although 5.4% of the total world landmass has a centre of sum 25% unpopulated desert
My blog:
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
Subject: " Aussies we are being " Ripped Off " !!! " Mark 2.
The information mainly gathered,and supported my many other sources,from the Sydney Morning Herald
IPSOS Poll dated the 24/6/2018.
G/day people wherever you are and I hope you are well considering the circumstances you find yourself in.
Just a month after Turnbull politically assassinated the then Liberal PM Tony Abbott in September 2015,
mainly based on the fact that Tony Abbott had suffered some 30 negative polls,Turnbulls approval polling
was 68%,disapproval 17%,however now some 3 years later Turnbulls approval rating is just 50% and his
disapproval rating is 44%,in other words there is nearly as many voters disapprove of Turnbull as approve,
and the Labor Parties two party approval ratings over the LNP has far exceeded the 30 polls that Turnbull
based his need for a change in the PM position.
Turnbull seemingly has a preferred PM rating of just 51% compared to ? whom/what well Teflon Billy
Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader ofcourse,Union Stooge and an alleged rapist who has one of
the Labor Parties lowest preferred PM approval ratings in the history of the Labor Party of only 33% !!
WOW!!!! how is that for a vote of confidence from the Aussie voters in Malcolm Turnbull ? I would suggest
the best of very little choice is more the case??.
Malcolm Turnbull and his LNP mob across the board fought tooth and nail,as the saying goes,in order to
stop the Royal Commission into the Aussie Banking system ? " Nothing to see here " we ( the LNP ) will get
the banks to conform through legislation/control.
Mate have the Turnbull LNP mob been caught out with that underhanded deception with the devastating
revelations of fraud,illegal and reprehensible,discreditable,deplorable activities across the board in the
banking,financial sectors and where the Commission goes on with it's investigations on as I type this!!
I supposed the fact that Malcolm Turnbull was a Merchant Banker in his past life and no doubt as a very
wealthy bloke has shares one way or the other in various banking and financial organisations ? may have
clouded his judgment in regarding to a Banking Royal Commission.
The Turnbull mob want tax cuts for business both small,medium and large businesses in order to increase
business investment and boost employment?.
Now having managed/owned small/medium size businesses and been in executive management in corporate
Aussie and International companies I agree tax cuts will increase the possibility of more general employment
in small/medium size businesses,
However the only additional employees corporations of any kind will employ are " IT and Robotic Experts "
so they can further reduce their need for employees as it is a fact that corporations have been shedding
employees by the 10's of 1000's over decades and continue doing so - Retail Coles,Woolies,Kmart to name
but a few pushing customers through " Self Check out queues ",Banks cutting down on " Counter staff "to
force customers to go to the " ATM's,internet banking and closing country branches on a regular basis,
Insurance companies making it difficult to conduct business on a " Face to Face basis " - " Save paper is the
cry use the internet " like it was an environmentally saving scheme when it is more than anything else just
another devious cost cutting scheme to boost profits by reducing staff and administration costs with little
if no advantage to the customer in the way of reduced cost/prices.
Is it any wonder that according to the polls only 48% of Aussies believe that Turnbull is " Trustworthy " as
compared to Teflon Billy Shorten where only 39% believe he is.
So how about that where neither of our two main political leaders can get at least,considering all the years
they have been involved one way or the other,a score of 50% in the category of being " Trustworthy "
?? what does that say about our Aussie political system ???.
The Federal Labor Opposition Leader,Union Stooge and alleged "Rapist" Teflon Billy Shorten who has been
proven to be totally untrustworthy in both his personal and political life: refer his Ex Wife Debra Beale her family and friends,Ex PM's Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard to name but a few.
USA President Donald Trump.( For some reason better known to this blog computer it keeps changing this font ?? )
Yep this was the same Teflon Billy that stated that Donald Trump prior to the USA election in November 2016 was quote " Barking mad and
is unfit to be leader of the free world " unquote so ? how would it be if some how the voters made the disastrous decision and elected Teflon
Billy as PM and Billy had to deal with the now President Trump who has now: improved the USA's GDP,reduced unemployment,record results
in the USA financial and share markets,reduced " Red and Green tape ",taken on both the EU and China and is using the USA's financial and economic power to stop the currency and trade barriers they are using against the USA,telling NATO to pull their financial weight,telling Iran and North Korea to pull their heads in and treat the USA,the most powerful individual country in the world in regard to it's financial,industrial and military powers deserves,? or cop the consequences!!
However ofcourse there are great changes occurring in regard to Aussies Private Debt amounting to sum $2.5 trillion and climbing and considering Aussies rapidly declining manufacturing base,which could get far worse if these amateur pollies do not stop politicking and get on with the job we pay them for and sort out the nations power/energy costs and reliability,then relying mainly on the sale of our energy resources in the future just want cut it because these are finite and there is little doubt that the like's of tourism,agriculture,services and the like will create sufficient revenue to sustain the Aussie nations wellbeing,welfare systems,defence etc;.
Household Debt - $1.6 trillion,Business debt - $770,Mortgage - Debt $1.5 trillion.Owner-occupier Mortgage Debt - $950 billion,Investor Mortgage Debt - $490 billion.Personal Debt - $186 billion,Credit card Debt - 49 billion where it is estimated that at least 1-6 credit card holders will not be able to pay off their debt in an average life time by only paying off the minimum payment required per month.
However as it would appear that as only (39) out of a total (225) Senate and House of Reps pollies in the 2016 Federal election changed hands,one way or the other, (17.3%) the old saying can certainly apply " The more things change,the more they stay the same ".
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike - scroll down - lengthy reading however surely if we as a Aussie nation are going to make changes for our future generations and we have not significantly changed in over 3 years ? what hope have we ??
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. I am a staunch self-rule republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.
3. I am a staunch self-rule republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.
Subject: " Aussies we are being " Ripped Off " !!! " Mark 2.
The information mainly gathered,and supported my many other sources,from the Sydney Morning Herald
IPSOS Poll dated the 24/6/2018.
G/day people wherever you are and I hope you are well considering the circumstances you find yourself in.
I was asked by one of my readers after they had read the following post on
my blog whether in the almost
(3) years that has passed I had noticed any changes from what I had written back in December 2015??.
Well after reading it I had to admit there had been changes ? for instance.
Malcolm Turnbull our egotistical,narcisstic media selfie tart Aussie PM is still in power albeit with a devastating
reduced majority from 15 to one,after the debacle in the 2016 Federal Election and where it was only good luck and certainly not good political judgment on his part,that he and the Liberals got the one extra seat in the House of Reps,but the " Double Dissolution " and the dissolving of the Senate as well proved to be an even bigger disaster!!
This was despite the fact that the Labor Opposition Party led by the Union stooge and alleged rapist Teflon
Billy Shorten only achieving the second lowest primary vote in a 100 years of the Labor Party's History which
must certainly have helped the Turnbull's Liberal mob stay in power more by default if nothing else.
Aussie PM Tony Abbott.
(3) years that has passed I had noticed any changes from what I had written back in December 2015??.
Well after reading it I had to admit there had been changes ? for instance.
Malcolm Turnbull our egotistical,narcisstic media selfie tart Aussie PM is still in power albeit with a devastating
reduced majority from 15 to one,after the debacle in the 2016 Federal Election and where it was only good luck and certainly not good political judgment on his part,that he and the Liberals got the one extra seat in the House of Reps,but the " Double Dissolution " and the dissolving of the Senate as well proved to be an even bigger disaster!!
This was despite the fact that the Labor Opposition Party led by the Union stooge and alleged rapist Teflon
Billy Shorten only achieving the second lowest primary vote in a 100 years of the Labor Party's History which
must certainly have helped the Turnbull's Liberal mob stay in power more by default if nothing else.
Just a month after Turnbull politically assassinated the then Liberal PM Tony Abbott in September 2015,
mainly based on the fact that Tony Abbott had suffered some 30 negative polls,Turnbulls approval polling
was 68%,disapproval 17%,however now some 3 years later Turnbulls approval rating is just 50% and his
disapproval rating is 44%,in other words there is nearly as many voters disapprove of Turnbull as approve,
and the Labor Parties two party approval ratings over the LNP has far exceeded the 30 polls that Turnbull
based his need for a change in the PM position.
Turnbull seemingly has a preferred PM rating of just 51% compared to ? whom/what well Teflon Billy
Shorten the Federal Labor Opposition Leader ofcourse,Union Stooge and an alleged rapist who has one of
the Labor Parties lowest preferred PM approval ratings in the history of the Labor Party of only 33% !!
WOW!!!! how is that for a vote of confidence from the Aussie voters in Malcolm Turnbull ? I would suggest
the best of very little choice is more the case??.
Malcolm Turnbull and his LNP mob across the board fought tooth and nail,as the saying goes,in order to
stop the Royal Commission into the Aussie Banking system ? " Nothing to see here " we ( the LNP ) will get
the banks to conform through legislation/control.
Mate have the Turnbull LNP mob been caught out with that underhanded deception with the devastating
revelations of fraud,illegal and reprehensible,discreditable,deplorable activities across the board in the
banking,financial sectors and where the Commission goes on with it's investigations on as I type this!!
I supposed the fact that Malcolm Turnbull was a Merchant Banker in his past life and no doubt as a very
wealthy bloke has shares one way or the other in various banking and financial organisations ? may have
clouded his judgment in regarding to a Banking Royal Commission.
The Turnbull mob want tax cuts for business both small,medium and large businesses in order to increase
business investment and boost employment?.
Now having managed/owned small/medium size businesses and been in executive management in corporate
Aussie and International companies I agree tax cuts will increase the possibility of more general employment
in small/medium size businesses,
However the only additional employees corporations of any kind will employ are " IT and Robotic Experts "
so they can further reduce their need for employees as it is a fact that corporations have been shedding
employees by the 10's of 1000's over decades and continue doing so - Retail Coles,Woolies,Kmart to name
but a few pushing customers through " Self Check out queues ",Banks cutting down on " Counter staff "to
force customers to go to the " ATM's,internet banking and closing country branches on a regular basis,
Insurance companies making it difficult to conduct business on a " Face to Face basis " - " Save paper is the
cry use the internet " like it was an environmentally saving scheme when it is more than anything else just
another devious cost cutting scheme to boost profits by reducing staff and administration costs with little
if no advantage to the customer in the way of reduced cost/prices.
Is it any wonder that according to the polls only 48% of Aussies believe that Turnbull is " Trustworthy " as
compared to Teflon Billy Shorten where only 39% believe he is.
So how about that where neither of our two main political leaders can get at least,considering all the years
they have been involved one way or the other,a score of 50% in the category of being " Trustworthy "
?? what does that say about our Aussie political system ???.
The Federal Labor Opposition Leader,Union Stooge and alleged "Rapist" Teflon Billy Shorten who has been
proven to be totally untrustworthy in both his personal and political life: refer his Ex Wife Debra Beale her family and friends,Ex PM's Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard to name but a few.
Yep this was the same Teflon Billy that stated that Donald Trump prior to the USA election in November 2016 was quote " Barking mad and
is unfit to be leader of the free world " unquote so ? how would it be if some how the voters made the disastrous decision and elected Teflon
Billy as PM and Billy had to deal with the now President Trump who has now: improved the USA's GDP,reduced unemployment,record results
in the USA financial and share markets,reduced " Red and Green tape ",taken on both the EU and China and is using the USA's financial and economic power to stop the currency and trade barriers they are using against the USA,telling NATO to pull their financial weight,telling Iran and North Korea to pull their heads in and treat the USA,the most powerful individual country in the world in regard to it's financial,industrial and military powers deserves,? or cop the consequences!!
However ofcourse there are great changes occurring in regard to Aussies Private Debt amounting to sum $2.5 trillion and climbing and considering Aussies rapidly declining manufacturing base,which could get far worse if these amateur pollies do not stop politicking and get on with the job we pay them for and sort out the nations power/energy costs and reliability,then relying mainly on the sale of our energy resources in the future just want cut it because these are finite and there is little doubt that the like's of tourism,agriculture,services and the like will create sufficient revenue to sustain the Aussie nations wellbeing,welfare systems,defence etc;.
Household Debt - $1.6 trillion,Business debt - $770,Mortgage - Debt $1.5 trillion.Owner-occupier Mortgage Debt - $950 billion,Investor Mortgage Debt - $490 billion.Personal Debt - $186 billion,Credit card Debt - 49 billion where it is estimated that at least 1-6 credit card holders will not be able to pay off their debt in an average life time by only paying off the minimum payment required per month.
However as it would appear that as only (39) out of a total (225) Senate and House of Reps pollies in the 2016 Federal election changed hands,one way or the other, (17.3%) the old saying can certainly apply " The more things change,the more they stay the same ".
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike - scroll down - lengthy reading however surely if we as a Aussie nation are going to make changes for our future generations and we have not significantly changed in over 3 years ? what hope have we ??