I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
the now re-elected as at the 2/7/2016 the Greenie Senator Hanson-Young
the Aussie Tax Payer funded at $200,000 PA plus, United Nations refugee and
so-called asylum seeker representative.
People when you see this, in my view, total waste of Aussie Senate space and waste
of valuable scarce Tax Payers funds the like's of the Greenie Senator Hanson-Young
stand up in the Senate or come on the TV, with special mention of the ABC ofcourse,
and then watch the YouTube video, hopefully it will work for you?, below, click on the
URL,surely you have to wonder if this Greenie women Senator Hanson-young is for real
This is ofcourse very conveniently ignoring the massive problems, which ofcourse the
Considering that Aussie has only some 24 million people living here we, I gather, are the
Therefore if we totally exclude the Aussie Greenies that went backwards at the last
Prior to Senator Sarah Hanson-Young becoming a pollie in 2008 Hanson-Young was
In other words people Hanson-Young has just gone from being one refugee campaigner
to another, but this time totally funded by the poor old Aussie Tax Payer at least (10)
However it would appear generally that at least 30-40% of them never get off welfare
So if we ignore this " Mickey Mouse " (5.7%) National Aussie Unemployment figure
where if a person works for (ONE ) hour per week they are considered " Employed "
However 98% of them, and still are, are coming through the front door having past at
People ? what country or nation currently that has a Muslim population in it is not
Anyway at 76 years plus I reckon my generation has seen the best of Aussie, and I am
However people if you are just going to sit on your bums and " She'll be right mate "
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down.
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 20/8/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Sir Mike's Comments 20/8/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
URL: http://beautkoot.blogspot.com.au
Subject: " Paris at War ? Aussie next ?
the Aussie Tax Payer funded at $200,000 PA plus, United Nations refugee and
so-called asylum seeker representative.
People when you see this, in my view, total waste of Aussie Senate space and waste
of valuable scarce Tax Payers funds the like's of the Greenie Senator Hanson-Young
stand up in the Senate or come on the TV, with special mention of the ABC ofcourse,
and then watch the YouTube video, hopefully it will work for you?, below, click on the
URL,surely you have to wonder if this Greenie women Senator Hanson-young is for real
by wanting to bring the refugee mob on Manus Island and Nauru into Aussie,
giving a clear message to the 100,000's of so-called refugees/asylum
seekers plus
people smugglers the green light to invade Aussie with another 50,000 plus boat
people as was the case in the 2010/2013 Labor Gillard Greenie coalition government,
where Hanson-Young was a Greenie Senator with the continual mantra of " Bugger
the cost " open the borders we are a rich country, we can afford it.
people smugglers the green light to invade Aussie with another 50,000 plus boat
people as was the case in the 2010/2013 Labor Gillard Greenie coalition government,
where Hanson-Young was a Greenie Senator with the continual mantra of " Bugger
the cost " open the borders we are a rich country, we can afford it.
This is ofcourse very conveniently ignoring the massive problems, which ofcourse the
Greenies are good at " All care and 'NO' responsibility or accountability
", we have, and
have had for many decades, from the " Cradle to the Grave " where millions if not billions
have had for many decades, from the " Cradle to the Grave " where millions if not billions
of scarce Aussie Tax Payers funds are needed desperately.
Considering that Aussie has only some 24 million people living here we, I gather, are the
highest per capita contributor on an annual basis to the refugee
situation in the world,
with some 13,000 refugees entering Aussie PA which is costing the already financially
stretched Aussie Tax Payers not millions but billions, and this is over and above the
12,000 extra Syrian refugees entering Aussie over the next 12 months or so costing an
with some 13,000 refugees entering Aussie PA which is costing the already financially
stretched Aussie Tax Payers not millions but billions, and this is over and above the
12,000 extra Syrian refugees entering Aussie over the next 12 months or so costing an
estimated $600,000,000 million, yep you read it right $600,000,000,over (4)
years and
what do the Aussie Tax payers get for our generosity? abuse, called racists and
xenophobic,demands for more by the so-called refugees and the financial blood
suckers and opportunists that have created an industry in the Refugee organisations,
religious and otherwise, lawyers,the medical fraternity especially the mind squad like
Psychiatrists and Psychologists to name but a few.
what do the Aussie Tax payers get for our generosity? abuse, called racists and
xenophobic,demands for more by the so-called refugees and the financial blood
suckers and opportunists that have created an industry in the Refugee organisations,
religious and otherwise, lawyers,the medical fraternity especially the mind squad like
Psychiatrists and Psychologists to name but a few.
Therefore if we totally exclude the Aussie Greenies that went backwards at the last
2/7/2016 Federal Election by losing a Senator, is it any wonder that the
Aussie voters
are turning to more conservative right wing minor parties in order to get
some balance
in their lives from this left wing, bordering on communistic, politically
correct political
culture that is proving very detrimental to the Aussie majority, who after
all are the
engine room of the Aussie economy without out whom the Aussie minorities
would be
" Up shit creek without a paddle ".
Prior to Senator Sarah Hanson-Young becoming a pollie in 2008 Hanson-Young was
a Campaign Manger for Amnesty International, South Australia and a
campaigner with
Justice for Refugees,SA.
In other words people Hanson-Young has just gone from being one refugee campaigner
to another, but this time totally funded by the poor old Aussie Tax Payer at least (10)
times plus salary and conditions.
Hanson-Young was not long out of University nappies prior to becoming a Greenie
Senator in 2008 at say the age of 27 years and would have been lucky to earn, all up,
say $20 - $30,000 PA, yet the records over the years she has been a Greenie Aussie
Senator will show that Hanson-young has done bugger all for the Aussie Tax Payers
in general, yet devote precious and hard to come by Tax Payers funds and promote
the cause of a non-contributing, welfare dependent, some for many years if not their
life time, unproductive, unemployable, unhealthy, uneducated, non English speaking,
reading or writing human liabilities that the rest of the world does not want and does
not need.
Yes it could be stated that these so-called refugees/asylum seekers could be the
Hanson-Young was not long out of University nappies prior to becoming a Greenie
Senator in 2008 at say the age of 27 years and would have been lucky to earn, all up,
say $20 - $30,000 PA, yet the records over the years she has been a Greenie Aussie
Senator will show that Hanson-young has done bugger all for the Aussie Tax Payers
in general, yet devote precious and hard to come by Tax Payers funds and promote
the cause of a non-contributing, welfare dependent, some for many years if not their
life time, unproductive, unemployable, unhealthy, uneducated, non English speaking,
reading or writing human liabilities that the rest of the world does not want and does
not need.
Yes it could be stated that these so-called refugees/asylum seekers could be the
future Tax Payers and wealth generators here in Aussie especially with an
However it would appear generally that at least 30-40% of them never get off welfare
because of their health, can't drive, can't speak, read or write English,
have no real
modern work ethic, uneducated and are computer illiterate, many have never
a traffic light system let alone driven to an established set of road
So if we ignore this " Mickey Mouse " (5.7%) National Aussie Unemployment figure
where if a person works for (ONE ) hour per week they are considered " Employed "
and where we therefore could put the unemployment figure closer to (15%)
across the board, say 3.600,000 million and not 7-800,000, excluding the
2-3 million,
referred to as the " Working Poor " underemployed Aussies, with at least
(24%) 15
to 24 year olds across Aussie being unemployed, these so-called
seekers are just adding to the ranks of the unemployed further draining the
so-called wealth,and just increasing the billions of dollars on the already
maxed out
international credit card.
Should any Aussie speak out against the Greenie Senator Hanson-Young's campaign
Should any Aussie speak out against the Greenie Senator Hanson-Young's campaign
we will be howled done and rudely called racists, xenophobic and any other
-Young and her political correct brood insulting names they can think of at
the time.
If their Muslims in general they do not want to assimilate but want to dominate and
demand that they are allowed to set up a " State within a State " because they want
to recreate the cultures,religion and draconian, medieval situation they tried to
desperately escape from, including trying to out breed the host nation with the hope
If their Muslims in general they do not want to assimilate but want to dominate and
demand that they are allowed to set up a " State within a State " because they want
to recreate the cultures,religion and draconian, medieval situation they tried to
desperately escape from, including trying to out breed the host nation with the hope
that in the decades to come they can by the sheer weight of numbers by
stealth take
over as the dominant group.
Yes the like's of the Greenie Hanson-Young and her brood can quite rightly state
over as the dominant group.
Yes the like's of the Greenie Hanson-Young and her brood can quite rightly state
that immigrants are and have been the backbone of Aussie in many and varied
However 98% of them, and still are, are coming through the front door having past at
least the 100 points test and countless interviews to prove their worth to
this great
country, with the occasional refugee, asylum seeker, and as a result
integrating well and are/have become assets which ofcourse includes non
But unfortunately, regardless of what spin the Western pollies put on it, we are and
But unfortunately, regardless of what spin the Western pollies put on it, we are and
have been witnessing a different ball game, especially over the last decade
or so
where people calling themselves Muslims are demanding more than they have a right
too and expect as part of a nation where their needs, cultures, religion and laws
become paramount over all else, and on a regular basis, if not daily, extreme violence,
verbal abuse is used in order for the various sects of Muslims to obtain by fear their
ways and demands.
where people calling themselves Muslims are demanding more than they have a right
too and expect as part of a nation where their needs, cultures, religion and laws
become paramount over all else, and on a regular basis, if not daily, extreme violence,
verbal abuse is used in order for the various sects of Muslims to obtain by fear their
ways and demands.
People ? what country or nation currently that has a Muslim population in it is not
experiencing problems that far exceed any of the other groups within the
same nation
or country??
Anyway at 76 years plus I reckon my generation has seen the best of Aussie, and I am
concerned that what the like's of my mob is leaving to the current younger
and future
generations in general, not only in Aussie but the world in general, leaves
a lot to be
desired,and having an unsustainable,unproductive welfare
dependant population must
be near to the top of the list.
be near to the top of the list.
However people if you are just going to sit on your bums and " She'll be right mate "
then don't whinge when what is happening in Paris and Europe in general
depicted in
the YouTube video attached, plus others there as well, is happening in a
street, town
or city near you.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down.
to Paris, anyone?
people in France have had enough of these refugees, could
you carry on your daily life with all this around you ?
you carry on your daily life with all this around you ?
like visiting Paris anytime soon
France's tourism is going down the tube!probably the
rest of Europe
This was filmed by an independent dude and uploaded on
Make sure you watch clearly and see the dates ( all
recent, in the
past few months )
past few months )
you have the time and the nerve keep watching the following
Police in France seem helpless, should give these thugs
a little of
their own medicine
their own medicine
The Europeans are too soft, you can bet all our world
leaders are
watching this video as you are or have already done so and say its
Politically incorrect to retaliate with violence !
watching this video as you are or have already done so and say its
Politically incorrect to retaliate with violence !
That’s not what you would be saying if you lived around
this mess
and your property, your home, your family or your children were
subjected to this behaviour.
and your property, your home, your family or your children were
subjected to this behaviour.