Saturday, 29 June 2013

" Racial Tension & Violence Inevitable "

As a resident of the New England Area of NSW I witnessed my federal Member the Independent Mr Tony Windsor MP make the following statement on last nights 25/6/2013 - ABC's 7.30 Report quote " The refugee situation is a blight on all of us"unquote which I am sure was very welcome by the various exalted and other Aussie and International groups that have either a personal and/or financial interests in the subject?? or it just gives them that warm fuzzy feeling???

Well Mr. Tony Windsor MP is the following a blight on us all as well?? especially the likes of you a federal pollie??

1. That we have 600,000 plus good Aussie citizens going to bed hungry every night in NSW alone??

2. That there are 80- 100,000 plus G A citizens queuing/begging for food every night around Aussie from charities who mainly rely on gifts of food from private enterprise and regularly run out ??

3. That there are 100,000 plus - of which 30,000 are estimated to be youths - sleeping rough out in the open on the freezing - and below freezing - nights currently??

4. That we have an estimated 2,000,000 G A citizens ( say 10% ) and where according to the Salvation Army, Smith Family, St Vinies etc;etc;  is climbing daily so much so they are finding it extremely difficult to keep up with the demand and who are living below the poverty line!! this is Aussies we are discussing here not some third world country!!! however the way you pollies keep squandering our scarce tax payers funds we will soon be!!

5. That G A elderly citizens are finding it near impossible to find suitable aged care accommodation and proper palliative care??

6. That the homeless situation in Tamworth is dire with a support group looking to close by year end due to the lack of funding ??

7. That the unemployment in Tamworth alone is (18.9%) and with unemployment in the outer area's for the 15 -25 year old's anything up to (46%) so much for the "Mickey Mouse " Labor Parties unemployment figures of (5.5%)???

8. That 24,000 miners have lost their jobs over the last (12) months??

9. That the federal and all the states and territory governments are running deficits!! in other words living on the credit card and we all know especially the Mums on the domestic scene the day of reckoning always rears it's ugly head sooner or later and sometimes with devastating results for the average plebb??

The myriad of problems that require attention for the hard working tax paying Aussies go on and on and did not only occur yesterday but have been going on for decades therefore for someone like Tony Windsor to ask us to feel sorry for a bunch of uninvited! unauthorised ! illegal!! welfare dependent! non contributing! non tax paying! invaders ! who are on the whole human liabilities that their governments are very eager to unload onto the already financially stressed Aussie population!! is going well beyond the pail and well beyond any thought of the so-called " Aussie fair go!! "

I have just heard ( at 11.30 am ) on the ABC Radio National that along with Rob Oakeshott Tony Windsor will not be running for re-election for the seat of New England and considering the constant vitriol and aggressive language I am hearing -with little empathy for the asylum seekers dying at sea in fact the entire opposite where the general comment is that they should not be there anyway in the first place!! at the super markets checkouts,coffee shops,pubs and the endless stream of caravaners that stay at the very busy caravan park where I am if Tony Windsor ran on a platform/ticket of " Lets be sorry and more helpful ?? " considering the invaders have already absorbed an estimated (10) billion of Aussies scarce tax payers funds and climbing at a rapid rate which could go on for years if not decades?? then I have absolutely no doubt Tony Windsor would have been dumped big time by the New England voters regardless of the good work he has done in the past - and there is no doubt he has because it is plain to see around the New England area!!

When are these pollies going to wake up to the fact that it is the Aussie tax payers with their hard earned  funds that pay these pollies their generous wages/conditions and not the United Nations Refugee organisations or any other external associations therefore the pollies should devote their energy to the wants and needs of the majority of Aussies first and then if they have any spare time they can devote some time to other matters but not before!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!


Sunday, 16 June 2013

" Answer the Questions Bill Shorten!! 

People someone in authority should inform Bill Shorten the Minister for Employment and Work Place Relations that he is no longer the Secretary of the Australian Workers Union when asked to answer questions in the house of Reps he is supposedly a Minister of the Crown!!

The parliamentary Despatch Box is not a rostrum at a no holds barred Labor Party & Union meeting slug fest where obviously Bill Shorten had learned his debating skills and where he had become accustomed to attacking anyone and everyone that had the effrontery to dare question him with the ferocity of a small terrier ? the little man syndrome??

Oh dear now the PM Gillard has an excuse to divert from the major issues of the day concerning the majority of Aussies such as her and her governments failure to manage the nations economy and borders to discrimination against short people?? that's ofcourse when she has finished hypercritically weeping buckets of crocodile tears of self pity in regard to the political discrimination against females?? shame the poor darlings.

However never mind the PM Gillard has just got herself a $12,000.oo per year increase in her already $400,000 plus salary and perks which ofcourse will boost that payout when she gets dumped on the 14/15 of September this year ?? so that should help dry those crocodile tears?? what do you reckon people???

Anyway I digress.

Late last week I watched via the ABC the house of Rep's question time where I believe I witnessed a parliamentary spectacle not worthy of any pollie and especially not a Minister of the Crown!!

Bill Shorten was asked quite legitimate questions by the opposition - led by Malcolm Turnbull - about the Telstra phone pits and the problem with their removal in regard to asbestos??

Well do you think Bill Shorten would answer the questions put to him without spitting fire and brimstone and vitriol at the opposition going way back to the Johnny Howard days?? in regard to these pits/asbestos?? no way!!

Repeatedly Bill Shorten was asked by the opposition to come back to the Despatch Box on a point of order in regard to his reply/answer and relevance?? so many times he was like a YO - YO with the string being attached to the Despatch Box!! yet even then after being urged by the Speaker Ms Anna Burke MP many times to address the question properly and make it relevant the cocky little bugger refused to until the very end of this uncalled for tirade by Minister Shorten when he appealed to the opposition for a partisan effort in regard to asbestos problems in general and not just the Telstra pits?? this ofcourse could have been done/said on Bill Shortens first trip to the box instead of Bill Shortens pathetic and desperate attempt to score political points!!

However the ironical thing is that although the Speaker Anna Burke agreed with Malcolm Turnbull many times in regard to Bill Shortens behaviour in regard to his answers not being relevant Anna Burke ejected Malcolm Turnbull from the chamber because he kept reminding the Speaker of such ?? so people you figure?? what a bloody debacle?? is there any wonder the country is on the slippery slide down hill??

Mind you even though Bill Shorten is touted as being the next Labor Party Leader ?? if there is a Labor Party left after 14/9/2013?? he only got elected to the Reps on the 24/11/2007 so therefore he has still got his political training wheels on!!

Now why am I going on about this incident when this disgusting behaviour promoted by our PM Gillard who by far is an expert exponent of not answering questions put to her by the opposition and where this devious female - whoops there I go pointing out that the PM Gillard is a female!! tut tut that will never do!! pours scorn and vitriol at every opportunity on Tony Abbott and the opposition in a desperate and pathetic attempt to score political points instead of answering the questions and being accountable to not only the opposition but to the good citizens of this great nation of ours and it is because of this attitude that " We are the Untouchables " that this bunch of pollies - I include the Greens in this!! are allowing this country to fall apart at the seams!!

PM Gillard and this Labor mob plus the Greens are asking the voters to re-elect them based not on their pathetic  track record in so many area's but future very expensive unfunded - borrowed funds?? - educational and disability unproven programs where these current pollies will be long gone out of politics enjoying these well funded tax payer funded retirement plans when the proverbial hitsthe fan when these unfunded bureaucratic controlled programs unravel due to the lack of funding and expertise!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!!

Mike Howe.

Monday, 10 June 2013

" Yep it's official - The coalition will win the September 2013 Election !! "

Yep that's right people it's all over red rover and apart from the shouting - as the
saying goes - it's done and dusted which has been confirmed to me by an
announcement at 1.30pm today the 7/6/2013 on the ABC Radio by the current
Senator Barnaby Joyce -?? who is yet to resign from the Senate ?? and who is
running as a preselected National Party candidate for the seat of this glorious
part of Aussie the New England area where I am a permanent resident and therefore
a voter and where Senator Barnaby Joyce quite clearly stated that quote " The
Coalition will win the election " unquote referring obviously to the September the
14th federal election!!

So let's take a quick look at this very controversial Queensland LNP - which he ran
on as a joint ticket in the 2010 election and not as a Country/National party candidate!
- Senator who was also elected as the leader of the National Party in the Senate in
September 2008.

Senator Joyce was elected to the Senate in July 2005 even though he only managed
6.5% of the vote well short of the 14.3% required for election but made up for the
poor showing by the flow of second preferences!!

Senator Joyce had little problem getting re-elected to the Senate in 2010 considering
the Labor Party and especially PM Gillard were on the nose with Queensland voters!!

His controversial claim to fame is that he is the first government Senator to cross
the floor to vote against the government since 1986 and on at least one occasion
where he on the 11/10/2005 voted with Labor and the minor parties on (2) motions
concerning the Trade Practices Act 1974 however even then both motions were lost

This was not the only time Senator Joyce crossed the floor in his political career
to vote with his opposition of the time!!!

However Senator Joyce has the convenient yet hypocritical audacity to criticise
Tony Windsor MP for selling out to the Gillard Labor government?? WHY?? WHAT

Therefore people before I vote for Senator Joyce I must ask myself what makes
Senator Joyce the right candidate to represent me in the house of Rep's for (3)
years from the 14/9/2013??

?? Apart from being very controversial!! out spoken !! ?? what is his outstanding
feature?? something - other than crossing the floor - that he will be remembered
for in years to come while being in the Aussie Senate for all the years that he has??

Well people if anyone can remember let me know because as a political junky and
therefore someone who surely should know I can't think of a thing!!!

I have listened to Senator Joyce many times giving his rendition of what in my view
are pathetic attempts to debate/discuss many and various government and other
bills/legislation in the Senate where the person in the Senate Presidents chair would
have to continually remind Senator Joyce not to digress and keep the debate to the
relevant matter under discussion and stop going off at tangents attacking his
opposition at every opportunity!!

I have yet to hear Senator Joyce complete a sentence with say more than a dozen
words in it without what it would appear to me as losing his train of thought in regard
to the subject matter being discussed???

I have often listened to Senator Joyce in the Senate and after he has used his allotted
time to speak and I assume sat down?? I just shake my head and say to myself??
well what was that all about?? a lot of words and saying nothing meaningful?? of
any consequence?? what a waste of valuable political time and tax payers funds??

I realise you could say that about 80% of our pollies at all levels of this over governed
country of ours?? but there again their not asking me to vote for them in the
electorate of New England are they??!!!

The one of many things that get up my bloody nose are people taking me for granted
especially government servants like pollies that I pay for out of my hard to come by
earnings and therefore my various taxes!!

I doubt whether I would have written this rant about Senator Joyce had I not heard
that arrogant cocky bastard take me and my precious vote for granted??

I have not yet decided who I will vote for?? and if I don't find a suitable candidate I
will do what I usually do in a case like that and spoil my ballot paper because I can't vote for someone that I don't have confidence in just for the sake of voting!!

However one thing is for sure I will " NOT " be voting for that clown Senator Barnaby

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you
deserve all you get so don't whinge!!!


Friday, 7 June 2013

" Trust me I'm a pollie!!! "

In my view people wouldn't it be good if we could take for granted " Trust me I'm a pollie " as a fact  of life???

Trouble is although it is not good practice to lump all individuals into the sins of an organisation like a political party because I would hope that on an individual basis the many and various members of same are genuinely good people and mean well and do their up most for the good citizens of this great country of ours??

However unless we vote for an independent as compared to the Libs/Nats,Labor and Greens when we cast our votes we are not voting for the individual on the ballet paper but their party of choice therefore I have absolutely no sympathy for that individual pollie if the party stuffs up because it is up to the pollie to make sure that they represent their electorate first and foremost and therefore withdraw their support for the party if what is happening is seriously detrimental to the good Aussie citizen who have put their trust in them!!

Lets take the NDIS/DCA for instance where unlike the majority of Aussie citizens I have more time on my hands plus my interest in politics goes back some 50 years so as not to rely on this countries biased disjointed media coverage which mainly concentrates mainly on sensationalism over facts I often tune in via the ABC Radio to parliamentary debates in both the house of rep's and Senate and where I have over the months while parliament is sitting listened to our pollies from all sides of politics in both houses waxing lyrical about what a great panacea the NDIS/DCA - which is supported across the political party spectrum - will be for the 400,000 plus disabled Aussie citizens in regard to their welbeing whether that be for their physical! mental! or financial problems??

The majority of speeches were along party lines - in other words very repetitive and in my view were just a ploy to get their names in Hansard - with Labor pollies claiming all the credit for it stating that this is what Labor does??all the so-called speeches were high on rhetoric and virtually nil on detail!! WHY?? because there is very little detail available!! regrettably as from the 1/7/2013 this year the trial in various parts of Aussie will be a very expensive bureaucratic shot in the dark!! 

So let's take a brief look at this proposed NDIS/DCA system that our pollies are so proud of and where pollie after pollie quoted " A monumental political decision of a life time and one that should make our nation proud " unquote!!

1. The trial run starts this July 2013 at various locations however the system is not due to be fully implemented until 2019 - (6) years! (2) elections (2) new parliaments!at a cost of an estimated?? 14 to 20 billion dollars and where even by increasing the Medicare Levy ( Tax!! ) by ( 0.5% ) and it is estimated that will only recover/pay for about 40% of any billions spent - considering to date the pollies/bureaucrats find it difficult to forecast (3) to (6) months ahead ?? (6) years?? requiring the general tax payer to front up with the balance??

2. PM Gillard announced on ABC Radio today - 3/6/2013 - that the head office for the NDIS/DCA will be in Geelong where some of those Ford workers that are to lose their jobs in 2016 and that it is estimated that 300 jobs will be created?? how does that help middle aged and older people who have worked on car production lines and who have never worked in an office and who are possibly computer illiterate??

However that brings the point up in regard to bureaucratic overheads/administration ? 300 in Geelong ? Canberra? States/Territories? the non for profit organisations administrations?? where there is no doubt in my mind this will account for at least 50 - 60% of the billions spent leaving 30 - 40% of the scarce funds for the poor buggers that are in desperate need of it??

3. It was stated by a number of pollies/Senators?? are you ready for this quote " There are no specific details in regard to who is covered! for what ?? and what circumstances because?? I found that I could hardly believe my ears when I heard this!! everyone's circumstances are different??? unquote!! that's like saying when we go into the desert today we won't take any water with us because we don't know how much we will need??

However that says to me that these poor needy disabled buggers and their carers are going to be in the hands of the bureaucrats/administrators?? if there is a God then I sincerely hope he helps them because mate they will need every bit of it!!!! especially those that are currently disabled by past illness/accidents  or if you are over 65 years because I gather you are not covered??

Well people I could go on and on there is so much negative information that to me proves that unfortunately for the needy that are desperately needing various kinds of assistance in so many different ways that this NDIS/DCA scheme is just another load of disgraceful bullshit put out by the Gillard and supported by the Abbott mobs to get your votes!!!

You don't have to be Einstein or a financial wizard because any Mum working out the household budget will know from experience this country along with all our myriad of serious financial problems cannot afford it!!!

We have an aging population - more welfare less tax payers! youth unemployment - average 15 - 23% - but can go as high as 40%! BHP cutting back on exploration -- poor coal prices! raw material prices peeking - some reducing!! our manufacturing index continues to decline now at 42% - has been for 23 months! business and mining investments stalled! 10's of 1000's of illegal's invading our shores helping themselves to what is left of our deteriorating wealth which is amounting to billions of scarce funds!! 100's of farmers facing closure especially in the beef industry because of drought and poor prices!! the national debt continues to balloon out costing millions daily to administer in interest alone! and on and on it goes!!

I believe that PM Gillard should save those crocodile tears she shed in parliament recently for the poor unfortunates in 2019 which will be devastated and brought to the brink of total despair as the cut backs and lack of funds hurt the current poor buggers who will then be (6) years older and deeper in debt??!!

Mean while PM Gillard and the bulk of the current batch of pollies will be comfortably retired sucking their retirement benefits out of Costello's well resourced Future Fund!!!!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!
