Thursday, 24 November 2016

" Aussie the Nanny State ".

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 24 /11/2016.
Also on my blog:

Subject: " Aussie the Nanny state ".

Information from: ABS,Government Departments,Wikipedia,various media and The

Donald Trump the USA President Elect.

People before I go on to discuss my main topic I must say something about the
childish,sulky,immature and petulant behaviour that is being shown by our Aussie
media, which ofcourse includes the like's of the ABC ( TV & Radio ), SBS and even
Chanel 9 NBN, New England to name but a few, where they take every opportunity
to find fault with the up and coming, soon to be announced Trump Administration,
where because Trump did not collapse in a heap, as they predicted, they are out
to try and prove that the multi-millions of USA voters that voted for Trump were/are
just a bunch of idiots and this is why?? how bloody elitist and insulting is that, and
ofcourse just confirms to the masses just what Trump has been stating that the
media in general and across the board cannot be trusted!!

Therefore is it any wonder people across the world are walking away in droves from
watching (TV) listening (Radio) or reading news print in regard to the major media
and ratings and readers are on the decline at a rapid rate.

Unless Trump goes the same way as J.F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby Kennedy
and is assassinated, which is on the cards with the amount of nutcases the USA
turns out, then Trump is the President and the world elite should get used to it
because it is obvious that Trump is not your typical gutless pollie that can be
intimidated that we have become used to, and as this type of, shall we say Trump
like politics, is gaining momentum around the world where not millions but billions
of people are finally rebelling against the elite, political or otherwise, and political
correctness, and not before time in my view.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the
Labor Party's " Magic Pudding Economics " plus an alleged " Rapist " of his
alleged victim Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl
in the early 1980's.

Well people Donald Trump getting elected has certainly put a " Rocket up Teflon
Billy's pathetic little arse " who appears to have had a " Road to Damascus sudden
turning point in his current political life ???" and decided maybe instead of devoting
so much time to the ' Wedge Politics " for the like's of " Gay Marriage " and keeping
unwanted so-called asylum seekers out for life, he had better start concerning
himself in regard to what his core supporters require most ie; Jobs, Jobs and even
more jobs and consider putting extra requirements on employers in regard to the
457 temporary work visas.

But ofcourse just like Teflon Billy's hypocritical attitude in regard to Trump and his
attitude to women, the pot calling the kettle black so to speak, I gather Teflon Billy
during his term of 2012-2013 as Employment Minister in the last Labor government
granted some 68,481 Primary Visas??? yep well done Teflon you shot yourself in the
foot again?? I know it is a fact of life that the majority of Aussies do not trust pollies
and in my view history sounds loud in that regard!! but this bloke Teflon Billy Shorten
historically takes first prize when it comes to being an untrustworthy hypocrite!!

Ok " Aussie the Nanny state ".

Medieval Times.

As part of our Aussie archaic,antiquated and medieval parliamentary system our
Aussie Governor General at the time, as a representative of the English King or
Queen whoever the monarch happens to be at the time?( in theory, because the PM
of the day in fact recommends the potential Parliamentary Ministers ) appoints
Ministers,establishes departments of state and agencies, and allocates responsibility
among Ministers through an Administration Arrangements Order (AAO).

A portfolio is a Minister's area of responsibility as a member of Cabinet. As a general
rule, there is one department in each portfolio.

Now people we are constantly reminded by our federal pollies across the political
spectrum the need to bring our nations budget back to a surplus, and therefore we
must expect unavoidable cut backs across the board in governments spending if we
are to leave a brighter financial future for our kids.

Now I am only discussing the federal government situation which does not include
any duplication or triplication when taking into account the 100's of Aussie Local
governments or the (6) state and territories governments.

Now I have stated many times in various mike's comments that anyone from the
Aussie Governor General down, including us old age pensioners, that pays so-called
tax on the real Tax Payers payers funds we receive is 'NOT' paying tax per sa but
just giving the real Tax Payer a ' Refund "!! so when these high flying pollies and
public servants inform you to the contrary?? tell them ' Rubbish ' and suggest they
go and get a real job in the real world.

In federal parliament we have (18) departments: Attorney General, Agriculture &
Water,Communications & Arts,Defence, Education & Training, Employment,Finance,
Foreign Affairs & Trade,Health, Health Services,Immigration& Border Protection,
Industry,Innovation& Science,Infrastructure & Regional Development,Social Services,
Environment & Energy,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Veterans Affairs,Treasury.

Now ofcourse each Department requires a Minister/Cabinet Minister pay ranging from
$308,000 to say $340,000, the PM say $508,000, Deputy PM say $400,000 plus the
Opposition Leader at say $370,000 plus nights away tax free travel allowance to
Canberra, their place of work after all. from $273.00 per night and where Ministers
can have a tax deductable private investment home in Canberra, and there is a great
heap of pollies that do it, and still claim at least a $1000.00 per week plus travel
allowance to Canberra while staying there.

For official business:

Unlimited business class domestic flights,car with driver,overseas fares,transport,
hospitality, meals, accommodation, advance for travel expences, any other related
expenses such as passport fees,medical requirements and the list just goes on.

What about " Family Travel " where all MP's can have (9) business class trips to
Canberra for partner and (3) kids plus (3) business class trips interstate for
partner and kids ? they probably stay in their investment homes when they are all
in Canberra just add to insult to injury.

Now on top of all this Tax Payer expense we have a small army of bureaucrats
which are referred to as Departmental Secretaries and it would appear they are far
more important, if we base importance and value on what a person is paid, because
just their basic salaries range from $814,000 pa to some $861,000 pa, plus bonuses,
superannuation,Plus, Plus and Plus not doubt government drivers, secretaries plus
100's if 1000's of plebbs to do their bidding where even Deputy/Assistants basic
wages range from $198,000 to say 369,000 pa Plus, Plus, Plus!!

Tony Abbott Ex Aussie PM.

Joe Hockey Ex Aussie Treasurer.

Now ofcourse all the above is just slightly scratching the surface of what we Aussie
hard done by, financial stretched Tax Payers have to pay for in the way of federal
taxes, both direct and indirect ie; GST for instance, fees and charges,and ofcourse
this is what both Tony Abbott the Ex Aussie PM and Joe Hockey the Ex Aussie
Treasurer, where trying to reduce when they took office in 2013 and look what
happened to them? both dumped for their troubles!! just shows us how powerful
these bureaucrats are!!

But wait dear readers there is more, much more!

I am more than sure that the average Aussie Tax Payer does not have a clue just
how many public servants they should put down as " Dependents " on their annual
tax return.

Over and above the aforementioned plethora and overabundance of very expensive
advice and assistance the Aussie Tax Payers are funding, a further 192 statutory
federal agencies which would cover every political correct and otherwise facet of the
average Aussies lives in this world class ' Nanny state of Aussie '.

Starting in alphabetical order with the ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
down to the ' Workplace Gender Equality Agency ' and it is this ' WGE Agency ' I
want to discuss for no particular reason other than I witnessed the Director Libby
on the ABC giving a speech/talk on " Gender Equality " at the National Press
on the 16/11/2016.

Ms Libby Lyons, Director of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

Now Ms. Lyons comes with an impressive pedigree in more ways than one as she
is the granddaughter of Dame Enid Lyons and former Aussie Prime Minister Joseph

Ms Lyons started of as a primary school teacher and previously headed BHP Billiton's
corporate affairs for it's Olympic Dam Project, GM of External Affairs at Atlas Iron,
Senior Public Affairs roles with CITIC Pacific Mining, Alcoa Australia,Western Power
Corporation and recently the Executive Chairman of the Perth-based disability
charity Kalparrin and was appointed by the Aussie Governor General to a (5) year
contract as from last October 2015 as the Director of the WGE Agency.

Now if you take into consideration the bureaucratic " Fat Cats " mentioned above,
and I am in no way suggesting Ms Lyons is fat physically the expression is purely
metaphorical, then surely with that background Ms Lyons would come with a very
expensive tag plus benefits? say $400-500,000 pa plus ? bonuses.

I gather Ms Lyons has a staff of some (27) headed by the following:

Operations Executive Manager.
Research and Analytics Executive Manager.
Advice and Reporting Executive Manager.
Strategy and Engagement Executive Manager.

Well Aussie Tax Payers I bet you are coping a fair old wage bill here? a Director
plus (4) high powered, expensive? Executives for a staff of only (27) ? I wonder
if " Per Capita " the like's of BHP, Coles or Woolworths have so many high
powered and obviously expensive Executives?? however I doubt it they have
voluntary ' Share Holders ' where this mob and all government departments and
agencies across the political spectrum have perpetual share holders referred to
as Tax Payers where they are " Go to jail and don't pass go and collect a $200.00
fine " type shareholders if they refuse to contribute!!

Monopoly - this is how the Aussie pollies plus these highly remunerated bureaucrats
administer the Aussie nations economy ? or at least they might as well do.

Let's take a brief look at the function of this ' Workplace Gender Equality Agency '.

The WGEA is an Australian Governments statutory agency created by the Workplace
Gender Equality Act 2012. It provides employers with advice,practical tools and
education to help them improve gender equality. Non-public sector employers with
100 or more staff are required to report to the agency annually, between 1 April -
31 May against six gender equality indicators:

GEl 1 - gender composition of the workforce.
GEl 2 - gender composition of governing bodies of relevant employers.
GEl 3 - equal remuneration between women and men.
GEl 4 - availability and utility of employment terms, conditions and practices relating
to flexible working arrangements for employees and to working arrangements
supporting employees with family or caring responsibilities.
GEl 5 - consolation with employees on issues concerning gender equality in the
Gel 6 - any other matters specified by the Minister: sex-based harassment and

If I was still an employer I would ensure that my work force did not exceed (98)
employees because this is just ' Political Correctness ' gone nuts, and is it any
wonder that more and more Aussie businesses, enterprises and organisations
are moving offshore as it is becoming just to expensive to do business in Aussie.

This is just ' Quotas ' by stealth which now is just between males and females,
however if the Loopy Left Labor mob get into power the next thing will be
companies must employee so many lesbians, gays, bi-sexual, transgender and let
them use the female toilets and change rooms, and they must be gender neutral
when referred to or approached, and they must be allowed to wear what clothing,
including uniforms they wish.

How sick and just way over the top is life becoming in Aussie currently where life
has or is becoming out of control based on the once daily treasured social
standards and values, yet at the same time being bureaucratically stifled and
suffocated with just more ideological political correctness.

This is the sort of very expensive bureaucratic political correctness that has, and
still is, stifling and suffocating innovation and investment in the USA and that is why
there has been the political backlash by multi-millions of Americans with the like's of
Trump,and where Americans now realise that unless this crap is not reined in then
even more USA business will go off shore where it does not exist,and as a result the
cost of production is lowered accordingly.

Another prime example is the backlash against the political and otherwise elite with
the UK Brexit, and the far right across Europe, Netherlands and here with at least
40% of Aussie voters putting their first preference votes to minor parties, and the
Labor Party and the greenies becoming severely side lined and impotent in the
Senate, with the Turnbull LNP being able to negotiate and get their legislation
through with the help of the cross bench minor parties!!

What is the point of having a very expensive government agency like the WGEA who
are nothing more in reality than a bunch of very expensive Tax Payer funded
bureaucratic" Bean Counters " and " Statisticians " who are now putting a further
extra impost on businesses, who are already over burdened with local, state and
federal red/green tape effecting valuable employee time, loss of productivity and
non-recoverable costs and considering the following employment circumstances in
Aussie, and which having been an employer for some 35 - 40 years I can assure
pollies,bureaucrats across the political spectrum and local,state and federal
governments, that this sought of burden will make employers think long and hard
about employing females, and as such could be detrimental to so-called " Gender
Equality ".

1. With modern technology there is an ever diminishing job market from executive,
and senior supervisory management right down the employment chain effecting
all sectors of the economy - retail, mining,warehousing,transport,accounting,law,
IT, banking, financial services, the media - TV,Radio, manufacturing that is down
to about 52% of the nations capacity, and print and the list goes on,plus
outsourcing Aussie jobs overseas.

We have University graduates that have degrees in Law, Economics, Business
Management, Financial services even medicine, and again the list goes on, who are
driving taxis and doing menial jobs in the tourist, accommodation, security-as
in guards, hospitality - waiters, kitchen hands, bar attendants, cleaners etc; WHY?

   Well the jobs just ain't available and it is estimated, by those that seemingly know,
that many students studying for degrees across the academic board now may find
that their degrees will be obsolete by the time they graduate?? certainly within the
next (10 ) years or less, that is how fast things are changing!!

2. Of the 705,000 unemployed, 169,000 are classed as unemployed for 12 months
or more which is 24% of the unemployed.

3. The September 2016 full time employment figures are seemingly the lowest since
June 2015 with 102,000 people losing their full time jobs, where at the same time
part time jobs increased by 162,800 but as these figures could include the people
working one hour per week the hours may not be significant.

4. There is about 9% or 979,900 of those employed partime who would prefer more
hours which if we combine the underemployed with the unemployed we would
have something like 1,760.900 people not able to fully contribute to the Aussie

5. Aussie has now the third highest partime workforce in the OECD being 32% of
those employed, therefore this must be having a great effect on our economy
and contributing to deflation with less money circulating and reduced purchases
by a large section of our work force? and essentially only and then on the already
maxed out credit card, adding to one of the worlds largest domestic debts of
1.5 trillion dollars and climbing, and fast approaching our Aussie annual GNP
of say 2.5 trillion dollars.

6. The monthly hours worked for September/October 2016 in all jobs increased 3.2
million hours to 1668.0 million hours yet wages have/are flat lining which ofcourse
could mean, and probably does, that people are working longer hours for no extra
pay just to hang onto their jobs, therefore what do you reckon the chances are of
a female going to the boss under these circumstances and demanding gender
equality for anything let alone a pay increase??.

I have not picked out Ms Lyons and her Workplace Gender Equality Agency for no
other reason than after seeing her on the ABC at the National Press Club Luncheon
on the 16/11/16 giving a speech on Gender Equality, I believe Ms Lyons was really
trying to justify the existence of her very expensive Tax Payer funded Agency, and
as such may have done so to the majority of the female audience, being in Canberra
probably most were sympathetic Public Servants, they love this sort of PC stuff!!
however being an ex business man of some many decades I sincerely believe any
business men, viewing/listening, who after all one way or the other would pickup
the tab for this " Political Correctness gone nuts " just roll their eyes and maintain
that this would be just another lot of bureaucratic red/green tape and yet another
nail in their financial and profitability coffin, and where moving the business offshore
is looking like a very much more profitable proposition.

Now I could go on because by not only referring to the acknowledgements I mention
at the top there is so much more information available to show just how the average
Aussie Tax Payer and citizen is being led by the nose, so to speak, and that all this
ideological, very expensive Tax Payer funded political correctness is in the interest
of all Aussie citizens, and it is quite clearly not and the saying that " The Majority
Rules with the Minority in mind " has been put well and truly into the garbage, and
Aussies have been lulled into a false sense of security with our now stifling and
suffocating bureaucratic " Nanny State " where we are more and more being told, not
asked, what we must do, say, and to whom, how we must say it, how often so as not
to offend, we must sacrifice our social, personal and valued beliefs for the good of
the communities so-called harmony, and if not then there are laws to punish us with
quite severe penalties both financially and restricting our freedom even more by

People I never thought I would live to see such a proud nation like Aussie that have
bravely sacrificed it's human capital in the shape of our brave men and women of
our military, as we currently potentially do and have done down the ages, to sustain
not only the Aussie peoples freedom, but the rest of the world as well, to now us as
a nation having our long standing social and individual personal values being
dismissed as irrelevant to this modern multi-cultural society that has been forced
upon us, and brought us to our knees as a result of the ideological political elite and
the bureaucratic stifling and suffocating of ' Political Correctness '.

Aussie,as the facts show wherever you look, is not being driven by good sound
policy and good governance, but short term self interest politics, which again
wherever you look the evidence is clear that the country is fast going down the
chute, financially with domestic and national debt ballooning out where our GNP
is hardly likely to be able to pay for, leaving our future generations up " Shit creek
without a paddle ", our moral and social standards and culture that has made Aussie
what it is to this point in time at least, is under serious threat mainly because of this
" Political Correctness" which is like a cancer eating away at our previously tried
and true cultural foundations and our social and community valued ethics.

Multi-culturism which was once an assist to Aussie and where currently it is becoming
a threat, and where it once embraced and enhanced the Aussie culture and standards
it now in many areas wishes to dominate.

The sanctity of marriage between a male and female being the rock/corner stone of
all societies around the world regardless of race, religion, culture or creed is under
serious attack from the minority LGBT groups and their supportive political elite.

Our Aussie kids as young as 4 and 5 years old ( not long out of nappies ) are subject
to child abuse of the worst kind, mental, by the lefty social engineers trying to
convince the poor confused little buggers that it is ok to be bi-sexual, gay, lesbian or
even so-called transgender and not be a boy or girl but just be an " IT ?? " and when
we take into account that an average Aussie may never knowingly come in contact
with a LGBT in their life time, is this not even more confusing for our kids

As a gay bloke I used to know, now dead from aids because he refused to wear
condoms when cruising around the gay bars having bloke sex, as he would call it,
stated that you get them when their young and some what confused and their quote
" Fresh meat on the hoof " unquote.

Professor Einstein.

I am sure my old mate Einstein would agree that although Aussie is the only country
to also be a continent with a landmass of 5.5% of the total worlds landmass, with
only say 24 million inhabitants, that with our (3) tier political and government structure
we have makes us by far per capita one of the most expensively over governed
country in the world! and with our mineral boom over, an aging population, increasing
unemployment and underemployment thereby increasing the welfare expenditure and
reducing the tax take, this " Nanny State philosophy " is totally unsustainable currently
and especially in the long term!!

Anyway people I don't know about you but I am about to pour myself another glass
of red, have a shower, get something to eat, spray some mozzie repellent on, pour
me another glass of red I reckon by then, and sit out in the very quiet, if you discount
Mother Natures chorus of all her 100's of species out and about at night, and just sit
in awe and some what reverential respect of the New England starlit night that no
matter how often I see it, it never ceases to amaze me!!!!!!

TIME DEAD!!!!!!!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Monday, 14 November 2016

" Good on yeah Trump mate !! "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 15/11/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: ' Good on yeah Trump mate !! '

Donald Trump the USA President Elect.

People what a breath of fresh air?? it is so fresh it is making the lefty,greenie and
all those pathetic stunned so-called experts that from day one ridiculed Trump as
the clown are now gasping because the oxygen filled fresh air is so powerful, compared
to the stale predictable stuff they have grown accustom too.

Michele Guthrie the ABC, MD.

Michael Ebeid CEO & MD of SBS.

I should also mention that Ebeid is ' GAY ' and the fact he announced it with a great
fanfare in the media in the 1980's gives the impression that this must have a bearing
on the way he administers the SBS as compared to him being heterosexual
? otherwise why mention it.

However Ebeid has stated quite openly in the media that he is in favour of " Gay
Marriage " or " Marriage Equality " and suggests it improves productivity when
employees feel comfortable about being accepted as an equal, or words to that effect,
and ofcourse this edict, proclamation coming from the top just confirms the biased
one sided attitude that comes from within the SBS and the biased campaign they have
set themselves in regard to " Gay Marriage " and LGBT issues, and as such Ebeid,
who is described in Wikipedia quote " Without doubt one of Australians most powerful
media figures " unquote has a conflict of interest and could derive a personal benefit
from such legislation being passed, then surely this use of tax payers funds can be
construed/interpreted as an abuse of power and influence.

Ebeid was also born in Cairo, Egypt therefore as an immigrant from areas that the
Trump Administration are looking to restrict the USA's immigration from, therefore
surely any reasonable person would be excused for thinking this just increases the
chances of bias towards the Trump Administration??.

The coverage that both the ABC and the SBS gave in regard to the USA elections was
so very biased, and still is !! and anti-Trump it was pathetic to watch/listen to, and their
collective arrogance that they would, and still do!! consider their viewers, and listeners
in regard to the ABC, are of such low intelligence and powers of perception that the
viewers and listeners would be swayed by a so one sided and bias reporting ? or
should I say " Push Polling " and ideological lefty brain washing.

Surely people we have the right to ask why was the Taxpayers hard earned funds
being used in such a biased way ?? what purpose did it serve ?? or does it serve
now? because what we Aussies think about the rights and wrongs of USA politics,
or any other country for that matter has absolutely 'NO' effect on the USA!!

The real problem people is when you get socialistic, narrow perspective lefty and
ideological elite political correct organisations to the extreme as the like's of the
Aussie ABC and SBS are, who cannot accept that there is an alternative point of view
across the full spectrum of life, and will leave no stone unturned to stifle/suppress
any dissension/disagreement where ever it appears!

However like the political correct elite down the decades they are so far up themselves
that it must be very dark up there, and as such due to the lack of oxygen they lose
their sense of reality only to find that the vast majority of the various populations,
UK with ' Brexit , Europe right wing movements and now the all powerful USA, and
Aussie has made a good start,having their lives' so controlled and free speech, 18c
legislation for instance? suffocated and denied, they come out on mass to take back
life as it democratically should be.

Governments the world over and not just in Aussie can pass what laws they like in
order to try and control what the population says, when, where, to whom, how and
how often ? in other words they can pass racial discrimination laws 18A - 18Z as far
as I am concerned, but if the majority believe they are bad laws and the political elite
are forcing " Political Correctness " on them, and where " The majority rules with the
minority in mind " is ignored in favour of the minorities, whatever or whoever they are,
will always fail in the long run, and depending how long the majority have had to
suffer the consequences will depend on just how severe the back lash will be.

The USA mobs that are demonstrating against Trump that the Aussie media, especially
the ABC and SBS, are promoting as some popular demonstration/movement against
Trumps future administration, are no more than a bunch of wet behind the ears young
people, thugs in most cases, looking for trouble and are diminishing in numbers as
each day passes, which must depress the ideological lefty's at the ABC and SBS, and
where they are causing so much trouble and destruction of property police are
compelled to using stun grenades, oh bloody hell police brutally what next, to try and
disperse them yet the ABC and SBS continue to promote these mobs cause?? WHY.

President Obama the socialist USA President.

Hillary Clinton.

Obama and Clinton made a big thing about Trump stating that he may not accept
the outcome of the USA election,yet their silence is deafening in regard to these
so-called Democrat mobs rioting and damaging property and not excepting the
outcome of the election.

We can only imagine what would happen if these mobs were Trump mobs not
accepting the election results where I am sure, supported by Obama, Clinton would
repeat her comments that she made during the campaign quote ' Half of the
Americans supporting Donald Trump are a basket of deplorables made up of racists,
sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic people ' unquote and later quote
' I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangerous vision and the anger
of the people who support Donald Trump ' unquote however it's ok if you support
the Clinton and the political elite's they can do what they think best,  and bugger the
low life Trump supporters!!

Obama ? Gee that far down hey ?

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl in the early 1980's

When little Teflon Billy Shorten was being briefly interviewed on the ABC TV, it's a
wonder they let it go to air knowing the ABC and their favourite son Teflon Billy,
Teflon Billy was asked to comment about Trumps success and you know what this
little hypocrite stated quote ' It's his attitude to women I don't like ' unquote.

What a bloody hypocrite this little bastard Teflon Billy is because let's face it unlike
Teflon Billy Trump has not been accused to my knowledge of allegedly heinously
and viciously raping a 16 year old very vulnerable girl back in the 1980's? nor has
Trump been accused of shagging and impregnating another blokes wife while she
was still living with her husband, and although separated Teflon Billy was still
married and his poor then wife and family only found out after it appeared on the
front pages of the Aussie national papers ?? how is that for an attitude towards
women Teflon Billy?.

I wonder if and when Teflon Billy ever get's to meet the then President Trump Teflon
will have the hypocrisy of shaking hands with Trump after what he stated about
Trump, refer my mike's comments dated the 15/10/2016 subject: " Teflon Billy Alleged
Rapist Denounces Trump " prior to knowing that Trump would win the USA election.

What a pathetic opportunist our little Teflon Billy is and a waste of Tax Payers hard
earned scarce funds, where now Teflon Billy is refusing to pass legislation banning
these illegal mobs currently on Nauru and Manus Island forever being allowed to
enter Aussie in the future ? for what reason says Teflon Billy? are you ready for

1. In case they want to come back in 40 years as tourists or business people?

2. In case they become Kiwi's and want to come over here as " All Blacks " ???
really??? have you seen the size of the average refugee on these islands?
maybe " Ping Pong " but Ruby Union or League ? even for Teflon Billy this has
to be one of his worst jokes!!

We should be under no illusion that Teflon Billy cares what happens to these
refugees because he does not care for anyone but himself as his history
shows, and will use this permanent ban as he is with the LGBT " Gay
Marriage " situation as hopefully a " Political Wedge " against Turnbull, even though
he is aware that the majority of Aussies, including the Labor voters, will be backing
the Turnbull governments decision in regard to not only the life time ban but also the
" Gay Marriage Plebiscite ".

Senator Nick Xenophon the Leader of the " Nick Xenophon Team "

How about this clown and " Media Tart " and I believe the fact that his political party
is named after Xenophon speaks volumes about this bloke.

I can understand how the voters can be taken in by this softly spoken seemingly
gentle non aggressive person that has no political ticket attached in regard to being
either left,centre or right of politics, which ofcourse can lull other politicians and
voters into a false sense of security.

However as the saying goes " Beware of Greeks bearing gifts ". An allusion to the
story of the Wooden Horse of Troy used by the Greeks to trick their way into the
city, or in Xenophon's case into politics and the inner sanctum of the most powerful
political body in Aussie and that is the Aussie Senate.

I have watched Xenophon's political career with interest when he started pulling
zany publicity stunts and tried, and eventually did, to enter politics via the S.A
Legislative Council ( SA State Government, probably contributed to South Australia
being across the board basket case it is today ?) on a ticket ? would you believe
of a ' No pokies ' candidate ? only a bloke like Xenophon could pull a stunt like that
and get away with it, especial as a ' No pokies ' although a great sentiment to pull
at the heart strings of the limited amount of voters to get him over the line and
elected, it had no hope of succeeding and Xenophon ofcourse knew it.

I gather the SA Legislative Council Members and bureaucrats were only to pleased
to see the back of Xenophon into Federal politics because he had become a right
pain in the " ARSE " with his stupid clownish publicity stunts, which it was believed
lowered the tone,decorum and propriety of the SA parliament.

I have no doubt someone, probably will be the narcissistic Xenophon himself ? will
write a book about the antics of the now Senator Xenophon who used the " Wooden
Horse of No Pokies " to enter both state and later federal politics, and if there is a
" GOD "?? then let us hope he or she, gender neutral or even transgender, " GOD "
helps Aussie because with this " Media Tart Xenophon " Aussie is certainly going
to need a lot of so-called divine help.

Let's briefly take this permanent ban on so-called asylum seekers on Nauru and
Manus where the Xenophon mob will only agree to it if the government agree to
lift the ' Humanitarian Refugee Intake '.

This is Xenophon all over ' All care and no responsibility !!' because as he is fully
aware Aussie, if you accept that if a person works for (1) hour per week they are
deemed employed, there are some 800,000 currently unemployed, 2-3 million under
employed, referred to as the " Working Poor ", and with an ever increasing across
the board Aussie welfare bill ballooning out to billions, and Xenophon wants to
increase the burden on the already over burdened hard working Aussie Tax Payers
even further???.

Believe me people this bloke is nothing but a " Media Tart Clown " who will pull
any stunt necessary to get notoriety!! don't believe me? look at his history and
further more watch this space, or better still take more notice/interest yourself
after all it is your Tax Payers hard earned dollars this " Media Tart " is spending!

According to an article written by Clare Blumer, ABC News dated the 4/7/2016,
and I should point out this is not verbatim and I will paraphrase as it was in my
view a well constructed and informative article but to lengthy for here.

Clare Blumer pointed out that nearly a quarter of Aussies have given their first
preference votes to other parties other than the LNP and Labor and this has been
a trend since 2007 election and was thought may have been the case at the 1998

Although Labor won a primary vote of 34.9% it was the second lowest primary vote
for Labor since 1949.

At the time of this article going to print the LNP primary vote was 42.1% being the
fourth lowest in 60 years and somewhat similar to the big loss against Kevin Rudd,
Labor in the 2007 election. ( From now on these are my comments not Clare Blumer)

While the like's of the political correct section 18c of the " Racial Discrimination Act "
is perceived if not actually the case? is primarily there to stifle free speech where
just to offend someone can have you pilloried by the like's of the ABC and SBS when
an Aussie citizen is hauled up in front of a " Star Chamber " by the Australian Human
Rights Commission and interrogated, where a citizen has to prove that the accusations
leveled at them are not true and either apologise profusely to the " Offended " person
or legal action could be taken against that Aussie citizen in a criminal court based on
the findings of the Human Rights Commission, and the major parties are not prepared
to rectify the situation fearing a minority voter backlash at the next election, then why
would not the majority of Aussies look around for an alternative political party or
organisation that will.

The problem is as I see it is that at the last federal election out of the 226 Senators
and House of Reps pollies, 76 Senators and 150 House of Reps, there were only 39
new pollies leaving 186 across both houses who retained their seats, which ofcourse
means we can expect just more of the same from many of these professional pollies
trying to shore up their seat for the next election and continue to have their snouts
in a very lucrative trough.

Anyway people if your happy, or should I say too apathetic, to accept this political
correct " SWILL ", misinformation, lies and deceit that we are dished out 24/7 then
don't whinge because as the saying goes " You are part of the problem !! ".

Sir Mike Howe - But you can call me Mike. Scroll down.


To the citizens of the United States of America from
Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

In light of your failure to nominate competent
candidates for President of the USA, and thus to
govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the
revocation of your independence, effective
Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will
resume monarchical duties over all states,
commonwealths,and territories (except North Dakota,
which she does not fancy).
Our new Prime Minister, Theresa May, will appoint
a Governor for America without the need for further
elections. Congress and the Senate will be disbanded.
A questionnaire may be circulated next year to
determine whether any of you noticed.

To aid in the transition to a British Crown dependency,
the following rules are introduced with immediate

1. The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as
'colour,' 'favour,' 'labour' and 'neighbour.' Likewise,
you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping
half the letters, and the suffix '-ize' will be replaced by
the suffix '-ise.' Generally, you will be expected to raise
your vocabulary to acceptable levels. (look up

2. Using filler noises such as 'like' and 'you know' is
an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication.
There is no such thing as U.S. English. We will let
Microsoft know on your behalf. The Microsoft
spell-checker will be adjusted to take into account the
reinstated letter 'u'' and the elimination of '-ize.'

4. You will learn to resolve personal issues without
using guns, lawyers, or therapists. The fact that you
need so many lawyers and therapists shows that
you're not quite ready to be independent. Guns
should only be used for shooting grouse. If you can't
sort things out without suing someone or speaking to
a therapist, then you're not ready to shoot grouse.

>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>> 6. All intersections will be replaced with
roundabouts, and you will start driving on the left side
with immediate effect. At the same time, you will go
metric with immediate effect and without the benefit of
conversion tables. Both roundabouts and metrication
will help you understand the British sense of humour.

>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>> 7. The former USA will adopt UK prices on
petrol (which you have been calling gasoline) of
roughly $10/US gallon. Get used to it.

>>>>>> -------------------
>>>>>> 8. You will learn to make real chips. Those
things you call French fries are not real chips, and
those things you insist on calling potato chips are
properly called crisps. Real chips are thick cut, fried
in animal fat, and dressed not with catsup but with

>>>>>> -------------------
>>>>>> 9. The cold, tasteless stuff you insist on
calling beer is not actually beer at all. Henceforth,
only proper British Bitter will be referred to as beer,
and European brews of known and accepted
provenance will be referred to as Lager.

>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>> 11. You will cease playing American football.
There is only one kind of proper football; you call it
soccer. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be
allowed to play rugby (which has some similarities to
American football, but does not involve stopping for a
rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body
armour like a bunch of nancies).

>>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>>> 12. Further, you will stop playing baseball.
It is not reasonable to host an event called the World
Series for a game which is not played outside of
America. Since only 2.1% of you are aware there is a
world beyond your borders, your error is understandable.
You will learn cricket.

>>>>>> --------------------
13. You must tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving
us mad.

Friday, 4 November 2016

' What a bloody amateurish mess !! '

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 5/11/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: ' What a bloody amateurish mess !! '

Freddy Kruger.

Well people just like Freddy Kruger I am back hopefully not to terrorise you like Freddy
would, but whether you agree or disagree with my comments or not it may at least get
you thinking, and not thinking like the popular and ever growing western society type
of narcissistic type thinking of " What's in it for me ?? ".

What a delight it is to travel around this magnificent NSW New England Area with it's
wide open spaces combined with it's tree/vegetation covered rolling hills, blue skies on
most days with a great low humidity climate and the black sky starlit nights where you
lay on the ground and be stunned by Mother Natures kaleidoscope of a sky filled
stars without any of the human intervention of electric lighting, and where you can
some idea of just how fast the earth is spinning as you observe the kaleidoscope
passing across the night sky.

Also what a vibrant and progressive area New England is yet still maintaining the
very important country atmosphere with it's local, state and federal government
infrastructure projects - roads,bridges,dams,NBN roll out,sporting fields,swimming
pool and hospital reconstruction and the list goes, encouraging new business
investment both industrial,commercial,farming and agriculture generally which
ofcourse encourages a greater influx of people and families and housing construction.

AELEC - Australian Equine & Livestock Events Centre. Tamworth.

Tamworth Country Music Festival in January each year.

Tamworth Entertainment Centre.

A view of Tamworth,NSW.

University of New England, Armidal,NSW.

Anyway don't take my word for it why not Google it then come and see for yourself?

Now people you could be thinking when reading this ? how does my subject of
" What a bloody amateurish mess !! " fit in with what I have stated above??

Well let's take a look as a comparison, first up:


Donald Trump V Hilary Clinton.

What about this bare knuckle fight for the position of USA President going on currently.

If I were American I would vote for Trump, not because I agree with all he stands for
because let's face it who when voting for a pollie of any sort agrees with all that pollie
stands for, however I believe the corrupt USA political cesspit, which the Clinton's are
heavily involved in, needs a serious shake up and providing Trump does not go the
same way as President J.F Kennedy and his brother " Bobby " Kennedy who we are
all aware were assassinated, there is still time ofcourse?? Trump maybe the bloke to at
least start the clean up ball rolling, whereas Clinton is just part of the corrupt
political elite and establishment and her whole purpose is to fulfill a 30 plus year
political ambition and to go down in USA history as the first female USA President plus
ofcourse gain all the Kudos,prestige,celebrity status and notability and the life time
perks of office as President, and at 69 I can't see Clinton running for a second term
even if the USA people allow her too.

There is nothing Clinton's political opponents not don't know about her and I am sure
the Republicans are just waiting to clobber her with the biggest baseball bats they
can find and as a result Clinton will just be a President in name only, " A Lame
Duck President " if you will.

President Obama bowing to a Muslim Saudi King yet never to the Queen of England.

President Obama the socialist.

The USA Pink Gay movement maintain that Obama is not " Bisexual " but claim him
as a full blown " Gay " in fact a Dr Jerome Corsi that was doing his PhD on
LGBT in Chicago stated that Obama was so well known as a strong member in the
Chicago Gay Community that many there were stunned that he ran for President.

There is a bloke by the name of Don Fredrick's a small government advocate
and President Obama birth certificate conspiracy theorist and who runs a blog
has stated that he believed the USA nation had elected a " Islamo - Marxist "
and I quite frankly agree with him.

So Clinton may become the first women USA President but in my view Obama put's
that achievement into the shadows as possibly being the first Muslim, yet to be
acknowledged by Obama but I have no doubt in the future it will be, and Gay
President of the USA??.

President Obama in 2009 was presented with the ' Nobel Peace Prize Laureate '
therefore is it ? possible that having won this prize and the fact that the Saudi
King Obama was bowing down too is the head of Sunni Islam where the countries
constitution is based on the Qur'an and Sunna ( Traditions and sayings of the
Profit Mohammed ) had any influence over the Obama Administration being so
slow in acting to stop the brutal ISIS onslaught - refer Mike's Comments dated
the 14/8/2014 at 2.25 pm subject: " ? WHERE WAS THE EYE IN THE SKY ?? "
where I commented on the slow international response, especially the USA,
when obviously with all the satellites in the sky such a large movement of troops,
equipment and the shear dust storm that would have caused across deserts
could not be missed.

Also I wonder how much influence the many and varied White House advisors
that happened to be of the Muslim faith had on President Obama the Commander
-in-Chief of the USA military machine in regard to trying to stop the misery ISIS
was causing to Christians and any other religions including different types of
the Muslim faith, because as Trump states the USA had pulled out of Iraq allowing
a vacuum to exist for ISIS to fill creating a great international embarrassment
for the Obama Administration as it was done under the Obama's watch.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Now I am in no way a fan of Putin however surely we have to accept that as a result
of the Obama Administrations apathy Putin is now the powerhouse in the middle east,
and certainly calls the shots and continually makes the USA look impotent.

When Putin invaded the Crimean Peninsula in April 2014 that was ? still official is?
part of the Ukraine, mainly I would suggest was to protect the Russian interests like
their gas pipe line that crosses the area, plus where they dock their Baltic Fleet,
especially as there was a concern by Russia that the Ukraine were going to join the
EU and NATO and thereby have American missiles on Russia's border,  and to date
I gather tragically between Russia and Ukraine there have been some 10,000 deaths
as a result of military action between the Ukraine forces and the break away rebels
that claim they are of Russian ethnicity and not Ukrainian and want to be part of

Ex Aussie PM Tony Abbott wanted to quote " Shirt front Putin " unquote.

Now as a result of the USA influence and power they convinced a reluctant EU,UK,
had our then Aussie PM Tony Abbott wanting to quote " Shirt front Putin " plus
others to put sanctions on the so-called " Oligarchs " ( government Ministers and
other heads of Russian industries )

Ex USA President George Bush Jnr who in my view was the most pathetic President
for decades.

Yet when the USA plus their allies, including Aussie," The Coalition of the Willing " in
" Operation Iraqi Freedom " invaded Iraq killing 100's of 1000's of Iraqi's, plus allied
troops being killed and maimed for life, costing billions of dollars of USA and allied
countries Tax Payers hard earned funds,devastating Iraq in every which way and
reducing it to rubble and allowing a vacuum where Al Qaeda and ISIS filled the void
when the USA and their allies discovered it was all to hard and decided to pull out and
leave the Iraqi's to fend for themselves??.

So question?? the fact that the invasion of Iraq was a great con, based on lies and
miss-information ? what sanctions were applied to the like's of USA, EU, UK, Aussie
and all the invaders?? none!!! how is that for gross double standards and as far as
I am concerned highlights what Trump is stating that the USA political situation is
a " Swamp " that needs to be drained, and the Clinton's are very much part of the
problems therefore nothing will change, if not get worse, under a Clinton

A report came out in June this year 2016 that of the approximate 323 million citizens
in the USA 32 million ( 10% ) adults in America are considered to be illiterate with
about 14% of the entire adult population who cannot read.

The GDP growth in the USA ranges from 1.1% to 1.4%, in other words flat lining
and in manufacturing the USA is going backwards and losing jobs to overseas

In January 2016 the USA Public Debt was $13.62 Trillion being 75% of the previous
12 months GDP with intragovernment holdings of $5.34 Trillion showing a combined
total gross national debt of $18.96 Trillion or about 104% of the previous 12 months
GDP, put simply the share of every American man,women and child amounts to
$61,127.99 and climbing.

Although the Obama Administration is supposed to have created 10 million jobs in
there (8) years they don't say what type of jobs? but that said that still leaves an
unemployment figure of 4.8% or 7.8 million with a participation rate of 62.8% and
that includes part time workers, or underemployed, as we refer to them in Aussie
' The Working Poor '.

So people what a bloody mess considering the USA is deemed to be the most
wealthy and powerful country in the world ? does not say much for all the other
countries in the world does it.

However what can you expect from a USA Obama Democrat Administration, which
is the equivalent of our Aussie Labor Party and we Aussies know what a disaster
our Labor Mob are when it comes to managing the Aussie Nations Treasury, and
there is absolutely no doubt that a Clinton Democrat Administration will just
compound the USA problems they can't help themselves it is in their DNA.

In our own backyard we had some of the following:

Senator Richard Di Natale the head greenie of the gang of (9) was (10) Senators.
Subject: ' The Greenies Precious Sensibilities '

Photo by the Patriot Society.

The Greenies throwing a ' Hissy Fit '.

The Greenies throw a ' Hissy Fit ' in Federal Parliament while Senator Pauline Hanson
was delivering her Inaugural/Maiden speech in the Aussie Senate some weeks ago
and walked out instead of remaining and afterwards
standing up for whoever ???
they represent and putting a contrary point of view.

People the majority of the Aussie voting system is based on what is referred to as a
' Preferential voting System 'where a number of candidates put their names forward
for a political position whether that is for local, state or federal governments.

Their names are then put on a ballot paper and the voter then numbers the candidates
in order of their preference, obviously the number one candidate is the voters preferred
candidate, the others in many cases are just numbered haphazardly just to complete
the ballot otherwise under the system the ballot paper will be void and their preferred
candidate will be eliminated.

Therefore obviously the most important votes are the first preference votes.

Senator Pauline Hanson's Party was elected to the Senate along with (3) other One
Nation Candidates with 593,013 ' First Preference Votes ' which amounted to 4.29%
of the total Aussie Senate First Preference votes an increase of (+3.76%) which
ofcourse meant that the average first preference votes per One Nation Senators
was 148,254 over the (4) Senators.

Whereas as the Greenies went backwards in regard to their Senate Representation
by losing (1) Senator thereby being reduced from (10) previously to now (9) where
they in total got 1,197,657 First Preference Votes being only 8.65% of the total First
Preference Votes cast, a reduction of (-0.58) and considering there were (9) Greenie
Senators Elected that would only average per Senator 133,073 First Preference votes
being an average of 15,181 per Senator less than One Nation Senators.

The Greenies are basically a yuppie niche narrow perspective party who mainly
appeal to academia, university students and the leafy suburbs of Sydney and
Melbourne voters and I envisage the Greenies going the same way the Aussie
Democrats Party went because they are so out of touch with the every day hard
working Tax Paying Aussie and their wants and needs.

Malcolm Turnbull the current Aussie PM.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the Labor
Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged " Rapist " of his alleged victim
Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl in the early 1980's.

It would appear that we had a national disaster effecting our Aussie Nation over a
week ago consuming precious parliamentary time both state and federal and Aussie
Tax Payers scare funds and sending our Aussie media, especially the ABC ? where
else, ballistic!

It even involved a meeting in Melbourne of our state and federal justice ministers
at the Council of Australian Governments.

So what do you reckon the problem was people, ? a terrorist attack actual or pending,
? cyber attack in one form or other ? nope none of that!!

It was whether or not a political deal was being organised to whether or not to
reclassify or continue to ban a bloody seven-shot Adler A110 shotgun because a
bunch of farmers and recreational shooters wanted to kill, in the main, wild pigs.

I heard on the ABC during the parliamentary broadcast little Teflon Billy ranting
and raving for some 20 minutes or so about ' Guns for votes ' and how Turnbull
was unraveling Ex Aussie PM John Howard's gun laws in grubby deals in the Senate
in order to get the unfair and anti-union industrial laws through the Senate.

The laws little Teflon Billy was referring to was the Australian Building and
Construction Commission which ofcourse little Teflon Billy and his Union bosses
and benefactors do not want, and Teflon Billy was using this shotgun saga as a
delaying tactic to try and stop debate on the Commission.

Mate have you ever walked into a gun shop?? there are wall to wall racks of lethal
weaponry to pick from, yet our pollies and media waste time money and effort
when as I repeatedly state Aussie has serious problems from the ' Cradle to the
Grave ' on one bloody shotgun? just ban it and move on.

So people as a comparison where would you rather be:

1. In the USA??.

2. Our Federal and State parliaments??.

The NSW New England Area Starlit nights just as the sun goes down.

3. Or in the magnificent NSW New England Area with it's daily blue skies,and
great climate, black starlit nights and a vibrant progressive future!!

Now ofcourse people will always have something to whinge about, however if your
going to whinge about the NSW New England Area and except all the other political
crap that is dished out for us for our daily consumption 24/7, then mate you need to
get a grip of yourself!!!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.