My blog:
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the
so-called Christian values
and beliefs.
Sir Mike's Comments 26 / 5 /2017
Subject: " Poland addresses refugee problem ".
G/day people wherever you are??.
Well people as a 77 year old ex military man myself that took part in front line active service
in Central Africa, and who considers that service, although horrific at
times when you witness
just what humans are capable of, very beneficial and certainly character
building!! therefore
when reading the attached I thought what a great idea!!!!!!!
However when you look at the photos I would suggest that many, if not most, of these low
However when you look at the photos I would suggest that many, if not most, of these low
life financial blood sucking creeps have already had some sort of military
training and are
either deserters?? or ISIS infiltrators/advance guard?? and as such will
already know one end
of a weapon to the other, know how to strip/clean aim and fire, so after a few weeks to break
of a weapon to the other, know how to strip/clean aim and fire, so after a few weeks to break
the lazy mongrels in with parade ground forced drill and exercise, they
should be ready to ship
back to their beloved country and try and protect their wives, kids and
extended family who
the cowards have left to defend themselves.
the cowards have left to defend themselves.
The cost of training and equipping these low life's would be far cheaper than allowing them to
stay and suck out the financial life blood of the country in the years to
come, only to return
to their countries of origin a lot wealthier years down the
These invading so-called refugees must be laughing at the Europeans and Western Society
These invading so-called refugees must be laughing at the Europeans and Western Society
in general in regard to what a bunch of " MUGS " they are, and is it any
wonder the UK mob
have decided to " EXIT " with " BREXIT " ?? however even then they may have
been to late
and as the saying goes " Shut the gate after the horse has bolted ".
and as the saying goes " Shut the gate after the horse has bolted ".
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. - scroll down.
But he has the Best Idea Yet!Pay attention, Obama and Trudeau!!!
Poland's Foreign Minister said, “If there are hundreds of thousands of young Syrians coming to Europe then we can create an ARMY.” GREAT IDEA!
The idea of an Army of Migrants also made sense, the Minister Witold Waszczykowski said,because Poland could ill-afford to send its troops to the Middle East.HE has proposed forming an Army out of the Syrian men arriving in Europe, which could then return to their Homeland to fight for their FREEDOM.In an Interview on Polish State Television late Sunday,Waszczykowski said, “The tens of thousands of young Syrian men who jump out of the rubber rafts and don’t ask for water, food, or clothes but ask where they can charge their smart phones could, with our help, fight to get their country back.They expect us to send our troops to fight and die for Syria,while hundreds of thousands of Syrians sip coffee at the old town square, or watch us fight for their security.”SO TRUE !!!Poland’s Waszczykowski said it wasn't right that Western Soldiers fought ISIS while Refugees 'sat in cafes.'
“They leave their deflated rafts, rubbish etc., on the shore for Government employees to clean up.”
Refugees charging cell phones!!! United Nations went all out supplying them with charging stations !!!
“Are these happy young men really timid souls fleeing war and persecution???They aren't quite the heart-rending image of disheveled, traumatized refugees fleeing the horrors of their war-torn home country one might expect," blared Britain'sExpress
Refugees from Syria use smart phones as they wait outside a Government Office last month.
Stricken Syrian migrants take pictures with friends on $500 smart phones!!!
Smart phones...the essential tool of the 21st Century "Refugees’" fleeing war and poverty!!!
Where are all the women in these pictures???At home of course !!!