Friday, March 06, 2015 11:58 AM
Subject: Fw: " Teflon Bill Shorten - Bloody Hypocrite Part (2) ??
Thursday, March 05, 2015 4:29 PM
To: abc news ; B.M.Gazette ; Canberra Times ; Channel 10 ; Channel 7 ; Channel 9 ; Daily
Mercury Mackay ; daily telegraph ; Dennis
Atkins Nat Affairs Editor ; Eureka Street ; Hobart
Mercury ; Jenna Price Journalist ; Kangaroo Court of Australia ; Lisa Cox Fairfax Media. ; Penrith City Star. ; Penrith Press. ; SBS ; syd morning
herald ; The Age ; the australian ; The Senior ;
Wangaratta Chronicle
Subject: " Teflon Bill Shorten - Bloody Hypocrite Part (2) ??
Thursday, March 05, 2015 4:17 PM
To: Roza Sage ; S. A. Bennett MP ; S. A. Emerson MP ; S. J. Hinchliffe MP ; S. J. Minnikin ; Sam
Dastyari ; Sam Dastyari ; Sarah Hanson-Young ; Scot Macdonald MLC ; Scott Buchholz ; Scott
Ludlam ; Scott Morrison ; Scott
Ryan ; Senator Canavan ; Senator
Hellen Polley ; Senator Joe Bullock ; Senator Sean Edwards ; Senator Zed Seselja ; ; Senator.O'sullivan ; ; Shane
Dowling ; Shane Knuth MP ; Shane Rattenbury ; Sharon
Bird ; Sharon Claydon ; Sharon Grierson ; Simon Birmingham ; Sonia Hornery ; Sophie Cotsis
Cc: Stephen Conroy ; Stephen Jones ; Stephen
Parry ; Steve Whan ; Steven
Ciobo ; Stuart Robert ; Sue
Lines ; Susan Ley ; Suzanne
Kay (Sue) Boyce ; T. J. Nicholls ; T. L. Mander MP ; T. Smith MP ; T.E. Davis MP ; Tanya Plibersek ; ; The Hon Stuart Ayres MP ; ; Tim
Watts ; tony abbott ; Tony
Burke ; Tony Zappia ; Trevor Khan MLC ; Warren Entsch ; Warren Truss
; Wayne
Swan ; Will Hodgman
Subject: " Teflon Bill Shorten - Bloody Hypocrite Part (2) ??
Thursday, March 05, 2015 4:11 PM
To: Julie Owens ; Justine Elliot ; Kate
Ellis ; Kate Lundy ; ; Katy Gallagher
MLA ; Kelvin Thomson ; Kevin Anderson MP ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Humphries ; Kim Carr
; L. J. Springborg MP ; Lara Giddings ; Larissa
Waters ; Laurie Ferguson ; Linda Burney ; Linda Reynolds ; Lisa
Chesters ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Louise Markus ; Luke Foley ; Luke Hartsuyker ; M. F. McArdle MP ; Mal
Brough ; Malcom Turnbull ; ; Maria Vamvakinou ; ; Marise
Cc: Mark Butler MP ; Mark
Coulton ; Mark Dreyfus ; ; Mathias Cormann ; Matt Thistlethwaite ; Mehreen Faruqi ; Melissa Parke ; ; Michael Danby ; Michael Gallacher ; Michael Keenan ; Michael McCormack ; Michael Ronaldson ; Michaelia
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Baird ; Mitch Fifield ; Natasha Griggs ; Nick
Champion ; Nick Xenophon ; Nigel Scullion ; Nola
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Conroy ; Paul Fletcher ; Paul Green MLC ; Penny Sharpe MLC ; Penny
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Dutton ; Peter Wellington MP ; Peter Whish-Wilson ; Phil
Morgans ; ; R. A. Stevens MP ; R. Molhoek MP ; Rachel
Siewert ; Richard Colbeck ; Richard Di Natale ; Richard Marles ; Ricky
Muir ; Rob Mitchell ; Robert Borsak MLC ; Robert Brown MLC ; Robert Katter MP
Subject: " Teflon Bill Shorten - Bloody Hypocrite Part (2) ??
Thursday, March 05, 2015 4:03 PM
To: F. S. Simpson MP ; Federal Greens
Office ; Fiona Nash ; ; Fred Nile MLC ; Gai
Brodtmann ; ; Gary
Gray ; Gavin Marshall ; Geoff
Lyons ; George Brandis ; George Christensen ; George Souris ; Glen
Lazarus ; Glenn Sterle ; Graham Perrett ; Greens
Party NSW ; Greg Hunt ; Gregory Pearce ; Helen
Kroger ; ; Hon Amanda Rishworth ; Hon
Bernie Ripoll ; Hon David Feeney ; Hon
Don Farrell ; Hon J.R. Miller ; Hon
Jan McLucas ; Hon K. J. Jones ; Hon L. M. Enoch ; Hon Lisa
Cc: Hon Shayne Neumann ; Hon Warren Snowdon ; Hon. A. J. Lynham ; Hon.
A. Palaszczuk ; Hon. C. J. O'Rourke ; Hon. C. R. Dick ; Hon. C. W. Pitt ; Hon. J. A. Trad ; Hon. M. C. Bailey ; Hon. S. J. Miles ; Hon. S. M. Fentiman ; Hon. W. S. Byrne ; Hon. Y. M. D'ATH. ; I. B. Walker MP ; I. P. Rickuss MP ; Ian Macdonald ; Ian McFarlane ; J. A. Stuckey MP ; J. J. McVeigh MP ; J. N. Costigan MP ; J.
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; Jacinta Collins ; Jacqui
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Clare ; Jenny Gardiner MLC ; Jeremy Hanson ; Jill
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; Josh Frydenberg ; Julie
Bishop ; Julie Collins
Subject: Fw: " Teflon Bill Shorten - Bloody Hypocrite Part (2) ??
Thursday, March 05, 2015 3:56 PM
To: A. C. Powell MP ; A. P. Cripps MP ; Adam
Bandt ; Adam Searle MLC ; Alan
Griffin ; Alan Tudge ; Alannah MacTiernan ; Alex Gallacher ; Alistair Coe ; Andew Barr MLA ; Andrew
Giles ; Andrew Robb ; Andrew Stoner ; Andrew Wilkie ; Anna
Burke ; Anne McEwen ; Anne
Ruston ; Anne Urquhart ; Anthoney
Albanese ; Anthony Byrne ; Arthur Sinodinos ; Barnaby Joyce ; Barry Ofarrell ; Bill Heffernan ; Bill
Shorten ; Blue Mts Greens ; Bob
Baldwin ; Bob Day AO ; Bob
Katter ; Brendan O'Connor
Cc: Brett Mason ; Brett Whiteley ; Bridget McKenzie ; Bronwyn Bishop ; Bruce
Billson ; Bruce Scott ; C.Pyne ; Carol Brown ; Catherine King ; Cathy McGowan AO ; ; Catryna
Bilyk ; Chris Bowen ; Chris
Hayes ; Chris Ketter ; ; Christine
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O'Neill ; Dennis Atkins Nat Affairs Editor ;
Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O' ; Dio Wang
; Don Page ; Doug ; Dr
Andrew Leigh ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Duncan Gay ; Ed Husic ;
; ; Eric
Abetz ; Eureka Street
Subject: " Teflon Bill Shorten - Bloody Hypocrite Part (2) ??
(Me at my place)
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European
2. I am
3. Although non religious I tend to
believe in the so-called Christian values/belief!
Sir Mike's Comments
Also on my blog:
Subject: “ Teflon Bill Shorten – Bloody Hypocrite Part (2) ??
Teflon Bill Shorten our Union & Federal Labor
Opposition leader and alleged rapist.
People I realise that both from a political and legal point of view
we accept that a person is given the presumption of innocence which is the
principle that one is considered innocent until proven guilty.
However in order to be “ Proven innocent or guilty or the case be
unproven one way or the other for whatever reason?? ” the matter has to be in
the majority of cases put through our legal system before a properly constituted
court of law.
Kathy the alleged Teflon Bill Shortens rape
Otherwise we have a situation like the alleged Teflon Bill Shortens
rape victim – Kathy vs the alleged rapist Teflon Bill Shorten – where it is a
matter of who do you believe???
However as I am sure we are all aware this matter of unsettled
disputes for a myriad of reasons is an on going daily phenomenon with the
average Aussies and probably the vast majority never get settled and many are
allowed to lay dormant and unfortunately just fester??.
Well that might be ok for the average Aussie but Teflon Bill
Shorten is a very powerful Union & Federal Labor Party Opposition Leader and
with him ahead in the polls he could end up at the next election the Prime
Minister of this great nation of ours with even more power??.
So if Teflon Bill can shut down the major media in regard to
reporting and/or questioning him in regard to this alleged heinous crime of rape
?? where does that put him as what he is putting himself forward as a “ Fighter
for women’s rights to be safe from domestic violence – which I have no doubt
includes ‘ RAPE '” is this not some what of an oxymoron considering Teflon Bill
still has this outstanding alleged heinous crime of rape against his name
because I believe the alleged rape victim Kathy is doing her best to have her
day in court – See Kangaroo Publications below which I have already published in
mikes comments dated the 13/11/2014 Subject: “ Teflon Bills – Alleged Rape
Victim ? Day in Court ”.
Anyway what about Kathy who whether real or imaginary has been
degraded, humiliated in her battle of David and Goliath proportions in taking on
the second most powerful pollie – 2nd only to the PM – in her attempt to get her
day in court and get Teflon Bill Shorten in court facing serious cross
Tony Abbott PM with the Aussie of the year 2015 Rosie
Unless the major media including ( Aunty) the ABC where Teflon Bill
is one of their favourite sons start to question in detail the likes of Teflon
Bill this so-called campaign in regard to violence of any kind don’t let’s limit
it to just “ Domestic ”!! is just a cynical political exercise
to improve Abbott PM’s image with the female voters and Teflon
Bill Shortens effort to take
the spot light from Abbott PM and his national security
campaign and will just be another photo shoot
opportunity until some thing else grabs the media’s attention –
say in the next 48 hours at most then there will be some thing
else ? and the likes of the Kathy’s of this world will as a sad
consequence will be left no better off in fact psychologically
worse off as I gather Kathy has/is seeing a clinical
Ok people speak up and keep in touch with us bloggers/social media
because we are the future media ? if we are not already ? because I am sure the
average Aussie is not very impressed with the major media’s cover up’s to keep
in sweet with the powerful and influential!!
However if your happy with that don’t whinge when the most accurate
and most trust worthy information you read is the information printed on your
breakfast cereal box in the morning?.
Sir Mike Howe – but you can call me Mike. scroll
Shane Dowling – Kangaroo
Peter Faris QC is now
representing Kathy who alleges she was raped by Bill Shorten in 1986. This could
be a real game changer as Mr Faris is no
rookie and is regarded as a very successful criminal lawyer.
He is also a former Chairman of the National Crime
Until now Kathy has by and large been doing the best
she can by herself and reliant on the police investigation. As we know on the
21st of August 2014 the police announced that they would not be charging Bill
Shorten as they were told by the Office of Public Prosecution that they
believed there was no reasonable prospect of
Now Kathy has Peter Faris QC in her corner the chances
of her allegations being heard in court at least to some degree have greatly
increased and it has been reported that Mr Faris has taken the first few
The Australian reported on Monday that “The woman has recruited high-profile barrister Peter
Faris QC, who has informed the Victorian Director of Public Prosecutions, John
Champion, that his client wants to review the DPP’s decision not to press
and: “Mr
Faris has written to Mr Champion seeking documents that appear to lay the
groundwork for further proceedings aimed at challenging the legal basis for the
DPP’s decision. Mr Faris asked the DPP to confirm the nature of his decision,
whether he was prepared to reconsider and whether he would provide the reasons
why Mr Shorten was not charged. The letter, sent on Friday, seeks access to the
police brief and any other material Mr Champion used when making his
decision.” (Click here to read
Chris Merritt who is legal
Affairs editor at The Australian was also interviewed by Ben Fordham on 2GB on
Monday which is worth a listen. (Click here to
Once the matter hits court in some shape or form the
evidence then becomes part of the court records and I would then expect to see a
lot more of the evidence in the mainstream media as they will have no excuse not
to report it as most have dedicated court
Bill Shorten and his
Mr Shorten and his lawyers would be extremely worried
people at the moment. It is one thing to out muscle and out manoeuvre Kathy but
it is nearly impossible to do that with a quality barrister or lawyer and I have
no doubt that Peter Faris QC is up to the
Bill Shorten’s position as alternative Prime Minister
is what makes his position so difficult. Mr Shorten does not need to lose in a
court of law for his career to be destroyed as losing in the court of public
opinion will end his career just as easily if not
That is what puts Mr Faris in such a strong position
even though the case is a difficult one. The length of time that has passed does
make it harder to prosecute the case but not impossible as we have seen with the
Child Abuse Royal Commission and cases of similar age where offenders have been
I like Kathy’s story as it shows someone who does not
give up and I know a lot of the readers of this site have the same fighting
spirit. Kathy has a lot better chance of having a win in this case than some
people give her credit for and even if she doesn’t she has already won in many
people’s eyes given her spirit.
I have
written numerous posts about this subject (click here to
read) and probably would have
waited a while to write another but I thought it was important to write this
post and give Kathy the support she deserves. The reason being is that only the
2 media organisations listed above wrote a story on the case this week which is
disappointing given the public interest. But as long as Kathy and Mr Faris keep
on pushing the rest of the MSM cannot ignore it forever and I know Kathy has a
lot of support on social media which counts just as
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