Monday, 28 August 2017

" So out of touch !! "

( Me at my place )

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.tpad
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.

Subject: ' So out of touch !!!! '. 28/8/2017

G/day people wherever you are??.

The Sign of Allah.

According to the 2016 Census it showed major changes in the ranking order of religious
identifications and groups in Aussie with " No religion " leading Catholic, then Anglican,
Uniting, Muslim, Buddhists, Presbyterian and reformed, Eastern Orthodox, Hindu, Baptist,
Pentecostal,Lutheran and then Sikh.

Malcolm Turnbull the current Aussie PM.

The current Aussie Director-General of Security Duncan Lewis.

Senator George Brandis - Aussie Attorney General.

Now as far as I am concerned I have yet to see/hear/read where any of these blokes
mentioned above who are responsible for the Aussie Nations Security/Safety, issue
warnings, security alerts in regard to any of the other religions/organisations mentioned
above with the exception of the Muslims, in regard to radicalisation and being a serious
threat to every Aussie across this nations complete national spectrum.

In fact every suspected/convicted Aussie terrorist has been a Muslim that swears to the
same Muslim bible that it would appear that all sectors of the so-called Muslim faith
swear/abide by that being the ' Quran ',thereby surely confirms the need for Aussie Tax
Payers to spend billions of our hard earned and scare funds, to date anyway, in ensuring
we are protected from Muslim radicalisation solely until the facts prove otherwise, and as
the Muslims in Aussie only account for some 3% - 500,000 - of the Aussie population this
must make them feel very special, powerful, political influential in fact, which ofcourse is
the World Wide Islamic Doctoring where as an organisation it seeks world domination by
the following:

1. Infiltration into a countries political and financial systems by stealth, and the underlying
fear they generate amongst the inhabitants and their governments of the country they are
invading as we have seen wherever, and whatever country/community they have decided
to dominate, where the Muslims divide and conquer using the countries resources,
especially welfare,maternity where they have large families, where if they don't get what
they want they pull the old " Racist " - " Islamophobic " - " Political Correct " get out of jail

2. The Muslims second prong attack is the use of extreme violence as we have seen with
" ISIS " and the current use of vehicles, Knives, bombings, suicide bombers and the list
goes on and on, very cleverly orchestrated to allow their so-called moderate Muslims
access, as they do above in section(1),where the pollies/organisations/authorities comply
with their demands with the constant fear that the so-called moderate Muslims may become
radicalised and act like the Islamic military wing do, which ofcourse they have no intention
of doing why would they?? they have/are achieving their aims/goals with just the perceived

It will also be stated by the so-called moderate Muslims and our political leaders that
Muslims are also being killed, well that is to my mind what the American Military refer to
as " Collateral Damage " or " Means to a designed calculated end " or "A sacrifice for the
overall good " after all self sacrifice seems to be part of these Muslims DNA hence the
daily activities of the " Suicide Bombers ".

However people I am sick and tired of being told by the like's of the blokes, and others,
mentioned above -Turnbull,Lewis and Brandis- that we must " Kowtow ",grovel,genuflect,
show deference or servility to this minority bunch of Muslims otherwise they will get very
cross, become radicalised and unlike the many other and various Aussie religions kill us
one way or the other if we don't.

On the 18th of August, a few days ago, there was a press conference at parliament
house Canberra where amongst other things Malcolm Turnbull, Duncan Lewis plus the
Counter Terrorism Coordinator Tony Sheehan met the press to discuss the Barcelona
attack,plus national security etc; including Senator Pauline Hanson's burka incident in the

Now I have a copy of the transcript which discussed many security issues however on
page (7) :

Journalist quote:

Prime Minister, my next question you've spoken in the past about the importance of
intelligence-gathering as a preemptive way of making sure that these events don't occur.
Can you tell us how important good relationships with the Muslim community are in doing


( note the journalist only refers to the Muslim community and no other general
religious/organisation so surely there is no question that the journalist considers that the
only threat to the Aussie populations safety/security is coming from the Muslims generally
and not just the so-called Islamic Radicals )

The Director-General of Security Duncan Lewis chose to answer the question.


Yes, Chris, I made this comment a number of times publically.Our association, our
engagement our relationship with the Islamic and Muslim community here in Australia is
absolutely critical. It's central to us conducting our business.

We have very good ties with Muslim leaders across the country and those ties, the
association we have with the broader Muslim community is central to our business.

Well people if that does not confirm coming from the " Horses Mouth " so to speak,
the head of Aussies security with the PM standing along side him, that this whole
very costly Tax Payer funded security saga costing billions of hard earned tax dollars
is to solely try and stop these mongrel Muslims from killing us Aussies one way or the
other then I don't know what will???????.

Maybe we should sack this Director-General of Security Duncan Lewis and appoint
the Senior Muslim Imam for Australia and save the cost of employing the middleman
like Duncan Lewis, and the PM can have a direct information pipe line to the Muslim
mob then instead of just having the Muslims over for Iftar to celebrate the start of
Ramadan they could make it a Friday night occasion at the PM's Lodge ? the
Muslims could get the feel of the place pending their take over of the parliament in
decades to come??.

Senator Pauline Hanson - One Nation Party.

The exchange between Senator Brandis and Senator Pauline Hanson and her
wearing the burqa in the Senate on Thursday the 17th of August a couple of days

Hanson quote:

In light of what is happening with national security,there has been 13 foiled national
threats against us with terrorism,three that have been successful and Australians
have lost their lives.Terrorism is a true threat to our country.Many Australians are
very much in fear of it.What I would like to ask, on behalf of the Australian people
considering there has been a large majority of Australians wish to see the banning
of the burqa.


( Then people you will see in the following how Brandis has totally ignored Senator
Hanson's plea on behalf of the majority of Aussies, supported by poll after poll,and
immediately leap to the defence of the Muslims even though this bloke Brandis
admits to, as the pollie responsible for our national security, passing many and
various national laws trying to protect us from the bastards, refer Duncan Lewis's
statements above.)

Brandis - responce.quote.

Thankyou Senator Hanson,no,we will not be banning the burqa.

Senator Hanson,I am not going to pretend to ignore the stunt you have tried to pull
today by arriving in the chamber dressed in a burqa when we all know that you are
not adherent of the Islamic faith.I would caution and council you with the respect to
be very,very careful of the offence you may do to the religious sensibilities of other
Australians. ( ? which Australians other than the Muslims )

We have about 500,000 Australians in this country of the Islamic faith. And the vast
majority of them are law-abiding,good Australians.Senator Hanson, it is absolutely
consistent with being a good,law-abiding Australian and being a strict, adherent

Senator Hanson, for the last four years, I have had responsibility pre-eminently
among the ministers subject to the Prime Minister for the national security policy.
And I can tell you,Senator Hanson,that it has been the advice of each director-
-general of security with whom I have worked and each commissioner of the
Australian Federal Police with whom I have worked that it is vital for their
intelligence and law-enforcement work that they work cooperatively with the
Muslim community. ( no mention of any other groups ) And to ridicule that
community,to drive it in the corner,to mock its religious garments is an appalling
thing to do and I would ask you to reflect on what you have done.


( After which this sanctimonious hypocrite,this self-righteous,hollier-than-thou
pathetic clown teared up and started to ' Blub ' and dramatically sat down too a
standing ovation by whom?? the Labor and Greenies ofcourse, with a couple of
coalition pollies with very token hand clapping.)

Undaunted and good her - Senator Hanson's reply.


Is the Attorney-General aware that the burqa is not a religious requirement at
all ( it would appear he is not ) My question is will the Attorney-General then
ban the burka in this house for - in future as a security risk and,also,the fact is
that the people of Australia have the right to see the face of the person that they
elect to this parliament and they are the person who is actually going to be making
decisions in the Parliament on their behalf ?.

Unquote. ( before Brandis could respond the Senate President Senator Parry
intervened )

Senator Parry - quote.

Before I call the Attorney-General, it is the purview of the presiding officers, not
the Attorney-General to what happens as far as security is concerned within the
Parliament House.The Speaker and I have made arrangements that anyone who
enters with their face covered is clearly identified prior to entering the building.
Further,the first thing ascertained when you walk in to the Chamber, dressed as
you were,I ascertained who you were.Attorney-General,do you have any comment
that you wish to make in relation to that matter.


Senator Brandis - quote - No - unquote. (obviously too emotionally drained,exhausted
to carry on ?)

Senator Parry - quote Thank you, Senator Hanson, a final supplementary question.

( Still undaunted,this Senator Hanson has good old tried and tested Aussie guts!!
unlike the pathetic excuses of both the Labor Party and the Greenies and some of
the limp wristed Liberals!!!)

Senator Hanson - Quote.

I will.If a person wears a balaclava or helmet into a bank, or any other building or on
the floor of a court they must be removed.Why isn't it the same for someone who is
covering up their face and cannot be identified? Will the Government make changes
to the laws?


Senator Brandis quote ' No ' unquote ( in his usual belligerent, pugnacious manner )

The Muslim hijab or burqa as the majority of non-Muslims refer to it as.

People I believe this pathetic demonstration by Brandis to ignore what is undoubtedly
the majority Aussie view, poll after poll, that the hijab/burqa is confronting, anti-social
and perceived as a threat as a result of the many reports world wide of males,dressed
as females so they are not hand searched, commonly referred to as being " Pat Down "
and female suicide bombers hiding explosives under the head to toe garment,is again
showing just how much the pollie self serving short term attitude is " So out of Touch ".

In fact Skynews conducted a survey of 2832 people across Aussie last Wednesday
the 23/8/2017 where it was found that 43.6% of the people surveyed strongly objected
to women wearing the burqa in public,and a further 12.7% strongly supported the ban
therefore being a total of 56.3% Aussies that want the burqa banned in public.

This Skynews survey confirms the Roy Morgan survey in 2014 where 55.5% of Aussies
stating that women should not wear the burqa in public.

In Victoria last Saturday the 19/8/2017 a women wearing head covering similar to a
niqab or burqa together with her male companion robbed a Croydon takeaway.

The same couple are being charged with 3 other armed robberies.

Senator Brandis,Senior Aussie Law Officer and the Federal Attorney General has
repeatedly shown what a loose political cannon he is for the Liberal/National Coalition,
where with his private school posh accent, blustering,belligerent,pugnacious,dismissive,
hollier-than-thou attitude has more than once made a complete fool of himself, and
where his political honesty and reliability has come under question,with the Opposition
both Labor and some cross benchers,media and even some on his side of politics
wanting Brandis sacked/replaced.

Now when we Aussies witness this yet another spectacle on the 17/8/2017 in the
Senate where once again Brandis opened his big mouth before he had put what brain
and limited intellect he has by stating what he did, referring to the burqa as quote
" Mock it's religious garments " unquote and then to add insult to injury use the incident
to become emotional, only to get a standing ovation by those pollies that are very
sympathetic to the Muslim organisation as possibly vote catchers,especially the
anti-democratic/socialistic/bordering on communist Labor Party and the Greenies.

I am sure our front line Police - Federal & State - Military and Border Security who
face these Muslim Islamic low life mongrels 24/7, and everything the hijab/burqa
represents would be very concerned in regard to the message this sends to these
Muslims, whether so-called moderates,which in my view is an oxymoron because
how can you have in general a " moderate Muslim ", and the low life scum bags,
which I suppose would be an insult to a " Genuine scum bag ".

I am led to believe from various insiders that Brandis has only kept his job as the
current Attorney General because of being one of our PM's Malcolm Turnbull's
" Lefty Liberal Supporters ", however as the old saying goes " With supporters like
Brandis who needs enemies ".

Is it any wonder people that the Aussie Liberal/National Coalition under the
so-called leadership of Malcolm Turnbull lost a 15 seat majority at the last July
2016 Federal Election to a slim majority of one - 76 seats,and where Teflon Billy
Shorten the leader of the Federal Labor Opposition Party,who has been found out
not to be trusted in his personal,Union and political life and an alleged " Rapist ",
although gaining 14 seats - 69 seats, actually only achieved an increase in their
Labor first preference votes by 1.35% to 34.73% that being the second lowest
first preference votes in the Labor Parties history, and where at least 25% of
first preference votes went to the minor parties, including Senator Pauline Hanson's
One Nation Party,and independents other than to either of the Labor or Coalition
major parties for the first time in Aussies political history.

Senators Pauline Hanson of One Nation Party & Sarah Hanson-Young,Greenie.

The above was the two Senators doing battle over the wearing of the burka in the
Senate on Channel 7 where Senator Hanson-Young accused Senator Pauline
Hanson of the following - not verbatim:

1. The next attack in Australia will be on Pauline Hanson's head.
2. The burka stunt put the entire country at risk.
3. Pauline Hanson was doing ISIS's work for them.

Considering Hanson-Young was the Greenies Immigration Spokesperson during
2010-2013 Labors Julia Gillard's governments disastrous immigration policy where
some 50,000 plus people arrived illegally by boat, and where Senator Hanson-Young
in her capacity as the Greenies spokesperson on immigration was urging the Gillard
government to let them into Aussie for settlement, and in fact was pushing for some
50,000 more and at least a further 100,000 per year from then on, and when we
consider at least 90-95% of them had no travel documents and/or proof of identity.

Therefore ? which Senator was/is putting Aussie in greater danger of " Attack " -
" Putting the entire country at risk " - " Doing ISIS's work for them ".

Where do they dig these Greenies up from??

Now without a doubt this Senate burqa incident plus many other situations such
as clamping down on the Aussie National Broadcaster in regard to it's bias lefty,
socialistic,anti-establishment program content,plus revealing what the Tax Payer
funded ABC fat cats earn,are boosting Senator Hanson's One Nations Standing
with the Aussie voters as the latest polls are showing, and where the Turnbull
and Brandis Coalition voter standing is heading south at train wreck speed.

Paul Barry - ABC Media Watch.

The Nazi German Minister for Propaganda Joseph Goebbels.

If the vicious attack on Senator Pauline Hanson on the ABC Media Watch show on
Monday the 21/8/2017 in regard to Senator Hanson highlighting the Aussie
majorities concern over the wearing of the burqa is anything to go by, and because
of Senator Hanson's stand in regard to ensuring that the ABC organisation being
more accountable to the Tax Payer? then people stand by for the most biased
onslaught in regard to Senator Hanson and her One Nation Party,whether in State
and/or Federal Politics,that would even amaze the once acclaimed master of
propaganda prior too and during World War 11 and that being Joseph Goebbels.

Where both organisations were/are government/Tax Payer funded, not subject to
any rating surveys that could effect them financially with sponsors withdrawing funds
because of very unfavourable ratings and possible product backlash,the most extensive
government/Tax Payer funded media coverage in the country, and in many cases the
only media coverage available due to the listeners/viewers location??

I record/watch later the Media Watch show every week so I can replay it to ensure
I have heard/understand what the smart arse host Paul Barry is saying,and although
I have found it a fairly unbiased playing field and it occasional criticises the various
ABC presentations, however if any of the other media,with special mention of the
Australian News paper, dare to criticise the ABC in anyway then Paul Barry and his
mob dig as much dirt on them as possible and come out at them full guns blazing.

Yep good old Joseph Goebbels would be proud of them,with possibly one serious
exception their very biased support for the gay movement and gay marriage,the
subject matter ofcourse and not the process.

Michele Guthrie, The ABC CEO.

Michael Ebeid CEO & MD of SBS.

Now I believe that it is fairly well accepted that both the ABC & SBS productions
in regard to dramatic series,films,documentaries,sport etc; are normally of a high
standard both on TV and radio.

However I believe that more people like myself, especially the so-called " Grey
Nomads ", are trying to switch, where possible due to the lack of commercial
radio/TV coverage because of distance/location,away from the lefty ideological
ant-establishment,socialist bias,ABC & SBS News and Current Affairs,to the like's
of Macquarie National News that covers politics in a far more balanced way.

Where as far as the ABC & SBS is concerned if you/we happen to be,or from a
white Anglo heterosexual Christian back ground, then we are considered to be racists,
homophobic,xenophobic,selfish and the cause of all the problems LGBT,Aboriginals
and Torres Strait Islanders,Muslims,refugees and asylum seekers and minority
groups incur one way or the other.

When in actual fact without the white Anglo races within the USA,UK, Europe
including Russia, and wherever the Anglo races are, all other minority groups
and non-Anglo's would be up " Shit Creek without a paddle " without us in every
way - financially,innovations,health,security,infrastructure,judiciary,law & order
and democracy to name but a few.

However if a person was non-white, no matter what colour skin as long as it was
not white,that includes a white person with a suntan, and the person only had one
eye,one leg,one arm,part deaf,very little education could hardly read or write
especially English,not to sure of your sexual preference because you cannot make
up your mind whether you are " Arthur or Martha or an" IT " or some where in
between, then mate you just about cover all the bases and just the sought of person
that would be of interest to both the ABC & SBS so they can take up your cause,
and who knows with the limp wristed,amateur self serving pollies we have across the
Aussie political spectrum of this over governed nation of ours,we maybe able to
obtain some substantial Tax Payer funded compensation for you for being discriminated
against in some way or the other.

People I have been for years predicting the down fall of these limp wristed lefty small
"L" liberals and their controlling " Political Correctness " schemes, and although the
political,media elite's down fall is approaching them at a speed of a train wreck around
the world they are frantically fighting trench warfare to hold onto power.

However with the access to information 24/7 on the internet, so-called " Social media ",
us bloggers that have now readerships of 100's of 1000's if not collectively millions,
where the political and media elite can no longer control what the billions of people
around the globe read,view,discuss,vote on,and where the political and media elite's
predictions on what will happen around the world is falling far short - The now President
Donald Trump, Brexit, the rise of the far right all over Europe,Asia,South American
countries to name but a few, and the swing in Aussie to the minor parties and

It is obvious to anyone like me that digs into matters like the press conference on the
18th of August just a few days ago that I refer to above with the PM Turnbull and our
security chiefs, that all the billions of our very scarce funds we hard done by Aussie
Tax Payers spend on trying to keep us safe, is there for really no other reason than
to try and not upset the sensibilities of and/or make the Muslims become radicalised
and kill us one way or the other!!!! as there is no mention anywhere I can see of

So I believe the over whelming evidence shows the following:

1. At great cost to the Aussie Tax Payer who have great financial problems of their
own currently,and it has been thus for some decades if not forever, we bring these
immigrants in give them welfare,free medical,housing,education,security and hopefully
most go ahead and become worth while Aussie productive,tax paying citizens.

2. However with the Muslims in general we have to give them special consideration
so as not to upset their sensibilities, other wise they will get cross with us and become
radicalised and we will have to spend additional not millions but billions stopping the
low life ungrateful mongrels killing us.

Regardless of the " So out of touch " the like's of the pathetic Senator & Attorney
General Brandis,political and media elite in the like's of the ABC's propaganda section
namely the ' Media Watch ' program, the burqa is not just clothing worn by certain
women it is a symbol of aggression,anti-social behaviour and it is not only a perceived
threat by the majority of Aussies, but has and is being used around the globe to assist
in the heinous violent lose of innocent life by so-called suicide bombers!!


Yep ? why not they surely will claim they are a minority group however the LGBTI
group only number some 300,000,where they are some 500,000 and climbing rapidly
and the Muslims are far more politically and financially powerful in Aussie, and when
they assume power gay marriage will banned as a sin against Allah,and Aussie has
a lot of tall buildings to resolve the issue.

We have councils in the Sydney Metropolitan Area that administer and maintain
the local council swimming pools on behalf of residents and rate payers of that

However due to bullying and pressure by the local minority Muslim mob the councils
in some municipalities have agreed to close their pools one day per week in order
to allow Muslim women/girls/kids to be able to swim without having males there.

I am not sure if that includes their husbands and male relatives,however the Muslim
females swim fully clothed with only their faces and hands exposed.

Now I ask you ? what other groups in Aussie get this so specialised treatment,
answer ' NONE ' to my knowledge so WHY ???????

However just to add insult to injury these Muslim slime balls are not stopped visiting
the pool on the other days when the non-Muslim females use the pools wearing
their accepted some what scanty swim wear, and as swimming is not a strong
point with most of these Muslims, in fact it would appear the majority can't swim,
therefore they are just there to lay around leering/perving on the women,Mothers,
girls and kids, and if that is not double standards then what is?? and WHY is it
allowed to happen??.

People as a 77 plus year old bloke that has seen a lot of life, probably far more than
the average person today, I can tell you the world is far more uncertain than it has
ever been, the standards and culture and life style we once regarded not only as
essential but sacrosanct are being dismantled by stealth before our very eyes
? and replaced with what ??

One thing I have learned over the years and that is there is no point whinging after
the event because it is far to late then, so don't wait until the elections let these limp
wristed amateur pollies now how you feel before it's to late and it is set in stone.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

The confession.

Now I don't know who this bloke below is but to me he makes a lot of sense
scroll down.

ONE HELL OF A LETTER! (He leaves no doubt how he feels)
by George Roof, Chief Master Sergeant, USAF (Retired)
Interesting Google Search on His Name
http://www.truthorfiction. com/George-roof-presidents- ive-known/

Because I am a “lifer” in the military, I’ve seen the impact of a president more than many of you can imagine. I enlisted with LBJ and saw just what a Democrat cluster-flock was all about. I went to Vietnam and saw how we were constantly and incessantly bombarded with micromanagement from Washington that got thousands of military people killed. I sometimes wonder if I’ll get to heaven, but if I go to hell, I’m sure I’ll still be a few hundred floors above that bastard Robert McNamara , LB Johnson, John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and yes, even the “hero” John McCain.
After Johnson “abdicated” rather than having his ass waxed, I lived through Nixon who was hawkish but allowed the generals (and there WERE a few real generals back then versus now) run the show. Nixon was so out of touch that he never knew North Vietnam was about to surrender when the Paris Accord was presented.

Only God could help us after Gerald Ford was beaten by Jimmy 'Peanuts' Carter who’d been funded by Saudi money. The military was turned into Section 8 and even the Whitehouse suffered the austerity.
Then the light began to shine and Ronald Reagan swept into the fray. He not only loved the country and the military, they loved him back. Esprit d’corps was off the scale during his presidency. The Liberals were slowly turning into socialists, however, and about this time all the draft dodgers of the 1960’s who’d been given amnesty by Jimmy 'Peanuts' were turning out college graduates with degrees in socialism.
Bush 1 was an enigma from the CIA and though he never did much either way, he NEVER DID MUCH EITHER WAY.
Welcome to Bill Clinton. Clinton spent most of his two terms wagging the dog and creating the 'Oral' Office, sending a bomber to blow up Quaddafi’s tent and killing a goat or two, while allowing the UN to set up the infamous Black Hawk Down situation. He made history by becoming only the second president to be impeached.
I actually felt sorry for Bush 2. He was doomed to infamy from the start. He thought most of America was still the rah rah patriots of WWII when they were 'simply socialists' waiting to feed him to the sharks.
Then there came the Manchurian Candidate Obama with a faked (OK Democrats, let’s say “of questionable origin” to assuage your PC brains) birth certificate, who’d gotten a free ride through college under a foreign student exemption, and whose college records and complete life history had been 'sealed.' (We know more about Thomas Jefferson’s bastard children than we do about Obama, Michelle , OR their two faked kids.) From his inaugural address, he slandered America and within days had begun to encourage dissention of the races as well as slandering police who “acted stupidly.” That was mild to the crap that would come in doubling the national debt from what had been built by ALL THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED, feeding us bullshit about how Muslims built this country, and nationalizing American industries. Fueled by George Soros’ money and using the Air Force fleet as his personal charters, he appointed malcontents and traitors into positions of authority. He trashed the Constitution by installing “czars” (interesting he chose a title like that) to bypass Congressional authority. By that time, Congress was completely corrupt on both sides of the aisle. No one had balls to impeach this charlatan Obama.
Mysteriously, the lone outspoken conservative Supreme Court Justice Scalia suddenly dies in his sleep at an Obama pal’s hunting lodge and the Supreme Court is evenly split. Finally, Congress shows some balls and rejects Obama’s Supreme Court Justice nomination. The Libertards aren’t worried because the fix is in. Soros 'has paid' demonstrators to cause turmoil at 'all the Republican gatherings.' Obama concedes that illegal aliens should vote as they won’t be prosecuted, and Soros-manufactured voting machines are caught switching votes in certain precincts. Hillary has cheated her way to the nomination and her lies are completely ignored by the brainwashed minions of sycophants who follow her.
But a shocking thing happened on the way to the forum.
Middle America had had enough and although the pollsters and the pipers tried to convince middle America not even to bother to vote, they were fed up with the denizens of the swamp. It was time. Florida was designated a “swing” state ignoring that all those old retirees living in St. Petersburg, and the fed up Cuban Americans of Miami weren’t interested in their platform. Ohio and Pennsylvania , where coal production was blacklisted and where Obama had ridiculed them for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” lay awaiting this supposed “landslide” Hillary vote,.... and creamed it.
The Socialist world of the Democratic Party disintegrated. An American who expressed unbridled love of country and respect for police, firemen, and military steamrolled across the heartland and the liberals realized their scheme was trashed. A CONSTITUTIONALIST would be nominated to the Supreme Court and if the old hag Ginsburg who’d claimed to retire if Trump were elected would actually retire and leave, the Supreme Court would have a massive majority of CONSTITUTIONALISTS for the next 40-50 years.
Now, the same party who’d ridiculed Trump on his comments about the election being rigged, started screaming that the election 'was' rigged. They even advocated having the election repeated. They created mobs that burned and pillaged, stopped traffic, threatened murder, battery and rape of Trump supporters, and became the anarchists that the socialist dream thrives upon. They run like castrated pigs for safe zones and use diaper pins as their national symbol.
This is exactly what happens when political correctness takes over and participation trophies are awarded to everyone. They can’t conceive how disgusting and subservient they have become. Donald Trump may NOT be the best person for the job, but he’s such a welcome respite from the candy-assed whimps who’ve been running the swamp that it’s refreshing to see. At the very least, Donald Trump derailed the Socialist train and bought us precious time. If he only does half of what he’s promised, we’ll still be legions ahead of where Obama has dragged us. Already countries who held us in contempt are lining up to be found in the favor of America. Donald Trump has done more in his short time in the public eye...he prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming president!
So for you liberal lurkers and you half-assed fence-sitters, Tough Shit! You had your big hurrah and now your party is over. For you staunch Republicans in office, don’t gloat so much yourselves. You’ve been put on notice by the American people that we’re fed up with ALL YOU BASTARDS and if you don’t start putting America first, you do so at your own peril. You might want to buy a copy of George McGovern’s autobiography and see how shocking and humbling it can be for a professional politician to have to try to find legitimate work once he falls from grace.

This election was pure, unadulterated AMERICAN. Hillary got beaten and AMERICA WON THE ELECTION. You can claim he’s not “your president” all you want, but unless you 'forfeit' your American citizenship, .....


Go cry a river some place they need water.


'In God We Trust' Will be on every e-mail I send out from now on because, I don't want to lose our right to say it!.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

" Out of Sight out of Mind '

( Me at my place )

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs.

Subject: " Out of sight out of mind ". 13/8/2017

G/day people wherever you are??.

People I believe it is generally accepted around the world and across all Mother natures billions
of species that no matter who you are,what you are,what you believe in,or not,what you have
accumulated,or not that as we age we become by various degrees some what insecure and feel
more vulnerable as a result of not being able to physically,and sometimes mentally, do the things
that previously we just took for granted, and where are bodies start to constantly remind us that
regardless of our many and various attempts to slow the aging process down the mirror, and
certainly photographs, highlight the fact that our used by date is fast approaching like some train
wreck,or as I like to refer to it as " Premature decomposing ".

It has been suggested to me that aging is felt worse by the "So-called poor,low income",however
it has been my experience that the so-called wealthy some what dread aging/death far more
because they have far more to lose control of, and concern themselves with what is going to
happen to all this wealth and possessions after their dead.

I have for some time been an ' Accredited Volunteer ' which means I have passed various police
and other community checks to show as much as possible, that I am a law abiding citizen and
should not be a threat one way or the other to the people I am volunteering to help.

Now if you do as I do and help/volunteer in old age nursing homes, especially in the Dementia
Sections, where it is in my view a window showing me what possibly will happen to many 1000's
if not 10's of 1000's of not only here in Aussie but around the world,from all walks of life,society,
communities, and believe me from experience there appears to be no exceptions when it comes
to the various forms of dementia because it doesn't care who you are,or what you are, it still can
reduce you to the lowest human common denominator, where regardless of the great care given
to you by the organisations and staff where they feed,dress and shower you, take you to the
toilet, ensure you take your medication, and that is only the start they then organise entertainment,
religious assistance/services and it goes on and on 24/7!!

However regrettably regardless of all this loving care and attention the bulk of the residents,
especially the full on dementia ones that have very restricted movements for their own safety,
and even some of the senile residents that have free movement around the inner premises but
not outside without supervision,would not know who they are, who you are, why they are there,
many have lost their ability to communicate and just sit and stare and have to be told what to do
and when " Zombie like "? and when we consider these people were once vibrant young people,
married,home,kids,grand kids,a good work ethic,business people,academics across the wide
spectrum of society/community to end up like this which is in my view tantamount to being the
" walking dead " is so very cruel, especially as many are just deposited at these homes by their
families like some " Old age kindergarten " and rarely, if ever, visit them on the bases that "what
is the point they don't know who we are anyway ".

In other words " Out of sight out of mind " dumped in " Gods waiting room " which annoys me
greatly, and that is putting it very mildly,when families,pollies across all three levels of this
over governed country of ours,bureaucrats and the like can be ' So out of touch ' when it is
discovered the elderly have been neglected,abused,mistreated,financially ripped off of their
hard earned life savings by Nursing Home organisations and/or staff, not just once but many
times over some times months if not years.

Families,pollies,bureaucrats and the current generations tend to conveniently forget that anyone
born before and during the 1939 - 1946 World War 11 is very lucky to be alive after surviving
the worst mass killing and human destruction ever known then and now of an estimated 50
million deaths and an additional 30 million casualties, and reducing cities and infrastructure to
rubble from the UK across Europe, North Africa to Russia, China, Japan, South Sea Islands,
Philippines,Papaya New Guinea even Aussies Darwin and this is just scratching the surface.

Therefore if we consider that it was estimated that as at 1940 there was only 2.3 billion people
on the earth at the time then the 80,000,000 killed and hurt, some dying afterwards,some
never recovering from their injuries represented some 3.5% of the worlds population.Economies,
with the exception of possibly the USA, world wide in total disarray,financial basket cases with
shortages of food, shelter, clothing, medical supplies,infrastructure and basic essentials and
rationing which went on for years after the end of the war.

The London blitz from September 1940 to May 1941 8 months 43,000 killed.

Dunkirk ( Dunkerque ) 26th of May to 4th June 1940 a British soldier firing on German planes
strafing the beach, allied forces expelled by the Germans, 330,000 allied troops rescued.

The bombing of Germany 410,000 civilians killed between July 1944 to January 1945.
German military 4.3 million killed.

Stalingrad - Russia.

The Siege of Leningrad - 900 days from September 1941 to January 1944.

Germany invaded Russia in June 1941 after Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

Russian civilians:

Death by violence 7.5 million, by forced labour 2.1 million, by famine & diseases 4.1 million
total = 13.7 million.

Russian military casualties 28.2 million with 11.28 million either killed,missing or captured.

Russia lost 70,000 cities,towns and villages, 6 million houses, 98,000 farms,32,000 factories,
82,000 schools, 43 libraries, 6000 hospitals, 1000 klms of road and rail.

Russia with a population of then only 16.8 million lost some 15% of their population.

The attack on Pear Harbour 8 am on the 7th of December 1941, 2,403 killed, 1,178
wounded, 18 ships sunk,

USA casualties 1941 - 1945, Death by combat and other 405,341, wounded 670,846
Total casualties = 1,076,245.

The Chinese Town of Liuchow 1937 - 1945 China/Japan 8 year World War where it is
estimated that China lost 20 million people killed.

The Japanese City of Hiroshima 80,000 killed after atomic bomb dropped.

The Japanese City of Nagasaki 40,000 killed after atomic bomb dropped.

It is estimated that another 220,000 were killed in the bombing from January 1944 to August
1945 leaving 15 million homeless out of a 72 million population.

Japanese military killed were estimated at between 2.2 - 3.2 million which was difficult to
calculate because they were spread so far and wide when they died.

The bombing of Darwin 19th of February 1942, 235 killed, 3-400 wounded, 30 aircraft destroyed,
11 ships sunk, civilian and military facilities destroyed.

The Australian Defence Force Tri-Service Flag.

There were 993,000 Aussies served in the Armed Forces during World War 11, 27,073 were
either killed in action or died as a result of injuries, 23,477 wounded, 30,560 taken prisoner.

A German Nazi Concentration Camp.

It is estimated that there were 11 million people tortured and killed in concentration camps.

Now you may ask why am I bringing all this up now??.

Well for the reason that it was those of us across the globe that survived the horrific,
catastrophic never before or since experienced World War 11, that literally lifted the world
that was left out of the ashes and destruction, and it is thanks to us, where we started from
virtually nothing/zero, which was the bases of modern society as we know it today,yet the
so-called modern society seemingly has in many ways turned their backs on us as something
of an irritation, unnecessary tax payer funded cost, only due the bare minimum expense and
hopefully our used by date wont be to far away.


Now people I can understand the concerns of some of the anti-euthanasia mob in regard to
people of all ages being euthanased for someone else's gain, financial or otherwise, however
looking at the legislation in the many European countries and now the proposed legislation
in Aussie like that in Victoria where they are trying to legalise assisted euthanasia with many
and various safeguards for those with terminal illness, 12 months or less of the pending death,
of patients with extreme pain and discomfort ?? will however not relieve patients that have
suffered such things as strokes and other mental illness that have no chance of recovery,

Therefore those will have to remain in their totally reliant " Zombie state " until their bodies
" Decompose " to such an extent that it can no longer sustain their lives regardless of their
care and medical science and they very slowly, sometimes years, die not knowing who or
where, or why they are there, or who are these strange people talking and smiling at them
and controlling their lives, and who keep sitting me in front of a very colourful glass window
with people moving around in it and speaking stuff, where I have not a clue what their saying
because I'm deaf and have very poor eye sight, this ofcourse increases my frustration where
I occasionally take that frustration out on the carers/volunteers by becoming violent.

Then ofcourse we have the so-called " God squad " who maintain that pain,suffering,strokes,
senile dementia are all part of their Gods, not mine!!, rich tapestry of the glorious gift of life
that their God has given us, and where in his great judgment he will call on these poor sick
bastards to join him in his " Kingdom of Heaven " to sit at his feet relieved of all suffering,and
where " Euthanasia " is a sin against their Gods teachings ??? HOW SICK IS THAT.

We constantly read/hear in the media about the teachings of the Muslims" Allay "who demands
that the unbelievers be executed,preferably by the horrendous action of decapitation?, well at
least that is normally relatively quick, but this " Christian God " it would appear is in no hurry
and his disciples can die the long, often extremely painful " Zombie " way, where I believe he
must be some sort of sadist if that is the case? and therefore who are the so-called Christians
to judge the Muslims, mongrels that they can be?, when it comes to euthanasia?? and a
dignified well deserved death.

Now according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare the spending on aged care
has increased by 44% between 2009 - 2010 and 2014-15 where in 2014-15 the government
(Tax Payer ) expenditure on aged care programs and services was approximately $15.8 billion,
yep billion!! and that did not include all Federal,State,Territory and local Governments aged
care expenditure,the main areas were where two thirds - $10.6 billion - was spent on residential 
aged care,Community-based care, home care support was $1.9 billion then Home Care
$1.3 billion, the other was spent on Services provided in mixed delivery settings,Workforce
and service development and Assessment and information services,all of which I can only
imagine has increased considerably since 2015 with the ever increasing aging Aussie

This ofcourse does not include the multi-billions across the board old age and other pensions
and supplements such rental assistance,public transport,medicine and Medicare to name
but a few.

Therefore, where I am sure additional funds could be and are probably required ?,I believe
the poor old and diminishing Tax Payer who is doing it financially tough with the cross the
board cost of living increases in regard to the essentials of life, especially power costs, don't
take much notice of the so-called " Cost of Living Index " or " Cost of Production Index "which
is based on a matrix basket of commodities where the reduction in major ticket items - cars,
white goods etc; - skew the CLI or CPI to a lower amount as compared food,milk,vegetables
and the like, are doing the best they can currently to support us Aussies as we near that
dreaded " Used By Date " time of our lives.

Now although I have not witnessed it personally,in fact I cannot speak to highly of the age
care homes I have volunteered in in regard to the care and caring attention they provide their
residents, however currently there are numerous incidents being investigated/reported in
the media and on the internet where the elderly in retirement villages are being ripped off
in regard to their hard earned life savings, and residents in nursing homes are being very
badly neglected,verbally and physically abused by the institutions staff,and the management
of such are failing to rectify the situation without negative media coverage like the ABC Four
Corners recently.

To add insult to injury it would appear that the various government bureaucrats that are
employed by the Tax Payer so as to protect not only the Tax Payers funding interests
but the lives of the various elderly/sick - both physically/mentally - are in many cases going
to sleep on the job, to put it mildly, or better still just shear incompetent by not properly
checking to make sure these Tax Payer funded institutions operate within the government
guide lines/rules/laws, and when legitimate complaints are made they take so long, if ever,
to follow up, not only creating great hardship for the resident but great unnecessary stress
and hurt for the family,friends and loved ones of the resident, who in many case are
reluctant to complain to the institutions for fear they will be asked to remove their elderly,
more often than not sick,relative.

So people if your not going to let these over paid, low productivity pollies/bureaucrats know
that you are not happy the way your hard earned Taxes are being managed in regard to the
elderly, because let's face it with the sort of Tax Payer funded golden hand shakes these
pollies/bureaucrats get handed they will get the " Rolls Royce " treatment in any nursing
home they end up in!! then people don't whinge when you find yourself,your family and loved
ones in the desperate situation others have and are encountering currently.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Why I Like RetirementQuestion:
How many days in a week?

6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday
Question: When is a retiree's bedtime?
Two hours after he falls asleep on the couch.
Question: How many retirees does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one, but it might take all day.
Question: What's the biggest gripe of retirees?
There is not enough time to get everything done.
Question: Why don't retirees mind being called Seniors?
The term comes with a 10% discount.
Question: Among retirees, what is considered formal attire?
Tied shoes.
Question: Why do retirees count pennies?
They are the only ones who have the time.
Question: What is the common term for someone who enjoys work and refuses to retire?
Question: Why are retirees so slow to clean out the basement, attic or garage?
They know that as soon as they do, one of their adult kids will want to store stuff there.
Question: What do retirees call a long lunch?
Question: What is the best way to describe retirement?
Answer: The never ending Coffee Break.
Question: What's the biggest advantage of going back to school as a retiree?
If you cut classes, no one calls your parents.
Question: Why does a retiree often say he doesn't miss work, but misses the people he used to work with?
He is too polite to tell the whole truth.
And, my very favorite....
What do you do all week?
Monday through Friday, NOTHING. Saturday & Sunday, I rest.
Always Remember This:
You don't stop laughing because you grow old,

You grow old because you stop laughing!