I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
People I have no intention of going into this subject in any great detail because as I have
In NSW , and possibly the other states as well, we have a system where the State Minister for
Mark Latham on the 31st of January 2017 wrote a very commendable article in the Daily
Telegraph titled ' Rise of the outsiders - Trump - style revolution is coming here ' where he
explains in some detail his vision for a better Aussie which I believe is now decades over due,
anyway agree or not with Latham if you consider yourself a true Aussie the article should at
least give you considerable serious food for thought??.
I gather history shows that the first Europeans to start charting the Australian waters
and camein contact with the Aboriginal people was a Dutchman by the name of
William Janszoon in the
Between 1606 and 1770 an estimated 54 European ships from many and various nations visited
It was then that Englishman Lieutenant James Cook while chartering the Aussie east coast in
his ship HM Barque Endeavour claimed the east coast under the instruction from King George
It was then up to Captain Arthur Philips and the first fleet, comprising 11 ships and around
1,350 people, who after arriving at Botany Bay on the 18 and 20 January 1788 which was
So my point is people that if the Aussie nation can achieve what it has today, despite our Aussie
Therefore question people, one of many, how is it that the published Ministers Forward in regard
to the 2016-2017 budget forecast for Aussie overseas aid mounting to $3.8 billion, or 22 cents per
every $100.00 of our gross national income in regard to our tax revenue earned,to fund:
Quote: The 2016 - 2017 Budget builds on the modernisation of our aid program outlined in
Australian aid; promoting prosperity, reducing poverty, enhancing stability. unquote.
and thereby increasing the Aussie Nations International Visa/Credit Card debt even more, currently
running at somewhere in the region of $500 billion dollars,yep ' BILLION ',where we are accumulating
Some short time ago it was reported in the media, other than the bias and anti-Abbott mob of the
However I would go one further than that and ask why are we, and other western nations, sponsoring
the Palestinians anyway,because they are mainly Muslims virtually surrounded by very rich and
powerful Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia for instance the alleged birth place of Islam.
The reason I gather from what I read is that the majority of the Arab nations, other than Jordan, can't
There again what about our generosity towards Indonesia another Muslim dominated country with
a population of some 249.9 million people, where I read last year that Indonesia is planning on spending
some 14 billion dollars, yep billion, on updating their military - Army,Navy and Airforce - over the next
10 years, therefore is it any wonder the Aussie mug Tax Payers have to spend an additional $365.7
What about the Visa/Credit card gift of Foreign Aid of $47 million dollars during 2016-2017 to Pakistan,
and yet another Muslim dominated nation who is the sixth most populous nation of the world that
exceeds 200 million people, obviously their spending to much on developing atomic bombs and
Both Indonesia and Pakistan are considered some of the most corrupt countries in the World.
Both Teflon Billy and Plibersek want Foreign Aid at 0.50 cents per $100.00 GNI.
Is it any wonder people that the Aussie population generally is getting totally pissed off with these
out of control self serving pollies where most have by far exceeded their political " Used by date "!!.
The only " Sustainability " these pollies are interested in is the " Sustainability " of the fully tax
Payer funded ' Future Fund ' which at the moment stands at over $120 billion which ensures these
amateur greedy bastards get paid, by any world standard, their very hansom superannuation and
perks they get regardless of the type of job they have done for the Aussie population, even if they
get voted out for being incompetent and hopeless managers of the economy, which successive
This is in addition ofcourse to some of these across the political spectrum greedy bastard in
Let's take a brief look at what these bunch of political amateurs across the political sphere and
over the decades have done, and continue too, to the financial status of this great nation/country
of Aussie:
It would appear that Aussies Gross Domestic Product - $1.659 Trillion - in the last September
quarter contracted by some 0.5% mainly as a result of week business investment.
I gather our Aussie wide gross debt is almost 245% of our GDP - say $4.066 Trillion - of which the
break up is as follows:
1. About 50% - $2,62 Trillion - is the public sector.
The bulk of the Aussie debt has been created by the private sector which is say 75% - say $2.6
Trillion - of our GDP with the largest share - 125% - $1.76 Trillion - being that of household debt
There is a very old saying " Borrow money for property,investments,business etc; but never for
household items like the groceries " and I believe Aussie is doing both but with the cost of living
Australian government debt is the amount owed by the Australian government, but ofcourse the
government does not have any money/funds therefore strictly speaking it is the Aussie populations
This AGDebt can fluctuate from week to week, month to month depending on the government
revenue, general and large expenditure.
In 2004 the AGD was $59.6 billion, at this stage there was no debt ceiling instituted.
In 2007 the AGD dropped to $56.3 billion with a debt ceiling of $75 billion instituted for the first time.
In the 2006/2007 financial year the Howard/Costello mob produced the first net government debt ie;
Gross debt minus financial assets such as currency and deposits, debt securities, loans and the like,
in three decades.
By 2013 the AGD had blown out to $257.4 billion, some $200 billion in 6 years, and although the various
governments had continually increased the debt ceiling to now $300 billion, the Abbott mob, supported
by the Greenies I gather,decided to dispense with the debt ceiling system as it was becoming
Now by 2016 - 2017 the AGD has blown out to almost $500 billion and there is no,pending certain
budget measures being passed in both houses of parliament, sign of that reducing, in fact to the
contrary it is still on the way up by all accounts increasing the daily interest rates as it goes and means
that it has increased since 2004 by some $440 billion in just 12-13 years, nice present to hand over to
our future generations.
So when we consider that at the last 2016 July Federal Election only 39 seats out of the total of the
combined House of Reps and Senate of 226 changed hands, surely it does not take my old mate
Einstein to calculate that because it was a double dissolution dissolving both houses, at least 186
of the useless bastards that got us into this financial mess, and opened our Aussies borders to
People the $3.8 billion of hard earned tax payers scarce funds being spent on Foreign Aid is only
the symptom of a much greater political cancer that is eating away the financial base and the
welfare sustainability of the people of this great country of Aussie.
With the constant amateur miss management and the lack of duty of care by the across the board
powers that be, political and other wise, it must be for the average Aussie plebb like going up a wet
muddy hill where for every step forward they end up sliding back to just about where they started,
I have let Senator Bernardi by direct email know what I thought of his decision to leave the LNP
and I can assure you it was not very flattering,because had Senator Bernardi chosen to leave the
However I know from years of experience no matter how frustrating it is, that whether your in
private or public life you have to be in a position of power to make changes, and being outside
Yesterday Wednesday the 8/2/2017 was a great day on the floor of our House of Reps where Malcolm
However I have found that if you stand up to bullies,Union or otherwise, like Teflon Billy, they go to water
You can't be fair and play by the gentleman rules when you are dealing with stop at nothing, say anything
With the many situations I had with the Unions never once long term did they win the day, regrettably though
So people let's hope that PM Turnbull keeps this up because this I believe is partly why the LNP nearly
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and
Sir Mike's Comments 10/2/2017.
Subject:" Aussie aid by Visa/Credit card ".
Information obtained from The Free Wikipedia, ABS, The Aussie Reserve Bank, Australian
Debit Clock,The Aussie Department of Foreign Affairs and a myriad of other publications.
Sir Mike's Comments 10/2/2017.
Subject:" Aussie aid by Visa/Credit card ".
Information obtained from The Free Wikipedia, ABS, The Aussie Reserve Bank, Australian
Debit Clock,The Aussie Department of Foreign Affairs and a myriad of other publications.
People I have no intention of going into this subject in any great detail because as I have
discovered after spending days and hours going through the vast
information, Mount
Everest size, this blog would be as long as the average 3 ply Aussie toilet roll if I even
tried to fit it all in.
Now I have to state up front that the general conclusion I have come too after my extensive
Everest size, this blog would be as long as the average 3 ply Aussie toilet roll if I even
tried to fit it all in.
Now I have to state up front that the general conclusion I have come too after my extensive
studying of this mountain of information is that I am very
pleased I am 76 years plus, because
I believe that unless there is a dramatic change in our adversarial, conflictive and negative
political system, especially at the Federal level, then at the most in 10 to 15 years, ? probably
I believe that unless there is a dramatic change in our adversarial, conflictive and negative
political system, especially at the Federal level, then at the most in 10 to 15 years, ? probably
when I am to doolaly to care, this great nation of Aussie will be
up ' Shit creek without a
financial paddle " because of an unsustainable over population,
aging population,unemployment
etc; where the nations outgoings/expenditure far exceeds the
nations ability to pay it's way,
which is Aussies current financial situation, and nowhere can I see
where there is any possibility
that things will change at anytime in the future? balanced
Federal budgets are a figment of our
across the board/political spectrum imaginations!! just " Smoke and
Mirrors " in order to get
our 226 Federal pollies, House of Reps and Senate, elected every 3
& 6 years.
In NSW , and possibly the other states as well, we have a system where the State Minister for
Local Governments, Councils, can dismiss the elected Council and
appoint an ' Administrator'
if the Council does not perform to their electorates
requirements/standards, and I sincerely
believe the Aussie Governor General should do the same with all 226
Federal pollies, appoint
an Administrator for say at least 4-6 years then call for fresh
elections, because the current
political system is well and truly broken, where we have a bunch of
professional pollies that
consider being a pollie a job that pays the mortgage,school fees,
food on the table etc; with a
very hansom tax payer funded superannuation plus perks when they
retire, so don't rock the
" Political Trough ", keep your head down, keep to the standard
party line, don't be politically
brave and hope the voters will vote you in at the next
Mark Latham on the 31st of January 2017 wrote a very commendable article in the Daily
Telegraph titled ' Rise of the outsiders - Trump - style revolution is coming here ' where he
explains in some detail his vision for a better Aussie which I believe is now decades over due,
anyway agree or not with Latham if you consider yourself a true Aussie the article should at
least give you considerable serious food for thought??.
I gather history shows that the first Europeans to start charting the Australian waters
and camein contact with the Aboriginal people was a Dutchman by the name of
William Janszoon in the
ship Duyfken in around 1606 only some 411 years ago, which
surely is just a blimp as a matter
surely is just a blimp as a matter
of earthly time when we consider that we have
elderly Aussies living now to a 100 plus.
elderly Aussies living now to a 100 plus.
Between 1606 and 1770 an estimated 54 European ships from many and various nations visited
the Aussie shores.
It was then that Englishman Lieutenant James Cook while chartering the Aussie east coast in
his ship HM Barque Endeavour claimed the east coast under the instruction from King George
111 of England on the 22 August 1770 at Possession Island, naming
eastern Aussie ' New
South Wales ' and that was only 247 years ago, an even lesser blimp
of time.
It was then up to Captain Arthur Philips and the first fleet, comprising 11 ships and around
1,350 people, who after arriving at Botany Bay on the 18 and 20 January 1788 which was
found to be unsuitable arrived at Port Jackson on the 26th of
January 1788, landing at Camp
Cove, known as 'cadi ' to the Cadigal Aboriginal people, which
ofcourse is now celebrated as our
Australian National Day every 26th of January each year, and
ofcourse the colonisation of
Aussie from then on is fully documented, however I should point out
once again that this was
only 229 years ago! say the equivalent of two Aussie Centenarians
or two Aussie Supercentenarians
at 115 years each!! and that was from day
So my point is people that if the Aussie nation can achieve what it has today, despite our Aussie
political system and next to useless pollies, on this huge continent, the
only country to be also
a continent, that occupies 5.5% of the worlds land mass, being only second
to the South Pole as
the driest continent on earth, where the original inhabitants where
Aboriginal nomadic tribes,then
let's face it this all happened from scratch, as the saying goes, and is a most phenomenal result in
let's face it this all happened from scratch, as the saying goes, and is a most phenomenal result in
Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells - The Minister for International
Development and the Pacific.
Therefore question people, one of many, how is it that the published Ministers Forward in regard
to the 2016-2017 budget forecast for Aussie overseas aid mounting to $3.8 billion, or 22 cents per
every $100.00 of our gross national income in regard to our tax revenue earned,to fund:
Quote: The 2016 - 2017 Budget builds on the modernisation of our aid program outlined in
Australian aid; promoting prosperity, reducing poverty, enhancing stability. unquote.
and thereby increasing the Aussie Nations International Visa/Credit Card debt even more, currently
running at somewhere in the region of $500 billion dollars,yep ' BILLION ',where we are accumulating
daily interest charges of millions, yep millions, of dollars per day, and
giving our hard earned
Tax Payers scare funds to some 113 different countries, most of which have
existed long before
Cook arrived and claimed NSW for King George in 1770, are wealthy in their
own right but the
bulk of the wealth is concentrated in the top say 10% of the population,
they are mainly cash
economies and therefore compared to Aussie very little tax is collected to
sustain their
infrastructure, health,education etc; and corruption is an accepted way of
life at all levels of
their societies, many spend as much, if not more, as Aussie does on their
military, if you go
through the list as I have you will see that the bulk of them are bloody
Muslim nations where it
is well known that they despise the way we live, and in the long term hope
to change all that by their
sheer weight of numbers over whelming us and what little democracy we have.
Yet the current LNP, as did governments before them, are cutting welfare across the board one
sheer weight of numbers over whelming us and what little democracy we have.
Yet the current LNP, as did governments before them, are cutting welfare across the board one
way or the other to Aussie citizens, and still bringing in 1000's
of welfare dependent refugees/
asylum seekers.
asylum seekers.
Tony Abbott Ex Aussie PM.
Some short time ago it was reported in the media, other than the bias and anti-Abbott mob of the
Aussie ABC and SBS so I guess it must be true, that the foreign aid of
$43.6 million budgeted
in the 2016-2017 for the Palestinian Territories should be cut citing concerns over the Palestinian
Authorities support for the " Terrorists and their families " which I concur should be done.
in the 2016-2017 for the Palestinian Territories should be cut citing concerns over the Palestinian
Authorities support for the " Terrorists and their families " which I concur should be done.
However I would go one further than that and ask why are we, and other western nations, sponsoring
the Palestinians anyway,because they are mainly Muslims virtually surrounded by very rich and
powerful Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia for instance the alleged birth place of Islam.
The reason I gather from what I read is that the majority of the Arab nations, other than Jordan, can't
stand a bar of the Palestinians and would be more than happy to see Israel
wipe Hamas of the face of
the Earth, that is why the Arab Nations do not come to the aid of the
Palestinians in their problems
with Israel, that is why in the majority of cases the majority of Arab
Nations do not allow the
Palestinians to work in their countries, or offer them any government help,
or any kind of welfare when
they are there.
No people we are the Aussie Tax Paying mugs, along with the other Western Societies, that come to
the party even though it is loading up our International Visa/Credit card even more? even though they
No people we are the Aussie Tax Paying mugs, along with the other Western Societies, that come to
the party even though it is loading up our International Visa/Credit card even more? even though they
call us dogs, infidels, burn USA flags and just in general be a bunch of
nasty bastards towards us.
There again what about our generosity towards Indonesia another Muslim dominated country with
a population of some 249.9 million people, where I read last year that Indonesia is planning on spending
some 14 billion dollars, yep billion, on updating their military - Army,Navy and Airforce - over the next
10 years, therefore is it any wonder the Aussie mug Tax Payers have to spend an additional $365.7
million dollars using our Visa/Credit card during 2016-2017 Foreign Aid
budget to help the Indonesian
kids with building their schools, education and health.
kids with building their schools, education and health.
What about the Visa/Credit card gift of Foreign Aid of $47 million dollars during 2016-2017 to Pakistan,
and yet another Muslim dominated nation who is the sixth most populous nation of the world that
exceeds 200 million people, obviously their spending to much on developing atomic bombs and
intercontinental missiles and can't afford to educate/school their kids and
look after their kids health
and wellbeing.
Both Indonesia and Pakistan are considered some of the most corrupt countries in the World.
Senator Richard Di Natale the Head Greenie wants Foreign Aid at 0.70 per
$100.00 GNI.
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of
Labor Party's " Magic Pudding Economics " plus an alleged " Rapist " of his
Labor Party's " Magic Pudding Economics " plus an alleged " Rapist " of his
alleged victim Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp
in the early 1980's.
Tanya Plibersek - the rabid lefty Deputy Labor Opposition Leader.
Both Teflon Billy and Plibersek want Foreign Aid at 0.50 cents per $100.00 GNI.
Is it any wonder people that the Aussie population generally is getting totally pissed off with these
out of control self serving pollies where most have by far exceeded their political " Used by date "!!.
The only " Sustainability " these pollies are interested in is the " Sustainability " of the fully tax
Payer funded ' Future Fund ' which at the moment stands at over $120 billion which ensures these
amateur greedy bastards get paid, by any world standard, their very hansom superannuation and
perks they get regardless of the type of job they have done for the Aussie population, even if they
get voted out for being incompetent and hopeless managers of the economy, which successive
governments both state and Federal have, leaving an economic disaster for
the population to pay
for over the generations to come.
for over the generations to come.
This is in addition ofcourse to some of these across the political spectrum greedy bastard in
between time helping themselves to Tax Payer funded personal trips to
weddings,New Year Eve
Parties, buying real estate,attending a Royal Commission investigating
Union Corruption and all
on the basis that they were supposedly on government business???
on the basis that they were supposedly on government business???
Let's take a brief look at what these bunch of political amateurs across the political sphere and
over the decades have done, and continue too, to the financial status of this great nation/country
of Aussie:
It would appear that Aussies Gross Domestic Product - $1.659 Trillion - in the last September
quarter contracted by some 0.5% mainly as a result of week business investment.
I gather our Aussie wide gross debt is almost 245% of our GDP - say $4.066 Trillion - of which the
break up is as follows:
1. About 50% - $2,62 Trillion - is the public sector.
2. About 8% - $860.5 Million - public sector corporations.
3. About 10% - $328.6 Million - State and local government.
4. About 30% - $482.3 Million - Commonwealth government.
The bulk of the Aussie debt has been created by the private sector which is say 75% - say $2.6
Trillion - of our GDP with the largest share - 125% - $1.76 Trillion - being that of household debt
and that being one of the highest in the World and unfortunately three
quarters, three thirds, of
that is mortgages, however although the household borrowings are in bulk
from our domestic
financial organisations, they in turn on average source 20-30% of their
funding from international
borrowings and having been in the property market and witnessed over the
decades where a one
to one and a half increase in interest rates send property values
and borrowers equity plummeting
in less than 4-5 days, sending borrowers bankrupt in the long term and threatening the lending
organisations equity and cash flow.
Even though it's reckoned that the over all asset holdings of the household sector is about 4-5
times greater - about 7- 8 Trillion dollars - than the over all household sector debt, Aussie should
be very,very concerned because if the Federal government keeps spending on the International
Visa/Credit card and does not reign in the across the board Aussie domestic spending, then
without a manufacturing base, which currently is lucky if it runs at more than 52% of our capacity,
just another mini GFC could bring our Aussie economy down like a house of cards.
in less than 4-5 days, sending borrowers bankrupt in the long term and threatening the lending
organisations equity and cash flow.
Even though it's reckoned that the over all asset holdings of the household sector is about 4-5
times greater - about 7- 8 Trillion dollars - than the over all household sector debt, Aussie should
be very,very concerned because if the Federal government keeps spending on the International
Visa/Credit card and does not reign in the across the board Aussie domestic spending, then
without a manufacturing base, which currently is lucky if it runs at more than 52% of our capacity,
just another mini GFC could bring our Aussie economy down like a house of cards.
There is a very old saying " Borrow money for property,investments,business etc; but never for
household items like the groceries " and I believe Aussie is doing both but with the cost of living
increasing virtually daily there is an ever increasing tendency/inclination
that the household items
and groceries are rapidly coming to the fore.
Australian government debt is the amount owed by the Australian government, but ofcourse the
government does not have any money/funds therefore strictly speaking it is the Aussie populations
This AGDebt can fluctuate from week to week, month to month depending on the government
revenue, general and large expenditure.
In 2004 the AGD was $59.6 billion, at this stage there was no debt ceiling instituted.
In 2007 the AGD dropped to $56.3 billion with a debt ceiling of $75 billion instituted for the first time.
In the 2006/2007 financial year the Howard/Costello mob produced the first net government debt ie;
Gross debt minus financial assets such as currency and deposits, debt securities, loans and the like,
in three decades.
By 2013 the AGD had blown out to $257.4 billion, some $200 billion in 6 years, and although the various
governments had continually increased the debt ceiling to now $300 billion, the Abbott mob, supported
by the Greenies I gather,decided to dispense with the debt ceiling system as it was becoming
Now by 2016 - 2017 the AGD has blown out to almost $500 billion and there is no,pending certain
budget measures being passed in both houses of parliament, sign of that reducing, in fact to the
contrary it is still on the way up by all accounts increasing the daily interest rates as it goes and means
that it has increased since 2004 by some $440 billion in just 12-13 years, nice present to hand over to
our future generations.
Professor Einstein.
So when we consider that at the last 2016 July Federal Election only 39 seats out of the total of the
combined House of Reps and Senate of 226 changed hands, surely it does not take my old mate
Einstein to calculate that because it was a double dissolution dissolving both houses, at least 186
of the useless bastards that got us into this financial mess, and opened our Aussies borders to
allow some 30-50,000 illegal boat people to breach our borders, and where
at least 80% of which are
still on Aussie welfare, over the last 12 - 13 years are still there with their snouts in the fully funded
Tax Payers Trough, planning their next election campaign/strategy already no doubt.
Therefore as they only meet in Canberra 19 weeks a year and already 8 months of the first term/year
of the 3 year term has passed, and if the opposition and cross benches can string out the debates
sending most important matters to the various committees, waste time attacking each other to try
and score political points,unruly behaviour, countless " Divisions " requiring time wasting counting
of heads all the time knowing the LNP has the numbers in the House of Reps and labor,Greenies
still on Aussie welfare, over the last 12 - 13 years are still there with their snouts in the fully funded
Tax Payers Trough, planning their next election campaign/strategy already no doubt.
Therefore as they only meet in Canberra 19 weeks a year and already 8 months of the first term/year
of the 3 year term has passed, and if the opposition and cross benches can string out the debates
sending most important matters to the various committees, waste time attacking each other to try
and score political points,unruly behaviour, countless " Divisions " requiring time wasting counting
of heads all the time knowing the LNP has the numbers in the House of Reps and labor,Greenies
and the cross benches in the Senate,then " Well what do you know we are in
the third year again,
election year,so let's hold things over to after the up and coming election " and so the ridiculous
very expensive Tax Payer funded cycle and political farce continues.
In other words " Same old, Same old " - " The Status Quo " - " What ain't broke don't fix it "
election year,so let's hold things over to after the up and coming election " and so the ridiculous
very expensive Tax Payer funded cycle and political farce continues.
In other words " Same old, Same old " - " The Status Quo " - " What ain't broke don't fix it "
People the $3.8 billion of hard earned tax payers scarce funds being spent on Foreign Aid is only
the symptom of a much greater political cancer that is eating away the financial base and the
welfare sustainability of the people of this great country of Aussie.
With the constant amateur miss management and the lack of duty of care by the across the board
powers that be, political and other wise, it must be for the average Aussie plebb like going up a wet
muddy hill where for every step forward they end up sliding back to just about where they started,
or in many cases further down, and this is becoming very testing even for
the good natured average
Aussie, and I am hearing the war drums beating and as the saying goes ' Beware when they stop '!!
The Ex LNP South
Australian Senator Cory Bernardi.
Aussie, and I am hearing the war drums beating and as the saying goes ' Beware when they stop '!!
I have let Senator Bernardi by direct email know what I thought of his decision to leave the LNP
and I can assure you it was not very flattering,because had Senator Bernardi chosen to leave the
LNP prior to the last July 2016 Federal Election and won,or not,the Senate
seat in his own right,
then I am sure I like many 1000's of others would have had far more respect and understanding
then I am sure I like many 1000's of others would have had far more respect and understanding
for his decision because he would have had to fully explain his policies
and then put that to the
As it was Bernardi got in the Senate based on a political lie, but there again what pollie doesn't,
As it was Bernardi got in the Senate based on a political lie, but there again what pollie doesn't,
based on that he promoted the LNP policies which he did not obviously agree
with and should
have been up front and said so.
Now as I have stated previously in this blog there is no doubt in my and millions of Aussies
minds that the major parties such the LNP and Labor have just lost the plot,and in most cases
Now as I have stated previously in this blog there is no doubt in my and millions of Aussies
minds that the major parties such the LNP and Labor have just lost the plot,and in most cases
have out lived their " Used by Date " long ago, the commo Greenies rarely
knew what the plot
was or is.
However I know from years of experience no matter how frustrating it is, that whether your in
private or public life you have to be in a position of power to make changes, and being outside
the tent, so to speak, as Senator Bernardi is now is a very
great disadvantage, because yes you
can block, negotiate,pass various legislation put forward by the government
of the day but
rarely can you initiate,develop policies/legislation and as such I doubt
Section 18C of the Racial
Discrimination Act promoted by Senator Bernardi to be changed will now come
to pass anytime
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Party Opposition Leader.
Yesterday Wednesday the 8/2/2017 was a great day on the floor of our House of Reps where Malcolm
Turnbull finally turned the tables on this cocky, smart arse little union
organiser and alleged rapist Teflon
Billy Shorten, where the PM finally let fly showing his thoughts on what a little hypocrite and untrustworthy
Union sponsored low life this Teflon Billy Shorten really is, and according to the polls millions of Aussies
Billy Shorten, where the PM finally let fly showing his thoughts on what a little hypocrite and untrustworthy
Union sponsored low life this Teflon Billy Shorten really is, and according to the polls millions of Aussies
agree with the PM where only 30% of the voters state Teflon Billy
Shorten would make a good PM.
In my past life I had unfortunately a lot of dealings with Union organisors - TWU, SPU, WWF, Federated
In my past life I had unfortunately a lot of dealings with Union organisors - TWU, SPU, WWF, Federated
clerks,AWU etc; and Teflon Billy is very typical where they are very
accustomed to use language to tear
down management and con/threaten their members of dire consequences if they don't follow the Unions
demands, in fact I have known/witnessed situations where individual union members have been physically
threaten with violence to them and their families, or ' Black Balled ' where all other union members were
down management and con/threaten their members of dire consequences if they don't follow the Unions
demands, in fact I have known/witnessed situations where individual union members have been physically
threaten with violence to them and their families, or ' Black Balled ' where all other union members were
not allowed to have any contact with them unless they conformed and voted
However I have found that if you stand up to bullies,Union or otherwise, like Teflon Billy, they go to water
as the saying goes, because they are so used to getting their own way
so they don't have the mental
capacity to have a plan " B ".
You can't be fair and play by the gentleman rules when you are dealing with stop at nothing, say anything
low life types like Teflon Billy Shorten because you have to be prepared to
fight at just above their level
to out smart them, but fight you must because it is not in their DNA to
give a mug a break!!
With the many situations I had with the Unions never once long term did they win the day, regrettably though
their Union members, our employees, paid the financial price by losing
their jobs when I changed the
systems/procedures to circumvent the Union restrictions and demands and in
all cases I improved the
bottom line.
So people let's hope that PM Turnbull keeps this up because this I believe is partly why the LNP nearly
lost the last 2016 election, because they did not have enough tiger in them
and let this Low Life Teflon
Billy Shorten call the shots, however if the Turnbull LNP doesn't keep this
attack up then they shouldn't
whinge when the next polling/Federal election goes pear shape for them.
whinge when the next polling/Federal election goes pear shape for them.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.