I am coming out loud
and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie
bloke of European descent.
2. I am
3. Although not
religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian
Sir Mike's Comments
11 / 7 /2017
Subject: " Bill Shorten accused of raping 16 year old " first blogged by me under the
subject " Labor Opposition Leader Bill Shorten arrested " dated the 20/6/2014 where
the bulk of the
information came from Shane Dowling of Kangaroo Court Publications
- see attached.
- see attached.
G/day people wherever you are.
and viciously raped a 16 year old defenceless vulnerable girl by the name of Kathy at a Labor
Parties Victorian Youth Camp in the mid 1986's where according to Shane Dowling of Kangaroo
Court Of Australia publications - see below - the Victorian Police during 2013 - 2014 were investigating
Teflon Billy Shorten for " Historical Sexual Assault " and on or about the 28th March 2014 arrested
and interviewed him.
It was later revealed to be Kathy after Kathy appeared on a couple of Victoria's talk back radio
shows, I have a recording of both of the interviews I heard.
Now according to
Kathy, a now 46-47 year old NSW Nurse, on the two radio shows
listen too Kathy
alleged she had a close relationship with the then 19 year old Bill Shorten
for about 18 months prior to the Victorian Youth Camp in the 1980's, helping the Labor
Party Youth Organisation to set the camp up as it was I gather a large important event.
It is alleged by Kathy that she had the impression that Bill Shorten a then Labor Party Youth
Leader quite fancied Kathy, but Kathy maintained the situation was not reciprocal from her
point of view.
Kathy maintained that as a Youth Leader it was Bill Shortens responsibility to allocate
for about 18 months prior to the Victorian Youth Camp in the 1980's, helping the Labor
Party Youth Organisation to set the camp up as it was I gather a large important event.
It is alleged by Kathy that she had the impression that Bill Shorten a then Labor Party Youth
Leader quite fancied Kathy, but Kathy maintained the situation was not reciprocal from her
point of view.
Kathy maintained that as a Youth Leader it was Bill Shortens responsibility to allocate
the accommodation and
Kathy alleges that although Kathy had requested that Bill Shorten
billet her with her girl friend, this didn't happen she was put on her own and Kathy
being only 16 and away from home felt very lonely, and if you read Kathy's Facebook
description - see below - in regard to how Kathy alleged the rape took place, if true, surely
any reasonable person would come to the conclusion that Bill Shorten allegedly having
used his position as a Labor Party Youth Leader at the time abused his authority and trust.
billet her with her girl friend, this didn't happen she was put on her own and Kathy
being only 16 and away from home felt very lonely, and if you read Kathy's Facebook
description - see below - in regard to how Kathy alleged the rape took place, if true, surely
any reasonable person would come to the conclusion that Bill Shorten allegedly having
used his position as a Labor Party Youth Leader at the time abused his authority and trust.
Both of the above
are copied from the Kangaroo Court Publication below.
The same Victorian Police that have been investigating since last July
2016 alleged
multiple "Historical Sexual Assault in the 1970's", no mention of heinously and viciously
raping anyone though when the complainant's where interviewed here in Aussie, or when
they attended last years 2/3/2016 cross examination of Cardinal Pell via Video Link in
Rome by the ' Child Abuse Royal Commission.
multiple "Historical Sexual Assault in the 1970's", no mention of heinously and viciously
raping anyone though when the complainant's where interviewed here in Aussie, or when
they attended last years 2/3/2016 cross examination of Cardinal Pell via Video Link in
Rome by the ' Child Abuse Royal Commission.
Over the years I and many 10's of 1000's of bloggers and writers on so-called social
media, forget about the major media especially the like's of the lefty ABC & SBS, showing
just what an audacious hypocrite little Teflon Billy Shorten has been, and is, not only in
his personal and Union but political life as well, of someone that just can't be trusted.
In other words does he pass the " Used car Test " and would you purchase a used car
with confidence from Teflon Billy
Shorten considering his history ??.
Take for instance my Mike's comments as follows;
1. " ?? Labor Opposition Leader Bill Shorten Arrested " dated 20/6/2014.
2. " Kathy - Billy's alleged rape
victim " dated 29/7/2015.3. " Bill Shorten - ?? The Alleged
Rape Case on Youtube " by social media journalist Bill Thomson published by Shane Dowling
Kangaroo Court dated 24/7/2014.
Rape Case on Youtube " by social media journalist Bill Thomson published by Shane Dowling
Kangaroo Court dated 24/7/2014.
4. " Misogynistic Teflon Billy
declares his innocents ? " dated the 22/8/2014.
As can be seen there is a statement downloaded from the Victorian Police:
Quote: ' Victorian Police confirms that the allegation had been investigated and the advice
from the Prosecutor was that there was no reasonable prospect of conviction.
All parties have been notified that
the Victoria Police will not be proceeding with criminal
charges ' unquote.
charges ' unquote.
Therefore obviously the investigating Victorian Police believed they had a good case of
Kathy v Bill Shorten otherwise surely they would not have arrested, questioned and
prepared a case of evidence against such a high profile, influential politician and Union
Leader plus a senior member of the Victorian society on some whimsical capricious
hope that they might succeed of getting a conviction in a court of law, especially
considering the possible high profile QC's that would be arguing, presenting the case
for/on behalf of Teflon Billy Shorten, and ofcourse if the Victorian Police lost the case
Teflon Billy could sue the Victorian State for some sort of compensation??.
However Teflon Billy might want to " Draw a line under it and not discuss the
matter " as he did, but until the matter is resolved in a proper constituted court of law
Teflon Billy is still under suspicion of allegedly heinously and viciously raping the then
16 year old Kathy at a Victorian Labor Parties Youth Camp in the 1980's.
So people can anyone inform me where in Aussie or around the world there is another
pollie with the allegation of
a heinous and vicious rape case hanging over their heads
and who are still in political office, especially some one like Teflon Billy Shorten that
is trying to convince the Aussie voters to make him the next Aussie Prime Minister??.
and who are still in political office, especially some one like Teflon Billy Shorten that
is trying to convince the Aussie voters to make him the next Aussie Prime Minister??.
5. " Bill Cosby - Yes !! Teflon Billy Shorten - No !! WHY " dated the 28/11/2014.
Now as I pointed out in the comment that the then 77 year old, now some 79 years,
Bill Cosby had not then, and still has not been convicted of the crime of rape, although
the media in general across the board - TV, print, radio, social media with negative
slurs and headlines especially on our Aussie ABC TV NEWS, and with special mention
of both the ABC Radio and Radio National where they ran it as major news on the hour
every hour through out the day with recorded interviews with irate spitting chips
" Alleged Raped Victims ".
So people surely any reasonable person/Aussie has every right to ask WHY? so much
concentrated interest on a aging American comedian, yet when a bloke like Teflon
Billy Shorten an Aussie powerful Union & Labor Party Federal Opposition Leader and
hopeful Aussie Prime Minister can on or about the 28/3/2014, some 8 months earlier,
be arrested and questioned about an alleged heinous and vicious rape of a 16 year
old back in the 1980's, and with the exception of say Kangaroo Court and 1000's of
so-called social media, be totally ignored by the major media, especially the ABC
generally ????? the silence was deafening ? " The ABC without bias or agenda "
what a lot of total " BULLSHIT "
As I pointed out in the same comment where Rolf Harris was not being charged,
nor has he been convicted, of the heinous and vicious crime of rape some 40 years
ago!! but the ABC organisation in general and SBS have gone ballistic in constantly
recording and showing negative material in regard to Rolf Harris, but seem to think
that a bloke like Teflon Billy Shorten a possible future Aussie PM being accused of
allegedly heinously and viciously raping a 16 year old some 28 years prior to 2014,
not worth investigating ?? ( Without bias or agenda ?? )
6. " Christmas wishes to an alleged Rape Victim " 26/12/2014.
People how do you think you would feel if you were Kathy when you turned on your
TV and there was one of the most powerful and influential men in Aussie that you
allege heinously and viciously raped you, smiling out at you together with his lovely
family all of whom are wishing you a Merry Christmas??.
Especially according to your conversations on air with the talk back hosts where you
sincerely believe that the Victorian Police did not do their job of investigating your
case properly by not interviewing all your witnesses, and even when they did many
were just over the phone interviews??
Plus the major media chose to turn a blind eye and ignore your plight because you
considered that the media thought Bill Shorten was just to powerful and influential
they did not want to upset
7. " Violence Against Women Advocate Aussie of the Year " 26/1/2015.
Tony Abbott & Rose Batty " The 2015 Aussie Of The Year
7. " Violence Against Women Advocate Aussie of the Year " 26/1/2015.
As is well known now after her son Luke's tragic and violent death Rose started a
campaign of " Violence Against - Domestic or Otherwise - Women " where Rose
worked tirelessly to bring to the attention of the public, pollies and authorities in
generals notice that in Aussie alone it is estimated, then in 2015, that 1-5 women
at some time or other in their life are threatened with physical violence and Rose
Batty's continual mantra was and is quote ' The Powerless Deserve To Be Heard '
Now as I pointed out in the comments surely the crime of heinously and viciously
raping a female must be up there and very close to the act of murder when being
judged in a court of law because I gather the psychological effect, which was and
is I gather the case with Kathy, is very dramatic and life long felt and can be life -
in the normal sense of the word - destroying.
Therefore as the heinous crime of rape is definitely a violent crime against women
I wondered at the time if Teflon Billy Shortens alleged rape of Kathy gave Kathy
some hope that with such a powerful women and ' Aussie of the year ' like Rose in
her corner, so to speak, that might open doors for Kathy to at least get her day in
Especially as Rose Batty's slogan of quote " The Powerless Deserve To Be Heard "
unquote should surely apply to Kathy if anyone, considering Kathy is up against the
second most powerful pollie and Union Leader after the PM by the name of Teflon
Billy Shorten our Federal Labor Opposition Leader?????.
However seemingly " NOT " people so ? what does that say about our legal and
media system where some one like Teflon Billy can be accused, questioned, arrested
with accusations from the raped victim Kathy that in her view the case was not
investigated properly by the Victorian Police, whether true or not Kathy sincerely
believes it, and so do I gather some of Kathy's key witnesses?.
8. " Teflon Billy Shorten a Bloody Hypocrite " 4/3/2015.
Teflon Billy Shorten our Union
& Federal Opposition Leader and alleged rapist.
Kathy Teflon Billy's alleged rape
I stated the following in the comment:
Quote: People today the 4/3/2015 at 12.23 pm on the ABC Radio National I listened
to Teflon Billy Shorten rant & rave on, as Union Leaders are well known for, about
how Aussie should have a " Crisis Summit "
in regard to domestic violence against
women and bring forward the people effected ( he repeated something like it at
question time in parliament today the 4/3/2015.
women and bring forward the people effected ( he repeated something like it at
question time in parliament today the 4/3/2015.
Well that is great Teflon Billy are you going to send a personal invitation to your
alleged rape victim Kathy who is currently a NSW 44-45 year old nurse who claims
that you raped her as a 16 year old at a Victorian Labor Youth Camp in the 1980's ?
after all surely the heinous case of alleged rape must be at the top of the list
" Baring murder ofcourse " when it comes to violence of any kind against women
I believe it would be ironical if Kathy and her friends turned up at a meeting
where Teflon Billy was speaking about violence against women and
started singing the song by Shannon Noll quote " What about me " unquote.
I believe it would be ironical if Kathy and her friends turned up at a meeting
where Teflon Billy was speaking about violence against women and
started singing the song by Shannon Noll quote " What about me " unquote.
Kathy Teflon Billy's alleged rape
Now amongst other matters I commented on:
Now people I am sure you are all aware that in Teflon Billy's and Kathy's home
state of Victoria there is currently a Royal Commission into family violence
which I gather is the leading cause of death - one per week currently of women
under 45 years - and where during 2013 - 2014 there were 65,393 family incidents
reported to the Victoria Police.
Reference for the commission:
Prevent family violence.
Improve early intervention to identify and protect those at risk.
Support victims.
Make perpetrators accountable.
Improve the way that government and society work together.
The current Royal Commission into family violence is going back generations
therefore my question is how come Kathy - Teflon Billy's Shortens alleged rape
victim - can't get her day in court because how more violent can the heinous
alleged crime of rape be??
Now I should point out that the majority by far of the various cases
brought before
this commission, as with other Royal Commissions in Aussie in
regard to child abuse
and Kathy at 16 was no more than a child, were no more than accusations,
like Kathy's, and had not been proved in a proper constituted court of law which
a Royal Commission is not!
and Kathy at 16 was no more than a child, were no more than accusations,
like Kathy's, and had not been proved in a proper constituted court of law which
a Royal Commission is not!
On the 18th of March 2015 Nigel Hunt and Andrew Hough reported in The Advertiser
the following quote " Catholic Archbishop of Adelaide Philip Wilson charged with
failing to report child abuse by a colleague in 1970's " unquote.
Now the NSW Police have charged this bloke when as some lowly young priest for
not committing the crime against kids, but for not reporting it in the 1970's, which
I except is bad enough but in no way in my book is as bad as actually committing the
Also we must bear in mind at the time this now Archbishop was at the bottom of
the ladder as a young priest who was expected to report/dob in a superior, yeah
good luck with that?? however again accusation going back to the 1970's yet in
Kathy's case the Victorian Police seem unable to go back to 1984/85 and
successfully present a case which has more of a "Reasonable chance of
10. " Teflon Billy Shorten concerned about Nauru Rape Victim " 25/9/2015.
Quote : People isn't it gratifying to see Teflon Billy Shorten our Federal Opposition
Leader and alleged rapist being so publically concerned - see newspaper headlines
attached, some of many - about a Somali women that was allegedly raped on Nauru
and is demanding that the Aussie Tax Payers foot the bill - excuse, no pun
- and it is obvious from Teflon Billy's out burst on TV, internet videos and reportedly
in print that Teflon Billy Shorten agrees whole heartedly that the Aussie government
should do just that.
- and it is obvious from Teflon Billy's out burst on TV, internet videos and reportedly
in print that Teflon Billy Shorten agrees whole heartedly that the Aussie government
should do just that.
Now people this unfortunate Somali women to my knowledge has not named the
rapist therefore we can only take her word for it that she was allegedly raped, and
that she did not have consensual sex with a bloke which went horribly wrong and
now being pregnant she wants the pregnancy terminated at the Aussie Tax Payer
expense on some bases that our Aussie Government has a duty of care in regard to
her safety and wellbeing, and her shining Knight - minus the armour - Teflon Billy
Shorten is now riding in full-bore leaping to her defence, Bravo Teflon Billy, Bravo.
However Teflon Billy it is in my view a great shame you did not give Kathy the
same consideration if what Kathy is alleging did actually occur??
11. " Teflon Billy Alleged Rapist Denounces Trump ?? "
Teflon Billy Shorten Federal Labor Opposition Leader and alleged
Among other comments:
Teflon Billy shorten on News Video at CEDA - 11/10/2016:
But I know I am not the only one relieved that with every passing day, with every
disgusting, demeaning comment Mr. Trump makes, the possibility of him being
President fades.
Yep good on yeah Teflon Billy but the fact then and now July 2017, with all Presidents
Trumps problems he has not been accused, allegedly or otherwise, of heinously and
viciously raping a very vulnerable 16 year old girl that was in his care,
and Teflon Billy
you are hoping to become the next Aussie PM ??.
12. " Teflon Billy Shorten an alleged predatory ' Rapist " 17/12/2016.
Now among other comments I stated:
The above photo of Teflon Billy Shorten holding up a notice ' Stop Sex Predators ' as
an alleged predator rapist himself of a 16 year old, young by any standards, is I believe
an ' Oxymoron ' if I have ever seen or heard of one!! and what is more
doing it with that
sickly smile of triumph on his face.
sickly smile of triumph on his face.
Now I realise that the notice refers to ' Sex predators online ' and ofcourse back in the
1980's when this vicious, heinous alleged rape was supposedly committed,
there was no
" Internet on line " of any consequence which enables these low life's to become
" Internet on line " of any consequence which enables these low life's to become
predators today, or on the 17/12/2016.
However ofcourse there are many types of predators and their " Modus Operandi " is
adopted, changed, fine tuned to accommodate and harmonise the situation so
as to be
successful in their quest to be the low life that they become.
successful in their quest to be the low life that they become.
Now I believe that any reasonable person would believe that if what Teflon Billy Shortens
alleged victim Kathy is stating, which has yet to be challenged in a proper
court of law
and until it is surely Kathy's word is as good as Teflon Billy's, that Teflon Billy Shorten as
and until it is surely Kathy's word is as good as Teflon Billy's, that Teflon Billy Shorten as
a powerful and influential Labor Party Youth Leader at the time the alleged
rape took place,
and who was allegedly responsible for allocating the camp billets at that particular youth
and who was allegedly responsible for allocating the camp billets at that particular youth
camp, and by allegedly using that power and influence allegedly ensured
that Kathy was
billeted on her own, could quite easily be construed as a very predatory
action on Teflon
Billy Shortens part.
' Historical Rape ' of a 16 year old in the early 1980's.
Now people what really got me fired up, hence this historical rant about this, is
where in my view this low life audacious, untrustworthy hypocrite Teflon Billy
stating the following as recorded in the Herald Sun dated the 30/6/2017, and
which I also heard on the radio and viewed, which I recorded, on TV:
Cardinal Pell.
The Herald Sun dated the 30/6/2017.
News of these charges strengthens my resolve, and court proceedings now offer
me an opportunity to clear my name and then return to my work in
Teflon Billy Shortens response:
Opposition leader Bill Shorten said " no-one is above the law " in Australia, when
asked about charge being laid against Cardinal Pell.
The Labor leader did not comment on the Cardinal's case specifically but said Labor
supported a national compensation scheme for the " thousands " of
Australians who
suffered sexual abuse as a child while in the care of institutions.
suffered sexual abuse as a child while in the care of institutions.
" Nothing less than the best will do because you were let down by people in positions
of responsibility for too long " Mr Shorten said.
" In terms of Cardinal Pell, it is a specific matter, I want justice done for all of the
parties, but it is a serious matter and it just reminds me that in Australia, at least,
no-one is above the law ".
I know that the average Aussie has a very low opinion of politicians but considering
Teflon Billy was arrested and charged with the " Historical Rape of a 16
year old "
and Pell is charged with " Historical Sexual Assault " and has been under
media scrutiny now for years, and certainly is today across the board, especially on
the ABC and SBS, major investigative news on the hour every hour, all trying to better
themselves with scoops in regard to Cardinal Pell, there has been absolutely 'NO'
claim by the media that Cardinal Pell actually " Raped " any of his accusers!!
Where unlike Teflon Billy where there was, and still is, a virtual Aussie major media
black out, in regard to his arrest on or about the 28th of March 2014 for the alleged
media scrutiny now for years, and certainly is today across the board, especially on
the ABC and SBS, major investigative news on the hour every hour, all trying to better
themselves with scoops in regard to Cardinal Pell, there has been absolutely 'NO'
claim by the media that Cardinal Pell actually " Raped " any of his accusers!!
Where unlike Teflon Billy where there was, and still is, a virtual Aussie major media
black out, in regard to his arrest on or about the 28th of March 2014 for the alleged
heinous and vicious rape of his alleged rape victim now known as Kathy, and
when we
consider Teflon Billy Shorten even as the Federal Labor Opposition Leader,
let alone
a possible Aussie PM, has a much higher standing, profile, political power
and influence
than ever a Cardinal in the Catholic Church could ever have!!!!
than ever a Cardinal in the Catholic Church could ever have!!!!
Therefore in my view this highlights what a corrupt, smelly political and media situation
we have now in this country ?? can you imagine people how ballistic the ABC
and SBS
would go if there was even a " Sniff " of a scandal like this if it concerned Tony Abbott
would go if there was even a " Sniff " of a scandal like this if it concerned Tony Abbott
the previous Liberal PM???
Now according to the Australian government Law Reform Commission the definition
of " Rape ' and " Sexual assault " and as far as I can see these definitions are Australia
Rape is " Rape " in Victoria, whereas in NSW it is referred too as " Sexual intercourse
without consent " and either way is classed as the most serious form of sexual assault
and is a term used in the community which describes the forced penetration of the
vagina or anus of any person with any part the body of another person, or
their will or consent and carries possible sentences of up too 25 years, or 30 years if
their will or consent and carries possible sentences of up too 25 years, or 30 years if
causing death. It also includes oral sex.
Sexual Assault is a broad term describing all sexual offences against adults and
children. It also describes a specific offence when a person has sexual intercourse
with another person without consent and ofcourse can include the crime
of rape,
however it would appear that if you are going to be charged with rape which
is the
more serious crime compared to just sexual assault then the charge will be
" Rape ',
and it will be left to the courts to decide whether it was either " Rape "
or a lesser
charge of " Sexual Assault " or ofcourse being innocent of either
As sexual assault is such a general term and covers such a wide range of possible
criminal so-called sexual activities, and as far as I can ascertain the
sentences could
range from 10 - 15 years far less than the heinous crime of " Rape "
range from 10 - 15 years far less than the heinous crime of " Rape "
This whole saga with this political and media cover up of Teflon Billy's alleged rape of
Kathy shows to me, and I believe it should to any reasonable Aussie person,
what a sick
society we have become starting at the top and across the political and
media spectrum.
I am not a supporter of Cardinal Pell but I can say I feel sorry for the poor old bastard
because guilty or innocent the mongrel media, especially Teflon Billy's mates in the
ABC, will do all they can to destroy him like they are trying to do with
Senator Pauline
Hanson of the One Nation Party.
So don't whinge people when this corruption effects you, your friends and loved ones
because corruption knows no bounds or borders and has a ravenous appetite.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down
Kangaroo Court Publications.
Kangaroo Court Publications.

Bill Shorten & Tanya Plibersek.
Victorian police are currently investigating ALP Leader Bill Shorten for raping
a 16-year-old girl in 1986. The mainstream media reported earlier this month
that a “Senior ALP figure” was being investigated for rape but failed to name
Bill Shorten although there is nothing to stop them from doing so.
Mr Shorten’s position as a potential Prime Minister every Australian has a right
to know about the police investigation and we should expect a fully detailed
explanation from Mr Shorten immediately. Failing that he should resign. His
current tactics of hiding behind a lawyer and barrister will not do.
average person can and do get named by the media all the time when serious
allegations are made against them and even more so when the police are
investigating. So what makes Bill Shorten so special?
alleged victim started looking for help online in about mid-September which
seems to have started on Kevin Rudd’s Facebook page where she wrote the

have not named the alleged victim as I do not feel there is any need
to, not because of any legal restrictions. From
what I can tell she went online looking for help and has decided to stop talking
to the media and to leave it in the hands of the Victorian police after making a
formal complaint.
November the 14th 2013 The Australian broke the story in an article titled “ALP
figure faces 80s rape claim” which
SENIOR Labor figure is under investigation by Victoria Police after it was
alleged he raped a teenager at an event organised by the party’s youth wing in
the 1980s.”
alleged victim, who cannot be named, claims the assault took place during an
overnight camp organised by the “Vanguard” movement of the state’s Young Labor
party and held in Portarlington, near Geelong.”
woman, a community nurse who now lives on the NSW central coast, last month made
a formal complaint to Victoria Police. The complaint was assessed before the
decision was made to launch an investigation.”
for the man said last night the “unsubstantiated claims date back almost 30
years and they have never previously been raised with him”.” (Click here to read more)
media that day ran with same story and referenced The Australian. The Australian
wrote a follow-up article the next day titled “Tanya
Plibersek backs full 80s rape probe” which starts off:
deputy leader of the federal Labor Party, Tanya Plibersek, has said she fully
supports the police investigation of a senior party figure after it was alleged
the man raped a teenager at a holiday complex during the 1980s.” and “Tony
Abbott has also said he supports the police investigation. “If something has
happened, let it be looked into and treated as it should be by the relevant
authorities,” the Prime Minister told Melbourne radio station 3AW
yesterday.” (Click here to read more)
the Australian did not name Shorten they did drop a very big hint. They pointed
out in one article that it was not Kevin Rudd being investigated and they asked
the Deputy Leader of the ALP, Tanya Plibersek, her viewpoint and PM Tony Abbott
his opinion, but not the ALP leader Bill Shorten. It is not that hard for the
reader to work out that The Australian is pointing the finger at Bill
allegations are detailed, so at the very least the alleged victim does seem to
know Bill Shorten and Bill Shorten has not denied knowing the victim. Bill
Shorten has also not denied having sex with the victim.
Shorten and his advisors have and are working overtime behind the scenes to
close this story down and I know because Shorten has form on the board for doing
exactly that. In May 2012 Mr Shorten moved to close down a rumour that was
spreading widely in Canberra and on the Internet and I wrote a post titled “Has
Bill Shorten gotten one of his staff members Pregnant? Shorten calls
the lawyers.” which starts
rumour mill has spread all over the net in the last few days that federal MP
Bill Shorten has gotten one of his staff members pregnant. Bill Shorten says he
has taken legal advice.” (Click here to read more) Bill
Shorten and his wife Chloe Bryce did an interview to deny the rumour but never
said what the rumour was. It was a big talking point in the media about how
stupid it was because how can you deny something if you do not say what you are
denying. The net effect is Mr Shorten did not deny anything. It was clearly
designed to close down other media reports by the implied threat that Mr Shorten
has called his lawyer.
think Bill Shorten’s career is over. It is just a matter of time. He has handled
this very poorly and had no option but to call a press conference when the
allegations first surfaced and deal with them openly. To do what he has done
seems like the actions of a guilty person in the same way that Rolf Harris tried
to close down the media and he ended up looking guilty.
could write a novel on Bill Shorten and his corrupt ways and have written plenty
before (click here) but
I will keep this post short and focused and do a follow-up post or two in the
very near future.
who has followed the story closely knows that it is Bill Shorten that is being
investigated. The problem being that is has not received a lot of media
is very much like the Rolf Harris media issue that this site covered back in
March 2013. The story was all over Twitter that Rolf Harris had been arrested
and interviewed by the British police but all the mainstream media would only
say that it was an “82-year-old Australian entertainer” who was “from
Berkshire”. (Click here to read the three posts that I wrote on the
topic) There
was no legal reason not to name Rolf Harris although some media said there was.
After the story was far and wide on the Internet the British paper The Sun
announced the “World Exclusive” and named Rolf Harris and other media around the
world followed.
is no legal reason not to name Bill Shorten and if the story takes the same
course as Rolf Harris and spreads far and wide on the net then the mainstream
media will have no option but to name Mr Shorten. Because every day they fail to
name Mr Shorten they look dumber and dumber in front of their own
Update: I have published two follow-up articles in
relation to the above post which are:
Shorten refuses to answer media questions regarding alleged rape of
16-year-old girl” on the 11th
December 2013 (Click here to read the article)
and “Bill
Shorten and the Victoria Police rape investigation. Do we have a right
to know?” on the 9th February
2014 (Click here to read the article)
have contacted the Victoria police again and as of the 20th May 2014 they are
still investigating. Their exact response is: “Police are investigating a report of an
alleged historical sexual assault. As the matter is subject to an ongoing
investigation, it would be inappropriate to comment further.”
have set up a dedicated page for the police investigation with further
information. It is titled: “Bill Shorten – Vic Police
rape investigation” (Click here to go to the page)
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you for your support.