Saturday, 21 January 2017

" The State of the Nation by Dr Jennifer Oriel, Columnist "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and

Sir Mike's Comments 22/1/2017.
Subject:" The State of the Nation by Dr Jennifer Oriel - Columnist - The Australian.

People I am more than confident that when the majority of my many 1000's of
around not only Aussie but many and varied parts of the world read the
attached article by Dr Jennifer Oriel a Columnist with The Australian, will not look
upon it as some right wing narrow perspective appealing to a narrow section of
not only the Aussie population,and the world in general, but instead take the point
of view that it represents the majority view by far,and a juggernaut of overwhelming
force of popular belief that over the next couple of years will devour the political
elite and their political correct ideology and spit it out onto the garbage heap where
it rightfully belongs!!.

After viewing and listening to the totally bias reporting of the USA election and the
election, which continues as I type this listening to the ABC Radio News, of the
election of Donald Trump, now President Trump, by the Aussie ABC, SBS and the
channel Nine NBN Tamworth News it is very refreshing and up lifting, ? even for a
skeptical 76 year old like me, to read an article like Dr Oriel has written which
contrary to popular opinions of those that have a self interest is very much not
fictional, and a figment of her or anyone else's furtive imagination, but instead an
unfortunate fact of modern life.

The following people expound, proffer and advance the virtues of opening up our
borders to refugees or so-called asylum seekers and multiculturism on the basis
that Aussie was built on such positives, and anyone that thinks to the contrary is
attacked viciously either via the major or social media as racists, xenophobic and
that is putting it mildly.

Senator Richard Di Natale the Aussie Head Greenie -The Aussies closest equivalent
to our lost it's way Communist Party, the Sydney members of which are about to try
and disrupt the Aussie National Day on the 26/1/2017 because they reckon the date
upsets our Aboriginal brothers and sisters? probably will be masked to hide their
identity and burn a few Aussie flags??.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the
Labor Party's " Magic Pudding Economics " plus an alleged " Rapist " of his
alleged victim Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl
in the early 1980's.

Tanya Plibersek,The Federal Labor Party Deputy Opposition Leader who being
an extreme lefty Plibersek's ideology, if implemented, would send Aussie down
the financial gurgler even faster than it is today.

Andrew Wilkie MP,( Whinging Wilkie ) The so-called Independent Federal Member
for the Tasmanian seat of Denison.

Poker Machine.

When we consider that Wilkie got into Federal parliament on the pretext of banning
poker machines through out Aussie, which ofcourse, and quite rightly, he failed in
his quest, he reminded me of the famous " Don Quixote De La Mancha " attacking
Windmills/Clubs with " Poker Machines " that he believed to be ferocious money
grabbing giants.

Don Quixote De La Mancha.

Lame Duck.

Since the Turnbull government obtained a one seat majority in the Aussie House
of Reps Whinging Wilkie has been sidelined as a very expensive Tax Payer funded
" Lame Duck " member of parliament, however in order to try and remain relevant
and therefore try and justify his considerable Tax Payer funded salary and perks,
Whinging Wilkie has become a " Media Tart " and get's involved in subjects like
" Gay Marriage ", refugees and asylum seekers, and on the bases that according
to Wilkie Aussie is a rich country and should increase our refugee intake from say
currently 13,000 pa to something like 30 - 50,000 pa ? something like were let in
illegally as boat people when Wilkie had the balance of power during the minority
government of Julia Gillard prior to 2013, and where I gather most of the 50,000
are still, some 7-8 years later, on welfare bludging off the hard done by Aussie
Tax Payers.

Just to show what a hypocrite Whinging Wilkie is, the Island of Tasmania, where
Wilkie is one of the Federal Members, has the dubious honour of having to share
with that basket case, in more ways than one, state of South Australia under the
Labor Premier Jay Weatherall, of having the highest unemployment figures in
Aussie in December 2016 of 6.4% or 16,200 plus ofcourse the 10's of 1000's of
underemployed, the " Working poor " as they are referred too.

Yet Whinging Wilkie wants' to flood the unemployment market even further with,
in the majority of cases, uneducated migrants who are unable to speak,read or
write English?.

Now obviously if you are not currently one of the estimated 3.1% ( 750,000 of
24,000,000 Aussies and climbing ) Aussie people classified as Aboriginal, and are
not descendants of the many 100's of nomadic tribes that occupied Aussie when
the Europeans and others landed and occupied/invaded, some 200 plus years
ago then you must be classed/classified as currently an immigrant, or a immigrant

Even though the Aboriginals and their supporters condemn the occupation and
invasion by the Europeans and others some 200 years ago, let's face it if it had
not happened then, left to the Aboriginals at the time, this would still be 5.5% of the
worlds landmass and second only to the South Pole as the driest continent waste
land, compared to what it has become and that is the energy supplier to the majority
of the countries around the world plus the coming, if not already, food bowl of Asia.

So yes who could rightly say that this great nation of Aussie was not built on the
production of the European and other immigrants one way or the other.

However any nation no matter how large or small sooner or later will start to reach
a population saturation point, where the countries GNP cannot any longer absorb
additional unproductive immigrants to put additional stress and strain on the
countries already financial capital and welfare resources plus employment,housing,
education, medical and the list goes on.

I should point out to my overseas readers the above mentioned - Di Natale,Shorten,
Plibersek and Wilkie are not members of the Aussie government,and as a consequence
are able to espouse and embrace these wonderful motherhood feel good ideological
theories with all the " Care but no responsibility and/or accountability " to the Aussie
Tax Payers or the Aussie population generally for the following:

1. Aussie government debt according to Wikipedia, source the Aussie Reserve Bank,
has risen/blown out from $59.6 billion in 2004 to now as at the 22/1/2016 $405.9

2. As I have mentioned many times in mike's comments that if we accept the
" The Mickey Mouse " international standard of assessing the Aussie unemployment
figures of if someone has worked for (ONE) hour per week they are considered to
be employed for that week, then our latest unemployment represents 5.7% or some
700 - 800,000 unemployed to say little of the 2-3 million Aussies underemployed, or
the " Working Poor " as they are degradingly referred too.

3. According to the Food Bank of Aussie a leading charity, plus many other charities
that feed, cloth and help with the essentials of life- power and water bills and the like,
of some 360,000 and climbing daily by all accounts.

The Aussie Homeless.

4. It is estimated that at least 100,000 plus Aussies are living rough every night
winter (freezing ) summer ( very hot and humid plus violent storms, flooding etc;)

5. Some of the 100 - 250,000 Aussies around Aussie queuing up for their possibly
only meal of the day supplied by various charities, who rely on the generosity of
various retailers and food suppliers, and even then run out leaving some Aussies
and their families hungry.

It is estimated that at least 360,000 Aussies in NSW alone go to bed hungry every

Now these figures plus many others I have supplied in numerous mike's comments
but the situation continues to get worse and these political opportunist like Di Natale,
Shorten, Plibersek and whinging Wilkie, plus many others completely ignore the
plight of these Aussies, and the figures prove the point, and continue to promote
their ridiculous feel good ideology by compounding the serious problems we have
in Aussie " From the cradle to the grave " by inviting more refugee and asylum
seekers into Aussie to be thrown onto the unemployment/underemployment garbage
heap along with all the other " Forgotten people ".

Our Aussie pollies had better take heed of what has happened in the USA with the
like's of now President Trump vowing to put the majority of " Americans First ",
and with a serious reduction in Obama's pathetic divisive programs of political
correctness and over representation of minority groups such as the LGBTQI and
transgender groups, and start putting the Aussie majority groups first with the
saying foremost in their minds " The Majority Rules with the Minorities in mind "
or suffer the political consequences, because already the major parties at the last
Federal Election, both LNP and Labor suffered the lowest first preference votes
in decades, in the case of Labor the second lowest in 90 years, second only to the
" Mouth from the North " Kevin Rudd in the 2013 Federal Election where Labor
was trashed by the Aussie voters.

Well people things are starting to look good for us average plebbs not only in
Aussie but around the globe, and at 76 years plus I only hope I can hang on long
enough to witness these self serving political correct, ideological lefty low life's
get their fat arses well and truly kicked out of politics, and thereby relieve us the
majority from this suffocating and oppressive politically correct environment we
have allowed ourselves to be buried in.

However people if your going to sit on your fat arses with the " She'll be right
mate " attitude and hope everyone else is going to fix the problems for you, then
don't whinge when you find these minority groups have not put up the " White
Flag " and capitulated because they have a lot to lose and at least currently still
have the " Whip Hand " and are years ahead of us average plebbs and want give
up without a fight!!!!!.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Scroll down - I should point out that this is the first article I have read of
Dr Oriel and was so impressed I wanted to share it with my readers.

However this does not mean that Dr Oriel is in anyway a supporter of mine
and agrees with any of my comments, views or statements.

The Australian.

  • 12:00AM December 12, 2016
Long after the West has defeated Islamic State, the jihadist threat will remain
                              For the past 40 years, Western immigration policy has been based on multicultural ideology.
Its consequence is clear: Islamism has become a Western condition. Successive
governments have diluted Western values to the point where they are no longer
taught in schools. The result is a population unschooled in the ­genius of our
civilisation whose youth cannot understand why it is worth defending.
Multicultural ideology must give way to a renaissance of Western civilisation in
which Australian exceptionalism is celebrated and Islamism is sent packing.
Multiculturalism is not merely the acceptance of diverse cultures, or open society.
It is the a priori belief that cultural diversity has a net positive effect on the West,
coupled with a double standard that excuses lslamic and communist states from
embracing it.
Thus, Western nations must open their borders while Islamic and communist
states remain closed. The West must accept the myth that all cultures are equal
while Islamic and communist states celebrate their unique contribution to world
history. Under multicultural ideology, the greatest civilisation of the world,
Western civilisation, is held in contempt while theocratic throwbacks and
communist barbarism are extolled.
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad al- Hussein, regularly
frames the West as xenophobic and racist. In a recent speech, he decried
xenophobia and religious hatred. But he did not address the Chinese
government’s persecution of Christians, or the governing Islamist regime in
Gaza, Hamas, for hatred of Jews. Rather, he took aim at the West, saying:
“My recent missions to Western Europe and North America have included
discussions of increasingly worrying levels of incitement to racial or religious
hatred and violence, whether against migrants or racial and religious groups.
Discrimination, and the potential for mob violence, is being stoked by political
leaders for their personal benefit.”
Western governments should explain why they continue to send taxpayers’
money to the UN when it has become an organisation expressly devoted to
defending the interests of Islamist and communist regimes against the free
The growing hatred of Western culture goes unremarked by politicians whose
populism is firmly rooted in political correctness. No major political party has
calculated the cost of multicultural ideology to Western society. Instead, they
extol it as a net benefit without tendering empirical evidence. When politicians
claim truth without substantive supporting evidence, ideology is at play. It may
be that multiculturalism is a net benefit to the West. If so, why has the evidence
been withheld? Without it, minor parties can contend that multiculturalism is a
net negative for the West and appear credible.
In the absence of empirical proof that multicultural ideology is beneficial,
politicians such as Pauline Hanson, Donald Trump, Geert Wilders and Marine
Le Pen seek to curb Muslim immigration and deport those who disrespect
Western values. Hanson plans to push for a burka ban in the new year. The
policy has international precedent as Dutch politicians voted recently to ban
the burka in some public places. German Chancellor Angela Merkel also has
proposed a burka ban, but it is reasonable to question her motives ahead of
the 2017 election. In a state election held in September, Merkel’s party polled
below nationalist and anti-Islam party Alternative for Germany. She has driven
porous border policy and repeatedly castigated European heads of state who
defend their sovereign borders, such as Hungary’s Viktor Orban. Her call for a
burka ban is thus viewed by some as blatant political opportunism.
Malcolm Turnbull addressed the issue indirectly by citing poor border controls
in Europe as the cause of the problem. However, as with so many issues
concerning political Islam in Australia, the question of a burka ban is indivisible
from the defence of Western values.
One such value is the universal application of law that requires the equal
treatment of all citizens. If Australians are expected to not wear a balaclava in
banks, courts or Parliament House, why are some citizens permitted to cover
their faces in a burka or niqab? Double standards and preferential treatment
of state-anointed minorities is fuelling widespread, and rational, resentment in
the West.
Consider retelling the events of the past week to an Anzac just returned from
war. We would tell him that a Muslim married to a terrorist recruiter refused
to stand in court because she wanted to be judged by Allah. Muslims in Sydney
and Melbourne were charged with preparing a terrorist act against Australians.
In France, several people were arrested for plotting jihadist attacks. News broke
that 1750 foot soldiers of a genocidal Islamic army had entered Europe without
resistance from Western armies. As in Australia, many jihadists entered as
refugees and lived on taxpayer-funded welfare under a program called
In the same week, a German politician called Angela Merkel, who ushered
Islamists into the West by enforcing open borders, was lauded by a respected
magazine called The Economist as “the last leader of stature to defend the
West’s values”. Yet men from Islamic countries who allegedly entered Germany
under Merkel’s open-border policy were arrested for sexual assault, including
the rape and murder of a teenage girl. Asylum-seekers and refugees had
assaulted women and children across Europe. Less than a year before, on New
Year’s Eve, Merkel’s asylum-seekers had attacked women and girls en masse.
We would tell the Anzac that Britain attempted to acknowledge the negative
impact of its undiscriminating approach to immigration. A review recommended
a core school curriculum to promote “British laws, history and values” and a
proposal that immigrants sign an oath of allegiance to British values. But
secularism, private property and Christianity were absent from the principle list
and as such, it wasn’t very British at all.
There were few Anzacs left to see what the West has become. I suppose that’s
a kind of mercy. We have dishonoured the millions of soldiers who laid down
their lives in the 20th century fighting for our freedom and the future of Western
civilisation. We should hang our heads in shame for letting the Anzac legacy
come to this. We are the descendants of the world’s most enlightened civilisation.
It is our turn to fight for its future.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

" Dave Weinbaums " Rant ' "

( Me at my place )
My blog:
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!

Sir Mike's Comments 16/1/2017.
Subject:" Dave Weinbaum's ' The Rant ' ".

Well people here is a seemingly a well know foreteller of the future and online philosopher by the name of Dave Weinbaum recognised as a
' TIME MAGAZINE ' Person of The Year who has a lot of credibility in regard to his foretelling of the financial future back in 2007 just prior to the 2008 GFC - read below - as well as many other aspects of financial, political and social/society type world wide events.

I only discovered Dave recently after receiving an email stating the essay, or rant, below which 
after reading and finding it very interesting, and after checking with ' Snopes ', I decided to investigate him further.

I went onto his web site and listened to him broadcasting on his radio show where I found him 
very entertaining and down to earth plus I read more of his work there.

Now at 76 years plus I am to old, life experienced and cynical to believe in anyone being able to 
accurately, with a special mention of ' Economists ' closely followed by ' Climate Scientists ' who from my experience are collectively in both of their chosen professions mostly 75% wrong in their predictions, predict the future.

However I believe that even if Dave Weinbaum, like ' Economists & Climate Scientists ', is only 
25% right in his predictions this could have a dramatic effect on the world as we know it today? and I for one, one of 10's of 1000's I expect DW has a large following, will keep these prediction on hand and watch with interest over the period ahead and see how accurate he is???.

I apologise for the small print but I copied this directly from DW web page and unless I am going 
to retype it that is all I could come up with.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down.

This comes from a bright long-term Wall Street guy via The Rant who provides an interesting take on the markets and the political scene…

If you have been reading The Rant for a long time you know I have been saying the world is changed and very high risk, and the black swans are circling. We just entered a major inflection point in history. I have been reporting that in Europe the right wing is ascendant. LePen is likely to win the French election next year. The EU is going to come apart once that happens and now with Trump in power that trend will accelerate. The EU will realign into blocs and there will be massive turmoil as things sort out over the next several years. The French will go back to the Franc. Germany will shift right as the refugees create social, crime and fiscal issues. As ISIS gets destroyed they will try to wage war in Europe thru more terror attacks. You do not want to invest in Europe. The world is rapidly shifting right and the changes will be generational. Brussels will be neutered. NATO countries will invest much more in defense and will be forced to build up their armies.

Here is what I believe will happen in the US. Trump has two years to make massive changes and this is what I believe they may be.

- Obamacare is replaced with some type of more free market plan that Ryan already has.
- Corporate taxes will be reduced to maybe 15% or maybe a bit higher.
- Personal taxes will be reduced.
- All executive orders by Obama will be reversed.
- Most of the massive regulation Obama put in place will be cancelled.

- The Supreme Court will get a conservative justice right away and Ginsburg will try to hang on until she dies in office to try to deny him her seat. She will not last 4 years. Trump will get at least 2 and maybe 3 judge picks. The Supreme court will decide by what strict constructionists think the constitution says not the left wing politics of Sotomayor. It will be much more pro-business. Antitrust cases will go away.

- Sanctuary cities will lose funding and San Francisco and Berkley and Boulder will go nuts.
- The border will somehow be secured and Mexico will not pay. Border Patrol will be materially increased. Gang members will be arrested and deported but everyone else will get to stay here.
- Ryan will stay as Speaker.

- Trump will do what any good NY real estate guy does, he will get up from the table until he gets a deal close to what he wants. That is key to a lot of what Trump will be able to do. If you listened carefully to what he said, it was I will redo NAFTA and will walk from the table if I do not get what we need. There will be a revised NAFTA but Mexico will suffer a lot because many US companies will not move plants there until they see what revised NAFTA says. They will also not defy Trump early on and risk his wrath.

- Mexico takes a big hit.
- The Pentagon and US defense contractors are big winners. Defense spending will ramp up by huge numbers. The military will add over 200,000 people over the next two years. Weapons spending will dramatically increase. This will add a lot of new jobs between the additional military and the added jobs in defense plants.
- Private equity will take a big hit with carried interest going away and this will make a small part payment for the tax cuts.
- Estate taxes will mostly go away.
- Cops will be respected again and racial strife will end as Trump tries new ideas to build charter schools, and rebuild the ghettos.
- There will be no more honoring the families of the thugs like Brown and Travon the way Obama and Hilary did. He will honor the cops.
- The downtrend in crime will get reinstated.
- Transgender anything will go away.
- The military will be told to go win wars and not be social experiments with transgender soldiers.
- Rules of engagement will be changed to kill the enemy instead of cater to political correctness.

There will be an infusion of another 5,000 US soldiers into Iraq and more into Syria to back up the destruction of ISIS. The bombing campaign will be stepped up to what it should be. By March ISIS will have been defeated. They will try to carry out major terror attacks, but now the world will call Islamic terror what it is and there will be a more aggressive fight and coordination.

- Putin and Trump are from the same mother and will get along. Putin is like all bullies -he will realize he cannot push Trump around like he does Obama and he will work out a modus vivendi because he knows he has at least 4 more years to deal with a new US president. Bullies back off if they find they cannot intimidate the other guy.

- The Iran nuke deal will get torn up and Iran will find itself back under sanctions. The Germans will scream but Merkel is now in a very weak position so she will not be able to stop Trump from reimposing them at least for US companies and anyone wanting to do business in the US especially banks. This will be world changing.

- The Saudis won big on this, Israel won huge.
- Developers win because the EPA will be defanged.
- Climate change legislation is dead and the Paris pact will be defunct.
- College campuses will no longer have the threat that unless they find a bunch of young guys to charge with sexual whatever they lose funds. PC on college campuses will be pressured to end although for quite a while there will be protests and other such things.
- Today professors are telling students they do not have to take exams because they are so upset.

Give me a break. This is exactly what is wrong with American colleges today. It is just telling kids boo hoo if you feel bad you get excused from work.

I still think Trump is nuts and a really terrible person, but he is president now so we need to deal with reality of what next. Paul Ryan has already reached out to heal the rift and they have already planned a quick special session to pass repeal of Obamacare and undo the regulations and do other things quickly. Ryan will remain as speaker. The SCOTUS vacancy will be filled immediately

Most important the entire world is about to change. We will see if for good or bad but change it will in massive ways. The tide of anti-socialist, anti PC, anti-diversity, anti-entitlement, anti-establishment of the past 70 years is washing across the world and Trump is simply the ultimate example of what had already been happening with Brexit and in Europe. As far as the stock market- it will now rise. Taxes will get cut, the Supreme Court will not be activist, anti-trust will end, some type of infrastructure program will be instituted, defense spending will jump, banks will be free to lend, regulations will be drastically reduced, and corporate profits will rise. Go all in now. You already see the market reaction is up after the shock. Wall St elite misplaced their bets, Hollywood and the press way over played their hands, and college professors and administrators will have to get over it. Hilary and crew go to jail.

I started Rant in late 2007 when I told a tiny group of friends the market was going to crash and nobody believed me. I sold out of the market in May 2007. My broker thought I was nuts. In January 2008 I told people at the big hotel conference that the hotel industry was going to crash in 2008.

They told me I was stupid. I began emailing my little group of friends with these kind of thoughts and so the Rant was launched. They encouraged me to expand that, and so began the Rant. In August 2008 I told a few friends driving to a golf outing that Lehman would go bankrupt, and nobody believed me.

So now I said Trump and the Republicans would win, and few believed me. In fact one of my good friends of 50 years bet me $100 . So how did I do that. Not smarts. I have no data base. Difference is, I spend a lot of time observing trends and traveling, and talking to real people on the ground all across the country at all walks of life. I do not read the NY Times nor do I watch NBC or CBS or CNN. I talk to lots of real people who are doing whatever they do day to day and try to glean tidbits and connect the dots. Any of you can do the same and probably better than me. I just try to disconnect myself from what the talking heads are saying, and the latest fad of political thinking, and try to see it from a distance with some objectivity.

To my Democrat friends—suck it up –the world just changed dramatically- we will see if for better or worse