Thursday, 14 February 2019

"The NSW ambulance ??? service "

 The Aussie major climate zones over the 2nd ( to the Antarctic ) most dry 
country/continent in the world and although 5.4% of the total worlds landmass
has a centre of some 25% unpopulated desert.

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent,although these days stating
    that your proud to be "White" is something branding you " Racists "??.
2. I am heterosexual," TUT TUT " that makes the non-hetro's,and the list of the
    various kinds grows by the day,feel discriminated against.
3. I am a staunch self-rule,non-forelock touching or kneeling,bowing Republican .
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and
    beliefs,however stating anything else would be far more acceptable to the
    " Political Correct " mob.

G/day readers wherever you are in Aussie and around the world where I hope
you are well and enjoying life to the best you can considering your circumstances and
that 2019 brings you health,happiness and prosperity.

  Subject: " The NSW ambulance ??? service.14/2/2019 " . photo by 

Well dear readers at about 7.35 am this morning the 14/2/2019 I was unfortunately
but in many ways fortunate for an elderly frail 94 plus year old resident of a retirement
village in a place called Kootingal which is about 16 klms north of Tamworth NSW
New England just after the dear old girl, who I have known for years, by the name of
Flo had a serious,for anyone let alone for some frail 94 year old, fall on her concrete
patio floor after her left arm came into contact with a very large flower pot causing a
bad skin tear resulting in a loss of blood but far more concerning was the fact that
Flo's head attached to a very thin frail neck had gone full force into a large patio gate.

When I found Flo after being asked by one of Flo's neighbours to come and help
Flo's twisted body was face down with her damaged bleeding left arm being forced
down  Flo's left side as Flo was unable due to being in considerable pain from her
head to her feet to turn over.

Luckily for Flo and myself she was conscious and was able to explain to me what
happened and where she hurt most so I could explain the situation should Flo go
into shock and as a result go unconscious to the ambulance staff when they arrived.

I managed to lift Flo's head very gently to retrieve Flo's panic button from around
her neck and after urging Flo to stay perfectly still and on leaving her with a couple
of neighbours I went inside Flo's unit to contact/speak to her emergency mob by the
name Tunstall which was then I am informed by Tunstall 7.40 am to order an
ambulance and after going into a lot of detail about the situation there the Tunstall
operator stated she would contact the NSW ambulance service and give them the
details and my mobile number so they could contact me.

I then went back to Flo who was still laying on the cold morning concrete so I covered
her up to try and keep her warm as my greatest concern considering Flo's age and
pain/damage Flo would go into shock so myself and neighbours kept her talking while
I just gently rubbed her back to calm her which Flo said was quote " Lovely " unquote
to which I replied that this was a bit extreme in order to get a back rub from me ?.

However at 8.45 am some ( 1 hour and 5 minutes ) later I received a phone call
from a lady on (024915870 ) ? from the Newcastle area some 100's of Klms away
from the NSW ambulance service in answer to the Tunstall request for an ambulance
where I had to go through all the details again - " BEARING IN MIND POOR OLD
assured me that she would look into it.

Flo was getting very restless and in pain as it can be imagined and I was concerned
Flo would move and hurt herself further so at 9.09am I phoned that number (024915870)
back only to get an answering machine asking me to press certain numbers to go
through to departments/sections I had never heard of so I just turned  the phone off
after 9 seconds still wasting time ofcourse.

So out of desperation at 9.11 am now a ( 1 hour 20 minutes ) from contacting
Tunstall I phoned OOO and what a debacle that turned out to be where at one stage I
was listening to ( 3 ) people at once where I was being asked what service I wanted
and ? my nearest capital city when I stated Tamworth and then Kootingal this bloke
asked me which state they were in anyway I had to literally shout down the phone for
them to shut up and listen to me which eventually they did however I once again had
to explain the details  to a lady there where eventually this lady informed me that a
paramedic was on his way and would be there in about 15 minutes.

That conversation took (14 minutes and 5 seconds ) so now we are out to ( 1 hour
35 minutes ) from first contact and still no ambulance or even when it is likely to
arrive and this very brave 94 year old Flo is still laying on the concrete in pain
luckily the bleeding from the left arm had stopped and congealed.
At about 9.25 am some now ( 1 hours 40 minutes ) from first contact the paramedic
arrived took Flo's vital signs dressed the bad skin damage on Flo's left arm and put
some sort neck brace/support on however decided not to move Flo until the
ambulance crew got there because he was very concerned after me informing him
of Flo's head coming into hard contact with the wooden door especially considering
the small size of her neck and age of 94 years.

Eventually the ambulance crew arrived about 10 am so now poor old very brave
and stoic Flo,they don't make them like this Flo anymore !!!!!!,has been laying on
the patio concrete floor in that painful twisted position for some (2 hours 20 minutes)
and continually apologising to all and sundry especially to the paramedic and later
the ambulance crew for causing so much trouble.
They had to painfully role Flo over onto a board then slide her onto a stretcher
before putting Flo into the ambulance at about 10.20 am some (2 hours 40 minutes)
from first contact then just later the ambulance took off for the Tamworth Base

I have absolutely ' NO Doubt ' that had I not kicked up such a persistent fuss poor
old 94 year old brave/stoic Flo would have been laying twisted on that concrete
patio floor for a lot longer!!

Kerryn Phelps Federal Member for Wentworth although paid for by the scarce
Aussie Tax Payers funds is really no more than a refugee advocate and has
little political interest in the Aussie population generally.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Party Opposition Leader and possibly the next
Aussie Prime Minister,Union Stooge,adulterer and alleged " Rapist " of Kathy a then
member of the Victorian Youth League and where in recent years the Victorian Police
charged Teflon Billy of the alleged heinous crime of rape of Kathy a then 16 year old
however the Victorian Prosecutor would not proceed with the case due to his belief
there was little chance of a conviction and 'NOT ' that Teflon Billy was deemed innocent
as stated by Teflon Billy.

Now as I am sure the Aussie population is fully aware that we have had the
independent pollie by the name of Kerryn Phelps crying crocodile tears,along
with other special interest independents and Teflon Billy Shorten and the political
opportunistic Labor party over a bunch of non Aussie citizens and their medical
care on Manus and Nauru islands yet the situation in regard to a 94 year old
Aussie through and through Flo is allowed to lay on a cold patio concrete floor
for some ( 2 hours and 40 minutes ) as the result of insufficient NSW ambulance
service to come to Flo's aid in a reasonable time therefore how sick is that !!

When we Aussie Tax Payers consider that this silver tail Kerryn Phelps in her
top of the town so out of touch Wentworth silver tail electorate got in Federal
Parliament with almost the sole purpose to represent a bunch of illegal foreigners
who were fully intent on virtually invading Aussie as economic refugees then how
sick is that and therefore what a waste of political space and Tax Payers scarce
funds Kerryn Phelps MP is to Aussie and where in turn the scarce funds could
have been spent on better ambulance services for the like's of our brave/stoic
Aussie citizen Flo that has spent 94 years for the benefit of Aussie in more ways
than can be calculated !!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.



Monday, 11 February 2019

" The starlight energy - 11/2/2019 "


The Aussie major climate zones over the 2nd ( to the Antarctic ) most dry country/continent
in the world and although 5.4% of the total worlds landmass has a centre of some 25%
unpopulated desert.

( Me at my place )
My bog:

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent,although these days stating that your
proud to be "White" is something branding you " Racists "??.
2. I am heterosexual," TUT TUT " that makes the non-hetro's,and the list of the various
kinds grows by the day,feel discriminated against.
3. I am a staunch self-rule,non-forelock touching or kneeling,bowing Republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs,
however stating anything else would be far more acceptable to the " Political Correct " mob.

G/day readers wherever you are in Aussie and around the world where I hope you are well
and enjoying life to the best you can considering your circumstances and that 2019 brings
you health,happiness and prosperity.

Subject " The starlight energy " 11/2/2019.

Star light nights in the New England area of NSW Australia.

Readers I have experienced tonight Monday the 11/2/2019 something I believe is what I
would call in my very limited way,because it is very hard to put into words the tranquil,awe
inspiring spectacular Mother Natures kaleidoscope which with the perfect accumulation
of corresponding events as a picture " Perfect paradise " and that I have absolutely ' NO
doubt ' would not only be appreciated but envied by not only millions but billions of people
across the human spectrum!!!

Picture this if you will.

I sit outside in absolute blackness not even a full moon to light my surroundings,I cannot
see my hands or any part of my body and having sprayed myself with a eucalyptus spray
prior to sitting down outside I seem to have kept the numerous and various bities at bay.

As I sit in the darkness even the many and various Aussie native night life,including those
normally very noisy crickets all seem to be enjoying the calming quiet solitude where only
the slight russell of the leaves of the surrounding bushes/trees can be heard like a faint
whisper in the night generated by a faint cooling breeze that just tickles the exposed
aspects of my upper body and legs.

As I recline there trying to take in the enormity of the kaleidoscope of Mother Natures
awe inspiring million of stars even though I have probberly been in this very fortunate and
privileged situation before 100's of times during my 78 plus years I noticed one star right
above me that seemed to be shining brighter than those around it and which gave me the
uncanny feeling that it was looking directly at me ??.

As it can be seen from my photo I wear glasses/spectacles so I thought I wonder if I can
observe this star without them so I removed them only to find the star now in a sort of fuzzy
state had expanded to at least twice it's previous size and seemed brighter and as such
the once surrounding stars had vanished from my sight.

I replaced my glasses and then removed them again and exactly the same thing happened.

I decided to leave my glasses off and continued to just look,not stare,at the glowing individual
star and the more I did,and without any conscious effort,I seem to experience quite an
hypnotic sense of calm I can't recall ever experiencing before, alcohol induced or otherwise,
which was a strange but a very welcome experience.

My mind started to wander where I asked my self ? how could this possibly be where I can
recline here in by world standards today,and which was ever thus regrettably, a position of
calm paradise and at the same time have the political turmoil as we have here in Aussie
and around the world,death,destruction,poverty,sickness and the ever increasing hardship
for the vast majority of the human race across the globe so ???? " WHERE DID THE

I started to think about how all the billions of people around the world trapped in their
concrete towers,smelly exhaust fumed people filled streets of their cities,the slums to say
little of the war torn areas and how they would cherish just a few moments of my experience
of my calm tranquil paradise and the extraordinary gift of my special star bequeathed to me,
albeit to briefly, by our great benefactor and provider Mother Nature !!!.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.