For some reason better known to this blog they keep
changing my font colour to blue and size?? I have
complained to Google let's see if they take any notice
so I hope you can read it as blue does not show up to
well on the post.
changing my font colour to blue and size?? I have
complained to Google let's see if they take any notice
so I hope you can read it as blue does not show up to
well on the post.
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 10/1/2017.
Also on my blog:
Sir Mike's Comments 10/1/2017.
Also on my blog:
Subject:" Who are the Angry Men/Women
( The original attachment read " Who is the Angry Man " I have changed it to
what I believe is far more relevant in today's world )
People we are constantly hearing the mantra of the Clinton Liberal Lefties,
and something repeated ad nauseam by our Lefty Aussie ABC and SBS
commentators, that as Hillary Clinton won the " Popular Vote " by two to three
million votes this entitles Clinton to claim the USA Presidential position over
Trump, otherwise the results of the polling makes Trumps claim to the Presidents
position undemocratic, which ofcourse not only in the USA but across the world
is not always the case.
Where in Aussie we have the Aussie Labor Party that individually often get more
votes than the Liberals and
the National Party, and even the LNP collectively
some times, however because of either the Labor Parties ideology or political
some times, however because of either the Labor Parties ideology or political
record, or both, they do
not obtain sufficient votes in key individual electorates
therefore regardless of the Labor Parties over all vote they are not able to
therefore regardless of the Labor Parties over all vote they are not able to
achieve the required
majority number of the 150 seats in say the Federal House
of Reps - lower house - and form government.
of Reps - lower house - and form government.
This ofcourse, if you look at the USA voting pattern, is what happened in the
USA, therefore it may make
the Liberal Lefties in the Clinton camp, and those
petulant and
unprofessional anti Trump people in our Aussie ABC and SBS,
feel all warm and fuzzy continually quoting the " Popular voting results " however
these figures are,in this instance anyway ' Totally redundant ' especially as unlike
the case in Aussie where we have a compulsory voting system the USA don't, and
as such the USA are lucky if they got 60% of eligible voters out to vote this time
with Trump and Clinton, therefore even the so-called " Popular Voting figures "
are only an indication and are some what meaningless.
feel all warm and fuzzy continually quoting the " Popular voting results " however
these figures are,in this instance anyway ' Totally redundant ' especially as unlike
the case in Aussie where we have a compulsory voting system the USA don't, and
as such the USA are lucky if they got 60% of eligible voters out to vote this time
with Trump and Clinton, therefore even the so-called " Popular Voting figures "
are only an indication and are some what meaningless.
I only decided to post this amended " The Angry Men/Women " attachment
viewing Meryl Streeps Golden Globe Award speech where Streep
opportunistic acceptance speech as part of her very wealthy, privileged,
political elite position to politicise the event where Streep was applauded by
just as wealthy and privileged elite audience, knowing ofcourse the world wide
media coverage it would get, and as an open supporter of Clinton I believe at
the same time continued the political campaign of " Sour Grapes " degrading
and demeaning not only the position of the USA President elect, regardless of
Streeps personal and political opinion in regard to Trump as an individual,
but the many millions of Trump supporters/voters, the very people that use
their hard earned funds at the various box offices to view the films Streep
appears in, for doing so.
political elite position to politicise the event where Streep was applauded by
just as wealthy and privileged elite audience, knowing ofcourse the world wide
media coverage it would get, and as an open supporter of Clinton I believe at
the same time continued the political campaign of " Sour Grapes " degrading
and demeaning not only the position of the USA President elect, regardless of
Streeps personal and political opinion in regard to Trump as an individual,
but the many millions of Trump supporters/voters, the very people that use
their hard earned funds at the various box offices to view the films Streep
appears in, for doing so.
After all who is this Meryl Streep to use this elitist opportunistic way of attacking
the USA President Elect Donald Trump?
Streep is a women that reads, memorises other peoples words/scripts, mimics,
imitates,impersonates other peoples accents and persona for which Streep
paid millions of dollars.
In other words just a bloody actress and a person that lives in fantasy land as do
most of these multi-millionaires, if not billionaires, Hollywood mob do,and would have
very little knowledge of the real world that millions of the Trump supporters have
to suffer on a daily bases, and by abusing her opportunistic political elite position
I believe will seriously back fire on her, Clinton and the democrats, and
confirm to the ever increasing, according to the USA polling, Trump supporters that
confirm to the ever increasing, according to the USA polling, Trump supporters that
their decision to vote for Trump, todate anyway, was the right one.
However Meryl Streep is so bloody wealthy, a multi-millionaires, why would she
care what the average poor sucker doing it tough thinks, after all she
could stop
acting/working today and still live in absolute luxury along with Bill and
Now I realise this attachment - author unknown - has been written in regard to
the situation in the USA, however I have no doubt that something similar
to Aussie as well, and even Canada, UK and Europe in general can be
where I have been warning of the on coming " Right Wing Movements "
through the centre for years now in my Mike's Comments because the
plebb is so sick and tired of political correctness at the expense of the
silent majority, who are increasingly the silent majority no
Professor Einstein.
I am sure it would not take my old mate Einstein when reading the following
attachment to come to the conclusion that it has " Political and Social Powder Keg "
written right through it, and the political elite and powers that be ignore
it at
their peril, because even as I type this the back lash of the real
political and economic
power houses and that being the economical, political and social
majority is well on the way, and there is no doubt that the next couple of
years will
show dramatic changes which in my view cannot come to soon!!!
Well people you can either whinge around the B-B-Q on a Saturday night and
sleep off the hangover on Sunday, or you can start taking your and your
generations life's into your own hands???.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. Scroll Down.
The Angry Men/Women
For all the interest group pandering that shapes modern
American politics, the group that may well have decided
the election has come down to the demographic of
“The Angry Men/Women.”
The Angry Men/Women are difficult to stereotype. They
come from all economic backgrounds, from dirt-poor to
filthy rich.
They represents all geographic areas in America , from
sophisticated urbanite to rural redneck, Deep South to
Yankee North, Left Coast to Eastern Seaboard.
No matter where their from, Angry Men/Women share
many common traits; they aren’t asking for anything
from anyone other than the promise to be able to make
their own way on a level playing field. In many cases,
they are independent business people and employ several
They pay more than their share of taxes and they work
hard. Damn hard, for what they have and intend to keep.
Their used to picking up the tab, whether it’s the Christmas
party for the employees at their company, three sets of braces,
college educations or a beautiful wedding or two. Not because
they were forced to, but because it’s the right thing to do.
The Angry Men/Women believe the Constitution should be
interpreted as it was written. It is not as a “living document”
open to the whims and vagaries of appointed judges and
political winds.
The Angry Men/Women own firearms, and their willing to
pick up a gun and use it in defense of their homes, their
country and their family. Their willing to lay down their lives
to defend the freedom and safety of others, and the thought
of killing someone if necessary to achieve those goals gives
them only a momentary pause.
The Angry Men/Women are not, and never will be, a victim.
Nobody like them drowned in Hurricane Katrina. They got
their people together and got the hell out. Then, went back
in to rescue those who needed help or were too stupid to
help themselves in the first place.
They are selfless in this, just as often as a civilian as a police
officer, a National Guard soldier or a volunteer firefighter.
Victimhood syndrome buzzwords; “disenfranchised,”
“marginalized” and “voiceless” don’t resonate with The
Angry Men/Women.“Press ‘one’ for English” is a curse-word
to them.
Their last name, race and religion don’t matter.Their ancestry
might be Italian, English, African, Polish, German, Slavic,Irish,
Russian, Hispanic or any of a hundred others.
What does matter is that they consider themselves in every
way to be an American. They are proud of this country and
think that if you aren’t, you are whole-heartedly encouraged
to find one that suits you and move there.
The Angry Men/Women are usually the kind of people who
like to play poker, watch football, go hunting, play golf,
maintain their own vehicles and build things.They coach
kid’s baseball, soccer and football and don’t ask for a penny.
They are the kind of people who can put an addition on their
house with a couple of friends, drill an oil well, design a factory
or work the land. They can fill a train with 100,000 tons of coal
and get it to the power plant so that you can keep the lights
on while never knowing everything it took to do that. The
Angry Men/Women are the backbone of this country.
Their not racist, but are truly disappointed and annoyed, when
people exhibit behavior that typifies the worst stereotypes
of their ethnicity. Their willing to give everybody a fair chance
if they’re willing to work hard and play by the rules. They
expect other people to do the same. Above all,they have
integrity in everything they do.
The Angry Men/Women vote, and they loathe the dysfunction
now rampant in government. It’s the victim groups being
pandered to and the “poor me” attitude that they represent.
The inability of politicians to give a straight answer to an
honest question.
The tax dollars that are given to people who simply don’t
want to do anything for themselves. The fact that, because
of very real consequences,they must stay within a budget
but for some obscure reason the government they finance
Mostly, it’s the blatantly arrogant attitude displayed implying
that we are too stupid to run our own lives and only people
in government are smart enough to do that.
The Angry Men/Women have reached their limit. When a
social justice agitator goes on TV, leading some rally for
Black Lives Matter, Safe Spaces or other such nonsense, they
may bite their tongues, but they remember.
When a child gets charged with carrying a concealed weapon
for mistakenly bringing a penknife to school, they take note
of who the local idiots are in education and law enforcement.
But when government officials are repeatedly caught
red-handed breaking the law and getting off Scott-free,
the Angry Men/Women ball-up their fists and ready
themselves for the coming fight. They know that this
fight, will be a live or die situation, so they prepare fully.
Make no mistake, this is a fight in which they are not willing
to lose and they will never give up !!!
President Obama bowing to a Muslim King.
Obama calls them Clingers.
Hillary Clinton calls them
Obama calls them Clingers.
Bill Clinton an Ex USA President.
Bill calls them a
The Black Lives Matter
movement call them Racist.
The Feminist Movement call
them Sexist.
The LGBTQI movement call
them homophobic.
ISIS calls them infidels.