( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
First up I would like to congratulate the Brits for their declaration of " Independence "
on Thursday the 23/6/2016, when by referendum they by a majority of 1,269,501 with
17,410,742 voting to exit their ridiculous situation with the European Union.
Only some (6) million plus less than Aussies total population of some (24) million.
I state ridiculous because I can understand them forming a trading agreement, or block,
something similar like we have with Japan, South Korea and China, but to hand over a
nations sovereignty and relinquish jurisprudence and not to be able to have full right
and power over their governing body to govern themselves, without any interference
from outside sources or bodies, including their border protection and who can and can't
enter, judiciary, law and order, civil and human rights as well as some of their financial
systems, and who they can and cannot trade with outside the EU, is just totally beyond
me how an independent country that has a culture and proud traditions going back 100's
of years, could possibly get themselves into this situation in the first place.
Also we have the fact that the EU Head Quarters in Brussels employs 1000's of
bureaucrats that earn more PA than the UK Prime Minister David Cameron, so there
must be a great saving by exiting the EU.
Ofcourse we have all these " Doom and Gloom Armageddon " experts, especially the
economists and the media generally that as we know absolutely thrive, froth at the
mouth predicting the devastating effect this will have on the UK monetary system
with the money, share markets plus the UK pound taking a dive, unemployment,
recessions and the negative frenzy continues.
However when matters generally improve, and it will, when do these people ever
come back and appologise? rarely if ever.
Britain went through a (5) year World War 2 from 1939 to say 1945/6 where the
majority of their major UK cities were bombed by the Nazis reducing many parts of
these cities to rubble.
There was food rationing and shortages across the board, no running water,
sewerage, electricity, people living underground in tube stations and bomb shelters,
10's of 1000's of children evacuated out of the cities plus 10's of 1000's of Brits killed,
maimed and injured from the constant and indiscriminate bombing.
Therefore unpopular to the media/experts and their negative frenzy this EU & UK split
is just a blimp,or to use a regular quote of mine a " Pimple on an elephants bum " in
Money market Vultures.
Now I have dabbled in the money/share markets over the decades and I have
absolutely no doubt that the market " Vultures " with their billions if not trillions of
funds, the majority of which will be highly leveraged waiting for it to be used as
borrowed capital and hopefully get a higher return than the interest paid, will wait
until they believe the time is right then come into the market and buy! buy! buy!
they have very little options, and it will be an almighty fight to see who get's what
bargains first and who profits more.
Greenie Senator
Hanson-Young, hopefully as from the 3/7/2016 the day after the
Federal election on the 2/7/2016, will be our Ex Greenie Senator who also doubles as
a fully AussieTax Payer funded unofficial United Nations representative for refugees
and asylum seekers.
ABC News dated Sunday the 26/6/2016 at 12.07 am.
" The demonisation of people seeking asylum from the pro-Brexit campaign has been
and was shameful, and what it shows is that the victory of the Brexit campaign is a
victory for isolationism " she said.
So yes I agree the main aim for the 'Leave Vote' was largely driven by this open door
policy, especially in regard to the Muslims across the board who are taking over,
occupying large swathes of the UK and selective areas, and are aggressively trying
to establish Sharia Law.
Take for instance the following map of the UK showing how the Brit's voted for the
leave and remain - Blue leave, Yellow remain:
Via UK Mirror
News Corporation.
Now look at the UK map depicting the main areas where the Muslims are aggressively
occupying the UK:
The UK Muslim population
census in 2011.
The total Muslim population in the UK census was 2,706,066 being 4.5% of the total
UK population, and between 2001 and 2009 the Muslim population increased almost
(10) times faster than the non-Muslim population. Surprise! Surprise!
Let's look at the break down of the UK Muslim population:
England - 2,660,116 or (5.02%)
Wales - 45,950 or (1.50%) = (6,52%) The majority by far where the"Leave"vote was.
Scotland - 76,737 or (1.45%)
Ireland - 3,832 or (0.21%) = (1.66%) The majority by far where the"Remain"vote was.
So people surely it does not take my mate Einstein to convince you why the majority
of the Brits in England and Wales wanted the borders at least controlled, compared
to Scotland and Northern Ireland that by comparison would hardly know the Muslims
were there, well who knows decades down the track, but there again Scotland is
probably to cold for the Muslims and Northern Ireland has a some what complicated
unemployment and social payment insurance scheme which may ofcourse put
immigrants off,Muslim or otherwise,plus it is a lot more complicated to travel between
Northern Ireland and Europe.
I gather Scotland and Northern Ireland are considering breaking away from England
and Wales so as to keep in the EU, where considering the above figures they are
some what confident that they will not be effected by a great population movement
from the EU countries if the UK is able to not close, but control the entry into their
country,as we do currently, minus any Labor,Greenie and the so-called independent
Tony Windsor's interference with our border control.
However good luck to both Scotland and Northern Ireland in that because once the
UK exits,again you don't have to be Einstein, to see that there will many and varied
other countries doing the same, and I have no doubt that within the next (10) years
or so this great cumbersome and bloated bureaucratic EU will be, because of
necessity as a result of the ever ballooning, unsustainable, unmanageable monetary
policy, be a shadow of it's current self if not be on the skids totally.
Sir Winston
In 1899, some 117 years ago, Sir Winston Churchill, then just Winston Churchill wrote
The term " Islamophobia " started to rear it's ugly head in about the early 1980's
I gather, where the Muslims and their naive supporters used it against anyone
making negative statements, even if true, about Islam, Sharia Law, Muhammad or
the Quran, especially when they witnessed how effective the homosexuals, LGBT,
used " Homophobia " to shut down any negative statements about them.
The "
Lefty " and Islam Promoter USA President Obama.
" The Islamisation of
America "
It would appear that under the Obama's administration there is a very rapid
" Islamisation of America " with Sharia Law in American Courts and the "Islamisation"
of the American media, political and education systems in particular is gaining
momentum and confidence.
It is estimated that there are some (5) million Muslims in the USA and is growing (6)
times faster than the national rate, thanks to the high rates of birth, immigration and
conversions. Surprise! Surprise!
However something that has to be much more concerning is the Muslim influence
that has penetrated the highest levels of the USA government.
For instance there Muslim Islamic Advisors in the White House, U.S. Department of
Justice,the FBI, The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, whose Senior Fellow,
Mohamed Elibiary recently declared that the USA is an " Islamic country ":
Well what do you reckon people and how clever is this, because how much quicker
is it to not just take a powerful country like the USA over, but use the USA's powerful
financial and military influence internationally? mate surely this is like watching a
" James Bond " movie,
Although I am sure if anyone tried to make one they would be quickly stopped ? is it
any wonder that the like's of Donald Trump is, or has become very popular.
Donald Trump, A
current candidate for the USA Presidents job.
I wonder if like J.F Kennedy when someone will assassinate/liquidate Donald Trump,
because no doubt if Trump became President the first to go would be the enclave of
White House Islamic Muslims, Muhammad's soldiers.
People from the myriad of information and articles I have read in regard to the
" Islamisation of the World as we know it today " I believe that without a doubt the
following is the most precise definition of the Islamic program broken down into
various subtle phases:
Produced by Billionbibles.org@2016 via Face Book.
The spread of Islam.
The spread of Islam is not a new phenomenon. Ever since Muhammad's troops
spread out from Mecca in the 7th century, Islam has been expanding globally. But
Islam's spread in Western democracies is a new trend and one that is gaining
This spread of Islam in Western democracies is led by the Muslim Brotherhood
and other Islamic groups that endeavour to maximise the spread of Sharia Law and
Islam in the targeted societies while minimising detection and push-back.
This is achieved in 5 phases:
Phase 1: Arrival. ( My input is this would be Aussie currently )
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 27/6/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " UK & EU SPLIT ? WHY "
Information from: Billionbibles.org, YouTube, Facebook,Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and many other publication via the media and the internet, so much so that it baffles me
that Western Societies,including the USA, leaders refuse to accept that Islam of an sought
is a threat to all Western type democracies.
Sir Mike's Comments 27/6/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " UK & EU SPLIT ? WHY "
Information from: Billionbibles.org, YouTube, Facebook,Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and many other publication via the media and the internet, so much so that it baffles me
that Western Societies,including the USA, leaders refuse to accept that Islam of an sought
is a threat to all Western type democracies.
First up I would like to congratulate the Brits for their declaration of " Independence "
on Thursday the 23/6/2016, when by referendum they by a majority of 1,269,501 with
17,410,742 voting to exit their ridiculous situation with the European Union.
Only some (6) million plus less than Aussies total population of some (24) million.
I state ridiculous because I can understand them forming a trading agreement, or block,
something similar like we have with Japan, South Korea and China, but to hand over a
nations sovereignty and relinquish jurisprudence and not to be able to have full right
and power over their governing body to govern themselves, without any interference
from outside sources or bodies, including their border protection and who can and can't
enter, judiciary, law and order, civil and human rights as well as some of their financial
systems, and who they can and cannot trade with outside the EU, is just totally beyond
me how an independent country that has a culture and proud traditions going back 100's
of years, could possibly get themselves into this situation in the first place.
Also we have the fact that the EU Head Quarters in Brussels employs 1000's of
bureaucrats that earn more PA than the UK Prime Minister David Cameron, so there
must be a great saving by exiting the EU.
Ofcourse we have all these " Doom and Gloom Armageddon " experts, especially the
economists and the media generally that as we know absolutely thrive, froth at the
mouth predicting the devastating effect this will have on the UK monetary system
with the money, share markets plus the UK pound taking a dive, unemployment,
recessions and the negative frenzy continues.
However when matters generally improve, and it will, when do these people ever
come back and appologise? rarely if ever.
Britain went through a (5) year World War 2 from 1939 to say 1945/6 where the
majority of their major UK cities were bombed by the Nazis reducing many parts of
these cities to rubble.
There was food rationing and shortages across the board, no running water,
sewerage, electricity, people living underground in tube stations and bomb shelters,
10's of 1000's of children evacuated out of the cities plus 10's of 1000's of Brits killed,
maimed and injured from the constant and indiscriminate bombing.
Therefore unpopular to the media/experts and their negative frenzy this EU & UK split
is just a blimp,or to use a regular quote of mine a " Pimple on an elephants bum " in
Money market Vultures.
Now I have dabbled in the money/share markets over the decades and I have
absolutely no doubt that the market " Vultures " with their billions if not trillions of
funds, the majority of which will be highly leveraged waiting for it to be used as
borrowed capital and hopefully get a higher return than the interest paid, will wait
until they believe the time is right then come into the market and buy! buy! buy!
they have very little options, and it will be an almighty fight to see who get's what
bargains first and who profits more.
Federal election on the 2/7/2016, will be our Ex Greenie Senator who also doubles as
a fully AussieTax Payer funded unofficial United Nations representative for refugees
and asylum seekers.
Otherwise a total waste, in my popular view, of our Tax paid $200,000.00 pa
plus a heap of perks Greenie Senator.
However I never thought I would one day agree whole heartily with Hanson-Young.
plus a heap of perks Greenie Senator.
However I never thought I would one day agree whole heartily with Hanson-Young.
ABC News dated Sunday the 26/6/2016 at 12.07 am.
Hanson-Young, Subject: ' Brexit a ' Victory for isolationism '.
" The demonisation of people seeking asylum from the pro-Brexit campaign has been
and was shameful, and what it shows is that the victory of the Brexit campaign is a
victory for isolationism " she said.
" This was a vote based on nationalism and racism "
" While the Liberal Party (? notice she does not mention her partners in crime the
Labor Party) has ultra-conservative elements in their ranks, we are at risk of that fear
being peddled in Australia "
This ofcourse is what Hanson-Young thinks of the Aussies Border Protection and
should she,supported by Teflon Billy Shortens Labor mob, get back into the Senate
in a power sharing with Labor,Hanson-Young has recently stated we should now
accept some 50,000 refugees and so-called asylum seekers PA?? you have to
wonder what planet this woman is on because we spend billions on the refugees now,
and this would just load up the countries international credit card and deficits even
further, especially as we domestically have a great need for urgent scarce Tax Payer
funds from " The cradle to the grave ".
" While the Liberal Party (? notice she does not mention her partners in crime the
Labor Party) has ultra-conservative elements in their ranks, we are at risk of that fear
being peddled in Australia "
This ofcourse is what Hanson-Young thinks of the Aussies Border Protection and
should she,supported by Teflon Billy Shortens Labor mob, get back into the Senate
in a power sharing with Labor,Hanson-Young has recently stated we should now
accept some 50,000 refugees and so-called asylum seekers PA?? you have to
wonder what planet this woman is on because we spend billions on the refugees now,
and this would just load up the countries international credit card and deficits even
further, especially as we domestically have a great need for urgent scarce Tax Payer
funds from " The cradle to the grave ".
So yes I agree the main aim for the 'Leave Vote' was largely driven by this open door
policy, especially in regard to the Muslims across the board who are taking over,
occupying large swathes of the UK and selective areas, and are aggressively trying
to establish Sharia Law.
Take for instance the following map of the UK showing how the Brit's voted for the
leave and remain - Blue leave, Yellow remain:
Now look at the UK map depicting the main areas where the Muslims are aggressively
occupying the UK:
The total Muslim population in the UK census was 2,706,066 being 4.5% of the total
UK population, and between 2001 and 2009 the Muslim population increased almost
(10) times faster than the non-Muslim population. Surprise! Surprise!
Let's look at the break down of the UK Muslim population:
England - 2,660,116 or (5.02%)
Wales - 45,950 or (1.50%) = (6,52%) The majority by far where the"Leave"vote was.
Scotland - 76,737 or (1.45%)
Ireland - 3,832 or (0.21%) = (1.66%) The majority by far where the"Remain"vote was.
So people surely it does not take my mate Einstein to convince you why the majority
of the Brits in England and Wales wanted the borders at least controlled, compared
to Scotland and Northern Ireland that by comparison would hardly know the Muslims
were there, well who knows decades down the track, but there again Scotland is
probably to cold for the Muslims and Northern Ireland has a some what complicated
unemployment and social payment insurance scheme which may ofcourse put
immigrants off,Muslim or otherwise,plus it is a lot more complicated to travel between
Northern Ireland and Europe.
I gather Scotland and Northern Ireland are considering breaking away from England
and Wales so as to keep in the EU, where considering the above figures they are
some what confident that they will not be effected by a great population movement
from the EU countries if the UK is able to not close, but control the entry into their
country,as we do currently, minus any Labor,Greenie and the so-called independent
Tony Windsor's interference with our border control.
However good luck to both Scotland and Northern Ireland in that because once the
UK exits,again you don't have to be Einstein, to see that there will many and varied
other countries doing the same, and I have no doubt that within the next (10) years
or so this great cumbersome and bloated bureaucratic EU will be, because of
necessity as a result of the ever ballooning, unsustainable, unmanageable monetary
policy, be a shadow of it's current self if not be on the skids totally.
In 1899, some 117 years ago, Sir Winston Churchill, then just Winston Churchill wrote
this about Islam:
" How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there
is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries.
Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce,
and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement: the next of its
dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to
some man as his absolute property either as a child, wife, or a concubine - must
delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great
power among men. Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities.Thousands
become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die: but the
influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No
stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund,
Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.It has already spread throughout
Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step: and were it not that Christianity
is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly
struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of
ancient Rome"
the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there
is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries.
Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce,
and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement: the next of its
dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to
some man as his absolute property either as a child, wife, or a concubine - must
delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great
power among men. Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities.Thousands
become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die: but the
influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No
stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund,
Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.It has already spread throughout
Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step: and were it not that Christianity
is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly
struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of
ancient Rome"
and ofcourse as we know some 117 years later, that what Churchill had some what
predicted we have now Europe as a whole being invaded by millions of Muslims,
soldiers of Mohammed, without even firing a shot, which again I believe will put
such a huge unnecessary financial burden on the EU populations because of the
unproductive, non-tax paying, welfare absorbing,uneducated, needing health care
and without European language, reading and writing skills I believe Scotland and
Northern Ireland need to take a deep breath, have a lay down, relax with a Scotch
or a Guinness or two before they emotionally jump in the EU deep end.
and ofcourse as we know some 117 years later, that what Churchill had some what
predicted we have now Europe as a whole being invaded by millions of Muslims,
soldiers of Mohammed, without even firing a shot, which again I believe will put
such a huge unnecessary financial burden on the EU populations because of the
unproductive, non-tax paying, welfare absorbing,uneducated, needing health care
and without European language, reading and writing skills I believe Scotland and
Northern Ireland need to take a deep breath, have a lay down, relax with a Scotch
or a Guinness or two before they emotionally jump in the EU deep end.
The term " Islamophobia " started to rear it's ugly head in about the early 1980's
I gather, where the Muslims and their naive supporters used it against anyone
making negative statements, even if true, about Islam, Sharia Law, Muhammad or
the Quran, especially when they witnessed how effective the homosexuals, LGBT,
used " Homophobia " to shut down any negative statements about them.
It would appear that under the Obama's administration there is a very rapid
" Islamisation of America " with Sharia Law in American Courts and the "Islamisation"
of the American media, political and education systems in particular is gaining
momentum and confidence.
It is estimated that there are some (5) million Muslims in the USA and is growing (6)
times faster than the national rate, thanks to the high rates of birth, immigration and
conversions. Surprise! Surprise!
However something that has to be much more concerning is the Muslim influence
that has penetrated the highest levels of the USA government.
For instance there Muslim Islamic Advisors in the White House, U.S. Department of
Justice,the FBI, The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, whose Senior Fellow,
Mohamed Elibiary recently declared that the USA is an " Islamic country ":
Well what do you reckon people and how clever is this, because how much quicker
is it to not just take a powerful country like the USA over, but use the USA's powerful
financial and military influence internationally? mate surely this is like watching a
" James Bond " movie,
Although I am sure if anyone tried to make one they would be quickly stopped ? is it
any wonder that the like's of Donald Trump is, or has become very popular.
I wonder if like J.F Kennedy when someone will assassinate/liquidate Donald Trump,
because no doubt if Trump became President the first to go would be the enclave of
White House Islamic Muslims, Muhammad's soldiers.
People from the myriad of information and articles I have read in regard to the
" Islamisation of the World as we know it today " I believe that without a doubt the
following is the most precise definition of the Islamic program broken down into
various subtle phases:
Produced by Billionbibles.org@2016 via Face Book.
The spread of Islam.
The spread of Islam is not a new phenomenon. Ever since Muhammad's troops
spread out from Mecca in the 7th century, Islam has been expanding globally. But
Islam's spread in Western democracies is a new trend and one that is gaining
This spread of Islam in Western democracies is led by the Muslim Brotherhood
and other Islamic groups that endeavour to maximise the spread of Sharia Law and
Islam in the targeted societies while minimising detection and push-back.
This is achieved in 5 phases:
Phase 1: Arrival. ( My input is this would be Aussie currently )
When the first Muslims arrive
in a Western democracy,they keep a low profile and
make few if any demands on the host nation. Many quietly work as students,
business owners, professors, Doctors and other professionals, making good first
impressions and gaining vocational respect.
Phase 2: Recognition. ( My input is this would be the UK generally )
When a sufficient number of Muslims gather, they request recognition of the Sharia
law being applied within their own community. To pre-empt resistance and suspicions,
they publically condemn " radical " Islam and even seek well-publicised inter-faith
dialogue and gatherings. They position Islam as a religion of peace whose Sharia law
is not a threat to the host nation since it would never be applied outside the Muslim
community. Often, they are supported by the host nations naive leaders who wish to
be seen as " progressive ".
Phase 3: Penetration. ( My input is this is the USA currently )
When Muslims gain critical mass in a few cities, they begin to penetrate the host
They create an alphabet soup of front and umbrella organisations that inflate their
reach and unity, and use them to lobby the government, support (pro) Muslim
make few if any demands on the host nation. Many quietly work as students,
business owners, professors, Doctors and other professionals, making good first
impressions and gaining vocational respect.
Phase 2: Recognition. ( My input is this would be the UK generally )
When a sufficient number of Muslims gather, they request recognition of the Sharia
law being applied within their own community. To pre-empt resistance and suspicions,
they publically condemn " radical " Islam and even seek well-publicised inter-faith
dialogue and gatherings. They position Islam as a religion of peace whose Sharia law
is not a threat to the host nation since it would never be applied outside the Muslim
community. Often, they are supported by the host nations naive leaders who wish to
be seen as " progressive ".
Phase 3: Penetration. ( My input is this is the USA currently )
When Muslims gain critical mass in a few cities, they begin to penetrate the host
They create an alphabet soup of front and umbrella organisations that inflate their
reach and unity, and use them to lobby the government, support (pro) Muslim
political candidates, conduct
public relations campaigns, file lawsuits against alleged
islamophobia, place imams as ' chaplains ' in the armed forces and prisons, endow
Islamic studies departments at universities, and pressure public schools with Muslim
students to pray towards Mecca.
islamophobia, place imams as ' chaplains ' in the armed forces and prisons, endow
Islamic studies departments at universities, and pressure public schools with Muslim
students to pray towards Mecca.
When Muslims become a significant minority in the host country, they demand
incorporating into it's legal system elements of the Sharia law. Often, this demand
is made while "rogue" elements from the Muslim community threaten or engage in
violence (e.g: Europe and UK).
When the Muslim population becomes the majority and/or Islam gains control of a
nation (e.g; Taliban,ISIS)
Sharia law is imposed on the host society, which is then
licked down against non-Islamic influences, including Christianity. The ideal Islamic
state is Saudi Arabia, where Sharia law is the only official law and enforced with
Medieval brutality.
Now ofcourse people anyone like me writing something like this can be threatened,
licked down against non-Islamic influences, including Christianity. The ideal Islamic
state is Saudi Arabia, where Sharia law is the only official law and enforced with
Medieval brutality.
Now ofcourse people anyone like me writing something like this can be threatened,
and even killed in countries
in Europe and certainly in Pakistan, Indonesia and middle
Eastern countries, and who
knows it could start here.
However at 76 and fast approaching my " Used by date " I will have to die of
something so what better to die as a " Martyr for free speech " where no doubt my
blog will go viral and the authorities may have a brass plaque made and have a
" Park Seat " named after me, where people can sit and " contemplate their navels "
as the saying goes, and consider what the World could be as compared to what they
perceive it to be at the time.
People in my view we must never allow the " Sycophantic & Fawning " Europeans to
set the pace and the standard for our war against the Islamisation of the World, let
alone our Western Society, because they have very poor form in this regard going
back over the centuries.
Europe in the 1930's, while still recovering from the effects of the 1914-1918 World
War one, did not obviously want a second World War and as such pretended that
Nazi Germany was not on the war path against it, even though Adolf Hitler had
annexed Austria and invaded Czechoslovakia.
In 1938 the rest of Europe tried to appease Hitler instead of confronting him and we
are aware of the consequences where at least (20) million people were killed, whole
cities including those in Germany, where turned into rubble and where financially the
World took generations, if ever, to recover.
However at 76 and fast approaching my " Used by date " I will have to die of
something so what better to die as a " Martyr for free speech " where no doubt my
blog will go viral and the authorities may have a brass plaque made and have a
" Park Seat " named after me, where people can sit and " contemplate their navels "
as the saying goes, and consider what the World could be as compared to what they
perceive it to be at the time.
People in my view we must never allow the " Sycophantic & Fawning " Europeans to
set the pace and the standard for our war against the Islamisation of the World, let
alone our Western Society, because they have very poor form in this regard going
back over the centuries.
Europe in the 1930's, while still recovering from the effects of the 1914-1918 World
War one, did not obviously want a second World War and as such pretended that
Nazi Germany was not on the war path against it, even though Adolf Hitler had
annexed Austria and invaded Czechoslovakia.
In 1938 the rest of Europe tried to appease Hitler instead of confronting him and we
are aware of the consequences where at least (20) million people were killed, whole
cities including those in Germany, where turned into rubble and where financially the
World took generations, if ever, to recover.
However this Islamisation although a war of a sort is far more intrusive, subtle and
devious, and can be far more devastating in the long term for democracy and the
Western life styles our ancestor and forebears worked hard and even died for!!!
Anyway people if you in your apathetic way are prepared to sit on your fat bum and
reckon" She'll be right mate " then don't whinge when some bloody great Islamic
Mosque is built in your neighbourhood with a bloke, or a recording of one, up one
of their towers wailing in some foreign Arabic language as part of the Muslim brain
washing regime (5) times a day,including Sundays.
You can therefore kiss your peace and quiet and what little tranquility we have
in this noisy world today goodbye!! and that is nothing to what it will do to your
property value where you will have to sell it to an Islamic Muslim for whatever he
is prepared to pay.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.