( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
To those that don't like or even hate Christmas for whatever reason, I say what one
Christian Messiah namely Jesus Christ supposedly the son of the Christian
as compared to all the other Gods that have appeared since the beginning of time as
The great flaw and shortcoming as I see it in the belief that a supernatural " Almighty
God " exists is that how do we explain the many probably 100's of different religious
What always makes me smile is the stupid look that it conveys to me of all these old
It would also appear that the " All Mighty God " looks more favourable on his subjects
/followers depending on the size, grandeur. splendour, magnificence and majesty of
However people some 30 plus years ago my young family and I discovered
the ' Green Cathedral ' at the NSW Pacific Palms area which is an outdoors
Cathedral nestled in a Cabbage Tree Forest overlooking the magnificent Wallis
I remember saying to my wife and two young boys as we sat on the timber
benches over looking the magnificent Wallis Lakes, that if there was ever a
feeling of some majestic power or presence of something greater this was it in
my view, and something I had never felt when visiting any other pompous,
false, pretentious,ostentatious religious structure.
Christmas I believe is not a religious symbol anymore but a way of life of what
should be " Peace on earth and good will to all men - let's make that all inclusive
and read to all Mother Natures Creatures ".
Now after my 76 years plus on this planet where I have seen, read and even
witnessed and participated in when in the military in Africa the horrific things
we humans are capable of, I know, as I am sure you do too that this is, and
unfortunately for the foreseeable future, a lovely unattainable ' Pipe Dream '!!!
because it is not the average plebe's that causes wars and mayhem but the
political elite and powerful interests that have something to gain either politically
or financially at the cost in the way of human sacrifice and an excessive waste of
the majority of Tax Payers scarce funds.
I have over the years been at various Christmas parties where alcohol mixed
with family past history have not been a good mix, resulting in fierce arguments
and even physical violence has ensued
Let's face it over the years, centuries in fact especially in Ireland, UK and Europe
There are mainly only two groups of people that gain from war,death and
destruction and they are the weaponry/armaments across the board manufacturers,
and the governments in the way of taxes where these manufactures are based.
Mind you Aussies these middle eastern wars that are going on are costing our
Tax Payers millions if not billions of dollars which could have been better spent
and used here in Aussie!! especially as our nations international credit card is
maxed out and we are many 100's of billions of Aussie dollars in deficit paying
millions of dollars in interest daily and climbing, and ofcourse will ' NOT ' in any
Especially as these mad bastards have been killing each other for centuries and
Now I have to believe that there was a bloke by the name of Jesus because
according to the Free Wikipedia, amongst others,there were detailed descriptions
of a Jesus being crucified in (4) canonical Gospels, however do I believe Jesus was
a son of some mythical God no I don't, he was more like the Evangelist mentioned
above Billy Graham but without the media power, although Jesus will be long
People I have to say that if I had been Jesus I would have been some what pissed
In the meantime I had been flogged, scourged, beaten, spat upon, had a crown of
I reckon it is ingrained into these middle eastern mobs DNA including the Jews,
Now although I have worked hard by anyone's standards for the little I have
achieved in my relatively short life so far, I also realise at the same time I have
lived to date a privileged life compared to the many billions of other humans
on this planet, and as such have not had the need for some sort of spiritual
support regardless of the nature of that support that maybe some other
person with a lesser back ground might require.
Nor would I be so arrogantly presumptuous to think lesser or try to dissuade
Ok people 2017 has it's own problems and if you are going to allow the political
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called
Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 25/12/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com
URL: https://beautkoot.blogspot.com
Sir Mike's Comments 25/12/2016.
Also on my blog: www.beautkoot.blogspot.com
URL: https://beautkoot.blogspot.com
Subject: " Merry Christmas Plus ".
The modern day front man and the projected image and symbol of Christmas
that of Father Christmas or Santa Clause as some refer to him as.
that of Father Christmas or Santa Clause as some refer to him as.
of Jesus Christ.
I would like to wish my 10's of 1000's of readers not only in Aussie but around most
I would like to wish my 10's of 1000's of readers not only in Aussie but around most
parts of the World a very Merry Aussie Christmas and a
Now I realise that there are many millions, if not billions, of people around the world
Now I realise that there are many millions, if not billions, of people around the world
that do not celebrate Christmas as such, but ofcourse many millions do
across all
races, colours, religions - yes you don't have to be a practicing Christian
- and
creeds that do.
To those that don't like or even hate Christmas for whatever reason, I say what one
of my army sergeants used to say quote ' Suck it up and get over
it otherwise that
is the best you are going to feel all day ' unquote.
is the best you are going to feel all day ' unquote.
as compared to all the other Gods that have appeared since the beginning of time as
we know it, because Christianity only goes back some 2000 plus years I
The great flaw and shortcoming as I see it in the belief that a supernatural " Almighty
God " exists is that how do we explain the many probably 100's of different religious
organisation, many being break away off shutes of the main Christian,
Muslim etc;
religious organisations, all giving us their interpretation, biased or
otherwise, of the
quote " Words of the Lord my God All Mighty " unquote written in various
and composed by humans that maintain they have a direct connection/conduit
the " Almighty God ", and not to get to deep into " Gender Equality " (
99% ) of which
are males, therefore without a doubt the whole script has a next to total
bias in regard
to the male perspective of life especially as the " Almighty God " is
proclaimed to be of
the male gender.
What always makes me smile is the stupid look that it conveys to me of all these old
blokes walking around with silly big party hats on, dressed in heavily
braided clothing
trying to choke everyone in the Church/Cathedral throwing smoke over them
flicking tap water at them that they reckon has been blessed by the Lord,
or singing
songs called hymns which if you actually read the words often don't make
sense and
it would appear the words are made to fit the music like most of the latest
pop songs
It would also appear that the " All Mighty God " looks more favourable on his subjects
/followers depending on the size, grandeur. splendour, magnificence and majesty of
the construction the ceremonies are conducted in??.
However people some 30 plus years ago my young family and I discovered
the ' Green Cathedral ' at the NSW Pacific Palms area which is an outdoors
Cathedral nestled in a Cabbage Tree Forest overlooking the magnificent Wallis
I remember saying to my wife and two young boys as we sat on the timber
benches over looking the magnificent Wallis Lakes, that if there was ever a
feeling of some majestic power or presence of something greater this was it in
my view, and something I had never felt when visiting any other pompous,
false, pretentious,ostentatious religious structure.
Christmas I believe is not a religious symbol anymore but a way of life of what
should be " Peace on earth and good will to all men - let's make that all inclusive
and read to all Mother Natures Creatures ".
Now after my 76 years plus on this planet where I have seen, read and even
witnessed and participated in when in the military in Africa the horrific things
we humans are capable of, I know, as I am sure you do too that this is, and
unfortunately for the foreseeable future, a lovely unattainable ' Pipe Dream '!!!
because it is not the average plebe's that causes wars and mayhem but the
political elite and powerful interests that have something to gain either politically
or financially at the cost in the way of human sacrifice and an excessive waste of
the majority of Tax Payers scarce funds.
I have over the years been at various Christmas parties where alcohol mixed
with family past history have not been a good mix, resulting in fierce arguments
and even physical violence has ensued
Let's face it over the years, centuries in fact especially in Ireland, UK and Europe
generally, there have been wars fought over religious beliefs between
and Protestants, currently the Islamic Muslims, where 100's of 1000's or more
lives' have been sacrificed, cities and total infrastructures demolished ? I wonder
what the " Almighty God " thought, or thinks about that????.
and Protestants, currently the Islamic Muslims, where 100's of 1000's or more
lives' have been sacrificed, cities and total infrastructures demolished ? I wonder
what the " Almighty God " thought, or thinks about that????.
There are mainly only two groups of people that gain from war,death and
destruction and they are the weaponry/armaments across the board manufacturers,
and the governments in the way of taxes where these manufactures are based.
The Richter Scale - from Wikipedia
When some 50 plus years ago as a young soldier every time we fired a round/bullet
When some 50 plus years ago as a young soldier every time we fired a round/bullet
from our SLR rifles it cost the Tax Payer sterling two shillings and
sixpence each
x the many 10's of 1000's that must have been fired?? to fire one artillery shell
cost 60 pounds sterling each?? the cost of weaponry these days must be off the
' Richter Scale '.
The financial burden for future Syrians and Iraqis is just unimaginable, in order to
replace the essential infrastructure, roads, rail, hospitals and the list I am sure is
endless plus ofcourse the sacrifice of the human capital and expertise needed to
perform the tasks?? plus it has added millions to the ever growing displaced
x the many 10's of 1000's that must have been fired?? to fire one artillery shell
cost 60 pounds sterling each?? the cost of weaponry these days must be off the
' Richter Scale '.
The financial burden for future Syrians and Iraqis is just unimaginable, in order to
replace the essential infrastructure, roads, rail, hospitals and the list I am sure is
endless plus ofcourse the sacrifice of the human capital and expertise needed to
perform the tasks?? plus it has added millions to the ever growing displaced
persons/refugee world wide crisis, and the word ' Crisis ' would be a gross
Mind you Aussies these middle eastern wars that are going on are costing our
Tax Payers millions if not billions of dollars which could have been better spent
and used here in Aussie!! especially as our nations international credit card is
maxed out and we are many 100's of billions of Aussie dollars in deficit paying
millions of dollars in interest daily and climbing, and ofcourse will ' NOT ' in any
way, shape or form protect us from domestic terrorism!! if anything it will
encourage it!
encourage it!
Professor Einstein.
Especially as these mad bastards have been killing each other for centuries and
it does not take my mate Einstein to calculated that it will go on for
more centuries,
unless ofcourse one religion/tribe/sect can totally subjugate/dominate or even
eliminate all the others?.
Graham an American Christian Evangelist who rose to celebrity status in
unless ofcourse one religion/tribe/sect can totally subjugate/dominate or even
eliminate all the others?.
Now I have to believe that there was a bloke by the name of Jesus because
according to the Free Wikipedia, amongst others,there were detailed descriptions
of a Jesus being crucified in (4) canonical Gospels, however do I believe Jesus was
a son of some mythical God no I don't, he was more like the Evangelist mentioned
above Billy Graham but without the media power, although Jesus will be long
remembered compared to Graham because of the financial pulling power of
Christmas ? how cynical is that ? unfortunately as we get older we find it is just
Christmas ? how cynical is that ? unfortunately as we get older we find it is just
life recycling it's self rebranded under another name but nothing in
principle ever
People I have to say that if I had been Jesus I would have been some what pissed
off, to say the least, if I had a Father that all and sundry had acclaimed,
and celebrated him to be the " God Almighty " yet because of some grumpy old
and celebrated him to be the " God Almighty " yet because of some grumpy old
Chief Jewish Priests who were part of the religious hierarchy
and establishment
and who felt that their authority was being under mind by my actions and
preaching's,had me arrested, tried in the Jewish Sanhedrin, a type of Jewish
Judicial Body,then we had " Pass The Parcel " so to speak, where I was handed
to Pontius Pilate, the Roman Boss Cocky in charge of the area at the time, who
decided that it was all to much and anything for a quiet time washed his hands of
the whole affair, typical pollie see nothing has changed!! then onto a bloke by the
name of Herod Antipas the supposedly King of the Jews, a Roman appointment,
who obviously thought it was all above his pay scale so handed me back to I gather
and who felt that their authority was being under mind by my actions and
preaching's,had me arrested, tried in the Jewish Sanhedrin, a type of Jewish
Judicial Body,then we had " Pass The Parcel " so to speak, where I was handed
to Pontius Pilate, the Roman Boss Cocky in charge of the area at the time, who
decided that it was all to much and anything for a quiet time washed his hands of
the whole affair, typical pollie see nothing has changed!! then onto a bloke by the
name of Herod Antipas the supposedly King of the Jews, a Roman appointment,
who obviously thought it was all above his pay scale so handed me back to I gather
the Chief Jewish Priests to have me painfully executed by the slow death
In the meantime I had been flogged, scourged, beaten, spat upon, had a crown of
thorns impressed into my skull ? just in case the Crucifixion was not going
to be
painful enough ? and we reckon that currently ISIS are a bad bunch of
I reckon it is ingrained into these middle eastern mobs DNA including the Jews,
after all if the average Jew at the time it would appear, although not now
I gather,
will do this to one of their own who they then acknowledge as their " Messiah "
will do this to one of their own who they then acknowledge as their " Messiah "
and being the son of their " God Almighty " ? what's left??.
Now although I have worked hard by anyone's standards for the little I have
achieved in my relatively short life so far, I also realise at the same time I have
lived to date a privileged life compared to the many billions of other humans
on this planet, and as such have not had the need for some sort of spiritual
support regardless of the nature of that support that maybe some other
person with a lesser back ground might require.
Nor would I be so arrogantly presumptuous to think lesser or try to dissuade
or discourage a person from believing in the things I don't, because as
saying goes ' To each their own - as compared to " His " own ' and that in
view makes life interesting, although sometimes some what
Ok people 2017 has it's own problems and if you are going to allow the political
and powerful elite to send us plebbs to wars that cannot be won! to
our loved ones that cannot be replaced! to accumulate a national debt that
current and future generations cannot afford or repay! to allow this world
order/trade schemes to strip your countries jobs/employment with companies
going to other countries where the labour costs are much cheaper and where
they pay less,if any, income/company taxes for no other reason than to gouge
more profits out of the world system, bearing in mind that it is estimated that
some 2-3 % of the worlds population own some 50% of the worlds wealth.
The so-called " The Economic/Financial Trickle Down Effect " is largely a figment
of a poor persons imagination, and where you reckon by staying quiet and
" Keeping Schtum " as the saying goes that " She'll be right mate ", yet you wake
up one morning and find that you have been seriously shafted, then don't whinge
when you find that no matter how much antibiotic ointment you apply the pain
does not go away!!
current and future generations cannot afford or repay! to allow this world
order/trade schemes to strip your countries jobs/employment with companies
going to other countries where the labour costs are much cheaper and where
they pay less,if any, income/company taxes for no other reason than to gouge
more profits out of the world system, bearing in mind that it is estimated that
some 2-3 % of the worlds population own some 50% of the worlds wealth.
The so-called " The Economic/Financial Trickle Down Effect " is largely a figment
of a poor persons imagination, and where you reckon by staying quiet and
" Keeping Schtum " as the saying goes that " She'll be right mate ", yet you wake
up one morning and find that you have been seriously shafted, then don't whinge
when you find that no matter how much antibiotic ointment you apply the pain
does not go away!!
Papaw ointment
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.