Sunday, 25 January 2015

" Violence Against Women Advocate 2015 Aussie Of The Year"

Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 1:04 PM
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 12:49 PM
Cc: ; Rachel Siewert ; Richard Colbeck ; Richard Di Natale ; Richard Marles ; Ricky Muir ; Rob Mitchell ; Robert Borsak MLC ; Robert Brown MLC ; Roza Sage ; Sam Dastyari ; Sam Dastyari ; Sarah Hanson-Young ; Scot Macdonald MLC ; Scott Buchholz ; Scott Ludlam ; Scott Morrison ; Scott Ryan ; Senator Canavan ; Senator Hellen Polley ; Senator Joe Bullock ; Senator Sean Edwards ; Senator Zed Seselja ; ; Senator.O'sullivan ; ; Shane Dowling ; Shane Rattenbury ; Sharon Bird ; Sharon Claydon ; Sharon Grierson ; Simon Birmingham ; Sophie Cotsis ; Stephen Conroy ; Stephen Jones ; Stephen Parry ; Steven Ciobo ; Stuart Robert ; Sue Lines ; Susan Ley ; Suzanne Kay (Sue) Boyce ; Tanya Plibersek ; ; Tim Watts ; tony abbott ; Tony Burke ; Tony Zappia ; Trevor Khan MLC ; Warren Entsch ; Warren Truss ; Wayne Swan ; Will Hodgman
Subject: Fw: " Violence Against Women Advocate Aussie of The Year "
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 12:40 PM
Cc: Jason Clare ; Jenny Gardiner MLC ; Jeremy Hanson ; Jill Hall ; Jillian Skinner MP ; Joanne Ryan ; Joe Hockey ; John (MP) Cobb ; John Alexander ; John Cobb ; John Faulkner ; John Forrest ; John Hogg ; John Kaye ; John Madigan ; John Williams ; ; Josh Frydenberg ; Julie Bishop ; Julie Collins ; Julie Owens ; Justine Elliot ; Kangaroo Court of Australia ; Kate Ellis ; Kate Lundy ; ; Katy Gallagher MLA ; Kelvin Thomson ; Kevin Anderson MP ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Humphries ; Kim Carr ; Lara Giddings ; Larissa Waters ; Laurie Ferguson ; Linda Burney ; Linda Reynolds ; Lisa Chesters ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Louise Markus ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Mal Brough ; Malcom Turnbull ; ; Maria Vamvakinou ; ; Marise Payne ; Mark Butler MP ; Mark Coulton ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mathias Cormann ; Matt Thistlethwaite
Subject: Fw: " Violence Against Women Advocate Aussie of The Year "
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 12:30 PM
Cc: Bridget McKenzie ; Bronwyn Bishop ; Bruce Billson ; Bruce Scott ; C.Pyne ; Carol Brown ; Catherine King ; Cathy McGowan AO ; ; Catryna Bilyk ; Chris Bowen ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Ketter ; ; Christine Milne ; Christopher Back ; Christopher Evans ; ; Claire Moore ; Clare O'Neil ; Clive Palmer MP ; ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Cory Bernardi ; Dan Tehan ; Darren Chester ; David Bushby ; David Fawcett ; David Johnston ; David Leyonhjelm ; David Shoebridge ; Dean Smith ; Deborah O'Neill ; Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O' ; Dio Wang ; Don Page ; Doug ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Duncan Gay ; Ed Husic ; ; ; Eric Abetz ; Federal Greens Office ; Fiona Nash ; ; Fred Nile MLC ; Gai Brodtmann ; ; Gary Gray
Subject: " Violence Against Women Advocate Aussie of The Year "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/belief!
Sir Mike's Comments 26/1/2015.
Subject: " Violence Against Women Advocate Aussie of The Year "

PM Tony Abbott & Rose Batty " The 2015 Aussie Of The Year ".
People it is always regardless who is awarded what honour a very proud moment I believe on the
Aussie calendar to watch the various Aussies that because of their various activities get recognised for such and which are presented by the current Prime Minister at the time along with an appreciative audience and a full TV and media coverage.
This year it was Rose Batty the Advocate for "Violence Against Women" who was elected the
" The 2015 Aussie Of The Year ".
Rose Batty only some year ago while attending some midweek sporting situation with her son Luke where they met unexpectedly her estranged husband and Luke's father and who was known to have a mental disorder - and I gather unknown to the Mother police warrants out for his arrest.
Although Luke's father had only weekend visiting rights and as such was not really allowed to see his son during the week however Luke loved his father for all his problems and I gather asked his mother if he could go over a see his Dad and after his Mother agreed he went assuring her it would be ok.
However it wasn't because Luke's father in a fit of rage hit Luke first with a cricket bat then proceeded to stab him in front of his young team mate the police were called but the Father would not allow anyone near Luke and after threatening the police with a knife they were forced to shoot him and he later died in hospital and Luke died also!
It was after many enquiries into the tragic circumstances of Luke's death that Rosie Batty decided that what had happened to her and Luke must not now happen to anyone else and started her campaign of " Violence Against - Domestic or Otherwise - Women " which she in the name of her dead son Luke worked tirelessly to bring to the publics, pollies and authorities in generals notice that in Aussie alone it is estimated that 1 - 5 women at some time or other in their life are threatened with physical violence and Rose Batties continual mantra was and is:
Quote  " The Powerless Deserve To Be Heard " unquote.

Kathy Teflon Bill Shortens Alleged Rape Victim.
Now in my view the heinous crime of rape of a women must be up there and very close to the act of murder when being judged by the law of the land because I gather the Psychological effect on the women concerned is very dramatic and life long felt and can be life - in the normal sense of the word - destroying?.
Therefore as the heinous crime of rape is definitely a violent crime against women I wonder if Teflon Bill Shortens alleged rape victim Kathy is some what hopeful that with a now powerful women and " Aussie Of The Year " like Rose Batty in her corner that she might be able to open some doors for the likes of Kathy to get her day in court ??
After all I believe that if Rose Batties slogan of quote " The Powerless Deserve To Be Heard " unquote applies to anyone it must surely apply to Kathy especially considering the sort of bloke Kathy is up against who must be the second most powerful pollie - behind the PM - like Teflon Bill a Union & Federal Labor Opposition Leader the alleged rapist??

Teflon Bill Shorten the alleged rapist & Union & Federal Labor Opposition Leader.
I wonder if Teflon Bill ever meets our current " Aussie Of The Year " Rose Batty and Rose brings up the matter of the alleged rape of Kathy that Teflon Bill will refuse to discuss it with Rose??
Surely not even our media especially the ABC could refuse to report that??.

Mark Scott AO - ABC's MD
Mind you the way Teflon Bill seems to have his foot firmly on the neck of our media especially
the ABC I guess anything is possible??.

However if your happy with our pollies acting like a bunch of " Looney Tunes " characters with our PM Tony Abbott charging all over the place as " The Road Runner " looking for a political safe haven and good old Teflon Bill " The Coyote " trying to catch PM Abbott with his typical smart arse " One-Liners " then don't whinge when you discover that what you thought was a cartoon turns out to be political reality!.
Sir Mike Howe. but you can call me Mike!

Sunday, 18 January 2015

" Dear Mr Abbott from Phoebe "

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/belief!
Mike's Comments 19/1/2015.

Subject: " Dear Mr Abbott from Phoebe "

People I have only just received this email - author unknown - but I believe it is well written,
clever and funny certainly worth a read!

Mike Howe.
This is just hilarious - but I don't think the "mozzies" will think so. Love the bit about the black garbage bag....

Dear Mr Abbott

Dear Mr Abbott,
Can you please help to get my Dad out of
jail again. He keeps getting into trouble with the mozzie man who moved in next door. (He calls them mozzies ‘cos he says they sneak up and bite you when you’re not looking.)
Dad didn’t really do much wrong, it’s just that the mozzie man called my dad a "non-mozzie" and Dad got really mad. He said, “I’m not a non anything!”, and that’s when the real argument started.
The mozzie man told Dad to stop Mum from sunbaking in her bikini and that we had to keep our dog inside. Dad told him to get (rude word) and to get a job.
I don’t understand, ‘cos the mozzie man shouldn’t be on his ladder all the time if he doesn’t like to see Mum sunbaking.
Anyway Dad called him a scary man (terror something) and said he should shove his hairy head where the sun don’t shine. I s’pose he meant under our umbrella, but that’s close to where Mum sunbakes. Golly I don’t know.
But I think the most hurtful thing the mozzie man said was that he was enjoying our Vegemite while we were stuck that Dick Smith (rude word).
Then there was an awful argument about hello food and Dad grabbed him by the beard and pulled him over the fence yelling that he was going to hello slaughter him. Crumbs, there was blood everywhere and the lady in the black garbage bag was running around in circles and ringing the police again.
Poor Dad, he says he wants to sell our house now, but there’s a mozzie man on the other side too and the Estate Agent says we might as well donate it to the local mosque.
Anyway Mr Abbott, we need Dad out before Christmas ‘cos he’s trained these three little piglets to jump the fence and he reckons all the mozzie man’s Christmases will come at once.
So Dad obviously wants to make friends with him... I think just for Christmas, ‘tho.
I know not many people are voting for you right now, Mr Abbott, so we both really need my Dad back home.
Love, Phoebe
Aged 8 (and three quarters)

" Terrorist or Narcissistic Egotist ?? "

Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2015 8:24 PM
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2015 8:10 PM
Cc: Phil Morgans ; ; Rachel Siewert ; Richard Colbeck ; Richard Di Natale ; Richard Marles ; Ricky Muir ; Rob Mitchell ; Robert Borsak MLC ; Robert Brown MLC ; Roza Sage ; Sam Dastyari ; Sam Dastyari ; Sarah Hanson-Young ; Scot Macdonald MLC ; Scott Buchholz ; Scott Ludlam ; Scott Morrison ; Scott Ryan ; Senator Canavan ; Senator Hellen Polley ; Senator Joe Bullock ; Senator Sean Edwards ; Senator Zed Seselja ; ; Senator.O'sullivan ; ; Shane Dowling ; Shane Rattenbury ; Sharon Bird ; Sharon Claydon ; Sharon Grierson ; Simon Birmingham ; Sophie Cotsis ; Stephen Conroy ; Stephen Jones ; Stephen Parry ; Steven Ciobo ; Stuart Robert ; Sue Lines ; Susan Ley ; Suzanne Kay (Sue) Boyce ; Tanya Plibersek ; ; ; Tim Watts ; tony abbott ; Tony Burke ; Tony Zappia ; Trevor Khan MLC ; Warren Entsch ; Warren Truss ; Wayne Swan ; Will Hodgman
Subject: Fw: Terrorist or Narcissistic Egotist??
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2015 8:01 PM
Cc: Jeremy Hanson ; Jill Hall ; Jillian Skinner MP ; Joanne Ryan ; Joe Hockey ; John (MP) Cobb ; John Alexander ; John Cobb ; John Faulkner ; John Forrest ; John Hogg ; John Kaye ; John Madigan ; John Williams ; ; Josh Frydenberg ; Julie Bishop ; Julie Collins ; Julie Owens ; Justine Elliot ; Kangaroo Court of Australia ; Kate Ellis ; Kate Lundy ; ; Katy Gallagher MLA ; Kelvin Thomson ; Kevin Anderson MP ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Humphries ; Kim Carr ; Lara Giddings ; Larissa Waters ; Laurie Ferguson ; Linda Burney ; Linda Reynolds ; Lisa Chesters ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Louise Markus ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Mal Brough ; Malcom Turnbull ; ; Maria Vamvakinou ; ; Marise Payne ; Mark Butler MP ; Mark Coulton ; Mark Dreyfus ; ; Mathias Cormann ; Matt Thistlethwaite
Subject: Fw: Terrorist or Narcissistic Egotist??
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2015 7:52 PM
Cc: Bridget McKenzie ; Bronwyn Bishop ; Bruce Billson ; Bruce Scott ; C.Pyne ; Carol Brown ; Catherine King ; Cathy McGowan AO ; ; Catryna Bilyk ; Chris Bowen ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Ketter ; ; Christine Milne ; Christopher Back ; Christopher Evans ; ; Claire Moore ; Clare O'Neil ; Clive Palmer MP ; ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Cory Bernardi ; Dan Tehan ; Darren Chester ; David Bushby ; David Fawcett ; David Johnston ; David Leyonhjelm ; David Shoebridge ; Dean Smith ; Deborah O'Neill ; Dennis.Jensen ; Dennis.O' ; Dio Wang ; Don Page ; Doug ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Duncan Gay ; Ed Husic ; ; ; Eric Abetz ; Federal Greens Office ; Fiona Nash ; ; Fred Nile MLC ; Gai Brodtmann ; ; Gary Gray ; Gavin Marshall
Subject: Terrorist or Narcissistic Egotist??

( Me at my place )
I am coming out loud and proud and declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent!
2. I am heterosexual!
3. Although non religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values/belief!
Mike's Comments 17/1/2015.
Subject: " Terrorist or Narcissistic Egotist ?? "

Man Haron Monis formerly Mohammad Hassan Manteghi at the Lindt Cafe Martin Place Sydney
at the time of the siege looking through the Lindt Cafe's window.

Man Haron Monis outside a Sydney Courthouse many months before the Martin Place siege.
People some (50) odd years ago as a young soldier in Central Africa I had the misfortune of
coming face to face with a so-called radical, fanatical terrorist in close arm combat.
He was a tall black bloke skinny but muscular and his hands were large and rough ? possibly
from manual work?
While we fought I could see the sweat pouring down his face, his breath stank, his eyes were
like fire balls wide open and staring at me like lasers trying to bore into me with all the hatred
and viciousness he could muster! his teeth were clenched tight yet he was frothing at the
mouth and apart from a lot of grunts nothing was said but there was no doubt he was prepared
to die for his cause or rip my guts out in the process!!
Now there is no need to go into any further details but to suffice it to say I am here writing this
email and later a blog and I am sure the African Wild Life enjoyed extra protein however in those
days as it is today human flesh in the Congo was no longer a delicacy for the wild life the bush was littered with 100's if not 1000's of dead bodies - men, women, children and babies!!
Now this black bloke was the real deal when it came to being a radical, dedicated and fanatical
terrorist and he was not alone we came up against 100's of them not this pathetic narcissistic egotist Man Haron Monis you see peering through the Lindt Cafe window wearing a bandanna waiving a shot gun around scaring people and asking to exchange hostages for an Islamic flag and a chat to our PM Tony Abbott?? as we have seen over the last few days/weeks in France and now Belgium fanatical dedicated terrorists just don't do that!!!!
They would have been well organised and heavily arm with explosives and immediately shot and killed most of the Lindt Cafe hostages and chucked the bodies out of the door because there would be to many to control and supervise and show the rest of the hostages and the authorities outside they meant business even though they had no intention of leaving that Lindt Cafe alive but ofcourse they needed to stretch it out to get maximum international coverage.
They would have never done an operation like this as a single operator because everyone is aware we need food, drink, toilet and sleep if this extends out more than say (12 ) hours and as a team the can do it in shifts

Rick Feneley Syd.Morning Herald 17/12/2014.
As Rick Feneley of the Syd. Morning Herald on the 17/12/2014 pointed out when referring to
Man Haron Monis and I quote " A deranged lone wolfe who wanted the world to believe he was
an Islamic State Warrior " unquote.
Which I agree with and I believe more and more people I speak to directly or over the internet also are starting to believe that this was a botched society security situation in regard to the judicial system for not locking up Monis when they had the chance and the police operation on the day/night of the siege where the police panicked after the first couple of shots and went in all guns blazing and it is amazing to an ex military bloke like me that has done this type of thing some (50) years ago that it was more luck than judgment that more were not killed by the police? after all this stupid pathetic bastard only had a sawn off shotgun that fires pellets and is not very accurate and because it was sawn off the spread of pellets is more wide spread and over a range of say 10 - 15 feet - old money - the pellets would not penetrate thick clothing let alone protective armoured gear the police use and yes as the unfortunate Manager of the Lindt Cafe Tori Johnston found out when he struggled with Monis a shot gun at close range can prove fatal however the police officer shot in the face with pellets was expected to return to duty the next day??
However according to an article written by Rick Ralston of the Syd: Morning Herald on the 10/1/2015 stated that according to reports the investigation shows that the Barrister Katrina Dawson the lady along with the Lindt Cafe Mgr Tori Johnston that was killed was struck by a police bullet?? how unlucky was she??.

Katrina Dawson & Tori Johnston. May they rest in peace!!
Now as far as I am concerned Man Haron Monis was no more a terrorist in the accepted term than I am or is my Aunt Fanny or my Granny if I had any!!
Monis may have terrorised but he certainly was NO! terrorist!
As far as I am concerned this terrorist siege in Martin Place is one big political & media beat up because I believe if these (2) young people had been killed because of a bank robbery – which they have in Martin Place - gone horribly wrong would there have been such an out pouring of political/media attention and expressed grief by our political leaders?? no ofcourse there would not have because innocent people bystanders are killed, maimed and injured as a result of criminal acts every week!! but a home grown terrorist?
WOW BABY here is one for the cash till and one to take the voting punters minds off of what a lousy job we pollies are doing with their hard earned Tax Paying funds!!
For instance the commercial media both print, internet, radio,TV must have increased their customer coverage (3) fold and thereby encouraging their clients to spend more on advertising.

Mark Scott MD ABC.
The ABC (Aunty) has much more dramatic items of news to report other than gays, lesbians, asylum seekers & refugees ??.

Tony Abbott PM.
Then ofcourse we have Tony Abbott and his mob that could not have done a worse job of running the country if they were 1st year University Political Graduates and who have just about got every one in the various sections of this great country of ours offside and given that alleged rapist and Union & Federal Labor Party Leader Teflon Bill Shorten a free political kick at an open goal every time Tony Abbott PM opens his mouth in public!!

Teflon Bill Shorten Union & Federal Labor Party Leader and alleged rapist.
Therefore why wouldn't Tony Abbott PM blow this terrorist thing out of all proportion to try and boost his polling numbers otherwise the Abbott mob ain't that politically naive they realise they like the recent Liberal Victorian government that there is every likelihood they could be a one term wonder not because Teflon Bill is so great and well respected but by default???.

The Liberal PM Sir Robert Menzies.
Just like decades ago when Menzies was in a bit of political trouble he brought out the saying the " Reds under the beds " meaning the possible communist invasion from our north.

John Howard Ex Aussie PM.
Then we had Johnny Howard that had us spend millions on boosting our home security and even spent billions of hard earned Aussie Tax Payers funds sending us and killing our military personnel in a false war in Iraq based on lies and deception after New York's Twin Towers 9/11.

Mike Baird Premier NSW

Campbell Newman Premier Queensland.
Both the above Premiers are due to go to state elections in the matter of weeks Newman in (2) weeks on the 31/1/15.
Therefore what a great opportunity to talk about bikies and terrorism, law and order and take the minds of the mug voters off important items such as deficits, roads, rail, health, education etc; etc; etc; they all do it no matter what side of politics you vote for!! it is that some of them are better at lying, subterfuge, deception and dishonesty than others that's all and we stupid bastards keep voting most of these mongrels back in again time, after time, after time!!
So should we be concerned about the terrorism? yes ofcourse we should! but no more than any of the other things in life that could seriously effect our and our loved ones lives!
Will we as a society ever stamp out this form or any other form of terrorism? no ofcourse not!
Lets face it even to their best endeavours the NSW Police can't even stop the bikie gangs and drug war lords shooting up the suburban streets of Sydney! fortunately they are fighting amongst themselves and lets hope some innocent bystander does not cop it in the cross fire?
However what then if they did? massive media coverage ? our PM Abbott on national TV expressing his grief and sincere sorrow? 100's if not 1000's of mourners laying flowers and expressing genuine profound sorrow in the street where it happened? choirs singing there? setting up a memorial there for the innocent victims killed before their time? declaring it an act of terrorism so the victims families can claim under the Terrorism Insurance Act??
No bloody way mate!! that was just another day in the life of the NSW Police and NSW society in general and it was regrettable that those poor individuals just like Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnston happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and the only difference was that these deaths were not caused by some phantom terrorist!!
We have President Obama! our PM Abbott! and other national leaders big noting themselves
stating they will stop/destroy ISIS !
Yeah right like they have Al Qaeda??
I know from experience and so do you that you cannot stop ideology you can only hope to contain it and minimise it's effect because in the end they disappear up their own bums and destroy themselves because they may start off as an united front but these mongrels are power hungry and in many cases have seen the power they have over people, society and whole nations by being the judge, jury and executioners and deciding who and how people- men,women and kids - should live or die!
Therefore it is not long - like our bikie/drug gangs - like the various groups fighting each other in Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Nigeria, Somalia, Iraq - they splinter and factionalise – much like Teflon Bill Shortens mob the Aussie Labor Part - and providing the rest of the world can contain them within their parameters' fine then let the bastards kill/wipe each other out!!
This is what we did in the Congo if (2) war lords decided to have a punch up then fine we would step aside and let it happen we never got between them! just had a body count afterwards.
Yes innocent people got killed, maimed and injured as a result but getting ourselves killed etc; was not going to solve the problem because some (50) years later they are still killing each other where I heard that since I was there (50) years ago there has been an estimated 8 - 9 million yep that's million!! that is the equivalent to every man, women and child in NSW and most of Queensland slaughtered!!

Robin Hood a famous 15th Century English Outlaw.
I am more than confident that back in the 15th Century the then Kings, Lords, Barons and Sheriffs would be quite happy too refer to Robin Hood as a terrorist other than just an outlaw!
So we see people outlaws/terrorists does not matter what label you put on them have for  whatever reason/ideology/tribalism/racialism/sectarianism been with us through the centuries and will be so forever because until our Premier Mike Baird can announce that as from a particular day he is disbanding, demobilising the NSW Police Force all but the Traffic and Parking cops because NSW is " Crime Free " you had better believe it!!!

Kim Jong-un North Korean President.
However people if you are prepared to cop this unmitigated subterfuge in the way of media and political hype supposedly without bias and or agenda when in actual fact it is no more than for financial gain or to remain relevant in the media or a get out of political jail card by our pollies not doing well in the polls or about to face the voters at an impending election then don't whinge when you wake up one morning only to find that a North Korean type President like Kim Jong-un has been elected as a Aussie President while you have naively been asleep at the wheel and marshall law has been enacted pending a possible terrorist attack by a bloke wearing a bandanna pertaining to be an Islamic State Soldier of ISIS waiving some weird flag around with writing on that possible 99% of the worlds population would not have a clue what it said or meant and threatening people with a sawn off shot gun? give us a bloody break!!!!
Mike Howe.