Tuesday, 30 August 2016

" Sorry - ? How much longer ? "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 30/8/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: " Sorry - ? How much longer ? ".

Information obtained from Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia, ABS and various media.

People according to the ABS we have in Aussie about 3% - some 720,000 - of people
in the 24,000,000 Aussie population, and climbing,of citizens
that declare themselves
as Aboriginal and ofcourse this percentage will over time
decrease as the 10's of 1000's
of immigrants
exceed the birth rate of the people that are recognised as Aboriginals,
and we ofcourse
have,I gather,some 6000 Torres Strait Islanders living on the 100 or
so Islands North
of Queensland with about 37,000 living along the Northern Coast Line
of Queensland.

By all accounts the earliest accepted time for the first arrivals of human migration of
indigenous Australians
to this continent was at least some 40.000 years ago, and who
probably came from the islands of Indonesia and New Guinea.

When Captain James Cook claimed, invaded, procured, whatever term you care to
classify or designate, the East Coast in 1770 for Great Britain and later settled the
West Coast in the name of Britain, there were at the time an estimated indigenous
population of some 315,000 to 750,000 made up of some 500 tribes who spoke many
and different languages.

However as they were from a common descent, history, culture and had already
occupied Australia from within it's recognised borders the Aboriginals came under the
definition of a ' Nation '.

Now I know that even though the 500 or so Australian Indigenous Tribes were regularly
fighting among themselves,they did however suffer greatly under the superior power(s)
of the Europeans generally, not just the Brits, and obviously I don't condone or excuse
these terrible situations that must of occurred, but just to say that this is a typical
situation wherever it has occurred where powerful nations take over weaker ones,it has
happened seemingly forever and is happening currently as I type this blog around the

Michele Guthrie, ABC, MD.

I have given up viewing/listening to the ABC news, with occasionally viewing the
7.30 Report depending on the subjects their discussing because I find the bias
and denigration especially towards white Aussie born, heterosexual, Christian, able
bodied, normal psychological profile, non academic males is way over the top, and
where the female rights, Aboriginal rights, LGBT rights, Muslim rights, Refugee and
Asylum seeker rights, political correct police rights, to say nothing about protecting
their favourite son Teflon Billy the Labor Federal Opposition Leader and an alleged
rapist with preferable air time, are used to condemn the average hard working,tax
paying citizens at every which way as being racists, xenophobic, homophobic, to
name but a few, where they roll out ad nauseam so-called people with specialised
knowledge to confirm and support the ABC's bias.

The question of Aboriginals and their achievements and causes is very prominent
which ofcourse is a good thing and who could deny that.

However rarely is there not a sting in the tail denigrating the non-indigenous,especially
white Aussies males where the like aught to apologise for being so, for their neglect,
racist and bigoted attitude towards the indigenous Australians.

But no mention of the fact that an already financially strapped hard working Aussie
Tax Payers, and I would suggest that very few of the 720,000 indigenous Australians
would be paying any personal income tax as I gather 30 - 40% are unemployed and
some 80% are on welfare, that are doing it tough dipping into their pay packets every
time to fund the $5 billion, yep billion, over the next (4) years,to support the Aboriginal
nation or the $900,000 getting Aboriginal kids to school,adults to work and improving
security around families? and this has been going on for decades to the tune of not
millions but billions.

Oh no why give the scum bag, racist, bigot " Whitey's " any credit we were here first
they owe us!! an attitude I believe totally supported by the like's of the ABC and other
self interested parties.

Have you noticed people if there are any problems in our prison systems like there
were recently in the detention centre in the Northern Territories the media, especially
the ABC, make it into a " Race Issue " involving Aboriginals? ignoring any white or
non-Aboriginals that maybe involved they seemingly don't count? or maybe create
less headlines in a racist, bigoted, prejudiced, discriminatory country like Aussie.

Although the kids I viewed on the Four Corners video in the Northern Territory
detention Centre were as " White " as me.

Many years ago in the course of my work I travelled around most of NSW and I
witnessed the terrible state of the indigenous townships where some were no better
than rubbish tips with the amount of rubbish around the streets, rusty old cars and
equipment,damaged and wrecked housing and as a Tax Payer I wondered where all
the nations millions of taxes had been spent and why the Aboriginal blokes, who are
certainly not stupid, and even the women for that matter because white women do it
these days as well, did not become tradesmen and women, plumbers, electricians,
carpenters, bricklayers etc; and fix their own townships? why wait for the " Whitey "
brigade to come to the rescue??

The fact we have " Political Correctness " gone mad and this ridiculous section 18C
in regard to racial hatred, there is a lot of hidden resentment towards the indigenous
Aussie population so " Good Luck " anyone hoping that a " Referendum recognising
Aboriginal and Torres Islander people in the Australia's Constitution" getting a " Yes "
vote, and you have a " Buckley's Chance " of a " Treaty "!! and it will not be because
the average Aussie is a racist bigot, but because they are fed up with paying all the
nations bills and being the engine room of the economy, yet continually being abused,
called racists bigots and generally getting the " Rough end of the pineapple " for all
their hard work and generosity, and the definite fight back is on with the out come
of the 2/7/2016 Federal Election where Labor under Teflon Billy Shorten got the 2nd
lowest primary vote in a 100 years, and the LNP under Malcolm Turnbull nearly lost

Cindy Prior the Aboriginal blonde haired 49 year old lady in the foreground.
Photo courtesy of the Australian.com.au.

Hedley Thomas, The Australian, 27/82016.
Heading:" Cindy Prior: Doctor casts doubt on *QUT employee's 18C racism claim ".
(*Queensland University of Technology.)

This article written by Hedley Thomas in regard to Cindy Prior that can be read in
full on Facebook is very comprehensive but lengthy, so I don't propose to quote it
verbatim but more paraphrase it and add my own comments and when I am quoting
Thomas I will state as much with " quote/unquote ".

People in my view, and reading the comments on social/main media so do many
100's of other Aussies, believe this situation concerning the Aboriginal women Cindy
Prior who it would appear was/?is an Administrator at QUT Oodergeroo Unit and who
has been on Workers Compensation leave since soon after the 28th of May 2013,
some (3) years or more, on some multiple symptomatic stress disorder allegedly as
a result of an incident between Cindy Prior and some non-indigenous Uni students
where it ended up on Face Book, is just another nail in the coffin of Australian
Indigenous and non-Indigenous relationships, and as such due to the massive
media, main and social, coverage does not go well for a " Yes " vote in any forth
coming " Referendum ", especially in Queensland.

Now obviously I don't know enough apart what I hear and read in the media
generally to be able to judge the right or wrong of the situation,where I gather (4)
non-indigenous Uni students at QUT on the 28th May 2013 walked into an unattended
room and sat down and commenced using the computers there only to be later
confronted by Cindy Prior and asked whether they were indigenous students, and
finding they were not seemingly stated that they should leave the room as the facility
was reserved for indigenous students only.

Seemingly the (4) students left without creating any fuss but one of them an Alex
Wood, an engineering student, later posted on his Facebook page quote " Just got
kicked out of the unsigned indigenous computer room. QUT stopping segregation
with segregation " unquote and without reading the comments as the page which
was taken down by Alex Wood we can only image the responses.

Initially I gather Cindy Prior informed the QUT that she could not return to work as
she was suffering from quote: "Severe stress and fear of a Ku Klux Klan cabal of
students and felt unsafe and feared verbal and physical attacks from students "
unquote and as a consequence went on, as I have previously stated, a now what
has been a (3) plus years Workers Compensation leave.

Cindy Prior then took her case under the 18C " Racial Hatred and Hate Speech Act "
initially I gather to the ' Human Rights Commission ' then proceeded to sue the (4)
Uni Students for, ? are you ready for this ? A$250,000, and the case is being heard
in a Federal Circuit Court under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act where
it is unlawful for anyone to " Offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate " another person
or group on grounds of race, colour or ethnicity ".

Yet it would not,it would appear,to be "Offensive,insulting,humiliating or intimidating"
for an Aboriginal woman of authority like Cindy Prior to order out (4) non-indigenous
students from a room reserved for indigenous students only, and we can only image
the like's of the ABC Four Corners or the 7.30 Report going into ' Over Drive ',frothing
at the mouth with the thought of a juicy "White racist hatred in QUT using a South
African style " Apartheid " and racial segregation system denying indigenous students
access to a white only computer room " story.

WOW!! the poor darlings would be, both males and females because it is hard to tell
the gender difference in the ABC, wetting their knickers with excitement!!.

Whatever, I believe regardless of the " Rights and Wrongs " of this case of the 18C
racial hatred action being taken against these (4) students and being sued for, in my
view, this ridiculous amount of A$250,000, where compensation for people involved
in serious car accidents and damaged for life would be lucky in many cases to get
anywhere near $250,000, can only help antagonise and alienate, especially the
Queensland voters where this is taking place, in regard to a "Yes" vote when it
comes to the foreseen " Indigenous Referendum " and ? " Treaty " under the current
racial climate? they have in my view " Buckley's and None ".

In my view it is important that our pollies across the board and political spectrum,
plus the Aussie community generally, does not allow this section 18C to become
a very considerable " Cash Cow " for people to use as a very lucrative scheme to
acquire large sums of money, and where the accused while under very intense
social and main media scrutiny is ' Guilty until they prove them selves innocent '.

Dr. Brad Pettitt, the Mayor of Fremantle, WA.

Freemantle the little " Dot " on the coastline bottom left hand corner of the map.

Freemantle a harbour town on the Western Australian coast line.

Freemantle Council - photo courtesy of News and Media

People what about this bunch of arrogant clowns where they have cancelled the
fire work display on Aussie Day next year for the majority of the population, no
doubt the majority of the Freemantle rate payers plus other citizens that are the
economic power house and who in total amount to some 27,000 residents of which
there is estimated only 1406 Aboriginals, because it upsets the minority to much
and that being the Aboriginals and their supporters ? numbers.

The following is a quote from the Mayors media release:

There has been a growing movement that January 26 is increasingly becoming a
day that is ' not for all Australians '. For many Aboriginal Australians it is indeed
a day of sadness and dispossession.

This does not just refer to Indigenous involvement but the involvement of many
other Australians who feel increasingly uncomfortable with the date and what it

The City has received significant feedback supporting the idea of reimagining
our Australia Day celebrating from both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.

I was proud last night to see Freemantle Council support this change in what
I hope will see a wave of change across the nation that will see Australia Day
fundamentally shift to a more inclusive and respectful approach.


This little " Tin Pot Dictator " as Mayor of a little " Tin Pot Town ( an apology
for a City ) of some 27,000 people is putting his community totally out of step
with not only the rest of the (3) million or so Western Australian population, but
the Aussie Nation of (24) million, in the hope that both Federal and State legislation
be changed covering the recognised Australian Day and the events, including the
electing of " The Australian of the Year ", or should that be cancelled as well for
fear of offending a minority? which ofcourse would immediately " Devalue " the
current and past " Australians of the Year " and their achievements.

Well as far as I am concerned the Freemantle majority should totally ignore this
ridiculous Freemantle Ruling and go ahead with the Australia Day Festivities even
minus the fireworks, and boycott in droves this " Tin Pot Dictators Special Day "
yet to be announced, probably hoping the day will be dedicated and named the
" Dr Brad Pettitt Day " in honour of the services rendered to the " Minorities "
in that massive metropolis called Freemantle.

How pathetic!! if this does not damage the " Yes " vote in WA in regard to the
foreseen " Indigenous Referendum " especially a so-called " Treaty " I don't know
what will.

People we have a lot to say in this country about Muslims wanting to set up
so-called " Sharia Law " in this country, yet there is a large push amongst
bureaucrats and academics for Aboriginals to be judged by so-called tribal
law when committing crimes within the various Aussie communities.

So what then a law for the Muslims, a law for the indigenous Aussies and laws
for the rest of the 24 million? or can that be broken down even further with the
laws covering the various other races,religions and creeds which no doubt the
(6.7) million ( 28%) of Aussies/residents that as from the 30/6/2015 were born
outside Aussie, and where they may like to consider their preference.

Now I believe it is about time, right and proper to ask the question just how
much longer do we the
97% of non-Aboriginals, multi-cultural,very diverse citizens
of Aussie going to have to continue to apologise for the sins of ( NOT )our Fathers
who allegedly invaded Aussie some 246 plus years ago, as surely there
would be
very few Aussies, considering the very wide demographics and multicultural
up of Aussie, that are in any way related to them.

Neither would there be many related to those that perpetrated the heinous crime
in regard to the" Stolen generation " where Aboriginal kids
were forcibly removed
from their parents and families, or any other serious and
terrible events against the
Aboriginals, because unless an Aussie lives' out in the bush
towns and areas, or
certain suburbs of the major Aussie cities the nearest an average
Aussie would
come into contact with an Aboriginal would be via their TV.

Now should anyone be offended by any of my comments and/or statements and
consider dragging me before the " Human Rights Commission " pleased be assured
at 76 plus and fast approaching my used by date I have nothing to lose and
to gain, and as I have sufficient legal qualifications to represent myself I
would relish the challenge because this ruling by ' Minority Creed ' has
to be
questioned and dealt with before it get's totally out of hand, and it is bad enough
as it is!!

As you can see I have a blog of which you are getting a copy of by email which is
transposed onto my blog, where I have currently a readership of about
1000-1500 per
week, some 40-50,000 PA and climbing, about 40% USA, 29% Aussie
then China,Russia
plus you name it I have readers all over the world, which ofcourse
no doubt should I
get involved in any legal 18C problems and I post my personal
experience on my blog
as it happens, I would ignore any rulings from a court not to
do so, jail has no fear for
me, it would just make me more readable? probably go

Now should you consider suing me like Cindy Prior is suing those (4) poor Uni
students and should you win, and believe me there would be many doubts in that
area, then I should warn you that as an old age pensioner I would immediately
declare my self
bankrupt, and with assets, including my old 1991 ( 27 years old )
Ford Falcon Ute,
if converted into cash would just about pay for a couple nights in
a motel in Sydney!! so good luck there.

People having lived under so-called dictatorships in various parts of Africa I am
aware what the price of freedom, including the freedom of speech, is!

Once freedom of any kind is taken away on whatever pretext such as it is in the
common good, it very rarely, if ever, is returned without a revolution, blood shed,
death and destruction as we regularly see on our TV's and the internet around the
world currently in it's various forms, and where I was involved when in the military
in central,east and west Africa.

Couldn't happen in Aussie you reckon? ' RUBBISH ' the political elite across the
Aussie political
spectrum, bureaucrats, powerful well organised,noisy self interest
groups across the Aussie nation have, mainly by stealth under the protection of
this draconian and discriminating " Political Correctness " ( a mainly Western
Society cancer/disease ) have achieved that no invading army could have hoped
to achieve in regard to " Subjugating " and " Controlling " what the average Aussie
plebbs can - say, when, where and how with the fear of breaking some law or other
with considerable penalties and public humiliation via the media - social and main.


So people if your ok with the way Aussie is going then don't whinge when the
" Human Rights
Commission " insists that all babies of a certain race, colour and
creed, especially white males, have to have a " Lobotomy " in order to control
future behaviour in order to save time and money, plus the Aussie jails are full
of non-conforming, free thinking, anti PC activist who are becoming difficult to

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Friday, 19 August 2016

" Paris at War ? Aussie next "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!

2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 20/8/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: " Paris at War ? Aussie next ? "

Regrettable the now re-elected as at the 2/7/2016 the Greenie Senator Hanson-Young
the Aussie Tax Payer funded at $200,000 PA plus, United Nations refugee and
so-called asylum seeker representative.

People when you see this, in my view, total waste of Aussie Senate space and waste
of valuable scarce Tax Payers funds the like's of the Greenie Senator Hanson-Young
stand up in the Senate or come on the TV, with special mention of the ABC ofcourse,
and then watch the YouTube video, hopefully it will work for you?, below, click on the
URL,surely you have to wonder if this Greenie women Senator Hanson-young is for real
by wanting to bring the refugee mob on Manus Island and Nauru into Aussie, thereby
giving a clear message to the 100,000's of so-called refugees/asylum seekers plus
people smugglers the green light to invade Aussie with another 50,000 plus boat
people as was the case in the 2010/2013 Labor Gillard Greenie coalition government,
where Hanson-Young was a Greenie Senator with the continual mantra of " Bugger
the cost " open the borders we are a rich country, we can afford it.

This is ofcourse very conveniently ignoring the massive problems, which ofcourse the
Greenies are good at " All care and 'NO' responsibility or accountability ", we have, and
have had for many decades, from the " Cradle to the Grave " where millions if not billions
of scarce Aussie Tax Payers funds are needed desperately.

Considering that Aussie has only some 24 million people living here we, I gather, are the
highest per capita contributor on an annual basis to the refugee situation in the world,
with some 13,000 refugees entering Aussie PA which is costing the already financially
stretched Aussie Tax Payers not millions but billions, and this is over and above the
12,000 extra Syrian refugees entering Aussie over the next 12 months or so costing an
estimated $600,000,000 million, yep you read it right $600,000,000,over (4) years and
what do the Aussie Tax payers get for our generosity? abuse, called racists and
xenophobic,demands for more by the so-called refugees and the financial blood
suckers and opportunists that have created an industry in the Refugee organisations,
religious and otherwise, lawyers,the medical fraternity especially the mind squad like
Psychiatrists and Psychologists to name but a few.

Therefore if we totally exclude the Aussie Greenies that went backwards at the last
2/7/2016 Federal Election by losing a Senator, is it any wonder that the Aussie voters
are turning to more conservative right wing minor parties in order to get some balance
in their lives from this left wing, bordering on communistic, politically correct political
culture that is proving very detrimental to the Aussie majority, who after all are the
engine room of the Aussie economy without out whom the Aussie minorities would be
" Up shit creek without a paddle ".

Prior to Senator Sarah Hanson-Young becoming a pollie in 2008 Hanson-Young was
a Campaign Manger for Amnesty International, South Australia and a campaigner with
Justice for Refugees,SA.

In other words people Hanson-Young has just gone from being one refugee campaigner
to another, but this time totally funded by the poor old Aussie Tax Payer at least (10)
times plus salary and conditions.

Hanson-Young was not long out of University nappies prior to becoming a Greenie
Senator in 2008 at say the age of 27 years and would have been lucky to earn, all up,
say $20 - $30,000 PA, yet the records over the years she has been a Greenie Aussie
Senator will show that Hanson-young has done bugger all for the Aussie Tax Payers
in general, yet devote precious and hard to come by Tax Payers funds and promote
the cause of a non-contributing, welfare dependent, some for many years if not their
life time, unproductive, unemployable, unhealthy, uneducated, non English speaking,
reading or writing human liabilities that the rest of the world does not want and does
not need.

Yes it could be stated that these so-called refugees/asylum seekers could be the
future Tax Payers and wealth generators here in Aussie especially with an aging

However it would appear generally that at least 30-40% of them never get off welfare
because of their health, can't drive, can't speak, read or write English, have no real
modern work ethic, uneducated and are computer illiterate, many have never seen
a traffic light system let alone driven to an established set of road rules.

So if we ignore this " Mickey Mouse " (5.7%) National Aussie Unemployment figure
where if a person works for (ONE ) hour per week they are considered " Employed "
and where we therefore could put the unemployment figure closer to (15%) generally
across the board, say 3.600,000 million and not 7-800,000, excluding the 2-3 million,
referred to as the " Working Poor " underemployed Aussies, with at least (24%) 15
to 24 year olds across Aussie being unemployed, these so-called refugees/asylum
seekers are just adding to the ranks of the unemployed further draining the nations
so-called wealth,and just increasing the billions of dollars on the already maxed out
international credit card.

Should any Aussie speak out against the Greenie Senator Hanson-Young's campaign
we will be howled done and rudely called racists, xenophobic and any other Hanson
-Young and her political correct brood insulting names they can think of at the time.

If their Muslims in general they do not want to assimilate but want to dominate and
demand that they are allowed to set up a " State within a State " because they want
to recreate the cultures,religion and draconian, medieval situation they tried to
desperately escape from, including trying to out breed the host nation with the hope
that in the decades to come they can by the sheer weight of numbers by stealth take
over as the dominant group.

Yes the like's of the Greenie Hanson-Young and her brood can quite rightly state
that immigrants are and have been the backbone of Aussie in many and varied ways!

However 98% of them, and still are, are coming through the front door having past at
least the 100 points test and countless interviews to prove their worth to this great
country, with the occasional refugee, asylum seeker, and as a result have,are
integrating well and are/have become assets which ofcourse includes non radical

But unfortunately, regardless of what spin the Western pollies put on it, we are and
have been witnessing a different ball game, especially over the last decade or so
where people calling themselves Muslims are demanding more than they have a right
too and expect as part of a nation where their needs, cultures, religion and laws
become paramount over all else, and on a regular basis, if not daily, extreme violence,
verbal abuse is used in order for the various sects of Muslims to obtain by fear their
ways and demands.

People ? what country or nation currently that has a Muslim population in it is not
experiencing problems that far exceed any of the other groups within the same nation
or country??

Anyway at 76 years plus I reckon my generation has seen the best of Aussie, and I am
concerned that what the like's of my mob is leaving to the current younger and future
generations in general, not only in Aussie but the world in general, leaves a lot to be
desired,and having an unsustainable,unproductive welfare dependant population must
be near to the top of the list.

However people if you are just going to sit on your bums and " She'll be right mate "
then don't whinge when what is happening in Paris and Europe in general depicted in
the YouTube video attached, plus others there as well, is happening in a street, town
or city near you.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down.


Visit to Paris, anyone?
The people in France have had enough of these refugees, could
you carry on your daily life with all this around you ?
Feel like visiting Paris anytime soon ???
France's tourism is going down the tube!probably the rest of Europe
This was filmed by an independent dude and uploaded on You
Make sure you watch clearly and see the dates ( all recent, in the
past few months )
If you have the time and the nerve keep watching the following
Police in France seem helpless, should give these thugs a little of
their own medicine
The Europeans are too soft, you can bet all our world leaders are
watching this video as you are or have already done so and say its
Politically incorrect to retaliate with violence !
That’s not what you would be saying if you lived around this mess
and your property, your home, your family or your children were
subjected to this behaviour.

Monday, 8 August 2016


( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 8/7/2016.
Also on my blog:


People as I am sure my many readers are aware that I usually include a photo of the
person or people, or an illustration of the subject matter that I am writing about,
especially for my 1000's of overseas readers, to help you/them understand where I am
coming from and a better understanding of the subject matter.

However if I published all the photos, considering we appear to have heard from every
man, women,? assuming the gays and lesbians still refer to themselves as such,
transgender? we can't forget these poor little buggers can we, and we have yet to hear
from the " Drovers Dog ", that have jumped on the various band
wagons then this blog
would use up 100's of MB's if not GB's publishing them?.

A Drover and his dog.

I have blogged many times over the years that if not only the Aussie pollies, but world
wide, do not govern where " The Majority Rules with the minorities in mind " then very
right wing politics will come through the centre and not necessarily become the majority
numbers wise, but certainly be the controlling facture when it comes to the nations
decision making and policy issues.

Aussies on the whole are by nature a some what conservative mob when it comes to
politics and change as compared to say Europe, UK, USA and the like, and although
this maybe so, any pollie or political party whatever their political stripe would be very
naive to say the least to treat the Aussie voters as " MUGS ", because slow to move
we maybe but once we do, especially politically, their is ' NO ' shifting them or turning

Malcolm Turnbull the new, as from the 2/7/2016 for the second time, LNP PM.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, for the second time since
the 2/7/2016,Union Heavyweight, homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax
Payer funded theory of the Labor Party's "Magic Pudding Economics" plus an alleged
" Rapist " of his alleged victim Kathy a then (16) year old very vulnerable Labor Party
Youth Camp girl in the early 1980's.

Knowing politics as I do, and the great volume of information I receive, plus reading
and listening to the multitude of media comments, even on the Labor and Greenie
biased ABC, readers comments on the so-called " Social Media " you don't need my
mate Einstein to figure out why the LNP have had their previous (15) seat majority
in the House of Reps ( lower house ) now reduced to (1), and the loss of (3) Senate

The Labor Party received
the second lowest, second only to that " Do little, Gotta Zip,
Mouth of the North Kevin (707) Rudd "
in the 2013 election, Primary Vote in a 100 years
of the history of the Aussie Labor Party, the Greenies
kept their one and only seat
in the Reps and lost a Senator, and all these (3) major parties being instead
replaced by
so-called " Independents " in both the House of Reps and certainly big
time in the Aussie

Now obviously the LNP, Labor and Greenies are not only losing the confidence of the
general Aussie voter, and will continue too if they don't start looking after the needs
of the " Not so silent Majority now ", but are also seriously losing the confidence of
" Core " supporters, and when we consider that Aussie has serious national
going back decades from the " Cradle to the Grave " that have either been
put in the " Political " to hard basket, or it takes
to much time and effort to solve?.

Yet our pollies, across the board, can find the time to
discuss at length changing the
Federal Marriage Act on the bases of the very emotional
word " Love ", which many
great philosophers down the ages seemingly have found it impossible to define as it
is "All things to all people", to suite a minority of Aussies that
have a certain sexual
preference, or the problem of where or what toilet or change room
a bunch of, again
very much in the minority, " Kids " that are to young," Hormone wise "
to know whether
they are " Arthur or Martha ", that believe, or are convinced to believe?,
that they are
what is referred to as " Transgender " therefore neither male or female, boy
or girl,
can legally use??

Great Greek philosophers - photo via Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Therefore is it any wonder that the major parties are losing ground with their
" Core " voters when in the scheme of things so much valuable parliamentary time is
given up to such trivial matters, especially when we add the great volume of time
lost with the continuous self interest across both chambers trying to score political
points at the Tax Payers expense.

Plus if we add " Political Correctness Gone Mad " to the mix, which is ofcourse a major
platform of both the Labor Party and Greenies, and deny the Aussie population
of their
rights to participate in a " Plebiscite " on so-called " Gay Marriage " for no other
reason than a few LGBT's may get offended, the poor darlings, no bugger the non-LGBT's
and our feelings and the fact that the majority of Aussies may feel upset, for many and
various reasons, at the thought of " Gay Marriage " and consider it demeaning of their
matrimonial status and believe it is their democratic right to say so and object to " Gay
Marriage " regardless of the outcome of the " Plebiscite ", then this obviously is going to
add even more fuel to the political fire and political discontent.

The pollies, especially the Labor Party, are fully aware from the various
surveys that the
reason the LGBT mob live close, or in, cities like say Sydney is because
they are with their
like minded people, as compared to the Western and Southern Sydney
suburbs, country
towns and suburbs outside other major Aussie cities where providing the LGBT mob act
as normal people and don't go on like their walking down Oxford Street or Taylor Square
in Sydney
and copy the over the top degrading goings on there on a daily basis, which I
and many 1000's I am sure have witnessed, then
LGBT's will be tolerated, but not
necessarily accepted.

This is ofcourse why Teflon Billy and
his Labor mob want the pollies to vote on "Gay
Marriage" where ofcourse many of the pollies,say at least 30 - 40% are LGBT's, therefore
asking them to vote for or against it is like putting " The fox in the chicken house and
expecting the fox to do the right thing by the chickens " and as such is a total waste of
valuable parliamentary time and tax payers funds putting it to a vote like that in order
just prevent a vote on "Gay Marriage" by the Aussie population, especially if it is
where there is more chance than not there will be a" NO "vote.

However " YES " or " NO " the Aussie population and not a bunch of biased, scheming,
calculating, untrustworthy pollies will have made the decision and that should be the
end of the matter.

Ofcourse Teflon Billy's smart arse comment to that, Teflon Billy rolls it out regularly,
is that if you don't trust us ? why did you vote for us??.

Well the answer to that Teflon Billy is that most of us did 'NOT' vote for you, and we
can only vote for the people that the major parties put forward, and a lot of Labor, LNP
and Greenie party " Hacks " have long out lived their " USED BY DATE " especially in
the Senate, and as voting is compulsory we have to vote for someone, if it wasn't I
reckon we would get about a 40% voter turn out if we were lucky as a result of the
low regard the average Aussies have for you unproductive high maintenance pollies.

People as we Aussie plebbs are fully aware these pollies at all the (3) levels of this over
governed nation of ours, local,state and federal, can pass what laws they like but if we
generally don't agree and believe they are not right, stupid,unjust,over the top,generally
discriminatory in regard to the majority? then they amount to a bunch of legalistic words
on a piece of paper! our police forces, courts and certainly our prison systems are over
worked now and will be into the decades to come to fine, prosecute and jail many 100's
if not 1000's of more Aussies.

The following I believe people epitomises what I have stated above where pollies are so
far away from reality when it comes to the average Aussie, that they pass laws that can
only aggravate the majority of the population, and where this discontent and anger is
driven under ground, so to speak, and where there becomes a whispers over the back
fence campaign against what the pollies are naively trying to protect, and where the
good citizens who are far more intelligent than your average pollie, bureaucrat or law
enforcement body find loop holes in the law, matters go from bad to worse and although
the pollies and authorities know it's going on but find their powerless to prevent it.

Shane Rattenbury, the only Greenie but " King Maker " in the ACT Legislative
Assembly, in my view just a very expensive oversized Municipal Council.

In the ACT L.A there are 25 pollies/seats and there has to be a majority of (13)
for a majority needed to take control of the Assembly and the Treasury.

Labor has been the incumbent as the major authority/Treasury for the past (15) years
and there are new elections to be held this year on Saturday the 15/10/2016.

Up until the 2008 elections Labor held power in their own right, however at the 2008
election, with Labor on the nose some what with the ACT voters, the ACT LNP won as
many seats as Labor, (13) each.

Now prior, and up to the ACT 2008 election there were (4) Greenies including this
now so-called " King Maker " Shane Rattenbury as part of the (25) seat Assembly.

However I gather the Greenies were even more on the nose with regard to the ACT
voters than Labor, and as a result the voters, quite deservedly so, sacked (3) of the
Greenies leaving Shane Rattenbury to keep his seat with the slimmest of margins but
regrettably the LNP had only won (13) seats the same as Labor which meant ofcourse
that this clown Rattenbury went from almost getting the sack by the voters to now
deciding who he would go into coalition with ? Labor or LNP, to enable one of them
to become the majority with a total of (13) seats.

Now in my view as the Aussie Greenies are virtually our equivalent to the socialist
far left, bordering on communistic, the thought that there was any possibility that
Rattenbury would go into partnership with the LNP who are poles apart politically
was very unlikely to happen and ofcourse didn't.

So a clown like Rattenbury suddenly came from just about to join the Centrelink
dole queues,to getting elected with the minimal amount of votes,so not wanted
by the majority of ACT voters,to the power house that decides who will govern in
the ACT, Labor or the LNP, what legislation will pass,when, plus he could force
through legislation that he thought fit, and as a Greenie that is a very dangerous
situation, look what the bastards have done, and propose to do,in the Federal
Parliament to date?.

The ACT government mob actually included in Rattenbury's Ministerial Portfolio
the Minister for Fire Trails?? surely the sheer mention of " FIRE " would send
a real Greenie into some sort of " Epileptic Fits "???.

Andrew Barr appointed Chief Minister and Treasurer from 11/12/2014
after the resignation of the then Chief Minister Katy Gallagher now
a Labor Senator in the Federal Parliament.

Katy Gallagher now Labor Senator Gallagher.

You know people it has been a standing political joke that the ACT L.A was, and
still is,being controlled by a solo Greenie who barely scraped in with the minimum
amount of votes, and certainly not by the current Chief Minister Andrew Barr or the
previous one the now Senator Katy Gallagher, how could they ? because unless the
ACT LNP voted with ACT Labor they had to rely on this Greenie Rattenbury to agree
otherwise nothing that Labor wanted, but the LNP didn't, would pass through!!!

Kirsten Lawson, ACT News, Canberra Times.
4/8/2016. Subject: ' ACT parliament passes religious vilification laws'.

Vilification on the grounds of religion is now illegal and in serious cases could result
in a criminal conviction with a fine of up to $7,500, under laws passed by the ACT
parliament on Thursday.

Both Labor and Liberal supported the move put by the Greens Shane Rattenbury,
who said the display of hatred, intolerance and offensive behaviour towards Muslims
was one of the biggest intolerance issues in Australia today.

Rattenbury later went onto say:

" It is clear [ Muslims ] are frequently, almost constantly, exposed to discrimination,
vilification and targeted offensive behaviour " he said.

No mention I gather of any of that behaviour regarding Muslims to Non-- Muslims?

No Mike ? what were you thinking this is a " Political Correct Greenie "we are reading
here with the hope he will get a 'LOT' more votes than he did at the 2008 ACT election
on Saturday 15/10/2016 this time from the Muslims? well the non-ACT-Muslims might
have a say about that and they far out number the Muslims, well ? at this stage at any

The article went onto say:

Thursday's changes to the Discrimination Act also added disability to the list, so it is
now illegal to vilify someone because of disability,religion, race, sexuality, gender
identity, and HIV/AIDS status. Vilification can include social media post,actions in a
work place and wearing cloths, signs or flags that would incite hatred, contempt,
ridicule or revulsion.

I wonder what Rattenbury would recommend in regard to Muslims or any other group
setting fire too, stamping on, urinating on, tearing up the Aussie flag or declaring on
so-social media that Aussies are a bunch of racist dogs, that gays offend " GOD "and
should be crucified, women that commit adultery should be stoned to death?? any
thoughts Rattenbury, because like 100's of others you will be getting a copy of this
email, then onto my blog where 1000's of my readers all over the world can read it!

There is no doubt in my mind Rattenbury that what you have put forward here is a
total bias against what little freedom of speech we have in Aussie, and anyone that
does not fit into the categories you mention in your bill i.e; able bodied, white,
non-religious, English as our first and only language for a start.

In my view Rattenbury this whole thing is just a ploy to get you re-elected on Saturday
the 15/10/2016, therefore as far as I am concerned your are just another self promoting
pollie and as such a biased bigot.


People dictators, army generals, pollies and governments of all kinds of stripes and
ideology have tried to enforce their will and political correctness and all in the long
run fail miserably,as will this Greenie dictator Shane Rattenbury? hopefully after the
next ACT election on Saturday the 15/10/2016 he wont be around politically anymore.

Whether Rattenbury like's it or not there is no doubt Islam is not a religion as is
generally accepted, but more a collective organisation i.e; political, government,
Sharia Law, economic, banking, military,civil administration and the like, all in the
disguise of being a " Religion " and abusing so-called Muslims is not racialistic as
that is not the persons race because they are people of various populations, cultures,
politics, races who just refer to themselves collectively as being Muslims.

Being classed as a Muslim should be used to describe all people of the Islamic faith
but not the faith itself, therefore to criticise a Muslim is not technically a religious
matter as compared to criticising Islam, and even then there could be argued there
is doubt about Islam itself.

People that refer to themselves as Muslims are automatically associated with
all the atrocities we see on TV and in the media, Aussie and internationally, 24/7.

Which in turn frightens people that it may happen to them and their friends and loved
ones and that fear has turned into " Hate ", and Rattenbury you and your poxy little
rules and threats of a draconian and oppressive treatment of any free thinking Aussie
that dares to step out of line because they don't adhere to your " Political Correct "
bullshit just ain't going to turn back the tide of utter hate and resentment the non
Muslim populations around the world, not just in little old Aussie, and I can produce
100's of evidence to back that up, let alone that back water called the ACT, are feeling
towards the various groups that identify themselves as " Muslims "!!!

Getting people to like and respect each other has to be earned!! and no law in the
Universe can or will change that!!!!!

People if you are going to allow the little " Hitler's " the like's of the Rattenbury's in
this world, especially one's without any political mandate from the voters, to make
your lives a living hell my introducing draconian and oppressive legislation to order
you into what to say! when! how! where! and about what! how you dress so it does
not offend others! you can't comment on other peoples race,sexuality,colour of
skin or religion, then fight back because this is going down a very slippery slope
where we Aussies have not been before?.

Freedom taken away is rarely, if ever, given back by those that have taken it in the
first place!

Sir Mike Howe - but with the exception of Rattenbury you can call me Mike.


Once upon a time there was a king who wanted to go fishing. He called the royal weather
forecaster and inquired as to the weather forecast for the next few hours.

The weatherman assured him that there was no chance of rain in the coming days. So
the king went fishing with his wife, the queen. On the way he met a farmer on his donkey.
Upon seeing the king the farmer said, "Your Majesty, you should return to the palace at
once because in just a short time I expect a huge amount of rain to fall in this area".

The king was polite and considerate, he replied: "I hold the palace meteorologist in high
regard. He is an extensively educated and experienced professional. And besides, I pay
very high wages. He gave me a very different forecast. I trust him and I will continue
on my way."

So he continued on his way. However, a short time later a torrential rain fell from the sky.

The King and Queen were totally soaked and their entourage chuckled upon seeing them
in such a shameful condition.

Furious, the king returned to the palace and gave the order to fire the professional. Then
he summoned the farmer and offered him the prestigious and high paying job of a royal

The farmer said, "Your Majesty, I do not know anything about forecasting. I obtain my
information from my donkey. If I see my donkey's ears drooping, it means with certainty
that it will rain."
So the king hired the donkey. Thus began the practice of hiring dumb asses to work for
the government and paying them outrageous salaries to occupy its highest and most
influential positions .
The practice is unbroken to this day.