(Me at
my place )
blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com
URL: https://beautkoot.blogspot.com
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
URL: https://beautkoot.blogspot.com
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
2. I am
Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian
and beliefs.
Sir Mike's Comments 13/6/2017
Subject: ‘ The barbaric culture of female circumcision ‘
G/day people wherever you are?.( For some reason better known to this blog computer it keeps changing my
font colour and insists it stays that way so I hope you can read the blog ok )
People do you remember this of Yassmin Abdel-Magied on the ABC Q&A show ?? where else??.
I have just received one of the most horrific and gut wrenching, infuriating, mind boggling
emails I can remember, and I must have received many 1000’s over the years prior and since
I have been blogging.
Take a look at this:
This is the horrific genital mutilation on this baby girl by using a blade for Female Genital
(FGM)/Circumcision also known as Female Genital Cutting (FGC) which is the
cutting or removal of some or all of the external female genitalia.
cutting or removal of some or all of the external female genitalia.
Now (FMG) could mean some or all of the following to be removed:
clitoral hood and glans, inner and outer labia, closure of the
There could also be what is referred to as “ Infibulation “ where there is a small hole left for
the passage of urine/menstrual fluid.
The vagina is opened for intercourse and child birth only.
Now people surely anyone with half a brain, no medical degree needed, would expect some,
most if not all the following to occur, especially when viewing the horrific procedure being
conducted in the photo above.
Recurrent infections, difficulty in urinating and passing menstrual fluid,
chronic pain,
the development of cysts, the inability to get pregnant, complications
during childbirth, fatal
bleeding, there are ‘ NO ‘ known health benefits.
bleeding, there are ‘ NO ‘ known health benefits.
Now people we are constantly being bombarded by the LGBTQI, the liberal labour lefty’s, the
Greenies, Western Female Societies and all their supporters about gender inequality, regularly
promoted by the socialistic lefty public funded broadcasters of the ABC and SBS.
Yet where are these sanctimonious, self righteous, self centred hypocrites
in regard to the
horrendous treatment that poor defenceless child, and multi-millions like
her, is/are going
through, because let’s face it how much worse can “ Gender Inequality “ get than the
mutilation of a tiny, or any age for that matter, female baby’s genitalia under horrific
circumstances with no anaesthetic, extremely hazardous health conditions for no apparent
reason other than an attempt to control a women’s sexuality???
In 2016 the UNICEF estimated that some 200 million women living in 30 countries – 27 African
through, because let’s face it how much worse can “ Gender Inequality “ get than the
mutilation of a tiny, or any age for that matter, female baby’s genitalia under horrific
circumstances with no anaesthetic, extremely hazardous health conditions for no apparent
reason other than an attempt to control a women’s sexuality???
In 2016 the UNICEF estimated that some 200 million women living in 30 countries – 27 African
countries, Indonesia, Iraq, Kurdistan,Yemen and the like have undergone
this procedure.
So where are these noisy placard waving, in many cases violent, demonstrators that world
So where are these noisy placard waving, in many cases violent, demonstrators that world
wide, thanks to social media and others, were able to amass/assemble a
million plus like
minded??? souls just because President Trump became quite legally under the
USA constitution
the President of the USA ? yet horrific things like female mutilation/circumcision is conveniently
ignored, instead of demonstrating outside all these disgustingly cruel, extremely misogynistic
the President of the USA ? yet horrific things like female mutilation/circumcision is conveniently
ignored, instead of demonstrating outside all these disgustingly cruel, extremely misogynistic
countries Embassies/organisations that represent these barbaric countries
demanding across
the board sanctions, diplomatically,financially, economically, goods and
services and the like
until these barbaric practices are stopped ???
until these barbaric practices are stopped ???
This is one of the many reasons I, like I am sure many other millions of Aussies and people world
wide, just turn the volume down or off when the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, LGBTQI
groups and their supporters, female organisations generally and minority
groups go on about
“ Equality “ one way or the other, where their qualities of life compared to the other 3-4 billion
out of the 7 billion, and climbing, across the globe have never been so good.
I would suggest that if the LGBTQI mob went to these female genital mutilation countries they
“ Equality “ one way or the other, where their qualities of life compared to the other 3-4 billion
out of the 7 billion, and climbing, across the globe have never been so good.
I would suggest that if the LGBTQI mob went to these female genital mutilation countries they
would themselves be well and truly mutilated and thrown off a tall
building, the Aboriginals and
Torres Strait Island people would have been exterminated a 100 plus years
ago, and as for the
hairy legged, scruffy western society female organisations demanding “
Equality “ and anything
else they can whinge about, I would suggest that if they lived in these
barbaric countries then
their “ Vaginas “ would also be so mutilated, infected, painful that even to shout let alone walk
their “ Vaginas “ would also be so mutilated, infected, painful that even to shout let alone walk
and demonstrate would be the last thing they thought of??.
However it has often been suggested to me that many of these female demonstrators are doing
However it has often been suggested to me that many of these female demonstrators are doing
so out of quote “ Sexual frustration “ unquote well ? with a mutilated
vagina that problem should
be discounted ? don’t you think.
So with female genital mutilation/circumcision, stoning for alleged adultery, a husband stating
three times “ I divorce you “ leaving you with no income, no home and kids to care for because
women are not allowed to work outside the home for money, women do not own property only
males,where your husband is allowed to beat you, a wife’s standing in the family structure is
of a lessor one behind both husband and her sons is there any reason to believe that the Islamic
So with female genital mutilation/circumcision, stoning for alleged adultery, a husband stating
three times “ I divorce you “ leaving you with no income, no home and kids to care for because
women are not allowed to work outside the home for money, women do not own property only
males,where your husband is allowed to beat you, a wife’s standing in the family structure is
of a lessor one behind both husband and her sons is there any reason to believe that the Islamic
teachings is in any way compatible with our Aussie values, traditions and
culture in general,
? if you decide yes ? then I suggest you take a good look at that poor young girl, child, baby
being mutilated above and if that does not make you saddened to the point of tears ?? then
? if you decide yes ? then I suggest you take a good look at that poor young girl, child, baby
being mutilated above and if that does not make you saddened to the point of tears ?? then
piss off and go live with the mongrel low life’s that can commit such a
heinous crime of
mutilation on baby females because there is no doubt in my mind you are not a genuine Aussie!!
This magnificent individual creation referred to as the human body was designed the way it has
been to fulfil various functions for procreation/reproduction of our future offspring’s/generations
not to be mutilated for the sole reason/purpose to deny the human female species any sexual
mutilation on baby females because there is no doubt in my mind you are not a genuine Aussie!!
This magnificent individual creation referred to as the human body was designed the way it has
been to fulfil various functions for procreation/reproduction of our future offspring’s/generations
not to be mutilated for the sole reason/purpose to deny the human female species any sexual
satisfaction as well as act like some deformed “ Chastity Belt “.
Ok people if this does not stir you to contact the pollies across the political spectrum, contact
others the best way you can and by whatever means, and that as a country we
that this practice stops immediately otherwise we will international name and shame, withdraw
our foreign aid, and take all the necessary steps to ensure that this barbaric act on defenceless
that this practice stops immediately otherwise we will international name and shame, withdraw
our foreign aid, and take all the necessary steps to ensure that this barbaric act on defenceless
babies and females in general stops.
Otherwise don’t whinge and act surprised when these migrants start doing it as part of their
culture here, and our pollies get the police to turn a blind eye to it so
as not to upset their
cultural sensibilities and also ofcourse don’t rock their boat at election
Sir Mike Howe – but you can call me Mike.