Wednesday, 22 February 2017

' It's our Rates/Taxes their spending '

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and

Sir Mike's Comments 22/2/2017

Subject: ' It's our Rates/Taxes their spending '

G/day people wherever you are.

I am in a very fortunate position not only being in the greatest country/continent on
Globe, where even though many refer to us as the " Arse end " of the world, we
are technically
able to have 24/7 access to the rest of the world.

For instance, I can record two separate TV channels while viewing another simultaneously,
the local, national and international news as well the like's of the ABC 7.30 Report
and the ABC's ' The Business ' plus any other subjects of interest, this I can do every day
for the next (7) days
in advance as long as I leave the digital recorder on standby.

I also have access to the international media, TV, YouTube, Newspapers,blogs,web sites,
and so-called social media in general.

With the new technology I can in many cases by clicking on ' Translation ' a window will
come down asking me what language, and ofcourse I click English, thereby allowing me to
read the foreign media,
however sometimes I have to read it a couple of times because it
get's a bit confusing the way it is
written or expressed.

I have 1500g digital storage in my library plus another 500g on my blog,plus backup disc
storage, which I review regularly and
it enables me to store for years if necessary any
information that I
believe will come in useful in the future, and at my age ? who knows
how long that will be???.

Therefore thanks partly to the generosity of the Aussie Tax Payer as a pensioner I can at
my leisure,
which now I have plenty of, view the recorded information by:

Fast forwarding, as I find that nearly all
the TV channels seemingly must get their footage
from the same organisation because the footage is
virtually the same with a different voice
overlay plus in some cases sub-titles, I can also cut through the adverts, however I am
finding that these days now that I have the time I am watching many adverts,
which I find
are very creative,amusing and some what entertaining,although at my age they rarely
ever encourage me to want to rush out and buy,

Rewind, this allows me
to replay anything that I am viewing/hearing as many times as
needed, and in slow to very slow motion foreword or back section/frame by frame.

Delete, I can delete either the whole individual program/recording or only a section enough
to leave me what I want to digitally store.

So to my 1000's of international readers Aussie maybe at the bottom of the world but
and I am an amateur compared to many here, we are certainly capable of
holding our own when it
comes to communicating with the rest of you!!!

Which brings me to my subject ' It's our Rates/Taxes their spending ' because the popular
opinion internationally appears to be that we are a rich country, and by many aspects I
believe as a nation
we are.

However there is very strong evidence here in Aussie that were in not for the incompetent,
self interested pollies across all (3) - local, State and federal - levels of this over
governed country of ours we would be very much richer, and instead of wallowing in
unrestrained, unsustainable billions of international Visa/Credit
card debt, with a national
energy system, or the lack of one,
where these ideological Greenie/Labor fanatics believe
we can rely on an unreliable Mother Nature to supply this growing nations energy needs
into the future without a substantial coal/gas base load supply.

For decades large companies/organisation, especially those listed on the stock exchange,
had from the Chairman of the board,Directors,Executive and most senior management
on 3-5 year contracts with a possible renewal at the expiry of the first term at least, in order
to keep these levels of management where the organisational policy frame work/goals are
developed and monitored, constantly reviewing profitability, refinance if necessary, and be
on the ball and don't become set in their ways and thinking to the detriment of the overall
organisation, and as they are often given
shares in the company they have that extra

The administration of the organisation is left to the line management and below.

Therefore as I have stated before Aussie should have a maximum of (2) term say, of 4 years
for all pollies across the political board for local, state and federal in order to get some
new fresh
political blood,ideas,thoughts and thereby get rid of any personal dislike's,clashes,
being carried over for years disrupting/slowing the parliamentary process sometimes to a
stand still.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the
Labor Party's " Magic Pudding Economics " plus an alleged " Rapist " of his
alleged victim Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl
in the early 1980's.

Senator Richard Di Natale the Aussie Head Greenie -The Aussies closest equivalent
to our lost it's way Communist Party,

Malcolm Turnbull the current LNP PM

Let's face it there might as well not have been a very expensive Tax Payer funded Federal
Election last July 2016?, because what has changed?? all (3) of the above - Teflon Billy,
Di Natale and Turnbull are just saying and doing exactly what they were prior to the election
on the 2/7/2016, and as I have stated before on here that out of the 226 pollies combined in
the House of Reps (150) Senate (76) there were only (39) seats that changed hands one way
or the other, so the ' Status Quo ' remains!!

Now I have just heard on the radio that a LNP back bencher is proposing (6) year terms for
Federal pollies instead of (3) years?? it would be funny if it was not so serious, and ofcourse
they will all vote for that one because they can have their greedy snouts in the ' Tax payer fully
funded trough ' for an extra (3) years regardless of their productivity, which is extremely poor
by anyone's standards currently, because they spend more time on self interest politicking than
looking after the Aussies interest!! ? don't believe me ? just spend time listening to parliament
in both the Reps and Senate.

After all the pollies at all (3) levels of our Aussie Federal System are only to oversee the work
are not hands on for instance:

Local government - Have Council GM's/CEO's and 100's of staff to do the administration in
compliance with the Councils policy frame work.

Both State and Federal pollies have heads of Departments and 10's of 1000's of public
to administer the many and various government departments within the government
of the day's
policies and frame work.

Now I realise that by law the various government levels are only the custodians of the Rate
and Tax Payers
funds because governments do ' NOT ' own one cent of any funds they have
available to them, and have a legislative responsibility to show a duty of care in regard to the
funds across
the board.

However when they spend of our billions, other than when they are trying to score political
points against their
opposition?, do they ever mention, or in fact thank the hard working,
doing it tough Rate/Tax Payers for their compulsory contribution?? rarely if ever, they act
like we should be grateful for them spending the money/funds available the way they do as
if they were some very
wealthy benevolent philanthropists.

Col Murray re-elected as Tamworth Mayor at the last years 2016 Council/Local government
elections after being a Councilor for the past (12) years. ( 3x4 year terms )

Now I only use Tamworth as a example because I have had a lot to do with the Tamworth
area over
the last couple of decades with a member of my family running a multi-million
dollar business
there, plus I have quite a few friends and acquaintances there and I visit
very frequently.

For those that don't know, Tamworth is one of the biggest inland NSW Councils with a
of some 58,000 and covers an area (3) times as large as the Sydney basin.

Tamworth is the regional hub to at least (4) small towns plus another (17) hamlets and
villages with
a further population of some 50,000 people, and there is a further 850 hectares
been released which
it is estimated that it could support a further 10 - 15,000 people.

I see from a quick look at the Tamworth
Councils financial statements for 2013/14-2014/15-
-2015/16 which like most councils have a pretty thin financial layer to protect the Rate/Tax
Payers from possibly going into an expensive deficit situation, where the anticipated
permissible income calculation, because all council rates in NSW are pegged or set by law
at various percentages, is some $33,990,000 million to 30 June 2017 so certainly
gives one
the idea of the size of the Tamworth Regional council.

TRC also is responsible for the maintenance of a very busy airport, water and sewerage which
like's of the Sydney metropolitan councils do not have to do.

Tamworth and region is certainly a very dynamic place to live and do business in and I highly
recommend that you Google Tamworth NSW and read the mountain amount of information

However Mayor Col Murray is in my opinion your typical pollie, that walks up the main street
down and avoiding eye contact in order to get into the safety of their inner sanctum as
soon as possible in case someone should have some complaint or other and tackle
him in the

If you do manage to catch his eye as I did you might get a grunt which sounds like ? " Hello ".

Therefore as far as I am concerned what is the
point of these people being in local politics as
supposedly public servants of the electorate, if they
can't look people in the face/eye smile and
be prepared to hear peoples complaints whenever, or
wherever, when their in public.

Mayor Col Murray is by no means unique in this area by far, it is very common amongst a wide
of pollies across the political spectrum, they seem to want to talk and show an interest at
close to
election time,but in between they have this arrogant leave me alone attitude I'm busy,
or on my lunch

I have met Mayor Murray personally just prior to the federal election day in July last year 2016
at a building ? I believe it used to be the old Post Office ? under the Tamworth Clock Tower
which was open
to the passing public, and there along with another Councilor plus (3) Tamworth
Council bureaucrats
where the Council was conducting a series of come and meet the council
days, however I gather listening to some there and from a contact
I have in the council chambers
it was not a great success, anything but.

Although as I stated at the time
what did they expect it was the end of a full on massive 24/7
Federal Election media coverage which was I believe the
longest, most boring, lead up time in
history to any election day that being some (8) weeks, therefore the thought of
talking to more
pollies at whatever level I would have thought would be the last thing on anyone's mind.

I just went in to have a sticky beak because of all the bunting and signs outside.

Another beef I have with the like's of Mayor Murray and the majority of pollies who
are right media tarts,
especially on TV,in Mayor Murrays case you would think he is a
Council of "ONE " instead of" NINE "you never seem to see any of the other Councilors,
so-called social media like Facebook, spruiking and big noting themselves about all
the millions of our Rates and Taxes
they are so generously spending on various projects
as if it was their funds,
and as I have previously stated like some"Benevolent Philanthropists"
we should be grateful,but never a thankyou to the hard working, doing it tough, Rate and Tax
that through their hard work and initiative the funds were being made available in the first place.

Back in 2010 the Tamworth Council invested $9.5 million in a Indoor Sports Centre which
six indoor courts, change rooms, offices, kiosk/cafe, gym area and corporate areas??
all very
commendable I am sure but ? was there ever a public thankyou by Mayor Col Murray,
or any of the Tamworth
Councilors for that matter ? to the hard financially pressed, doing it
tough, Rate/Tax Papers especially the
low income, including pensioners, who may not be Rate
Payers but pay rent that contribute greatly
to the property owners rateable income, especially
as there is no doubt that the majority by far of
Tamworth Regional Rate/Tax Payers will not only
'NOT' use this facility but never even view it unless via the TV.

Kevin Anderson NSW MP for Tamworth.

Mayor Col Murray has always run for Council as a so-called Independent which in reality
should mean that
Mayor Murray is not seemingly aligned with any other political party:
Liberal, National, Labor, Greens, One Nation etc;.

However in 2015 Mayor Col Murray appeared in a National Parties Commercial TV promotion
endorsing the above NSW MP Kevin Anderson during the NSW 2015 election, which Kevin

So surely any reasonable person would have the right to consider just how much the
by Col Murray the Mayor at the time of the Tamworth Regional Council had in
getting Kevin Anderson re-elected, and could this be an arrogant abuse of Col Murrays
position as a very influential member
of one of the largest inland councils in NSW.

The sooner, ? maybe to late however ? these egotistical pollies and bureaucrats realise that
the 10's of millions of Rate/Tax Payers their positions would not exist, and Aussie
would go back to just being a conglomerate of 100's of nomadic tribes.

People I would suggest that you do what I do when someone is bragging about taking legal
or legal action that has been taken and won/compensated for, even if this claim was
covered by
an insurance public liability policy because the premiums have to be paid, in
regard to any local,
state or federal government departments - police, Centrelink, Medicare,
etc; just point out that no
one sues, or takes legal action against any government department
and wins, or even does and
doesn't win because there are legal costs involved, and as no
government at any level have any
funds that they own it would mean the Rate/Tax Payers would
have to contribute an extra $2.00
dollars for every $1.00 paid out in whatever way.

This is to cover the $1.00 to fund the legal costs and ? compensation, which could have been
spent on hospitals, welfare, education etc; and another $1.00 to replace that dollar so
the Aussie Rate/Payers can meet the ? local, state or federal commitments.

I find that when I explain that the cost of taking legal action against Aussie governments is
out of their pockets one way or the other, they mostly start to view the situation some

Professor Einstein.

Anyway people it doesn't take my mate Einstein to calculate that many of these egotistical,self
interested so-called leaders of the world not only Aussie, have and are dragging us as a world
population over the cliff financially,socially,morally and in ways the world has never known
and certainly never to this scale even during World War 11, therefore don't whinge when
in the not so
distant future, probably when I am not around or to doolaly to care, your loved ones
offspring's ask ? what happened and where were you????.

The Australia Newspaper 15/2/2017 - ( my words " Good on you Senator Pauline Hanson it's
about time someone did " )

Sir Mike Howe - but you call me Mike. - Scroll down and read and concern yourselves where yet
more of our Western leaders are leading/dragging their nations to the destruction of their 100's
of years of cultural
heritage and long term annihilation .

Hegira - Wikipedia

The Hegira or Hijrah ( Arabic: هِجْرَة‎‎) is the migration or journey of the Islamic Prophet

Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina,

in the year 622.

Subject: " Invading Refugees " - Author unknown but never-the-less regardless it

makes a lot of common sense.

This is an interesting read. I have often wondered about the masses of fleeing
refugees that appear to be young males for the most part and who do not look
malnourished covering now most of the landscape of Europe

I think this is worth reading and passing on to our children before it's too

We understand far too little about Muslims leaving their homes. What is
Hijrah? Obama is well educated in the Muslim religion since he studied it
while living in Indonesia. He does not want this email to be spread all over
the US because he wants us to be totally ignorant of what is really going on
with the ISIL movement. This makes all the turmoil now make sense. Sad, and
doesn't bode well for us.

What is a Hijrah? Hijrah is when large scale mass migrations become
invasions. What is happening in parts of Europe right now, actually appears
to be a *hijrah* as the Quran describes it. This is NOT going to end well.
Because it appears the policies of the liberal socialist leaders in Europe
and the US do not want to keep their lands from being overrun.

Why? I couldn't figure out why other Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE,
Oman, etc.) weren't taking in refugees, so I started digging.

Hijrah is jihad by emigration. It means moving to a new land in order to
bring Islam there and is considered in Islam to be a holy and revered
action. "And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth
many locations and abundance, and whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to
Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already
become incumbent upon Allah." Surah 4:100.

So, if a Muslim dies in the process of immigrating to another country,
that's essentially the same as being a suicide bomber, his reward is
automatic. This explains the great eagerness to undertake such a perilous
journey. Muhammad and his followers emigrated from Mecca to Yathrib/Medina
in 622 CE. It was there that he became a military leader though still
uneducated. This is where all the commands to commit violence against
unbelievers originated. It's important to note that the Islamic calendar
marks this as the beginning of Islam.

This current massive* hijrah* was announced last January, although few
Muslim countries paid the announcement much attention. A supporter (or
member) of ISIS uploaded a document in Arabic that urged Muslims to get to
Libya because of its proximity to southern Europe and for the important
tactical value of its illegal immigration circuits to facilitate
infiltration of European cities. Libya has a long coast and looks upon the
southernmost countries of western European, which can be reached with ease
by even a rudimentary boat.

In February, transcripts of telephone intercepts published in Italy said
ISIS was threatening to send 500,000 migrants as a "psychological weapon"
against Europe. The Italian Minister for the Interior, Angelino Alfano, said
at the time, "If the militias of the Caliphate advance faster than the
decisions of the international community how can we put out the fire in
Libya and stem the migration flows? We are at risk of an exodus without

Also in February, the Turkish intelligence service warned police that up to
3,000 trained jihadists were seeking to cross into Turkey from Syria and
Iraq and then travel through Bulgaria and Hungary into western Europe and
then into the rest of Europe. Sound familiar?

In May, a Libyan government adviser warned that Islamic State operatives
were being" smuggled to Europe in migrant boats."ISIS is profiting from the
human trafficking trade, forcing boat owners to hand over their profits or
be killed. Some ISIS operatives are already sheltered in safe houses in the
south of the Europe.

Groups of men, 17 to 25, from Palestine and Syria, cross into Bulgaria and
from there move into the rest of the EU. A former Al Qaeda double agent told
the BBC that he knew of two Egyptian brothers who reached Italy from Libya,
accompanied by men who were deeply religious and fluent in Italian and

Go watch the videos of those "refugees" again. How many of the "refugees"
are 17-25 year old men and of military age? If that doesn't convince you,
we already know terrorists are coming through with the waves of
refugees: a week ago five men were arrested attempting to cross the Bulgarian-
Macedonian border with Islamic State propaganda, specific Jihadists prayers, and
decapitation videos on their phones. They had been posing as refugees.

UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage warned: "I fear we face a direct
threat to our civilization if we allow large numbers of people from that war
torn region into Europe.

Other Muslim countries are not "taking in" these "refugees" because this is
a hijrah into Europe. This is no humanitarian crisis. It is an invasion.
Its goal is to transform Europe: over tax its economies, tear down its
wealthiest nations, re-draw the demographics and, of course, the culture.
And our government wants to start letting them into our Country?
Obama, having already announced over 100,000 are going to arrive in the
USA in 2017.

Are we all Forest Gumps? Is this worth sharing with others???

Thursday, 16 February 2017

' Australia's Hottest Day on Record in 1828 '

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and

Sir Mike's Comments 16/2/2017

Subject: ' Australia's Hottest Day on Record in 1828 '
The following information largely comes from: The Bureau of Meteorology,Wikipedia, Lance Pidgeon
( Silliggy ),JODOVA, Jennifer Marohasy and a variety of other government departments and media.

People I have just gone through the last couple of days,with some temporary relief currently only
to return in a few days,
of 46 plus degrees heat by midday with overnight temperatures of 26 plus
degrees,with a very strong north westerly wind that has dried the grass to a consistency the
equivalent of an ' Arnotts potato chip ', with the previous few weeks a fairly consistent 30 plus
every day and over night to 20 plus, plus the strong smell of smoke in the air from bush fires.

Prior to me becoming a Grey Nomad some 6 plus years ago I lived for some 40 plus years in the
Winmalee/Springwood Blue Mtns area, where every year there was a bush fire of some sort in
various parts of the Blue Mtns, mainly in the summer months but if the winter was a very dry
one then there too,and ofcourse these are just the possible facts of life if you want to live in
these types of areas.

On or around Thursday the 13th October 2013 a tremendous bush fire happened in a road where
I had a house for some 35 plus years, before I moved into Springwood, by the name of Buena Vista
Rd, Winmalee which I visited
after the bush fire only to find that every house leading up to my old
place and a neighbours place to the left of me, and beyond, plus
some houses across the road,
were all burned to the ground yet neither my house or my neighbours were not even scorched in
anyway just somewhat blacken by the smoke,WHY??

Well my then wife and I had the house built up there so it was brand new when we moved in in
the early 1970's and we straight away started to plan the very large block which over looked a
very deep gully, the very same gully that was totally burned out on or about Thursday the 13th
October 2013.

Now this was before the internet so we had to do our homework and first up we asked the local
bush fire brigade blokes to come and look at the block and give us some advice on the types of
trees that were comparatively safe and where to put them, plus what blue gum trees to get rid of,
this was before we had these current,oppressive, obnoxious, over bearing Blue Mtns bureaucrats
telling us
when to breath and what form to use before we did.

I then went to various Garden Centres plus the Blue Mtns Library and decided on Tortured Weeping
and a Canadian Maple, much to the amusement of many of my then neighbours, many of them
there when their houses burned down losing everything, because I was informed one way or the
other that their leaves, which turned out to be correct, where not combustible they just shriveled
up with the heat, and because all three over the years had discovered a good source of water under
my block had grown into huge trees rising say at least 40 - 50 feet,? whatever that is in metres?
high reducing the possible heat radiation and protecting both my and my neighbours houses.

Also I had built a retaining wall some 30 feet ? metres? away from the back of the house where
these trees were planted some further say 10 feet the other side of the wall, leaving a grassed area
between the house, facing the gully, and these
what were to become huge protective trees.

Although I had both a gym and bar room underneath the house apart from one door entrance and
sufficient extractor fans and vents the under house was fully bricked in and therefore not allowing
any embers,
or heat/flames to enter, and because we had the very deep gutters put on the house
I would suggest,
not being there, the embers fell into the deep gutters, hopefully having been
cleaned out, and just
harmlessly burned themselves out.

Now I realise that some poor buggers do what I did and take the protection of their family and
family assets very seriously, and yet still very sadly lose everything, just proving there are no
guarantees in life you just do your best.

However on driving by the burned out shells of houses it was obvious that all the houses lost did
not do any of this: they had over hanging trees to their houses and carports, bushes/plants under
their eves which was obvious with where the burned stalks and tree trunks were, building material
and garden rubbish still smoldering along side where what remained of the house walls, and I
know from past experience and observation most had open timber decks and awnings with many
having small plants and shrubs along side and or underneath.

I should point out that months later both the Tortured Weeping Willows and the Canadian Maple
were recovering very nicely with plenty of new healthy growth.

Now over the years I was there at Buena Vista, Rd we had many previous close calls in regard to
bush fires coming very close in both the gullies either side of the road, and I had many conversations
with the very neighbours that lost their homes about fire safety around the house and they had from
time to time visited my place, but no " She'll be right mate it's all under control we know exactly
what to do " and admittedly this fire happened while many were away on holidays or were at work,
however knowing the situation as I did I don't believe that had most of them been there anything
would have ended differently.

Now a lot of these bush fire catastrophes/disasters where brought about by what I previously
described as the oppressive obnoxious Blue Mtns bureaucrats plus the policies of the local
government Greenie
Councilors who made it ideologically very difficult to clear or partially clear
your residential block
to avoid bush fire damage,and ofcourse in the majority of cases supported
by the then bush walking
Bob Carr who was then the NSW Labor Premier for a long time, we had
to wait until after the October 2013 disastrous fires I am referring to here and and Liberal/National
State government to get these insane
restrictions changed.

Some few years after I had planted the Tortured Weeping Willows and they were doing very well, I
had reason to get a Blue Mtns so-called Health Inspector on site because I was having problems
with the council pump out system and as soon as he observed the Willows he informed me that
I had to remove them as they were classed as a " Noxious weed " other wise I could be fined for
having them? that is just how ridiculous things had become with the Greenie dominated Blue Mtns
Local council, needless to say I just ignored the arrogant bastard and as it turned out in October
2013 it was a good thing I did!!!!!

Now people you could rightly ask why am I going on about heat,dried grass, bush fires and
obnoxious local government bureaucrats and ideological Greenie Blue Mtns councils.



(1) It is just to show that I am aware what it is like to live in oppressive heat day and night,
and having to be fully aware, sometimes on a daily basis, the challenges of living in a
bush fire prone area.

(2) I am sick and tired of bureaucrats, ideological Greenie/Labor and people of
self interest
such as climate scientists/researches and the like trying to convince/brain wash the Aussie
population that come what may in order to save the
planet Earth in 10,20,30,50 or 100 years
that unless we move our energy needs to the current much more expensive and far less
reliable alternative energy, because as we are fully aware Mother Nature is very unreliable
and has a mind of her own and if we try to second guess her we do so at our peril, we as the
of the world can expect " Armageddon " ??.

However ofcourse these " Doom & Gloom Sayers " won't be around to be held to account
their so-called " Modeling " just proves to be yet another expensive " Guesstamate ".

Jay Weatheral - The South Australian Premier.

Well people we have discovered just how modern society relies on electricity and without it
just brings the modern society as we know it today to virtually a dangerous and very expensive
total shut down, as happened in that basket case, in every way, of an Aussie state like South
Australia where the states energy costs, including gas, are the highest in Aussie and in many
ways I gather by modern societies standards world wide.

Now this must further reduce the standard of living,
empty the wallets,purses,bank accounts,
of the good citizens of South Aussie as well as in the long term increase the unemployment
where currently SA unemployment figures are the highest in Aussie at about 6.8%, as
more and more Aussie companies close down there - the vehicle manufacturing is a prime
example with the possibility of the Steel Industry to follow - and move off shore where their
energy costs are less and reliability is greater,
labour, government red/green tape, let alone
company tax is a lot less to name but a few of the reasons.

Bearing in mind that the majority by far of the people I know that have had solar panels put up
on their roofs would not have done so without the Tax Payer funded subsidies, or the ability
to sell excess power back to the grid, especially as the current and past solar panels have only
a 10-15 year shelf life with regard to the harsh Aussie climate, at a cost of between $5 - $10,000,
depending on the system, and excluding
storage batteries.

The above is a colour coded map showing the 6 climate zones of Aussie as a result of the
countries/continent size.

1. Dark brown at the top - Equatorial.2. Green again at the top - Tropical.3. Grey - Subtropical.4. Light brown - desert which is 20% of the total Aussie land mass.
5. Light tan - Grasslands.
6. Blue - Temperate climate.

The bulk of the 24 million Aussies that live here can be mainly found in the Dark brown, Green,
Grey and Blue zones.

There are more people that live in the Western Sydney suburbs than the whole of the Aussie
Rural areas, therefore when these ideological climate change people, carbon trading and
alternative energy advocates refer to Aussies actual emissions and pollution, not our 1.5%
contribution to global warming, these would be the zones where
they would be referring too.

I am sure the modern countries around the world would
be viewing this and saying " Half your
bloody luck " when comparing to their overcrowding.

Now let us look at the disastrous effect Aussie will have on the worlds climate if we don't do
what these ideological and self interested climate change people say we must, in order to be
a world leader and show the world we are prepared to do our share of the heavy lifting.

Aussies land mass is about 7.692 million square kilometers being about 5.5% of the total world
mass of 149.45 million square Klms, for just 24 million Aussie citizens,and is the sixth
largest country after Russia,Canada,
China, USA and Brazil and is the only one of the six
nations to be completely surrounded by
water, ( hallelujah to that brother and sisters,
hallelujah to that!! and I have no doubt all the
other Five nations mentioned would state
( Half yeah bloody luck mate !!! )

The Aussie land mass is:

1. Almost as big as the USA that has a population of some 324.1 million and is responsible
I gather for some 5,334,000 million tons of CO2 emissions or 14.95%, per capita because of
the size of the population 16.5%.

2. If we exclude Russia that makes up 40% of Europe and only include the European Union
then Aussie is 52% ' GREATER ' than Europe with a population of some 590.7 million and
3,415,000 million tons of CO2 emissions
or 9.57%, per capita because of the size of the
population 6.7%.

3. Russia with a population of 143.4 million with 1,176,000 million tons of CO2 or 4,95%,
per capita 12.4%

4. Aussie is 32 times greater than the whole of the United Kingdom with a population of
65.1 million and 415,000 thousand tons of CO2 emissions or 1.16%, per capita 6.5%

5. Although Aussie as a country is smaller than China which has a population of
1.382 billion and 10,540,000 million tons of CO2 emissions, and rising, or 29.9% and
spread over such a huge population the per capita is only 7.6%.

6. Aussie again is a smaller country wise to Canada but has about the same economy mix,
and they have a population of 36,286 million and 565,000 thousand tons of CO2 emissions
or 1.58%, per capita 15.9%.

7. Brazil a much larger country than Aussie with a population of 209.5 million, a good
Catholic country anti-birth control,
and 501,000 thousand tons of CO2 emissions or 1.40%,
per capita 2.5% because of the size of their population.

8. Aussie with a population of only 24.1 million and say 409,000 tons of CO2 emissions or
1.15%, per capita, again due the small size of our population and that being only 0.3% of
the worlds population which obviously increases the percentage and makes it look far
worse than it really is, making it great food for the pro-climate change, advocates for a
carbon trading and renewables mob, is 17.3%.

Now something I have mentioned many times in mike's comments which the pro-climate
change, carbon trading and renewables mob very conveniently, and in my and others point
of view purposely, fail to point out that calculating Aussie emissions is based on production
rather than on a Aussie consumption bases, which means on goods imported into and
consumed within Aussie such as products like many and various motor vehicles are allocated
to the country of manufacture.

Like wise anything that is manufactured here in Aussie that requires substantial amounts
of electricity from so-called greenhouse gas emitting coal-fired power stations and exported,
and although consumed overseas the emissions of it's production, such as many of the
409,000 tons or 17.3%, per capita of 1.15% are allocated to Aussie, greatly distorting Aussies
domestic contribution to Global Warming, and thereby using these figures to frighten, brainwash
Aussies into believing that every violent storm, flood, fire, the bleaching of the coral and other
extreme weather patterns that we witness is due to the fact that the Aussies emissions are to
blame, and this will all go away when we convert over to renewables, yet if you look at the
countries I have mentioned here, and they are only 7 of a list of 220 countries mentioned on
the world wide CO2 emissions list, then this is ABSOLUTE BLOODY RUBBISH!!

Let's face it what product does Aussie grow, produce, mine, extract that we export, as an
exporting nation who's economy would fall flat on it's face without exports, that does not
require electricity in some form or other and ? how do we define what is, or not, using coal
fired generated electricity, and let's face it it will be decades, if ever, that Aussie can afford
to switch over to the costly, unreliable 100% renewables.

Then ofcourse with the advent of electrically powered vehicles putting extra strain on the
already peak hour demand of between 6 pm and say 8 pm when vehicles are put on charge
over night for the next day competing with the usual domestic demand, especially if there
had been rainy windless days draining household batteries and putting extra strain on the
network? what then ? no vehicles no work the next day?

Many of the so-called climate change scientist/experts - the definition of an expert " A drip
under pressure " maintain that unless we control Aussies CO2 emissions we can expect a
lot more weather changes - more drying, more heat, more wet, more violent storms, more
floods and fires and the list of " Doom & Gloom " guesstamates seems to be endless all
ofcourse needing funding for years, if not decades, in the way of Tax Payer grants via the
local,state and federal governments and why not ? I can understand that they must have
cost of living bills to pay like the rest of us, however surely we as Tax Payers are entitled
to ask what of their priorities is paramount.

However as I pointed out previously in this blog - refer climate zone map above - Aussie
is such a huge continent that it has (6) climate zones which range from tropical rainforests,
deserts and cool temperature forests to snow covered mountains, although I have yet to
see where any of these " Doom & Gloom Sayers " have produced a comprehensive report
covering all (6) climate zones with some factual forecasts in regard to how, when, where
EMISSIONS, will effect all the (6) climate zones.

The Aussie climate rainfall pattern is classed as ' Concentric '.

Aussie is the smallest of the worlds continents as well as the lowest, flattest and apart
from the Antarctica, the driest.

Aussie has a massive desert in the centre which represents some 20% of our land mass
in the arid and semi-arid regions which stretches across a vast amount of SA & WA far
south of western Queensland, far north corner of NSW and nearly half of Northern
Territory where there are very high temperatures which can be up to 50 degrees plus
during the day in the summer, and this is where our recent extreme weather came from
where temperatures rose to 46 degrees plus in parts of NSW and although not so hot also
effected southern Queensland and Northern Victoria, and all this occurred due the lack of
cloud cover in central Aussie and the strong North Westerly winds carrying the heat
downwards and did, and still do, the obsessive climate change mob have a feast on
that one, seemingly every natural phenomenon that occurs now, and from a decade or
so in the past is due to climate change - there I told you so factor!! " Armageddon is Nigh "
repent you CO2 sinners or forever be dammed in the annals of history as climate skeptics.

The fact that Aussie has this massive desert in it's centre with it's lower than average
rainfall means that the rainfall pattern in Aussie is what is called ' Concentric ', which
means that the rainfall falls around this extensive arid core of the continent and ensures
that the rainfalls highest intensity is in the tropics and some coastal areas, and I am sure
this has happened long before any humans of any kind inhabited Aussie.

It is obvious when you look at the weather charts on the nightly TV news that because
of Aussies continental structure with such a flat hot very dry centre Aussie is unable in
most cases to generate enough moisture to form clouds of our own and therefore
rely on weather fronts coming in from the North, North West, West, South West, South
and North East, for our very variable rainfall, and of course the El Nino-Southern
Oscillation index which often the climate change fanatics very conveniently fail to mention
as a possible contributor to say the eastern Aussie droughts where the El Nino in the
warm central and eastern Pacific Ocean can cause major swings in Aussies weather

People I have found over my many decades on this earth that most of the academics
from either Universities and other institutions, well those especially appearing on the
ABC and SBS that seem to be especially picked to confirm both the ABC's and SBS
managerial bias and agenda, are card carrying liberal lefties, certainly Labor or Greenie
narrow perspective voters, and are just " Doom & Gloom Sayers " no matter the
subject: climate,health, politics, LGBTQI,economics, foreign trade, refugees, religion
and the list goes on.

Now ofcourse there are many reason, ain't there always?, for this and this is because
the media generally, but certainly the ABC and SBS, lap up negative, controversial
news especially if the person has a fancy academic title such as Professor and these
academics obviously know this, which can mean notoriety, public speaking fees, book
sales and a higher standing within the academic world that could have an effect on
whether that academic has their tenure/contract extended or not, and certainly would
not go amiss when seeking Tax Payer funded grants for research.

In my short life of 76 plus years I have seen that many stuff up's, some serious some
not, by so-called qualified experts,either individuals and/groups,and their so-called
accurate modeling at the time predicting like some fortune teller, and about as good!
never to be seen or heard of again, but having received a small fortune as ill gotten
gain for their troubles, and there are many of our past pollies across the political
spectrum and at all levels of this over governed country that easily fall into that category.

Do I believe that the worlds climate is changing one way or the other ? well how could
it not be with half the (7) billion people on this planet - 3.5 billion and climbing - wanting
the same as the other 3.5 billion have, therefore I believe getting a consensus on climate
change until this equalisation happens is a pointless exercise, however I don't believe
Aussie should allow these ideologically obsessive, carbon trade and alternative energy
mobs to increase energy costs, reduce our current and future standard of living,by
making it to expensive and uncompetitive to produce and export any of our commodities
or products to try and save the planet decades,generations into the future.


At my age and fast approaching my used by date unless a gigantic meteorite collides
with the world and like the dinosaurs wipes my half of the human race out, then I should
survive whatever these bunch of self interested amateur pollies decide to do, it's the
inexperienced and somewhat naive 0-40 year olds that concern me, because if the way
our pollies across the board and political spectrum have managed the countries finances
and wellbeing is anything to go by these young people should be very,very concerned

However we should bear in mind that these amateur pollies will always have the fully
funded Tax Payer $120 billion ' Future Fund ' - and climbing ever year - to fall back on
should they get voted out for incompetence, lack of their duty of care, or just retirement,
regardless what
or how their ideological hairy,fairy, expensive thought bubbles turn out,
leaving us mug plebbs to carry the
problems into the future!!

An elephants bum.

I have stated many times on various mike's comments and will continue to, that no matter
what 24.1 million Aussies that live on this vast continent called Australia does, or does not
do, in regard to climate change will, as compared to the world wide situation, be no more
                                ' A PIMPLE ON AN ELEPHANTS BUM ' by comparison!!

Ok people whinging can become a boring and thankless art form if practiced often enough,
however trying to make a difference for yourself and others, regardless how frustrating
that might be from time to time, has many positive rewards!!!!!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike - Scroll down.

Australia's Hottest Day on Record 1828


Not 2017, BUT 1828 at a blistering
53.9 °C
Back before man-made climate change was frying Australia,
when CO2 was around 300ppm, the continent savoured an
ideal pre-industrial climate.... RIGHT?

This is the kind of climate we are spending $10bn per
annum to get back too... Right again?
We are told today's climate has more records and more
extremes than times gone by, but the few records we have
from the early 1800's are eye-popping.

Things were not just hotter, but so wildly hot it burst
The earliest temperature records we have show that
Australia was a land of shocking heatwaves and droughts,
except for when it was bitterly cold or raging in flood.

In other words, nothing has changed, except
possibly things might not be quite so hot now!
Silliggy (Lance Pidgeon) has been researching records
from early explorers and from newspapers
What he's uncovered is fascinating! It's as if
history is being erased!
For all that we hear about recent record-breaking
climate extremes, records that are equally extreme,
and sometimes even more so, are ignored.
In January 1896 a savage blast "like a furnace"
stretched across Australia from east to west and lasted
for weeks.
The death toll reached 437 people in the eastern
Newspaper reports showed that in Bourke the heat
approached 120°F (48.9°C) on three days.
The maximum at or above 102 degrees F(38.9°C)
for 24 days straight!
1. By Tuesday Jan 14, people were reported falling dead
in the streets.
2. Unable to sleep, people in Brewarrina walked the
streets at night for hours, thermometers recorded
109F at
3. Overnight, the temperature did not fall below 103°F.
4. On Jan 18 in Wilcannia, five deaths were recorded in
one day, the
hospitals were overcrowded and reports said
that "more deaths are hourly expected".
5. By January 24, in Bourke, many businesses had shut
(almost everything bar the hotels).
6. Panic stricken Australians were fleeing to the hills in
climate refugee trains
As reported at the time, the government felt the situation
was so serious that to save lives and ease the suffering of
its citizens they added cheaper train services:

What I found most interesting about this was the skill,
dedication and length of meteorological data taken in the
1800's. When our climate is "the most important moral
challenge" why is it there is so little interest in our longest
and oldest data?

Who knew that one of the most meticulous and detailed
temperature records in the world from the 1800's comes
from Adelaide, largely thanks to Sir Charles Todd.
The West Terrace site in Adelaide was one of the best in
the world at the time, and provides accurate historic
temperatures from "Australia's first
permanent weather
at Adelaide in 1856?.
Rainfall records even appear to go as far back as 1839.
Lance Pidgeon went delving into the National Archives
and was surprised at what he found.

The media are in overdrive, making out that
"the extreme heat is the new normal" in
The Great Australian Heatwave of January 2013 didn't
push the mercury above 50C at any weather station in
Australia, yet it's been 50C (122F) and hotter in many
inland towns across Australia over the past century.
See how many are in the late 1800's and
early to mid 1900's.
You can't blame those
high records on man-made
global warming!