's

Kathy - Teflon Billy's alleged " Rape " victim in the 1980's.

Well people what do you reckon?? this lefty ABC 7.30 Report going all guns blazing
to try and become relevant, make an impact, in this 24/7 highly competitive media rat
to the bottom by destroying Cardinal Pell's reputation before, I emphasise " BEFORE"
the Victorian Police have had time to investigate, interview Cardinal Pell and present
a case to the Victorian Prosecutors Office.

I actually recorded and re-watched this 7.30 Report a couple of times where this
ABC 7.30 female reporter was, in my view, virtually frothing at the mouth with
excitement, so much so she was regularly leading the so-called major witnesses in
order to hurry the interviews along, especially as both so-called witnesses were
probably some what mentally slow due to years of alcohol and drug abuse?? none I
gather as the result of the alleged activities of Cardinal Pell and themselves they

In fact I gather both were reluctant to come forward and speak to the 7.30 Report
and had it not been for the constant badgering by the ABC 7.30 reporter, they I gather
would not have? so was the desperate need for the 7.30 Report to beat the media
pack come what may.

In other words bugger the consequences
let's have a trial by media, because we are
convinced the bastard is guilty so who needs the Victorian Police or the Law Courts,
because we will pin this bastard Cardinal Pell's arse to the Ballarat Cathedral Door.

Ballarat Cathedral.

They are so desperate they have put this up on the ABC web site:




These ABC media low life's are hoping to go back to 1961 and 1970 to 1990's.

Now I am not a Catholic and I don't particularly like Cardinal Pell!!

However what I do like is what I consider to be the good old Aussie sense of " A Fair
Go "-" Your innocent until proven guilty within our legal and judicial system " and not
some reporter, ABC or otherwise, supported by their organisation trying to be a smart
arse, the ABC ofcourse is full of them take Tony Jones of Q & A as a prime example,
making a so-called name for themselves regardless what this might do, and the
ramifications, or the hurt this might cause to the person concerned, their families or
in Cardinals Pell's situation the Catholic congregation and true believers, while to all
intents and purposes the case against Cardinal Pell is purely circumstantial and
conjectural and yet to
be prosecuted by the Victorian Police in a proper Court of Law.

News Flash Teflon Billy Shorten accused of allegedly " Raping a 16 year old girl "

Yep here is a " News Flash " for you ABC 7.30 Report because you seem to have
missed it the first time around, where it is alleged by a now 45 year old nurse by
the name of Kathy now living in NSW, that when she was a vulnerable, and seemingly
naive only 16 year old girl while attending a Victorian Labor Party Youth
Camp, where
Teflon Billy Shorten I am led
to believe was a Labor Party Youth Leader of about 19
years old in the early 1980's, that Teflon Billy heinously,reprehensively and viciously
" Raped her ".

I and many 1000's of others have listen to the recordings made when Kathy was on
air talking to many Radio hosts in Victoria? surprised you missed it ABC 7.30 Report??.

After all the Victorian Police seemingly arrested Teflon Billy and questioned Teflon at
length and even presented a case to the Victorian Prosecutor who decided not to
prosecute the case against Teflon Billy not because the Prosecutor believed Teflon
Billy was innocent, but there was every chance the case against Teflon Billy would
not be proven, or words to that effect.

You know ABC 7.30 Report I am amazed with your so-called tenacity and vigour that
you have put, and are putting, into the case of Cardinal Pell that you missed the case
of Kathy v Teflon Billy Shorten because you would only have to go back to the early
1980's as compared to the Pell case where your going back to the 1960's??.

We have the same Victorian Police force that investigated the Kathy v Teflon Billy
case as is seemingly investigation the Cardinal Pell case.

Kathy stated on the Radio interviews that there were many of Kathy's witnesses
that the Victorian Police either only interviewed over the phone or not at all??

Therefore ABC 7.30 Report surely this would be a juicy one to get your
teeth into? after all Cardinal Pell maybe an important figure in the Catholic Church
but this bloke Teflon Billy Shorten almost, based on scare tactics, lies and unsupported
promises, became the Prime Minister of this great country of Aussie on the 2/7/2016
at the last Federal Election ?? what not important? not important enough for the ABC
7.30 Report to spend scarce Aussie Tax Payers funds to at least comprehensively
and fully investigate with the same vigour you are doing with the Cardinal Pell case.

Surely the ABC 7.30 Report could also put on the ABC web site:


As you are doing with the Cardinal Pell case and who knows all those alleged
witnesses of Kathy's could come forward and maybe this time convince, with the
help of the ABC's
7.30 Report intrepid, undaunted searches of the truth investigating
team, get Kathy to at least get her day in court and see if the judge accepts Teflon
Billy's statement that he is quote " Drawing a Line under it " unquote and refuses
to discuss it??.

Well people I can confidently state that if we are waiting for this ABC mob, whether
that is the 7.30 Report, The Insiders, Q&A, ABC News TV or Radio to properly investigate
anything that their favourite son the Labor Party Opposition Leader Teflon Billy Shorten
does that by any standards of normality, let alone someone that aspires to be the
political leader and PM of this great country, anything not right or generally unacceptable
to the average Aussie, including the allegation of heinously,viciously and reprehensibly
"Raping" a 16 year old naive and vulnerable young girl when he was in a position of power
as a youth
leader? then our wait, based on past experiences, will be indefinite!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

" Councils - The Peoples Parliament ".

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 20/7/2016.
Also on my blog:

Subject: " Councils - The Peoples Parliament ".

The Walrus and the Carpenter.
By John Tenniel and from Wikipedia, The free Encyclopedia.

Quote from " Through the Looking Glass " a poem then a book by Lewis Carroll.

" The time has come " the Walrus said " to talk of many things:
Of shoes - and ships - and sealing wax - of cabbages - and Kings - and why the
sea is boiling hot - and whether pigs have wings "


Which I believe people sums up this over governed country of Aussie and our
political system to a ' T '! where our amateur pollies at all (3) levels seem to take
the country one step forward and because of political self interest, the lack of
" Intestinal Fortitude " i.e.; " Guts " plus the insincere, hollow, unaffordable
promises made at election times take us back (6) steps, and where the average
Aussie plebb finds it increasingly hard to cope, financially, emotionally and the lack
of confidence for the future.

However people the Walrus might say that the time has come to talk about Council
or Shires as they can be referred too ( Local government ) elections, well in my home
state of NSW anyway, where every (4) years on the second Saturday in September,
and by my calculation this year 2016 it will be Saturday the 10/9/2016, where we
either elect or re-elect our council members.

Now for my 100's of overseas readers, and maybe many of my Aussie readers as
well, I believe I should try and some what briefly explain how our Council ( Local
government ) system and it's functions operate.

There are some 560 local government bodies in Aussie covering various
metropolitan, regional, rural, and Indigenous communities of these there are some
539 regional/rural.

With about 10, or less, councillors per council it is estimated there are some 6,000
Councillors in Aussie.

Even though Councils in Aussie are I believe the " Peoples true Parliament " in
this over governed country of ours where the Councils are the political,
administrative and the social cohesion/continuity front line on a daily basis with
the average Aussie plebbs,as compared to the "Talk fest bunch of out of touch
show ponies " in their sanitised rarified air Canberra Ivory Towers in regard to
our Federal pollies, and their side kicks the very costly and " Superfluous " to
the needs/requirements of the Aussie population State government, especially
considering modern technology with computerisation, and virtual instant two way
communications with real time visual, that basically more times than not just
duplicates the Federal and Local ( Councils ) governments in numerous ways, to
many to go into here, yet the councils are not recognised in the Aussie Constitution
and operate under the umbrella of the State Parliaments legislation and as such in
theory do not exist in their own right.

Paul Toole MP the current NSW Local Government Minister.

Therefore as the councils are administered under the NSW State Legislation it is
possible that under the Local Government Act 1989 the Minister currently Paul
Toole can in serious extenuating circumstances where a council is proving to
be corrupt, inefficient, ineffective and incapable of showing good governance
and duty of care can be dismissed by the Minister and an Administrator appointed,
until such time that new elections can take place to replace the current Councillors.

The Minister, as is currently the case, can dismiss a duly elected Council if he and
the State Government at the time believe that it is in the States interest to
amalgamate councils for whatever reason, and where this is happening to I gather
some 42 councils which are being reduced to 19 councils in NSW currently where
Administrators have been appointed overseeing the amalgamations, not a popular
situation with many 1000's of voters I gather.

Voting in NSW elections is compulsory and has been since 1928, which I believe is a
very good thing, because it get's people involved in politics some what before they
go into the polling booth because they are expected to tick various boxes and elect
various candidates, plus it get's the bastards out of bed on election day, and if they
don't vote they get a $50.00 fine and if they don't pay the fine they could find
themselves in court with a considerable increased fine or at least the cancelation of
their vehicle NSW registration, making it illegal to drive on the NSW roads until the
fine is paid, thereby negating their vehicle insurance should they have an accident.

I gather when the fine and possible court costs are paid you will have to re-register
your vehicle, which means it going over the pits for a thorough vehicle inspection
which incurs an inspection fee and if the vehicle fails the inspection it will have
to be fixed and another inspection plus another fee, plus re-registration of the
vehicle, and it is estimated you will not get much change out of a $1000.00 - much
cheaper to vote ? what do you reckon.

There were I gather 152 councils in NSW, however with various council
amalgamations recently this figure could have changed,

Example - 152 - 42 = 110 + 19 = 129

employing some 50,000 people and an estimated 1500 Councillors spending some
$9 - $11 billion dollars PA of tax/rate payers funds either collected directly or via the
State and Federal government in the way of grants and loans, with $90 - $100 billion
in assets and infrastructure.

The number of voters enrolled in each council boundaries, electorates or wards if a
council is a " Divided " one where Councillors
are allocated a specific area referred to
as " Wards " or an " Undivided " one where the
Councillors are elected as a whole,
would vary greatly and be some where in the region of a 1000 to more
than 150,000
voters per boundary,electorate or collective wards.

Councillors are elected on what is referred to as " Proportional " voting where the
voters have a list of applicants which the voters number in order of preference and
the councillors that get the most votes after the primary and preference votes are
counted win the the seats/positions.

The council is usually made up of between 5 and 15 councillors depending on the
size of the municipality or council area, consisting of a Mayor, sometimes a Deputy
Mayor plus councillors.

The Mayor can be either, as a result of an electorate referendum, elected by the
popular vote where upon he or she serves a 4 year term as the Mayor, or by the
vote of the other elected councillors which means the Mayor only serves 1 year
terms and has to be, or not, re-elected every year of the 4 year term of council.

In July 1993 the NSW Local Government Act was changed to define the
responsibilities of the Mayor and Councillors and separated the functions much
more clearly from them and those of the General Manager and his administration.

Therefore although the GM, or I gather could be called the Chief Executive Officer,
does answer to the council for the overall implementation of the councils goals and
strategies, managing the delivery of municipal services and providing professional
advice together with support, this role is not I gather set out in the Local Government
Act of 1989 which I believe leaves this open to interpretation, especially as I gather
that in most cases the council senior staff are on performance based contracts ? so
based on what criteria?.

Now although the Local Government Act 1989 does not appear to specify the exact
roles the Councillors can be judged by, it does state that they must adhere to some
vague, in my view, " Standards of good conduct " whatever that means, and from
my experience would be a lawyers meal ticket should there be a case for " Wrongful
Dismissal ".

Now I believe contrary to popular opinion amongst voters/constituents, that if a
constituent complained to their Councillor about a certain problem they were having
the Councillor concerned had the authority to ensure the problem was remedied.

Well seemingly not, because the Councillors legal authority under the Act 1989 only
exist when participating as a member of the council while in a formal council meeting,
therefore anything outside the council meeting individual councillors have no such
authority especially in regard to the day to day operation of the council.

Therefore if any of the candidates coming up for election to the Council on
September Saturday the 10/9/2016 say vote for me and I will make XYZ changes for
the better bear in mind the following:

1. There will not be any changes unless that Councillor can get the majority of the
other Councillors to vote for it.

2. Or they can convince, not order or insist, the GM and his administration to adopt
the Councilors requests and/or suggestions.

As I see it generally it would appear Councillors have what I would refer to from the
private sector point of view a " Head Office " function:

Strategic planning,Sustainable future,Budgetary financial strategy and allocating
resources, managing community assets, liaising with all levels of both government
and non-government plus community groups and the private sector generally, but
more importantly managing the relationship with the council GM and his various
levels and a some what complex professional administration to the benefit of the
councils rate payers,residents and constituents.

The Mayor as outlined in section 73 of the Local Government Act 1989 has many
roles to play both legislative and functional, and must take precedence at all
municipal proceedings within the municipality and take the chair at all council
meetings that he or she attends.

Being Mayor involves additional responsibilities as the councils spokesperson,
leadership, modeling good governance and duty of care together with significant
ceremonial events, including citizenship ceremonies.

Unlike the Federal and State parliaments the Mayor is not a Premier or PM where
the person is the head of a political party, although there are individual councilors
that consider themselves and run under the banner of either Labor, Liberal,
National Party, Green or independent and as a consequence the Mayor is
accountable to all the Councillors, and their leadership must reflect this and
ensure that all Councilors have the opportunity to be heard without bias, because
this could mean the difference between getting very controversial and difficult
decisions through the Council without to much residual bad feelings after the final
majority vote.

This is why I believe Local government ( councils, shires ) are the true " Peoples
Parliament and Democratic government " unlike the show ponies in the State and
Federal governments who are constantly grabbing the media headlines based on
personal political and/or their parties self interests.

Now unlike our over paid low productivity State and Federal pollies, because rarely
do any of them individually achieve anything of great consequence, Councilors
under the Local Government Act 1993 are entitled to fees for serving their

The fees are paid monthly and depending on the size of the council, the number of
people it serves and the assets it manages the fees could range from say $10,000
PA for a small council up to say $35,000 PA for a large metropolitan council.

These fees maybe withheld if the Councillor does not attend council meetings for
more than three months or who are suspended from council for some reason.

In addition Councillors are entitled to claim a range of expenses while carrying out
their duties for : travel to and from meetings, to conferences and training,telephone
expenses, conferences and accommodation, meals and refreshments,internet use
and child care associated with council duties.

Councillors may also be provided with computers, fax machines, mobile phones,
stationery and secretarial assistance.

All these fees and entitlements are supposed to be reviewed by the council on an
annual bases and adjusted in accordance with the costs at that particular time, or
if the council is having serious financial difficulty's in fairness to the rate payers
they may have to reduce the fees and entitlements ? Yeah right, and as the saying
goes " Pigs might fly if they weren't so fat ".

Now having said all these lovely things about Local governments ( Councils,Shires )
there is always a " But " or a " However " ain't there so here goes:

I know from experience after living in the NSW Blue Mountains and therefore the
Sydney Western suburbs for some 40 years plus, and in my past life, now 76 years
old, travelling over NSW, visiting Victoria and Queensland, in a marketing/sales role
that of all the three levels of this over governed country of ours, Local government
can be the most corrupt, inefficient, ineffective, apathetic, draconian, oppressive,
authoritarian - and I could go on but I guess you get the message - with a bunch of
little " Hitler " inspectors and bureaucrats that are amazed they can't walk on water
like " Jesus " did they are so full of their own importance.

I have personally known very wealthy land developers plus very doggie corrupt
Real Estate Agents - the old saying that if you can't sell used cars become a Real
Estate Agent - run on a combined ticket for the local council elections, preferencing
just one of them to ensure a better chance of at least one of them getting on this
council, it work twice to my knowledge, so they could get inside information and
establish future zoning so they could collectively purchase land in those areas,
which they did, and in a matter of a few years when the zoning was changed they
all made a huge fortune!! they made a career out of it all over Aussie for decades.

However two of them died a few years ago and they reckon it was the extreme
effort they made in lifting all those bags of cash money around, the tax man never
got anywhere near what he was due, that brought on a premature death ? what
a shame ? I bet their looking up from old " Nicks " place spitting chips watching
all those free loaders pissing all their ill gotten money up against the wall??

Another area of corruption is where Councillors, most own their own businesses
or are involved with some enterprise or other and/or belong to the like's of the
" Freemasons " use their position and influence to better themselves or their
mates financially from inside information, and which might involve bribing or at
least giving inducements to Council Administration Staff at various levels.

Being such a compact situation compared to the large State and Federal
governments set up it is far easier at a Local Government level to " Work a point "
as I believe the term is expressed.

Anyway people make sure it is foremost in your mind when you go to the NSW
Council Elections on Saturday the 10/9/2016, that either way you are electing a
politician, many of which use becoming a Councillor as a stepping stone to
becoming a State or Federal pollie, and therefore if you take your eye of the
political ball and elect what turns out to be the wrong Councillor, then don't
whinge because the decision you make in a democracy is entirely yours and
something, barring some unforeseen circumstances, you have to live with for
the next four years!!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

" Labor is back - Arriving where ? "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 7/7/2016.
Also on my blog:

Subject: " Labor is back - Arriving where ? "

My major sources are: The Kangaroo Court of Australia via The Cairns News,various
polling organisations, ABC News, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and various other
publications to numerous to mention.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl in the early 1980's.

Kathy, Teflon Billy's alleged " Rape " victim a now 45-46 year old nurse in NSW.

Tanya Plibersek the very " Left Wing " Federal Deputy Labor Opposition Leader.

People there should be no doubt what my old mate Einstein would say when
considering about
having an Ex Union Organiser come Secretary and a puppet
of the Aussie Trade Union movement by becoming our Aussie Prime Minister,
and the effect that would have in regard to both our Aussie and international
investors small, medium and large
corporate types, who know from personal
and business experience just how Unions, left or otherwise, can devastate an
organisations wellbeing and profitability,and in many cases over the decades
forcing them to look else where overseas.

Some of the myriad of examples would be as follows:

The Aussie Car and Steel Industries, Clothing Manufacturing, Electronics, White
Goods, Furniture, Fuel and Oil Production, Mining and with our manufacturing being
at best to (51%) of our Aussie Manufacturing capacity putting 100's of
1000's of
our Aussie work force out of work, the vast majority of that being Union
members reducing Union Membership to just less than (1.8) million and declining
fast, as more and more businesses are reducing their work force or closing

I refer you to mike's comments subject: " Unions - Their used by date " dated the

Ofcourse Einstein would have to also take into account that our Puppet Unionist
PM has very little if any business acumen or expertise, and a very limited political
experience with some (6) years as a junior Minister in a very disorganised,
dysfunctional faction riddled Labor government plus some ( 2.5 years ) as a very
negative, (3)
word slogan, populous say anything to get headlines Federal
Opposition Leader,
and who state's that he would run the Aussie nation as he did a
Union, yet it would appear
that according to the evidence given at the recent Royal
Commission into Trade Unions there was some doubt that he had represented
his members as best as he could, and there was
a question in regard to a gift of
some $40,000.00 given to him by an employer he was actually in the process of
negotiating with on behalf of his members?.

This Unionist as the Federal Labor Opposition Leader railed against the setting up
of the Royal Commission into Trade Unions as a witch hunt and a waste of tax
funds, yet as a result of the Royal Commission some 100 or so Union
officials have
been charged on various criminal charges in accordance with their
actions as Trade Union officials,and have or about to be appearing in a court of
law and possibly facing a prison sentence.

Einstein would also have to consider how productive or otherwise this Unionist
PM would be, considering that if Einstein took an average over say (4) major
polls it would appear that this Unionist Puppet PM would score like the following:
Voters satisfied with his performance only averaging 31 to 33%.
Voters dissatisfied with him was an average of 47 to 53%.
As Prime Minister with only an average of 27 - 32% of Aussies that would like him
as our PM.

Then ofcourse how would this Labor Party Unionist Puppet be able to govern with
the confidence of the majority of Aussies when at the 2016 Federal Elections with
all of his " 100 policies " plus a populous negative, create a fear of the future
by terrorising elderly people with his Union thugs and " GETUP " phoning
late at night stating that the LNP were going to sell off " Medicare ", and virtually
make it impossible to
afford hospitalisation American style, and where the Unionist
PM visited sick kids and their parents in hospital and actually held the hands
of the
sick kids for the TV cameras, scaring the parents present and especially the
looked quite non-plus about the whole scene, about the LNP selling of
" Medicare ".

Yet for all that hurt and worry this objectionable low life, win at any cost Unionist
Puppet PM managed to get the Labor party the second lowest first preference
votes in the 100
year history of the Labor Party of only 35.33% some 1.99% better
than Kevin Rudd
which was the worst in the 2013 Election of only 33.38% and less
than Julia Gillard's, the PM that this Low Life Unionist Puppet PM helped to remove
because Gillard was so
useless and an electoral liability, of 37.99% in the 2010
Federal Election

I refer you to mike's comments subject " Teflon Bill Shorten - has feet of clay "
dated the 4/12/2014.

In my 50 plus years of following politics I have found that any political leader, such
as a low life Unionist Puppet PM, that continues to campaign and spruik how good
they are after all the votes are
in one way or the other and just have to be counted,
and needlessly attacks their opposition having a every good reason to believe
the party that they represent will not get the numbers to win, shows to me a person
that is not sure of themselves in regard to whether or not they will be deposed as
the Party Leader for
failing to win government.

People surely it is only common sense to state that if what little of our democracy
we have in Aussie is to be protected, then it is vital we have a constructive
political system across all three levels of this over governed country of ours which
includes both the government of the day and opposition.

A younger Bob Hawke.

A younger Paul Keating.

This I believe we had when the Labor Party in Aussie was under the administration
of the like's of Hawke and Keating where the Labor Party was strong,knew what it
wanted and where they also knew that the only way for the economy to grow was
through business and not increasing bureaucracy and Union power, and were
able to get a very good consensus,an accord between all the various parties where
union wage demands were kept to a reasonable and affordable level, productivity
improved, and there were gains all round.

Unlike today, and since the days of Hawke and Keating, where the Labor Party is
now just reduced to a Union controlled, as I have stated before the Unions are the
Labor Party, bunch of " Lefty's " like Teflon Billy Shorten and his side kick Tanya
Plibersek that try and take the country back to the bad old days of " Class warfare "
the " Them and us theory " the " Robin Hood theory of robbing the rich to give to
the poor " which has never worked around the globe and has just meant that the
so-called rich just withdraw their funds, which means increased unemployment,
and an increase in the financial stress on an already stressed poor in our society.

May I refer you to mike's comments dated the 8/5/2016 subject " Billy's Robin Hood
10 year plan ".

Malcolm Turnbull the current Aussie PM.

I believe, and I know I am not Robinson Crusoe in this regard, that Malcolm, the
magnificent, Turnbull lost this 2016 election, even if his mob get the 76 plus numbers
in the House of Reps ( Lower Federal House ) and rules in their own right, because
he tried
to run the election in a positive gentlemanly and honourably way, which
just wont work when you are up against some rabble rousing, well trained
experienced low life Union organisor like Teflon Billy!! and I know that from years
of experience battling union thuggery,disruption and deception extending to out
right lies. ( The Medicare scare for instance ).

They have to be taken on as you would any bully because even intelligent, university
graduates that become union officials like Teflon Billy are very superficial, shallow,
cursory mean and lack depth or solidity because they are used to getting their own
way through industrial muscle if they don't, and are not accustomed to be challenged
to any great extent.

As I have stated many times before unions are " Takers not Makers " and it is part
of their training, DNA, to tear down any opposition and this was very evident in the
whole of Teflon Billy's campaign, whether during the debates, in the Town Halls or
out on the hustings at least 90% of his rhetoric was attacking and whipping up the
mob hysteria about the Turnbull mob, with little details in regard to what the Labor
has to offer.

Turnbull as I see it is going to have to be a " Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde " by being
his usual polite, gentlemanly, well spoken person to keep the female voters on side,
but sometimes be a Tony Abbott and really kick the arse of this little shallow,
devious, (3) word one liner Teflon Billy Shorten, because this is the only language
these bastards know and understand, and anything else is looked upon as

Teflon Billy supposedly jogging and from the look at the under developed skinny
muscle structure on his legs, plus " Man Boobs " which really is an " Oxymoron "
because I don't see how a skinny bloke can have " Man Boobs ? " and his very
poor gait and stride which no doubt long term would cause him serious back
problems, I would suggest that this jogging phenomenon is a some what recent
activity for the election cameras.

However having been a runner, (6) City To Surfs, best time 74 minutes, then a
jogger for many decades, watching Teflon Billy is painful and hopefully now the
election is over we will be spared the nightly viewing on TV.

Teflon Billy moving - his version of dancing.

Well people after watching Teflon Billy in this video I am buggered if I can
understand why he is so popular with the women, because his sense of
" Rhythm " is bloody shocking.

Ok people with our " AAA " credit rating under threat and therefore our financial
standing in the international banking and financial markets generally we can't go
to sleep at the wheel with any of our pollies at any of the (3) levels of this over
governed country of ours!! so keep your foot on the neck of these pollies no
matter who they are, major parties and so-called independents across the board,
because if you don't then don't whinge when your current or future off springs
and pride and joy states " Well what happened? and where were you when this
disaster started to happen ? ".

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

" Teflon Billy Shorten dumps wife for G-G Quentin Bryce's girl "

People as you can see I published this on my blog on the 4/1/2015, however before this low life pollie by the name of Teflon Billy Shorten get's the keys 
to the Prime Ministers Lodge I believe it is worth blogging again, because surely with such a high political national office at stake of Prime Minister of this great nation of Aussie we must ask ourselves:

" Is this bloke Teflon Billy Shorten the right man for the job considering 
the amount of written evidence regarding his current and past history ?"

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/belief!
Mike's Comments 4/1/2015.
Subject: " Teflon Billy Shorten dumps wife for G-G Quentin Bryce's girl "

Teflon Billy Shorten.Currently the Federal Labor Opposition Leader and alleged
" Rapist ".

Deborah Beale - Shortens Ex Wife.

Chloe Bryce - daughter of Dame Quentin Bryce - now Teflon Bills new wife.

I have just acquired this article from The Daily Telegraph archives and although
I realise the article, author unknown, was published in September 2008 I believe
it speaks volumes when it comes to the type and character of the likes of Teflon
Billy Shorten the Aussie Union & Federal Labor Opposition Leader and alleged
" Rapist ".

Well people in my view what a little horny! ambitious! powerful baby faced bloke
this Teflon Billy Shorten is?

Where in about say (19) years Teflon Billy has gone from a Union Trainee Organiser
to the Federal Labor Opposition Leader in October 2013 after Labors devastating
electoral defeat.

Lets have a look:

1994 - Union Trainee Organiser.
1995 - Victorian State Secretary - AWU
2001 - National Secretary -AWU
2005 - Re-elected.
2005- 2008 - Victorian State President of the Labor Party.
2006 - A Board member for, nice one to have in your political corner!

Richard Pratt - died 28th of April 2009.

Now on the 25 April 2006 we had the Tasmanian Beaconsfield Mine Disaster which
lasted some (2) weeks until the 9th of May 2006 and this is where Teflon Billy was
specially flown back to Aussie from the USA in the private jet of the then billionaire,
since died, Richard Pratt the once owner of Visy Industries and a well known leading
figure of Melbourne society, especially I gather to take charge from a Union point of
view of the Beaconsfield Disaster!

How is that for blatant power? a Union official being transported half way around the
world by one of Aussies most influential and powerful,political and otherwise,

I gather it is an open fact that this billionaire Richard Pratt was Teflon Billy's main
financial benefactor and allowed Teflon Billy and the Labor Party to use one of Pratts
palatial mansions for the run up to the 2007 Federal Elections party functions ? How
was that for a influential political leg up and a standing start for Teflon Billy? surely
on that bases you would have thought that Teflon Billy was running for the Liberal
Party not Labor?

So people why was this powerful billionaire being so generous to Teflon Billy?

Julian Beale.

Well I gather Deborah Beale the now ex wife of Teflon Billy and the daughter of Julian
Beale, a wealthy Melbourne investor and former Liberal MP who was also a powerful
political asset to Teflon Billy, and who was also the apple of the eye,so to speak, of
Richard Pratt! in fact he looked upon Deborah Beale like one of his own!!

Now you only have to read the glowing comments below that Teflon Billy made in his
maiden speech in February 2007 after being elected to the House of Reps to realise
what a great asset Teflon Billy's Ex - wife Deborah Beale was!

Dame Quentin Bryce - Ex Aussie Governor General.

However those fine words did not take long to disappear into the ether of history did
they, because by 2008/9 Teflon Billy had moved onto a much higher strata of the social
Aussie set to shagging and impregnating the none other than the daughter of who was then
the current Aussie Governor General Dame Quentin Bryce, Chloe Bryce,because on the
19/7/2009 in the National it stated that Billy Shorten confirms that Chloe Bryce
while still married to the architect Roger Parkin and Billy Shorten to Deborah Beale, was
expecting Billy Shortens baby!!

It would appear that as a good Roman Catholic boy Teflon Billy believed it was a sin to
use sexual precautions such as a condom, yet it was not a sin to shag and impregnate
some other blokes wife, ie; Chloe Bryce, while still married to Deborah Beale?.

Wow way to go Teflon Billy from a Union Trainee Organiser to shagging and impregnating
the daughters of wealthy influential Melbourne socialites, and then Aussie Royalty in just
over say (14) years? mate Teflon Billy? you are some walking, talking, horny salesman
that is for sure!!!!

What or where too next I wonder ? will the current Chloe be a good enough status symbol
as a PM's wife in the Lodge because there were rumours in 2012 that the Billy and Chloe's
marriage was heading for the rocks, hence the public appeal by them requesting that the
smear campaign stop.

For instance in the publication called the Kangaroo Court dated the 13/5/2013 it referred
to these rumours:

Quote: " Bill got his mistress (his PA) pregnant " unquote.
Quote: " Apparently it's not the first time he's been in this sort of predicament " unquote.

Then ofcourse we have the following;

Nicola Roxon.

Apparently just prior to getting together with Teflon Billy's wife Deborah Beale he was
shacking up with Nicola Roxon the then Labor Federal Minister of Health, and later the
Attorney General from 2011 to 2013 under Gillard/Rudd when she retired from politics.

How is that for keeping a powerful influential Labor women happy in Teflon Billy's
attempt to rise through the political ranks because by all accounts Nicola Roxon speaks
highly of him and yet was not silly enough to get impregnated by him.

Kevin Rudd Ex Aussie PM.

1. Teflon Bill was one of the main factional leaders involved in the replacement of
Kevin Rudd as PM for Julia Gillard in 2010.

2. There were speculation following the 2010 Federal Election when Gillard became
PM of a minority government, that Teflon Billy might seek to oust Gillard in the first
year from her PM office, however it took him (3) years instead of one just prior to the
June 2013 Leadership Ballot.

Julia Gillard Ex Aussie PM.

Antony Albanese MP.

3. Teflon Billy then did a back flip with a double pike when he announced prior to the
June 2013 Leadership Challenge that he would back Kevin Rudd against Julia Gillard
and if Gillard won he would resign from Cabinet, and as we know Rudd won but still
lost the 2013 election big time leaving the way open for Teflon Billy to compete against
Antony Albanese for the Federal Labor Oppositions position, which as we know Teflon
Billy won.

Kathy - Teflon Billy Shortens Alleged Rape Victim.

According to the statement made by Kathy Teflon Billy's alleged rape victim it was
when Teflon Billy was continually on the TV during the Beaconsfield Mine disaster
that she for the first time in about say (20) years, because she was living in far
north Queensland, had set eyes on him and started proceedings against him first via
the Tasmanian Police and then I am led to believe? it was suggested by them for Kathy
to take the matter up with the Victorian Police where the alleged rape took place and
where Teflon Billy lived which she did, for all the apparent good it has done her??

Now you could quite rightly question why am I dragging up all these known facts
about Teflon Billy Shorten.

Well people our history is what we are today! at this very moment when you are
reading this you are a product of all that has gone before you! good! bad! or

So looking at some of Teflon Billy's history mentioned above and below in the
attachment, where he has in my view used people quite badly for his benefit political
or otherwise? and where he has obviously a considerable amount of power and
influence not only within the Union and Labour movements and ofcourse the Labor
Party, but also the top end of town, although that may change now that he has
dumped his socialite Ex wife Deborah Beale, so therefore as a voter can I trust him?

After all he appears as only the Federal Opposition Leader to have tremendous
influential power over the media, with a special mention of ( Aunty ) the ABC, in
regard to the major media black out of his alleged rape of Kathy,mentioned above,
when she was allegedly a young, vulnerable (16) year old defenceless girl.

So people how will it be if he becomes the PM of this great country of ours because
other people such as Deborah Beale, Julian Beale, Richard Pratt, Kevin Rudd, Julia
Gillard and possibly his alleged rape victim Kathy, to name but a few, have trusted him
and he has shafted the lot, to use a well used Aussie phrase, therefore can we trust him?

Me I think not!! and as I stated in Mike's Comments dated the 4/12/2014 Subject:
" Teflon Bill Shorten has feet of clay " will I have no doubt be proved correct!!

So people speak up because life is far to short to cop crap from these over paid
devious pollies, but ofcourse if you are happy and contented with the status quo then
ok don't whinge when you wake up one morning and find the world you were happy
and contented in is no more?.
Mike Howe - Scroll down.

Bill Shorten dumps wife for
G-G Quenten Bryce's girl

Teflon Bill Shorten & PM Kevin Rudd.The Daily Telegraph September 21, 2008 12.00am.LABOR MP Bill Shorten has left his wife for the daughter of Kevin Rudd's newly appointed Governor
General Quentin Bryce.
The parliamentary secretary for disabilities and children's services separated from his wife, Deborah Beale, in the
past month and is understood to be in a relationship with Chloe Bryce.
Mr. Shorten, who was formerly the Australian Workers' Union national secretary, has beentouted as a future Labor
leader for several years.
However, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd kept his distance yesterday from the political scandal engulfing one of his
star MPs.
"We don't have any comment on the story,'' a spokesman for Mr Rudd said.Mr Shorten and Ms Bryce have been friends for at least a year.The pair had dinner together at Quentin Bryce's residence in Brisbane on September 5, 2007, when she was
Queensland Governor, according to a Vice-Regal notice in Brisbane's Courier Mailnewspaper.
"In the evening, the Governor received the call of Ms Chloe Bryce-Parkin and Mr Bill Shorten,'' the notice states.Mr Shorten then went on to become elected as the Member for Maribyrnong at the federal election and thanked
his wife, Deborah, in the maiden speech he delivered in February this year, four months after visiting the
now-Governor General with Ms Bryce-Parkin.
"Above all others - and I can say this on Valentine's Day - I thank my wife, Deb Beale, an endlessly intelligent,
supportive and loving woman,'' he said.
"I knew this instantly from my first outing, when she agreed to visit a picket line with me.''He also thanked his parents-in-law, Julian and Felicity Beale.Mr Shorten was one of five MPs invited to attend the September ceremony where Ms Quentin Bryce was sworn
in as the 25th Governor-General of Australia.
Chloe Bryce attended the ceremony, with her two children, Georgette and Rupert, from her marriage to architect
Roger Parkin.
Mr Parkin's works include a house he designed for the late Beatle George Harrison on Hamilton Island and the
Hamilton Island resort itself.
When contacted by The Sunday Telegraph yesterday, Mr Parkin said he did not want to comment on the circumstances
of his marriage break-up.
Ms Bryce, who works as a media consultant for Cement Australia, did not return calls yesterday.
Deborah Beale and Bill Shorten were considered a power couple in the Labor Party.
They met while studying for their MBAs.Ms Beale, whose father Julian Beale is a wealthy Melbourne investor and former federal Liberal MP, was a powerful
political asset for Mr Shorten.
She provided a strong link to the corporate world through her father's friendship with multi-millionaire businessman
Richard Pratt.
Mr Pratt flew Mr Shorten back to Australia from the United States on his private plane when the Beaconsfield mine
disaster occurred in 2006.
Mr Shorten's role representing workers during the Beaconsfield tragedy significantly raised the former union leader's
public profile.
"Ms Beale was well regarded by the Labor Party and well-connected in corporate areas,'' one source said."Everyone thought they were the Princess Diana and the Prince of the party.''
Mr Shorten formerly dated and lived with current Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon, who is understood to speak
highly of her new parliamentary colleague.
Mr Shorten and his media adviser, Vincent Tulley, would not return calls yesterday.