Friday, 26 May 2017

" Poland addresses refugee problem "

( Me at my place )
My blog:

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values
and beliefs.

Sir Mike's Comments 26 / 5 /2017

Subject: " Poland addresses refugee problem ".

G/day people wherever you are??.

Well people as a 77 year old ex military man myself that took part in front line active service
in Central Africa, and who considers that service, although horrific at times when you witness
just what humans are capable of, very beneficial and certainly character building!! therefore
when reading the attached I thought what a great idea!!!!!!!

However when you look at the photos I would suggest that many, if not most, of these low
life financial blood sucking creeps have already had some sort of military training and are
either deserters?? or ISIS infiltrators/advance guard?? and as such will already know one end
of a weapon to the other, know how to strip/clean aim and fire, so after a few weeks to break
the lazy mongrels in with parade ground forced drill and exercise, they should be ready to ship
back to their beloved country and try and protect their wives, kids and extended family who
the cowards have left to defend themselves.

The cost of training and equipping these low life's would be far cheaper than allowing them to
stay and suck out the financial life blood of the country in the years to come, only to return
to their countries of origin a lot wealthier years down the track.

These invading so-called refugees must be laughing at the Europeans and Western Society
in general in regard to what a bunch of " MUGS " they are, and is it any wonder the UK mob
have decided to " EXIT " with " BREXIT " ?? however even then they may have been to late
and as the saying goes " Shut the gate after the horse has bolted ".

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. - scroll down.

Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski signs a book of condolence at the French Embassy in Warsaw to pay tribute to victims of the attacks in Paris.


But he has the Best Idea Yet! 
Pay attention, Obama and Trudeau!!!


Poland's Foreign Minister said, “If there are hundreds of thousands of young Syrians coming to Europe then we can create an ARMY.” GREAT IDEA!

The idea of an Army of Migrants also made sense, the Minister Witold Waszczykowski said,because Poland could ill-afford to send its troops to the Middle East.
HE has proposed forming an Army out of the Syrian men arriving in Europe, which could then return to their Homeland to fight for their FREEDOM.
In an Interview on Polish State Television late Sunday,Waszczykowski said, “The tens of thousands of young Syrian men who jump out of the rubber rafts and don’t ask for water, food, or clothes but ask where they can charge their smart  phones could, with our help, fight to get their country back.
They expect us to send our troops to fight and die for Syria,while hundreds of thousands of Syrians sip coffee at the old town square, or watch us fight for their security.”
Poland’s Waszczykowski said it wasn't right that Western Soldiers fought ISIS while Refugees 'sat in cafes.'


“They leave their deflated rafts, rubbish etc., on the shore for Government employees to clean up.”


Refugees charging cell phones!!! United Nations went all out supplying them with charging stations !!!


“Are these happy young men really timid souls fleeing war and persecution???
They aren't quite the heart-rending image of disheveled, traumatized refugees fleeing the horrors of their war-torn home country one might expect," blared Britain'sExpress


Refugees from Syria use smart phones as they wait outside a Government Office last month.


Stricken Syrian migrants take pictures with friends on $500 smart phones!!!


Smart phones...the essential tool of the 21st Century "Refugees’" fleeing war and poverty!!!


Where are all the women in these pictures???
At home of course !!!


Thursday, 11 May 2017

" Population 2.2% - 164 Charities ? "

( Me at my place )
My blog:

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values
and beliefs.

Sir Mike's Comments 11/ 5 /2017

Subject : " Population 2.2% - 164 Charities ".
Information obtained from: ABS, The free Wikipedia,, Curtin University
and many other media and government sources.

G/day people wherever you are??.

People what to say, about what and when and the fact I have not written a blog for a
couple of weeks has been due to the result that there is so much going on in our brave
new world that once I had finished my research on one matter more were pouring onto
the world stage, and regrettably more negative than positive for the average, everyday
ordinary plebbs of the world, even excluding the so-called " Fake News ".

Where they have never collectively been so unsafe physically - the threat from terrorism,
religious,racial,sectarian wars and disputes,the threat of nuclear missile wars by the major
powers,financially, the rich are still getting richer, the so-called " Middle Class " the once
power house of world economies is being financially squeezed into lower standards of
living,unfundable/non-repayable household debt and the very great risk of mass
bankruptcies and insolvencies, plus together with their so-called democratic rights to free
speech and individual freedoms being extremely curtailed by " Ideological Political

I received the attached information ' Islamic Charities in Australia ' via email omitting the
source, so by research and a bit
of luck and determination I found it would appear to have
been taken from " " 29 June 2016 in Islam by piboss.

Now people with myself and 10's maybe 100's of millions of non-Muslims, and obviously some
Muslims as well, wondering what the World Wide Islamic movements undemocratic purpose,
motivation and agenda really is, where according to the 2011 census people that identify
them self as Muslims in all the various forms of the Islamic faith only numbered some 476,291
2.2% of the Aussie population yet there are at least, and climbing, 164 charities?.

The Muslim Islamic ? if your prepared to accept that it is a religion? religion is the third largest
grouping of all their denominations in Aussie, with 13.5 million practicing and non-practicing
cultural Christians, 530,000 identified as Buddhists and 5.8 million with no religion at all, all this
was back in the 2011 census before the Aussie population became 24 million so obviously the
figures will now have changed.

Seemingly the Aussie Muslim Community is not monolithic where only the Qur'an units them,
and as such is very fragmentated in traditional sectarian divisions as well as racial,ethnic,cultural
and linguistic all being defined as Islamic plus Aussie Muslims have parallel non-religious ethnic
identities with their non-Muslim counter parts.

The two major denominations of Islam is Sunni and Shia with the followers split along different
" Madh'Habi ", or in other words a difference in regard to jurisprudence, interpretation of the
Islamic law and how it is practiced.

So based on the above when the view is put forward that quote " Not all Muslims are the same "
unquote it would appear to be so?? however their collective so-called religious teachings in their
book the Qur'an is still of much concern for me.

Especially as wherever the undemocratic, draconian, oppressive, medieval, feudal Islamic
movement is in control around the world it has the worst possible reputation for the constant
murdering of innocent
men, women, children, babies in arms with vehicle bombs, suicide bombers
the public
beheadings, amputations, whippings, canings (mainly females), stoning to death
(again mainly females for suspected adultery after being raped ),misogynistic across the board
prejudice against females in general in regard to education, freedom of movement, what they
wear,and how much,and type,and skin exposure, ( where are the western female movements ?
no where to be found, hypocritically silent ) crucifixions, eye gouging, homosexuals
being tortured, whipped and thrown off tall buildings ( where are the western LBGTQI movements
again no where to be found, hypocritically silent ) to say nothing of the Muslims blokes blocking
city streets during their prayer times/sessions and that very annoying, prolonged, mournful
" Wailing " noise in some Arabic language calling the Muslims to prayer.

So if we take the break up of the 476,291 people that indentify themselves as Islamic/Muslims
we get: 50% NSW, 33% Vic, 7% WA, 5% Q/land, 3% SA, 1% ACT and with NT & Tasmania being
collectively 0.3%.

It is estimated that at least half of the Aussie Muslim population are non--practicing cultural
Muslims within the various denominations and sects.

However I thought in light of the following attachment and what I have stated above I should in
all fairness to the Islamic mob research what the other so-called religious administrations and
organisations are doing in regard to charities, and to state that I was very surprised would be a
gross understatement.

People Aussie is the largest island on the planet with 5.5% ( 7.692 million square kilometers )
of the total planets land mass of 149.45 million square kilometres and where 20% of Aussies
land mass is desert and in many cases is totally uninhabitable even for the Aboriginals, and
is the only country that is also a continent, it's population is largely coastal starting at the
top with Darwin in the Northern Territory, down the east coast to Queensland, NSW, VIctoria,
South Australia, Tasmania at the bottom and then across to southern Western Australia.

The Aussie population produced in 2015/16 - 305,377 babies (one every 1 minute 40 seconds)
deaths, all causes, 159,052 ( one every 3 minutes 18 seconds ) 182,165 nett immigration/
/emigration which meant the international migration into Aussie increased by ( one person
every 2 minutes 18 seconds ) with a total Aussie population increase in 2015/16 of ( one
person every 1 minute 22 seconds )and where the total Aussie population is estimated to be
as at the 10/5/2017 only 24,454,046, and climbing, ? is it any wonder we do not have sufficient
affordable housing in Aussie, and at this rate I believe we are unlikely to achieve same any
decade from now.

However according to the Curtin University analyses 2015 edition ( Non-Verbatim )

Would you believe that for a relatively small population of only 24,454,046 we have 38,341
recognised/registered charities of which 67% are classified as small ( revenue less than

$250,000 ) 16% as medium ( revenue between $250,000 and $999,999 ) and 17% as large
( revenue above $1,000,000 ).

They collectively employ 428,549 full time employees ( Average of 14.8 per charity ) 490,814
part time employees ( average 16.1 per charity ) with an estimated 2 million volunteers, so
this would collectively mean they are larger than the individual Federal, State and Local

Aussie governments.

The majority of charities have their main activity as either Religious ( 9421 ) Primary and

Secondary Education ( 2441 ) Other ( 3626 ) Other Education ( 2642 ) and none Specific
( 6720 ) and the rest, ? well take your pick it's across the board and across the Aussie

The bulk some 60 - 70% with a religious purpose stated that their beneficiaries were the

general community, children, young people, faith based charities supporting other charities,
disabilities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and some disaster relief.

There are some 2,237 of the religious purpose charities that have international activities
and have beneficiaries overseas.

So based on the above it would appear that the Islamic movement and their 164 charities

plus 300 or so, and climbing, mosques pales into insignificance by comparison.

Now I know it is a popular perception in the Aussie Community that all charities are Income

Tax, Goods and Services Tax, Fringe Benefit Tax, Deductable Gift Tax exempt, well they are

However the subject is fully available on the internet just Google it and type in " Aussie
Charities " and go from there where there are heaps of detailed information, and it is far

to complicated and lengthy for this blog, but suffice it to say that it depends on their
activities and their classification in regard to what does and does not apply to them.

The business of not only Aussie charities but world wide is very complicated and diverse,

and where in Aussie the administration of them crosses Federal,State and Local government
boundaries and their departments, and is very extensive and involves numerous government

Acts, regulations and legislation , and could collectively be a great financial burden on the
already financially strapped hard done by Aussie Tax Payers, and as such should be viewed
from a practical financial point of view and a far less emotional blackmail, political correct
and/or political expediency rather than an absolute economic need.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike - Scroll down.


Islamic Charities in Australia from " " 29 June 2016 in Islam by piboss.

Most Australians are unaware of just how deeply Islam has penetrated into our society.

Mosque building is just one outward manifestation of the infestation.

Islam has insinuated itself into banking systems with Sharia housing and loans.

Islam has over 300 organisations dedicated to spreading and supporting only Islam.

Compare the lists or charities and Islamic organisations to see how much work Islam
has been doing to undermine our society.

This is the list of Islamic organisations... so far: Islamic Organisations Australia.

There are Islamic sharia law courts in Sydney and Melbourne that operate to enforce
and dispense sharia law in Australia... an illegal and unconstitutional situation that the
politicians are not addressing at all.

The Australian Federal Police have openly admitted that they have well over 200 Islamist's
under surveillance. Yet these potential terrorists are allowed to walk free to plot our
destruction. The police and politicians will try to tell us that they leave them free so that
they can observe who they associate with.

Perhaps. Perhaps not. The next terror attack will tell everyone how successful this
strategy is.

The Big Question — Where are these groups getting their funding?

Al-Imdaad, funded by Saudi Arabia. Dispensing money to terror groups around the world.

It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that the Islamist's have access to vast
amounts of money. But how do they move it around? How do they transfer funds into and
out of Australia without alerting the authorities to their illegal funds transfers? How is it
that the ATO has not swooped on the Islamist's to audit these people?

The answer is, as always, that the Islamist's are using our own laws against us. They have
set up dozens of completely legal tax free “charitable organisations”.
Every Islamist is obliged by the Qur'an and the hadiths to donate a portion of their annual
income to Islam through donations, called “zakat”, to mosques or Islamic (and only Islamic)
Other Islamic charities associated with and possibly funded by Al-Imdaad
What may surprise you is the number of Islamic charities that exist today in Australia.

Restore Australia, through our contacts in financial and legal circles, has received the
following list of legally registered Islamic charities in Australia. Why does Islam needs so
many charities? There aren’t that many Islamist's here…or are there?
Isn’t it time we all start asking these questions?
  1. How many Islamist's are actually living here in Australia today?
  2. Where does the money donated to Islamic charities and mosques go?
  3. Who is tracking the money?
  4. Why aren’t We the People being made aware of this Trojan horse in our midst by the
    media and our government?
  5. Isn’t it time our government agencies responsible for protecting our sovereignty and
    security conduct a thorough investigation into all these groups, trace the money, and
    find out if the money is being used to support terrorism?
  6. Isn’t it time that our government prosecute any of these organizations for any crimes
    they have committed?
  7. Should we have a referendum to ask We the People if we should withdraw tax exempt
    status from Islamic organizations that are not performing purely religious work?
We already know that Islamist's will take the path of least resistance to corruption
whenever there is big money involved. These are just a few examples.
We have already seen evidence of this with the leaders of Islamic schools embezzling
millions of dollars.
The ex-mayor of Auburn, Salim Mehajer, flaunted his wealth, some of which was obtained
through corruption, so blatantly that he is now under investigation for numerous offenses.
In May 2014, the president of the WA Islamic Council Dr Rateb Jneid, 43, was arrested on
firearms charge. Two of his brothers,Ziad and Rabih Jneid, pleaded not guilty to drugs
The evidence is out there, yet very few are taking notice. So, ask yourself how much more
money has been illegally transferred to islamic terror groups, or embezzled from Islamic
For the people who are unaware of the extent of islamic apartheid in Australia and the
enormous Saudi Petro Halal dollars and taxpayer funded takeover of our land, here is a
list of Islamic associations, societies and centres, all for one and the same foreign ideology
This list does not include the Islamic mosques/madrasses that approach 500 in mid-2016.

Just a year ago we knew about 300 islamic mosques. The mosques are being funded by
charitable donations (zakat). All done tax free, becoming your children’s burden.

The Question is…what will you do about it??

  1. Islamic Guidance Society of Australia Inc. Melbourne
  2. Cyprus Turkish Islamic Community Of Victoria Inc. Ardeer
  3. Islamic Malay Australian Association Of NSW Arncliffe
  4. Alandalus Islamic Association Inc. Auburn
  5. Al-Faisal College Limited Auburn
  6. Australian Islamic Cultural Centre Inc. Auburn
  7. Islamic Association Of Western Suburbs Sydney Inc. Auburn
  8. Islamic Relief Australia Auburn
  9. Islamic Science Culture And Art Association Sydney
  10. Islamic Society Of Mackay Inc. Mackay
  11. Islamic Society Of Ballarat Inc. Ballarat
  12. The Hills District Muslim Society Sydney
  13. Turkish Islamic Association Of Qld Bundaberg
  14. Islamic Society Of Darwin Inc. Darwin
  15. Dawate-E-Islami Inc. Sydney
  16. Islamic Council of New South Wales Inc. Sydney
  17. Islamic Association Of Monash Mosque Melbourne
  18. Australian Islamic Social Association Inc. Melbourne
  19. Dandenong Turkish Islamic Cultural Society Inc. Dandenong
  20. Crescents of Brisbane Inc. Brisbane
  21. Islamic Social Services Agency (I.S.S.A.) Inc.. Sydney
  22. Islamic Medical Association Of Queensland Inc. Gatton
  23. Al Noor Islamic Association Sydney
  24. Green Valley Islamic College Sydney
  25. Al-Rachad Islamic Association Incorporated Sydney
  26. Islamic Help Australia Sydney
  27. El Sedeaq Islamic Society Melbourne
  28. Islamic Society Of Holland Park Inc. Brisbane
  29. Werribee Islamic Centre Limited Melbourne
  30. Horsham Islamic Welfare Association (Hiwa) Inc. Horsham
  31. Islamic College Of Brisbane Limited Brisbane
  32. Australian Islamic College Perth Inc. Perth
  33. Keysborough Turkish Islamic & Cultural Centre Melbourne
  34. Muslim Funeral Services Ltd Brisbane
  35. Bayt Al-Zakat Australia Sydney
  36. Islamic Women’s Welfare Association (NSW) Sydney
  37. Lebanese Muslim Association Sydney
  38. Muslim Women Association Sydney
  39. Islamic Development Organisation Inc. Sydney
  40. Islamic Education Institute Inc. Sydney
  41. Islamic Society of Lutwyche Inc. Brisbane
  42. Islamic Society Of Melbourne Eastern Regions Inc. Melbourne
  43. Islamic Society Of Geelong Geelong
  44. Islamic Society of Mareeba Mareeba
  45. Islamic Centre Of Newcastle Newcastle
  46. Oromo Islamic Resource Centre Inc. Melbourne
  47. Australian Muslims Fund Inc. Sydney
  48. The Turkish Islamic Society Mildura Inc.. Mildura
  49. Al Sadiq Foundation Ltd. Melbourne
  50. Suburban Islamic Association Sydney
  51. Canberra Islamic Centre Inc. Canberra
  52. Islamic Alawi Centre Of Tasmania Inc.. Hobart
  53. Islamic Association Of Launceston Inc. Perth
  54. Australian Islamic College Of Sydney Sydney
  55. The Newport Islamic Society Inc. Melbourne
  56. Noorul Islam Society Perth
  57. The Albanian Australian Islamic Society Melbourne
  58. The Regional New South Wales Islamic Centre Inc.. Orange
  59. Islamic Society Of Darra Inc. Brisbane
  60. Islamic Society Of South Aust Inc. Adelaide
  61. Redfern Islamic Society Inc.. Sydney
  62. Islamic Society Of Queensland Inc.. Brisbane
  63. Islamic Centre Of Ryde Inc.. na
  64. Islamic Education Institute Incorporated Sydney
  65. Islamic Cultural Centre of Brisbane Ltd Brisbane
  66. Islamic Women’s Association Of Qld Inc. Brisbane
  67. Islamic Practice And Dawah Circle Inc.. Sydney
  68. Islamic Council Of Queensland Incorporated Brisbane
  69. Islamic Society Of New South Wales Sydney
  70. Australian Muslim Volunteer Network (AMVN) Sydney
  71. Australian National Islamic Library Canberra
  72. Toowoomba Islamic Charitable Trust Toowoomba
  73. Townsville Islamic Society Inc. Townsville
  74. The Trustee For Islamic Shia Council Of Queensland Brisbane
  75. Muslim Charitable Foundation Brisbane
  76. Newcastle Muslim Association Incorporated Newcastle
  77. Islamic Centre Sheikh Albani Incorporated Sydney
  78. The Trustee for Saarban Islamic Trust Sydney
  79. Australian Federation of Islamic Coordinating Council Sydney
  80. Islamic Charity Projects Assoc. Inc. Sydney
  81. Muslim Aid Australia Sydney
  82. Alzahra Australian Multicultural Islamic Ass of WA Perth
  83. Bonnyrigg Turkish Islamic Cultural Assoc. Sydney
  84. Islamic Association of Bunbury Inc. Bunbury
  85. Cairns & District Islamic Cultural & Building Trust Cairns
  86. Broadmeadows Turkish Islamic & Cultural Centre Melbourne
  87. Sydney Turkish Islamic Culture and Mosque Assoc. Sydney
  88. NSW Islamic Social and Cultural Association Inc. Sydney
  89. Arrahman Islamic Centre Inc.. Sydney
  90. The Murray Bridge Islamic and Islamic Cultural Ed Murray Bridge
  91. Albanian Islamic Society of Dandenong Inc. Melbourne
  92. Al-Tawheed Islamic Association of WA Inc. Perth
  93. Alice Springs Islamic Society Alice Springs
  94. Alsalaam Islamic Society of Western Australia Perth
  95. Ashfield Islamic Society Inc. Sydney
  96. Association of Islamic Dakwah in WA Inc. Perth
  97. Auburn Islamic Community Centre Sydney
  98. Australia Bangladesh Islamic Council Inc. Melbourne
  99. Australian Bosnian Islamic Centre Melbourne
  100. Australian Islamic Assistance Organisation Inc. Sydney
  101. Australian Islamic Education Board Inc. Sydney
  102. Australian Islamic Mission Incorporated Sydney
  103. Australian Islamic Social Association Inc. Melbourne
  104. Bangladesh Islamic Centre Sydney
  105. Blacktown Islamic Association Sydney
  106. Bosna & Hercegovina Islamic Society Melbourne
  107. Australian Islamic Forum Melbourne
  108. Biloela Islamic Society Ltd Biloela
  109. Central Coast Islamic Cultural Centre Ltd Wyong
  110. Islamic Museum of Sydney Limited Sydney
  111. Markaz-Ul-Ilm Centre of Islamic Learning Limited Brisbane
  112. Islamic Society Of Gold Coast Inc. Gold Coast
  113. United Muslim Residents Association Melbourne
  114. United Muslim Migrants Association Of Victoria Inc. Melbourne
  115. Al Ansar Islamic Association Incorporated Sydney
  116. Australian Islamic College (Kewdale) Parents And F Perth
  117. Bosnian Islamic Society Perth W.A. Incorporated Perth
  118. Dar Al Shifah (Islamic) Inc.. Perth
  119. Furqan Islamic Association Of Western Australia In Perth
  120. Islamic Council Of Victoria Inc. Melbourne
  121. Islamic Dawah Centre of Australia Inc. Sydney
  122. Islamic Education & Welfare Association Dandenong Melbourne
  123. Islamic Path Radio Australia Limited Sydney
  124. Islamic Society Of Belconnen Canberra
  125. Islamic Society Of Illawarra Sydney
  126. Islamic Society of Victoria Melbourne
  127. Malek Fahd Islamic School Limited Sydney
  128. Southern Districts Islamic Institution Building Fo Claremont
  129. The Charitable Islamic Association Of Beirut City Sydney
  130. The Newport Islamic Society School & Education Bui Melbourne
  131. The Trustee for Moorooka Islamic Charitable Trust Brisbane
  132. The Trustee For The East Preston Islamic College B Melbourne
  133. The Trustee For The Foundation For The Islamic Mus Melbourne
  134. United Ahlusannahwal Jamaah Islamic Council Inc. Ambarvale
  135. United Australian Islamic Association Inc. Perth
  136. Al-Ihsan Foundation International Limited Sydney
  137. AL-EHSAN CENTRE INC. Melbourne
  138. Al-Mustapha Institute Of Brisbane Brisbane
  139. Australian Iraqi Muslim Society Inc. Sydney
  140. Brisbane Muslim Burial Services Brisbane
  141. Muslim Care Sydney
  142. Victoria Myanmar Muslim Community Incorporated Melbourne
  143. Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Australia Sydney
  144. Canberra Muslim Community Incorporated Canberra
  145. Muslim Global Aid Limited Sydney
  146. Muslim Organisation Sunshine Coast Sunshine Coast
  147. Muslim Welfare Society Ltd. Sydney
  148. Muslimvillage Incorporated Sydney
  149. The Muslim League Of NSW Inc. Sydney
  150. Aman College Ltd Australia
  151. Imam Ali Ltd Kemps Creek
  152. Croatian Islamic Centre Inc. Melbourne
  153. Islamic Society of the Australian Capital Territory Canberra
  154. Mareeba Islamic Society Mareeba
  155. Panjtan Society of Victoria Melbourne
  156. Muslim Association of Riverina Wagga Wagga Inc. Wagga Wagga
  157. Perth Mosque Inc. Perth
  158. Albanian Moslem Society Shepparton Inc. Shepparton
  159. Muslim Aid Limited Sydney
    Afghan Community Support Association of NSW Inc. Sydney
  160. MAA Local Sydney
  161. MAA International Sydney
  162. Muslim Women’s Council Melbourne
  163. Trustee for Muslim Charitable Foundation, The Brisbane

    Are you worried yet?? if not you should be!!!