Friday, 20 December 2013

" I want a job at Holden Australia "

Cc: Penny Wong ; Penny Sharpe MLC ; Paul Green MLC ; Paul Fletcher ; Pat Conroy ; Palmer United Party ; P.Secker ; P. Neville ; Office of Helen Kroger (Senator) ; Nola Marino ; Nigel Scullion ; Nick Champion ; Nathan Rees ; Natasha Griggs ; Mitch Fifield ; Mike Baird ; Michelle Rowland ; Michaelia Cash ; Michael Ronaldson ; Michael McCormack ; Michael Keenan ; Michael Gallacher ; Michael Danby ; Melissa Parke ; Mehreen Faruqi ; McCrudden, Thomas (C. Bowen, MP) ; Mayer, Terese (B. Katter, MP) ; Matt Thistlethwaite ; Mathias Cormann ; Mark Quinn ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mark Coulton ; Mark Butler MP ; Marise Payne ; Maria Vamvakinou ; Malcom Turnbull ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Louise Markus ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Lisa Chesters ; Linda Burney ; Laurie Ferguson ; Larissa Waters ; Lara Giddings ; Klose, Cambell (C. McGowan, MP) ; Kim Carr ; Kevin Humphries ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Anderson MP ; Kelvin Thomson
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 3:59 PM
Subject: Fw: " I want a job at Holden Australia "
Cc: Hon Warren Snowdon ; Hon Shayne Neumann ; Hon Lisa Singh ; Hon Jan McLucas ; Hon Don Farrell ; Hon David Feeney ; Hon Bernie Ripoll ; Hon Amanda Rishworth ; Helen Kroger ; Gregory Pearce ; Greg Hunt ; Greens Party NSW ; Graham Perrett ; George Souris ; George Christensen ; George Brandis ; Geoff Lyons ; Gary Gray ; Gai Brodtmann ; Fred Nile MLC ; Fiona Nash ; Federal Greens Office ; Eric Abetz ; ElectorateOffice BlueMountains ; Ed Husic ; Duncan Gay ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Don Page ; Dennis.Jensen ; David Shoebridge ; David Johnston ; David Bushby ; Darren Chester ; Cory Bernardi ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Cobb, John (MP) ; Clare O'Neil ; Claire Moore ; Christopher Evans ; Christopher Back ; Christine Milne ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Bowen ; Cathy McGowan AO ; Catherine King ; Carol Brown ; Cambell Klose ; C.Pyne ; Bruce Scott
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 3:51 PM
Subject: " I want a job at Holden Australia "

Me at my place)

Mike's Comments - 20/12/2013.
Also on my blog - www.
Subject: " I want a job at Holden Australia "

People I have just received this email and I cannot authenticate the contents and you will also notice it is author unknown so that in my view reduces it's value??

However considering it's contents - lets assume they are even half true? - it would have to be someone with inside knowledge so therefore I would have to ask myself would I be brave ? stupidly naive enough to put my name to it??? who knows?? but this is what in large part killed the USA car industry so anyone would have to be bloody naive not to assume it could not happen here!!

Anyway it goes some way to support my last mike's comments on the 16/12/2013 subject: " These Pathetic Political Crocodile Tears "!!

Ok people stay vigilant or cop the rubbish some of these pollies of ours dish out in shovel loads and don't whinge when the rubbish lands on your and your loved heads!!!

Mike Howe - Read On!

This is what Labor Unions have done for Australia. And Labor's rating has now passed the coalition, this country is mad.

And we wonder why businesses are closing down in Australia – banana republic coming to a town near you.!
ONLY $150 million a year will save Holden? Rubbish. The Holden Enterprise Agreement is the document that has utterly sunk Holden's prospects. It defies belief that someone in the company isn't being held to account for it.
Holden's management masks a union culture beyond most people's comprehension. Employment costs spiralled way beyond community standards long ago. Neither "pay freezes" nor more money will save Holden, but getting the Fair Work Commission to dissolve the agreement and put all workers on the award wage might be a start.
In 1991, the pre-enterprise bargaining award wage of a Holden entry level process worker was $462.80 a week. In 1992, Holden began enterprise bargaining and now a worker at that same classification level has a base rate of $1194.50 a week, a 158 per cent increase, or a compound increase of 4.4 per cent year on year for 22 years. Right now, base wage rates for process workers in the Holden enterprise agreement are in the $60,000 to $80,000 per year range and in recent times, "hardship payments" of $3750 were given to each worker.
The modern award for such workers mandates base rates in the $37,000 to $42,000 range. This means that before we add any of the shift penalties, loadings, 26 allowances and the added cost of productivity restrictions, Holden begins each working day paying its workforce almost double what it should. After you add in the other employment costs, I estimate Holden's workforce costs it somewhere close to triple the amount it should.
Many people who work at Holden don't actually work for Holden; they work for the union. Occupational health and safety people are given 10 days' paid time off a year to be trained by the union. Most companies do not allow unions to train their OH&S people because the knowledge is used to control the workplace to the benefit of the union.
Union delegates are also allowed up to 10 paid days a year for union training in how to be effective union delegates and two of these delegates are entitled to an extra Holden sponsorship of one paid month off to "further their industrial and/or leadership development".
Holden's rules on hiring casuals are shocking and unheard of in today's market. The agreement forbids Holden from hiring casuals except when a "short-term increase in workload, or other unusual circumstances occurs". If this situation arises Holden has to "consult and reach agreement" with the union. Further, "Engagement of the agreed number of casual personnel will be for the agreed specified tasks and the agreed specified periods." If any of this changes, Holden must get union agreement again. After three months of continuous full-time work a casual must be made permanent. It is impossible to run a business like this.
An ex-employee from Adelaide, on condition of anonymity, consented to an interview yesterday. He described the workforce as "over-managed", with one team leader for every six workers on the production line, when one for every 25 workers would suffice.
He said "some of us workers felt it wasn't necessary to get paid what we were getting paid to do the jobs we were doing", adding that their work is probably worth about "20 bucks an hour". A few years back, mates took redundancy packages in the order of "$280k plus". Workers are "like sheep" that blindly follow the union leadership. At induction, new workers are ushered into one-on-one meetings with the union rep who heavies them into joining. "It is made clear that if you don't join the union you will be sacked," he said. Union representatives "don't actually do any work for Holden", but rather make themselves full-time enforcers of union control.
He says workers are drug tested before hiring, but "only have to stay off it for a few weeks, get in the door and then you'll be right". Workers caught taking drugs or being drug-affected at work are allegedly put on a fully paid rehabilitation program, with special paid time off of about four weeks duration, before being let back into the workforce.
Australian workplaces have a zero tolerance for drug use, with instant dismissal the remedy, but at Holden "the union won't let the company sack" any workers caught dealing, taking or being on drugs. "If they did a random drug test tomorrow they'd probably have to sack 40 per cent of the workforce," he adds.
If the Holden scenario were playing out in a privately owned business, proper cost-cutting strategies would be used. If you have the will and can hire the skill, there are many ways to cut labour costs. The workers can be given a couple of years notice of significant wage drops and can receive lump sum payouts of entitlements to help bring down family debt.
Of course, these strategies are only ever used by business people who have no one else to bail them out. It seems Holden would rather leave the country than dissolve its enterprise agreement. The union thinks members are better off jobless than on award wages. Holden's fate seems sealed.
If Holden does leave, workers will receive the most generous redundancy benefits around. Holden says leaving will cost $600m. Most of this will go to staff payouts. The fellow interviewed agrees with my calculation: the average production-line worker will walk away with a redundancy package of between $300k-500k.

Author unknown and/or not stated??

Monday, 16 December 2013

" These Pathetic Political Crocodile Tears !! "

Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 7:43 PM
Subject: Fw: These Pathetic Political Crocodile Tears!!
Cc: Penny Sharpe MLC ; Paul Green MLC ; Paul Fletcher ; Pat Conroy ; Palmer United Party ; P.Secker ; P. Neville ; Office of Helen Kroger (Senator) ; Nola Marino ; Nigel Scullion ; Nick Xenophon ; Nick Champion ; Nathan Rees ; Natasha Griggs ; Mitch Fifield ; Mike Baird ; Michelle Rowland ; Michaelia Cash ; Michael Ronaldson ; Michael McCormack ; Michael Keenan ; Michael Gallacher ; Michael Danby ; Melissa Parke ; Mehreen Faruqi ; McCrudden, Thomas (C. Bowen, MP) ; Mayer, Terese (B. Katter, MP) ; Matt Thistlethwaite ; Mathias Cormann ; Mark Quinn ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mark Coulton ; Mark Butler MP ; Marise Payne ; Maria Vamvakinou ; Malcom Turnbull ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Louise Markus ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Lisa Chesters ; Linda Burney ; Laurie Ferguson ; Larissa Waters ; Lara Giddings ; Klose, Cambell (C. McGowan, MP) ; Kim Carr ; Kevin Humphries ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Anderson MP ; Kelvin Thomson
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 7:22 PM
Subject: Fw: These Pathetic Political Crocodile Tears!!
Cc: Hon Warren Snowdon ; Hon Shayne Neumann ; Hon Lisa Singh ; Hon Jan McLucas ; Hon Don Farrell ; Hon David Feeney ; Hon Bernie Ripoll ; Hon Amanda Rishworth ; Helen Kroger ; Gregory Pearce ; Greg Hunt ; Greens Party NSW ; Graham Perrett ; George Souris ; George Christensen ; George Brandis ; Geoff Lyons ; Gary Gray ; Gai Brodtmann ; Fred Nile MLC ; Fiona Nash ; Federal Greens Office ; Eric Abetz ; ElectorateOffice BlueMountains ; Ed Husic ; Duncan Gay ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Don Page ; Dennis.Jensen ; David Shoebridge ; David Johnston ; David Bushby ; Darren Chester ; Cory Bernardi ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Cobb, John (MP) ; Clare O'Neil ; Claire Moore ; Christopher Evans ; Christopher Back ; Christine Milne ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Bowen ; Cathy McGowan AO ; Catherine King ; Carol Brown ; ; Cambell Klose ; C.Pyne ; Bruce Scott
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 7:10 PM
Subject: These Pathetic Political Crocodile Tears!!

Me at my place)
Mike's Comments - 14/12/2013.
Also on my blog - www.
Subject: " These Pathetic Political Crocodile Tears !!! "
People these pathetic political crocodile tears over the closer of Holden in 2017 makes
me want to puke!!
Let me ask for your indulgence and quote the following from the Business News section
in the Telegraph dated the March 18.2013 which was as follows and refers to new data
from the corporate regulator revealing that insolvencies have hit a record high over this
12 months with manufacturing/construction accounting for about one fifth of collapses:
 The Australian Securities & Investments Commission reports there were 10,632 company
collapses for the 12 months to March 1 - averaging 886 a month - with the number of firms
being placed in administration more than 12 per cent higher than during the global financial
While the high Australian dollar is seen as the main factor behind manufacturing closures,
experts say the carbon tax is adding to increasing cost burdens for many firms struggling
to stay afloat. unquote.
So people to listen/view Bill Shorten the Labor Leader and the noisy belligerent trio of the
Senators Kim Carr,Doug Cameron,Stephen Conroy in the Senate all doing their collective 
sanctimonious impersonations of a Gillard screaming like a banshee and finger pointing at
the Abbott mob over the pending closure of Holden in 2017 is so unbelievable let alone 
hypocritical considering that the (12) month 10,632 collapses - plus Fords and Mitsubishi's
demise plus the demise of many other Aussie company Icons !! - happened on their
Labor/Greens Party watch!!!!
So question people??? how many 100's if not 1000's of people employed by the 10.632
company collapses over just that (12) month period alone lost their jobs and?? what was
the ramifications in regard to their families/communities and other feeder organisations
plus retailers and ? how many ended up on welfare ? and how many still are????
I have been around long enough to believe that the Aussie manufacturing demise started 
under the Malcolm Fraser Administration - yep that whinging/carping old bloke that is
prepared to stand beside a Greenie Senator Hanson-Young in SA prior to the 2013 election
singing her praises and her work for a bunch of illegal invaders ? asylum seekers/refugees!!
and helping her get over the line to the Senate ? without it I gather she would have failed!!
however when did you last hear that this old bugger Fraser ever stood beside anyone else
on behalf of Aussies doing it tough?? you know people the tax payers that pay for this more
than generous superannuation plus perks he is on?
This Fraser mob - and subsequent administrations both Labor/Libs/Country Party later the
Nats- thought that Aussie could let manufacturing go to Asia and we could survive quite
comfortably on sheep,cattle and agriculture - Fraser was a Farmer ? how was that for a
narrow " She'll be right " perspective ?? just like his holier than thou narrow perspective
in regard to the invaders and the financial ramification this is - and will be for decades to
come!! on the average Aussie doing it tough!!!!! which now is a minimum of (2.5 million)
nearly 11% of the Aussie population!!
Then ofcourse we had - past tense no longer! - the resources boom which started late
Whitlam early Howard/Costello and carried on with Rudd/Gillard then a slow down under
late Gillard and the Lazarus return of Rudd!
Over the decades Aussie has lost 100's of 1000's of industry/manufacturing jobs with the
vast majority of the work going offshore and our pollies of all colours,creed,ideology and
back ground are to blame for sitting on their hands hoping the proverbial would not hit
the fan on their watch!!
Ofcourse there is always a day of reckoning!! and it started under the last Labor/Greenie
debacle and it has well and truly been dumped into the laps of this Abbott mob!! and people
I have absolutely no sympathy for the Abbott mob whatsoever because the Howard/Costello
mob squander billions from the resources boom on middle class welfare as sweeteners to
voters to keep them in power - which worked for about (11) years until the Howard/Costello
used by date factor kicked in with the voters!! - instead of investing that money/funds in
infrastructure ie; roads,schools,hospitals etc; building for the future!!
Now the former Labor/Greenies government and now the Abbott mob are left with the
legacy of how are they going to pay for all that mismanagement of the nations funds with
a reduced revenue from our resources! the demise of a major part of our manufacturing
base! increased unemployment/more welfare out goings - less tax receipts! an aging
population/less tax receipts! 50,000 plus and growing by the day bunch of so-called
refugees/asylum seekers needing to be housed,feed,clothed,medical,educating,transported,
security etc;consumers cutting back on expenditure - less GST!
A ballooning national debit going into the100's of billions - lets hope there are not some
massive natural disasters to add to that debt?? - where unless the government has a
massive fire sale of government/tax payer assets there is not enough government/tax payers 
funds to pay off the nations debt especially with the annual interest bill to pay off our nations
debt is accumulating at millions if not billions PA!!!
I gather that our manufacturing labour costs are about $20.oo per hour - USA about $8.oo per
hour and in Asia about $4.oo per hour so you don't have to be Einstein to work out that we
can't compete in regard to labour costs so we have to be smarter!!
That is where the NBN comes in and as a tax payer! now! and for at least (5) decades I am
not asking! suggesting! or pleading! with Minister Malcolm Turnbull but demanding!!!! he stop
wasting the majority of the hard working tax payers funds promoting gay marriage plus stop
whinging + moaning about what a terrible/incompetent job the Labor/Greenie mob did with the
NBN!! we heard enough of that prior to the 2013 election with you Malcolm mate informing
us what a clever boy you were and to trust you because all would be rectified and all we had
to do was vote you in and this terrible Labor/Greenie mob out!!
Well here is a news flash Malcolm because maybe after 100 plus days it has not sunk in and
you are still in opposition mode?? YOU WON MATE!!! YOU GOT THE JOB!!! so get on with
the job because I don't care how many gays you get married?? stuff up on this NBN and that
is what you and especially the Abbott mob in general will go down in history for because it is 
so crucial to the advancement of this Aussie nation!!!!
As far as the Labor Party is concerned if you want this nation to advance and get back into
government at the next election stop sulking like naughty kids and blocking legislation just
because you can!! come up with some ideas instead of all this negative self interest garbage
you are going on with because regardless how the polls are going in your favour at the
moment once the national accounts come out showing the financial debacle you mob have
left us with the polls will change over the next 2.5 years to the next federal election that's for
sure regardless of the continual anti Abbott mob reporting on the ABC in general!!!
Quote; " What this country needs are more unemployed politicians " Edward Langley,Artist
(1928 -1995 ) unquote.
Ok people speak up while there is still a slim prosperous future for your kids and future
generations if not when your kids ask you " ?? Ok what happened ?? " doing the Malcolm
Turnbull's line " It was all the other blokes fault " won't go down to well at all!!!!
Mike Howe.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

" A Pimple On An Elephants Bum ! "

Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 1:48 PM
Subject: Fw: " A Pimple On An Elephants Bum!! "
Cc: Penny Wong ; Penny Sharpe MLC ; Paul Green MLC ; Paul Fletcher ; Pat Conroy ; Palmer United Party ; P.Secker ; P. Neville ; Office of Helen Kroger (Senator) ; Nola Marino ; Nigel Scullion ; Nick Xenophon ; Nick Champion ; Nathan Rees ; Natasha Griggs ; Mitch Fifield ; Mike Baird ; Michelle Rowland ; Michaelia Cash ; Michael Ronaldson ; Michael McCormack ; Michael Keenan ; Michael Gallacher ; Michael Danby ; Melissa Parke ; Mehreen Faruqi ; McCrudden, Thomas (C. Bowen, MP) ; Mayer, Terese (B. Katter, MP) ; Matt Thistlethwaite ; Mathias Cormann ; Mark Quinn ; Mark Dreyfus ; Mark Coulton ; Mark Butler MP ; Marise Payne ; Maria Vamvakinou ; Malcom Turnbull ; Luke Hartsuyker ; Louise Markus ; Louise Clare Pratt ; Lisa Chesters ; Linda Burney ; Laurie Ferguson ; Larissa Waters ; Lara Giddings ; Klose, Cambell (C. McGowan, MP) ; Kim Carr ; Kevin Humphries ; Kevin Andrews ; Kevin Anderson MP
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 1:34 PM
Subject: Fw: " A Pimple On An Elephants Bum!! "
Cc: Ian Macdonald ; Hon Warren Snowdon ; Hon Shayne Neumann ; Hon Lisa Singh ; Hon Jan McLucas ; Hon Don Farrell ; Hon David Feeney ; Hon Bernie Ripoll ; Hon Amanda Rishworth ; Helen Kroger ; Gregory Pearce ; Greg Hunt ; Greens Party NSW ; Graham Perrett ; George Souris ; George Christensen ; George Brandis ; Geoff Lyons ; Gary Gray ; Gai Brodtmann ; Fred Nile MLC ; Fiona Nash ; Federal Greens Office ; Eric Abetz ; ElectorateOffice BlueMountains ; Ed Husic ; Duncan Gay ; Dr Jim Chalmers ; Dr Andrew Leigh ; Don Page ; Dennis.Jensen ; David Shoebridge ; David Johnston ; David Bushby ; Darren Chester ; Cory Bernardi ; Concetta Fierravanti-Wells ; Cobb, John (MP) ; Clare O'Neil ; Claire Moore ; Christopher Evans ; Christopher Back ; Christine Milne ; Chris Hayes ; Chris Bowen ; Cathy McGowan AO ; Catherine King ; Carol Brown ; Cambell Klose ; C.Pyne ; Bruce Scott
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 12:57 PM
Subject: " A Pimple On An Elephants Bum!! "
Me at my place)
Mike's Comments - 11/12/2013.
Also on my blog - www.
Subject: " A Pimple On An Elephants Bum!! "

Senator Ian MacDonald.
People what a political breath of fresh air this Queensland Liberal Senator Ian 
MacDonald is!!
Today (11/12/13) in the Senate Senator MacDonald explained in every day language something that even a simple bloke like me can understand in regard to the effect that the current Aussie so-called " Carbon Tax " has on the world wide problem ? presumed problem  - my words not Senator Macdonald's -!!
Now as the Senator explained we in Aussie are expected to reduce our contribution to global warming of 1.5% by 0.5% which ofcourse is paltry 0.75 ? say 0.8% !
Now how these so-called experts/greenies came up with this figure of a guestimate of 1.5% I have no idea because surely take away our major cities which are small by international standards ? how can anyone with any accuracy state what the Aussie human made climate pollution is considering we are only (23) million on this vast continent is beyond me and I suggest beyond the so-called experts too because it is virtually impossible to prove - or even get close too it!!
From satellite pictures Aussie reminds me of a bald headed monk with just fringes of hair around the outside and the vast empty dry - estimated to be the driest continent on the globe - spaces within where temperatures' can go well below freezing to (50) plus degrees in (24) hours!! and  because of these extremes in temperatures'! the lack of vegetation and moisture in the vast majority of the Aussie land mass our weather patterns would just be dry,freezing,warm,hot to very hot and unless you were a cold blooded lizard living underground during the day Aussie would be uninhabitable!!
Why do I state that?? well you don't have to be a greenie   or a so-called weather expert to watch as millions of Aussies do on their TV's nightly the weather reports to see that at least 95% of Aussies weather is controlled from outside our borders!!
I view the Tamworth NBN (6) pm  nightly news where a very comprehensive weather report is presented by a Gavin Morris and then the ABC NSW (7) pm news where another very comprehensive weather report is presented by a Graham Creed and with occasional slight differences they agree!!
Now it is plain to see that as a result of the various weather terminology the likes of; fronts, troughs, highs, lows, etc; etc; we get our weather patterns/conditions from monsoons in our north and north east and the cyclone weather from north west coming down the Queensland coast and our cold winds that help create snow and our southern wintery weather from the east and south east!!
Now obviously without these external/invading weather patterns generated from elsewhere on the planet Aussie would be uninhabitable for most humans and a vast continent of dust,sand and rocks?? like a moonscape? or Mars?
So I maintain that even if we - Aussie - used 100% renewables to generate power! no/zero polluting vehicle omissions! the overall effect on the reduction in global warming of (1.5%) let alone ( 0.8%) would be the equivalent too - " A PIMPLE ON AN ELEPHANTS BUM!! "!!  and for that we are expected to increase our cost of production! decrease the consumers spending power by increasing the over all cost of living by not only direct electricity costs and the like but the trickle down effect from the organisations supplying the goods and/or services by an ineffective - I gather - " Carbon Tax "!
I gather - depending on where you look?? - climate pollution has reduced by some ? (.03%) in Aussie?? and the reason I believe has very little to do with the " Carbon Tax " because we have the lowest manufacturing/production figures in decades - less pollution/energy use! more efficient vehicle engines! solar power ! wind power! already installed to try and increase the energy availability in remote area's! and an overall effort by all across the board to reduce cost with or without the " Carbon Tax " but made harder/difficult with it!!
With poverty on the increase globally the fact that half the estimated global population of (7) billion - and increasing by the hour!! - (3.5) billion still cook on open fires whether that be either inside their dwellings and/or outside there is no way that by reducing our living standards we will more than compensate for their increase!! and that is apart from the emerging nations such as China,India,Asia in general, and the south American states and ofcourse the USA especially if and when their economy picks up!!
This " Carbon Tax " is just greenie ideology which has been invented to just try and make them this - minority, niche, narrow  prospective group - relevant!!
However "Mr. pop up every where in the media the Deputy Greenie Leader and lower house " Lame Duck Adam Bandt " is certainly going all out to make him/them relevant before they become even less relevant after the 1/7/2014 in the Senate demanding inquires into this/that while the Abbott mob needs them in the Senate because the Labor Party has the childish sulks because they lost the 2013 election and   are opposing the unopposable in the Senate because they can? 
Ok people these pollies at all levels of this over governed country of ours all begged us to vote for them one way or the other!! they were not forced! arm twisted!tortured into
submission!! and by world standards their remuneration across the board at all levels would be close to the top of the scale? if not the top?? and if any of them whinge about their pay and conditions and state they could be better paid else
where then tell them to take a hike!! there are 100's queuing up for the positions and just like the January Retail Sales if we opened the parliamentary doors without due caution someone could be killed in the rush!!
Ok people speak up and as the saying from that famous 1976 film the " Network " with the late Aussie actor Peter Finch playing a main role stated:
" I am as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore "
however if you are going to take it then more fool you!!!! and don't whinge when the proverbial hits the fan and you and your loved ones plus people you care for cop a full load!!!
Mike Howe.