( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
People what a breath of fresh air?? it is so fresh it is making the lefty,greenie and
I should also mention that Ebeid is ' GAY ' and the fact he announced it with a great
However Ebeid has stated quite openly in the media that he is in favour of " Gay
Ebeid was also born in Cairo, Egypt therefore as an immigrant from areas that the
The coverage that both the ABC and the SBS gave in regard to the USA elections was
so very biased, and still is !! and anti-Trump it was pathetic to watch/listen to, and their
collective arrogance that they would, and still do!! consider their viewers, and listeners
in regard to the ABC, are of such low intelligence and powers of perception that the
viewers and listeners would be swayed by a so one sided and bias reporting ? or
should I say " Push Polling " and ideological lefty brain washing.
Surely people we have the right to ask why was the Taxpayers hard earned funds
being used in such a biased way ?? what purpose did it serve ?? or does it serve
now? because what we Aussies think about the rights and wrongs of USA politics,
or any other country for that matter has absolutely 'NO' effect on the USA!!
The real problem people is when you get socialistic, narrow perspective lefty and
However like the political correct elite down the decades they are so far up themselves
Governments the world over and not just in Aussie can pass what laws they like in
The USA mobs that are demonstrating against Trump that the Aussie media, especially
Obama and Clinton made a big thing about Trump stating that he may not accept
When little Teflon Billy Shorten was being briefly interviewed on the ABC TV, it's a
What a bloody hypocrite this little bastard Teflon Billy is because let's face it unlike
I wonder if and when Teflon Billy ever get's to meet the then President Trump Teflon
What a pathetic opportunist our little Teflon Billy is and a waste of Tax Payers hard
1. In case they want to come back in 40 years as tourists or business people?
2. In case they become Kiwi's and want to come over here as " All Blacks " ???
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 15/11/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Sir Mike's Comments 15/11/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: ' Good on yeah Trump mate !! '
Donald Trump the USA President Elect.
People what a breath of fresh air?? it is so fresh it is making the lefty,greenie and
all those pathetic stunned so-called experts that from day one ridiculed
Trump as
the clown are now gasping because the oxygen filled fresh air is so
powerful, compared
to the stale predictable stuff they have grown accustom too.
Michele Guthrie the ABC, MD.
I should also mention that Ebeid is ' GAY ' and the fact he announced it with a great
fanfare in the media in the 1980's gives the impression that this must have
a bearing
on the way he administers the SBS as compared to him being heterosexual
? otherwise why mention it.
on the way he administers the SBS as compared to him being heterosexual
? otherwise why mention it.
However Ebeid has stated quite openly in the media that he is in favour of " Gay
Marriage " or " Marriage Equality " and suggests it improves productivity
employees feel comfortable about being accepted as an equal, or words to that effect,
and ofcourse this edict, proclamation coming from the top just confirms the biased
one sided attitude that comes from within the SBS and the biased campaign they have
set themselves in regard to " Gay Marriage " and LGBT issues, and as such Ebeid,
who is described in Wikipedia quote " Without doubt one of Australians most powerful
media figures " unquote has a conflict of interest and could derive a personal benefit
from such legislation being passed, then surely this use of tax payers funds can be
construed/interpreted as an abuse of power and influence.
employees feel comfortable about being accepted as an equal, or words to that effect,
and ofcourse this edict, proclamation coming from the top just confirms the biased
one sided attitude that comes from within the SBS and the biased campaign they have
set themselves in regard to " Gay Marriage " and LGBT issues, and as such Ebeid,
who is described in Wikipedia quote " Without doubt one of Australians most powerful
media figures " unquote has a conflict of interest and could derive a personal benefit
from such legislation being passed, then surely this use of tax payers funds can be
construed/interpreted as an abuse of power and influence.
Ebeid was also born in Cairo, Egypt therefore as an immigrant from areas that the
Trump Administration are looking to restrict the USA's immigration from,
surely any reasonable person would be excused for thinking this just increases the
chances of bias towards the Trump Administration??.
surely any reasonable person would be excused for thinking this just increases the
chances of bias towards the Trump Administration??.
The coverage that both the ABC and the SBS gave in regard to the USA elections was
so very biased, and still is !! and anti-Trump it was pathetic to watch/listen to, and their
collective arrogance that they would, and still do!! consider their viewers, and listeners
in regard to the ABC, are of such low intelligence and powers of perception that the
viewers and listeners would be swayed by a so one sided and bias reporting ? or
should I say " Push Polling " and ideological lefty brain washing.
Surely people we have the right to ask why was the Taxpayers hard earned funds
being used in such a biased way ?? what purpose did it serve ?? or does it serve
now? because what we Aussies think about the rights and wrongs of USA politics,
or any other country for that matter has absolutely 'NO' effect on the USA!!
The real problem people is when you get socialistic, narrow perspective lefty and
ideological elite political correct organisations to the extreme as the
like's of the
Aussie ABC and SBS are, who cannot accept that there is an alternative point of view
Aussie ABC and SBS are, who cannot accept that there is an alternative point of view
across the full spectrum of life, and will leave no stone unturned to
any dissension/disagreement where ever it appears!
However like the political correct elite down the decades they are so far up themselves
that it must be very dark up there, and as such due to the lack of oxygen
they lose
their sense of reality only to find that the vast majority of the various
UK with ' Brexit , Europe right wing movements and now the all powerful
USA, and
Aussie has made a good start,having their lives' so controlled and free
speech, 18c
legislation for instance? suffocated and denied, they come out on mass to take back
life as it democratically should be.
legislation for instance? suffocated and denied, they come out on mass to take back
life as it democratically should be.
Governments the world over and not just in Aussie can pass what laws they like in
order to try and control what the population says, when, where, to whom,
how and
how often ? in other words they can pass racial discrimination laws 18A -
18Z as far
as I am concerned, but if the majority believe they are bad laws and the
political elite
are forcing " Political Correctness " on them, and where " The majority
rules with the
minority in mind " is ignored in favour of the minorities, whatever or
whoever they are,
will always fail in the long run, and depending how long the majority have
had to
suffer the consequences will depend on just how severe the back lash will
The USA mobs that are demonstrating against Trump that the Aussie media, especially
the ABC and SBS, are promoting as some popular demonstration/movement
Trumps future administration, are no more than a bunch of wet behind the ears young
Trumps future administration, are no more than a bunch of wet behind the ears young
people, thugs in most cases, looking for trouble and are diminishing in
numbers as
each day passes, which must depress the ideological lefty's at the ABC and
SBS, and
where they are causing so much trouble and destruction of property police are
compelled to using stun grenades, oh bloody hell police brutally what next, to try and
disperse them yet the ABC and SBS continue to promote these mobs cause?? WHY.
where they are causing so much trouble and destruction of property police are
compelled to using stun grenades, oh bloody hell police brutally what next, to try and
disperse them yet the ABC and SBS continue to promote these mobs cause?? WHY.
President Obama the socialist USA President.
Hillary Clinton.
Obama and Clinton made a big thing about Trump stating that he may not accept
the outcome of the USA election,yet their silence is deafening in regard to
so-called Democrat mobs rioting and damaging property and not excepting the
outcome of the election.
We can only imagine what would happen if these mobs were Trump mobs not
accepting the election results where I am sure, supported by Obama, Clinton would
outcome of the election.
We can only imagine what would happen if these mobs were Trump mobs not
accepting the election results where I am sure, supported by Obama, Clinton would
repeat her comments that she made during the campaign quote ' Half of
Americans supporting Donald Trump are a basket of deplorables made up of racists,
Americans supporting Donald Trump are a basket of deplorables made up of racists,
sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic people ' unquote and later
' I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangerous vision and the anger
' I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangerous vision and the anger
of the people who support Donald Trump ' unquote however it's ok if you
the Clinton and the political elite's they can do what they think best, and bugger the
low life Trump supporters!!
low life Trump supporters!!
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl in the early 1980's
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl in the early 1980's
When little Teflon Billy Shorten was being briefly interviewed on the ABC TV, it's a
wonder they let it go to air knowing the ABC and their favourite son Teflon
Teflon Billy was asked to comment about Trumps success and you know what
little hypocrite stated quote ' It's his attitude to women I don't like '
What a bloody hypocrite this little bastard Teflon Billy is because let's face it unlike
Teflon Billy Trump has not been accused to my knowledge of allegedly
and viciously raping a 16 year old very vulnerable girl back in the 1980's?
nor has
Trump been accused of shagging and impregnating another blokes wife while
was still living with her husband, and although separated Teflon Billy
was still
married and his poor then wife and family only found out after it appeared on the
front pages of the Aussie national papers ?? how is that for an attitude towards
women Teflon Billy?.
married and his poor then wife and family only found out after it appeared on the
front pages of the Aussie national papers ?? how is that for an attitude towards
women Teflon Billy?.
I wonder if and when Teflon Billy ever get's to meet the then President Trump Teflon
will have the hypocrisy of shaking hands with Trump after what he stated
Trump, refer my mike's comments dated the 15/10/2016 subject: " Teflon
Billy Alleged
Rapist Denounces Trump " prior to knowing that Trump would win the USA
What a pathetic opportunist our little Teflon Billy is and a waste of Tax Payers hard
earned scarce funds, where now Teflon Billy is refusing to pass legislation
these illegal mobs currently on Nauru and Manus Island forever being
allowed to
enter Aussie in the future ? for what reason says Teflon Billy? are you
ready for
1. In case they want to come back in 40 years as tourists or business people?
2. In case they become Kiwi's and want to come over here as " All Blacks " ???
really??? have you seen the size of the average refugee on these
maybe " Ping Pong " but Ruby Union or League ? even for Teflon Billy
this has
to be one of his worst
We should be under no illusion that Teflon Billy cares what happens to these
so-called refugees because he does not care for anyone but himself as his history
clearly shows, and will use this permanent ban as he is with the LGBT " Gay
Marriage " situation as hopefully a " Political Wedge " against
Turnbull, even though
he is aware that the majority of Aussies, including the Labor
voters, will be backing
the Turnbull governments decision in regard to not only the life
time ban but also the
" Gay Marriage Plebiscite ".
I can understand how the voters can be taken in by this softly spoken seemingly
However as the saying goes " Beware of Greeks bearing gifts ". An allusion to the
I have watched Xenophon's political career with interest when he started pulling
I gather the SA Legislative Council Members and bureaucrats were only to pleased
I have no doubt someone, probably will be the narcissistic Xenophon himself ? will
Let's briefly take this permanent ban on so-called asylum seekers on Nauru and
This is Xenophon all over ' All care and no responsibility !!' because as he is fully
Believe me people this bloke is nothing but a " Media Tart Clown " who will pull
According to an article written by Clare Blumer, ABC News dated the 4/7/2016,
and I should point out this is not verbatim and I will paraphrase as it was in my
Clare Blumer pointed out that nearly a quarter of Aussies have given their first
Although Labor won a primary vote of 34.9% it was the second lowest primary vote
At the time of this article going to print the LNP primary vote was 42.1% being the
While the like's of the political correct section 18c of the " Racial Discrimination Act "
is perceived if not actually the case? is primarily there to stifle free speech where
The problem is as I see it is that at the last federal election out of the 226 Senators
Anyway people if your happy, or should I say too apathetic, to accept this political
Sir Mike Howe - But you can call me Mike. Scroll down.
Senator Nick Xenophon the Leader of the " Nick Xenophon Team "
How about this clown and " Media Tart " and I believe the fact that his political party
How about this clown and " Media Tart " and I believe the fact that his political party
is named after Xenophon speaks volumes about this bloke.
I can understand how the voters can be taken in by this softly spoken seemingly
gentle non aggressive person that has no political ticket attached in
regard to being
either left,centre or right of politics, which ofcourse can lull other
politicians and
voters into a false sense of security.
However as the saying goes " Beware of Greeks bearing gifts ". An allusion to the
story of the Wooden Horse of Troy used by the Greeks to trick their way
into the
city, or in Xenophon's case into politics and the inner sanctum of the most
political body in Aussie and that is the Aussie Senate.
I have watched Xenophon's political career with interest when he started pulling
zany publicity stunts and tried, and eventually did, to enter politics via
the S.A
Legislative Council ( SA State Government, probably contributed to South
being across the board basket case it is today ?) on a ticket ? would you believe
being across the board basket case it is today ?) on a ticket ? would you believe
of a ' No pokies ' candidate ? only a bloke like Xenophon could pull a
stunt like that
and get away with it, especial as a ' No pokies ' although a great
sentiment to pull
at the heart strings of the limited amount of voters to get him over the
line and
elected, it had no hope of succeeding and Xenophon ofcourse knew it.
I gather the SA Legislative Council Members and bureaucrats were only to pleased
to see the back of Xenophon into Federal politics because he had become a
pain in the " ARSE " with his stupid clownish publicity stunts, which it was believed
lowered the tone,decorum and propriety of the SA parliament.
pain in the " ARSE " with his stupid clownish publicity stunts, which it was believed
lowered the tone,decorum and propriety of the SA parliament.
I have no doubt someone, probably will be the narcissistic Xenophon himself ? will
write a book about the antics of the now Senator Xenophon who used the "
Horse of No Pokies " to enter both state and later federal politics, and if
there is a
" GOD "?? then let us hope he or she, gender neutral or even transgender, "
helps Aussie because with this " Media Tart Xenophon " Aussie is certainly
to need a lot of so-called divine help.
Let's briefly take this permanent ban on so-called asylum seekers on Nauru and
Manus where the Xenophon mob will only agree to it if the government agree
lift the ' Humanitarian Refugee Intake '.
This is Xenophon all over ' All care and no responsibility !!' because as he is fully
aware Aussie, if you accept that if a person works for (1) hour per week
they are
deemed employed, there are some 800,000 currently unemployed, 2-3 million
employed, referred to as the " Working Poor ", and with an ever
increasing across
the board Aussie welfare bill ballooning out to billions, and Xenophon
wants to
increase the burden on the already over burdened hard working Aussie Tax
even further???.
Believe me people this bloke is nothing but a " Media Tart Clown " who will pull
any stunt necessary to get notoriety!! don't believe me? look at his
history and
further more watch this space, or better still take more notice/interest
after all it is your Tax Payers hard earned dollars this " Media Tart " is
According to an article written by Clare Blumer, ABC News dated the 4/7/2016,
and I should point out this is not verbatim and I will paraphrase as it was in my
view a well constructed and informative article but to lengthy for
Clare Blumer pointed out that nearly a quarter of Aussies have given their first
preference votes to other parties other than the LNP and Labor and this has
a trend since 2007 election and was thought may have been the case at the
Although Labor won a primary vote of 34.9% it was the second lowest primary vote
for Labor since 1949.
At the time of this article going to print the LNP primary vote was 42.1% being the
fourth lowest in 60 years and somewhat similar to the big loss against
Kevin Rudd,
Labor in the 2007 election. ( From now on these are my comments not Clare
While the like's of the political correct section 18c of the " Racial Discrimination Act "
is perceived if not actually the case? is primarily there to stifle free speech where
just to offend someone can have you pilloried by the like's of the ABC and
SBS when
an Aussie citizen is hauled up in front of a " Star Chamber " by the
Australian Human
Rights Commission and interrogated, where a citizen has to prove that the
leveled at them are not true and either apologise profusely to the "
Offended " person
or legal action could be taken against that Aussie citizen in a criminal
court based on
the findings of the Human Rights Commission, and the major parties are not
to rectify the situation fearing a minority voter backlash at the next election, then why
to rectify the situation fearing a minority voter backlash at the next election, then why
would not the majority of Aussies look around for an alternative political
party or
organisation that will.
The problem is as I see it is that at the last federal election out of the 226 Senators
and House of Reps pollies, 76 Senators and 150 House of Reps, there were
only 39
new pollies leaving 186 across both houses who retained their seats, which
means we can expect just more of the same from many of these professional
trying to shore up their seat for the next election and continue to have
their snouts
in a very lucrative trough.
Anyway people if your happy, or should I say too apathetic, to accept this political
correct " SWILL ", misinformation, lies and deceit that we are dished out
24/7 then
don't whinge because as the saying goes " You are part of the problem !!
Sir Mike Howe - But you can call me Mike. Scroll down.
To the citizens of the United States of America from
Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
In light of your failure to nominate competent
candidates for President of the USA, and thus to
govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the
revocation of your independence, effective
Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will
resume monarchical duties over all states,
commonwealths,and territories (except North Dakota,
which she does not fancy).Our new Prime Minister, Theresa May, will appoint
a Governor for America without the need for further
elections. Congress and the Senate will be disbanded.
A questionnaire may be circulated next year to
determine whether any of you noticed.
To aid in the transition to a British Crown dependency,
the following rules are introduced with immediate
1. The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as
'colour,' 'favour,' 'labour' and 'neighbour.' Likewise,
you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping
half the letters, and the suffix '-ize' will be replaced by
the suffix '-ise.' Generally, you will be expected to raise
your vocabulary to acceptable levels. (look up
2. Using filler noises such as 'like' and 'you know' is
an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication.
There is no such thing as U.S. English. We will let
Microsoft know on your behalf. The Microsoft
spell-checker will be adjusted to take into account the
reinstated letter 'u'' and the elimination of '-ize.'
4. You will learn to resolve personal issues without
using guns, lawyers, or therapists. The fact that you
need so many lawyers and therapists shows that
you're not quite ready to be independent. Guns
should only be used for shooting grouse. If you can't
sort things out without suing someone or speaking to
a therapist, then you're not ready to shoot grouse.
>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>> 6. All intersections will be replaced with
roundabouts, and you will start driving on the left side
with immediate effect. At the same time, you will go
metric with immediate effect and without the benefit of
conversion tables. Both roundabouts and metrication
will help you understand the British sense of humour.
>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>> 7. The former USA will adopt UK prices on
petrol (which you have been calling gasoline) of
roughly $10/US gallon. Get used to it.
>>>>>> -------------------
>>>>>> 8. You will learn to make real chips. Those
things you call French fries are not real chips, and
those things you insist on calling potato chips are
properly called crisps. Real chips are thick cut, fried
in animal fat, and dressed not with catsup but with
>>>>>> -------------------
>>>>>> 9. The cold, tasteless stuff you insist on
calling beer is not actually beer at all. Henceforth,
only proper British Bitter will be referred to as beer,
and European brews of known and accepted
provenance will be referred to as Lager.
>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>> 11. You will cease playing American football.
There is only one kind of proper football; you call it
soccer. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be
allowed to play rugby (which has some similarities to
American football, but does not involve stopping for a
rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body
armour like a bunch of nancies).
>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>> 12. Further, you will stop playing baseball.
It is not reasonable to host an event called the World
Series for a game which is not played outside of
America. Since only 2.1% of you are aware there is a
world beyond your borders, your error is understandable.
You will learn cricket.
>>>>>> --------------------
13. You must tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving
us mad.