Thursday, 30 May 2013

" The ABC"s pro gay tax payer funded juggernaut rolls on "

Last night the 27/5/2013 I watched that farcical so-called ABC's Question & Answer -Q&A- show which was compered/chaired by the pro gay!belligerent!glib!smart arse! up himself Tony Jones and where the audience was stacked with pro gay and anti Christian supporters put there obviously to embarrass and belittle Fred Nile who I have never been a full supporter of however I believe in a fair go and Fred Nile certainly did not get it last night!!! it was a set up!! an ambush!! ably orchestrated by that smart arse Jones!! and engineered by the ABC's pro gay/anti Christian management and staff!!

However good on Fred Nile because even with the odds completely stacked against him from within the panel and the audience he tried to give as good as he got!! that is providing he could get a word in edge ways from being constantly talked over by that full of himself! noisy! one liner! expert on everything yank! encouraged by smart arse Jones!!

Excluding smart arse Jones if it was not a set up to have a go at Nile all the panel needed to consist of would be that over bearing! full of himself! stand up comedian ( or he thought/thinks he is!! ) yank and the gay priest who was in my view there to administer to his gay flock in the audience and because he was on national TV use it as part of a recruitment drive ably assisted by the Aussie tax payer funded ABC!!! because the (2) women there were hardly allowed to speak before the yank was allowed - by smart arse Jones - to interrupt/talk over them!! mind you the yank ably assisted again by Jones did that with everyone and then in most cases looked to the audience for the applause even though what he in his usual rude manner was speaking was a load of anti religious gobble gook!! and having heard the ingnorant smart arse before it is obvious that he keeps trotting out these well rehearsed one liners/verbal diarrhoea for the effect and the audience applause as compared to having any meaningful substance and contribution to the debate!!

In my view blokes like this loud mouth yank make themselves so controversial and uncompromising just so they can be invited to appear on panels like the Q&A and they can practice their stand up comedian routine but the trouble is their obnoxious display of arrogance and uncompromising ! self - opinionated well rehearsed anti establishment diatribe can be very hurtful to the vast majority of the people listening to it

I am not anti gay/lesbian!!! as with anyone else good luck to them!!

What I am anti about is the amount of time,funds and effort allocated by the pollies/bureaucrats at all levels of this over governed country of ours plus more than any other Aussie media the tax payer funded ABC in regards to this noisy! in your face gay/lesbian mob when we have a myriad of far more serious and massive problems to contend with effecting the majority of the Aussie population - and not just (1.5%) mainly well paid middle to upper level Aussies?? - that need serious undivided attention and not be distracted by a well organised! media savvy! in your face minority such as this gay/lesbian mob!! or any other minority group for that matter!!! 

Even Barrie Cassidy on the Sunday ABC show the " Insiders " keeps banging on about gays and marriage equality at any chance he can get?? Why?? what's his agenda???

I also seriously believe - as I have stated before - that this gay/lesbian agenda/campaign is being driven for self interest and personal gain from within by the number of gay/lesbian/bi-sexual that make up the various levels of pollies and their bureaucracies and I have no doubt now amongst  the management and staff of the ABC and therefore are using their positions - and the scarce and hard earned tax payers funds- of influence/power to promote personal agenda's and therefore try and bypass the democratic choice that the Aussie population has of a referendum on such an important issue as the sanctity of marriage!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!!!!


Ps: I will still watch Q & A if for nothing else to see in my view just how far that smart arse Tony Jones can continue to reduce - and just how fast?? - the once high standards of a show like Q & A???

Tuesday, 28 May 2013


 " While the pollies were distracted?? "

Well people while our pollies in general - but with special mention for Adam Brandt MP and Senators Milne,Hanson- Young and the so-called peoples Senator Doug Cameron - have been distracted by a bunch of gays and lesbians wanting to get legally married because they love each other?? and hordes of non-contributing! non-tax paying! uninvited! illegal!! invaders of our borders helping themselves to what is left of this nations wealth!! plus Senator Xenophon ranting in the Senate during adjournment debates - and at any other opportunity he can - seriously chiding our Foreign Minister Senator Bob Carr and the Aussie government for not interfering in the Malaysian elections?? and wanting an judicial enquiry into NSW horse racing?? and being very upset about a minority of Aussies that are gambling addicts?? when there are far more serious matters concerning other Aussies that are contributing hard working tax paying citizens who also I am sure are loving people and are not Malaysians!!

Take for instance the following:

Ford Australia closing their Broadmeadow/Geelong plants down in 2016 - 1200 jobs to be cut plus 1000's of employees in the spare parts/supply chain!

GlaxoSmithKline - multinational pharmaceutical company closing their Melbourne Boronia site - 120 jobs axed!

AAP Transfield Services to cut 113 jobs due to a down turn in business!

Boart Longyear Drilling Services have cut 1000 jobs since January because of  the downturn in capital and exploration spending in the mining industry!! THERE GOES YOUR MINING TAX SENATOR MILNE AND YOU GREENS !!! WHAT NOW????

Telstra have announced today - 23/5/2013 - that as a result of them transitioning their operations many 100's of jobs are expected to be axed!!

We can add ofcourse to the list many 1000's of good hard working Aussies that have been laid off over the last (12) months alone plus the closure of the Victorian Aluminium  plant and the Qantas operations to name but a few!!

?? Aussie unemployment figures of only 5.3 - 5.5% what a sick joke at the Aussie populations expense!!

Then ofcourse we have the many 100's of farmers especially in Queensland who have collectively many 10's of 1000's of cattle they can't sell or afford to transport and as a consequence if the cattle don't die as a result of the drought they are forced to kill/shoot them!!

So you see people while the like's of Brandt,Milne,Hanson- Young, Cameron and Xenophon to name just a few pollies that are doing their " Nero " impersonations and " Fiddle with minority issues " the Aussie Nations prospects are looking in serious trouble to say the least and hopefully the (5) pollies mentioned above plus many others of the same frame of mind and lazy persona get dumped at the next September federal election and if not then as soon as possible!! because we need now more than ever pollies that are capable of looking at!! and plan for the overall big picture if this nation is to compete with the rest of the world!! and not pollies that have a narrow perspective and funnel vision and take the easy way out by putting their well paid efforts into minority issues and hope the population won't notice and like most Senate positions they get re-elected based on a marginal number of preference votes!! 

It's all very well our PM Gillard coming out in the media today - 23/5/2013 - withthat sad insincere look on her face and promise millions of dollars to help the Ford and the supply chain employees however we have to ask surely with the1000's of bureaucrats we employee at a cost of billions of dollars why our governments cannot be proactive instead of continually being reactive to crisis after crisis???

How is it we can't as a nation lead the champion horse out of the stable instead of following behind picking up what the horse had digested from that tax payer funded meal??

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!


Sunday, 26 May 2013

 " Pollies and their pathetic wedging!! "

People I have no doubt that the ABC in general but especially the executives programmers and staff of the ABC News Radio are today the 21/5/2013 literally wetting their knickers with excitement and anticipation of being able to promote the subject of gay marriage - which as it would appear being the official gay/lesbian promotional/development media they are doing with great enthusiasm and gusto!! ? future governments aught to look at the ABC's funding allocations?? as a result of the Kevin Rudd's announcement that he has suddenly seen the gay/lesbian light and in an attempt to not only try and wedge the Abbott mob on the subject but his boss PM Gillard as well in order to gain the gay/lesbian supporters votes to get elected in September with the purpose of then getting elected as a new opposition leader when the Labor Party emerges a shadow of their former self!!??

Up until recently I had respect for Rudd and felt sorry for him the way he was dealt with by the Gillard mob!!

However when just a few months ago Rudd was given the chance to show if he had any intestinal fortitude and genuine desire to lead this country/Labor Party he failed miserably and showed his true colour " Yellow " and limped off like a whipped dog with his tail between his wobbly legs on his feet of clay!!

Kevin Rudd has the Peter Costello syndrome who was another gutless glib & smart talking pollie who worked behind the scenes to dislodge Johnny Howard but like Rudd would not challenge Johnny Howard unless he was virtually guaranteed a majority of votes in the party room which was not forth coming because obviously a majority of the party members could see what an all talk and gutless person Costello was/is and this I have no doubt is what the majority of the Labor Members attitude is towards Rudd and quite rightly so!!!  

Now although pathetic I can understand why the Greens - especially little old Adam Brandt the federal member for Melbourne and the only Greenie in the house of reps- are desperately trying to hang onto the gay and their supporters votes because if the September Greens vote goes to trend as has happened around Aussie they like the Democrats are heading for the political abyss and in my view not before time !!

However if the Labor Party/Gillard mob in their desperation to hold onto power are thinking to go down the same track then I suggest you study the polls in regard to same sex marriage very carefully like I have!!?

For instance - Refer Mike's Comments - 20/4/2013.
Subject- ? The ABC?? The Gay/Lesbian Promotional & Public Relations Department"

In it I mentioned a survey commissioned by the " Marriage Equality Mob " and conducted by Galaxy Telephone Omnibus 10 - 12/2/2012 which I stated was the one available to me on the internet which more than the others favoured gay marriage although as I stated I could not find a negative survey?? why is that??? 

Ok the survey involved 786 people from the ages of 18 - 64 with NSW/Act 228, Vic/Tas 220, Q/Land 147,SA 90,WA 101 = 786.

The question was " Do you agree or disagree that same sex couples should be allowed to marry".

Results - 18 -24 over whelming 81% say yes.
                  50 - 64 only just got over the line with 51% say yes.
Married - Agree - again only just got over the line with 58% say yes.
Non - married - Agree - again an over whelming 69% say yes.
Married disagree - 33%
Non - married disagree - 24%.

So lets look at it??

As I stated before what do 18 - 24 (81%) know about life let alone the institution of
marriage and these are the mob that Adam Brandt who has a large student population in his electorate is relying onto get him over the line!! however I will guarantee that most other pollies do not have this luxury and the bulk of their electorates have more 50 plus voters ( the 51% and 58% ) in than 18-24 voters?? and even if every 18 - 24 voter ( if you could get them out of bed in time to vote??)  voted for pro gay marriage pollies - which won't happen especially on religious grounds - then the voters over 50 out number the 18 - 24 voters anyway!! especially as we are entitled to vote on our death bed if need be!! so we are not only looking at 50 - 64 but 50 - 100 plus!!

Now lets look at the married who agreed (58%) what experienced pollie would chance his & her livelihood on a 0.8% margin in a straw poll?? with non-married who agreed (69%).

?? How does a non -married person judge what is acceptable in regard to the institution of marriage having never taken on the responsibility of marriage and having only observed it from the parameter and even then only as a partial observer??

What's the bet that the bulk of the non - married people (69%) interviewed that agreed were the 18 - 24 year old's??

The institution of marriage between a man and a women is the corner stone of every country, nation, tribe, community etc;etc; around this world of ours and has been since forever and should always be held in high esteem and should never be devalued and debased by two great hairy chested/bearded blokes kissing/tonguing plus groping each others bums in front of the church alter,priest and congregation!! neither should it be debased by tall hairy chested blokes with massive amounts of make up on dressed in a white wedding gown with a pretty head dress!! or women that are so dressed they are indistinguishable from a male?? why I thought lesbians did not like blokes??

The rewriting of the institution and the sanctity of marriage is far to important to be left to a bunch of self interested!! short term political survivalists such as pollies!! who's word is not their bond!! as we have over the years discovered ie;"The never ever GST !! No carbon tax !!" and the list goes on and on!!!

Therefore if we can have a referendum on recognising councils in our constitution and surely the institution of marriage is far more important than that?? then why not put this gay marriage to the people because if the majority of the people in the majority of the states vote for it then ok the people have spoken!! not a bunch of self interested pollies desperate for votes!! bloody hypocrites!! ?? maybe they realise it will fail miserably and because there are so many gays/lesbians/bisexual pollies through out our political system they are hoping to get it into law through the back door - no pun intended!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!


Wednesday, 22 May 2013

" What Crystal Ball are these Aussie Senators using ?? "

                                                               ( Me at my place )

" What Crystal Ball are these Aussie Senators using?? "

Head Greenie Senator Milne.

People we have over the recent days heard over the media - ABC Radio especially! - Senator Milne the Leader of the Federal Greens ranting in her usual way and complaining that Aussie should be ashamed that our (2) major parties have past a bill to excise the Aussie mainland for so-called refugees arriving on our shores by boat or any other means which allows us to transfer them elsewhere and denies them access to our legal system and that in (15) years or so we  (Aussies) will look back in disgust because what we have done to these refugees who are only seeking safety and a better life and we are contravening the international convention for refugees that we have signed up too?? ( back in 1954 I might add and which was not designed to be abused the way these modern so-called refugees are doing!!)

The problem with that crystal ball gazing is that at the rate these uninvited,invading,illegal - they are until they prove otherwise because if anyone crosses a countries borders without proper documentation /permission then they are deemed illegal entrants - are arriving on our shores - with literally millions in the pipe line! - in (15) years we could have a few 100,000 plus of them here?? so much so that the refugee detention centres could become so large with occupants that they become satellite towns/cities demanding they have their own councils headed by Mayors (?? Sharia Law ??) and are no go area's therefore they have their own police force/Sharia Courts??" RUBBISH " you reckon Senators Milne,Hanson-Young plus all the other Greens - and we will throw in the Labor Parties so-called peoples Senator Doug Cameron into the mix!! - 

Now people I am not suggesting for one moment that these Senators are some what naive and are oblivious to the fact that this is going on around the world and has been for decades NO!! but I am suggesting that they are doing/stating/advocating this open door financially irresponsible and domestically suicidal policy for purely short term self interested purposes as an attempt to shore up their minority/marginal votes amongst their supporters with the hope that the migrant families wanting to bring out their family/friends will also be caught up in the slip stream at election times??what a bunch of hypocrites!! especially considering the very concerning state of this nations finances and where many governments around the world are only to happy to dump their human liabilities and rejects onto us the good old hard working never ending financial source of Aussie tax payers!! they should hang their heads in shame!! 

Ofcourse  we must add to this huge impost on the Aussie Tax Payers the largely tax payer funded migration/refugee industry! organisations! lobby groups that has developed over the last decade or so which includes - government bureaucrats! lawyers! barristers! psychologist! and the list goes on and on who also have a financial interest/stake in maintaining the status quo  if not encouraging more??! 

However the Greens have a published plan - you can hardly call it a policy!! - to solve this countries financial woes brought about by incompetent government financial management by increasing the various mining taxes?? 

Well Greens when you have closed down all the coal and uranium mines?? stopped coal seam gas mining??stopped the export of our gas to protect a " Dinosaurs Foot "? closed down the timber industry? etc;etc; the list goes on!! what then?? with our manufacturing index now at (35%) and declining!! with companies/businesses laying off staff/closing down on at least a monthly basis!! what then?? ignoring this " Mickey Mouse " unemployment figure of (5.3%) where we have youth unemployment around the country of ( 15 - 23%) our future workers/taxpayers and you want to bring in 10's of 1000's of unemployable! uneducated! non English speaking migrants to swell the numbers!! what then?? we have an aging and therefore a diminishing number of tax paying generations ahead of us!! what then?? 

People you don't have to be Einstein to work out that the rush to get these invaders to our shores is that there is every possibility that the Abbott mob will get into government and make it a lot more difficult for them!! them and all the other tax payer funded hangers on!! 

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!!! 



Saturday, 4 May 2013

These murdering Islamic Mongrels - it could happen in Aussie!!

People these are just a couple of photos I have just received via email and there
are to many to show on here but most are just as horrific as the slaughter and
carnage shown above that was caused by these murdering bastards during the recent Boston Marathon.

When I see this type of horrific slaughter anywhere in the world let alone the
Boston Marathon of innocent men,woman and children and I hear/see the likes
of the Greens/Labor Party - with special mention of Senators Hanson-Young
(Greens) and Doug Cameron ( Labor ) wanting the likes of ASIO to be more accountable to the parliament and want to drag ASIO through the court system
when it comes to assessing the security risk of these invading/uninvited so-called
asylum seekers/refugees are to this country then I have to ask myself - and you
people!! - what planet do the likes of Senators Hanson-Young/Cameron live on??
who's side are they on?? what is their agenda?? do they want to turn this country
into another Iraq - and now Pakistan! - where this horrific Boston type wanton
murder of innocent men,women and children are slaughtered on a daily basis??

Look on the photos above and weep people! weep! at the sickening sights of
innocent people being killed,maimed and blown apart and that is apart from the
trauma left behind with the helpers at the time to say nothing of the grieving and
unbelievable life long trauma that the victims friends and families will endure!!

These horrific photos ( and many others!) although they show this horrific
slaughter in a main street of Boston they could in actual fact be any main street in
Sydney,Melbourne,Brisbane and the other main Aussie cities!! if you did not know
any different!! so when you view them don't think of them as Boston citizens 
replace them with images of Aussies because there is no doubt in my mind that 
there is every chance it is our turn next!!!

Ok speak up people or cop the consequences because if you don't then you 
deserve all you get so don't whinge!!!!


Wednesday, 1 May 2013

" How politically low can the Gillard mob go?? "
Julia Gillard PM

I start with the premise that I have not voted for a major party for the past say (20) years so what I am about to say is not just an anti Gillard/Labor sentiment but I believe reflects on politics in general over all (3) levels of this over governed country of ours today!!!

However that said there is no doubt in my mind that the Gillard mob are trying to engineer a political wedge for the Abbott mob by introducing into the election mix massive expenditures of say (24) billion plus dollars with the likes of the NDIS now the" Disability Care Australia "! ie; say estimated (8) billion! Gonsky - (14) billion! asylum seekers (2.5) billion! and the like? and I am sure they will find other controversial expenditure to throw into the mixing pot?? which ofcourse it is hoped that the Abbott mob will for one or many reasons ?? no funds for a start? decline to support??

The Gillard mob will then ofcourse run an election campaign  on the Labor Party being the party of the future and the " Doctor No " Abbott party?? well it speaks for it's self!! hoping ofcourse that the voters will take this into account when voting in September and thereby it will over shadow the overall financial debacle they have currently found themselves in and the mainly unnecessary financial pain ( due to their lack of duty of care and good governance with the nations financial situation) the voters appear to be going to find themselves in from the May 2013 budget ??

If that is the case? and after (50) plus years of following politics I have seen decades of pollies of all colours and political persuasions treat the voters as naive puppets where they work the strings!
therefore I have absolutely no doubt this will happen? what choice have either the Gillard mob or  the Abbott mob got?? then what does that say about our politics today and the level it has been dragged down too?? where it is not what the pollies achieve ie; runs on the board!! but unfunded pipe dreams - as worth while as they maybe?? being the expected order of the day when voters caste their votes?

In my Mike's Comments dated the 21/3/2013 the subject was " How cruel are they with more to come" where I discussed the then NDIS now DCA  funding where I estimated that the federal trial run due start this year and run for 2-3 years at various centres around Aussie and where most of the current participating pollies would be long gone enjoying their well funded tax payer retirement thanks to Peter Costello and the Future Fund! and therefore would not be accountable for the unfunded cruel disaster that would occur during and at the end of the trial shattering peoples hopes
for the future because of the lack of constructive detail in the Gillard mobs desperate head long effort to shore up their flagging polling and chances at the September election!!

 However people nothing has changed in fact there now worse with our PM Gillard and Treasurer Swan supported by Senator Penny Wong announcing on ABC Radio today -1/5/2013 - that a full
NDIS/DCA scheme estimated to cost initially (8) billion ?? when have you ever heard/seen where government bureaucrats at all (3) levels of government have estimated the cost of a major project
that has not blown out way past their estimate?? which will be partly offset by an increase in the Medicare levy  ? levy? that's a laugh! levies are supposed to be temporary?? this is a tax by any other name!! by( 0.5%) bringing the levy?? tax!! to (2.0%) raising an estimate ? there is that estimate again?? of (3.5) billion leaving the hard pressed Aussie tax payer to find the other estimated??? (4.5) billion??

Now when we consider that possibly ( 50 - 60% ) of the estimated ( 8 ) billion will be absorbed by the federal/state bureaucratic fat cats plus the administration of the many and various Disabled Organisations which means that say ( 4.8 ) billion goes to them leaving only ( 3.2 ) billion to be spread over the 400,000 to 600,000 Aussies that are deemed to be disabled in some form or the other?? so what do you reckon people? enough equity for the 4 - 600,000 Aussies to have their needs catered for?? you don't have to be Einstein to calculate that would be cruel  RUBBISH!!!

Ok people speak up or cop the consequences because if you don't then you deserve all you get so don't whinge!!
