(Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
People for those of you that have seen the show you will recall where there is what I
believe is referred to as the " Pinafore's theme " where they poke fun at unqualified
people in positions of authority such as the " Modern Major-General " who has
up-to-date knowledge about everything else except the military.
Now I relate this to our pollies across all three levels of this over governed country
of ours, where the pollies come from a huge wide range and variety of civilian positions
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
Bowen a bloke that could talk under water with a mouth full of marbles,
who is currently the Federal Labor Opposition Shadow Treasurer.
Now I am not to sure who of these two I would cast as either the " Pirate King " or
Ex USA President Bill Clinton.
younger Paul Keating, Ex Labor Treasurer and Aussie PM when he was in
his prime.
younger Bob Hawke, Ex Union Heavy Weight and Ex Labor Aussie PM again in his
Oh no people no back bench start for our Teflon Billy.
In fact it was rumoured that Kevin Rudd did not trust Teflon Billy, which ofcourse it
turned out to be a very wise thought, suspicion and intuition, therefore gave this
position to Teflon Billy so as to keep an eye on him and fairly close by and not a, as
the saying goes, " Loose Cannon " on the Labor back bench as a lowly first time pollie.
However that still did not stop Teflon Billy being a member of a Labor/Union group in
June 2010 deposing Kevin Rudd and installing Julia Gillard as PM, our first female
Aussie PM.
Gillard the new PM as from the say 25th of June 2010 after deposing Kevin
Gillard called an election in 2010 where she failed to have the numbers to win the
election against Tony Abbott but managed to form government with the help of various
independents and the Greenies, therefore albeit a minority government.
Now Gillard realising what a powerful and influential little bugger little Teflon Billy was,
and also in gratitude for Teflon Billy helping Gillard to depose Rudd and get the PM's job,
Gillard invited Little Billy into the inner sanctum of the Labor Cabinet as the Assistant
Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation, a powerful political
There were rumours quoted in the media that little Teflon Billy, knowing the unpopularity
of Gillard after what she did to Rudd with a large percentage of the voters, and polling
was not good, plus the precarious and insecure position Gillard had found herself in with
this minority government, little Billy was considering a political move on Gillard so he
could become the PM.
However it would appear that after little Billy had dumped his wife Debra Beale and kids
in 2008 - 2009, shagged and impregnated Chloe Bryce, the daughter of Dame Quentin
Bryce the then Aussie Governor General, Little Billy was moving up the social structure,
while Chloe Bryce was still living and married to another bloke, then announced with a
great fan fare in the media,front page stuff, that Chloe and Billy were going to have a
baby and were going to get married,all news I gather to Debra who Billy was still married
too but separated from, was not going down to well with the voting public, and the polls
were showing it, with every possibility of a very messy divorce, which it was I gather,
Little Billy very wisely shelved the idea of the political coupe.
Now it didn't take long for Little Billy, the King/Queen maker, to help plot and depose
Gillard, but not for himself because the cunning little bugger ain't stupid the Labor Party
polling was dreadful, to then re-install Kevin (707) Rudd in June 2013 some three years
to the month when he helped organise Rudd's demise as PM in June 2010.
Whether or not the Treasury portfolio where Little Billy was the Assistant Treasurer was
becoming a very hot political potato, to hot to handle where a Federal Election could be
called at anytime in the later part of the 2013 or not, especially with the Federal budgets
in a financial mess with it's continual deficit's amounting to billions of dollars, with no
surpluses in the (5) years, and the political Labor polling showing an all time low, apart
from Little Billy and his close Union mates who would know?.
- Little Billy's alleged ' Rape ' victim.
Plus ofcoures in 2013 there was this accusation on facebook that went viral on both
the blogger sphere and social media, the major media would not touch it that shows
how much power and influence this Little Billy has!! that the Victorian police were
investigating Little Billy in regard to allegedly viciously raping Kathy back in the late
1980"s when she was 16 at a Labor Party Youth camp where Teflon Billy was a 19
year old Youth Camp Leader.
However the shifty little bugger switched from the Treasury portfolio in June 2013,
under now Rudd as PM, and say (3-4 ) months before the September 2013 election,
to become the Minister for Education and Minister for Workplace Relations.
As we know now Rudd and the Labor Party suffered one, if not the biggest, electoral
defeats in the Labor Parties History in September 2013 and Gillard had already
resigned and left politics.
Therefore after the 2013 September election and although Rudd had won his
Queensland seat back, albeit with a reduced margin, he had decided to go to the
back bench, and as such it was up to Little Billy and Anthony Albanese to battle it out
with, for the first time in Labors History, both party caucus and membership, to vote
who would be the new Labor Party and Opposition Leader, and with a better caucus
& union vote than Albanese, Albanese won the membership vote, but based on weighted
figures Little Billy won with only a 52.02% majority, hardly a ringing endorsement I would
think? I wonder what the membership that wanted Albanese knew that we didn't??.
Now people the way I read this short expose' which can be supported with a myriad of
documentation, comments and articles about Little Billy Shorten is as follows:
1. There is some alleged doubt in regard to his actions as a Union Leader when
negotiating on behalf of his AWU members, and why he personally received funds
from the employers Teflon Billy was negotiating with on behalf of his AWU members.
2. His personal life leaves a lot to be desired and what example does this give to the
Aussie population, and how will we be viewed as a Nation by the world at large should
Little Billy become our Prime Minister.
3. His political life to me shows a bloke that is very devious, divisive, unprincipled and
shows a skilful use of underhanded tactics to achieve his gaols, and I emphasise
" HIS " goals.
Teflon Billy reads like he lacks any sense of loyalty when it comes to his overwhelming
self interest.
Now you could say that all reads like a typical pollies job description, however I am not
discussing just any pollie, I am discussing the position of Prime Minister, and not only the
leader of the Labor Party but the Leader of this great nation of Aussie.
4. Little Billy was from the election in 2010 until June 2013, almost (3) years, the
Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation which
means ofcourse he was highly involved, or should have been, in the financial debacle
of the massive deficit of $18 billion dollars that the Labor Party handed over to the
Abbott mob, plus the unfunded liabilities such as the multi billion National Disability
Scheme and the Gonski Education System, and with three word slogans we are
expected to give him and his Labor mob a second chance.
I know it was only say (3-4) months prior to the September 2013 election where he
was the Minister for Education and Minster for Workplace Relations and where he and Labor
handed over unemployment of over (6) percent, some 7- 800,000 Aussies, where they,
including Little Billy, had (6) years previously to fix the unemployment situation and
they failed miserably, but they want a second chance ? to do what when clearly they
are anti business!!
I know from my unfortunate experience of many years dealing with Unions of various
kinds that Little Billy Shorten - talks like a unionist, walks like a unionist, acts like a
unionist and as I have stated before unions are "Takers not makers"and the like's of
Teflon Billy could not run the " School Tuck Shop " let alone a $1.5 to $2 trillion
economy, administer to some 24 million people from the cradle to the grave, on an
island that represents (5.5%) of the worlds land mass, which is second only to the
South Pole when it comes to the driest continent on the globe, and where it is so dry
we can't create in most cases our own moisture to generate clouds, we rely on
moisture/rain coming across our borders from else where.
However, what other pollie, from all the hundreds of pollies we have across our political
spectrum of this over governed country of ours, local, state or federal, including the
territories, has the accusation of an alleged vicious rape of a defenceless (16) year old
girl when they were in a position of power like Teflon Billy Shorten has?? and he wants
to be our Prime Minister.
How in all sincerity can a Prime Minister of a great country like Aussie with it's magnificent
Now this is the best of all when 2010 Bowen got the job of the Minister for Immigration and
Citizenship which proved to be a total disaster, and where under Bowens watch our borders
were being breached on a daily bases by 1000's of illegal boat people,where over a relatively
short period of time some 30 - 50,000 had stormed our shores, over and above the Aussies
legal intake of refugees/asylum seekers of some 10 - 15,000 PA which is very generous
considering we are a relatively small nation of now only some 24,000,000 million.
They were not illegal from the point of view of seeking asylum, but not having any or very little documentation and not coming through the front door in an orderly permitted fashion, as many 100's of 1000's have done here in the past, and many of these so-called boat refugees/asylum seekers turned out to be " Economic refugees " just coming for a better life and the majority, years later, are still bludging off the hard financially pressed Aussie Tax Payer in regard to welfare payments.
Abbott Ex Aussie PM.
It was not until well into 2014 after the Abbott government won the 2013 election that
they were able to stop the boats, even though virtually all the so-called experts in the
media, the Greenies, ofcourse, said it could not be done.
It was not until February 2013, nearly (2) years later, when obviously Gillard, the then
PM, had to relieve Bowen of the Immigration job because it was just getting out of
control with at least 1200, that we know of, drownings at sea that Bowen was give the
Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills,Science and Research.
Bowen resigned March 2013 after he supported a political coupe by Kevin Rudd that
However after the successful political coup in June 2013 that deposed Gillard for Rudd
again,Bowen was given the job of Treasurer, ? I guess for the loyalty Bowen had shown
to Rudd.
Bowen was also given the responsibility for financial services and superannuation.
After the disastrous defeat of Labor in the September 2013 election, Bowen became
Acting Leader of the Labor Party in opposition while Teflon Billy and Anthony Albanese
slugged it out for the Labor Party Opposition Leaders job, and as we all know, whether
for good or bad, Teflon Billy won the day backed by his Union mates and where there
were some allegations of some vote tampering.
Now people if we take into consideration that both Teflon Billy and Bowen were highly
involved prior to the election in September 2013, in Treasury and Finance one way or
the other, in fact Bowen was the Labor Party Treasurer when the Labor Party handed
over this at least $18 billion dollar deficit to the in coming Abbott mob, where there
were not one " Surplus " for the whole (6) years that Labor was in office from 2007 to
Yet they are both, Little Billy and Bowen, saying to us voters " Trust us and we will do
it right for you ", Yeah right.
People it is just not in their DNA and to give them another chance where they have
openly stated they will continue with even bigger deficits over the next (4) year cycle,
bigger than the Turnbull mobs figures, but not to worry all will be fixed in the fifth year,
where as an ex business man that either ran other peoples businesses or enterprises
and later my own over at least a (40) year period, setting more financial budgets than I
can remember, I consider that the Labor Parties approach to the financial management
of this nations Finances and future welfare totally irresponsible, and to put in the Aussie
vernacular "Total Bullshit" and just more of the same.
I don't believe that either side of the political spectrum whether that be the LNP or Labor
have the political will or the financial fire power and resources to solve the countries
financial problems, the figures just do not add up, especially where we as a nation have
this " What's in it for me " welfare dependent mentality and attitude.
Although that said I believe with Turnbull's back ground as a successful business man
we have a better chance,as compared to Teflon Billy's lack of business experience and
acumen and socialistic, bordering on communistic, beliefs which have, and are, failing
around the world and are very yesterday!!
However there will be a day of reckoning which I have no doubt will start to occur within
the next 2-3 years at the most, especially if we have to many of these devastating weather
patterns we have experienced recently down the east coast of Aussie right down to
Tasmania, where the estimated cost to us as a nation,one way or the other, is 100's of
millions of dollars in direct community costs, and that is not taking into account all the
personal loss for individuals and businesses which may take a long time, if ever, to
Well people if your going to be an uninformed " Donkey vote " then don't whinge when
the country not only runs out of funds to feed you, but you get kicked out of your
stable as well, and in my view you deserve all you get.
A quote attributed to that famous and revered pollie and statesman Sir Winston Churchill:
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings.
The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 14/6/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " Trust me, says Little Billy "
The Pirate King in the Gilbert & Sullivan's " The Pirates of Penzance "
Sir Mike's Comments 14/6/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " Trust me, says Little Billy "
Information gathered from Wikipedia, the free encycolopedia, ABS and a myriad of
other publications.
The Pirate King in the Gilbert & Sullivan's " The Pirates of Penzance "
People for those of you that have seen the show you will recall where there is what I
believe is referred to as the " Pinafore's theme " where they poke fun at unqualified
people in positions of authority such as the " Modern Major-General " who has
up-to-date knowledge about everything else except the military.
Now I relate this to our pollies across all three levels of this over governed country
of ours, where the pollies come from a huge wide range and variety of civilian positions
of business, law, manufacturing, domestic - household duties and the list
goes on.
However when these pollies are elected to the various levels of governments they
become amateur pollies, and in most cases find themselves way out of their depth and
comfort zones just like the comic opera character the " Modern Major-General " and
generally do about as good a job as the " Major-General ".
Where we find a once proud and relatively rich, by world standards, modern country
like Aussie, where we now have accrued massive billions, and climbing daily by millions
of dollars with interest, on the nations credit card where future generations will have
difficulty, if ever, the ability to pay it off.
Where we have increasing unemployment, ? 7-800,000, ignore the ABS "Mickey Mouse"
6%, because the more I look into it the more I believe the unemployment figures generally
would be closer to 15% some 1.725 million and rising, with youth, our future tax payers,
unemployment figures would generally be 20 - 24% and regardless how many billions
However when these pollies are elected to the various levels of governments they
become amateur pollies, and in most cases find themselves way out of their depth and
comfort zones just like the comic opera character the " Modern Major-General " and
generally do about as good a job as the " Major-General ".
Where we find a once proud and relatively rich, by world standards, modern country
like Aussie, where we now have accrued massive billions, and climbing daily by millions
of dollars with interest, on the nations credit card where future generations will have
difficulty, if ever, the ability to pay it off.
Where we have increasing unemployment, ? 7-800,000, ignore the ABS "Mickey Mouse"
6%, because the more I look into it the more I believe the unemployment figures generally
would be closer to 15% some 1.725 million and rising, with youth, our future tax payers,
unemployment figures would generally be 20 - 24% and regardless how many billions
we tax payers spend on education many 10's of 1000's of Aussies are, and
will be,
unemployable, where more and more companies move off shore, modern
replaces humans, even the super market check out chicks are being replaced with
" Check yourself out " technology plus ofcourse the internet shopping, sales and
We have trending " Deflation " with low wages and a continual and ever growing
negative communities concern about the future, global warming, terrorism, reduction
in mining and manufacturing in Aussie and generally the concern that our country is
not being " RUN and/or Administered " but sent down the proverbial " GURGLER " by
a bunch of amateur,self interested, ideological drive, over paid clowns referred to as
"Australian Politicians".
replaces humans, even the super market check out chicks are being replaced with
" Check yourself out " technology plus ofcourse the internet shopping, sales and
We have trending " Deflation " with low wages and a continual and ever growing
negative communities concern about the future, global warming, terrorism, reduction
in mining and manufacturing in Aussie and generally the concern that our country is
not being " RUN and/or Administered " but sent down the proverbial " GURGLER " by
a bunch of amateur,self interested, ideological drive, over paid clowns referred to as
"Australian Politicians".
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
who is currently the Federal Labor Opposition Shadow Treasurer.
Now I am not to sure who of these two I would cast as either the " Pirate King " or
the " Modern Major-General " in this " Comic Opera " commonly referred to
as the
" Australian Labor Party " which I believe has gone down the proverbial " Plug Hole "
since the proud Labor Party days of Paul Keating and Bob Hawke compared to the
pathetic shambles it has become since.
Where things like " Gay Marriage " is at the near top of the Labor Parties to do list,
and is given priority when compared to the 10's of 1000's of needy problems requiring
urgent attention from the " Cradle to the grave " and across the total spectrum of the
Aussie society, something I believe having lived through that the " Hawke and Keating "
" Australian Labor Party " which I believe has gone down the proverbial " Plug Hole "
since the proud Labor Party days of Paul Keating and Bob Hawke compared to the
pathetic shambles it has become since.
Where things like " Gay Marriage " is at the near top of the Labor Parties to do list,
and is given priority when compared to the 10's of 1000's of needy problems requiring
urgent attention from the " Cradle to the grave " and across the total spectrum of the
Aussie society, something I believe having lived through that the " Hawke and Keating "
era would have been very low on their to do list, with the thought most
imprinted on
their collective minds of the 1992 Presidential rallying cry of ' Bill
Clinton ':
Quote: " It's the economy, stupid " Unquote.
September 2013 when the Federal Labor Party was unceremoniously chucked out
of office
by the Aussie voters in one of the worst electoral defeats in Labors history.
On the 14 May 2013 Wayne Swan as Treasurer handed down his sixth and last budget for
by the Aussie voters in one of the worst electoral defeats in Labors history.
On the 14 May 2013 Wayne Swan as Treasurer handed down his sixth and last budget for
2013 - 2014.
The 2013 budget estimated the following:
1. Total Revenue of A$387.7 billion.
2. Expenditure of A$393.3 billion.
3. Deficit of A$18 billion.
4. It was estimated that the budget would return to surplus by 2015 - 2016 Federal Budget.
However ofcourse that would have never happened even if the Labor Party had won the
The 2013 budget estimated the following:
1. Total Revenue of A$387.7 billion.
2. Expenditure of A$393.3 billion.
3. Deficit of A$18 billion.
4. It was estimated that the budget would return to surplus by 2015 - 2016 Federal Budget.
However ofcourse that would have never happened even if the Labor Party had won the
2013 election, because we had a very high Aussie dollar effecting our
exports, rising
unemployment and these massively expensive, to the tune of many billions of dollars,
unemployment and these massively expensive, to the tune of many billions of dollars,
programs such as the ' Disability Insurance Scheme ' and the so-called
improvement Gonski system, where the then Labor government took the unusual step
improvement Gonski system, where the then Labor government took the unusual step
of trying to do what Teflon Billy's Labor mob are trying to con the Aussie
voters with
currently, and that is this " Mickey Mouse " idea that you can base current estimates
on (10) year forward estimates - ? three year election cycles, assuming that government
remains in power for all of the three year cycles? where in today's highly volatile political
climate that is hardly likely to happen, and I quote what happened to the " One Term "
currently, and that is this " Mickey Mouse " idea that you can base current estimates
on (10) year forward estimates - ? three year election cycles, assuming that government
remains in power for all of the three year cycles? where in today's highly volatile political
climate that is hardly likely to happen, and I quote what happened to the " One Term "
LNP State Governments of Denise Napthine in Victoria and Campbell Newman in
Queensland as a prime example.
I also, if after reading the Victorian News Papers, comments and social media, believe that
the current pathetic Union and LGBT suck hole and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews
could go the same way as Napthine and Newman, however obviously only time will tell.
Napthine, Ex LNP Premier of a one term Victorian State Government
Newman, Ex LNP Premier of a one term Queensland State Government
Andrews the current Labor Premier of Victoria.
We must also surely consider that Wayne Swan over (6) years produced (6) budgets, five
Queensland as a prime example.
I also, if after reading the Victorian News Papers, comments and social media, believe that
the current pathetic Union and LGBT suck hole and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews
could go the same way as Napthine and Newman, however obviously only time will tell.
We must also surely consider that Wayne Swan over (6) years produced (6) budgets, five
up to May 2013, and not one produced a " Surplus ", and where I might add
the current
Labor Opposition Leader Teflon Billy, and his talk under water with a mouth full of marbles,
running mate Chris Bowen the current Shadow Labor Opposition Treasurer, were both
Ministers in this defunct, nonfunctional, disorganised, faction driven shadow of the former
Labor Opposition Leader Teflon Billy, and his talk under water with a mouth full of marbles,
running mate Chris Bowen the current Shadow Labor Opposition Treasurer, were both
Ministers in this defunct, nonfunctional, disorganised, faction driven shadow of the former
Mighty Aussie Labor Party prior to the 2013 Federal Election.
So let's take a look at what I believe are both Teflon Billy and Bowen's dubious credentials
when it comes to running this great nation of Aussies economy.
Ok let's take little Teflon Billy Shorten first:
So let's take a look at what I believe are both Teflon Billy and Bowen's dubious credentials
when it comes to running this great nation of Aussies economy.
Ok let's take little Teflon Billy Shorten first:
Teflon Billy prior to being elected to the Federal House Of Reps was the
National Secretary
Commissioner for the recent Trade Union Royale Commission.
During the hearing where Teflon Billy was cross examined at length, it was suggested that
Teflon Billy had not been totally honest with the members of the AWU when negotiating a
new contract on their behalf, plus it appeared that a sum of $40,000 was given by the
company that Teflon Billy was negotiating with ? which Teflon Billy had not declared as a
parliamentarian,which he is obliged to do by law, until a few days prior to being called to
the Royale Commission.
The reason given was that Teflon Billy had forgot to declare it, and in regard to the $40,000
this seemingly was to cover some sort of AWU Union Administration costs or some such
2. On entering the Federal Parliament in 2007 as the Labor Member for the Victorian seat
of Maribyrnong Teflon Billy was so influential as a past Union Heavyweight, that even
though a political novice as a brand new pollie, he immediately was appointed to a position
of a parliamentary secretary by the Rudd government, which is an important political
position and certainly put Teflon Billy closer to the inner sanctum and the centre of the
Labor Powerhouse that being the Labor Cabinet.
During the hearing where Teflon Billy was cross examined at length, it was suggested that
Teflon Billy had not been totally honest with the members of the AWU when negotiating a
new contract on their behalf, plus it appeared that a sum of $40,000 was given by the
company that Teflon Billy was negotiating with ? which Teflon Billy had not declared as a
parliamentarian,which he is obliged to do by law, until a few days prior to being called to
the Royale Commission.
The reason given was that Teflon Billy had forgot to declare it, and in regard to the $40,000
this seemingly was to cover some sort of AWU Union Administration costs or some such
2. On entering the Federal Parliament in 2007 as the Labor Member for the Victorian seat
of Maribyrnong Teflon Billy was so influential as a past Union Heavyweight, that even
though a political novice as a brand new pollie, he immediately was appointed to a position
of a parliamentary secretary by the Rudd government, which is an important political
position and certainly put Teflon Billy closer to the inner sanctum and the centre of the
Labor Powerhouse that being the Labor Cabinet.
Oh no people no back bench start for our Teflon Billy.
In fact it was rumoured that Kevin Rudd did not trust Teflon Billy, which ofcourse it
turned out to be a very wise thought, suspicion and intuition, therefore gave this
position to Teflon Billy so as to keep an eye on him and fairly close by and not a, as
the saying goes, " Loose Cannon " on the Labor back bench as a lowly first time pollie.
However that still did not stop Teflon Billy being a member of a Labor/Union group in
June 2010 deposing Kevin Rudd and installing Julia Gillard as PM, our first female
Aussie PM.
Gillard called an election in 2010 where she failed to have the numbers to win the
election against Tony Abbott but managed to form government with the help of various
independents and the Greenies, therefore albeit a minority government.
Now Gillard realising what a powerful and influential little bugger little Teflon Billy was,
and also in gratitude for Teflon Billy helping Gillard to depose Rudd and get the PM's job,
Gillard invited Little Billy into the inner sanctum of the Labor Cabinet as the Assistant
Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation, a powerful political
There were rumours quoted in the media that little Teflon Billy, knowing the unpopularity
of Gillard after what she did to Rudd with a large percentage of the voters, and polling
was not good, plus the precarious and insecure position Gillard had found herself in with
this minority government, little Billy was considering a political move on Gillard so he
could become the PM.
However it would appear that after little Billy had dumped his wife Debra Beale and kids
in 2008 - 2009, shagged and impregnated Chloe Bryce, the daughter of Dame Quentin
Bryce the then Aussie Governor General, Little Billy was moving up the social structure,
while Chloe Bryce was still living and married to another bloke, then announced with a
great fan fare in the media,front page stuff, that Chloe and Billy were going to have a
baby and were going to get married,all news I gather to Debra who Billy was still married
too but separated from, was not going down to well with the voting public, and the polls
were showing it, with every possibility of a very messy divorce, which it was I gather,
Little Billy very wisely shelved the idea of the political coupe.
Now it didn't take long for Little Billy, the King/Queen maker, to help plot and depose
Gillard, but not for himself because the cunning little bugger ain't stupid the Labor Party
polling was dreadful, to then re-install Kevin (707) Rudd in June 2013 some three years
to the month when he helped organise Rudd's demise as PM in June 2010.
Whether or not the Treasury portfolio where Little Billy was the Assistant Treasurer was
becoming a very hot political potato, to hot to handle where a Federal Election could be
called at anytime in the later part of the 2013 or not, especially with the Federal budgets
in a financial mess with it's continual deficit's amounting to billions of dollars, with no
surpluses in the (5) years, and the political Labor polling showing an all time low, apart
from Little Billy and his close Union mates who would know?.
Plus ofcoures in 2013 there was this accusation on facebook that went viral on both
the blogger sphere and social media, the major media would not touch it that shows
how much power and influence this Little Billy has!! that the Victorian police were
investigating Little Billy in regard to allegedly viciously raping Kathy back in the late
1980"s when she was 16 at a Labor Party Youth camp where Teflon Billy was a 19
year old Youth Camp Leader.
However the shifty little bugger switched from the Treasury portfolio in June 2013,
under now Rudd as PM, and say (3-4 ) months before the September 2013 election,
to become the Minister for Education and Minister for Workplace Relations.
As we know now Rudd and the Labor Party suffered one, if not the biggest, electoral
defeats in the Labor Parties History in September 2013 and Gillard had already
resigned and left politics.
Therefore after the 2013 September election and although Rudd had won his
Queensland seat back, albeit with a reduced margin, he had decided to go to the
back bench, and as such it was up to Little Billy and Anthony Albanese to battle it out
with, for the first time in Labors History, both party caucus and membership, to vote
who would be the new Labor Party and Opposition Leader, and with a better caucus
& union vote than Albanese, Albanese won the membership vote, but based on weighted
figures Little Billy won with only a 52.02% majority, hardly a ringing endorsement I would
think? I wonder what the membership that wanted Albanese knew that we didn't??.
Now people the way I read this short expose' which can be supported with a myriad of
documentation, comments and articles about Little Billy Shorten is as follows:
1. There is some alleged doubt in regard to his actions as a Union Leader when
negotiating on behalf of his AWU members, and why he personally received funds
from the employers Teflon Billy was negotiating with on behalf of his AWU members.
2. His personal life leaves a lot to be desired and what example does this give to the
Aussie population, and how will we be viewed as a Nation by the world at large should
Little Billy become our Prime Minister.
3. His political life to me shows a bloke that is very devious, divisive, unprincipled and
shows a skilful use of underhanded tactics to achieve his gaols, and I emphasise
" HIS " goals.
Teflon Billy reads like he lacks any sense of loyalty when it comes to his overwhelming
self interest.
Now you could say that all reads like a typical pollies job description, however I am not
discussing just any pollie, I am discussing the position of Prime Minister, and not only the
leader of the Labor Party but the Leader of this great nation of Aussie.
4. Little Billy was from the election in 2010 until June 2013, almost (3) years, the
Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation which
means ofcourse he was highly involved, or should have been, in the financial debacle
of the massive deficit of $18 billion dollars that the Labor Party handed over to the
Abbott mob, plus the unfunded liabilities such as the multi billion National Disability
Scheme and the Gonski Education System, and with three word slogans we are
expected to give him and his Labor mob a second chance.
I know it was only say (3-4) months prior to the September 2013 election where he
was the Minister for Education and Minster for Workplace Relations and where he and Labor
handed over unemployment of over (6) percent, some 7- 800,000 Aussies, where they,
including Little Billy, had (6) years previously to fix the unemployment situation and
they failed miserably, but they want a second chance ? to do what when clearly they
are anti business!!
I know from my unfortunate experience of many years dealing with Unions of various
kinds that Little Billy Shorten - talks like a unionist, walks like a unionist, acts like a
unionist and as I have stated before unions are "Takers not makers"and the like's of
Teflon Billy could not run the " School Tuck Shop " let alone a $1.5 to $2 trillion
economy, administer to some 24 million people from the cradle to the grave, on an
island that represents (5.5%) of the worlds land mass, which is second only to the
South Pole when it comes to the driest continent on the globe, and where it is so dry
we can't create in most cases our own moisture to generate clouds, we rely on
moisture/rain coming across our borders from else where.
However, what other pollie, from all the hundreds of pollies we have across our political
spectrum of this over governed country of ours, local, state or federal, including the
territories, has the accusation of an alleged vicious rape of a defenceless (16) year old
girl when they were in a position of power like Teflon Billy Shorten has?? and he wants
to be our Prime Minister.
How in all sincerity can a Prime Minister of a great country like Aussie with it's magnificent
modern democratic international reputation, discuss in any way, shape or
form, the subject
of violence against women, when he is under suspicion of allegedly committing the heinous
crime of viciously raping a defenceless (16) year old girl ???.
Ok let's take a look at motor mouth the none other than Chris Bowen the Federal Member
for McMahon, formerly named Prospect, which takes in a large percent of the Western
Suburbs of NSW an area I know very well, and where Bowen became the Federal House of
Reps Member in 2004.
In 2006 Bowen while in opposition, the Howard government was in power at the time, he
was elevated to the position of Shadow Assistant Treasurer and Shadow Minister for
Revenue and Competition Policy.
After Kevin Rudd defeated John Howard at the 2007 election Bowen was given the job of
Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Competition Policy and Consumers Affairs.
Then in 2009 Bowen was allowed into the inner sanctum of the Labor Cabinet and promoted
to the Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law and Minister for
Human Services.
of violence against women, when he is under suspicion of allegedly committing the heinous
crime of viciously raping a defenceless (16) year old girl ???.
Ok let's take a look at motor mouth the none other than Chris Bowen the Federal Member
for McMahon, formerly named Prospect, which takes in a large percent of the Western
Suburbs of NSW an area I know very well, and where Bowen became the Federal House of
Reps Member in 2004.
In 2006 Bowen while in opposition, the Howard government was in power at the time, he
was elevated to the position of Shadow Assistant Treasurer and Shadow Minister for
Revenue and Competition Policy.
After Kevin Rudd defeated John Howard at the 2007 election Bowen was given the job of
Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Competition Policy and Consumers Affairs.
Then in 2009 Bowen was allowed into the inner sanctum of the Labor Cabinet and promoted
to the Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law and Minister for
Human Services.
Now this is the best of all when 2010 Bowen got the job of the Minister for Immigration and
Citizenship which proved to be a total disaster, and where under Bowens watch our borders
were being breached on a daily bases by 1000's of illegal boat people,where over a relatively
short period of time some 30 - 50,000 had stormed our shores, over and above the Aussies
legal intake of refugees/asylum seekers of some 10 - 15,000 PA which is very generous
considering we are a relatively small nation of now only some 24,000,000 million.
They were not illegal from the point of view of seeking asylum, but not having any or very little documentation and not coming through the front door in an orderly permitted fashion, as many 100's of 1000's have done here in the past, and many of these so-called boat refugees/asylum seekers turned out to be " Economic refugees " just coming for a better life and the majority, years later, are still bludging off the hard financially pressed Aussie Tax Payer in regard to welfare payments.
It was not until well into 2014 after the Abbott government won the 2013 election that
they were able to stop the boats, even though virtually all the so-called experts in the
media, the Greenies, ofcourse, said it could not be done.
It was not until February 2013, nearly (2) years later, when obviously Gillard, the then
PM, had to relieve Bowen of the Immigration job because it was just getting out of
control with at least 1200, that we know of, drownings at sea that Bowen was give the
Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills,Science and Research.
Bowen resigned March 2013 after he supported a political coupe by Kevin Rudd that
However after the successful political coup in June 2013 that deposed Gillard for Rudd
again,Bowen was given the job of Treasurer, ? I guess for the loyalty Bowen had shown
to Rudd.
Bowen was also given the responsibility for financial services and superannuation.
After the disastrous defeat of Labor in the September 2013 election, Bowen became
Acting Leader of the Labor Party in opposition while Teflon Billy and Anthony Albanese
slugged it out for the Labor Party Opposition Leaders job, and as we all know, whether
for good or bad, Teflon Billy won the day backed by his Union mates and where there
were some allegations of some vote tampering.
Now people if we take into consideration that both Teflon Billy and Bowen were highly
involved prior to the election in September 2013, in Treasury and Finance one way or
the other, in fact Bowen was the Labor Party Treasurer when the Labor Party handed
over this at least $18 billion dollar deficit to the in coming Abbott mob, where there
were not one " Surplus " for the whole (6) years that Labor was in office from 2007 to
Yet they are both, Little Billy and Bowen, saying to us voters " Trust us and we will do
it right for you ", Yeah right.
People it is just not in their DNA and to give them another chance where they have
openly stated they will continue with even bigger deficits over the next (4) year cycle,
bigger than the Turnbull mobs figures, but not to worry all will be fixed in the fifth year,
where as an ex business man that either ran other peoples businesses or enterprises
and later my own over at least a (40) year period, setting more financial budgets than I
can remember, I consider that the Labor Parties approach to the financial management
of this nations Finances and future welfare totally irresponsible, and to put in the Aussie
vernacular "Total Bullshit" and just more of the same.
I don't believe that either side of the political spectrum whether that be the LNP or Labor
have the political will or the financial fire power and resources to solve the countries
financial problems, the figures just do not add up, especially where we as a nation have
this " What's in it for me " welfare dependent mentality and attitude.
Although that said I believe with Turnbull's back ground as a successful business man
we have a better chance,as compared to Teflon Billy's lack of business experience and
acumen and socialistic, bordering on communistic, beliefs which have, and are, failing
around the world and are very yesterday!!
However there will be a day of reckoning which I have no doubt will start to occur within
the next 2-3 years at the most, especially if we have to many of these devastating weather
patterns we have experienced recently down the east coast of Aussie right down to
Tasmania, where the estimated cost to us as a nation,one way or the other, is 100's of
millions of dollars in direct community costs, and that is not taking into account all the
personal loss for individuals and businesses which may take a long time, if ever, to
Well people if your going to be an uninformed " Donkey vote " then don't whinge when
the country not only runs out of funds to feed you, but you get kicked out of your
stable as well, and in my view you deserve all you get.
A quote attributed to that famous and revered pollie and statesman Sir Winston Churchill:
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings.
The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.