Tuesday, 27 December 2016

" Merry Christmas Plus ".

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 25/12/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: " Merry Christmas Plus ".

The modern day front man and the projected image and symbol of Christmas being
that of Father Christmas or Santa Clause as some refer to him as.

The Religious symbol of the Christian Faith at Christmas and that being the birth
of Jesus Christ.

I would like to wish my 10's of 1000's of readers not only in Aussie but around most
parts of the World a very Merry Aussie Christmas and a Happy,Healthy,Prosperous

Now I realise that there are many millions, if not billions, of people around the world
that do not celebrate Christmas as such, but ofcourse many millions do across all
races, colours, religions - yes you don't have to be a practicing Christian - and
creeds that do.

To those that don't like or even hate Christmas for whatever reason, I say what one
of my army sergeants used to say quote ' Suck it up and get over it otherwise that
is the best you are going to feel all day ' unquote.

The Christian Messiah namely Jesus Christ supposedly the son of the Christian God
as compared to all the other Gods that have appeared since the beginning of time as
we know it, because Christianity only goes back some 2000 plus years I gather.

The great flaw and shortcoming as I see it in the belief that a supernatural " Almighty
God " exists is that how do we explain the many probably 100's of different religious
organisation, many being break away off shutes of the main Christian, Muslim etc;
religious organisations, all giving us their interpretation, biased or otherwise, of the
quote " Words of the Lord my God All Mighty " unquote written in various publications,
and composed by humans that maintain they have a direct connection/conduit with
the " Almighty God ", and not to get to deep into " Gender Equality " ( 99% ) of which
are males, therefore without a doubt the whole script has a next to total bias in regard
to the male perspective of life especially as the " Almighty God " is proclaimed to be of
the male gender.

What always makes me smile is the stupid look that it conveys to me of all these old
blokes walking around with silly big party hats on, dressed in heavily braided clothing
trying to choke everyone in the Church/Cathedral throwing smoke over them or
flicking tap water at them that they reckon has been blessed by the Lord, or singing
songs called hymns which if you actually read the words often don't make sense and
it would appear the words are made to fit the music like most of the latest pop songs

It would also appear that the " All Mighty God " looks more favourable on his subjects
/followers depending on the size, grandeur. splendour, magnificence and majesty of
the construction the ceremonies are conducted in??.

The Pacific Palms NSW ' Green Cathedral '.

However people some 30 plus years ago my young family and I discovered
the ' Green Cathedral ' at the NSW Pacific Palms area which is an outdoors
Cathedral nestled in a Cabbage Tree Forest overlooking the magnificent Wallis

I remember saying to my wife and two young boys as we sat on the timber
benches over looking the magnificent Wallis Lakes, that if there was ever a
feeling of some majestic power or presence of something greater this was it in
my view, and something I had never felt when visiting any other pompous,
false, pretentious,ostentatious religious structure.

Christmas I believe is not a religious symbol anymore but a way of life of what
should be " Peace on earth and good will to all men - let's make that all inclusive
and read to all Mother Natures Creatures ".

Now after my 76 years plus on this planet where I have seen, read and even
witnessed and participated in when in the military in Africa the horrific things
we humans are capable of, I know, as I am sure you do too that this is, and
unfortunately for the foreseeable future, a lovely unattainable ' Pipe Dream '!!!
because it is not the average plebe's that causes wars and mayhem but the
political elite and powerful interests that have something to gain either politically
or financially at the cost in the way of human sacrifice and an excessive waste of
the majority of Tax Payers scarce funds.

I have over the years been at various Christmas parties where alcohol mixed
with family past history have not been a good mix, resulting in fierce arguments
and even physical violence has ensued

Let's face it over the years, centuries in fact especially in Ireland, UK and Europe
generally, there have been wars fought over religious beliefs between Catholics
and Protestants, currently the Islamic Muslims, where 100's of 1000's or more
lives' have been sacrificed, cities and total infrastructures demolished ? I wonder
what the " Almighty God " thought, or thinks about that????.

There are mainly only two groups of people that gain from war,death and
destruction and they are the weaponry/armaments across the board manufacturers,
and the governments in the way of taxes where these manufactures are based.

The Richter Scale - from Wikipedia

When some 50 plus years ago as a young soldier every time we fired a round/bullet
from our SLR rifles it cost the Tax Payer sterling two shillings and sixpence each
x the many 10's of 1000's that must have been fired?? to fire one artillery shell
cost 60 pounds sterling each?? the cost of weaponry these days must be off the
' Richter Scale '.

The financial burden for future Syrians and Iraqis is just unimaginable, in order to
replace the essential infrastructure, roads, rail, hospitals and the list I am sure is
endless plus ofcourse the sacrifice of the human capital and expertise needed to
perform the tasks?? plus it has added millions to the ever growing displaced
persons/refugee world wide crisis, and the word ' Crisis ' would be a gross

Mind you Aussies these middle eastern wars that are going on are costing our
Tax Payers millions if not billions of dollars which could have been better spent
and used here in Aussie!! especially as our nations international credit card is
maxed out and we are many 100's of billions of Aussie dollars in deficit paying
millions of dollars in interest daily and climbing, and ofcourse will ' NOT ' in any
way, shape or form protect us from domestic terrorism!! if anything it will
encourage it!

Professor Einstein.

Especially as these mad bastards have been killing each other for centuries and
it does not take my mate Einstein to calculated that it will go on for more centuries,
unless ofcourse one religion/tribe/sect can totally subjugate/dominate or even
eliminate all the others?.

Billy Graham an American Christian Evangelist who rose to celebrity status in 1949.

Now I have to believe that there was a bloke by the name of Jesus because
according to the Free Wikipedia, amongst others,there were detailed descriptions
of a Jesus being crucified in (4) canonical Gospels, however do I believe Jesus was
a son of some mythical God no I don't, he was more like the Evangelist mentioned
above Billy Graham but without the media power, although Jesus will be long
remembered compared to Graham because of the financial pulling power of
Christmas ? how cynical is that ? unfortunately as we get older we find it is just
life recycling it's self rebranded under another name but nothing in principle ever

People I have to say that if I had been Jesus I would have been some what pissed
off, to say the least, if I had a Father that all and sundry had acclaimed, praised,
and celebrated him to be the " God Almighty " yet because of some grumpy old
Chief Jewish Priests who were part of the religious hierarchy and establishment
and who felt that their authority was being under mind by my actions and
preaching's,had me arrested, tried in the Jewish Sanhedrin, a type of Jewish
Judicial Body,then we had " Pass The Parcel " so to speak, where I was handed
to Pontius Pilate, the Roman Boss Cocky in charge of the area at the time, who
decided that it was all to much and anything for a quiet time washed his hands of
the whole affair, typical pollie see nothing has changed!! then onto a bloke by the
name of Herod Antipas the supposedly King of the Jews, a Roman appointment,
who obviously thought it was all above his pay scale so handed me back to I gather
the Chief Jewish Priests to have me painfully executed by the slow death of
' Crucifixion '.

The Crucifixion (1622) by Simon Vouet via Free Wikipedia

In the meantime I had been flogged, scourged, beaten, spat upon, had a crown of
thorns impressed into my skull ? just in case the Crucifixion was not going to be
painful enough ? and we reckon that currently ISIS are a bad bunch of bastards?

I reckon it is ingrained into these middle eastern mobs DNA including the Jews,
after all if the average Jew at the time it would appear, although not now I gather,
will do this to one of their own who they then acknowledge as their " Messiah "
and being the son of their " God Almighty " ? what's left??.

Now although I have worked hard by anyone's standards for the little I have
achieved in my relatively short life so far, I also realise at the same time I have
lived to date a privileged life compared to the many billions of other humans
on this planet, and as such have not had the need for some sort of spiritual
support regardless of the nature of that support that maybe some other
person with a lesser back ground might require.

Nor would I be so arrogantly presumptuous to think lesser or try to dissuade
or discourage a person from believing in the things I don't, because as the
saying goes ' To each their own - as compared to " His " own ' and that in my
view makes life interesting, although sometimes some what dangerous.

Ok people 2017 has it's own problems and if you are going to allow the political
and powerful elite to send us plebbs to wars that cannot be won! to sacrifice
our loved ones that cannot be replaced! to accumulate a national debt that
current and future generations cannot afford or repay! to allow this world
order/trade schemes to strip your countries jobs/employment with companies
going to other countries where the labour costs are much cheaper and where
they pay less,if any, income/company taxes for no other reason than to gouge
more profits out of the world system, bearing in mind that it is estimated that
some 2-3 % of the worlds population own some 50% of the worlds wealth.

The so-called " The Economic/Financial Trickle Down Effect " is largely a figment
of a poor persons imagination, and where you reckon by staying quiet and
" Keeping Schtum " as the saying goes that " She'll be right mate ", yet you wake
up one morning and find that you have been seriously shafted, then don't whinge
when you find that no matter how much antibiotic ointment you apply the pain
does not go away!!

Papaw ointment

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Friday, 16 December 2016

" Teflon Billy Shorten an alleged predatory ' RAPIST ' ".

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 17/12/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: " Teflon Billy Shorten an alleged predatory ' RAPIST ' ".

There are many forms of being a " Human Predator " as compared to an
" Animal " one, but I believe of the many definitions of one that I have read is the
one describe by Wikipedia which is as follows:

" A Sexual Predator is a person seen to obtain sexual contact with another person
in a metaphorical " Predatory " or abusive manner ".

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the
Labor Party's " Magic Pudding Economics " plus an alleged " Rapist " of his
alleged victim Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl
in the early 1980's.

Kathy - Teflon Billy's alleged 'Rape Victim' when back in the 1980's as a young
vulnerable Labor Party youth member of just 16 years old when attending a Labor
Party Youth Camp in Victoria where Teflon Billy Shorten was in a very powerful
and influential position as a 19 year old Labor Party Youth leader and where it is
alleged by his alleged victim Kathy that he did heinously and viciously rape her
up against a bathroom wall in one of the cabins that Teflon Billy allegedly allocated
to her, and according to Kathy ensured she was billeted on her own which Kathy
allegedly was not happy with because Kathy allegedly was concerned by the
unwanted advances Teflon Billy was making towards Kathy.

Bill Shorten and " Sex Predators ".

The above photo of Teflon Billy Shorten holding up a notice about ' Stop Sex
Predators 'as an alleged predator rapist himself of a 16 year old, young by any
standards, is I believe an ' Oxymoron 'if I have ever seen or heard of one!! and what
is more doing it with that sickly smile of some triumph on his face.

Now I realise that the notice refers to ' Sex predators online ' and ofcourse back in
the 1980's when this vicious and heinous alleged rape was supposedly committed,
there was no internet online of any consequence which enables these low life's to
become predators today.

However ofcourse there are many types of predators and their ' Modus Operandi '
is adopted, changed, fine tuned to accommodate and harmonise the situation so
as to be successful in their quest to be the low life that they become.

Now I believe that any reasonable person would believe that if what Teflon Billy
Shortens alleged victim Kathy is stating, which has yet to be challenged in a
proper court of law and until it is surely Kathy's word is as good as Teflon Billy's,
that Teflon Billy as a powerful and influential Labor Party Youth Leader at the time
the alleged rape took place, and who was responsible for allocating the camp billets
at that particular youth camp, and by using that power and influence ensured Kathy
was billeted on her own, could quite easily be construed as a very predatory action
on Teflon Billy's part.

Especially as Kathy has stated that Kathy was concerned about Teflon Billy's
unwanted, at the time, advances and wanted one of her close friends to billet with
her, although not just because of Teflon Billy's alleged advances, but because
Kathy had not long turned 16 years old and being away from home on a Labor
Party Youth Camp in Victoria she alleged she would have felt more comfortable
and less lonely.

People Teflon Billy's history highlights the fact that Teflon Billy cannot be trusted
in either his personal or political life, which in it's self, considering this bloke wants'
to be the Prime Minister of this great country of Aussie is bad enough!!

Where he would follow in the foot steps of the like's of John Howard - 1996/2007,
Paul Keating - 1991/1996, Bob Hawke - 1983/1991, Malcolm Frazer - 1975/1983,
Gough Whitlam - 1972/1983, to name but a few, would be in my view to concerning
to contemplate for the sake of the Aussie Nation as a whole.

However to be accused of allegedly viciously and heinously raping a 16 year old
vulnerable girl at a Victorian Labor Party Youth Camp back in the 1980's, and as
such allegedly abusing his possible predatory position of power and influence
is surely beyond the pale and very outside the bounds of acceptable behaviour
for any decent society, let alone for someone that expects the Aussie population
to trust him with the most powerful and influential position in the country and
that being the position of Prime Minister.

Teflon Billy Shorten has in his own words quote " Drawn a line " unquote under
this subject of the alleged rape of Kathy, and refuses to speak about it and will
not give Kathy her day in court so the matter can be tested one way or the other?.

Michele Gutherie ABC. MD.

Michael Ebeid. CEO & MD of SBS.

However Teflon Billy Shorten you may have drawn a line under it supported by
the major media, with the special mention of the ABC and SBS, but we in social
media have not!! and as it is proving around the world as I type this, that the
major media, especially the like's of the obviously biased reporting of the ABC
and SBS, are fast losing ground in regard to News and Current Affairs, ok for the
ABC and quiz shows like QI which they repeat ' Ad nauseam ', to us many 100's of
1000's if not millions of bloggers and social media commentators that are reaching
into the lives' of the forgotten majority via technology that any of the major media
organisations could only ever even dream of!!!!!

It could be argued ofcourse that because this alleged vicious and heinous crime of
rape by Teflon Billy Shorten allegedly happened back in the 1980's that it is to far
back and cannot, or should not, be investigated and tried now.

Teflon Billy's Mother-in-law Dame Quentin Bryce and an Ex Aussie Governor

However I should point out that Aussie has a Royal Commission into Child Sexual
Abuse commissioned by Teflon Billy Shortens now mother-in-law back on
Friday the 11th of January 2013 when Bryce was the Aussie Governor General,
which is currently running and will be into sometime of the future, and where
men, priest and others, are being investigated via the commission, that does not
have judicial powers of prosecution, and their findings which are going back as far
as the late 1960's and 1970's are then forwarded onto both the Federal, State and
Territorial Police for further investigation and where many of the men- to many to
mention here, Google it - have been charged, tried, found guilty and sent to jail.

Considering Kathy at the time of the alleged rape was only 16 years old and as such
under both Federal,State and Territory laws still classed as a minor and not deemed an
adult until Kathy became 18 years old, surely makes the alleged crime even more

Therefore Teflon Billy Shortens vs. Kathy case going back to the 1980's should not
be a problem? unless ofcourse like the banks in the GFC, Teflon Billy is deemed to
big to fail,

Teflon Billy Shorten being the second most powerful pollie in Aussie as the Labor
Party Opposition Leader and a very powerful and politically influential Aussie
Union Heavy weight is to big to take on by the major media, excluding the ABC
and SBS ofcourse because I believe they would come to Teflon Billy's aid even if
he admitted it and investigate/dig the dirt on Kathy instead, and try and discover
anyone else that allegedly had sex with Kathy at the time, casting serious
aspersions with false or damaging accusations or insinuations, I am sure Teflon
Billy's Union Mates would only be to happy to come to their party leaders aid,
against Kathy's character and credibility as a witness.

Malcolm Turnbull the current Aussie PM.

Tony Abbott the Ex Aussie PM.

People I can only image, as I am sure you can as well whether you are a Labor
Party supporter or not, what the major media, again especially the ABC and SBS,
would do even if there was the slightest whiff of scandal in regard to an alleged
rape by either Malcolm Turnbull the current PM or Tony Abbott MP the Ex PM
both of the current ruling LNP Party Members??

They would wet their pathetic knickers with uncontrolled excitement!! go
ballistic. froth at the mouth, camp day and night outside their premises,females
would be encouraged to be, especially the lesbians, banner/placard waiving,
chanting, screaming banshee's demanding that violence against women must
stop, there would be staged civil disobedience to encourage police action especially
having the Riot Squad there, great for the evening TV screens, maximum coverage,

Tanya Plibersek the Labor Party Deputy Leader in the House of Rep's.

Tanya Plibersek the Labor Party Opposition Leader would be screaming at the LNP
across the parliament chamber demanding justice for Aussie women and protection
from predatory rapists and the vial, heinous, vicious crime of ' Rape '.

To my knowledge Plibersek has never mentioned the case of Teflon Billy Shorten
and Kathy ? not interested ? not relevant ? to politically dangerous ? we have the
major media onside/in our Labor Party pockets why stir them up, let's take the
populations attention away and talk about the very controversial " Gay Marriage ".

Mind you people the LNP have given this subject of the alleged rape of Kathy
by Teflon Billy Shorten a " Wide Birth " ? maybe there are to many undiscovered
skeletons in their cupboard that the Labor Party mob know about??.

However people I believe any reasonable person would agree that this long running
sorry saga of the alleged rape of Kathy by Teflon Billy Shorten being not allowed
to have it's day in court is a blight on our democracy considering Teflon Billy's
very high profile and a potential Aussie PM, because where else in the various
Western democracies would this be allowed to happen where a potential head of
a countries political system has an " Alleged Rape Case " hanging over their heads?

The ABC and SBS are highly critical of Donald Trump and his Administration but
as I have mentioned before in Mike's Comments inform me where Trump has been
accused of a vicious and heinous crime of rape of a vulnerable child of only 16 years

So it would appear people that the law is great if you are rich and famous or even
just influential and powerful ? but if your like Kathy it is like one of my army
sergeants used to say quote: ' Howe suck it in and move on because that's the best
you are going to feel today so get over it ' unquote.

Ok people if your prepared to cop this drip feeding of political crap we are fed
daily via their mates in the major media then don't whinge when the mongrels
start putting internet blocks on so-social media via some advanced technology,
as governments do currently around the world, because mate it will be far too
bloody late then!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

The person who thought of this is brilliant - a
picture paints a thousand words? The New
Parliamentary Symbol which generally epitomises
our pollies across all three levels of this over
governed Aussie Nation of ours.

A CONDOM, because it more accurately reflects
across the board and the political spectrum of our
pollies and their " Modus Operandi ".
A condom allows for inflation, halts production,
destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of
cks, and gives you a sense of security while
you're actually being screwed!

Damn, it just doesn't get more accurate than that!

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

" The Clever Little Greenies ".

( Me at my place )

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 8/12/2016.
Also on my blog:
Subject: " The Clever Little Greenies ".

The Head Greenie Senator Richard Di Natale.

A decade or so ago I was a supporter of the Greenies but since then I have found, as
I am sure the majority of the Aussie voters have hence their loss of a Senate Seat at
the 2/7/2016 Federal Election, that they have totally lost their way because they seem
to now represent everything and nothing, and have become just opportunistic all care
and no accountability political marauders.

The Greenie Opportunistic Marauders always on the look out!!

However that said they are, to use boxing analogies, starting to punch above their
weight when compared to the political heavy weights like the current LNP Government
and their Labor Party Opposition, by boxing clever and tactical and by doing deals
with the Turnbull LNP mob making Teflon Billy Shortens Labor mob look politically
impotent and irrelevant!! and at the same time achieve some, obviously not all, of their
political ideological goals which they cannot achieve by supporting Teflon Billy's
Labor mob while the Turnbull mob has a one seat majority in the lower House of

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the
Labor Party's " Magic Pudding Economics " plus an alleged " Rapist " of his
alleged victim Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl
in the early 1980's.

Well, well poor little Teflon Billy he can't win a trick can he?? I believe his
" Teflon " is seriously losing it's shine.

He keeps deriding,ridiculing and mocking the PM Turnbull as a weak,disorganised
leader yet let's take a look at the legislation that the LNP under PM Turnbull's
leadership have achieved in just one week as at the 25/11/2016 according to the
LNP Leader of The House of Rep's Christopher Pyne MP:

LNP Christopher Pyne the Leader of the House of Rep's.
( I don't propose to print out the whole titles of the various bills )

Corporations Amendment - Professional Standards.
Crimes Legislation Amendment- International.
Corporation amendment- crowd sourced funding.
Hazard Waste Regulation - exports & imports plus levy.
National Health Amendment- Pharmaceutical Benefits.
Veterans Affairs- Digital readiness.
Treasury Laws- regarding fair and sustainable Super.
Superannuation- Excess Transfer balance.
Treasury Laws - Working holiday maker reform.
Passenger Movement charge amendment.
Social Services - family assistance alignment.
Law enforcement - State bodies and other.
Australian Organ and Tissue Donation.
Customs Tariff Amendment - expanding information.
Counter- Terrorism Amendment.
Fair Work - Registered Organisations.

So people ? what do you reckon? with all that achieved I gather in just one week ?
would you agree with Teflon Billy that the LNP is a leaderless divided party ? or
would you agree that what Teflon Billy is sprouting is just more of his political
negative and Union style diatribe and meaningless tirade we have been accustomed
to coming from little Teflon Billy for years.

Teflon Billy is fully aware that the majority by far of Aussie farmers dislike Teflon
Billy's Labor powerhouse and benefactors the Aussie Unions with a loathing, and
sooner than vote Labor, even if Labor was the sole party to vote for, would spoil/
/void their ballot paper.

Therefore is it any wonder that this political opportunist Teflon Billy was prepared,
in order to score political points against Turnbull and especially the National Party,
to allow the 10's of 1000's of farmers products, both above and below the ground,
to rot or spoil due to the lack of farm pickers like the Back Packers by calling the
LNP governments bluff over the so-called ' Back Packers Tax ' by insisting that the
tax be set at 10.5% then 13.5% and not 15% after the LNP government had dropped
the proposed tax from 32% then 19% then finally agreeing to a 15% which with the
Greenies support, making Labors vote in the Senate irrelevant, was passed at 15%.

Senator Penny Wong the Labor Opposition Leader in the Senate.

To watch on TV Senator Wong throw a " Hissy Fit " and scream like a " Banshee "
( the definition of a " Banshee " is a female spirit whose wailing warns of a death
in a house - how apt and appropriate in this case ) because of the deal the LNP
government did with the Greenies over the 15% " Back Packer Tax " and how
terrible the Greenies are for doing so and thereby making the Labor votes again
irrelevant, was very pathetic,unedifying and at least distasteful, and very hypocritical
considering that the Labor Party have been using the Greenies supporting vote
for years, and in fact shared political power with the Gillard Labor Government in

What about this pathetic little prick Teflon Billy when appearing on the ABC 7.30
Report with Leigh Sales on the 1/12/2016 - you should get the transcript it is full of
Teflon Billy's usual political waffle and unsubstantiated " Motherhood Statements ",
where he stated the following:


' Quite frankly, if I was to lay a bet on this matter, I don't think I'll be facing Malcolm
Turnbull at the next election, I think the Liberal Party will move onto someone else. '


Well Teflon Billy Boy from what I am hearing from inside the Labor Party you are
probably quite right and yes you wont be facing Turnbull at the next election,
because after failing to stop the two most important bills as far as your Union bosses
and Labor Party Benefactors are concerned and that being the ' Separate Registered
Organisation Commission ' where Unions like businesses now have to be totally
transparent and open their books/accounts for scrutiny by their members, plus the
Australian Building and Construction Commission who will have the task of looking
into Union thuggery and restrictive work practices, means the Unions are not happy
Teflon Billy so the political knives are out for you mate.

The 70 year old Victorian Senator Darryn Hinch asleep in the Senate.

How this 70 year old bloke Hinch, a party of one, who I believe is a burned out, once
famous, or some might say infamous, " Radio Shock Jock " and " Media Tart " that
talks like he has swallowed a " Chattering Machine Gun " and as a consequence is
very inarticulate and indistinct for a pollie and very hard to understand and when we
consider that is, or should be, a pollies stock in trade, how anyone voted for him is
beyond me??

One of the first things he got the Senate to do was to lift the ban on photos being
taken in the Senate, so what did this " Media Tart " do ? take a " Selfie " what else!!

This bumbling old fool is not only politically naive but totally untrustworthy, where
Hinch had made an agreement with the LNP government on a " Back Packer Tax "
of 15% yet on the day of the vote was sucked in as a Labor Party Pawn and voted
for a 10.5% tax ? WHY? because quote " I just want the bloody thing over it has
been going on to long " unquote, and what did Hinch help achieve along with Labor?

It delayed the decision for days! increased the already high stress level being
experienced by the whole of the billion dollar plus Agricultural and Tourist industries,
increased uncertainty in the billion dollar plus food processing industry, all in his
naive belief that the Turnbull LNP mob would buckle under pressure to accept the
10.5%, and later the 13.5%?? and we all know the out come of that don't we, how
bloody pathetic!!

The WA One Nation Senator Rod Culleton who I sincerely hope by the end of this day
the 7/12/2016 where Culleton is in the Federal High Court having his case heard to
whether or not he was eligible to run for parliament with an undecided criminal
charge hanging over his head, and which could have meant that he would have
served 12 months or more in jail if found guilty, is found to be proved and this low
life is chucked out of the Senate and has to refund his salary taken todate!!!.

This over weight drop kick yobbo in my view is a disgrace considering Culleton is
treating his position as an Aussie Senator and the Senate it's self, the highest
political and the most powerful influential political stage in Aussie,where the good
governance and duty of care effects all Aussies across the board from the cradle to
the grave as a ' Joke '.

Senator Pauline Hanson the One Nation Party Leader.

Even if this drop kick yobbo Culleton wins his case in the High Court I hope Senator
Hanson kicks Culleton out of the One Nation Party because he is a loose cannon
and can only be very disruptive, divisive to say nothing of untrustworthy.

At the moment I am listening to Bob Katter on the ABC Radio seemingly at the
High Court to support his mate Rod Culleton and suggest that Culleton, I gather a
mate of Bob Katter, leaves the One Nation Party and join the Katter Party because
to quote Bob Katter ' We country boy's stick by our mates ' unquote ? good luck
Bob your going to need it if Culleton does what you suggest.

Jay Weatherill the SA Premier.

Well people this useless bugger can't win a trick can he??

Even if we accept the international measurement of if a person works for one hour
per week they are considered employed, and therefore not included in the
unemployment figures where we have a national average of 5.6% unemployed and
SA have lifted themselves off the bottom rung of the nations unemployment ladder
to the second lowest rung giving poor old Tasmania that dubious honour with 7.3%,
SA unemployment has been seasonally adjusted up from 6.3% to 6.8%.

This is over and above the future closure of Holden, problems in the steel industry,
ideological closure of coal mines and power stations.

However why would anyone want to invest in SA with it's unaffordable and
interrupted power supply where again on Wednesday the 30/11/2016 SA experienced
another power blackout and power was cut to at least 200,000 homes and totally shut
down the BHP Olympic Dam Operation for at least 4 hours.

SA ofcourse has the dubious title of the only state in modern times to have their
power supply last September ' TOTALLY ' shut down as a result of not enough safe
guards in regard to energy security after a very severe storm.

However there is no doubt that Queensland and Northern NSW have had just as
severe storms, if not worse, and although they have had sectional power black
outs they have not been to my knowledge totally state wide.

The lack of energy security in SA has got so bad that Irrigators and farmers are
going to the great expense of having to purchase diesel generators in order to
secure their power supply, as price and stability issues continue to plague SA's
energy supply.

There is some concern in regard to SA's water supply via the Murray-Darling Basin

EPAS patient records software system suffers two more outages in Adelaide.

The SA Water Minister Ian Hunter refuses to resign from his portfolio despite
admitting he used " inappropriate language " aimed at his Victorian and Federal

Seemingly SA is forecasting a budget surplus of $254 million for 2016 -17 rising
to $400 million plus over the next 3 years.

However people was it not the SA Premier Jay Weatherill that just some short while
ago was asking the Aussie Nation generally to dig deeper in their pockets,wallets,
savings and bank accounts in order to accept an increases in the GST from 10%
to 15% in order to bail the like's of Weatherill and the SA out of their financial

Jay Weatherill the SA Premier - please Aussie population can I have some more.

Therefore considering that the collective negative information I have mentioned
above is only I gather the so-called " Tip of the Iceberg " ?? what has changed
financially for SA to go from beggar to banker with surpluses??.

Now considering the myriad of information available which I believe strongly points
to the State of SA being currently and certainly into the future an across the board
basket case, and I have no doubt any reasonable person would expect Jay Weatherill
to be head down and bum up trying to sort out the state of South Australia's

However seemingly that will all have to be put on hold/back burner when on the
1/12/2016 Jay Weatherill took time out with the very expensive tax payer funded SA
parliamentary time to issue a formal apology to the state's LGBTIQ community and
acknowledged the pain and suffering caused to them by various laws over the years.

Seemingly the legislation changing various discriminating laws made it easily through
the SA's House of Assembly but is yet to be passed in the Legislative council.

This I gather should make it easier to get birth certificates to recognise a change of
gender and allow same sex couples access to assisted reproduction technology, or

Now I can't see anything wrong with all that good luck to this minority, by far, group
in the SA community as a whole, however I ask with across the spectrum of the state
of SA crumbling around Jay Weatherill's ears ? what is it with this bloke Weatherill
and the LGBTIQ mob that he seems to pander to this specific group when there
must be discrimination effecting the like's of every race, religion, creed and culture
within the very diverse SA population?? is there a hidden agenda in Weatherill's
actions and concerns?? is there a part of Weatherill's life that he wants to remain
out of the publics attention/notice and unless Weatherill conforms to certain groups
demands they could release very sensitive information concerning Weatherill??.

This is the same Jay Weatherill Premier of SA that announced nationally on the
ABC Radio some time ago that it was a national disgrace that a UK gay bloke who
was married to his same sex partner in the UK, died in SA, was not allowed to
have the fact he was married entered on his SA death certificate and Weatherill
was going to change the SA law to remedy this for the future.

Ok I am sure it was a very emotional experience for this blokes partner but??
so important that Jay Weatherill the Premier of SA needed to personally come on
ABC National Radio and announce that this was a " National Disgrace " ? really?
with all the problems we have in Aussie from the cradle to the grave that a UK
gay bloke dying in SA without having the fact that he was married put on his
death certificate is of national importance??? if so surely any reasonable person
would be forgiven for stating that this is why SA is the basket case it is, and
asking the question in regard what is the special connection between Premier
Jay Weatherill and the LGBTIQ community and WHY??.

Michael Ebeid CEO & MD of SBS.

Donald Trump the USA President Elect.

Well I see the SBS are still in their biased, churlish, rude, discourteous and
unprofessional way still highlighting everything they believe is negative about
the President Elect Trump, and still searching the political garbage bins for
yesterdays ineffective has-beens who are still embarrassed they got the USA
election so wrong!! pathetic! come on SBS suck it in and move on.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

" Aussie the Nanny State ".

( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs!
Sir Mike's Comments 24 /11/2016.
Also on my blog:

Subject: " Aussie the Nanny state ".

Information from: ABS,Government Departments,Wikipedia,various media and The

Donald Trump the USA President Elect.

People before I go on to discuss my main topic I must say something about the
childish,sulky,immature and petulant behaviour that is being shown by our Aussie
media, which ofcourse includes the like's of the ABC ( TV & Radio ), SBS and even
Chanel 9 NBN, New England to name but a few, where they take every opportunity
to find fault with the up and coming, soon to be announced Trump Administration,
where because Trump did not collapse in a heap, as they predicted, they are out
to try and prove that the multi-millions of USA voters that voted for Trump were/are
just a bunch of idiots and this is why?? how bloody elitist and insulting is that, and
ofcourse just confirms to the masses just what Trump has been stating that the
media in general and across the board cannot be trusted!!

Therefore is it any wonder people across the world are walking away in droves from
watching (TV) listening (Radio) or reading news print in regard to the major media
and ratings and readers are on the decline at a rapid rate.

Unless Trump goes the same way as J.F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby Kennedy
and is assassinated, which is on the cards with the amount of nutcases the USA
turns out, then Trump is the President and the world elite should get used to it
because it is obvious that Trump is not your typical gutless pollie that can be
intimidated that we have become used to, and as this type of, shall we say Trump
like politics, is gaining momentum around the world where not millions but billions
of people are finally rebelling against the elite, political or otherwise, and political
correctness, and not before time in my view.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader, Union Heavyweight,
homosexual advocate, now an exponent of a Tax Payer funded theory of the
Labor Party's " Magic Pudding Economics " plus an alleged " Rapist " of his
alleged victim Kathy a then (16) year old vulnerable Labor Youth Camp girl
in the early 1980's.

Well people Donald Trump getting elected has certainly put a " Rocket up Teflon
Billy's pathetic little arse " who appears to have had a " Road to Damascus sudden
turning point in his current political life ???" and decided maybe instead of devoting
so much time to the ' Wedge Politics " for the like's of " Gay Marriage " and keeping
unwanted so-called asylum seekers out for life, he had better start concerning
himself in regard to what his core supporters require most ie; Jobs, Jobs and even
more jobs and consider putting extra requirements on employers in regard to the
457 temporary work visas.

But ofcourse just like Teflon Billy's hypocritical attitude in regard to Trump and his
attitude to women, the pot calling the kettle black so to speak, I gather Teflon Billy
during his term of 2012-2013 as Employment Minister in the last Labor government
granted some 68,481 Primary Visas??? yep well done Teflon you shot yourself in the
foot again?? I know it is a fact of life that the majority of Aussies do not trust pollies
and in my view history sounds loud in that regard!! but this bloke Teflon Billy Shorten
historically takes first prize when it comes to being an untrustworthy hypocrite!!

Ok " Aussie the Nanny state ".

Medieval Times.

As part of our Aussie archaic,antiquated and medieval parliamentary system our
Aussie Governor General at the time, as a representative of the English King or
Queen whoever the monarch happens to be at the time?( in theory, because the PM
of the day in fact recommends the potential Parliamentary Ministers ) appoints
Ministers,establishes departments of state and agencies, and allocates responsibility
among Ministers through an Administration Arrangements Order (AAO).

A portfolio is a Minister's area of responsibility as a member of Cabinet. As a general
rule, there is one department in each portfolio.

Now people we are constantly reminded by our federal pollies across the political
spectrum the need to bring our nations budget back to a surplus, and therefore we
must expect unavoidable cut backs across the board in governments spending if we
are to leave a brighter financial future for our kids.

Now I am only discussing the federal government situation which does not include
any duplication or triplication when taking into account the 100's of Aussie Local
governments or the (6) state and territories governments.

Now I have stated many times in various mike's comments that anyone from the
Aussie Governor General down, including us old age pensioners, that pays so-called
tax on the real Tax Payers payers funds we receive is 'NOT' paying tax per sa but
just giving the real Tax Payer a ' Refund "!! so when these high flying pollies and
public servants inform you to the contrary?? tell them ' Rubbish ' and suggest they
go and get a real job in the real world.

In federal parliament we have (18) departments: Attorney General, Agriculture &
Water,Communications & Arts,Defence, Education & Training, Employment,Finance,
Foreign Affairs & Trade,Health, Health Services,Immigration& Border Protection,
Industry,Innovation& Science,Infrastructure & Regional Development,Social Services,
Environment & Energy,Prime Minister & Cabinet,Veterans Affairs,Treasury.

Now ofcourse each Department requires a Minister/Cabinet Minister pay ranging from
$308,000 to say $340,000, the PM say $508,000, Deputy PM say $400,000 plus the
Opposition Leader at say $370,000 plus nights away tax free travel allowance to
Canberra, their place of work after all. from $273.00 per night and where Ministers
can have a tax deductable private investment home in Canberra, and there is a great
heap of pollies that do it, and still claim at least a $1000.00 per week plus travel
allowance to Canberra while staying there.

For official business:

Unlimited business class domestic flights,car with driver,overseas fares,transport,
hospitality, meals, accommodation, advance for travel expences, any other related
expenses such as passport fees,medical requirements and the list just goes on.

What about " Family Travel " where all MP's can have (9) business class trips to
Canberra for partner and (3) kids plus (3) business class trips interstate for
partner and kids ? they probably stay in their investment homes when they are all
in Canberra just add to insult to injury.

Now on top of all this Tax Payer expense we have a small army of bureaucrats
which are referred to as Departmental Secretaries and it would appear they are far
more important, if we base importance and value on what a person is paid, because
just their basic salaries range from $814,000 pa to some $861,000 pa, plus bonuses,
superannuation,Plus, Plus and Plus not doubt government drivers, secretaries plus
100's if 1000's of plebbs to do their bidding where even Deputy/Assistants basic
wages range from $198,000 to say 369,000 pa Plus, Plus, Plus!!

Tony Abbott Ex Aussie PM.

Joe Hockey Ex Aussie Treasurer.

Now ofcourse all the above is just slightly scratching the surface of what we Aussie
hard done by, financial stretched Tax Payers have to pay for in the way of federal
taxes, both direct and indirect ie; GST for instance, fees and charges,and ofcourse
this is what both Tony Abbott the Ex Aussie PM and Joe Hockey the Ex Aussie
Treasurer, where trying to reduce when they took office in 2013 and look what
happened to them? both dumped for their troubles!! just shows us how powerful
these bureaucrats are!!

But wait dear readers there is more, much more!

I am more than sure that the average Aussie Tax Payer does not have a clue just
how many public servants they should put down as " Dependents " on their annual
tax return.

Over and above the aforementioned plethora and overabundance of very expensive
advice and assistance the Aussie Tax Payers are funding, a further 192 statutory
federal agencies which would cover every political correct and otherwise facet of the
average Aussies lives in this world class ' Nanny state of Aussie '.

Starting in alphabetical order with the ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
down to the ' Workplace Gender Equality Agency ' and it is this ' WGE Agency ' I
want to discuss for no particular reason other than I witnessed the Director Libby
on the ABC giving a speech/talk on " Gender Equality " at the National Press
on the 16/11/2016.

Ms Libby Lyons, Director of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

Now Ms. Lyons comes with an impressive pedigree in more ways than one as she
is the granddaughter of Dame Enid Lyons and former Aussie Prime Minister Joseph

Ms Lyons started of as a primary school teacher and previously headed BHP Billiton's
corporate affairs for it's Olympic Dam Project, GM of External Affairs at Atlas Iron,
Senior Public Affairs roles with CITIC Pacific Mining, Alcoa Australia,Western Power
Corporation and recently the Executive Chairman of the Perth-based disability
charity Kalparrin and was appointed by the Aussie Governor General to a (5) year
contract as from last October 2015 as the Director of the WGE Agency.

Now if you take into consideration the bureaucratic " Fat Cats " mentioned above,
and I am in no way suggesting Ms Lyons is fat physically the expression is purely
metaphorical, then surely with that background Ms Lyons would come with a very
expensive tag plus benefits? say $400-500,000 pa plus ? bonuses.

I gather Ms Lyons has a staff of some (27) headed by the following:

Operations Executive Manager.
Research and Analytics Executive Manager.
Advice and Reporting Executive Manager.
Strategy and Engagement Executive Manager.

Well Aussie Tax Payers I bet you are coping a fair old wage bill here? a Director
plus (4) high powered, expensive? Executives for a staff of only (27) ? I wonder
if " Per Capita " the like's of BHP, Coles or Woolworths have so many high
powered and obviously expensive Executives?? however I doubt it they have
voluntary ' Share Holders ' where this mob and all government departments and
agencies across the political spectrum have perpetual share holders referred to
as Tax Payers where they are " Go to jail and don't pass go and collect a $200.00
fine " type shareholders if they refuse to contribute!!

Monopoly - this is how the Aussie pollies plus these highly remunerated bureaucrats
administer the Aussie nations economy ? or at least they might as well do.

Let's take a brief look at the function of this ' Workplace Gender Equality Agency '.

The WGEA is an Australian Governments statutory agency created by the Workplace
Gender Equality Act 2012. It provides employers with advice,practical tools and
education to help them improve gender equality. Non-public sector employers with
100 or more staff are required to report to the agency annually, between 1 April -
31 May against six gender equality indicators:

GEl 1 - gender composition of the workforce.
GEl 2 - gender composition of governing bodies of relevant employers.
GEl 3 - equal remuneration between women and men.
GEl 4 - availability and utility of employment terms, conditions and practices relating
to flexible working arrangements for employees and to working arrangements
supporting employees with family or caring responsibilities.
GEl 5 - consolation with employees on issues concerning gender equality in the
Gel 6 - any other matters specified by the Minister: sex-based harassment and

If I was still an employer I would ensure that my work force did not exceed (98)
employees because this is just ' Political Correctness ' gone nuts, and is it any
wonder that more and more Aussie businesses, enterprises and organisations
are moving offshore as it is becoming just to expensive to do business in Aussie.

This is just ' Quotas ' by stealth which now is just between males and females,
however if the Loopy Left Labor mob get into power the next thing will be
companies must employee so many lesbians, gays, bi-sexual, transgender and let
them use the female toilets and change rooms, and they must be gender neutral
when referred to or approached, and they must be allowed to wear what clothing,
including uniforms they wish.

How sick and just way over the top is life becoming in Aussie currently where life
has or is becoming out of control based on the once daily treasured social
standards and values, yet at the same time being bureaucratically stifled and
suffocated with just more ideological political correctness.

This is the sort of very expensive bureaucratic political correctness that has, and
still is, stifling and suffocating innovation and investment in the USA and that is why
there has been the political backlash by multi-millions of Americans with the like's of
Trump,and where Americans now realise that unless this crap is not reined in then
even more USA business will go off shore where it does not exist,and as a result the
cost of production is lowered accordingly.

Another prime example is the backlash against the political and otherwise elite with
the UK Brexit, and the far right across Europe, Netherlands and here with at least
40% of Aussie voters putting their first preference votes to minor parties, and the
Labor Party and the greenies becoming severely side lined and impotent in the
Senate, with the Turnbull LNP being able to negotiate and get their legislation
through with the help of the cross bench minor parties!!

What is the point of having a very expensive government agency like the WGEA who
are nothing more in reality than a bunch of very expensive Tax Payer funded
bureaucratic" Bean Counters " and " Statisticians " who are now putting a further
extra impost on businesses, who are already over burdened with local, state and
federal red/green tape effecting valuable employee time, loss of productivity and
non-recoverable costs and considering the following employment circumstances in
Aussie, and which having been an employer for some 35 - 40 years I can assure
pollies,bureaucrats across the political spectrum and local,state and federal
governments, that this sought of burden will make employers think long and hard
about employing females, and as such could be detrimental to so-called " Gender
Equality ".

1. With modern technology there is an ever diminishing job market from executive,
and senior supervisory management right down the employment chain effecting
all sectors of the economy - retail, mining,warehousing,transport,accounting,law,
IT, banking, financial services, the media - TV,Radio, manufacturing that is down
to about 52% of the nations capacity, and print and the list goes on,plus
outsourcing Aussie jobs overseas.

We have University graduates that have degrees in Law, Economics, Business
Management, Financial services even medicine, and again the list goes on, who are
driving taxis and doing menial jobs in the tourist, accommodation, security-as
in guards, hospitality - waiters, kitchen hands, bar attendants, cleaners etc; WHY?

   Well the jobs just ain't available and it is estimated, by those that seemingly know,
that many students studying for degrees across the academic board now may find
that their degrees will be obsolete by the time they graduate?? certainly within the
next (10 ) years or less, that is how fast things are changing!!

2. Of the 705,000 unemployed, 169,000 are classed as unemployed for 12 months
or more which is 24% of the unemployed.

3. The September 2016 full time employment figures are seemingly the lowest since
June 2015 with 102,000 people losing their full time jobs, where at the same time
part time jobs increased by 162,800 but as these figures could include the people
working one hour per week the hours may not be significant.

4. There is about 9% or 979,900 of those employed partime who would prefer more
hours which if we combine the underemployed with the unemployed we would
have something like 1,760.900 people not able to fully contribute to the Aussie

5. Aussie has now the third highest partime workforce in the OECD being 32% of
those employed, therefore this must be having a great effect on our economy
and contributing to deflation with less money circulating and reduced purchases
by a large section of our work force? and essentially only and then on the already
maxed out credit card, adding to one of the worlds largest domestic debts of
1.5 trillion dollars and climbing, and fast approaching our Aussie annual GNP
of say 2.5 trillion dollars.

6. The monthly hours worked for September/October 2016 in all jobs increased 3.2
million hours to 1668.0 million hours yet wages have/are flat lining which ofcourse
could mean, and probably does, that people are working longer hours for no extra
pay just to hang onto their jobs, therefore what do you reckon the chances are of
a female going to the boss under these circumstances and demanding gender
equality for anything let alone a pay increase??.

I have not picked out Ms Lyons and her Workplace Gender Equality Agency for no
other reason than after seeing her on the ABC at the National Press Club Luncheon
on the 16/11/16 giving a speech on Gender Equality, I believe Ms Lyons was really
trying to justify the existence of her very expensive Tax Payer funded Agency, and
as such may have done so to the majority of the female audience, being in Canberra
probably most were sympathetic Public Servants, they love this sort of PC stuff!!
however being an ex business man of some many decades I sincerely believe any
business men, viewing/listening, who after all one way or the other would pickup
the tab for this " Political Correctness gone nuts " just roll their eyes and maintain
that this would be just another lot of bureaucratic red/green tape and yet another
nail in their financial and profitability coffin, and where moving the business offshore
is looking like a very much more profitable proposition.

Now I could go on because by not only referring to the acknowledgements I mention
at the top there is so much more information available to show just how the average
Aussie Tax Payer and citizen is being led by the nose, so to speak, and that all this
ideological, very expensive Tax Payer funded political correctness is in the interest
of all Aussie citizens, and it is quite clearly not and the saying that " The Majority
Rules with the Minority in mind " has been put well and truly into the garbage, and
Aussies have been lulled into a false sense of security with our now stifling and
suffocating bureaucratic " Nanny State " where we are more and more being told, not
asked, what we must do, say, and to whom, how we must say it, how often so as not
to offend, we must sacrifice our social, personal and valued beliefs for the good of
the communities so-called harmony, and if not then there are laws to punish us with
quite severe penalties both financially and restricting our freedom even more by

People I never thought I would live to see such a proud nation like Aussie that have
bravely sacrificed it's human capital in the shape of our brave men and women of
our military, as we currently potentially do and have done down the ages, to sustain
not only the Aussie peoples freedom, but the rest of the world as well, to now us as
a nation having our long standing social and individual personal values being
dismissed as irrelevant to this modern multi-cultural society that has been forced
upon us, and brought us to our knees as a result of the ideological political elite and
the bureaucratic stifling and suffocating of ' Political Correctness '.

Aussie,as the facts show wherever you look, is not being driven by good sound
policy and good governance, but short term self interest politics, which again
wherever you look the evidence is clear that the country is fast going down the
chute, financially with domestic and national debt ballooning out where our GNP
is hardly likely to be able to pay for, leaving our future generations up " Shit creek
without a paddle ", our moral and social standards and culture that has made Aussie
what it is to this point in time at least, is under serious threat mainly because of this
" Political Correctness" which is like a cancer eating away at our previously tried
and true cultural foundations and our social and community valued ethics.

Multi-culturism which was once an assist to Aussie and where currently it is becoming
a threat, and where it once embraced and enhanced the Aussie culture and standards
it now in many areas wishes to dominate.

The sanctity of marriage between a male and female being the rock/corner stone of
all societies around the world regardless of race, religion, culture or creed is under
serious attack from the minority LGBT groups and their supportive political elite.

Our Aussie kids as young as 4 and 5 years old ( not long out of nappies ) are subject
to child abuse of the worst kind, mental, by the lefty social engineers trying to
convince the poor confused little buggers that it is ok to be bi-sexual, gay, lesbian or
even so-called transgender and not be a boy or girl but just be an " IT ?? " and when
we take into account that an average Aussie may never knowingly come in contact
with a LGBT in their life time, is this not even more confusing for our kids

As a gay bloke I used to know, now dead from aids because he refused to wear
condoms when cruising around the gay bars having bloke sex, as he would call it,
stated that you get them when their young and some what confused and their quote
" Fresh meat on the hoof " unquote.

Professor Einstein.

I am sure my old mate Einstein would agree that although Aussie is the only country
to also be a continent with a landmass of 5.5% of the total worlds landmass, with
only say 24 million inhabitants, that with our (3) tier political and government structure
we have makes us by far per capita one of the most expensively over governed
country in the world! and with our mineral boom over, an aging population, increasing
unemployment and underemployment thereby increasing the welfare expenditure and
reducing the tax take, this " Nanny State philosophy " is totally unsustainable currently
and especially in the long term!!

Anyway people I don't know about you but I am about to pour myself another glass
of red, have a shower, get something to eat, spray some mozzie repellent on, pour
me another glass of red I reckon by then, and sit out in the very quiet, if you discount
Mother Natures chorus of all her 100's of species out and about at night, and just sit
in awe and some what reverential respect of the New England starlit night that no
matter how often I see it, it never ceases to amaze me!!!!!!

TIME DEAD!!!!!!!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.