Wednesday, 19 April 2017

" Poor Fella, My Country. Part 2 "

( Me at my place )
My blog:

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values
and beliefs.

Sir Mike's Comments 19/4/2017

Subject : " Poor Fella, My Country. Part 2 " via email author unknown.
Information from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia plus many other sources.

G/day people wherever you are??.

' Poor fellow my country ' author Xavier Herbert.

The Miles Franklin Award winning novel written by an Aussie author Xavier Herbert
and published by Colins ( Australia ) is mainly a story of a bloke by the name of
Jeremy Delacy and his illegitimate grandson Prindy in the years leading up to World 11,
and covers such subjects as Aboriginal Affairs, Australian patriotism and Australian
nationalism, and at 1,463 pages it would appear to be the longest Aussie work of
fiction ever written?.

Aussie patriotism appears to be involving Aussies attachment to Aussie as their
homeland, and more identified as a distinct difference between Australian Nationalism
and more an emphasis on values as compared to a commitment to the Aussie nation.
Aussie Nationalism asserts that Aussie is a nation and as such encourages it's
citizens to embrace the Aussie national unity and cultural standards, beliefs and sense
of fair play in an overall egalitarian society.

Regrettably the attached email " Poor fella my country ", I added the " Part 2 ", has no
name attached to it which I believe lessons the impact and the creditability,as does the
millions of anonymous so-called social media faceless/nameless participants which
across the board lazy inept major media, and the self interested political elite, seems to
put a lot of store in?? and not because the pathetic uttering's, most of which are so
abbreviated they are indecipherable/illegible,are supported with any facts that can be
verified/substantiated, but it is more in regard to the volume/numbers of for and
against, especially if the majority agrees with that particular media, political elite's agenda
and ideology, which ofcourse the far left Aussie ABC and SBS are infamously notorious

However I believe that the following email is well constructed, informative-most comments
can be verified, and written as a person that has many decades of life's experiences under
their belt, so to speak, and I have absolutely no question in my mind that the vast majority
of the over 50 year old Aussies, the great body of voters that are the driving force behind
the " Right Wing " politics in this and other Western countries, would agree with the
unknown author, and as our, and other, populations and demographics are clearly showing
that they are aging quite rapidly, therefore this is obviously putting undue pressure on the
current bunch of under performing,amateur, self interested across the board political elite
to stop talking politics, listening/reading the " Wet Behind the Ears juvenile social media
trash " and start listening in earnest to the bulk of most populations around the globe,
including Aussie, and that being the once " So-called silent majority, but silent no more "
of the over 50's that have, and will always, control the politics of the day or pay the political
I know from living the experience that life for most democratic/Western style countries and
populations since the end of World War 11 in 1945/46 has improved out of all expectations
in regard to technology,housing, infrastructure,health, life expectancy and I am sure you
could, and someone possibly has?, write a PhD thesis on the subject.
Well that is to the good I am sure but, there is always a " BUT " ain't there, most things in
life have a shelf life, a used by date if you will, where now the engine room of any nations
economy, the so-called " Middle Class " in Aussie and around the world has either
disappeared, or about to disappear under a mountain of personal debt where there is no
possibility of them earning enough in order repay these debts!! even if they sold their
properties most don't have enough equity in them to make a profit, or have enough to
purchase another and they have to live some where and so good luck trying to rent,
especially close to employment, and finding a landlord that will accept families with kids
and pets.
However I believe that has lulled the vast majority of the decent, tax paying, hard working,
loyal citizens and communities into a false sense of security, where we have allowed the
far left, politically elite and their narrow prospective ideologically agenda's to be able to
exert,apply,deploy far more control over our daily lives', and our nations as a whole with
their social engineering and divide/shaming/humiliating strategies, a blue print if you like,
with the, as it has turned out, very effective political correctness, where in many cases
they have by stealth enshrined various aspects of it in our criminal law system,with serious
penalties, the 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act comes to mind.
This insidious cancer of political correctness and social engineering is stealthily eating away,
dismantling 100's of years of traditions, cultures, beliefs and life styles and ??? replacing it
with?? nothing, zero, anything goes, winner takes all, gender equality where we social
engineer 5 year olds, just out of nappies, to believe your genitals no longer define you as a
male or female because you can totally disregard them, and thereby any time you want to
just declare you are neither just an " IT " commonly known as a transgender ? how bloody
sick is that?? not because a person considers themselves a " So-called " transgender but
the fact that our Tax Payer Funded education system is allowed to preach this rubbish to
anyone under say 15 years old, where even then with their hormones travelling around
them at a million kilometers a second and the pressures to achieve academically is totally
unfair, and is there any wonder juvenile, especially amongst the males, suicide is on the

The nuclear family - Mum, Dad and the kids. 

The sanctity of marriage between a male and female which has been the corner stone of
all societies around the world since forever, the nuclear family of " Mum, Dad and the kids ",
stay at home Mum's with Dad as the main bread winner, parental discipline, authority,rules
and a code of conduct and many other tried and true practices are being constantly
attacked by the ideological social engineering Greenies plus the far left and their supporters
and political elite as archaic, redundant,obsolescent,anachronistic,old fashion,outmoded,
antiquated practices, especially if the families are white and are of a Christian belief being
to timid to attack the like's of the Muslims, hell no they are likely to come and blow us up
or cut our throats!!

The Looney left in paradise.

The Arab Spring across North Africa and middle eastern countries late 2010/2011.
People the western society political,social,financial,bureaucratic,academic elite plus
the social engineering ideological lefty's cannot surely believe, and be that arrogant,
that there will never be a " Western Society Spring ".
As can be seen across the world and down the centuries no matter what oppressive
controls that have been applied to various populations, laws, increased military and
police, executions, torture, imprisonment without a legal warrant or judiciary rulings,
or in the case of Aussie and other western societies political correctness,social
engineering and a vicious attack either verbally, via the internet and even physical
in order to stop a " Free and fearless debate " on all aspects of life in general has
always, and will always fail in both the short and long term, and as we have witnessed
the longer the oppressive measures are in force the greater are the consequences
when the vast majority decide enough is enough.

Ok people there is far more information available, ignoring the so-called " Fake News ",
to those that have access to the internet, or have access to people/organisations that
have, then there has ever been and as such it so easy for the average plebb to make
good decisions in regard to what you eat,wear,live,education,politics both local,state
and federal in Aussie and around the world,religion,finance,social activities,climate
change,weather and the list goes on and on and on 24/7.

So if your going to whinge and state the coward's lament " If I had only known I could
have done something about it ??" then I suggest you relax, grab another drink,ensure
you are well lubricated, bend over and take/cop what will inenvitably be coming your
way, and where I believe it will be well deserved!!

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.

Obviously this blokes wives can't bear the thought of being away from him for
any length of time???.

Poor Fella, My Country - Part 2 Author unknown, well to me at any rate.

In my twilight years I sometimes sit and ponder the theft of my valuable time in
retirement and wonder if others find themselves doing similar.  Let me explain,
just when I should be enjoying the time I have left on this mortal coil, I find myself
experiencing mounting anger that I am being increasingly confronted by a whole
raft of worries thrust in my direction by fools.

Throughout the past four decades I have witnessed the accelerating dismantling
of what was indeed once the lucky country.  A country where you once received a
useful education and at the end of your schooling you could, without difficulty,
find a job or enter an apprenticeship.  A country where you could walk the streets
at night without fear, where many houses including ours didn’t have a lock on the
back door and where personal responsibility, discipline, honour, respect and
principles meant something.

I have watched as various Australia governments sat on their thumbs as our once
thriving manufacturing sector slowly bled to death as communist inspired unions
drove up wages and demanded unrealistic productivity stifling conditions.  Cheap
goods flooded into the country as a result of damaging one-sided trade agreements
entered into by our successive bungling governments rushing to embrace the New
World Order and Globalisation. 

Despite this reality, I hear politicians such as Michaelia Cash who was recently
prattling on in an attempt to convince us that businesses are booming and the
government’s policies are magically producing huge employment opportunities. 
However, those job opportunities especially didn’t apply to youth employment
that is still losing ground.  So, just who did benefit from this tsunami of job

In April last year I read with sadness that yet another Australian manufacturer was
moving offshore.  After 70 years of producing vacuum cleaners, electric cooking
ranges, washing machines and refrigerators the Electrolux factory at Orange NSW
produced its last refrigerator.  This manufacturer has been forced to move its
operations to SE Asia and Eastern Europe because of the high cost of production in
Australia.  In its heyday the Orange factory provided employment for some 2000
workers. The stoves, fans and washing machines are long gone and today you can’t
purchase an Australian built refrigerator.

What an embarrassing disappointment it was to learn that numeracy and literacy in
our schools rates last on a list of 27 countries and is put to shame by Kazakistan in
central-west Asia between Russia and China.  When we have a good look at schools
in this day and age we find that our children’s minds are not being filled with the
basics of the ‘Three R’s’ but rather they are being thoroughly polluted with
despicable socialist rubbish such as the perverted ‘Safe Schools Programme’ and
other social engineering foolishness.

Criticism of teachers is met not with a credible counter-argument but instead
generates raucous howls of leftist abuse.  The truth is that it is obvious to all but
the socialist left that today’s teachers are a product of Marxist orientated universities
and that reality reflects in the quality of their teaching and the falling standards in
basic subjects.  A report published in the Daily Telegraph in 2013 said that around
75,000 students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 who sat the NAPLAN tests in the previous year
didn’t meet national minimum standards.  Who would you blame for that? 
The students?

There is a move by many concerned parents to remove their children from schools
that have become purveyors of government sponsored socialist brainwashing into
the home schooling environment.  The former NSW Education Minister, Adrian
Piccoli, meddled dangerously with education in that state and forced ‘safe schools
programme’ into the schools as did the Victorian small ‘p’ premier turned dictator,
Daniel Andrews.  Andrews goes even further as he and his arrogant Education
Minister plot to introduce new laws with a view to disrupting home schooling and
forcing parents to revert back to sending their children to state government and
private schools where they will yet again have their minds scrambled by socialist
left degenerative mind poisoning products of leftist social engineering.

We see huge chunks of our agricultural assets and housing being gobbled up by
foreign entities of which Chinese interests stand out like sore thumbs.  Not only
are they buying up Australia at an alarming rate but they also have their claws
into our strategic assets in the form of the Port of Darwin.  That is not to mention
their substantial interests in the Port of Melbourne.  This is allowed to occur by
our incompetent politicians exercising their short term muddled thinking while
singing the praises of ‘foreign investment’.  They are too thick to understand that
there is a vast difference between sensible foreign investment and selling off the
sovereignty of your country.

Our defence forces have become a laughing stock that is finding it difficult to
recruit new members.  Veterans, young and old, are disgusted with the direction
that various Defence Ministers have taken in allowing and encouraging the ADF
command to corrupt our once proud armed services with sickening social
engineering that sees LGBTI adherents virtually dictating defence forces protocols. 
We now see a recruitment policy that says females are preferential to the
recruitment of Anglo/Australian males who are “too blokey”.   As a further slap in
the face to veterans is an official communication being distributed throughout the
ADF calling for servicemen and women to participate in this years Sydney Gay &
Lesbian Mardi Gras.

Then we come to the treatment of aged pensioners by politicians who see them
as being nothing more than an inconvenient drain on the government coffers ever
since politicians stole the aged and veteran’s pension funds and blew the lot.  We
see attacks on pensions in order to ‘balance the books’ while these same politicians
and their corporate masters propose tax cuts for the likes of the big banks who
already boast obscene profits.

We hear greedy politicians bleating because their pig trough inspired ‘free flights
forever’ is being taken away.  Can you imagine the temper tantrum if politician’s
superannuation and pensions were treated in the same manner as those of the
real workers and aged pensioners of this nation?

Out of control youth crime, out of control knife crime, home invasions, incompatible
immigrants, terrorism threats, halal certification, the spectre of increasing electricity
costs, Green inspired lunacy, spiralling drug problems and so the list goes on and on.



Saturday, 8 April 2017

' Stop lecturing the populous '

( Me at my place )
My blog:

I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:

1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European decent.
2. I am heterosexual.
3. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values
and beliefs.

Sir Mike's Comments 9/4/2017

Subject : ' Stop lecturing the populous '.

G/day people wherever you are??.

People it is obvious in regard to what is going on not only in Aussie but around
the world that the back/front lash coming from the populous in regard to them
now realising they can, and as such are starting too, successfully flex their
political and financial muscle over say the last decade or so, in other words it is
no longer ' Business as usual ' and not before time!!.

King Canute trying to hold back the tide.

This ofcourse is getting right up the nose of those that believe they " Were born
to rule ", like the political, academic, social and financial elite, and ofcourse are
doing all in their power to do an impression of a " King Canute " and try to hold
back the ' Populous tide of change ' purely ofcourse for self interest,because they
have accumulated various benefits and privileges, financial and otherwise, that
quite understandably they are very reluctant and loathed to forego, and the thought
of the " Unwashed populous " daring to demand a fair share of the spoils, and
revert back to the days of " Free Speech " minus political correctness and social
engineering is totally abhorrent to them.

After all do the " Unwashed populous " not realise what we have done for the poor
wretches, and where would they be without our generosity and laws brought about
too show the error of their ways where we have guided them in what to say,how
to say it, when to say it, what to do and how to do it and when, and the list goes on,
the ungrateful bastards.

You can see this by the hour in most of the world wide media, with special mention
of our far left Aussie ABC and SBS ? where else ? where there is a constant barrage
of very negative commentary forecasting a disaster in regard to the the UK ' Brexit ',
believe me people it ' WONT HAPPEN ' the UK now out of the shackles of that bloated,
incompetent EU will over the decades go from strength to strength, and ofcourse
the new USA President Donald Trump where every possible negative is highlighted
to the extreme.

Now people I thought we could look at some definitions:

1. Populist.
A member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of
ordinary people.

2. Ordinary people.
A common or average situation, amount or degree ( Esp in the phrase out of the
ordinary ). A normal or common place person or thing ( Civil Law ) A judge who
exercises jurisdiction in his own right.

3. Populous.
The common people of a community, nation etc: as distinguished from the higher

So people the next time you hear/read a pollie stating that they are the servants
of the people, I suggest that you refer to the pollies track record and try and
establish that do any of their actions and/or political achievements conform with
some or all of the definitions mentioned above??

I will guarantee that in 80% or more of the time it wont, because the majority of
pollies only achievements are in the interest of the pollie themselves first, and/or
their political party second, and if they have the time, assuming it is not just prior
to an election, they might be able to spend some of their valuable time in regard
to their employers, the Tax Payers??, concerns ? to cynical you think well I
suggest you consider the state of the world as we see it daily via the media and
convince me otherwise, and after 50 years of following politics in various countries
around the world you would have a very hard job!!!

It would not be so bad if the so-called political,social,academic and financial elite
had improved the lives of the " Great unwashed populous " to any great extent
because they have not it is just " Smoke and Mirrors ".

The rich are getting richer where 25% of the worlds population either owns or
controls at least 75%, and climbing, of the worlds wealth, leaving the other 75%
of the worlds population to pick up the crumbs of the 25% of the worlds wealth.

For self interest you will be told by the pollies and the political elite that the
Aussie population has never been wealthier, which ofcourse they base this on
home/property ownership, shares and the like, however as only about 30%
of Aussies actually own their homes it means ofcourse that the other 70% are
either still paying a mortgage, where the value of most of the mortgages because
of the high cost of property in the major cities will out last the property itself as it
ages, or are renters.

Professor Einstein.

This so-called wealth is a figment of peoples imagination where to obtain this
this so-called " Wealth " the Aussie population has a accumulative, by worlds
standards, a huge domestic debt of some ' 1.5 trillion Aussie dollars ' yep '
1.5 trillion ' and where Aussie GNP is only some ' 2.5 trillion ' and it estimated
that if there is another GFC, and considering, especially China and the USA,
that the world economy in general is wallowing in a quagmire of debt and
deficit it does not take my mate Professor Einstein to calculate that a GFC is
on the cards, whereby this so-called Aussie populations wealth will turn very
pear shape very quickly.

We have also to take into consideration that every week across Aussie people
are being made redundant due to the rapid advancement in modern technology.

In fact there are less jobs available now than a decade ago and the trend will
continue into the future, making various Aussie citizens virtually unemployable
and welfare dependent for the rest of their miserable lives.

This lack of employment includes across the board University graduates,and
where again due to the technology many degrees in accounting, law, IT and
many others are becoming, if not already,redundant/obsolete.

If we naively believe these international standard " Micky Mouse " unemployment
figures, seasonally adjusted for February 2017 where if a person works ' ONE '
hour per week they are considered gainfully employed, then over and above the
Aussie work force of 12,005,000 we have only 3.7% ( 722,000 ) unemployed, which
ofcourse is ' RUBBISH ', these are feel good figures for our pollies across the
political spectrum, because if you read the myriad of information put out by the
media in general the unemployment figures should be double if not triple that
in the majority of major cities around Aussie, and if we add the ' Underutilisation '
of the Aussie population which I gather is now 14.4% or 1.73 million, 12.6% males
and 16.8% females, then we have a combined group of 2-3 million Aussies, ? if we
accept the " Micky Mouse " figures?, contribute little if anything, considering their
reduced purchasing power, to the nations economy, in fact to the contrary as many
if not most rely on the welfare of the good old Aussie Tax Payer.

Amanda Vanstone, Radio National Counter Point on the 3/4/2017 at 4.40 pm.
Subject: " Save the poor - Growth Vs Forced Equality "

Professor Deirdre McCosky of the University of Illinois - Guest speaker.

I am a regular listener to Counter Point where possible and I enjoy it because in
my view Vanstone is a good interviewer, and respectfully does not hold back and
you would not die wondering what Vanstone was thinking.

However I believe the above mentioned interview Vanstone had with Professor
McCosky just reinforces my view how out of touch many if not most academics
are, where they sit in their University bubbles and rarified air staring at computer
screens studying surveys and modeling, for instance Professor McCosky stated
the following:

1, That according to the latest surveys the world poor and their circumstances
has improved some 12%??, although the Professor failed to mention that if
this was true it came from an extremely low base by western standards.

It would appear that the (2) billion plus people of the worlds population across 
Asia, Africa - from Cape town to Cairo, the South American states that live in
acknowledged/recognised slums, and those that live in non-recognised slum
areas with next too little difference that we view on our TV'S and the internet
are a " Figments " of our imagination.

2. That the American poor was not keeping up was wrong because they had
now colour TV's, air-conditioning and drove vehicles?? WOW I am sure the
USA poor are relieved to hear that?? they must have thought them living in
sub-standard housing, unemployed, living off charity, the lack of proper
medical care etc; was their problem but seemingly not, because according
too Professor Deirdre McCosky of the University of Illinois their doing alright.

Robinson Crusoe.

However people I believe that Professor McCosky is in no way Robinson Crusoe
in this regard, because like the same as if you put 20 Economists in a room, put
20 academics/Professors you will no doubt get 20 different conclusions, hence
the total confusion across all aspect of our lives world wide, and the constant
call for Tax Payers to use their scarce funds for " More Research "???.

I believe any reasonable person would agree that the reason the"Worlds
Unwashed Populous " who by far are the vast majority are desperately looking
for some clear air to breath, metaphorically speaking,and find an alternative to
this seemingly ' Never-ending story ' and barrage of political correctness, cost
of living pressures, and the constant uncertainty, and where our political system
has failed them in just some of the following ways:

1. The political self interest adversarial system where pollies across the board
spend the majority of their political time in office deriding, ridiculing, mocking,
pillorying their opposition purely to gain the Treasury seats in government at the
next election,and where their individual productivity to the nation in regard to the
overall big picture is pathetic to say the least, must be kicked out of office at the
next election for the good of the nation as a whole,and replaced with someone
that is prepared to achieve some good!!

2. The world is a far less safe place now than it has ever been, and when we in
Aussie alone take into consideration the billions of dollars we as a nation are
spending on border control and home land security, from funds that as a result
of our huge billions of dollars of national deficits is on our international credit
card ? what hope have our future generations got with this current across the
board bunch of politically self interested amateurs at the nations helm???.

Tony Abbott MP an Ex Aussie PM.

Although denied by most self interested pollies and the political elite there is
the ever increasing threat to our Western Democracy across western society
generally world wide, of the cancerous, draconian, medieval Islamic organisation
that by either stealth and/or sheer weight of numbers will become a dominate
factor world wide in the decades to come, which is currently born out by the
invasion of Europe,UK and many other parts of the world, by very able bodied
Muslim males as economic people, not refugees,and would also be the same in
Aussie had we " NOT " under the Ex PM Tony Abbott stopped the boats.

Our pollies around the world, but especially in Aussie, are allowing the Muslims
to impose a so-called " Halal Tax " on a multitude of products that we non-Muslims
purchase, and yes I have read/heard what it stands for such as the way an animal
is killed/slaughtered, ensuring it has no alcohol and other products contaminating
it, and that the fact that Aussie exports billions of dollars to Muslim countries,
especially meat, to the like's of Indonesia, which in turn because of the economy
of scale actually lowers the cost of the product to Aussie purchases, and more
than compensates for the applied " Halal Tax ".

So people ? how clever are these bloody Muslims?? they are streets ahead of us
so-called well educated,intelligent westerners,and I add naive westerners,because
the Muslims, knowing what a bunch of suck hole apologists we are when it comes
to defending western values, and anything controversial in regard to Muslims and
minority groups,have convinced the non-Muslim world that because of this religious
crap they need to certify all products consumed by Muslims, and this therefore
requires the various " Halal Certifiers " Muslim organisations such as the Majelis
Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Australian Federation of Islamic Councils(AFIC), Islamic
Co-ordination Council of Victoria (ICCU), so you can easily see this mob are already
well organised, the next project Muslim political parties especially in the various
Upper Houses, to cover the certification administration costs?? wow they must
have large, if not huge, corporations administering this certification because they
collect billions of dollars world wide!!

The truth is people that the majority of Muslim Controlled countries have " Dirt
Poor " economies when you take away their revenue from oil and gas compared
to most western societies, although the way these millions of invaders are sucking
the western societies welfare resources dry they/we might end up " Dirt Poor ",
and as such these intelligent, scrupulous, meticulous, unflagging, unrelenting
Islamic mob have come up with an ingenious and enterprising way of making the
non-Muslim naive mug nations pay for, fund, support, build, sponsor the Islamic
Muslim organisation
world wide in the way of schools, mosques,welfare,hospitals,
law & order ( Sharia Law style ),media,internet,to say nothing about the purchase
of weapons and military hardware and the support of terrorism.

In other words a duplication of what the western world has been able to build on
over the centuries,but largely at the expense of the western world economies,
and as most of the western world economies are running with massive national
deficits, the Islamic Muslims are achieving all this on the western societies worlds
" International Credit Cards ".

So people ? how bloody brilliant is that??? we short term naive thinking western
societies are actually sponsoring are own demise, and our western culture and
sophistication to say nothing of our various democracies.

In fact what the Nazis,Communists,The Imperial Japanese nation and various
fascist organisations failed to do in the past at great cost in the way of the various
nations treasure and human casualties, multi-millions died, the Islamic organisation
is likely to achieve without, in most cases, firing a shot and by using the purchasing
power of the western societies, or if that fails to achieve the targets required then
the various western countries ' Tax Payers ' can pick up any short fall.

Photo courtesy of The Pickering Post.

This is our PM Malcolm Turnbull entertaining his Muslim mates at Kirribilli House,
Sydney, NSW on the 6th of June 2016 with a dinner for 'Ramadan" and what I gather
is referred to as " IFtar ".

The Muslim ' Star and Crescent Moon '.

The photo appears to me as if our PM is demonstrating how he would pray to "Allah",
and I would suggest that the Muslims around him are " NOT " laughing with him but
" AT " him, and at the same time envisaging his head stuck on a spike on the top of
the Federal Parliament House under the Muslim ' Star and Crescent Moon ' that had
replaced the Aussie Flag.

People this farce that the Islamic Muslim organisations are not a threat to our Western
culture and democracies has to stop!! otherwise as is happening to various parts of
Europe, UK and Asia where Sharia Law is being allowed just to appease the Muslims
is going to come to a suburb near you, so don't whinge when it's to late and your kids
are coming home with a copy of the Quran to study and insisting you purchase a
prayer mat for them, well the boys anyway.

For years in mike's comments I have been stating the bleeding obvious about the
populous turning to " The Political Right " out of sheer frustration with the political
systems around the world, because all the signs have been a glaring reality only to
be ignored by the political elite, and I use the world wide, not only in Aussie,'Deflation'
where the populous ( the ordinary people ) across the world are reluctant, or have
lost the ability, to spend which in turn effects productivity,profits and wage growth
and then it becomes a vicious cycle.

If the political,social,financial,academic elite don't ' Stop lecturing the populous '
and start listening they have only themselves to blame if what will inevitably happen
is not to their liking.

Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. Scroll down - ' One rule for the political
elite and one for the populous '.

The author is unknown and however who cares it is well composed and hit's the
politics right on the head in regard to how the Aussie pensioners are being treated
and I gather is going viral.
Ps: Maybe these savings are to pay for all these 10's of 1000's of refugees and
so-called asylum seekers?? costing the Aussie Tax Payers 100's of millions of
dollars,many if not most will be receiving their Aussie Welfare for which they
have not in anyway contributed too, unlike the vast majority of our old age
pensioners, or likely too,for the rest of their lives.

One rule for the political elite and one for the populous??

So claiming a pension is an "embarrassing admission of poverty"?

How much more self entitled can you political animals get?

Do they care about the "real" people?

People that have done an honest 45 years work, payed all their taxes and get the big
"up yours" when they arrive in their senior years. Yet your perks continue loooooong
after you leave office....

So the reality is this: The Politicians in power are changing the Pension Assets Test
for everyone in Australia except themselves.

This will negatively affect everyone who thought they had enough to retire on.

It will also affect disability pensions, widow pensions and more.

They are thinking of scrapping the Seniors Card.

The Pension Assets Test was implemented on 1 January 2017.

So here's fair warning to all politicians of any persuasion, this group of aged voters
may be about to make the greatest impact on any Federal election in history, ignoring
them may be the start of a changed political environment in this country.

Change the Entitlements I absolutely agree, if a pension isn't an entitlement, neither is

They keep telling us that paying us an aged pension isn't sustainable.

Paying politicians all the perks they get is even less sustainable!

The politicians themselves, in Canberra, brought it up, that the 'Age of Entitlements' is

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This is one idea that really should be passed around because the rot has to stop

Proposals to make politicians shoulder their share of the weight now that the 'Age of
Entitlement' is over:

1. Scrap political pensions.

Politicians can purchase their own retirement plan, just as most other working
Australians are expected to do.

2. Retired politicians (past, present & future) participate in Centrelink. A Politician
collects a substantial salary while in office but should receive no salary when they're
out of office.

Terminated politicians under 70 can go get a job or apply for Centrelink unemployment
benefits like ordinary Australians. Terminated politicians under 70 can negotiate with
Centrelink like the rest of the Australian people.

3. Funds already allocated to the Politicians' retirement fund be returned immediately
to Consolidated Revenue. This money is to be used to pay down debt they created which
they expect us and our grandchildren to repay for them.

4. Politicians will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Politicians pay will rise by the
lower of, either the CPI or 3%.

5. Politicians lose their privileged health care system and participate in the same health
care system as ordinary Australian people.

I.E. Politicians either pay for private cover from their own funds or accept ordinary

6. Politicians must equally abide by all laws they impose on the Australian people.

7. All contracts with past and present Politicians men/women are void as of
30 June

The Australian people did not agree to provide perks to Politicians, that burden was
thrust upon them.

Politicians devised all these contracts to benefit themselves.

Serving in Parliament is an honour not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen
legislators, so our politicians should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, then it will only take three or so days
for most Australians to receive the message.

Don't you think it's time?

THIS IS HOW YOU FIX Parliament and help bring fairness back into this country!