Sunday, 19 June 2016

" Why vote Independent ?? "

(Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 20/6/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: " Why vote independent ?? ".

People over the last say 50 years, or should I say the last half a century which I believe sounds 
far more impressive, I have voted for various so-called Independent pollies, I say so-called, 
because sooner or later they have to vote/agree with a major party in order to get legislation 
through the various parliaments, otherwise what is the point of having them there.

I even voted Green a couple times when I lived up in the Blue Mtns until they lost the plot and tried, and failed miserably, to become a mainstream party and got into refugees, gay marriage and closing down our mining industries devastating the Aussie economy because of some 
ideological theory that we could save the world single handedly.

The Judas. Tony Windsor the previous Member and contender for 2016 seat of New England.


Judas and the kiss of death and betrayal of Jesus for the 30 pieces of silver.
( ? or in this case maybe an extended pollies pension for another 3 years )

Tony Windsor the New England political " Messiah ".

This silly old bugger Tony Windsor must think that he is some sort of political " Messiah " that has risen from the political ashes of the " Rudd,Gillard,Rudd era " to once again rise to the political occasion, with the help of his mates the " Labor and Greenies " and their preferences, in order to deliver the good citizens of New England to the promised land??.

Yeah I know pathetic! but there again I believe it fits Tony Windsor's pathetic persona.

Ok let's take a look at this heavy weight title fight, winner takes all, for the Federal seat of New England.

In the Red corner dressed in his vivid Greenie and Labor red striped combination we have the Ex Heavy Weight for the electorate of New England the so-called independent?? Tony Windsor who relinquished his title in September 2013 without throwing a punch and refusing to enter the ring on the grounds of an undefined illness and general exhaustion of himself and his team.

However in my view living in the New England electorate and having a lot to do
with the so-called
" Grey Nomad Army ", I consider myself to be one of the "Brethren",
who without a doubt are
the most effective and comprehensive " Network " in Aussie,
far exceeding the expectations of
the likes of ASIO, where the majority opinion by far
was that the real reason this " Ex Heavy Weight
Champion " for the New England
refused to step into the ring was because he was more than
convinced what the very
negative reaction from the crowd would be, after he changed to a very
" Training
Camp " that trained and fought by a very different set of rules without
his fans and supporters know off his intentions prior to doing so.

But never-the-less it would appear that this aging "Political Pugilist " has recovered
from his
mysterious ill heath and Windsor and his so-called team led by his wife Lyn
have recovered their
lust for the political fight game again, and are encouraging Tony
Windsor to put on the gloves and climb back into the ring.

Maybe the considerable prize money Windsor accumulated from the political fight fans
who by the rules of the game were compelled via their sporting funded taxes to
contribute too was not adequate for a decent retirement, and therefore is going for more?
even if that is only just for the up front money for turning up and having a go providing
enough sporting fans support him?

Where under the Federal Election Laws any candidate that reaches 4% or more of the
first preference votes, with a disclosure threshold of $13,200, will be paid by the hard
financially stressed Aussie Tax Payer $2.63 per first preference vote.

Therefore let's assume that Windsor get's say 40% of the first preference votes and get's
over the line with the help of his Greenie and Labor mates preferences.

Now even though the population of the New England area is I gather in the region of some 180,000 there is only 109,589 enrolled to vote, therefore 40% of 109,589 = 40,846 x $2.63 = $107,426.03 from the Aussie Tax Payer,? I gather tax free, plus any other private contributions Windsor might have received ? not bad hey, on top of his already 
very generous Tax Payer Funded Federal pollie retirement fund he has, and is, receiving 
after he cowardly jumped out of the political ring prior to the 2013 Federal election 

However maybe this " Aging Political Pugilist " has had to many political blows to the
head and
body and it has effected his judgment in regard to the effect that this brutal
political fight game is a much younger persons game, and with his political enemies
just waiting for the opportunity to use their best 16 ounce glove on him,and deliver that
knock out blow at the first
possible opportunity, and that Windsor might find that his
once political duck, weave and his feet movement ain't what they used to be??.

Barnaby Joyce the current Federal Member for The New England, Electorate.

In the Blue Corner we have our current New England Heavy Weight Champion wearing
his usual
country style brown headgear by the name of Barnaby Joyce who won the
September 2013 title
fight taking on all on comers, and won a very politically brutal fight
convincingly with a points
decision of 21 points above his nearest rivals,and that being
one of the highest point scores his
camp has ever achieved.

Barnaby has been in the political fight game now for a few decades and is a very
fighter and has won many honours and titles, the likes of becoming the
team leader of the Aussie political country fighters team who regularly well and truly hold
their own against their political Aussie city counterparts,which has led to Barnaby being
elected by his piers to be the second
highest ranked political fighter in Aussie!!

Barnaby's honours, titles and rankings are only what the " Aging political Pugilists " like
Tony Windsor
could only dream of.

So-called political independents like Tony Windsor are only some what effective for their
constituents when there is:

1. A hung parliament where neither major political parties have sufficient seats to have a
and rely on so-called independents and minor parties to get their legislation

2. A minority government where the opposition has more seats but again with the alliance
of the
so-called independents and the minor parties it stops the opposition party taking
over the
government benches and Treasury.

This I believe is how Tony Windsor has built up this persona, identity of being a " Can do
pollie "
by playing the " Political Mercenary Game ".

Tony Windsor although initially a National Party candidate decided to run in the 1991
election as a so-called
independent in the NSW Legislative Assembly, lower house, as
the Member for Tamworth after being dumped by the Nat's just prior to pre-selection as a
result of
allegations of a drink driving incident, and as it would appear the Nat's after
holding the New England seat for decades had reached their used by date with the voters,
so Windsor won the seat where I am informed by many of those present at the time that
the Nat's where so on the
nose with the voters " Mick's Dog - not mine " could have won
the seat if it had put it's paw up.

Nick Greiner, Ex NSW Premier.

John Hatton Ex NSW Independent.

Clover Moore Ex NSW Independent.

Peter MacDonald Ex NSW Independent.

This " Political Mercenary Game " I believe Windsor along, but not to the same extent I
as John Hatton, Clover Moore and Peter Macdonald after that disastrous decision
of the then NSW
Premier Nick Greiner to take a snap poll on the 25/5/1991 where afterwards he and the Liberals found that they were one seat short of a majority because of the massive swings against them and the loss of seats, so Windsor, and to some lesser extent the other independents, helped the Greiner mob to have a second term in office as a hung parliament.

Sure the so-called NSW independents were I gather instrumental in introducing ICAC,
which turned
out to be part of Nick Greiners demise as Premier, and the 4 year term in NSW
but possibly only because of their influence in a hung parliament which all came to an end
when in 1995 Bob Carr, one of
the longest serving NSW Premiers, and the Labor Party won
office with a majority ensuring that the like's of Windsor etc; became just lame ducks

However it would appear that this now " Aging Political Pugilist " Windsor was not happy losing his influence in the NSW Parliament as a " Lame Duck " so in 2001 he resigned from the NSW Parliament
to contest the Federal seat of New England which had been held by the
Nat's since 1922 and again
as the Nat's were so on the nose with the voters, Windsor, with the help of both the preferences from One Nation and the Labor Party won comfortably and again I have been informed by many that were present at the time that in this case a " Drovers Dog " could have won it the Nat's were so disliked by the New England Voters.

Therefore surely a great amount of credit must be given to Barnaby Joyce for winning the
seat back
for the Nat's and with such a big 21 % margin.

Windsor is credited with being the " King Maker " - " Political Mercenary " that enabled the
Labor Gillard - Rudd governments to stay in power and who were
one of the most
dysfunctional, faction riddled, economic vandals in regard to the wonton disregard and lack
of good governance when it came to the Aussie Nations hard to come by treasure and
financial well being, which has left this
nation with an international credit card debt that our
future generations will have ,? if ever, great
difficulty in paying off!!!

However Windsor gave no indication to the New England voters prior to being elected in 2010,
where like most Aussie country areas is largely of a conservative voting nature, that he would 
sell out their conservative views and vote for a Greenie/Labor minority government in preference 
to an alliance with the Abbott Liberal/National parties.

Windsor's main political platforms for a come back in 2016 appear to be:

The NBN in rural areas.

Aussie has a land mass that is equivalent to 5.5% of the total worlds land mass and although our
population is only now just under 24  million the distances between major cities and communities is massive and across 100's of local, state and federal jurisdictions costing many billions for which finance and funding has to be acquired and maintained, and to think that a lowly so-called federal Independent, like Tony Windsor, even in a hung or minority parliament, representing the electorate of New England could exert any real influence, is not only fanciful but to state so is a political con job.

Climate change.

It would appear from what Windsor is stating at the moment that he is stuck in the past and
though the Aussie population, including many business organisations, have benefited
greatly financially from the
stopping of the " Windsor,Labor and Greenie Carbon Tax " he
regrets it's
demise and would like it reintroduced as his Labor, Greenie mates would.

What the likes of the Windsor's,Labor and Greenies don't say is:

1. That Aussie apart from being 5.5% of the worlds land mass is only second to the south pole 
in regard to being the driest continent on Earth, and as such lacks largely the moisture and 
humidity to create our own climate conditions, and as such the majority of our weather patterns 
are created outside our borders, therefore anything we Aussies do internally is as I have stated 
before like " A Pimple on an Elephants Bum " and again if Windsor and the like's of the Greenies  and Labor
 use it to encourage us to vote for them then it is a political con job!!

2. We are continually informed by the likes of the " Windsor's,Labor and Greenies etc: " that our
1.5% contribution to global warming means we have one of the highest per capita contribution 
world wide.

However what they conveniently don't tell you is that the 1.5% contribution and the highest per capita is based mostly on what we ' Produce ' contributing to world global warming ie: coal,
gas, aluminum, beef- farting cattle creating methane, and list goes on, ' NOT ' what we Aussies 
consume and thereby ' omit ' into the atmosphere which by world standards ie; India, China,USA 
to mention but a few, is miniscule, and to use that argument for us to vote for them, especially 
as not doing those things would have very serious consequences for Aussies financial welfare, 
and well being, especially affording to build the like's of the multi-billion NBN, would be another 
political con job!!

Yes it would appear that the world is having climate problems but just how much is created by the
actions of us humans is in serious doubt, and the possible problems 10, 20, 50 years from now is still very debatable

David Gonski.

The Gonski Education System.

Back in 2010 it was estimated in 2010 dollars that to fund the Gonski Education system by state,
territory and commonwealth governments it would cost some where, lets face it these government 
estimates are rarely correct, more up than down, in the region of $34.10 billion over 6 years.

Now let's face it people the Labor, Greenie and Windsor government were then running big deficits,and climbing, and considering education is a function of the states and territories and not the commonwealth so what influence would a so-called independent by the name of Windsor for little old New England, have compared to a Minister, especially a Deputy Prime Minister and a leader of the National Party who the Liberals rely on in order to pass legislation, even if Windsor is relying on a hung or minority government to reinstate his political importance, influence and " Messiah " like 
rise from the political ashes??.

Obviously it is good and well to have a great education system which ofcourse is essential if we as a nation are to prosper.

However, what is the point of churning out highly educated students with numerous degrees when it is estimated that in less than 20 years many academic qualifications will be obsolete specially in accounting, economics, law, IT and many more subjects because of technology, and the lack of employment due to the shrinking job market and jobs being outsourced off shore??

I am led to believe that we in Aussie have an ever increasing bunch of academics with expensive
degrees that will never be paid for unless these people earn over say $54,000 pa, although I gather 
this figure is to be reduced to fifty thousand something in the future, and I doubt that will be by 
being casual waiters, cooks, kitchen hands and cabbies??.

So how is a so-called New England Independent Tony Windsor going to go any where near solving that from outside the Federal cabinet??


Now there is no doubt that neither Barnaby or Windsor want the Water Shenwa Coal mine to go
ahead on the Liverpool Plains, although I am sure the 100's of people that would be employed by 
the project plus the local business, councils and the NSW State Government from a royalty point 
of view for funding hospitals, police, roads, bridges etc; may have a different view.

Windsor, when interviewed on the ABC 7.30 Report on the 10/3/16, stated his solution to stopping 
the Water Shenwa mine going ahead was words to the effect of " Civil Disobedience "??.

Well Tony Windsor, potential Member for New England, define " Civil Disobedience " if we are to 
solve our problems in such away when we Tax Payers are paying millions to eliminate domestic 
violence killing a women/wife per week, and we condemn a bunch of Muslims for them causing
" Civil Disobedience " in Sydney over what they believe was an insult to their religion, which I 
might add I condemned!! 

However my point is where do we draw the line when we take the law into our own hands " Kangaroo Court Style " especially where a potential " Law Maker ", as a Member for New England ,is promoting " Civil Disobedience " of any kind or however we define it??

However ofcourse Windsor, according to the Australian dated the 28/8/2010, has no problem selling a 25 to 30 acres portion of his farm Cintra at Werris Creek to Werris Creek Coal in February 2010 
for what was estimated to be $12,300 a hectare. 

Seemingly three times greater than nearby farmers were paid, and where Windsor had already sold to the same company and for an overall price of $4.625 million even though according to Windsor it was on a gravel ridge the type of land that should be mined, and not the fertile land of the Liverpool plains ? not knowing any better I will have to accept Windsor's word for it?.

As with any other politically figures in and out of politics these days, Windsor has lived very comfortably for at least the past 20 years receiving Tax Payer funded salary, perks of office, living away allowances, government transport, air fares,world famous superannuation schemes and the list goes on for both his positions one way or the other in State and Federal parliaments, in fact still does with the after politics perks of office, superannuation, air fares etc;.

Now that said, when we consider that Aussie still has increasing problems from the cradle to the grave,
and a bloke like the previous " Ex Heavy Weight Champion "Tony Windsor the Ex Member for New 
England states the following on both the ABC and in the various Aussie media that:


" Windsor's biggest regret of his parliament was the handling of the asylum seeker issue,
all of us should be ashamed by how this has been handled.
He went on:
I thank my supporters for their extraordinary efforts and fun we had.
I think I've achieved what I set out to achieve. ( no mention what?? )


So it would appear that after receiving 20 plus years of hard to come by and scare Tax Payers funds the total sum of Tony Windsor's regrets is for a bunch of non-tax paying, non-contributing, welfare dependent and in most cases illegally in the country, foreigners??.

That to me people ' SHOUTS LOUD ' of a bloke that has lost not only a sense of reality but also has little ' EMPATHY ' for the real people in Aussie that have been, and still are, the back bone of this great nation who as a result of the actions, or the lack of actions, by people like Tony Windsor are doing it tough in every which way??!

Anyway people ? how about this as a ' Reference '??:

Teflon Billy Shorten - The Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavy Weight, Homosexual 
Activist,and a proponent of the " Magic Pudding Economics " plus an alleged "Rapist".

Teflon Billy Shorten on the ABC 7.30 Report on video 1.34 minutes into the program regarding 
the battle for the New England Federal seat between Barnaby Joyce the current member and 
the contender Tony Windsor:

" There will be two people running in New England for parliament one is a respectable politician 
the other is the Deputy Prime Minister "

This is from a pollie that according to the various polling in 2016 rates only as preferred 
Prime Minister by 21% of the voters and has a dissatisfaction rating of 55%.

Therefore there can be no doubt where the Labor preferences, plus the Greenies ofcourse, will 
go, especially as neither Labor or the Greenies have any real chance of winning the seat in their 
own right in the New England area, therefore will endeavour to get their colleague, mate and true 
believing millionaire lefty, Tony Windsor, over the line disguised as a conservative.

As far as I am concerned this bloke Tony Windsor is an old pollie past his used by date and trying 
to relive past political glories, and will say what appeals to the populous and do and say most 
things to achieve his goal of being the" Political Messiah "to rise out of the
Gillard, Rudd, Gillard 
political ashes, and therefore in no way can be trusted, which in my book applies to all pollies.

However especially to the likes of Tony Windsor!! who in my popular view deceived the voters 
in New England in 2010, and if the 2016 does not prove to be a " Hung or Minority Parliament "
and from my reading it wont be, then Windsor, should he be elected, will just be a noisy 
media tart and a total waste of the Tax Payers scarce funds, especially as a " One Term pollie "
because he would be far to old to run for a second term.

However people if your happy with this unsubstantiated waffle from pollies who have a hidden
political agenda that is at odds with your values, then don't whinge when you wake up after 
election night realising you ' TICKED ' the wrong box, because you have got them, like it or not, 
for the next 3 - 4 years, and like's of the Windsor, Labor and Greenie team that was prior to the September 
2013 election can do a lot of national damage in a very short space of time!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.