Tuesday, 13 June 2017

' The Barbaric Culture of Female Circumcision '

(Me at my place )
My blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com
URL: https://beautkoot.blogspot.com

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values
    and beliefs.

Sir Mike's Comments 13/6/2017

Subject: ‘ The barbaric culture of female circumcision ‘

G/day people wherever you are?.( For some reason better known to this blog computer it keeps changing my
font colour and insists it stays that way so I hope you can read the blog ok )

People do you remember this of Yassmin Abdel-Magied on the ABC Q&A show ?? where else??.

I have just received one of the most horrific and gut wrenching, infuriating, mind boggling
emails I can remember, and I must have received many 1000’s over the years prior and since
I have been blogging.

Take a look at this:

Photo and information courtesy of Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia.

This is the horrific genital mutilation on this baby girl by using a blade for Female Genital
Mutilation (FGM)/Circumcision also known as Female Genital Cutting (FGC) which is the ritual
cutting or removal of some or all of the external female genitalia.

Now (FMG) could mean some or all of the following to be removed:
The clitoral hood and glans, inner and outer labia, closure of the vulva.

There could also be what is referred to as “ Infibulation “ where there is a small hole left for
the passage of urine/menstrual fluid.

The vagina is opened for intercourse and child birth only.

Now people surely anyone with half a brain, no medical degree needed, would expect some,
most if not all the following to occur, especially when viewing the horrific procedure being
conducted in the photo above.
Recurrent infections, difficulty in urinating and passing menstrual fluid, chronic pain,
the development of cysts, the inability to get pregnant, complications during childbirth, fatal
bleeding, there are ‘ NO ‘ known health benefits.

Now people we are constantly being bombarded by the LGBTQI, the liberal labour lefty’s, the
Greenies, Western Female Societies and all their supporters about gender inequality, regularly
promoted by the socialistic lefty public funded broadcasters of the ABC and SBS.
Yet where are these sanctimonious, self righteous, self centred hypocrites in regard to the
horrendous treatment that poor defenceless child, and multi-millions like her, is/are going
through, because let’s face it how much worse can “ Gender Inequality “ get than the
mutilation of a tiny, or any age for that matter, female baby’s genitalia under horrific
circumstances with no anaesthetic, extremely hazardous health conditions for no apparent
reason other than an attempt to control a women’s sexuality???

In 2016 the UNICEF estimated that some 200 million women living in 30 countries – 27 African
countries, Indonesia, Iraq, Kurdistan,Yemen and the like have undergone this procedure. 

So where are these noisy placard waving, in many cases violent, demonstrators that world
wide, thanks to social media and others, were able to amass/assemble a million plus like
minded??? souls just because President Trump became quite legally under the USA constitution
the President of the USA ? yet horrific things like female mutilation/circumcision is conveniently
ignored, instead of demonstrating outside all these disgustingly cruel, extremely misogynistic
countries Embassies/organisations that represent these barbaric countries demanding across
the board sanctions, diplomatically,financially, economically, goods and services and the like
until these barbaric practices are stopped ???


This is one of the many reasons I, like I am sure many other millions of Aussies and people world
wide, just turn the volume down or off when the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, LGBTQI
groups and their supporters, female organisations generally and minority groups go on about
“ Equality “ one way or the other, where their qualities of life compared to the other 3-4 billion
out of the 7 billion, and climbing, across the globe have never been so good.

I would suggest that if the LGBTQI mob went to these female genital mutilation countries they
would themselves be well and truly mutilated and thrown off a tall building, the Aboriginals and
Torres Strait Island people would have been exterminated a 100 plus years ago, and as for the
hairy legged, scruffy western society female organisations demanding “ Equality “ and anything
else they can whinge about, I would suggest that if they lived in these barbaric countries then
their “ Vaginas “ would also be so mutilated, infected, painful that even to shout let alone walk
and demonstrate would be the last thing they thought of??.

However it has often been suggested to me that many of these female demonstrators are doing
so out of quote “ Sexual frustration “ unquote well ? with a mutilated vagina that problem should
be discounted ? don’t you think.

So with female genital mutilation/circumcision, stoning for alleged adultery, a husband stating
three times “ I divorce you “ leaving you with no income, no home and kids to care for because
women are not allowed to work outside the home for money, women do not own property only
males,where your husband is allowed to beat you, a wife’s standing in the family structure is
of a lessor one behind both husband and her sons is there any reason to believe that the Islamic
teachings is in any way compatible with our Aussie values, traditions and culture in general,
? if you decide yes ? then I suggest you take a good look at that poor young girl, child, baby
being mutilated above and if that does not make you saddened to the point of tears ?? then
piss off and go live with the mongrel low life’s that can commit such a heinous crime of
mutilation on baby females because there is no doubt in my mind you are not a genuine Aussie!!

This magnificent individual creation referred to as the human body was designed the way it has
been to fulfil various functions for procreation/reproduction of our future offspring’s/generations
not to be mutilated for the sole reason/purpose to deny the human female species any sexual
satisfaction as well as act like some deformed “ Chastity Belt “.

Ok people if this does not stir you to contact the pollies across the political spectrum, contact
others the best way you can and by whatever means, and that as a country we demand
that this practice stops immediately otherwise we will international name and shame, withdraw
our foreign aid, and take all the necessary steps to ensure that this barbaric act on defenceless
babies and females in general stops.

Otherwise don’t whinge and act surprised when these migrants start doing it as part of their
culture here, and our pollies get the police to turn a blind eye to it so as not to upset their
cultural sensibilities and also ofcourse don’t rock their boat at election time.

Sir Mike Howe – but you can call me Mike.


Wednesday, 7 June 2017

" Domestic/International Welfare - Death of 1000 cuts "

( Me at my place )
My blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com
URL: https://beautkoot.blogspot.com

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values
and beliefs.

Sir Mike's Comments 7 / 6 / 2017

Subject: " Domestic/International Welfare - Death of 1000 cuts " 4

G/day people wherever you are?.

People now 77 years I decided after 55 years of a working life and at the grand old age of 71,
and fast approaching my " Used by date " to close my various enterprises down and retire as
I was, and still do, enjoying good health and instead of getting out of bed 5-6 days a week at
5 am it was time to turn off the alarm clock and have what I believe is referred to these days
as some " Me " time.

One of the many things I have done that I have been proud of is the fact that no matter
how tough life became for myself, and my family at the time, financially, and like the
majority of people I am sure where it happens from time to time,I have never put my hand
out prior to my retirement at the age of 71 where I became a Retiree/Tax Payer funded Old
Age Pensioner to receive Tax Payers funds in the way of welfare payments.

Frank Sinatra.

So like the song attributed to Frank Sinatra goes " I faced it all and stood tall; And did it
my way " which fortunately I can still do.

The only direct contribution the Aussie Tax Payers made to my family was where my then
wife received what was first classed as Child Endowment, then in 1974 changed to a Family
Allowance of $3.50 per week for my first son the $5.00 per week for my second son, and
although the amounts were very small by today's standards I guess when as the sole bread
winner where I only earned some $100 - $150.00 per week in those early days it certainly
came in handy!!

As a single person and a family man I/We rented until early 1970's when we decided to buy,
but even back in those days where credit was very hard to come by and you required a
minimum of a 25% deposit, plus be able to show the bank you had enough funds to pay for
all the on costs and start up charges - legal, insurance, council etc; and that could not be
borrowed funds.

In order to purchase a home within our affordable means we ended up building a home in
Springwood, Blue Mountains some 60 kilometre from Sydney, some people at the time
laughed and stated they would not go that far for their holidays, especially as at that time
there were not any motorways/freeways only single lane both ways highways, and even
calling them " Highways " was stretching it, and as we had only one vehicle that being a
VW sedan and the public transport such as trains and especially buses were not the
greatest, which presented a definite challenge!! but we managed.

The house was your typical 1970's type house - brick veneer, 3 bedrooms, 1 Separate
toilet, 1 bathroom, lounge and small dining area come kitchen plus your basic kitchen
equipment ( No dishwasher ) with an overall area including the carport of only 12 Squares,
probably fit into the modern day double garage, it cost some $23,000 plus on costs, about
(4) years basic salary, it was on a sloping quarter acre block which over looked magnificent
valley views, today you would be looking at $4-500,000 just for the land.

We had one TV with with an indoor aerial placed on top of the TV, commonly called " Rabbits
Ears ", which was not great for the reception that far out of Sydney, one stereo, no air/con
with a kero heater in the lounge or single bar heaters for the boys rooms if they were doing
their school work there.

We were lucky and had a pump out septic/sewerage system as compared to many in the
Blue Mountains and 10's of 1000's through out the Western/Southern suburbs of Sydney
who had outside bucket toilet systems where " Mr Stinky " and his truck would come
through the night and change the buckets over.

The electricity system through out Western/Southern Sydney and the Blue Mountains was
very susceptible to storms and we had regular blackouts, plus during the hot weather and
bush fires there was such a draw down in regard to water consumption the water pressure
dropped to low, the water storage tanks ran very low stopping the flow of domestic water,
and on occasions we relied on the water tankers coming round in the streets so we could
fill up some buckets to get us over the problem.

Now the fact that until both boys attended high school after which my wife was able to get
a job locally I was the only wage earner, so we had to live within our means and with two
growing sport oriented boys that was in most part very difficult to say the least, but we all
pulled together and probably more luck than good judgment got through.

My older son after many years of study became a successful medical Doctor specialising
in " Out patients/emergency wards " my younger son was more business orientated and
more of an entrepreneurial type of person getting involved in multi-million dollar situations.

Now I believe, and there is a great deal of information to support this, what I have described
above is a typical Average Aussie family of the 1960's - 70's and early 1980's, and where
we had very little Tax Payer Welfare assistance via the various levels of Aussie governments,
local,state and federal, and where it was basically a " Cash Economy " where if you did not
have the cash you went without, or could go on the " Layby pay later " system, or if you 
were so-called wealthy prior to say 1974 you could get a restricted " Store credit card "
limited for use in that store only, then 1974 to 1984 the Bankcard was introduced where
you could use it wherever accepted, then about 2006 the Bankcard was replaced with the
Visa and Master cards.

We had Medibank introduced in 1975 which certainly helped with medical bills, but it was
not until 1984 that the universal health system was introduced

There is no doubt in my mind the reason we coped so well in this period where we proudly
used out initiative, tried to be self-sufficient, went without sooner demeaning ourselves and
admit we failed ourselves, our families and community should we take what we would regard
as Tax Payers welfare/charity, this attitude was brought about by the fact that millions
of use started life as " World War 11 1939 - 1946 war babies " where due to shortages across
the board and the lack of Tax Payer funded government assistance we had to make do with
what we had or were given, use our initiative or go without, and by today's living standards
many currently would look upon us as then living in poverty?? although we didn't at the
time because we were all in the same boat, so to speak, even the so-called wealthy had to
lower their standards to survive, and things did not really improve until well into the late
1950's early 1960's.

People I actually listened to two so-called food expert academics on ABC Radio National
where they were virtually blaming the Aussie Federal government for not instituting
programs to curb the obesity epidemic we have in Aussie?? can you imagine the out cry
from the Greenies, Labour and civil rights groups if the Federal government put all the
gross fatties on a diet ? or in some way curbed their eating habits ? or even put out
adverts showing fatties and pointing to them and " Stating ? do you want to end up like
this???" this Tax Payer funded " Nanny State " is just over the top.

Quote: ' In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible
from one party of citizens to give it to the other ' unquote. Voltaire (1764)

Quote: ' Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavours to live
at the expense of everybody else ' unquote. Fredrick Bastiat, French Economist
( 1801 - 1850 ).

Professor Einstein.

It does not take my mate Professor Einstein to calculate that:

No nation can become proudly self sustaining,self reliant and prosperous based
on Tax Payer welfare pay out's, where I gather there are 10's of 1000's of Aussie
working families receiving more in regard to Tax Payer hand outs, one way or the
other, than they pay in personal tax.

Financially Aussie is heading for an enormous crash with domestic debt into the
' Trillions ' and climbing,wealth based on property values ? well we all witnessed what
happened in the USA, UK and Europe in the GFC with property values, energy/power
bills rising at a phenomenal rate, deflation, low wages, unemployment and
underemployment rising into the millions, aging population, 10's of 1000's of new
properties purchased by overseas investors on an interest only basis where
when the property bubble bursts in the very near future they can run back home
overseas leaving the Aussie banks and their share holders, and ultimately their
customers in regard to increased bank charges, to cover the short fall when there is
a glut of default property on the market, and with an across the board Federal
Government filled with a bunch of self-serving, amateur pollies who spend more time
scoring political points than serving the interests of the Aussie population, and where
our billions of dollars of national debt both public and private is mounting by millions
of dollars per day in interest, and where anytime China sneezes Aussie gets

When I drive regularly into Tamworth, NSW and witness the number of small businesses
that have closed their doors, plus the number of retailers that have either closed or are
about to close in Tamworth it's self, and where on speaking to a couple of other retailers
one being a coffee shop owner, who stated they most likely will be closed by the end of
2017, I have to ask myself if this is happening in one of the largest country towns in
NSW and therefore Aussie as a whole, ? what is happening or is about to happen in the
smaller towns??.

People there is no doubt in my mind that the once vibrant, happy, give it a go Aussie
nation is no more, and you only have to read, watch or listen to the general feed back
on either the main or social media to realise that, where the Aussies are becoming tired
and some what depressed with all the political crap that is constantly coming out of
Canberra, the cost of living increases, the constant impression that their hard earned
taxes are being used not just as a temporary stop gap for the needy? but as a permanent
life time entitlement to lazy bastards that wont get of their arses, fat, skinny, black, white
or brindle and do a days work, and that includes the pollies, bureaucrats and the like.

As I have stated in the subject matter that Domestic/International welfare cannot be
sustained in the long term because it gives the people receiving it a false sense of
security, and as such will inevitably end up as the funds are found to be no longer
available ' Death - either physically through drought/famine and/or financially through
extreme hardship - of a 1000 cuts '

Quote: ' Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people
in rich countries to rich people in poor countries ' unquote.
Douglas Casey.

President Donald Trump.

Well people in my view there is one shining light in this corrupt world and that is the
none other than President Donald Trump, who is not only draining the USA media
and Washington swamp but the NATO, EU and Europeans in general who have got
fat and lazy off the backs of the USA hard done by Tax Payers for far to long!!!

Napoleon Emmanuel Macron the new French President.

I have no doubt future events in France will show how this open borders EU suck hole
" Baby Faced Napoleon Emmanuel Macron " copes with the massive financial and 25%
youth unemployment problems he has inherited ? however I am sure it wont be long
before we see that the situation will more than wipe that smirk of his baby face.

Regardless of the so-called " Powerful hand shake " Macron gave President Trump in
the White House recently, Macron is about to discover that it takes far more than a hand
shake of whatever strength to run a nations economy and wellbeing, and that France is
nowhere in the same league or world standing as the USA, so Macron get's the Trump
Administration offside at Frances peril and disadvantage especially if Macron is relying on
that walking/talking disaster the EU.

But ofcourse he appears to have married to his mother so ? I am sure like any good
mother she can give him some Motherly advice, because mate like all political leaders
around the globe, no exceptions!!, they are all going to need it with the various tsunami's
about to hit the their nations shores/borders.

The global financial and political tsunami's.

Ok people I suggest you scroll down and read a very comprehensive and controversial
article by the Irish journalist Kevin Myers, which having lived and seen active military
service in various parts of Africa I totally agree with.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.


I think all my friends are intelligent caring compassionate people, who would help anyone
and everyone they can, however there is a truth in this somewhat brutal article, that if
nothing else, requires some thought and inner reflection.

Kevin Myers ( born 30 March 1947 ) is an Irish journalist and writer. He writes for the Irish
edition of the Sunday Times, having previously been a columnist for the Irish Independent
and a former contributor to The Irish Times, where he wrote the " An Irishman's Diary "
opinion column several times wekly. Until 2005, he wrote for the UK Sunday Telegraph.
His articles criticise left-wing opinion and the "liberal consensus",
sometimes incorporating hyperbole, sarcasm and parody. This essay
appeared in The Irish Independent:

Somalia is not a humanitarian disaster; it is an evolutionary disaster.
The current drought is not the worst in 50 years, as the BBC and all
the aid organisations claim. It is nothing compared to the droughts
in 1960/61 or 73/74. And there are continuing droughts every 5 years
or so.

It's just that there are now four times the population; having been kept alive by
famine relief, supplied by aid organisations, over the past 50 years. So, of course,
the effects of any drought now, is a famine. They cannot even feed themselves
in a normal rainfall year.

Worst yet, the effects of these droughts, and poor nutrition in the first 3 years
of the a child's life, have a lasting effect on the development of the infant brain,
so that if they survive, they will never achieve a normal IQ.

Consequently, they are selectively breeding a population who cannot be
educated, let alone one that is not being educated; a recipe for disaster.

We are seeing this impact now, and it can only exacerbate, to the detriment of
their neighbours, and their environment as well. This scenario can only end in
an even worse disaster; with even worse suffering, for those benighted people,
and their descendants.

Eventually, some mechanism will intervene, be it war, disease or
starvation. So what do we do? Let them starve?

What a dilemma for our Judeo/Christian/Islamic Ethos; as well as Hindu/Buddhist
morality. And this is beginning to happen in Kenya, Ethiopia and other countries
in Asia, like Pakistan.

Is this the beginning of the end of civilisation?

AFRICA is giving nothing to anyone outside Africa -- apart from AIDS and new

Even as we see African states refusing to take action to restore something
resembling civilisation in Zimbabwe, the begging bowl for Ethiopia is being
passed around to us out of Africa, yet again.

It is nearly 25 years since the famous Feed The World campaign began in
Ethiopia, and in that time Ethiopia's population has grown from 33.5 million
to 78+ million today.

So, why on earth should I do anything to encourage further catastrophic
demographic growth in that country? Where is the logic? There is none.

To be sure, there are two things saying that logic doesn't count. One is my
conscience, and the other is the picture, yet again, of another wide-eyed child,
yet again, gazing, yet again, at the camera, which yet again, captures the
tragedy of children starving.

Sorry. My conscience has toured this territory on foot and financially. Unlike
most of you, I have been to Ethiopia; like most of you, I have stumped up the
loot to charities to stop starvation there.

The wide-eyed boy-child we saved, 20 years or so ago, is now a low IQ, AK
47-bearing moron, siring children whenever the whim takes him and blaming
the world because he is uneducated, poor and left behind. There is no doubt
a good argument why we should prolong this predatory and dysfunctional
economic, social and sexual system but I do not know what it is.

There is, on the other hand, every reason not to write a column like

It will win no friends and will provoke the self-righteous wrath of,
well, the self-righteous hand wringing, letter writing wrathful
individuals; a species which never fails to contaminate almost every
debate in Irish life with its sneers and its moral superiority. It will
also probably enrage some of the finest men in Irish life, like John
O'Shea, of Goal; and the Finucane brothers, men whom I admire

So be it.

But, please, please, you self-righteously wrathful, spare me mention
of our own Irish Famine, with this or that lazy analogy. There is no

Within 20 years of the Famine, the Irish population was down by
Over the equivalent period, thanks to western food, the Mercedes
10-wheel truck and the Lockheed Hercules plane, Ethiopia's
population has more than doubled.

Alas, that wretched country is not alone in its madness.

Somewhere, over the rainbow, lies,
Sudan another fine land of violent,
AK 47-toting, khat-chewing, girl-circumcising, permanently tumescent
layabouts and housing pirates of the ocean.

Indeed, we now have almost an entire continent of sexually
hyperactive, illiterate indigents, with tens of millions of people
who only survive because of help from the outside world or
allowances by the semi-communist Governments they voted for,
money supplied by borrowing it from the World Bank!

This dependency has not stimulated political prudence or
common sense.

Indeed, voodoo idiocy seems to be in the ascendant, with the
president of South Africa being a firm believer in the efficacy
of a little tap water on the post-coital penis as a sure preventative
against AIDS infection. Needless to say, poverty, hunger and
societal meltdown have not prevented idiotic wars involving Tigre,
Uganda, Congo, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, etcetera.

Broad brush-strokes, to be sure.

But broad brush-strokes are often the way that history paints its gaudier,
if more decisive, chapters.

Japan, China, Russia, Korea, Poland, Germany, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
in the 20th century have endured
worse broad brush-strokes than almost
any part of Africa.

They are now -- one way or another -- virtually all giving aid to or investing
in Africa, whereas Africa, with its vast savannah’s and its lush pastures, is
giving almost nothing to anyone, apart from AIDS.

Meanwhile, Africa's peoples are outstripping their resources, and causing
catastrophic ecological degradation.

By 2050, the population of Ethiopia will be 177 million; the equivalent of
France, Germany and Benelux today, but located on the parched and
increasingly Protein-free wastelands of the Great Rift Valley. So, how much
sense does it make for us actively to increase the adult population of what

is already a vastly over-populated, environmentally devastated and
economically dependent country?

How much morality is there in saving an Ethiopian child from starvation
today, for it to survive to a life of brutal circumcision, poverty, hunger,
violence and sexual abuse, resulting in another half-dozen such wide-eyed
children, with comparably jolly little lives ahead of them?

Of course, it might make you feel better, which is a prime reason for so
much charity! But that is not good enough.

For self-serving generosity has been one of the curses of Africa.
It has sustained political systems which would otherwise have
collapsed. It prolonged the Eritrean-Ethiopian war by nearly a

It is inspiring Bill Gates' programme to rid the continent of malaria, when,
in the almost complete absence of personal self-discipline, that disease
is one of the most efficacious forms of population-control now operating.
If his programme is successful, tens of millions of children who would

otherwise have died in infancy will survive to adulthood, he boast.