Monday, June 22, 2015 9:21 PM
To: abc news ; B.M.Gazette ; Canberra Times ; Channel 10 ; Channel 7 ; Channel 9 ; Daily
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Atkins Nat Affairs Editor ; Eureka Street ; Hobart
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Wangaratta Chronicle
Subject: Fw: " Aussie ABC 'Aunty ' in panic mode "
Monday, June 22, 2015 9:03 PM
To: Michaelia Cash ; Michelle Rowland ; Mick Veitch ; Mike
Baird ; Mitch Fifield ; Nick
Champion ; Nick Xenophon ; Nigel Scullion ; Nola
Marino ; Nova Peris ; P
Neville ; P.Secker ; Palmer United Party ; Pat
Conroy ; Paul Fletcher ; Paul Green MLC ; Penny Sharpe MLC ; Penny
Wong ; Penny Wright ; Peter
Dutton ; Peter Phelps MLC ; Peter Primrose MLC ; Peter Wellington MP ; Peter Whish-Wilson ; Phil
Morgans ; ; R. A. Stevens MP ; R. Molhoek MP ; Rachel
Siewert ; T. J. Nicholls ; T. L. Mander MP ; T. Smith MP ; T.E. Davis MP
Cc: Richard Colbeck ; Richard Colless MLC ; Richard Di Natale ; Richard Marles ; Ricky
Muir ; Rob Mitchell ; Robert Borsak MLC ; Robert Brown MLC ; Robert Katter MP ; Ryan
Park MP ; S. A. Bennett MP ; S. A. Emerson MP ; S. J. Hinchliffe MP ; S. J. Minnikin ; Sam
Dastyari ; Sam Dastyari ; Sarah Hanson-Young ; Scot Macdonald MLC ; Scott Buchholz ; Scott Farlow MLC ; Scott
Ludlam ; Scott Morrison ; Scott
Ryan ; Senator Canavan ; Senator
Hellen Polley ; Senator Joe Bullock ; Senator Sean Edwards ; Senator Zed Seselja ; ; Senator.O'sullivan ; ; Shane
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Bird ; Sharon Claydon ; Sharon Grierson ; Simon Birmingham ; Sonia Hornery ; Sophie Cotsis ; Stephen
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; Wayne
Swan ; Will Hodgman
Subject: Fw: " Aussie ABC 'Aunty ' in panic mode "
Monday, June 22, 2015 8:47 PM
To: J. N. Costigan MP ; J.
P. Bleijie MP ; J. P. Langbroek MP ; J. W. Seeney MP ; J.Fitzgibbon. ; J.Macklin
; Jacinta Collins ; Jacqui
Lambie ; James McGrath ; Jamie
Briggs ; Jamie Parker MP ; Jan Barham MLC ; Janet
Rice ; Jason Clare ; Jennifer Aitchison MP ; Jenny Gardiner MLC ; Jeremy Buckingham MLC
; Jeremy Hanson ;
Hall ; Jillian Skinner MP ; Joanne
Ryan ; Jodi McKay MP ; Joe Hockey
; John
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Cobb ; John Forrest ; John
Hogg ; John Kaye ; John
Cc: John Williams ;
; Josh Frydenberg ; Julie
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Owens ; Justine Elliot ; Kangaroo Court of Australia ; Kate
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; L. J. Springborg MP ; Lara Giddings ; Larissa
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Payne ; Mark Butler MP ; Mark
Coulton ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mathias Cormann ; Matt Thistlethwaite ; Mehreen Faruqi ; Melissa Parke ; ; Michael Danby ; Michael Gallacher ; Michael Keenan ; Michael McCormack ; Michael Ronaldson
Subject: Fw: " Aussie ABC 'Aunty ' in panic mode "
Monday, June 22, 2015 8:39 PM
To: Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O' ; Dio Wang
; Don Harwin MLC ; Don Page ; Doug ; Dr
Andrew Leigh ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Ed Husic ; ; Eric
Abetz ; F. S. Simpson MP ; Federal Greens
Office ; Fiona Nash ; ; Fred Nile MLC ; Gai
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Party NSW ; Greg Aplin MP ; Greg
Hunt ; Gregory Pearce
Cc: Guy Zangari MP ; Helen
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; Hon Don Farrell ; Hon Gabrielle Upton MP ; Hon
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; Hon Victor Dominello ; Hon Warren Snowdon ; Hon. A. J. Lynham ; Hon.
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Subject: Fw: " Aussie ABC 'Aunty ' in panic mode "
Monday, June 22, 2015 8:30 PM
To: A. C. Powell MP ; A. P. Cripps MP ; Adam
Bandt ; Adam Marshall MP ; Adam Searle MLC ; Alan
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Cc: Brendan O'Connor ; Brett
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Tehan ; Darren Chester ; David
Bushby ; David Clarke MLC ; David
Fawcett ; David Johnston ; David Leyonhjelm ; David Mehan MP ; David Shoebridge ; Dean Smith ; Deborah
Subject: " Aussie ABC 'Aunty ' in panic mode "
(Me at my place)
I am coming out loud and proud
and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European
2. I am
3. Although non religious I tend to
believe in the so-called Christian values/belief!
Sir Mike's Comments
Also on my blog:
Subject " Aussie ABC ' Aunty ' in panic mode
Mark Scott AO - ABC MD.
Teflon Bill Shorten.
Well people poor old 'Aunty' the Aussie ABC must be beside
themselves poor darlings
now that one of their favourite sons the none
other than the illustrious Federal
Opposition Labor & Union Leader and alleged
rapist and potential funding financial
benefactor Teflon Bill Shorten has once again - it would appear -
to have his past Union
activities catching up with him just like the
alleged rape of Kathy back in the 1980's???.
Kathy - Teflon Bills alleged rape victim.
We only have to listen to the constant news items on both ABC Radio
& Radio National
and the very biased reporting in favour of Teflon
Bill when it comes to the number of
people being interviewed that are pro Teflon Bill
such as Teflon Bill's adoring Labor
front bench compared to those that question Teflon
Bill's activities to hear the sheer
panic within the ABC and the desperate push to
promote the pro Teflon Bill
Barry Cassidy - ABC Insiders.
The pathetic attempt by Barrie Cassidy on the Sunday ABC Insiders
today the
21/6/15 I believe epitomises the ABC bias towards
one of their favourite sons Teflon
Bill Shorten where Teflon Bill was allowed to
spend at least 50 - 60% attacking the
Abbott mob - the other a lot of unsubstantiated
pollie waffle - and not once - other
than what a great unselfish Union leader he was -
stated anything definitive yet every
news item I have listened to on the ABC Radio
today states in various forms but have
the same connotations that Teflon - that's me not
the ABC - Bill Shorten gave a detailed
defence on the Insiders of what Teflon Bill is
being questioned about in regard to his
Union activities at the Royal Commission on the
6/7/2015 - obviously the ABC reporters
must have been listening to another Teflon Bill
otherwise a load of biased ' Rubbish '!!!.
Now ofcourse Teflon Bill has done his usual manoeuvre and his gone
on his " No
speaking engagements " and disappeared behind his
army of legal advisors!!
However considering Teflon Bill is not due to front the Royal
Commission in regard to
Unions until I believe about the 6/7/2015 that is a long time to
become and remain the
" Draw a line under it invisible man?? " and refuse to talk about
it even in a general
sense? other than on the ABC Insiders where Teflon
Bill was confident based on his
previous experience with Barry Cassidy - refer my
Mike's Comments dated the 9/11/2014
- Subject - " A Free Kick for Teflon Bill "
referring to Barry Cassidy interviewing Teflon Bill
on the Insiders on the 9/11/2014 - he - Teflon Bill - would get
through the interview without
losing any political skin, which ofcourse was the
However there again he managed it after he was arrested
by the Victorian Police in regard
to the alleged rape of Kathy for months and the major media -
especially the ABC - laid
off him and let him get away with it - ??? how
powerful & influential is that people??
During the Insider interview Teflon Bill some what - and this was
repeated on ABC Radio
- reluctantly admitted that it was possible that
some Unions may have received staff Union
fees from employers of various kinds but that was not his policy
and he could not be
responsibly expected to know or be accountable for all that went on
at this stage of the
enquiry without see the documents??.
In other words he did not state the ' Fifth Amendment " but the law
as stated by Master
Sergeant Hans Schultz of Hogan's Heroes and his famous saying of
quote " I see nothing "
unquote comes to mind as a possible repetitive response by Teflon
Bill when under cross
Master Sergeant Hans Schultz of Hogan's
The fact that Teflon Bill reminds me of Schultz of
Hogan's Heroes and his famous
saying of quote " I see nothing " unquote is in many
ways just as comical if it was
not so serious after all Schultz was just playing the part of a
German soldier whereas
Teflon Bill could potentially play the part of our next Aussie
Prime Minister???
Deborah Beale - Teflon Bills 1st wife.
Teflon Bill was complaining on the Insiders - and it is now being
continually repeated
ad nauseam on the ABC Radio - that the Royal
Commission has contacted his ex wife
Deborah Beale and how it is disgusting because Teflon Bill
maintains that she is a
decent women and should not be put through this??
although he did worry about
Deborah Beale's feelings when he dumped her and impregnated/shagged
another blokes
Me thinks that apart from the ABC/Teflon Bill consortium playing
for the sympathy card
that considering the way Teflon Bill dumped
Deborah Beale and their kids after all
Deborah Beale and her family plus their very
influential friends did to get Teflon Bill
into Federal Parliament in 2007 and impregnating Chloe Bryce the
daughter of the then
Aussie Governor General Dame Quentin Bryce while still married to
Deborah Beale and
how the first Deborah Beale knew of this I gather was when it was
all over the national
media and how this - refer media reports - was so
very humiliating for Deborah Beale
and her family there is no doubt in my mind that
Teflon Bill will be having some sleepless
nights in regard to just what Deborah Beale is likely to tell the
Royal Commission and
whatever that might be wont be pretty from Teflon Bill's point of
quote " Hell hath no fury like a women scorned " unquote. GOOD ON
Chloe Bryce - Teflon Bill's 2nd wife.
Dame Quentin Bryce - Ex Aussie Governor
People I have to keep asking myself what other civilised democratic
country would
even contemplate electing a bloke like Teflon Bill Shorten with a
record like his??
For instance:
Divorce - Now divorce ofcourse is an accepted honorable way of life
when it is obvious
that (2) people for whatever reason have reached a point in their
married life where
there is no possibility of reconciliation.
However I believe that how it is done and why may not have much
effect on the
Average Aussie but surely if you want to be the
political leader of a Nation like Aussie
your actions need to set a good example if nothing
Therefore I believe that the way Teflon Bill dumped his 1st wife
and kids impregnated
/shagged another blokes wife while still married to that bloke
shows a very poor sense
of responsibility and respect for the Nations sanctity of marriage
and sets a very poor
standard for a prospective Nations Leader!!
Kevin Rudd - Ex Aussie PM.
Julia Gillard - Ex Aussie PM.
Trust - Teflon Bill openly pledged allegiance to Kevin Rudd and
then to Julia Gillard
then back to Kevin Rudd and then politically assassinated them both
only to acquire
their positions - just politics you reckon?? not in my book!! he is nothing more than
a political Assassin!!
Even in the latest ABC series of the " The Killing Season " leading
Labor Leaders state
there how Teflon Bill cannot be trusted.
Kathy Teflon Bills Alleged rape victim.
Violence against women - How can anyone be elected a Nations
Political Leader with
the alleged heinous crime of rape hanging over their heads where
the alleged rape
victim such as Kathy could at any time start a civil action against
Teflon Bill ??.
Tanya Plibersek - The Deputy Federal Labor Opposition
I wrote a Mike's Comments on the 8/7/2014 - Subject " Bill Shorten
& the Labor Party
The Ultimate Chauvinist/Misogynist " where I asked where Tanya
Plibersek the Federal
Deputy Labor Leader was with her " Hand Bag Hit Squad " that
relentlessly persecuted
Tony Abbott back in the Julie Gillard days as PM for being a "
Misogynist " when to my
knowledge Tony Abbott has never been accused of the heinous crime
of rape alleged
or otherwise???
The Trade Union Royal Commission -
Commissioner John Dyson Heydon.
Now where in the civilised democratic world would a population
elect a pollie to the top
political position ie: Prime Minister, President etc; that has been
summoned to appear
before a Commission investigating corruption which they may or may
not be involved
in however the sheer fact that they have been summonsed to appear
and according to
the media there is some doubt even before this
person has been cross examined at the
Commission about his or her culpability whether they be morally or
legally responsible
for their action and/or inaction?
Surely with this doubt how could any person in all honesty have the
gall as the political
head of a nation to sit in judgment on others as a law
Now I realise that Tony Abbott PM has never been that popular
especially amongst female
voters however I see that according to the latest polling Teflon
Bill has dropped to his
all time low of 26% approval rating - obviously as I have stated
before the political Teflon
armour is starting to wear off and it can only be down hill from
now on and his glib one
liners wont save him now people or starting to look for substance
not spin!!!
Ok people if your prepared to cop this behaviour from our pollies
regardless whether it
is Teflon Bill Shorten or not and your offspring's down the track
ask you why you allowed
it to happen don't bloody whinge and blame someone else because
let's face it you are
just as much part of the problem as the
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. Scroll
Shane Dowling – Kangaroo Court
![Bill Shorten and his first wife Debbie Beale in 2007](
All types of court proceedings are
quite often a game of strategy and with two moves Bill Shorten has been badly
checkmated by Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon. Counsel assisting the Royal
Commission now has at least two opportunities to cross-examine Bill Shorten and
that makes Stoljar’s job so much easier. Although it was never going to be too
hard for Stoljar to nail Bill Shorten given Shorten’s finger prints are all over
the crime scene of union corruption for the last 20 years or
It hit the media
last Friday evening (12/6/15) that Bill Shorten had been notified by
the Royal Commission late the day before (Thursday) that he was required to give
evidence at the RC in August or September. It is likely that it was Bill Shorten
who leaked the story.
Shorten let the
media know that he was not happy about appearing in August or September and had
asked the Royal Commission if he could give evidence earlier. The below letter
from Shortens lawyers to the Royal Commission asks for an earlier appearance
Bill Shorten’s
lawyers were trying a swifty. Not only did they want an earlier date but they
also wanted it to be the only date as they say “so that he may address all issues of interest to the
Shorten had a big
problem in that the media had started to dig hard in the last week or so and
found a lot of evidence of his corrupt conduct during his union days. Shorten
decided he was better to give evidence early rather than later before more and
more evidence of his handiwork hit the media.
The Royal Commission
accepted Shorten’s request to give evidence in July but knocked him back on his
request to address all issues as the below media statement
Royal Commission
media release – Thursday 18th June
Commissioner Dyson
Heydon today issued a summons for the Honourable William Shorten to appear
before him on Wednesday 8 July 2015.
The Commissioner has
agreed to a request from lawyers representing Mr Shorten to bring forward the
date of his proposed appearance from
The Commission’s
preference had been to address all matters concerning Mr Shorten in one sitting.
However, given Mr Shorten’s request to bring his examination forward by several
months, this will now not be possible.
The hearing will be
pursuant to Practice Direction 1, which means Mr Shorten will initially only be
examined by Counsel Assisting.
Any person affected
by Mr Shorten’s evidence will be able to apply for authorisation to cross
examine him at a later date.
This has boxed
Shorten in as Counsel Assisting Jeremy Stoljar gets to question Bill Shorten and
then have a month or two before he questions him again. This allows Stoljar to
investigate and check if the answers that Bill gave the first time are true and
then question him again on the issues.
The only chance Bill
Shorten had was to hold out until August or September and that way he would have
only had to go in the witness stand once. If Shorten and his lies were good
enough he might have had some hope. Now with the Royal Commission having at
least two goes at Shorten he has no chance and it is very much
Bill Shorten’s first
wife Debbie Beale under investigation by the Royal
It has been reported
that the Royal Commission is investigating Bill Shorten’s first wife Debbie
“The Abbott
government’s royal commission into union corruption has trawled through the
personal affairs of Bill Shorten’s ex-wife as part of its investigation of the
Opposition Leader in his former role as head of the Australian Workers
“Fairfax Media understands that
Deborah Beale, Mr Shorten’s first wife and the daughter of a former Liberal MP,
has been asked by the royal commission about some of her share dealings when she
was married to Mr Shorten.” (Click here to read more)
I remember watching Bill Shorten on
the ABC’s 7.30 Report last year and he said that he never earned over $100,000
when he was at the Australian Workers Union (AWU). That might be true but as we
know from Craig Thomson etc. the big money working for the unions
is the credit card usage and slush funds. If the Royal Commission checks Bill’s
credit cards from when he was at the AWU he might be in
How will Bill
Shorten answer questions at the Royal
A lot of the
witnesses at the Royal Commission have been suffering from amnesia so I am
curious how well Bill Shorten will answer questions. A clue might be in the
interview that Shorten did with Neil Mitchell at Melbourne radio station 3AW on
the 13th May 2015. Shorten ducked the same question 13 times in under 5 minutes.
(Listen below)
Neil Mitchell
of 3AW asks Bill Shorten the same question 13 times to no avail
(Click anywhere on
the above video to listen)
Shorten was always
in one of those situations where he damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t
regarding his pending appearance in the witness stand at the Trade Union Royal
Commission. But it is too late now as Shorten has made the choices he has and
has to live with the consequences.
From here on in the
only words that really count are the words coming from Bill Shorten, Counsel
Assisting Jeremy Stoljar and Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon. It’s game
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