Monday, 21 March 2016

" LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers Trash Aussie Senators Office "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am a Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 21/3/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: ' LGBT fascists StormTroopers trash Aussie Senators Office '
( lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender )

South Australian police officer inspecting the damage done to South Australian Senator Bernardi's office after the LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers on the 18/3/2016 terrorised Senator Bernardi's wife and staff forcing them to lock themselves in a back room while they totally trashed and graphettied the reception area and kicked down a picket fence outside while also trashing the small garden.

Senator Cory Bernardi.

Michael Owen, SA Bureau Chief for the Adelaide, The Australian- National Affairs and I gather the photo
was produced by a Mark Brake.

I must state up front that although I used Michael Owen's article on the 18/3/2016 as a reference the words,
comments, titles on here or on my blog are entirely my own and not either Michael Owen's or Mark Brake's.                                                               

Jay Weatherill, The Premier of South Australian.

Well South Australia where else??? as an Aussie State a " Walking Disaster ".

Where we have a Premier Jay Weatherill that:

1. Now has the highest unemployment figures in Aussie rising from 6.8% to 7.7%, the highest figures for SA

2. The demise of the SA automotive industry with the SA ship building and steel industry just about on their knee's
and ofcourse the flow onto other industries that rely on these industries for work.

3. Lower commodity prices for their mining industries, less royalties etc;.

4. SA is experiencing (5) maybe (6) consecutive budget deficits hence Weatherill's plea for the rest of the
good Aussie citizens to bale SA financially out and save his political arse by upping the national GST rate from (10%) to (15%)?

5. It would appear according to the Australian Tourist Bureau at a recent award presentations where good
old Tassie won the major prize and the pathetic effort put up by SA put them at the bottom of the pile when it came to the very lucrative multi-billion Aussie tourist industry?is it any wonder Weatherill wants an increase to the GST which in my view is a very lazy, uncreative, pedestrian way to run any organisation let alone a sovereign state of Aussie.

The Sovereign State.

6. Now to add insult to injury in regard to law and order Weatherill's mob of SA police have ' FAILED' big time to protect a very controversial, so surely a reasonable person could expect that SA police intelligence would have anticipated what has happened on the 18/3/2016?? NO??, to an Aussie Federal Senator by the name of Cory Bernardi and the terrorising of Mrs. Bernardi and the Senators staff and the serious trashing , graphetting and property damage!!

What a national disgrace let alone a SA state disgrace!!

However, taking all the above into consideration and regardless of their impact on not only SA but Aussie broadly, Weatherill, as I pointed out in a previous mike's comments,can put the effort into subjects like"Gay Marriage"and come onto ABC Radio National,as I also previously mentioned on a mike's comments, and apologise profusely for not putting the fact that an English gay bloke that was lucky enough to die in Aussie,SA did not have the fact that the bloke had been legally married in the UK and this was not endorsed on the death certificate and as such Weatherill would ensure that a law was passed in SA to recognised overseas homosexual marriage?

Wow,?? how earth shattering is that and of such national importance to the extent that Weatherill  had to announce it on national radio?? much to the absolute " GLEE " ofcourse of the homosexual broadcasting media the ABC.

Therefore in my view is it any wonder with Weatherill's attitude and support for LGBT that these LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers waited to trash and seriously damage property and terrorise Senator Bernardi's wife and staff with the Senator still in Canberra highly involved in one of, if not the longest, Senate debates in regard to the Senate election system and thereby the nations media attention would be otherwise diverted!

People it will be very interesting to see if the Weatherill mob' SA police force take any serious actions over what has to be tantamount to an act of terrorism and wonton destruction of Tax Payers property!!

Senator Penny Wong.

Let us hope the SA Premier Jay Weatherill's past relationship where,I am led to believe,he was the boyfriend of Penny Wong the now Senator Penny Wong who now, and has been for years, living in a lesbian relationship and where they together, when in the Adelaide University,was then in control of the University Labor Club which was also known as the
" Bulkus Left " as prodigies of Nick Bolkus the former Aussie Labor Senator has any influence in regard to how effective the SA police investigation and hopeful prosecutions of these ' Low Life LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers '.

This relationship between Weatherill and Wong when they were vibrant young Uni students I believe any reasonable person could assume was the usual heterosexual one or listening to Weatherill's effeminate male voice you have to wonder??

However this surely must have been before Senator Penny Wong realised she was a lesbian therefore blowing out of the water the LGBT theory that females are born lesbians and do not evolve, develop or mature over time and due to circumstances such as very few males, if any, find them attractive enough.

I hope Senator Penny Wong's relationship with Jay Weatherill was not the reason Senator Wong was put of blokes forever and decided she preferred females for some reason???

However I know I will, and from reading the feed back on newspaper comments, social media etc; I am more than confident that so are 10's of 1000's of decent Aussie citizens, be taking a keen interest in how the Jay Weatherill mob and his police force handle this serious matter??

Teflon Billy Shorten The Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavy Weight, homosexual 
activist and alleged rapist.

Well people there would be no doubt in my mind, as I am sure in the minds of 100's of 1000's of 
descent minded Aussies, that Teflon Billy, his Labor mob and Union mates are swilling down a 
few extra pints and cheering along with their song " Unions, united, we will never be defeated " 
or in this case " LGBT, united, we will never be defeated " and celebrating the trashing of 
Senator Bernardi's office because that, and now the LGBT, is what Unions do!!

However ofcourse this Myth that"Unions, united, we will never be defeated "is just that,because unions are losing members on a weekly basis due to closures, amalgamations and technology and that is why in my view they are buttering up to the LGBT in order to try and replace paying Labor party membership and in return accumulate election funds because this has nothing to do with people loving each other, but more to do with getting Teflon Billy's mob elected to govern Aussie.

Now People what I am about to say, albeit in far more words, I am, after reading a great stream of the various readers comments in the media, excluding the ABC where reporting the trashing of Senator Bernardi's office was barely mentioned and even then via the ABC TV showed a very 
subdued mob outside Bernadi's office in both the NSW or Queensland, confident expresses the 
views of 10's of 1000's of descent Aussie people that find this violent behaviour by these LGBT 
Fascist Stormtroopers terrorising Mrs. Bernardi and the office staff plus trashing and the 
graphetting of the office and should be condemned in the most possible terms and the full 
weight of the law whether state or federal, because Bernardi's office is totally funded I gather by 
federal Tax Payers, should be brought on these LGBT low life's.

Now all this information I gathered from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

First up we have:

Adolf Hitler.

Hitler's Brown Shirts, Stormtroopers- Sturmabteilung.

During the 1920's and 1930's the Nazi Party developed a paramilitary wing which came to be known as the"Brown Shirts"or"Stormtroopers"( Sturmabteilung )and helped the Nazi Party to rise to power by disrupting opposition party meetings, intimidating Slavic, Romani citizens, unions and Jews.

They boycotted Jewish businesses and did their best to discourage others by threats and intimidation.

They attacked newspaper premises and radio stations that criticised the Nazi's and smashed and destroyed printing presses and equipment.

They certainly helped in a big way to get Hitler's Nazi Party into power, the rest is history.

So people how is that different from what these LGBT fascist Stormtroopers didby terrorising Mrs.Bernardi and staff and wrecking the office and outside premises plus threatening to boycott businesses where the owners object to " Gay Marriage " and try and intimidated any Aussie, pollie or otherwise, that speaks out against " Gay Marriage "???

Benito Mussolini.

Mussolini's Black Shirts. in Italian, Camicle Nere, CCNN.

This mob of Mussolini's " Black Shirts " modeled themselves on the success of the Nazi 
"Brown Shirts"and became the paramilitary wing of the National Fascist Party and they like Hitler's Nazi " Brown Shirts " were successful by using violence,intimidation andboycotts against anyone or organisations, especially the Jews, that disagreed or criticised Mussolini and the Fascists.

Like the Nazi situation it worked and Mussolini's National Fascist Party got into power.

How is this different from what happened to Senator Bernardi's wife, staff and premises on the 18/3/2016 ???

Mao Zedong.

Mao's Red Guard.

This was a fanaticised student mass Paramilitary Social Movement their main aim was to destroy and intimidate all those that did not agree with Mao's teachings by attacking libraries and destroying old books, art, museums and anything relating to heritage, ransacking 
temples and shrines.

Their motto or " War Cry " was:

Chair Mao has defined our future as an armed revolutionary youth organisation. So if Chairman Mao is our Red-Commander-in-Chief and we are his Red soldiers, who can stop us? First we will make China red ( superimpose LGBT in this case ) from inside out and then we will help the working people ( superimpose LGBT ) of other countries make the world red ( LGBT ). And then the whole universe.

So people how is this " Fanaticism " not unlike what the LGBT are trying to force their agenda on the rest
of us, Senator Bernardi's office is just the thin end of the wedge and if the Weatherill mob in SA, for whatever reason such as bias, political correctness, so-called free speech, allows this bunch of fanatical LGBT fascists to get away with " Just a slap on the wrist "?? then watch out closer to the " Plebiscite " in regard to " Gay Marriage " the LGBT terrorism will be full on!!
Kenneth Kaunda - Zambia President from 1964 - 1991. - 27 years.

A quote from Kenneth Kaunda:

The power which establishes a state is violence, the power which maintains it is violence, the 
power which eventually overthrows it is violence.

The inability of those in power to still the voices of their own consciences is the great force 
leading to change.

When you go in search of honey you must expect to be stung by bees.


I was in Zambia in the 1960's and 1970's when the " Zambian Youth Brigade " which was an 
off shoot of Kaunda's U.N.I.P - United National Independence Party - was formed by enrolling young fanatical U.N.I.P youths to basically enforce, albeit illegally although in many cases the Zambian Police for whatever reason refused to intervene, party policy which meant that they went around the villages and the cities threatening, intimidating and assaulting those that dared to speak out against the U.N.I.P and Kaunda.

They regularly physically assaulted, in public, any women that they found with short skirts 
especially "Mini Skirts".

This certainly helped keep Kaunda and the U.N.I.P in power for ( 27 ) years!!

This is not newspaper or media hype I actually witnessed the the U.N.I.P so-called "Youth 
Brigade "in full flight on many occasions and seeing what went on in and around Senator Bernardi's premises in Premier Jay Weatherill's SA state was a photo copy of what myself and many 1000's of others witnessed in Zambia!!

What we as a nation has witnessed by these mongrel LGBT Fascist Stormtroopers with 
intimidation of Mrs. Bernardi, office staff and the destruction of the Senators electoral office and surrounding area is a ' Cancer ' that has to be cut out, cauterised and dealt with harshly before it spreads and becomes the norm and eats away at our society and the values we treasure most because if not,' NO ONE IS SAFE ' this type of terrorism knows no bounds or boundaries and disregards totally anyone's legal right to peacefully voice a contrary opinion or point of view.

Otherwise people don't whinge when this tactic works and after these LGBT activists on getting 
things like " Gay Marriage - Marriage Equality " they insist they get a special mention in the Aussie Constitution as a minority just like the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders?
Aussie Aboriginals.

Or as Teflon Billy Shorten suggested, while campaigning for the Labor Leadership after the Labor Parties
devastating defeat in September 2013, that there should be certain seats set aside for homosexuals in parliament.

Trent Zimmerman the new Liberal Federal Member for North Sydney taking over from Joe Hockey.

Zimmerman is a practicing homosexual.
Tim Wilson formally our Human Rights Commissioner at a salary of some $400,000 pa - we certainly know how to spend the hard earned scarce Tax Payer funds don't we?? this bloke would have been earning about $100,000 less than our PM? who resigned to run for the Victoria Liberal safe seat of Goldstein being vacated by our LNP Trades Minister Andrew Robb who is retiring from politics.

Wilson is yet another practicing homosexual.

Well Teflon Billy boy looks like your wish to fill up the federal parliament at least, with LGBT's is 
fast becoming a reality?

Just now it will be " Spot the heterosexual "??

Therefore it is as obvious as the noses on the like's of Trent Zimmerman and Tim Wilson's faces why our 
pollies, especially Teflon Billy, wants the vote on " Gay marriage and Marriage Equality " decided by the pollies and not a "National Plebiscite" because you could bet the value of your house on the outcome especially with the Labor Party not allowing a conscience vote as "Marriage Equality " is part of the Labor Parties platform.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

" Coolangatta, Queensland - Airport Taxi Service "

( Me at my place)
I am coming out and declaring loud and proud the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non-religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/beliefs !|
Sir Mike's Comments 18/3/2016.
Also on my blog:

Subject: " Coolangatta, Queensland - Airport Taxi Service ".

Gold Coast Airport, is an Australian domestic and international airport located at the southern end of the Gold Coast, approximately 100 km south of Brisbane and 25 km south of Surfers Paradise.

People I am currently half way through a 24 day excursion fromTamworth to Sydney then a crowded 
but very pleasant ferry trip over to Manly across one of Mother Natures Wonders, even with human 
intervention, and that being the Sydney Harbour where I was living in an 8th floor unit fortunately over 
looking what has become a concrete jungle, I have not been to Manly for at least 20 years, and a good 
view of the Ocean and Manly plus Shelley Beaches where I stayed for 7 days.

The weather was very hot, which I am used to, but the humidity of some 50 - 70% I was not used too and it makes it very tiring and hard going as a result.

Every day it was wall to wall people wherever I went and was difficult to get a descent walk along the 
beach or the beach walk way along the beach from Queenscliffe to Shelley Beach especially when for a 
couple of days there was a stage set up on Manly beach with rock bands playing to crowds of not 100's 
but 1000's which packed the beach and foreshore listening to at least reasonable music and not this
" Doof, Doof rubbish!!".

Manly Corso.

I ate every day in a restaurant called "Waterview" - this is not a paid advert the management there have 
no idea I am mentioning them but I believe in giving credit where credit is due - and I enjoyed the lovely 
fresh oysters from the Manly Seafood shop along further with a nice
drop of Guinness.

I am certainly planning on revisiting Manly again this time next year.

The Sydney Opera House & Bridge on the 7/1/2016 taken by me from a Sydney ferry.

The half an hour trip back to Circular Key from Manly on a virtually empty Sydney ferry was magic!!

As can be seen from the photo above, which was one of many which unfortunately for the purpose of this blog I have had to reduce the size to fit it in, the weather was great with a slight breeze and swell 
the only sound was a few seagulls and the steady throb of the ferries engines and by sitting outside 
on the deck all anyone had to do was sit back, relax and try to take in Mother Natures magnificent vista 
vision of what is the Sydney Harbour.

However unfortunately nothing last's forever and only to soon you reach Circular Key and the real world where there are 100's if not 1000's of people of all shapes, sizes, colour, nationality or creed all trying to get somewhere? where I then boarded a train for Central then a train for Springwood in the Blue Mtns where some 5-6 years ago I lived for just over 40 years and operated various businesses for some 20 plus years and where I stayed with a good friend for 8 days.

Springwood NSW Community Centre.

Visiting Springwood NSW is just like going back in time where apart from building a monstrosity and eyesore called the Springwood Community Centre, see photo above, with it's large concrete drive way, glass fronted North/West facing aspect which means the glass front will be in full sun
with daylight saving some 9-12 hours per day?? how can that be so-called environmentally friendly and cost effective in a so-called world which is supposed to have global warming?? it is still the drab, colourless, lacklustre little town it always has been!!

Also when it is considered that the only industry that the NSW Blue Mtns has possibly got going for it is Tourism?

Yet as from three days ago I had an occasion to visit that smelly 1960's - 1970's toilet in the middle of the Springwood car park where with some alterations and maintenance it has not changed in 40 plus years and apart from being the only one in the second largest town in the B.Mtns where once there was 3!! what does that say to (1) the visiting tourists (2) the B.M.C.C commitment to tourism? all negative in my view compared to the like's of Tamworth and the New England area!!!

Sydney Airport.

A few days ago I caught a train from Springwood to Central then Central to that massive structure and organisation the Sydney airport.

I must add that the NSW- Sydney transport system up until now at least, has been of a great high standard from the point view of time keeping, friendly staff and the cleanliness of the stations and well maintained trains and ferry's something someone like me that rarely uses the services would notice.

NSW  Opal cards.

I am also very impressed with the introduction of the ' Opal Card ' !! what a great and " User Friendly " system!

However, the possibility if I was a regular user would be ? what if a long lasting power cut ? or if " Hackers " got into the system?? but other wise it is a great innovation! well done the NSW Government.

At 1.45 pm a couple of days ago I left Sydney arriving Coolangatta, Gold Coast airport at just after 2 pm Queensland time, all went well until I walked out of the airport and got into a taxi to go to Tallebudgera.

Tallebudgera, Queensland.

The Taxi driver was an Indian National who had been here for 6 years and was on a " Working Visa ".

His understanding and his spoken word of English was very limited to say the least.

He did not know where Tallebudgera was or even ever heard of it.

I had to spell it for him so he could look it up on his phone and use that to direct him but in the end I had to find it on his phone where after he downloaded it and got the direction on his phone.

Ok well we were off however, I warned him that I had been there a couple of times and if it was more than say $30 dollars because he has gone the wrong way I won't be paying the excess.

During the trip I asked him what training he had had to get his taxi licence, he stated ' None '.

He stated that he and his wife had both lost their jobs in a laundry service after the company had lost a contract and was desperate for a job so he took this one which he regrets because all he get's is 45% of the shifts takings so after say 9-12 hours so-called work he may get just $80.00 and not much more as an average and as his wife was unemployed that just could not be enough to live on so he was looking around for another job.

After my guidance in regard to being in the right lane we finally made it and the price was about the usual amount.

The following day I caught a 763 bus to the Pines shopping Centre and on board was a very helpful driver 
who without prompting from me asked if I was a Senior and when I said I was he charged me the 
appropriate fare, the bus was on time very clean and well appointed and when we got there the driver 
went out of his way to show me where to board the bus for the return trip.

However due to the amount of shopping I had I decided to get a taxi at the Pines and thank goodness it was an English speaking born and bred Aussie because if it had been another Indian or any other bloke on a ' Working Visa ' like the Indian taxi driver from the airport I would have been stuffed because I did not know the way back.

During the trip back to the unit I discussed my situation with the Indian driver and this Aussie bloke 
agreed and stated that the returns as a driver being paid 45% of the shifts takings is just not enough 
and the owners can only get these Indians to work for them with obviously a great turn over of 
drivers once these blokes realise they have been conned.

I asked if he was on the same scheme to which he said he was and he is hanging on for a couple of 
years until he can get the old age pension where he and his wife will be paid more collectively per 
fortnight, on average, than him working the taxi as a driver.

They seemingly are going to purchase a caravan and go around Aussie for a few years then sell it and settle down to retirement.

So Queensland government what a bloody disaster?? just supposed I was a non-English speaking 
tourist- Chinese, Japanese or Asian in general or ? any body??

The Coolangatta Airport must be Queensland's gate way to the Gold & Sunshine Coasts and listening to the Indian and Aussie taxi drivers what I experienced is becoming the norm and if my experience was anything to go by ' What a first impression ??' especially if your tired if not
exhausted after been travelling for many hours if not days and all you want is to get to ' Wherever ' book in, unpack, shower and get some well needed kip?.

Queensland " Beautiful one day, Prefect the next " providing you can get past the language barrier 
with airport taxi drivers??.

However if the Queensland Tourist Industry is knowingly sitting on their hands in this regard saying 
' Oh well what can we do?' then don't whinge when your bottom line starts to be effected by the 
like's of NSW eagerly picking up the slack.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.



Sunday, 13 March 2016

" The Heavy Weight Political Combatants "

 I am coming out loud and proud declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent!

2. I am heterosexual!

3. Although non-religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/beliefs !|
Sir Mike's Comments 13/3/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: " The Heavy Weight Political Combatants ".

Tony Windsor ? The New England Electorate " Contender or Pretender "

Charles Edward Stuart, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Pretender to the Scottish, Irish and English
Thrones, or in this case the New England Electorate??.

In the Red corner dressed in a vivid green combination we have the Ex Heavy Weight for the
electorate of New England the so-called independent Tony Windsor who relinquished his title
in September 2013 without throwing a punch and refusing to enter the ring on the grounds
of an undefined illness and the general exhaustion of himself and his team.

However in my view living in the New England electorate and having a lot to do with the so-called
"Grey Nomad Army",I consider myself to be one of the"Brethren",who without a doubt are 
the most effective and comprehensive"Network"in Aussie, far exceeding the expectations of 
the likes of ASIO, where the majority opinion by far was that the real reason this "Heavy Weight 
Champion"for the New England refused to step into the ring was because he was more than 
convinced what the very negative reaction from the crowd would be after he changed to a very 
unpopular"Training Camp"that trained and fought by a very different set of rules without letting 
his fans and supporters know off his intentions prior to doing so.

But never-the-less it would appear that this aging "Political Pugilist " has recovered from his 
mysterious ill heath and Windsor and his so-called team led by his wife Lyn have recovered their 
lust for the political fight game and are encouraging Tony Windsor to put on the gloves again 
and climb back into the ring.

Maybe the considerable prize money Windsor accumulated from the political fight fans who by the rules of the game were compelled via their sporting funded taxes to contribute too was not adequate for a decent retirement and therefore is going for more? even if that is only just for the up front money for turning up and having a go providing enough sporting fans support him?

However maybe this " Aging Political Pugilist " has had to many political blows to the head and 
body and it has effected his judgment in regard to the effect that this brutal political fight game 
is a much younger persons game and with his political enemies just waiting for the opportunity 
to use their best 16 ounce glove on him and deliver that knock out blow at the first possible time, 
Windsor might find that his once duck, weave and his feet movement ain't what they used to be??.

Barnaby Joyce the current Federal Member for The New England, Electorate.

In the Blue Corner we have our current New England Heavy Weight Champion wearing his usual 
country style brown headgear by the name of Barnaby Joyce who won the September 2013 title 
fight taking on all on comers and won a very politically brutal fight convincingly with a points 
decision of 21 points above his nearest rivals and that being one of the highest point scores his 
camp has achieved.

Barnaby has been in the political fight game now for a few decades and is a very accomplished 
fighter and has won many honours and titles the likes of becoming the team leader of the Aussie 
political country fighters team who regularly well and truly hold their own against their political 
Aussie city counterparts which has led to Barnaby being elected by his piers to be the second 
highest ranked political fighter in Aussie!

People Barnaby's honours, titles and rankings are only what " Aging political Pugilists " like Tony Windsor
could dream of.

So-called political independents are only effective for their constituents when there is:

1. A hung parliament where neither major political parties have sufficient seats to have a majority 
and rely on so-called independents and minor parties to get their legislation through.

2. A minority government where the opposition has more seats but again with the alliance of the 
so-called independents and the minor parties it stops the opposition party taking over the 
government benches and Treasury.

This I believe is how Tony Windsor has built up this persona, identity of being a "Can do pollie " 
by playing the " Political Mercenary Game ".

Tony Windsor although initially a National Party candidate decided to run in the 1991 election as a so-called
independent in the NSW Legislative Assembly, lower house, as the Member for Tamworth after being dumped by the Nat's just prior to pre-selection as a result of allegations of a drink driving incident and as it would appear the Nat's after holding the New England seat for decades had reached their used by date with the voters so Windsor won the seat where I am informed by many of those present at the time that the Nat's where so on the nose with the voters " Mick's Dog - not mine " could have won the seat if it had put it's paw up.

Nick Greiner, Ex NSW Premier.

John Hatton Ex NSW Independent.

Clover Moore Ex NSW Independent.

Peter MacDonald Ex NSW Independent.

This " Political Mercenary Game " I believe Windsor along, but not to the same extent I gather, 
as John Hatton, Clover Moore and Peter Macdonald after that disastrous decision of the then 
NSW Premier Nick Greiner to take a snap poll on the 25/5/1991 where afterwards he and the 
Liberals found that they were one seat short of a majority because of the massive swings against 
them and the loss of seats, so Windsor, and to some lesser extent the other independents, helped 
the Greiner mob to have a second term in office as a hung parliament.

Sure the so-called NSW independents were I gather instrumental in introducing ICAC, which turned 
out to be part of Nick Greiners demise as Premier, and the 4 year term in NSW but possibly only 
because of their influence in a hung parliament which all came to an end when in 1995 Bob Carr, 
one of the longest serving NSW Premiers, and the Labor Party won office with a majority ensuring 
that the like's of Windsor etc; became just lame ducks politically.

However it would appear that this now " Aging Political Pugilist " Windsor was not happy losing his influence in the NSW Parliament as a " Lame Duck " so in 2001 he resigned from the NSW Parliament 
to contest the Federal seat of New England which had been held by the Nat's since 1922 and again 
as the Nat's were so on the nose with the voters, Windsor, with the help of both the preferences 
from One Nation and the Labor Party won comfortably and again I have been informed by many 
that were present at the time that in this case a"Drovers Dog " could have won it the Nat's were 
so disliked by the New England Voters.

Therefore surely a great amount of credit must be given to Barnaby Joyce for winning the seat back
for the Nat's and with such a big 21 % margin.

Windsor is credited with being the" King Maker", "Political Mercenary " that enabled the Labor Gillard - Rudd governments to stay in power and who were
one of the most dysfunctional, faction riddled,economic vandals in regard to the wanton disregard and lack of good governance when it came to the Aussie Nations hard to come by treasure and financial well being which has left this 
nation with an international credit card debt that our future generations will have ,? if ever, great 
difficulty in paying off!!!

However Windsor gave no indication to the New England voters prior to being elected in 2010, 
where like most Aussie country areas is largely of a conservative voting nature, that he would sell 
out their conservative views and vote to a Greenie/Labor minority government in preference to 
an alliance with the Abbott Liberal/National parties.

Windsor's main political platforms for a come back appear to be:

The NBN in rural areas.

Aussie has a land mass that is equivalent to 5.5% of the total worlds land mass and although our 
population is only now just under 24 million the distances between major cities and communities 
is massive and across 100's of local, state and federal jurisdictions costing many billions for which 
finance and funding has to be acquired and maintained and to think that a lowly so-called federal 
independent, even in a hung or minority parliament, representing the electorate of New England 
could exert any real influence is not only fanciful but to state so is a political con job.

Climate change.

It would appear from what Windsor is stating at the moment that he is stuck in the past and even 
though the Aussie population including many business organisations have benefited greatly 
financially from the stopping of the " Windsor,Labor and Greenie Carbon Tax " he regrets it's 
demise and would like it reintroduced as his Labor, Greenie mates would.

What the likes of the Windsor's,Labor and Greenies don't say is:

1. That Aussie apart from being 5.5% of the worlds land mass is only second to the south pole 
in regard to being the driest continent on Earth and as such lacks largely the moisture and 
humidity to create or own climate conditions and as such the majority of our weather patterns 
are created outside our borders therefore anything we Aussies do internally is as I have stated 
before like " A Pimple on an Elephants Bum " and again if Windsor and the like, Greenies, Labor 
etc; use it to encourage us to vote for them then it is a political con job!!

2. We are continually informed by the likes of the " Windsor's,Labor and Greenies etc: " that our 
1.5% contribution to global warming means we have one of the highest per capita contribution 
world wide.

   However what they conveniently don't tell you is that the 1.5% contribution and the highest per capita is based mostly on what we ' Produce ' contributing to world global warming ie: coal, 
gas,aluminum, beef- farting cattle creating methane, and list goes on, ' NOT ' what we Aussies 
consume and thereby ' omit ' into the atmosphere which by world standards ie; India, China,USA 
to mention but a few, is miniscule and to use that argument for us to vote for them, especially 
as not doing those things would have very serious consequences for Aussies financial welfare, 
would be another political con job!!

Yes it would appear that the world is having climate problems but just how much is created by the 
actions of us humans and the possible problems 10, 20, 50 years from now is still debatable

David Gonski.

The Gonski Education System.

Back in 2010 it was estimated in 2010 dollars that to fund the Gonski Education system by state,
territory and commonwealth governments it would cost some where, lets face it these government 
estimates are rarely correct, more up than down, in the region of $34.10 billion over 6 years.

Now let's face it people the Labor government then were running big deficits they are twice as bad, 
if not more, now and climbing, and considering education is a function of the states and territories 
and not the commonwealth ? what influence would a so-called independent by the name of Windsor 
for little old New England have compared to a Minister, especially a Deputy Prime Minister and a 
leader of the National Party who the Liberals rely on in order to pass legislation, even if Windsor is 
relying on a hung or minority government to reinstate his political importance and influence??.

Plus it is good and well to have a great education system which ofcourse is essential if we as a nation 
are to prosper.

However, what is the point of churning out highly educated students with numerous degrees when 
it is estimated that in less than 20 years many academic qualifications will be obsolete specially in 
accounting, economics, law, IT and many more subjects because of technology and the lack of 
employment due to the shrinking job market and jobs being outsourced off shore??

I am led to believe that we in Aussie have an ever increasing bunch of academics with expensive 
degrees that will never be paid for unless these people earn over say $54,000 pa and I doubt that 
by being casual waiters, cooks, kitchen hands and cabbies??.

So how is a so-called New England independent going to any where near solve that from outside the 
federal cabinet??


Now there is no doubt that neither Barnaby or Windsor want the Water Shenwa Coal mine to go 
ahead on the Liverpool Plains, although I am sure the 100's of people that would be employed by 
the project plus the local business, councils and the NSW State Government from a royalty point 
of view for funding hospitals, police, roads, bridges etc; may have a different view.

Windsor, when interviewed on the ABC 7.30 Report on the 10/3/16, stated his solution to stopping 
the Water Shenwa mine going ahead was words to the effect " Civil Disobedience "??.

Well Tony Windsor, potential Member for New England, define " Civil Disobedience " if we are to 
solve our problems in such away when we Tax Payers are paying millions to eliminate domestic 
violence killing a women/wife per week and we condemn a bunch of Muslims for them causing 
" Civil Disobedience " in Sydney over what they believe was an insult to their religion, which I might 
add I condemned!! however my point is where do we draw the line when we take the law into our 
own hands " Kangaroo Court Style " and where a potential " Law Maker " as a Member for New 
England is promoting " Civil Disobedience " of any kind or however we define it??

However ofcourse Windsor, according to the Australian dated the 28/8/2010, has no problem selling a 25 to 30 acres portion of his farm Cintra at Werris Creek to Werris Creek Coal in February 2010 
for what was estimated to be $12,300 a hectare seemingly three times greater than nearby farmers 
were paid who had already sold to the same company and for an overall price of $4.625 million even 
though according to Windsor it was on a gravel ridge the type of land that should be mined and 
not the fertile land of the Liverpool plains ?? not knowing any better I will have to accept Windsor's 
word for it??.

As with any other politically figures in and out of politics these days, Windsor has lived very comfortably for at least the past 20 years receiving Tax Payer funded salary, perks of office- living away allowances, government transport, air fares, world famous superannuation schemes and the list goes on for both his positions one way or the other in State and Federal parliaments, in fact still does with the after politics perks of office superannuation etc;.

Now that said, when we consider Aussie still has increasing problems from the cradle to the grave, 
and a bloke like the previous " Ex Heavy Weight Champion " Tony Windsor the Ex Member for New 
England states the following on both the ABC and in various Aussie media:

" Windsor's biggest regret of his parliament was the handling of the asylum seeker issue "

All of us should be ashamed by how this has been handled.
He went on:
I thank my supporters for their extraordinary efforts and fun we had.
I think I've achieved what I set out to achieve. ( no mention what?? )

So it would appear that after receiving 20 plus years of hard to come by and scare Tax Payers funds 
the total sum of Tony Windsor's regrets is for a bunch of non-tax paying, non-contributing, welfare 
dependent and in most cases illegally in the country, foreigners??.

That to me people ' SHOUTS LOUD ' of a bloke that has lost not only a sense of reality but also has 
little ' EMPATHY ' for the real people in Aussie that have been, and still are, the back bone of this 
great nation who as a result of the actions, or the lack of actions, by people like Tony Windsor are 
doing it tough in every which way??!

Anyway people ? how about this as a ' Reference '??:

Teflon Billy Shorten - The Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavy Weight, Homosexual 
Activist and alleged rapist.

Teflon Billy Shorten on the ABC 7.30 Report on video 1.34 minutes into the program regarding 
the battle for the New England Federal seat between Barnaby Joyce the current member and 
the contender Tony Windsor:

" There will be two people running in New England for parliament one is a respectable politician 
the other is the Deputy Prime Minister "

This is from a pollie that according to Newspoll from the 3 - 6 March 2016 rates only as preferred 
Prime Minister by 21% of the voters and has a dissatisfaction rating of 55%.

Therefore there can be no doubt where the Labor preferences, plus the Greenies ofcourse, will 
go, especially as neither Labor or the Greenies have any real chance of winning the seat in their 
own right therefore will endeavour to get their colleague, mate and true believing millionaire 
lefty over the line disguised as a conservative.

As far as I am concerned this bloke Tony Windsor is an old pollie past his used by date and trying 
to relive past political glories and will say what appeals to the populous and do most things to 
achieve his goals and therefore cannot be trusted, which in my book applies to all pollies 
however especially to the likes of Tony Windsor! who in my popular view deceived the voters 
in New England in 2010.

However people if your happy with this unsubstantiated waffle from pollies who have a hidden 
political agenda that is at odds with your values then don't whinge when you wake up after 
election night realising you ' TICKED ' the wrong box because you have got them, like it or not, 
for the next 3 - 4 years and like the Windsor, Labor and Greenie team prior to September 2013 
they can do a lot a national damage in a very short time!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.