Aussie major climate zones over this 2nd ( to the Antarctic ) most dry country/continent in the world and although 5.4% of the total world landmass has a centre of some 25% unpopulated desert.
( Me at my place )
My blog:
G/day readers I have had to retype this because thanks to
the blog computer system it change the font to so small I have had many
it was to small to read on such things as iPhones and iPads etc.
it was to small to read on such things as iPhones and iPads etc.
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. I am a staunch self-rule republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.
Subject: “ Why Turnbull was dumped as Aussie PM. “ 20/10/2018.
The information mainly gathered from the ABS and supported
by many other media sources.
Since initially typing this ofcourse,to the great relief I am sure of millions of conservative voters,we have a new PM by the name of Scott Morrison and Treasurer by the name of Josh Frydenberg and ofcourse the lefty Aussie media like the commentators in the ABC/SBS/ABC Insiders have constantly asked the question ‘ ? why was Malcolm Turnbull dump as PM ‘,because they ofcourse are great supporters of our little Union stooge,alleged rapist and Federal Labour Opposition Leader Teflon Billy Shorten and were quietly confident that Teflon Billy and his Labor mob would win the next 2019 Federal Election,with that “ Fop “ Turnbull as PM, however ? Scott Morrison is a far greater challenge!!!
Teflon Billy Shorten Union Stooge,alleged rapist and the Federal Labor Opposition Leader.
However let’s see why I reckon Turnbull got deservingly dump and done like a “ DOGS “ dinner.
Since initially typing this ofcourse,to the great relief I am sure of millions of conservative voters,we have a new PM by the name of Scott Morrison and Treasurer by the name of Josh Frydenberg and ofcourse the lefty Aussie media like the commentators in the ABC/SBS/ABC Insiders have constantly asked the question ‘ ? why was Malcolm Turnbull dump as PM ‘,because they ofcourse are great supporters of our little Union stooge,alleged rapist and Federal Labour Opposition Leader Teflon Billy Shorten and were quietly confident that Teflon Billy and his Labor mob would win the next 2019 Federal Election,with that “ Fop “ Turnbull as PM, however ? Scott Morrison is a far greater challenge!!!
Teflon Billy Shorten Union Stooge,alleged rapist and the Federal Labor Opposition Leader.
However let’s see why I reckon Turnbull got deservingly dump and done like a “ DOGS “ dinner.
The new Aussie PM Scott
The new Aussie Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.
The PM’s retirement plan, what a great cartoon ? unfortunately I don’t know who created it, you will notice they are all still alive and kicking and reaping,collectively,millions plus perks thanks to the hard working,hard done by Aussie Tax Payer !!!.
G/day people wherever you are and I hope you are well considering the circumstances you find yourself in.
Well people ? if you haven’t heard Aussie went through another (8) week boring Federal type election prior too and including Saturday the 28/7/2018 where this time it was what is referred to as a “Bi-election“ in fact Aussie is running another so-called “Bi-election“ as I type this on the 20/102018 for Turnbull’s seat of Wentworth it will be interesting to see how it turns out ?,where the (5) incumbent pollies either left Federal Parliament like one
did because he found it all to hard and wanted to spend more time with his family which ofcourse was very honourable of him,however it was a concern that he did not think of that when he swore to represent his Western Aussie constituents back at the 2016 Federal Election when he begged them to vote for him and the Labor Party at a cost to the Aussie Tax Payer generally,excluding his very considerable pollie salary,perks,free travel and tax free overnight allowance while in Canberra at least,100’s of 1000’s of hard earned scarce Tax Payers dollars.
However as the Turnbull/LNP did not bother to challenge for the seat and only the Greenies were Labors main opposition the Labor Party retained the seat with 63% of the 2nd preference votes,Greenies 37%, but that said Labors first preference votes were only 22,876 an increase of only 2.0% over their 2016 Federal Election results,whereas the Liberal Democrats and various independents polling combined first preference of 24,326 which is an increase of 38.7% which should be ? a concern for Labor at the anticipating 2019 Federal Election if ? the Turnbull ( now Morrison )/LNP decides to run as well and and where the 2nd preferences might go.
The other (4) seats (3) Labor and (1) Independent had to be vacated because all (4) turned out to be ” Dual Citizens “ which is not allowed under our constitution and all I gather knew this prior to the 2016 election,or least did not do due diligence to discover whether they were or not,yet did not resign immediately they knew and continued receiving their salary,perks,travel,over night expenses until they were forced to costing the Aussie Tax Payers 100’s of 1000’s of hard earned dollars,which in my view,and there is no doubt in my mind the majority of Aussies by far,is tantamount to obtaining funds under false pretences and should be illegal.
However it would appear all was forgiven by the various voters “ No worries “ and they like a flock of sheep,with their 1st & 2nd preferences,voted the bastards back in again for a second try at the parliamentary pollie “ Trough “ just in case they had not had their “ Fill “ the first time around,the poor bastards, ? is it any wonder we Aussies have the parliamentary debacle we have when we employ pollies with such a very poor standard of honesty and ethics.
The pollies parliamentary trough.
Well we had the Turnbull/LNP mob banging on ad nauseam about “ Jobs and Growth “ and the Teflon Billy Shorten/Labor mob although not telling lies as such certainly stretching the facts,like any good Union organisation can and does,about the spending of the top end of town/big business Turnbull/LNP proposed tax cuts and the spending of this bonanza in the way of extra spending on health,education,welfare ? in other words you name it Labor, whatever is popular with the pleb voters,Labor will fund it ofcourse conveniently ignoring the fact it may not get through the Aussie Senate,however that is just a minor detail when it comes to elections.
Our now Ex Aussie PM Malcolm Turnbull with just a few of his “ Top
End of Town “ mates
I believe this sums up our now Ex PM Turnbull and confirms my blog dated the 11/4/2018 subject:“ Turnbull No Political Nous “ where Turnbull/LNP nearly experienced political death by running a (8) week election campaign during the 2016 Federal Election and loses a (15) seat majority in the House of Reps down to the skin of their teeth (1) seat majority
I believe this sums up our now Ex PM Turnbull and confirms my blog dated the 11/4/2018 subject:“ Turnbull No Political Nous “ where Turnbull/LNP nearly experienced political death by running a (8) week election campaign during the 2016 Federal Election and loses a (15) seat majority in the House of Reps down to the skin of their teeth (1) seat majority
?? And they ask why was Turnbull dumped as Aussie PM.
However not satisfied with that the Turnbull/LNP appear to have a political masochistic need to try yet another (8) week campaign coming up to the latest group of “ Bi Elections “ conducted on Saturday the 28/7/2018 which by any stretch of the imagination was a total disaster for the Turnbull/LNP mob where they lost all (3) “ Bi-Elections “ they contested.
In fact to add insult to injury in the seat of Longman,Queensland,despite the huge amount of the then PM Turnbull’s Tax Payer funded time there,to say nothing of the huge Tax Payers expense of flying in government Ministers plus I am sure their bureaucratic entourage,the Ex PM Turnbull/LNP mob not only did not gain the seat but their “ First Preferences “ votes, which are the votes that really count where it shows what the voters real intentions were and not their “ Second Preferences “ where they are compelled to tick all the candidates names in order to validate their vote,and where the Ex PM Turnbull & LNP “ First Preference “ votes went backwards compared to their 2016 votes by at least (-9.4%) ? I reckon just based on that there would be a very good political message for the then Turnbull/LNP in regard to the next Federal Election in 2019.
?? And they ask why was Turnbull dumped as Aussie PM.
I firmly believe that because of Turnbull’s egotistical mind set he indulges in an unrestrained “ Wallowing “ in the constant 24/7 across the broad spectrum of the media,both Aussie and internationally,during elections,with little,if any,regard for the fact that the majority of voters,with the huge amount of information available to them 24/7, barring any major political disruption,have already made up their minds who they are going to vote for very early in the election campaign and become not only bored but highly irritated the longer the prolonged campaign persists.
?? And they ask why was Turnbull dumped as Aussie PM.
However the length and content of an election campaign
requires that the political participants have some on the ground
political nous “
which from the recent “ Rarified Air/Born to rule Turnbull/LNP “ campaign was obviously seriously lacking there of,and where the then Turnbull/LNP were relying far to much on the hoped voter backlash in regard to the very unpopularity of the Federal Labor Opposition Leader Teflon Billy Shorten.
?? And they ask why was Turnbull dumped as Aussie PM.
which from the recent “ Rarified Air/Born to rule Turnbull/LNP “ campaign was obviously seriously lacking there of,and where the then Turnbull/LNP were relying far to much on the hoped voter backlash in regard to the very unpopularity of the Federal Labor Opposition Leader Teflon Billy Shorten.
?? And they ask why was Turnbull dumped as Aussie PM.
In fact how is this for being totally out of touch and lacking “ Political Nous “ where the Turnbull/LNP were trying to push ahead with a tax reduction from (30%) to (25%) for businesses turning over A$ 100 million in 2019-20 which ofcourse includes many of the major banks and financial institutions which are,to put it mildly,being seriously condemned as a result of the current Banking Royal Commission,which I might add the Turnbull/LNP mob fought tooth and nail to try and stop happening,and where poll after poll showed that the majority of Aussies were dead against it,and ofcourse Teflon Billy Shortens Labor mob were having a field day objecting/opposing it therefore surely what a naive gift by the Turnbull/LNP to Teflon Billy’s Labor mob.
?? And they ask why was Turnbull dumped as Aussie PM.
In the National Press Club address Turnbull stated quote “A company tax is overwhelmingly a tax on wages and their salaries “unquote so it would appear Turnbull is stating it would increase salaries well my question to Turnbull/LNP was “ WHOSE “ salaries,because with the amount of robotics,digitisation and automation going on across the board, apart from closing down and going offshore,in the major industries/organisations there will be even less front line humans serving the customers.
Let’s take a look:
Paul Colgan money & Markets reports on the 1/5/2018 that quote “ The ANZ bank has let go of more than 4000 staff in the past year “ unquote.
I have found that the ANZ over the years to be the most arrogant in regard to customer service,or the lack of it.
Take for instance the ANZ in Tamworth which recently totally closed their branch for all cash,and banking, transactions for business and personal having to be done via the Aussie Post office,which I do as a matter of principle now and the service is good if not better than I experienced at the Tamworth ANZ branch anyway,any face to face contact needed with the ANZ banking staff then the ANZ customer was required to travel to Gunnedah which is at least a two hour round trip or Maitland maybe a four hour round trip,and if anyone required a home loan then there was a mobile phone number on the locked front door of the closed Tamworth ANZ bank to be contacted.
The Tamworth ANZ branch condescendly opened their doors after a couple of months in September and when I visited the Tamworth branch just after it re-opened just to take a look it was as we expected the ANZ are trying to convert the Tamworth branch to an internet branch where they have done away with tellers dealing with customers looking at them over a secure counter instead they have them standing along side shoulder to shoulder,so to speak,where ANZ are trying to arrogantly train,regardless of the customers age and/or general ability,the standing in line customers to be served by demonstrating the use of the computer screen and key board in front of both of them with a small cash draw under the key board and any cash takings are put down a chute alongside.
I stood there for a while just watching the customers,especially the elderly,come away looking stressed and very much bewildered and at least (3) blokes passed me on the way out stating that their going too,or had closed their ANZ accounts,there were at least (8) partitioned sections fitted with computers and key boards for the customers to use I am sure all the other numerous banks in Tamworth are only to pleased to see the way the ANZ Tamworth branch is arrogantly treated their once so-called valued clients as they open accounts with them.
Again I mentioned Paul Colgan Money & Markets on the 13/6/2018.
Quote: Reducing staff costs will be a central feature of Australian banks profit maintenance strategies over the coming years according to insider analysts at Macquarie Private Wealth.They estimate digitisation and automation could help each of the four major banks cut up to 10,000 staff over the next five to 10 years.
That’s nearly one in four jobs at the major banks.It’s another sign that the future for the major banks will be dramatically different to how it looks today. unquote and I put forward the current ANZ Tamworth branch as a prime example.
So either Turnbull was totally naive in regard to real life experiences or ? this tax deduction for the major banks was just an act of bastardry on Turnbull’s part to help out Turnbull’s top end of the town mates ensuring very lucrative positions after politics,NO DOUBT IN MY MIND IT WAS VERY MUCH THE LATTER !!!
??? And they ask why was Turnbull dumped as Aussie PM.
20/6/2018 The Telstra chief executive Andy Penn announced it would cut 8000 jobs from it’s payroll.
Coles,Kmart,Woolies to name but a few casualising their staff numbers,automation trying to force their customers via the “ Self checkout “ areas to reduce the need for employing people to operate the staff assisted usual checkout systems.
We no longer have an Aussie car industry where cars are now imported from around the world and more than compete price wise with vehicles once made here and this was after massive injections of millions,if not billions,of Aussie Tax Payers scare funds being invested in order to keep them operating but now putting 1000’s of Aussies out of work and many of the older workers after their payout funds have expired are permanently on Tax Payer welfare.
The Aussie water front with containerisation being automated using robotics now displacing workers by the 1000’s over the years.
Warehousing/Distribution has been steadily computerised,automated and with the use of robotics displaced 1000’s of workers over the decades.
Transport with much larger vehicles,containerisation,the use of rail and a big reduction in the need for drivers across the board.
The NSW government about to introduce “ Guardless trains “ in Sydney with the result of a loss of some 487 jobs.
The across the board media TV,newspapers,magazines,radio the list goes on and on with the lose of reporters, editors,operating and admin staff by the 100’s if not 1000’s.
The mining industry now operating these 110 tonne mine vehicles robotically where that and other things again resulting in massive staff layoff’s.
Farming with larger farms and GPS operated huge machinery requiring far less workers.
The electronic industry TV’s,fridges,washing machines etc.; previously manufactured in Aussie gone!!
Over some 35 years I was employed in various international companies starting off as an office boy,management trainee,supervisory/management, then before I left to set up my own enterprises executive management,where even then I still dealt with them as an independent self employed proprietor,so I am totally familiar in principle with the way the operate.
Therefore in my view,which I believe the current Aussie Banking Royal Commission and their results so far ? with probably far worse to come, justifies what I am about to state:
?? And they ask why was Turnbull dumped as the Aussie PM.
Scott Morrison the then Treasurer now the Aussie Prime Minister.
(As at the 18/10/2010 the Federal Government has announced new and even better employment figures however I believe the new ones are no more than “ Smoke and Mirrors “just like the ones mentioned below so I will stick with these.)
With a great fanfare our then Federal Treasurer (now PM) Scott Morrison maintained what a great achievement the then unemployment figure of ( 5.3% ) was.
Now people if we accept these “ Mickey Mouse “ figures
defined as follows:
Quote from the ABS “ The international labour organisation
describes employed people as those of working age who during a short
reference period ( e.g. week ) engaged in any activity to produce goods or
provide services for pay or profit.This includes employed persons “ at work
“ ( i.e. at least one hour ) and those who were “ not a work “,either
temporarily,or due to work-time arrangements (e.g shift roster ). Unquote. ?
yeah try and figure that lot out.
So surely based on this definition a person working ( e.g. at least one hour per week ) is considered being gainfully employed so therefore ( 5.3% ) ain’t so bad is it because surely it means that at least ( 94.7% ) of the Aussie work force of 12,575,200 are also gainfully employed
Oh yeah but sorry to inform you that these “ Smoke and Mirrors – Mickey Mouse “ figures,and I am sure the current figures declared on the 18/10/18 will have the same components, include the following which ofcourse pollies across the political spectrum when in power do not want to highlight:
In July 2018.
Unemployment fell by 5700 to 706,000
People looking for partime work decreased by 8,000 to 201,900.
People looking for full time increased by 2,300 to 504,100.
Employment declined overall by 3,900 to
Partime employment decreased by 23,200 to 3,987,700.( 31.5% of 12,575,200 Aussie work force )
Fulltime employment went up by 19,300 to 8,587,500.
Partime employment decreased by 23,200 to 3,987,700.( 31.5% of 12,575,200 Aussie work force )
Fulltime employment went up by 19,300 to 8,587,500.
So people when you even take into consideration these “ Smoke Mirrors – Mickey Mouse ) figures the decline in Aussie manufacturing overall,the increase in the internet sales as compared to the so-called “ Bricks and Mortar “ retailers,computerisation,automation,robotics and the result of past,current and future unemployment,even if we accepted the current LNP figures of creating a million jobs in their ( 5 ) years that is only 200,000 per year of which 25 – 35 % have been casual/temporary positions,and we have some 706,000 currently registered as unemployed to start with,how is any political party LNP,Labor,Independents across the board going to solve the serious employment,unemployment and underemployment problem we have in Aussie,because the only thing they ever collectively agree on is their collective salary and perks increasing.
If they ofcourse inform us that by world standards we Aussie have never had it better I suggest you reply, respond as follows:
“ Mate you pollies and your top end of town mates maybe doing great with with your large salaries, perks and conditions however you should try and live in our shoes for a while,anyway we don’t live elsewhere in the world we live here !!! so get of your well fed fat bums and start doing what we hard done by Aussie Tax Payers pay you for !!!! "
You know people no matter where I have lived in the world,including Aussie,I have found that by far the majority of pollies across the board and political spectrum turn out to be a bunch of self serving two faced useless,from the point of their constituents,bastards of the first degree,all talk,finger pointing and have very little to individually show of any real productive gain for their Tax Payers at the end of their term !!! their motto seems to be “ Keep your head below the parapet and get from one election day to the other is by far the norm “.
We have low/stagnant wage growth about (2%) with the Consumer Price index fluctuating at about (1.8%) which ofcourse means that wages are barely,if at all,covering cost increases,domestic debt of some A$ 1,5 Trillion and climbing being one of the largest per capita in the world,property values declining,ever increasing energy costs thanks mainly to our across the board pollies/bureaucrats taking their “ Eye off the ball “ so to speak by allowing the international corporations in Aussie to suck out our natural resources,gas,coal etc.; creating a scarcity in Aussie pushing up prices here to their benefit overseas,
?? And they ask why was Turnbull dumped as Aussie PM.
Plus ofcourse the Tax Payer funded subsidies we pay for wind power,solar and other types of alternative power & energy where at great cost to the average Aussie consumers where we supposedly have to pay a premium to save the world in 20, 50, 100 years from now ?? although Aussie is blessed with some of the greatest resources of energy in the world e.g. coal,gas,uranium plus a country with some of the smartest,intelligent,well educated, resourceful people in the world,excluding most of our pollies across the board ofcourse, political “Animal Cunning “ in my view is not classed as intelligence.
?? And they ask why was Turnbull dumped as the Aussie
The Aussie Actor Peter Finch who played the part of a Radio Shock Jock stating that everyone should go to their windows and stick their head out and shout quote: “ I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore “ unquote.
The Aussie Actor Peter Finch who played the part of a Radio Shock Jock stating that everyone should go to their windows and stick their head out and shout quote: “ I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore “ unquote.
Well people unless someone starts shouting and making people accountable I know,not guess,that at 78 years plus and from a life time of many and varied experiences Aussie in not so many years or decades will definitely be up the proverbial “ Shit creek without a paddle “ !!!!
?? And they ask why was Turnbull dumped as Aussie PM.
Sir Mike Howe – but you can call me Mike.