Wednesday, 7 December 2016

" The Clever Little Greenies ".

( Me at my place )

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 8/12/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: " The Clever Little Greenies ".

The Head Greenie Senator Richard Di Natale.

A decade or so ago I was a supporter of the Greenies but since then I have found, as
I am sure the majority of the Aussie voters have hence their loss of a Senate Seat at
the 2/7/2016 Federal Election, that they have totally lost their way because they seem
to now represent everything and nothing, and have become just opportunistic all care
and no accountability political marauders.

The Greenie Opportunistic Marauders always on the look out!!

However that said they are, to use boxing analogies, starting to punch above their
weight when compared to the political heavy weights like the current LNP Government
and their Labor Party Opposition, by boxing clever and tactical and by doing deals
with the Turnbull LNP mob making Teflon Billy Shortens Labor mob look politically
impotent and irrelevant!! and at the same time achieve some, obviously not all, of their
political ideological goals which they cannot achieve by supporting Teflon Billy's
Labor mob while the Turnbull mob has a one seat majority in the lower House of

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the
Labor Party's " Magic Pudding Economics " plus an alleged " Rapist " of his
alleged victim Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl
in the early 1980's.

Well, well poor little Teflon Billy he can't win a trick can he?? I believe his
" Teflon " is seriously losing it's shine.

He keeps deriding,ridiculing and mocking the PM Turnbull as a weak,disorganised
leader yet let's take a look at the legislation that the LNP under PM Turnbull's
leadership have achieved in just one week as at the 25/11/2016 according to the
LNP Leader of The House of Rep's Christopher Pyne MP:

LNP Christopher Pyne the Leader of the House of Rep's.
( I don't propose to print out the whole titles of the various bills )

Corporations Amendment - Professional Standards.
Crimes Legislation Amendment- International.
Corporation amendment- crowd sourced funding.
Hazard Waste Regulation - exports & imports plus levy.
National Health Amendment- Pharmaceutical Benefits.
Veterans Affairs- Digital readiness.
Treasury Laws- regarding fair and sustainable Super.
Superannuation- Excess Transfer balance.
Treasury Laws - Working holiday maker reform.
Passenger Movement charge amendment.
Social Services - family assistance alignment.
Law enforcement - State bodies and other.
Australian Organ and Tissue Donation.
Customs Tariff Amendment - expanding information.
Counter- Terrorism Amendment.
Fair Work - Registered Organisations.

So people ? what do you reckon? with all that achieved I gather in just one week ?
would you agree with Teflon Billy that the LNP is a leaderless divided party ? or
would you agree that what Teflon Billy is sprouting is just more of his political
negative and Union style diatribe and meaningless tirade we have been accustomed
to coming from little Teflon Billy for years.

Teflon Billy is fully aware that the majority by far of Aussie farmers dislike Teflon
Billy's Labor powerhouse and benefactors the Aussie Unions with a loathing, and
sooner than vote Labor, even if Labor was the sole party to vote for, would spoil/
/void their ballot paper.

Therefore is it any wonder that this political opportunist Teflon Billy was prepared,
in order to score political points against Turnbull and especially the National Party,
to allow the 10's of 1000's of farmers products, both above and below the ground,
to rot or spoil due to the lack of farm pickers like the Back Packers by calling the
LNP governments bluff over the so-called ' Back Packers Tax ' by insisting that the
tax be set at 10.5% then 13.5% and not 15% after the LNP government had dropped
the proposed tax from 32% then 19% then finally agreeing to a 15% which with the
Greenies support, making Labors vote in the Senate irrelevant, was passed at 15%.

Senator Penny Wong the Labor Opposition Leader in the Senate.

To watch on TV Senator Wong throw a " Hissy Fit " and scream like a " Banshee "
( the definition of a " Banshee " is a female spirit whose wailing warns of a death
in a house - how apt and appropriate in this case ) because of the deal the LNP
government did with the Greenies over the 15% " Back Packer Tax " and how
terrible the Greenies are for doing so and thereby making the Labor votes again
irrelevant, was very pathetic,unedifying and at least distasteful, and very hypocritical
considering that the Labor Party have been using the Greenies supporting vote
for years, and in fact shared political power with the Gillard Labor Government in

What about this pathetic little prick Teflon Billy when appearing on the ABC 7.30
Report with Leigh Sales on the 1/12/2016 - you should get the transcript it is full of
Teflon Billy's usual political waffle and unsubstantiated " Motherhood Statements ",
where he stated the following:


' Quite frankly, if I was to lay a bet on this matter, I don't think I'll be facing Malcolm
Turnbull at the next election, I think the Liberal Party will move onto someone else. '


Well Teflon Billy Boy from what I am hearing from inside the Labor Party you are
probably quite right and yes you wont be facing Turnbull at the next election,
because after failing to stop the two most important bills as far as your Union bosses
and Labor Party Benefactors are concerned and that being the ' Separate Registered
Organisation Commission ' where Unions like businesses now have to be totally
transparent and open their books/accounts for scrutiny by their members, plus the
Australian Building and Construction Commission who will have the task of looking
into Union thuggery and restrictive work practices, means the Unions are not happy
Teflon Billy so the political knives are out for you mate.

The 70 year old Victorian Senator Darryn Hinch asleep in the Senate.

How this 70 year old bloke Hinch, a party of one, who I believe is a burned out, once
famous, or some might say infamous, " Radio Shock Jock " and " Media Tart " that
talks like he has swallowed a " Chattering Machine Gun " and as a consequence is
very inarticulate and indistinct for a pollie and very hard to understand and when we
consider that is, or should be, a pollies stock in trade, how anyone voted for him is
beyond me??

One of the first things he got the Senate to do was to lift the ban on photos being
taken in the Senate, so what did this " Media Tart " do ? take a " Selfie " what else!!

This bumbling old fool is not only politically naive but totally untrustworthy, where
Hinch had made an agreement with the LNP government on a " Back Packer Tax "
of 15% yet on the day of the vote was sucked in as a Labor Party Pawn and voted
for a 10.5% tax ? WHY? because quote " I just want the bloody thing over it has
been going on to long " unquote, and what did Hinch help achieve along with Labor?

It delayed the decision for days! increased the already high stress level being
experienced by the whole of the billion dollar plus Agricultural and Tourist industries,
increased uncertainty in the billion dollar plus food processing industry, all in his
naive belief that the Turnbull LNP mob would buckle under pressure to accept the
10.5%, and later the 13.5%?? and we all know the out come of that don't we, how
bloody pathetic!!

The WA One Nation Senator Rod Culleton who I sincerely hope by the end of this day
the 7/12/2016 where Culleton is in the Federal High Court having his case heard to
whether or not he was eligible to run for parliament with an undecided criminal
charge hanging over his head, and which could have meant that he would have
served 12 months or more in jail if found guilty, is found to be proved and this low
life is chucked out of the Senate and has to refund his salary taken todate!!!.

This over weight drop kick yobbo in my view is a disgrace considering Culleton is
treating his position as an Aussie Senator and the Senate it's self, the highest
political and the most powerful influential political stage in Aussie,where the good
governance and duty of care effects all Aussies across the board from the cradle to
the grave as a ' Joke '.

Senator Pauline Hanson the One Nation Party Leader.

Even if this drop kick yobbo Culleton wins his case in the High Court I hope Senator
Hanson kicks Culleton out of the One Nation Party because he is a loose cannon
and can only be very disruptive, divisive to say nothing of untrustworthy.

At the moment I am listening to Bob Katter on the ABC Radio seemingly at the
High Court to support his mate Rod Culleton and suggest that Culleton, I gather a
mate of Bob Katter, leaves the One Nation Party and join the Katter Party because
to quote Bob Katter ' We country boy's stick by our mates ' unquote ? good luck
Bob your going to need it if Culleton does what you suggest.

Jay Weatherill the SA Premier.

Well people this useless bugger can't win a trick can he??

Even if we accept the international measurement of if a person works for one hour
per week they are considered employed, and therefore not included in the
unemployment figures where we have a national average of 5.6% unemployed and
SA have lifted themselves off the bottom rung of the nations unemployment ladder
to the second lowest rung giving poor old Tasmania that dubious honour with 7.3%,
SA unemployment has been seasonally adjusted up from 6.3% to 6.8%.

This is over and above the future closure of Holden, problems in the steel industry,
ideological closure of coal mines and power stations.

However why would anyone want to invest in SA with it's unaffordable and
interrupted power supply where again on Wednesday the 30/11/2016 SA experienced
another power blackout and power was cut to at least 200,000 homes and totally shut
down the BHP Olympic Dam Operation for at least 4 hours.

SA ofcourse has the dubious title of the only state in modern times to have their
power supply last September ' TOTALLY ' shut down as a result of not enough safe
guards in regard to energy security after a very severe storm.

However there is no doubt that Queensland and Northern NSW have had just as
severe storms, if not worse, and although they have had sectional power black
outs they have not been to my knowledge totally state wide.

The lack of energy security in SA has got so bad that Irrigators and farmers are
going to the great expense of having to purchase diesel generators in order to
secure their power supply, as price and stability issues continue to plague SA's
energy supply.

There is some concern in regard to SA's water supply via the Murray-Darling Basin

EPAS patient records software system suffers two more outages in Adelaide.

The SA Water Minister Ian Hunter refuses to resign from his portfolio despite
admitting he used " inappropriate language " aimed at his Victorian and Federal

Seemingly SA is forecasting a budget surplus of $254 million for 2016 -17 rising
to $400 million plus over the next 3 years.

However people was it not the SA Premier Jay Weatherill that just some short while
ago was asking the Aussie Nation generally to dig deeper in their pockets,wallets,
savings and bank accounts in order to accept an increases in the GST from 10%
to 15% in order to bail the like's of Weatherill and the SA out of their financial

Jay Weatherill the SA Premier - please Aussie population can I have some more.

Therefore considering that the collective negative information I have mentioned
above is only I gather the so-called " Tip of the Iceberg " ?? what has changed
financially for SA to go from beggar to banker with surpluses??.

Now considering the myriad of information available which I believe strongly points
to the State of SA being currently and certainly into the future an across the board
basket case, and I have no doubt any reasonable person would expect Jay Weatherill
to be head down and bum up trying to sort out the state of South Australia's

However seemingly that will all have to be put on hold/back burner when on the
1/12/2016 Jay Weatherill took time out with the very expensive tax payer funded SA
parliamentary time to issue a formal apology to the state's LGBTIQ community and
acknowledged the pain and suffering caused to them by various laws over the years.

Seemingly the legislation changing various discriminating laws made it easily through
the SA's House of Assembly but is yet to be passed in the Legislative council.

This I gather should make it easier to get birth certificates to recognise a change of
gender and allow same sex couples access to assisted reproduction technology, or

Now I can't see anything wrong with all that good luck to this minority, by far, group
in the SA community as a whole, however I ask with across the spectrum of the state
of SA crumbling around Jay Weatherill's ears ? what is it with this bloke Weatherill
and the LGBTIQ mob that he seems to pander to this specific group when there
must be discrimination effecting the like's of every race, religion, creed and culture
within the very diverse SA population?? is there a hidden agenda in Weatherill's
actions and concerns?? is there a part of Weatherill's life that he wants to remain
out of the publics attention/notice and unless Weatherill conforms to certain groups
demands they could release very sensitive information concerning Weatherill??.

This is the same Jay Weatherill Premier of SA that announced nationally on the
ABC Radio some time ago that it was a national disgrace that a UK gay bloke who
was married to his same sex partner in the UK, died in SA, was not allowed to
have the fact he was married entered on his SA death certificate and Weatherill
was going to change the SA law to remedy this for the future.

Ok I am sure it was a very emotional experience for this blokes partner but??
so important that Jay Weatherill the Premier of SA needed to personally come on
ABC National Radio and announce that this was a " National Disgrace " ? really?
with all the problems we have in Aussie from the cradle to the grave that a UK
gay bloke dying in SA without having the fact that he was married put on his
death certificate is of national importance??? if so surely any reasonable person
would be forgiven for stating that this is why SA is the basket case it is, and
asking the question in regard what is the special connection between Premier
Jay Weatherill and the LGBTIQ community and WHY??.

Michael Ebeid CEO & MD of SBS.

Donald Trump the USA President Elect.

Well I see the SBS are still in their biased, churlish, rude, discourteous and
unprofessional way still highlighting everything they believe is negative about
the President Elect Trump, and still searching the political garbage bins for
yesterdays ineffective has-beens who are still embarrassed they got the USA
election so wrong!! pathetic! come on SBS suck it in and move on.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.