Sunday, August 30, 2015 9:26 PM
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Wangaratta Chronicle
Subject: Fw: " The Greenies, Labor & Unions Conspire to bring
down Ex-Judge/Commissioner.
Sunday, August 30, 2015 9:06 PM
To: Michelle Rowland ; Mick Veitch ; Mike
Baird ; Mitch Fifield ; Natasha Griggs ; Nick
Champion ; Nick Xenophon ; Nigel Scullion ; Nola
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Subject: Fw: " The Greenies, Labor & Unions Conspire to bring
down Ex-Judge/Commissioner.
Sunday, August 30, 2015 8:56 PM
To: J. P. Langbroek MP ; J. W. Seeney MP ; J.Fitzgibbon. ; J.Macklin
; Jacinta Collins ; Jacqui
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Subject: Fw: " The Greenies, Labor & Unions Conspire to bring
down Ex-Judge/Commissioner.
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 8:47 PM
To: Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O' ; Dio Wang
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Subject: Fw: " The Greenies, Labor & Unions Conspire to bring
down Ex-Judge/Commissioner.
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 8:38 PM
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Subject: Fw: " The Greenies, Labor & Unions Conspire to bring
down Ex-Judge/Commissioner.
( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and
declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of
European descent!
2. I am
3. Although non religious I tend to
believe in the so-called Christian values/beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments
Also on my blog:
Subject:“?The Greenies, Labor & Unions Conspire to bring down
Shane Dowling – Kangaroo Court Publications – 30/8/2015. scroll
Commissioner John Dyson Heydon.
Royal Commission investigating Union Corruption.
Royal Commission investigating Union Corruption.
Well people who would have thought hey??? The Greenies,Labor & Unions
Conspiring to
bring down a well respected Ex-High Court Judge and now the Commissioner in
charge of
the Royal Commission investigating Union Corruption for what it would
appear – if I read the
the Kangaroo Publication right ? – for political power? financial gain? and
self interest with
a total disregard for what is right for the Aussie Nation as a whole and
allowing the Royal
Commission to conclude it’s business, report it’s findings!! and then let the battle commence
by all means!!??.
Commission to conclude it’s business, report it’s findings!! and then let the battle commence
by all means!!??.
Yep people I must say that even at my age I am some what shocked that such
3rd world,
South American, African style corruption could be rearing it’s ugly head
here in this Aussie
Nation? the land of democracy? and of free speech?.
Teflon Billy Shorten
Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Protagonist & alleged rapist.
As far as I am concerned – and there is a massive amount of information
available – all this
serious political corruption started when Teflon Billy Shorten and his
Union bully boys/girls joined the Federal Parliament with the mouth from the
North Kevin (007) Rudd in 2007 and the knifing of Rudd by Teflon Billy’s
Union factions for the election of Julia Gillard then the knifing of Gillard by
again Teflon Billy’s Union factions to bring back Rudd and even then Federal
Labor lost to the Abbott mob by one of? if not the biggest ? Federal Labor Party
Loses in their history and who should rise above the “ Labor Party Ashes ”? the
non other than the illustrious Teflon Billy Shorten who it appears was one of
the main protagonists in regard to the down fall of both Rudd and Gillard!!
convenient you reckon?? now that he is
the Labor Opposition Leader? or long time planning by Teflon Billy and his
Union mates
who are the major benefactors of the Labor Party and now the
Kevin (007) Rudd – Ex Aussie PM
Julia Gillard – Ex Aussie PM.
It was – and would appear still is – an old “ Lefty – Communist ” ploy that
in order to take
control of a countries government/parliament you must destroy as much as possible the
control of a countries government/parliament you must destroy as much as possible the
then current political system and values – and we can see this with the
Greenies & Labor
attack on the sanctity of marriage as we know it and push for gay
marriage!! now the attack
on our judicial system in regard to the Royal Commission!! the opening of
our borders to
allow some 50,000 illegals and potential greenie & Labor grateful
voters in.
The “ Lefty/Commo’s ” also encourage the population to become very “
Welfare Dependent”
even if this puts a massive strain on the countries resources which ofcourse has and is
even if this puts a massive strain on the countries resources which ofcourse has and is
happening to Aussie with the greenie/Labors control of the Federal Senate
where they use
their numbers to block any savings and reorganising of the countries
finances and ofcourse
these are very popular moves by many of the Aussie Population and ofcourse
despite Teflon
Billy not being very popular as a leader the Labor party – and the greens
to some extent are
doing fairly well in the polls as compared to the Abbott mob.
We can also see this Union organised campaign forcing the likes of the Labor & Greenies
in regard to the blocking of the Aussie – Chinese “ Free trade Agreement “ where Labor
& Greenies maintain that they are doing this blocking to get a better deal for Aussie workers
– yes Union organised workers - bugger small business that are our largest employer group
We can also see this Union organised campaign forcing the likes of the Labor & Greenies
in regard to the blocking of the Aussie – Chinese “ Free trade Agreement “ where Labor
& Greenies maintain that they are doing this blocking to get a better deal for Aussie workers
– yes Union organised workers - bugger small business that are our largest employer group
because small businesses rarely have a Unionised work force and ofcourse it
the Union
the Union
members that - whether they like it or not ? are the main financial backers
both the Labor
both the Labor
& Greenies Parties!!
Adolf Hitler.
Benito Mussolini.
This Union domination both of the Labor & Greenie Parties from a
political, financial & and
muscle point of view reminds me of what happened in Germany and Italy in the 1930’s & 40’s
muscle point of view reminds me of what happened in Germany and Italy in the 1930’s & 40’s
where Hitler’s Sturmabteilung – SA ( Stormtroopers – Brown Shirts )and
Benito Mussolini’s
Black Shirts were the political and in some ways financial muscle that
initially got their
parties into power although once in power both Hitler and Mussolini looked
upon them as
a threat and got rid of them however that was to late for the average
German or Italian to
do anything about it even if they wanted too and ofcourse that is all now
part of history.
However people if the Labor, Greenies and Unions can get away with this
even before the
Commissioner Hayden has had a chance to produce his report in regard to
Union corruption
then I sincerely believe that our very fragile Aussie democracy is on a very slippery slope
then I sincerely believe that our very fragile Aussie democracy is on a very slippery slope
down hill and maybe depending on the damage never to
However mate if your happy to shut the door of a night and leave the
problems for someone
else to solve don’t whinge when you emerge from your “ Cone of Silence ”
and find everyone
else has had the same idea and the proverbial has hit the fan???.
else has had the same idea and the proverbial has hit the fan???.
The Gillard’s Labor Parties “ Superannuation Cone of Silence ”
Sir Mike Howe – but you can call me Mike. scroll down.
![Richard Di Natale](
Emails and other material shows that Chris Winslow, The
Greens candidate for the 2016 election for the federal seat of Greenway,
conspired for financial gain with the Labor Party’s Marcus Priest in an attempt
to bring down Dyson Heydon.
It is extremely obvious that politics is at work at the
highest levels to bring down Dyson Heydon and that Bill Shorten and The Greens
leader Richard Di Natale have plenty of questions to
I had dealings with Marcus
Priest during the period of 2007-2009 as he is a former political advisor for
the former federal Labor Party attorney-general Robert McClelland. I spoke to
Priest a couple of times during that period and he is a real crook. His email
address at the time shows up quite a few times in my
book on judicial corruption. (Click here to read
There was a media report
on the 13th August that Dyson Heydon would be giving a speech at a Liberal Party
fundraiser. This was quickly found to be incorrect as Dyson Heydon had cancelled
the speech and it was hardly a fundraiser anyhow. (Click here to read
more) The Labor Party and the
Unions jumped up and down and said this showed real bias and perceived
The ACTU requested
documents from Dyson Heydon regarding the cancelled speech. Heydon gave them the
documents. Then a couple of days later the ACTU, representing some Unions, and 2
other Unions representing themselves filed an application for Dyson Heydon to
recuse himself (stand down) from the position of Royal
Commissioner. (Click here to read
The recusal application was heard on Friday the 21st of
August 2015. Commissioner Heydon reserved his judgment. On Wednesday the 26th of
August it was announced that Commissioner Heydon would hand down his judgment on
Friday the 28th at 10am.
Then in Thursday’s edition
of The Australian (27th August) it was reported how the whole perceived bias
saga started. The Labor Party and the Unions said the new information suggested
that there were possibly hidden documents that Heydon had not given them and
they requested further documents. They also requested that the scheduled time
for judgment be vacated so they could make further submissions. Further
submissions were filed on Friday and the date for
judgment is now 2pm Monday the 31st of August. (Click here to read
The new media report in The
The media report on Thursday
“At 5.30pm on August 12, a staff member at the NSW Bar
Association took a call from Marcus Priest, lawyer, journalist and a former
senior adviser to opposition legal affairs spokesman Mark
“Chris Winslow, the association’s publications manager,
had dealt with Priest when he was at The Australian Financial Review and also as
a staffer to Dreyfus and former attorney-general Robert
“Priest asked Winslow about a bar association alert,
put out in April, about the Sir Garfield Barwick lecture — the one that had
Dyson Heydon, who was conducting the politically sensitive royal commission into
trade unions, as its keynote speaker.”
“Priest expressed surprise that Heydon had agreed to
speak at the event because of its connection to the Liberal Party and asked for
a copy of the invitation.”
“Winslow sent an email to
Priest, with the invitation attached, at 5.50pm.”
“However, as he headed home that evening, Winslow
thought about the conversation and alarm bells rang. Was a story was about to
appear in the media? Perhaps the lecture, which was due to have been given last
night at the Castlereagh Hotel in Sydney, would be
“As an officer of the bar association, Winslow felt he
had an obligation to inform the commission about a possible ambush. He emailed
Jeremy Stoljar SC, the counsel assisting the royal commission, just after 7pm:
“Re the Barwick lecture: Does Dyson know this is connected to the Liberal
And: “Winslow confirmed the sequence of events but declined
to further comment. Priest also declined to
The report mentions that Chris Winslow is a Greens
candidate at the end but it should be at the beginning as it puts the whole
story in perspective.
The reality is that the new media report does not add
much except to expose The Greens and the Labor Party’s dirty tricks but they are
too stupid to realise it. It sounds like a bunch of lies by Winslow and was
probably written by someone in The Greens party then given to The
Chris Winslow – Candidate for The Greens – Will he get
a big fat union donation for his good
The Greens have been on song with the Labor Party and
Unions calling the Trade Union Royal Commission a witch hunt and saying it
should be closed down. Why?
Over the last few years The Greens have received
massive donations from the Unions and take instructions from the Unions in
relation to their policy and public statements regarding the Royal Commission.
Chris Winslow would be well aware of this.
One example is Federal MP Adam Bandt who has been a
regular recipient of Union donations.
“At the 2010 election the Victorian ETU donated
$125,000 to Mr Bandt and $200,000 to Greens Senator Richard Di Natale’s
campaign.” And at the 2013 election the ETU donated
$300,000 to Mr Bandt. (Click here to read
And then there is the lazy
$1,000,000 The Greens received from the National Tertiary Education Union before
the 2013 federal election. (Click here to read
The Greens aren’t choosy
and also received a $50,000 donation from the CFMEU for the 2013
election. (Click here to read
They’re just some examples of Union donations to The
Greens. The point is when the Unions say “jump” The Greens say “How
high” and without a doubt Mr
Winslow has said “how high” the last few weeks.
Chris Winslow’s refusal to answer any further questions
to The Australian shows says plenty.
How does Chris Winslow benefit
Chris Winslow is a
candidate for The Greens in the seat of
Greenway at the next federal
election and stands to benefit financially if he is elected. His chances of
being elected would increase if the Royal Commission fails. If he is involved in
helping bring down the Royal Commission he might also be rewarded by the Unions
with large donations. Some questions that Mr Winslow should answer
- Other than Marcus Priest, who did he speak to before he sent the email to Jeremy Stoljar? Did he take advice or instructions from anyone in The Greens Party?
- Why didn’t he just phone Jeremy Stoljar? Was the purpose of the email to have a paper trail to possibly be used later?
- Has he been offered any donations from any Unions? If so when and by who. Does he intend approaching any Unions in the future for donations?
- Was he offered anything by Marcus Priest.
Marcus Priest
Marcus Priest needs to explain why he rang Chris
Winslow and whether he was working for someone when he did as it was no
accident. One thing’s for sure and that is either Marcus Priest or Chris Winslow
leaked the story to the SMH on the 12th or 13th of August with the sole
intention of undermining the Royal Commission.
Marcus Priest would be a hero in the Labor Party at the
moment and he will be paid back at a later date with a cushy job somewhere as he
has already had a couple. This would have been a huge motivating factor for
Priest as he would have been thinking “I
help destroy Heydon and I’ll get paid for it later”. Shows what a classy
person Priest is.
As soon as the story broke on the 13th of August Mr
Priest retweeted the below message on Twitter which gives a good indication what
he was planning when he spoke to Chris Winslow.
Further Tweets and other
aspects have been covered on Michael Smith’s site.
(Click here andhere to read
Bill Shorten, the Labor Party, Richard Di Natale and The
Bill Shorten and Richard Di Natale have a lot of
questions to answer regarding what they knew and when? What communication did
they or other party members had with Marcus Priest and Chris Winslow? Did they
or anyone in their partys help leak the stories to the
For me it is impossible to believe that Bill Shorten or
Richard Di Natale only became aware of Chris Winslow’s and Marcus Priest’s
involvement on Thursday (25/8/15). Are we to believe that Chris Winslow and
Marcus Priest never said anything to anyone in their own parties about their
conversation since the 12th of August? Then how did the SMH and The Australian
get their stories and who from?
What has happened since the 12th has been carefully
choreographed by the Labor Party and The Greens in an attempt to cause maximum
damage to the Royal Commission.
It is interesting that there is clear perceived bias by
both the people who lit the fuse on Heydon for perceived bias but both of them
have done their best to conceale their own personal interest and also their
financial interest.
The perceived bias application is frivolous and
vexatious. For the Unions and Labor Party to waste time asking Dyson Heydon to
quite for a speech he never gave is a disgrace. But they are desperate to
conceal their corruption.
If every media story ran with the fact that Chris
Winslow is a Greens candidate and that Marcus Priest is nothing more than a
Labor Party troll then the story would quickly die. For some reason most of the
media are deliberately concealing it which will ultimately just embarrass
Dyson Heydon should unload on the crooks like there is
no tomorrow in his judgment on Monday which is what I expect him to do. Then he
should subpoena Chris Winslow and Marcus Priest and put them in the witness
stand and see what they have to say then.
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