Wednesday, 31 July 2013

" The proposed NSW Gay Marriage Act "

( As heard on the ABC News Radio on the 27/7/2013)

There is no doubt about it people the pollies and their masters the bureaucrats are masters of distraction and diversification in order to reduce the risk of upsetting the majority of the population and especially the voters!!

In my view Ex PM Johnny Howard was an expert at it because if he found he was getting a lot of political heat over something he would have a political punch up with the Aboriginals or the immigrants by trying to define the definition of a true Aussie??as a consummate pollie little Johnny had a bag of very effective tricks when he needed them!!

The O'Farrel mob got in about 2.5 years ago with a great fanfare and a massive majority with the promises of " Trust us we will do it right for you!! " but the problem was that they may have a big majority in the NSW lower house but not in the NSW Upper House where they rely on the minority parties to pass their legislation - especially the sale of the NSW precious assets ie; electricity,desalination plants, ports etc; etc; which means ofcourse they are open to political blackmail by the Greens who in order to make themselves relevant are the prime driving force behind the gay marriage thing and as the Greens are a fast diminishing political factor in Aussie politics both in regard to state and federal politics there is an urgent need to rush it through the NSW State Parliament.

The spokes women for the NSW Parliament ? name ? on the ABC News Radio on the 27/7/2013 stated that the pro-gay lobby have been advised by legal experts to make the Act/Bill as narrow in sphere as possible to reduce the possibilities of a legal challenge??? HOW DEVIOUS IS THAT PEOPLE?????

The pollies/ bureaucrats/ gays/ lesbians/ bi-sexual's/ academics/ pro-gay dogooders all know that put to either a state or federal referendum it would get bounced/dumped big time hence the desperate attempt to bulldoze it through before the federal election and certainly before the next state one!!

Ofcourse people this very controversial - and take no notice of the gay - pro gay/lesbian mob it truly is!!! would be a great distraction/diversification for the "DO LITTLE O'FARREL MOB " while they sell off the family farm as one off's -?? when those funds are gone then what??? well these pollies will be long gone when the proverbial hits the fan then!! it will be someone else's problem because they will be enjoying retirement and raking in the dollars on various boards/directorships!!

Also this O'Farrel mob were going to work miracles for us in NSW ? Rail - apart from a few new carriages and a change of staff uniforms?? noticed anything?? Roads - still congested - if not worse?? as they ever were!! council/country roads in a mess- needs billions to fix them! Health? listen to the current nurses/medical staff dispute over staffing numbers - speaks volumes!! Aging?? Homeless?? Law and Order - we have more gun fights in Sydney than the "OK CORRAL ON OCTOBER THE 26TH IN 1881 IN TOMBSTONE, USA!! so yes bring on the very controversial gay marriage equality Act that will distract the poor Aussie bastards doing it tough - at least 75% of the Aussie population without a doubt!!

You have to ask yourself people?? how is it this minority group of gays/lesbians ? ( say 1.5% some 250,000 ) of the Aussie population?) who are normally in well paid positions- I have yet to see/hear of any declared gay/lesbian homeless person or beggar on the streets or queuing up nightly for a free feed from the charities?? has so much political influence in both the state and federal parliaments and bureaucracies as well as the ABC??

Well I guess in my view it is because we have had so many gay/lesbian ( and bi-sexual's who it is well known are open to black mail especially if they are high profile?? one way or the other?? ) infiltrate our political system at all three levels of this over governed country of ours in the way of pollies/bureaucrats therefore using their voter gifted! very unfair!! position of influence and power for self interest and personal gain because as soon as they are confirmed as married in the eyes of the law they will be entitled to all the financial welfare benefits afforded the hetro's and as far as I am concerned that is tantamount to corruption of the worsted kind!!! because the pollies were voted in as a matter of trust by the voters and the bureaucrats are paid for out the hard earned scarce tax payers funds therefore to use their bureaucratic position for personal financial gain is very third world!! and as a good old Aussie saying goes " LOWER THAN A SNAKES BELLY!! "

Ok people speak up or get pushed around by these noisy! in your face! well organised minority groups! supported by their soon to be politically irrelevant spear head the Greens - at all levels of government!! and if you let it happen then don't whinge just cop the consequences because you deserve it !!!!!!!!


Tuesday, 30 July 2013

" At last the majority is heard - about time!! "

Now the old cynic in me accepts that we are very close to a federal election and 
ofcourse all pollies of every political persuasion are always very accommodating, understanding, pliable and good listeners at this time mainly for their own self interests so that they can remain on the tax payer funded gravy train?? or if finance    & income is not their concern then to satisfy their almighty ego's??

However if we poor mugs footing the nations bills can get a return - albeit a short lived one because pollies are notorious for their short memories once they have taken the oath of office!! - then why not have our fleeting naive moment of grandeur and sense of power and control?? after all it only comes round every 3-4 years and it fades into the ether say 48 hours after the results of the election are known!!
                                                                   Senator Doug Cameron

Even the Labor Senator Doug Cameron acknowledged on ABC TV that he has nowseen the light in regard to border protection and to quote him " It's a tough gig but it has to be done" unquote "
 (? he must have been a roadie in his past life? " Gig ") referring to the PM Rudd"s PNG solution.

Senator Hanson- Young
However we had the usual minority rabble rousers such as the Green Senators 
Milne & Hanson-Young and others - I was surprised not to see our illustrious yet arrogant NSW Upper House Greenie MLC David Shoebridge not out in the front supporting his comrades and those pathetically minimal Greenie rent - a- crowds with his mega phone if nothing else to make up the numbers to at least try and fill the TV screens?? trying to whip up a majority of public support for these potential welfare bludgers invading our shores and apart from the people that have a self interest ie; lawyers, academics, refugee organisations that earn a living from this now huge tax payer funded industry plus wet behind the ears teenagers/Uni students etc; they have!! and there is no doubt in my mind will!! failed miserably because the average Aussie - unlike the pollies!! - are doing it tough and have enough trouble keeping a roof over their/families heads! clothed & fed!! educated!! without having to care for a new bunch of "Cuckoo's"in the nest!

I believe that the sooner we ditch being part of this out of date! abused! 1951-1954 United Nations Refugee Convention and shut these dogood pollies! academics! ABC commentators up the better then maybe they can divert their attention to making life better for the hard working,productive,tax paying Aussie battlers instead of 10's of 1000's of non productive! non tax paying! welfare dependent invading foreigners ??!

ABC Radio 702 - Linda Mottram.

Now I can't pick up the Sydney ABC AM 702 program featuring a compare/presenter
by the name of Linda Mottram however I did pick up her interview on the 22/7/2013
on the ABC News Radio that she had with a PNG Governor by the name of Gary Juffa
and they were discussing the latest PM Rudd's refugee PNG situation.

Well in my view this Linda Mottram did everything she could to put idea's/words into
this bloke Gary Juffa's mouth to the extent that Linda Mottram was in my view trying
to make the news by stirring up trouble and incite public disobedience in PNG over 
this latest refugee program and I seriously believe that the ABC management aught
to listen to the recorded broadcast and see if they agree because surely as a  public
ABC servant Linda Mottram's position is  to report! discuss! and summarise and keep
any personal biases and like and dislikes of the government of the days policies to

If Linda Mottram wants to be a " Shock Jock " and voice her opinion and thereby try
and sway public opinion in order to possibly improve her ratings then Linda Mottram
should go and work for a commercial radio which I don't listen too!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve
all you get and you could get a refugee centre coming to your neighbourhood anytime
soon so don't whinge!!


Thursday, 25 July 2013

" The Illustrious yet arrogant NSW Upper House MLC David Shoebridge!! "

At 10.40am on Friday the 19/7/2013 I received an email from the above mentioned
pollie David Shoebridge stating that quote " Please remove this email from your list "
To which my reply was :

While you remain a pollie and therefore have your hand in my pocket for your salary,
perks and your email address you will continue to receive my emails because I don't
want you ever to state that you were not aware of what your employer ME!! was having problems and/or concerns with and that goes for any pollie from the PM/
/Premier down!!!

Now what you do with the email is ofcourse up to you but bear in mind from my end
I have the time and the date I sent it to you and as such until you become a private
citizen myself and 100's of the other Bcc recipients of my emails will hold you

Ok people speak up and don't let these pollies push you around because remember
they are supposed to be there to represent us and our wants and needs however 
after receiving this rubbish from David Shoebridge MLC it makes you wonder if they
really take their oath of office seriously?? or just mouth the words and are not aware
of there significant's or even care??


" The " Messiah " PM Rudd is here to save us!!! "

First up people I can't go past commenting on the election con job I have just listened too on the ABC Radio where the (3) Omego's - PM Rudd! Treasure Chris Bowen ! Climate Change Minister Mark Butler announcing the major and hugely expensive tax payer funded back flip on the carbon tax conversion to an Admission Trading Scheme as from the 1/7/2014 where these hypocrite's - especially PM Rudd!! have suddenly seen the light and agreed - after being dragged kicking and screaming - that this useless tax is hurting the Aussie nation as a whole - no apology for the hurt and heart burn this has caused oh no that is to much to ask!! after all this is our political   Messiah! PM Rudd who is going too " TALK " this great nation of ours out of the political! financial ! and border security wilderness that this Labor Party has due to their lack of good governance and duty of care left us in!!!???

The (3) Omego's headed by our " Messiah "Pm Rudd state the change will be cost effective ie; 3.8 billion dollars added to our all ready national debt of 100's of billions!! with offsets in savings?? how can there be any savings when our bank account is empty and we are living on the credit card???

However no mention of the " BILLIONS - YEP BILLIONS!! " of the hard earned tax payers scare funds and private money totally wasted setting up this Labor Party/ Greens/ Independents mirage and fuzzy warm feeling scheme?? no ofcourse not you silly voters that was all Gillard's fault!! you know that bitch I have come as your " Messiah " to save you from in the " ZIP " of time!!

Now I realise that what I heard on the ABC Radio was not the full interview but lets consider the following:

1. This change has to be sanctioned by a majority of both houses of federal parliament otherwise all it is is the usual PM Rudd's slight of tongue?? therefore is PM Rudd going to recall parliament " BEFORE" the election if not this is just an electioneering thought bubble!! and we have to trust PM Rudd because he is an eternal optimist? we know that because he told us at the National Press Club!!

2. To me this should have been the first question put to PM Rudd and his Omego's by the reporters present but not a word!! which to me this is why I put out this mike's comments because of the very poor standard of media reporting!! because if the Rudd mob don't get the Reps cross benches let alone the Senate - and I can't see the Greens going for it?? then all this waffle is just that waffle!! and a figment of the " Messiah " Rudd's imagination and part of his elaborate political " CONNIVED " job on the Aussie voters??!

3. We have also to remember that Treasure Chris Bowen was previously the Immigration Minister in the Gillard government and single handedly without good governance and duty of care as the nations gate keeper dropped the drawbridge and let these hordes of illegal invading so-called asylum seekers breach our defenses!! lets hope he does a better job as Treasure?? although I for one have absolutely " NO !! " faith that this "ABLE TO TALK UNDER WATER!! " Chris Bowen has that capacity!! although that said we must realise he is the " Messiah " Rudd's chosen one so?? who knows miracles do happen??

All in all people just how much more of this " REINCARNATED GLIB TALKING -WELL TRAVELED KEVIN 707 " are we going to have to endure before he calls an election??or are we going to have to wait until he is capable of walking on water so he is sure that as our political " Messiah " by divine influence he will win???

For the nations sake PM Rudd ( ALIAS KEVIN 707!) BRING IT ON AND PUT US ALL OUT OF OUR MISERY!!!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences before the Greens Leader Senator Milne and that smart arse/Glib W A Greenie Senator Scott Ludlam  don't try and nationalise our major banks! mining and energy resources industries?? but if they do don't whinge because you have been warned!! but I will leave that bunch of meaningless headline hunting spoilers for another time!! the " Messiah " PM Rudd and the Greens combined is too much for one day/comments!!


Thursday, 18 July 2013

" The Peter Principle is alive and well in Aussie today!! "

First up - 1/7/2013 - ABC's Q&A

I can't go past mentioning the spectacle I witnessed on the ABC's Q&A where I believe that one of Rudd governments political assets is the Federal Liberal Parties Shadow Minister for Innovations,Industry,Science & Research Sophie Mirabella MP where as usual she - because she has been on before a few times - made a right fool of herself!! and even the mild and usually well mannered Tanya Plibersek MP the Minister for Health & Member for Sydney and another member of the panel took Sophie Mirabella down and out in her usual polite manner so many times it was pathetically embarrassing!!

? Why the Liberal Party allows Mirabella to appear on such shows has got me ? because regularly she becomes the butt of the audiences mirth and ridicule!!

It was good to see that the smart arse Tony Jones kept his glib one liners to a minimum and allowed the panels responses to flow which is ofcourse why the viewers watch the show and not to listen to him!!

Julia Gillard the Ex Labor Leader and Aussie Prime Minister.

For those unaware the definition of the Peter Principle is " Where people rise or get promoted to his or her level of incompetence! " and there is no doubt in my mind that Julia Gillard is a prime example of this where Gillard was rated high from within the Labor Party!! was respected by the opposition!! and polled very well with the voters as Deputy Prime Minister in the Rudd government however by stealing the Prime Ministers position by devious stealth everything went pear shape!! she lost the respect of at least 50% of the Labor Party! all of the oppositions respect!! and apart from the hairy legged women's lobby who became ecstatic to say the least because Gillard had become the first female PM she lost at least the trust of 60% of the Aussie voters polled!!

Gillard did not win government in her own right but was a PM over a minority government! did not have sufficient leadership support within the Labor Party to survive the onslaught of the Rudd's mobs devious juggernaut!! lost the vicious battle with Tony Abbott big time and just gave a very good impression of a screaming banshee at question time trying all she could to avoid answering the questions put to her and where to add insult to injury tried to hide behind the gender/misogyny card the same way non white's do the racialism card!! the gays the homophobia card!! the refugees the xenophobe card when it suits them!!!

I realise that the out going pollies messrs Oakeshott and Windsor are singing her praises and why wouldn't they because they supported Gillard through thick and thin for their own political survival had there been a " Successful NO confidence motion? " and a new election they surely would have lost their seats and in my view this is why neither of them has the intestinal fortitude to run again and decided to take a very substantial pension and perks and do a runner!!!

However that is nothing compared to Gillards pay out considering her government has run up the biggest national debt in the countries history which will take probably a decade of careful national financial management to at least try and get on top of dropped the draw bridge and allowed the foreign hordes to breach the castle walls/borders!! manufacturing,tourism,retail, farming - especially beef - all doing it tough with multiple closures and lay off's! unemployment on the increase!! take no notice of the " Mickey Mouse " (5.5%) put around by the Labor Party where if you work or likely too (1) hour per week you are classed as employed!! it is estimated that at least 500,000 Aussies are under employed!! and according to ACOS - Housing & Social Services at least 1 - 5 Aussies - 230,000 - are living rough!!

Therefore considering the above which is I believe just the tip of the iceberg? and that the Ex Labor Leader & PM Gillard has not completed her tenure as the PM as a result of the majority of the Labor Party Members lack of confidence in her as a leader to take them successfully into the next election plus and more importantly the lack of confidence the poor polling shows voters have in Gillard!! never-the-less I gather Gillard can expect a superannuation annual payout of some $200,000 PA plus driver/car! Office!! Office staff!! and free travel all for the rest of her life?? so not bad I reckon for a failed national leader!! 

So you hard working tax paying doing it tough suckers you figure???

Ed Husic the now Parliamentary Secretary to the PM Rudd takes the oath holding the Koran!!??

In my view this is disgusting especially condoned by our Governor General Quentin Bryce who also happens to be the Commander in Chief of our Aussie military forces! you know these poor bastards of ours that are losing their lives in the most horrendous ways! being maimed for life! and by doing so create heartache and trauma for their loved ones for their rest of their lives!! yep that mob!!

All of which is being done by the same murdering bastards that also swear on this same Koran to not only kill and maim our Aussies but non-Muslim unbelievers in the western world in general as well!!!!

? What sought of wacky world are we living in here??? when our so-called head of state can allow - if not encourage? - such a demeaning act to our fallen dead and their loved one's and to add insult to injury ED Husic as Parliamentary Secretary to PM Rudd will not only assist in sending our brave Aussie military to their potential deaths but will also assist in meeting their coffins when they are returned to their home land!

These Koran holding Muslims were responsible for killing Aussies in Bali!! the TwinTowers 9/11! Iraq! and now Afghanistan and have sworn on the Koran to kill and slaughter more in the future!!

I wonder if the new Greens Muslim MLC in the NSW  Upper House Dr Mehreen Faruqi replacing the Greens Cate Faehrmann who is running for a federal Greens Senate seat will or?? has been sworn in also using the Koran??

This is what has happened in the UK where the Muslims have got into positions of power - and the positions of Parliamentary Secretary to the PM Rudd and a NSW Upper House pollie are very powerful and influential political positions!! then by stealth got Sharia Law into UK Law!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all the Sharia law and everything else you get so don't whinge!!
