Sir Mike's Comments
Friday, 1 March 2019
Sir Mike's Comments: Cardinal Pell " BAD " V The hypocrite Teflon Billy...
Sir Mike's Comments: Cardinal Pell " BAD " V The hypocrite Teflon Billy...: The above is a colour coded map showing the 6 climate zones of Aussie as a result of the countries/continent size. 1. Dark b...
Cardinal Pell " BAD " V The hypocrite Teflon Billy Shorten " GOOD " ??? 4
The above is a colour coded map showing the 6
climate zones of Aussie as a result of the countries/continent
1. Dark brown at the top - Equatorial.2. Green again at the top - Tropical.3. Grey - Subtropical4. Light brown - desert which is about 25% of the total Aussie land mass.
5. Light tan -
6. Blue - Temperate
The bulk of the 25 million Aussies that live here can be mainly found in the Dark brown, Green,
The bulk of the 25 million Aussies that live here can be mainly found in the Dark brown, Green,
Grey and Blue zones.
There are more people that live in the Western Sydney suburbs than the whole of the Aussie Rural areas,
Aussie is the smallest of the worlds continents as well as the lowest, flattest and apart from the Antarctica, the driest.
There are more people that live in the Western Sydney suburbs than the whole of the Aussie Rural areas,
The Aussie climate rainfall pattern is classed as ' Concentric
Aussie is the smallest of the worlds continents as well as the lowest, flattest and apart from the Antarctica, the driest.
( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European
descent,although these days stating that your proud to be
"White" is something branding you a " Racist " ??.
2. I am heterosexual " TUT TUT " that makes the non-hetro's,and the list of the various kinds grows
by the day feel discriminated against ???.
"White" is something branding you a " Racist " ??.
2. I am heterosexual " TUT TUT " that makes the non-hetro's,and the list of the various kinds grows
by the day feel discriminated against ???.
3, I am a staunch self rule,non-forelock touching or
kneeling,bowing Republican !!!
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs,however stating
anything else would be far more acceptable to the " Political Correct " mob.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs,however stating
anything else would be far more acceptable to the " Political Correct " mob.
Subject: " cardinal Pell " BAD " V the hypocrite Teflon Billy Shorten " GOOD " ???.1"
G/day readers wherever you are in Aussie and around the world, I seem to gather a new country
of readers every week,where I hope you are well and enjoying life to the best you can considering
your circumstances and that 2019 brings you health,happiness and prosperity.
SBS News 27/2/2019. comments but " NOT " the photos.
Cardinal Pell.
Subject ' Absolutely shocked and disgusted: Australia reacts to George Pell verdict by SBS News 27/2/19 reported comments only not the photos.

The Aussie PM Scott Morrison.
Quote: Like most Australians,I am deeply shocked at the crimes of which
George Pell has been convicted.
"I respect the fact that this case is under appeal,but it is the victims and their families I am thinking of today,
and all who have suffered from sexual abuse by those they should have been able to trust,but couldn't "unquote.
"I respect the fact that this case is under appeal,but it is the victims and their families I am thinking of today,
and all who have suffered from sexual abuse by those they should have been able to trust,but couldn't "unquote.
SBS News Labor Leader Bill Shorten echoed the sentiments and Bill Shorten comments on George Pell
verdict " I feel for everyone who has been a victim of clerical assault and
abuse " he said,This must bring back
some very difficult memories... the Royal Commission revealed shocking abuses." It should never have happened
it's a gross betrayal of trust unquote.
some very difficult memories... the Royal Commission revealed shocking abuses." It should never have happened
it's a gross betrayal of trust unquote.
From here on are my comments and photos and not SBS NEWS!!!.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Party Opposition Leader and possibly the next Aussie
Prime Minister,Union Stooge,adulterer and alleged " Rapist " of Kathy a then member of the
Victorian Youth League and where in recent years the Victorian Police charged Teflon Billy of
the alleged heinous crime of rape of Kathy a then 16 year old however the Victorian Prosecutor
would not proceed with the case due to his belief there was little chance of a conviction and
'NOT ' that Teflon Billy was deemed innocent as stated by Teflon Billy.
Well dear readers what a whole load of very hypocritical garbage when reading the obviously unchallenged
SBS News article,which in my view is typical of SBS News generally when it comes to Teflon Billy Shorten
and especially coming from one, if not the most, untrustworthy politician,adulterous husband and previous
Labor Party Youth leader where Teflon Billy Shorten has been accused of allegedly using his authority and
influence as a Youth camp leader to enable Teflon Billy Shorten to orchestrate the alleged heinous and
abominable rape of an innocent 16 year old youth camp member by the name of Kathy while under Teflon
Billy Shortens control and influence as a Victorian Labor Party Youth Leader in the late 1980's early 1990's
at a then Youth Conference and State conference near Geelong Victoria.
By received by me via email.
These are some of the extracts from Kathy's comments/statements on Facebook when this allegedly
heinous crime of Kathy being raped came to light although the so-called champions of equal rights,
and justice for all like the ABC and SBS and the major media generally decided to ignore it unlike
ofcourse the way they have continually hounded for years Cardinal Pell and have by inference if nothing
else generally suggested that Cardinal Pell was guilty or certainly cast as much doubt in regard to Pell's
Dearest Mr Rudd I have known Bill Shorten since 1985.In 1956 after I had been elected onto the Rural
Policy Committee and delegate to State and national youth conference and State conference at 16yo I
went to AWL camp,near Geelong,and Bill pushed me into a bathroom and did
things to without my
permission. I have spoken to the head of sex crimes in Qld but I am scared.I don't expect you to read
this and you probably get crazy messages all the time but I need help.Thankyou again for everything
and I sorry that the ALP did this to you too. unquote.
permission. I have spoken to the head of sex crimes in Qld but I am scared.I don't expect you to read
this and you probably get crazy messages all the time but I need help.Thankyou again for everything
and I sorry that the ALP did this to you too. unquote.
Quote two. in answer to a readers comment.- What do you mean love?
In 1985 I joined the ALP and as I had the fastest growing young labor group in Vic.I attracted people
from Melbourne,Bill.along with 2 others come up to Wodonga to see me.In 86' at the age of 16 I was
elected onto the Rural Policy Committee and became a delegate for State and national conference.In
86 I went to a young Labor camp down near Geelong and Bill had assigned our sleeping arrangements.
I was alone.At about 4am there was a knock at my door and I thought it was Kim.Bill had been chasing
me around all night and I thought that I had finally got rid of him but it was him at the door.He pushed me
into a bathroom,up against a towel rail,pulled down my pants and raped me.Unquote
So surely readers no reasonable person after reading the above would class
this 16 year old vulnerable
girl as some typically impressionable easily influenced wooly headed teenager in fact surely the opposite
is the case where this young lady had goals and doing all she could to achieve them and it would appear
had a great potential for leadership rolls in the future and the thought of what this alleged heinous rape
by someone Kathy trusted like a Labor Party Youth Leader who it would appear Kathy had come to know
over a period of time must have had a devastating effect on her confidence as a 16 year old who believed
that she was achieving positive things in her life and Kathy's faith and trust in people of power and influence
would have hit rock bottom and in fact I am led to believe from hearing taped recordings of Kathy speaking
over the air to various Victorian radio hosts was and still is having psychological treatment for depression,
anxiety and the lack of self esteem and therefore in my book a is national shame because this nation if it is
to prosper needs then and especially now all these young leaders we can accumulate !!!!
girl as some typically impressionable easily influenced wooly headed teenager in fact surely the opposite
is the case where this young lady had goals and doing all she could to achieve them and it would appear
had a great potential for leadership rolls in the future and the thought of what this alleged heinous rape
by someone Kathy trusted like a Labor Party Youth Leader who it would appear Kathy had come to know
over a period of time must have had a devastating effect on her confidence as a 16 year old who believed
that she was achieving positive things in her life and Kathy's faith and trust in people of power and influence
would have hit rock bottom and in fact I am led to believe from hearing taped recordings of Kathy speaking
over the air to various Victorian radio hosts was and still is having psychological treatment for depression,
anxiety and the lack of self esteem and therefore in my book a is national shame because this nation if it is
to prosper needs then and especially now all these young leaders we can accumulate !!!!
The Deputy Labor Leader Tanya Plibersek, My photo quote SBS News 27/2/2019.
Deputy Labor Leader Tanya Plibersek said " It is truly wonderful to live in a country where no one is
above the law,where any person can seek access to justice and see that justice is done. unquote.
Yes very fine words you are espousing there Tanya Plibersek and I am
confident that your bosses
Teflon Billy Shorten's alleged rape victim Kathy would wonder when her access to justice will be seen
Teflon Billy Shorten's alleged rape victim Kathy would wonder when her access to justice will be seen
and delivered or ? should Kathy give up all hope because maybe coming up
against a powerful and
influential person like Teflon Billy Shorten the leader of your Labor Party proves to show that Teflon
Billy Shorten is not only above the Aussie law but will be a law-unto himself should he become the
Prime Minister of Aussie ???
influential person like Teflon Billy Shorten the leader of your Labor Party proves to show that Teflon
Billy Shorten is not only above the Aussie law but will be a law-unto himself should he become the
Prime Minister of Aussie ???
Kathy Teflon Billy Shorten's alleged rape victim.
Shane Dowling the Proprietor of Kangaroo Publications. 2013.
These are extracts from the Kangaroo publications quote:
Bill shorten accused of raping 16-year-old girl in 1986.Victorian police are investigating.

Bill Shorten & Tanya Plibersek
Bill shorten accused of raping 16-year-old girl in 1986.Victorian police are investigating.

Bill Shorten & Tanya Plibersek
The Victorian police are currently investigating ALP Leader Bill Shorten for raping a
16-year-old girl in 1986.The mainstream media reported earlier this month that a
" Senior ALP figure " was being investigated for rape but failed to name Bill Shorten
although there is nothing to stop them from doing so.
Given Mr Shorten's position as a potential Prime Minister every Australian has a right to
know about the police investigation and we should expect a fully detailed explanation from
Mr Shorten immediately.Failing that he should resign.His current tactics of hiding behind a
lawyer and barrister will not do.
The average person can and do get named by the media all the time when serious allegations
are made against them and even more so when the police are investigating.So what makes
Bill Shorten so special ?
The alleged victim started looking for help online in about mid-September which seems to have
started on Kevin Rudd's Facebook page where she wrote the below.

I have not named the alleged victim as I do not feel there is any need to,not because of any
legal restrictions.From what I can tell she went online looking for help and has decided to stop
talking to the media and to leave it in the hands of the Victorian police after making a formal
On November the 14th 2013 The Australian broke the story in an article titled " ALP figure
faces 80's rape claim " which said:
" A senior Labor figure is under investigation by Victoria Police after it was alleged he raped
a teenager at an event organised by the party's youth wing in the 1980's
On November the 14th 2013 The Australian broke the story in an article titled " ALP figure
faces 80's rape claim " which said:
" A senior Labor figure is under investigation by Victoria Police after it was alleged he raped
a teenager at an event organised by the party's youth wing in the 1980's
" The alleged victim,who cannot be named,claims the assault took place during an overnight
camp organised by the " Vanguard " movement of the state's young Labor
party and held in
Portarlington,near Geelong"
" The woman,a community nurse who now lives on the NSW central coast,last
month made a
formal complaint to Victoria Police. The complaint was assessed before the decision was made
to launch an investigation.
formal complaint to Victoria Police. The complaint was assessed before the decision was made
to launch an investigation.
" Lawyers for the man said last night the " unsubstantiated claims date back 30 years and they
have never previously been raised with him ".
Other media that day ran with same story and referenced The Australian.The Australian wrote
a follow-up article the next day titled " Tanya Plibersek backs full 80's rape probe "which starts off:
My photo - Tanya
Plibersek the current Deputy Labor Opposition Leader.
" The deputy leader of the federal Labor Party,Tanya Plibersek,has said she fully supports the
police investigations of a senior party figure after it was alleged the man raped a teenager at a
holiday complex during the 1980's"

My photo Tony Abbott the then Aussie PM
" The deputy leader of the federal Labor Party,Tanya Plibersek,has said she fully supports the
police investigations of a senior party figure after it was alleged the man raped a teenager at a
holiday complex during the 1980's"

My photo Tony Abbott the then Aussie PM
and " Tony Abbott has also said he supports the police investigation " If something has happened,
let it be looked into and treated as it would be by the relevant authorities, " The Prime Minister told
Melbourne radio station 3AW yesterday.
While the Australian did not name Shorten they did drop a very big hint.They pointed out in one
article that it was not Kevin Rudd being investigated and they asked the Deputy Leader of the
ALP,Tanya Plibersek,her viewpoint and PM Tony Abbott his opinion,but not the ALP leader
Bill Shorten.It is not that hard for the reader to work out that The Australian is pointing the finger
at Bill Shorten.
The alleged victim did make a number of other comments on Facebook such as the one below:
The allegations are detailed,so at the very least the alleged victim does seem to know Bill Shorten
and Bill Shorten has not denied knowing the victim, Bill Shorten has also not denied having sex with
the victim.
Bill Shorten.
Bill Shorten and his advisors have and are working overtime behind the scenes to close this story
down and I know because Shorten has form on the board for doing exactly that.In may 2012
Mr Shorten moved to close down a rumour that was spreading widely in Canberra and on the
internet and I wrote a post titled " Has Bill Shorten gotten one of his staff members Pregnant ?
Shorten calls the lawyers " which starts off:
" The rumour mill has spread all over the net in the last few days that federal MP Bill Shorten
has gotten one of his staff pregnant.Bill Shorten says he has taken legal advice.
Bill Shorten and his wife Chloe Bryce did an interview to deny the rumour but never said what the
rumour was.It was a big talking point in the media about how stupid it was because how can you
deny something if you do not say what you are denying.The net effect Mr Shorten did not deny anything.
It was clearly designed to close down other media reports by implied threat that Mr Shorten has called
his lawyer.
I think Bill Shorten's career is over.It is just a matter of time.He has handled this very poorly and had no
option but to call a press conference when the allegations first surfaced and deal with them openly.To
do what he has done seems like the actions of a guilty person in the
same way that Rolf Harris tried to
close down the media and he ended up looking guilty.
close down the media and he ended up looking guilty.
I could write a novel on Bill Shorten and his corrupt ways and have written plenty before but I will keep
this post short and focused and do a follow-up post or two in the very near future.
Everyone who has followed the story closely knows that it is Bill Shorten that is being investigated.The
problem being that it is has not received a lot of media
This is very much like the Rolf Harris issue that this site covered back in March 2013. The story was all
over Twitter that Rolf Harris had been arrested and interviewed by the British police but all the mainstream
media would only say that it was an " 82-year-old Australian entertainer who was " from Berkshire "
there was no legal reason not to name Rolf Harris although some media said there was.After the story
was far and wide on the internet the British paper The Sun announced the " World Exclusive " and named
Rolf Harris and the other media around the world followed.
There is no legal reason not to name Bill Shorten and if the story takes the same course as Rolf Harris
and spreads far and wide on the net then the mainstream media will have no option but to name Mr
shorten.because every day they fail to name Mr Shorten they look dumber and dumber in front of their
own readers.
Update I have published two follow-up articles in relation to the above which are:
" Bill Shorten refuses to answer media questions regarding alleged rape of
16-year-old girl on the 11th
December 2013.
" Bill Shorten and the Victoria Police rape investigation.Do we have a right to know? on
the 9th February 2014
I have contacted the Victoria police again and as of the 20th May 2014 they are still investigating.Their
exact response is " Police are investigating a report of an alleged historical sexual assault.AS the matter
is subject to an ongoing investigation,it would be inappropriate to comment further".
I have contacted the Victoria police again and as of the 20th May 2014 they are still investigating.Their
exact response is " Police are investigating a report of an alleged historical sexual assault.AS the matter
is subject to an ongoing investigation,it would be inappropriate to comment further".
All of the above investigated and reported by Shane Dowling of Kangaroo
Publications goes to prove
what a very weak self interested,biased with very obvious agendas the
mainstream media is and has
and is it any wonder the public are questioning the accuracy and are moving
away and trying to
discover a far more reliable less biased form of information ??.
discover a far more reliable less biased form of information ??.
The difference surely between the Cardinal Pell case and Teflon Billy Shortens/Kathy is at least the
Pell victims, well the one left alive that is,had their day in court before a proper jury and judge and
full media coverage where for reasons best known to the major media in general chose to ignore
naming Teflon Billy Shorten as the suspect having been charged and arrested
for the historical
alleged heinous rape of Kathy a then 16 year old vulnerable Labor Party
youth member and therefore
surely any reasonable person would have the right to ask ?? ' WHY ' because as it was a fact
? how can/could the media claim they were liable to incur legal costs from Teflon Billy Shorten
suing them for defamation and again any reasonable person could be forgiven for believing that this
was just a giant media cover-up to protect their mate and number one boy Teflon Billy Shorten which
now allows this low life Teflon Billy Shorten to cry crocodile tears unchallenged about how this hypocrite
Shorten feels so sad for the many and various victims of abuse and rape.
surely any reasonable person would have the right to ask ?? ' WHY ' because as it was a fact
? how can/could the media claim they were liable to incur legal costs from Teflon Billy Shorten
suing them for defamation and again any reasonable person could be forgiven for believing that this
was just a giant media cover-up to protect their mate and number one boy Teflon Billy Shorten which
now allows this low life Teflon Billy Shorten to cry crocodile tears unchallenged about how this hypocrite
Shorten feels so sad for the many and various victims of abuse and rape.
Therefore if Teflon Billy becomes the PM of Aussie at the next federal election Teflon Billy will be the
only world leader to my knowledge to have an unresolved alleged heinous crime of rape hanging
over his status as our national leader which has not been challenged in any Aussie court of law and
although Teflon Billy has to be given the presumption of innocents however until the matter has
been proven one way or the other beyond reasonable doubt and Kathy and her supporters are not
going away any time soon there will always be doubt in the Aussie Public eyes and therefore how
can the Aussie nation take Teflon Billy Shorten's crocodile tears as genuine heart felt remorse for
victims and their families and loved ones ??.
As an adulterer while still married with kids and impregnating another
blokes wife while she was still
living with him as a married couple could surely be classed as emotional abuse and a serious
break in the trust Teflon Billy's then wife and kids expected from a husband and father therefore what
a great example Teflon Billy Shorten would be ?? should he become our next Aussie national leader???.
living with him as a married couple could surely be classed as emotional abuse and a serious
break in the trust Teflon Billy's then wife and kids expected from a husband and father therefore what
a great example Teflon Billy Shorten would be ?? should he become our next Aussie national leader???.
It is my belief and that of many others I have spoken to that Cardinal Pell's guilty conviction was just
a formality where this bloke Pell has been attacked for his beliefs on many subjects especially gay
marriage and the like for years if not a decade or more and it is well known of the influence the
LGBQI mob has on our Aussie media especially the ABC and SBS and therefore it would only be
natural for all of the jurors' sitting in the court to have been aware of the continuous bad press especially
on social media but the mainstream as well that Cardinal Pell was getting
and not be influenced by that
trial by media both social and main stream.
trial by media both social and main stream.
Sir Mike Howe but you can call me Mike.
Thursday, 14 February 2019
"The NSW ambulance ??? service "
The Aussie major climate zones over the 2nd ( to the Antarctic ) most dry
country/continent in the world and although 5.4% of the total worlds
has a centre of some 25% unpopulated desert.
has a centre of some 25% unpopulated desert.
( Me at my place )
My bog:
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent,although these days
that your proud to be "White" is something branding you " Racists "??.
2. I am heterosexual," TUT TUT " that makes the non-hetro's,and the list of the
various kinds grows by the day,feel discriminated against.
3. I am a staunch self-rule,non-forelock touching or kneeling,bowing Republican .
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and
beliefs,however stating anything else would be far more acceptable to the
" Political Correct " mob.
that your proud to be "White" is something branding you " Racists "??.
2. I am heterosexual," TUT TUT " that makes the non-hetro's,and the list of the
various kinds grows by the day,feel discriminated against.
3. I am a staunch self-rule,non-forelock touching or kneeling,bowing Republican .
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and
beliefs,however stating anything else would be far more acceptable to the
" Political Correct " mob.
G/day readers wherever you are in Aussie and around the world where I hope
you are well and enjoying life to the best you can considering your circumstances and
that 2019 brings you health,happiness and prosperity.
Subject: " The NSW ambulance ??? service.14/2/2019 " . photo by
Well dear readers at about 7.35 am this morning the 14/2/2019 I was unfortunately
but in many ways fortunate for an elderly frail 94 plus year old resident of a retirement
village in a place called Kootingal which is about 16 klms north of Tamworth NSW
New England just after the dear old girl, who I have known for years, by the name of
Flo had a serious,for anyone let alone for some frail 94 year old, fall on her concrete
patio floor after her left arm came into contact with a very large flower pot causing a
bad skin tear resulting in a loss of blood but far more concerning was the fact that
Flo's head attached to a very thin frail neck had gone full force into a large patio gate.
When I found Flo after being asked by one of Flo's neighbours to come and help
Flo's twisted body was face down with her damaged bleeding left arm being forced
down Flo's left side as Flo was unable due to being in considerable pain from her
head to her feet to turn over.
Luckily for Flo and myself she was conscious and was able to explain to me what
happened and where she hurt most so I could explain the situation should Flo go
into shock and as a result go unconscious to the ambulance staff when they arrived.
I managed to lift Flo's head very gently to retrieve Flo's panic button from around
her neck and after urging Flo to stay perfectly still and on leaving her with a couple
of neighbours I went inside Flo's unit to contact/speak to her emergency mob by the
name Tunstall which was then I am informed by Tunstall 7.40 am to order an
ambulance and after going into a lot of detail about the situation there the Tunstall
operator stated she would contact the NSW ambulance service and give them the
details and my mobile number so they could contact me.
I then went back to Flo who was still laying on the cold morning concrete so I covered
her up to try and keep her warm as my greatest concern considering Flo's age and
pain/damage Flo would go into shock so myself and neighbours kept her talking while
I just gently rubbed her back to calm her which Flo said was quote " Lovely " unquote
to which I replied that this was a bit extreme in order to get a back rub from me ?.
However at 8.45 am some ( 1 hour and 5 minutes ) later I received a phone call
from a lady on (024915870 ) ? from the Newcastle area some 100's of Klms away
from the NSW ambulance service in answer to the Tunstall request for an ambulance
where I had to go through all the details again - " BEARING IN MIND POOR OLD
assured me that she would look into it.
Flo was getting very restless and in pain as it can be imagined and I was concerned
Flo would move and hurt herself further so at 9.09am I phoned that number (024915870)
back only to get an answering machine asking me to press certain numbers to
through to departments/sections I had never heard of so I just turned the phone off
after 9 seconds still wasting time ofcourse.
through to departments/sections I had never heard of so I just turned the phone off
after 9 seconds still wasting time ofcourse.
So out of desperation at 9.11 am now a ( 1 hour 20 minutes ) from contacting
Tunstall I phoned OOO and what a debacle that turned out to be where at one stage I
was listening to ( 3 ) people at once where I was being asked what service I wanted
and ? my nearest capital city when I stated Tamworth and then Kootingal this bloke
asked me which state they were in anyway I had to literally shout down the phone for
them to shut up and listen to me which eventually they did however I once again had
to explain the details to a lady there where eventually this lady informed me that a
paramedic was on his way and would be there in about 15 minutes.
That conversation took (14 minutes and 5 seconds ) so now we are out to ( 1 hour
35 minutes ) from first contact and still no ambulance or even when it is likely to
arrive and this very brave 94 year old Flo is still laying on the concrete in pain
luckily the bleeding from the left arm had stopped and congealed.
At about 9.25 am some now ( 1 hours 40 minutes ) from first contact the
arrived took Flo's vital signs dressed the bad skin damage on Flo's left arm and put
some sort neck brace/support on however decided not to move Flo until the
ambulance crew got there because he was very concerned after me informing him
of Flo's head coming into hard contact with the wooden door especially considering
the small size of her neck and age of 94 years.
arrived took Flo's vital signs dressed the bad skin damage on Flo's left arm and put
some sort neck brace/support on however decided not to move Flo until the
ambulance crew got there because he was very concerned after me informing him
of Flo's head coming into hard contact with the wooden door especially considering
the small size of her neck and age of 94 years.
Eventually the ambulance crew arrived about 10 am so now poor old very brave
and stoic Flo,they don't make them like this Flo anymore !!!!!!,has been laying on
the patio concrete floor in that painful twisted position for some (2 hours 20 minutes)
and continually apologising to all and sundry especially to the paramedic and later
the ambulance crew for causing so much trouble.
They had to painfully role Flo over onto a board then slide her onto a
before putting Flo into the ambulance at about 10.20 am some (2 hours 40 minutes)
from first contact then just later the ambulance took off for the Tamworth Base
I have absolutely ' NO Doubt ' that had I not kicked up such a persistent fuss poor
old 94 year old brave/stoic Flo would have been laying twisted on that concrete
patio floor for a lot longer!!
before putting Flo into the ambulance at about 10.20 am some (2 hours 40 minutes)
from first contact then just later the ambulance took off for the Tamworth Base
I have absolutely ' NO Doubt ' that had I not kicked up such a persistent fuss poor
old 94 year old brave/stoic Flo would have been laying twisted on that concrete
patio floor for a lot longer!!
Kerryn Phelps Federal Member
for Wentworth although paid for by the scarce
Aussie Tax Payers funds is really no more than a refugee advocate and has
little political interest in the Aussie population generally.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Party Opposition Leader and possibly the next
Aussie Prime Minister,Union Stooge,adulterer and alleged " Rapist " of Kathy a then
member of the Victorian Youth League and where in recent years the Victorian Police
charged Teflon Billy of the alleged heinous crime of rape of Kathy a then 16 year old
however the Victorian Prosecutor would not proceed with the case due to his belief
there was little chance of a conviction and 'NOT ' that Teflon Billy was deemed innocent
as stated by Teflon Billy.
Aussie Tax Payers funds is really no more than a refugee advocate and has
little political interest in the Aussie population generally.

Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Party Opposition Leader and possibly the next
Aussie Prime Minister,Union Stooge,adulterer and alleged " Rapist " of Kathy a then
member of the Victorian Youth League and where in recent years the Victorian Police
charged Teflon Billy of the alleged heinous crime of rape of Kathy a then 16 year old
however the Victorian Prosecutor would not proceed with the case due to his belief
there was little chance of a conviction and 'NOT ' that Teflon Billy was deemed innocent
as stated by Teflon Billy.
Now as I am sure the Aussie population is fully aware that we have had the
independent pollie by the name of Kerryn Phelps crying crocodile tears,along
with other special interest independents and Teflon Billy Shorten and the political
opportunistic Labor party over a bunch of non Aussie citizens and their medical
care on Manus and Nauru islands yet the situation in regard to a 94 year old
Aussie through and through Flo is allowed to lay on a cold patio concrete floor
for some ( 2 hours and 40 minutes ) as the result of insufficient NSW ambulance
service to come to Flo's aid in a reasonable time therefore how sick is that !!
When we Aussie Tax Payers consider that this silver tail Kerryn Phelps in her
top of the town so out of touch Wentworth silver tail electorate got in Federal
Parliament with almost the sole purpose to represent a bunch of illegal foreigners
who were fully intent on virtually invading Aussie as economic refugees then how
sick is that and therefore what a waste of political space and Tax Payers scarce
funds Kerryn Phelps MP is to Aussie and where in turn the scarce funds could
have been spent on better ambulance services for the like's of our brave/stoic
Aussie citizen Flo that has spent 94 years for the benefit of Aussie in more ways
than can be calculated !!
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.
Monday, 11 February 2019
" The starlight energy - 11/2/2019 "
The Aussie major climate zones over the 2nd ( to the Antarctic ) most dry country/continent
in the world and although 5.4% of the total worlds landmass has a centre of some 25%
unpopulated desert.
( Me at my place )
My bog:
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent,although these days stating that your
proud to be "White" is something branding you " Racists "??.
2. I am heterosexual," TUT TUT " that makes the non-hetro's,and the list of the various
kinds grows by the day,feel discriminated against.
3. I am a staunch self-rule,non-forelock touching or kneeling,bowing Republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs,
however stating anything else would be far more acceptable to the " Political Correct " mob.
G/day readers wherever you are in Aussie and around the world where I hope you are well
and enjoying life to the best you can considering your circumstances and that 2019 brings
you health,happiness and prosperity.
Subject " The starlight energy " 11/2/2019.
Star light nights in the New England area of NSW Australia.
Readers I have experienced tonight Monday the 11/2/2019 something I believe is what I
would call in my very limited way,because it is very hard to put into words the tranquil,awe
inspiring spectacular Mother Natures kaleidoscope which with the perfect accumulation
of corresponding events as a picture " Perfect paradise " and that I have absolutely ' NO
doubt ' would not only be appreciated but envied by not only millions but billions of people
across the human spectrum!!!
Picture this if you will.
I sit outside in absolute blackness not even a full moon to light my surroundings,I cannot
see my hands or any part of my body and having sprayed myself with a eucalyptus spray
prior to sitting down outside I seem to have kept the numerous and various bities at bay.
As I sit in the darkness even the many and various Aussie native night life,including those
normally very noisy crickets all seem to be enjoying the calming quiet solitude where only
the slight russell of the leaves of the surrounding bushes/trees can be heard like a faint
whisper in the night generated by a faint cooling breeze that just tickles the exposed
aspects of my upper body and legs.
As I recline there trying to take in the enormity of the kaleidoscope of Mother Natures
awe inspiring million of stars even though I have probberly been in this very fortunate and
privileged situation before 100's of times during my 78 plus years I noticed one star right
above me that seemed to be shining brighter than those around it and which gave me the
uncanny feeling that it was looking directly at me ??.
As it can be seen from my photo I wear glasses/spectacles so I thought I wonder if I can
observe this star without them so I removed them only to find the star now in a sort of fuzzy
state had expanded to at least twice it's previous size and seemed brighter and as such
the once surrounding stars had vanished from my sight.
I replaced my glasses and then removed them again and exactly the same thing happened.
I decided to leave my glasses off and continued to just look,not stare,at the glowing individual
star and the more I did,and without any conscious effort,I seem to experience quite an
hypnotic sense of calm I can't recall ever experiencing before, alcohol induced or otherwise,
which was a strange but a very welcome experience.
My mind started to wander where I asked my self ? how could this possibly be where I can
recline here in by world standards today,and which was ever thus regrettably, a position of
calm paradise and at the same time have the political turmoil as we have here in Aussie
and around the world,death,destruction,poverty,sickness and the ever increasing hardship
for the vast majority of the human race across the globe so ???? " WHERE DID THE
I started to think about how all the billions of people around the world trapped in their
concrete towers,smelly exhaust fumed people filled streets of their cities,the slums to say
little of the war torn areas and how they would cherish just a few moments of my experience
of my calm tranquil paradise and the extraordinary gift of my special star bequeathed to me,
albeit to briefly, by our great benefactor and provider Mother Nature !!!.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.
Monday, 28 January 2019
" BILL THE BULLSHITTER ! by the now deceased Larry Pickering.2.
The Aussie major climate zones over the 2nd ( to the Antarctic
) most dry country/continent
in the world and although 5.4% of the total worlds landmass has a centre of some 25%
unpopulated desert.

( Me at my place )
in the world and although 5.4% of the total worlds landmass has a centre of some 25%
unpopulated desert.
( Me at my place )
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent,although
these days stating that your
proud to be “ White “ is something branding you “ Racist “.
2. I am heterosexual,” TUT TUT “ that makes the non-hetro’s,and the list of the various
kinds grows by the day,feel discriminated against.
3. I am a staunch self-rule,non-forelock touching or kneeling,bowing Republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs,
however stating anything else would be far more acceptable to the “ Political Correct “
proud to be “ White “ is something branding you “ Racist “.
2. I am heterosexual,” TUT TUT “ that makes the non-hetro’s,and the list of the various
kinds grows by the day,feel discriminated against.
3. I am a staunch self-rule,non-forelock touching or kneeling,bowing Republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs,
however stating anything else would be far more acceptable to the “ Political Correct “
G/day readers wherever you are in Aussie and around the world where I hope you are well
and enjoying life to the best you can considering your circumstances and that 2019 brings
you health,happiness and prosperity.
Subject: “ BILL THE BULLSHITTER ! by the now deceased Larry Pickering. 2.
G/day readers wherever you are in Aussie and around the world where I hope you are well
and enjoying life to the best you can considering your circumstances and that 2019 brings
you health,happiness and prosperity.
Subject: “ BILL THE BULLSHITTER ! by the now deceased Larry Pickering. 2.
Larry Pickering cartoonist – The
Wikipedia – quote.
Born: 18 October 1942, Australia. Died: 19 November 2018, Arundel, Queensland.
Lawrence Pickering was an Australian political cartoonist,caricaturist,and illustrator of
books and calendars.
The winner of four Walkley Awards,Pickering largely retired from political cartooning in
the 1980’s but returned to the field in 2011.
Pickering was a very controversial talented character and made many enemies,but like
me I am more than confident that many 10’s of 1000’s of Aussies miss his humour and
the way his cartoons,especially his political ones,were able to highlight a problem quickly
and in an uncompromising and to the point brief way that left the viewer/reader,especially
our pollies and the political class,in absolutely no doubt what the message was!!!
Wikipedia – quote.
Born: 18 October 1942, Australia. Died: 19 November 2018, Arundel, Queensland.
Lawrence Pickering was an Australian political cartoonist,caricaturist,and illustrator of
books and calendars.
The winner of four Walkley Awards,Pickering largely retired from political cartooning in
the 1980’s but returned to the field in 2011.
Pickering was a very controversial talented character and made many enemies,but like
me I am more than confident that many 10’s of 1000’s of Aussies miss his humour and
the way his cartoons,especially his political ones,were able to highlight a problem quickly
and in an uncompromising and to the point brief way that left the viewer/reader,especially
our pollies and the political class,in absolutely no doubt what the message was!!!
I have found that over the last 50 plus years of following world wide politics cartoonist,well
the good ones like Pickering anyway,are a special talented breed of people that are able
to see people and situations in far more depth and understanding than most of us and bring
it to the readers/viewers attention,albeit briefly and in a way of a cartoon/caricatures,what
the problem is much at times to the displeasure I am sure of the various individuals depicted
in the cartoon/caricatures.
Now I am sure my readers are fully aware of my comments in regard to Teflon Billy Shorten
the Aussie Federal Labor Opposition Leader who I find is a despicable person and where
there is documentary evidence to support my view, and considering his personal political
ratings/polling I have no doubt 100’s of 1000’s of Aussies have the same opinion as myself,
therefore when I received the following in regard to Larry Pickering’s view in regard to
Teflon Billy Shorten,regardless of any of you readers considering my comments totally
bias,then I say to you read/research this bastard Teflon Billy Shortens history then you tell
me that myself and the late Larry Pickering are wrong.
This is the bloke, ? if you did not know ? that Larry Pickering and I are referring too:
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Party Opposition Leader and possibly the next
Aussie Prime Minister,Union stooge,adulterer and alleged “ Rapist “ of Kathy a then
member of the Victorian Youth League and where in recent years the Victorian Police
charged Teflon Billy of the alleged heinous crime of Kathy a then 16 year old however
the Victorian Prosecutor would not proceed with the case due to his belief there was
little chance of a conviction and “ NOT “ that Teflon Billy was deemed innocent as stated
by Teflon Billy Shorten.
Pickering before he went to heaven:
BILL THE BULLSHITTER - Pickering tells it as it is..IMMORALITY, NOT ILLEGALITYSTILL RELEVANT TODAY..Did Bill Shorten swap workers’ benefits for union fees? Yes he did.
Did he hide Gillard and Wilson’s theft from his AWU members? Yes he did.
Did he try to hide the HSU fraud? Yes he did.
Did he have Bob Kernohan bashed? Yes he did.
Did he rape a drunk 16 year-old girl? Yes he did.
Did he knife two sitting Labor Prime Ministers? Yes he did.
Did he... oh, I could go on all day, because this bloke has a rap sheet longer
than both the Kray brothers combined.
But Bill is not your average crook, he plans very carefully each and every move, right
down to how he was going to rape that 16 year old young girl Kathy after getting her
He knew in advance her girlfriend would not be there that night as he had arranged
who would be sleeping where.
Everything Bill does is meticulously planned.
You only get to see the real Bill Shorten when there’s no camera or mike in sight.
His comrades get their hands dirty while he gets the benefits. He ensured employers
were as equally culpable when he shafted his workers, so it’s hard to see the TURC
nailing him.
You will not see Commissioner Dyson Heydon recommending charges but today,
and maybe tomorrow, you will get glimpses of the type of person Bill Shorten really is...
and it’s not pretty.
His rise to the top was styled on his hero, Bob Hawke. He too extricated himself from
the filth of the union movement to shower and don an Armani suit and red silk tie, ready
for the political rough and tumble of Parliament. But Bill is no Bob... and Bill can never
be PM.
Many people unexpectedly took a bullet for this man. Those who suffered, suffered in
silence for the sake of their beloved union movement... and Bill knew they would.
He has no old friends, only new ones who can never be real ones.
No, you wouldn’t want to be in the trenches with this bloke. He will be the last to go
over the top and the last to bare his back to the comrades he bayoneted. But, as with
all craven crooks who pretend to be soldiers, they eventually fall back into the trench to
die with those they killed.
But Bill's death will be slower. He will have time to gaze into the glassy eyes of former
comrades like Bob Kernohan. unquote. Pickering.
Now readers are we to assume that if this mongrel Teflon Billy Shorten the current Federal Labor Opposition Leader becomes the leader of this great nation of Aussie by being elected Prime Minister at this years Federal election ? sometime in May this year 2019 ? that all our major trading partners around the world, governments, heads of state etc; and their security/information gathering organisations will have been asleep at the wheel,so to speak,and are not aware of the person such as Teflon Billy Shorten our them PM 's history/background ? if so how naive can we possibly be ? and are we naively to accept that they will ignore Teflon Billy's history when shaking his hand that they trust Teflon Billy as our elected PM because as the saying goes " The leopard has changed it's spots " ??? in other words Teflon Billy Shorten has changed his " innate nature " which ofcourse has been proven that across the majority of Mother Natures creatures,let alone " Humans " is extremely unlikely if not ' Impossible '.
I would find it incomprehensible,and considering Teflon Billy's political ratings/polling so would 100's of 1000's of Aussies too, if Teflon Billy was handed the keys to the PM's lodge in Canberra as our PM considering his personal/political very adverse history !!!
However should this happen ? what would it say to the rest of the world,and the future Aussies when they reflect on our political history, in regard to the Aussie populations character in general,especially as it is well known that Aussie was settled by convicts as a British penal colony in 1788.
Maybe they will just shrug their shoulders and say " Ah well what's changed " they even cheat at cricket with their " Ball Tampering " so what can we expect ???
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike.
Tuesday, 22 January 2019
" The Law/judiciary Aussie style regarding " Honey ".
The Aussie major climate zones over the 2nd ( to the Antarctic ) most dry country/continent in the
world and although 5.4% of the total worlds landmass has a centre of some 25% unpopulated desert.
( Me at my place )
My bog:
I am coming out and proudly declaring the following:
1. I am an Aussie white bloke of European descent,although these days stating that your proud to be
"White" is something branding you " Racists "??.
2. I am heterosexual," TUT TUT " that makes the non-hetro's,and the list of the various kinds grows
by the day,feel discriminated against.
3. I am a staunch self-rule,non-forelock touching or kneeling,bowing Republican.
4. Although not religious I tend to believe in the so-called Christian values and beliefs,however stating
anything else would be far more acceptable to the " Political Correct " mob.
G/day readers wherever you are in Aussie and around the world where I hope you are well and
enjoying life to the best you can considering your circumstances and that 2019 brings you health,
happiness and prosperity.
Subject " The Law/judiciary Aussie style regarding " Honey ".- SUPREME COURT FINDS
AND TOXIC HONEY " see below.
AND TOXIC HONEY " see below.
I wonder dear readers just how many people around the world enjoy the probably 100's if not
1000's of various types of honey's being produced and where I am confident here in Aussie that
very few households would not have some type of honey in their kitchen cupboards,you could
quite easily state that honey like Vegemite is part of the Aussie populations staple diet.
Vegemite - Wikipedia
Therefore ? how would you feel if you suddenly found that there is every possibility that the honey
that you,your family and loved one's have consumed is quite possibly not
" Pure Honey " and in
actual fact had various other substances added which could have very serious deleterious effects
on across the board human health ??and where a journalist like Shane Dowling questions the
authenticity of so-called " Pure Australian Honey " is attacked by the likes of Capilano and Allowrie
Honey and one of their major shareholders the billionaire and media mogul Kerry Stokes and where
it would appear,reading the Kangaroo publication below,with the help,intentional or otherwise,of certain
of the judiciary get sent to jail for ( 3 months ) for the " Contempt of court " and where now The
NSW Supreme Court of Appeal has found that this was quote " an unjustifiable chilling effect on
actual fact had various other substances added which could have very serious deleterious effects
on across the board human health ??and where a journalist like Shane Dowling questions the
authenticity of so-called " Pure Australian Honey " is attacked by the likes of Capilano and Allowrie
Honey and one of their major shareholders the billionaire and media mogul Kerry Stokes and where
it would appear,reading the Kangaroo publication below,with the help,intentional or otherwise,of certain
of the judiciary get sent to jail for ( 3 months ) for the " Contempt of court " and where now The
NSW Supreme Court of Appeal has found that this was quote " an unjustifiable chilling effect on
freedom of speech " unquote.
I have followed Shane Dowling Kangaroo publications for years and even re-published some of
Shane's publications on this blog.
Shane takes on subjects that the so-called " Major media " avoids whether for fear of being sued
or I believe like the Aussie ABC because of their political,ideological bias.
Teflon Billy Shorten the Federal Labor Party Opposition Leader and possibly the next Aussie
Prime Minister,Union Stooge,adulterer and alleged " Rapist " of Kathy a then member of the
Victorian Youth League and where in recent years the Victorian Police charged Teflon Billy of
the heinous crime of rape of Kathy a then 16 year old however the Victorian Prosecutor would
not proceed with the case due to his belief there was little chance of a conviction and 'NOT '
that Teflon Billy was deemed innocent as stated by Teflon Billy.

This photo has nothing to do with Kangaroo Publications I received this very telling photo over the
net from supporters of Kathy a now registered nurse in NSW.
Although the Australian Newspaper mentioned at the time of Teflon Billy's questioning in regard to
the heinous rape of Kathy a then (16) year old it did not name Teflon Billy
specifically but instead
mentioned all the other Labor Leaders at the time that it was " NOT " leaving only one conclusion
that it had to be Teflon Billy Shorten the Opposition Labor Leader leaving all other major media
mentioned all the other Labor Leaders at the time that it was " NOT " leaving only one conclusion
that it had to be Teflon Billy Shorten the Opposition Labor Leader leaving all other major media
to totally very conveniently,for whatever purpose to ignore it ? I wonder
if it had been an LNP
leader Abbott,Turnbull now Morrison if the like's of the ABC would have
been so generous??.
However it was Shane Dowling that exposed Teflon Billy Shorten in his
Kangaroo Publication not
only for his adultery,extra marital affairs,alleged heinous rape of
Kathy,and Teflon Billy's many
questionable Labor Party/Union activities and highlighted Teflon Billy's ruthless untrustworthy
questionable Labor Party/Union activities and highlighted Teflon Billy's ruthless untrustworthy
selfish attitude all of which appears to be of little interest to the
like's of the Aussie ABC and SBS
the so-called champions of equality and the rights of the individual across the full spectrum,and
where the like's of Shane Dowling journalist/publisher/blogger highlights in every way what a
pathetic ideological agenda and bias they have and that said I believe neutralises them and they
become ineffective and untrustworthy " Fake News if you will " because it becomes difficult to
decide " Truth from fiction ".
the so-called champions of equality and the rights of the individual across the full spectrum,and
where the like's of Shane Dowling journalist/publisher/blogger highlights in every way what a
pathetic ideological agenda and bias they have and that said I believe neutralises them and they
become ineffective and untrustworthy " Fake News if you will " because it becomes difficult to
decide " Truth from fiction ".
I like Shane have a limited legal background and have attended NSW Local Magistrates,District
and Industrial Courts and therefore have had first hand experience of just how much " the law is
an ass " where I believe from that experience the Aussie Justice System
cannot do what the prime
object should be,as Shane has found out to Shane's cost financially and
physically being incarcerated
for (3) months, and that is to protect the weak,innocent and vulnerable because it has become far
to complicated,unreliable,costly and lacks being sensible and fair,where the rich and powerful
including the ( 3) tiers of Aussie government instrumentality use it to their advantage.
for (3) months, and that is to protect the weak,innocent and vulnerable because it has become far
to complicated,unreliable,costly and lacks being sensible and fair,where the rich and powerful
including the ( 3) tiers of Aussie government instrumentality use it to their advantage.
However dear readers I cannot praise the peoples defender Shane Dowling journalist/publisher
enough because I can only " try ",I emphasise " try ", to understand the unimaginable stress Shane
Dowling must be under coming up against a billionaire like WA's Kerry Stokes,Capilano and Allowrie
Honey and their very deep financial pockets and an army of high profile legal teams who's sole
purpose is to destroy in whatever way,hopefully legally,Shane Dowling's reputation as a journalist
and as a source of reliable facts and at the same time financially ruin him.
It would appear from what I read below that just to " Add insult to injury " Shane is up against
various biased judiciary as well to say little of the various government departments where their
silence is deafening.
Readers I realise some will look at the following and just give up saying that it is all to hard and let
someone else take it up however that is the problem because as I type this
" So-called Aussie
Honey " is on various retail shelves,being consumed by people probably children and as the saying
goes " We are what we eat " and if these various honey distributors are aloud to get away with
substituting honey with anything else and not declaring it ? what possible long term effect on our
health and ? where does this end,what next to be possibly adulterated,contaminated,polluted.
Honey " is on various retail shelves,being consumed by people probably children and as the saying
goes " We are what we eat " and if these various honey distributors are aloud to get away with
substituting honey with anything else and not declaring it ? what possible long term effect on our
health and ? where does this end,what next to be possibly adulterated,contaminated,polluted.
Sir Mike Howe - but you can call me Mike. scroll down.
Shane Dowling- Proprietor/Journalist of Kangaroo Court of Australia Publications/Website.
You are here: Home » Supreme Court finds Capilano Honey’s
lawyers lied and deceived about poisonous and toxic
The NSW Supreme Court of Appeal
has found that Capilano Honey’s lawyers lied and deceived the court about their
poisonous and toxic honey defamation and injurious falsehood claim against
journalist Shane Dowling. The court also found that Capilano Honey’s lies and
deception in gaining a super-injunction and wide-ranging suppression orders has
had “an
unjustifiable chilling effect on freedom of
The Court of Appeal handed down
its judgment on the 3rd of October 2018 in the middle of the media
storm over Capilano Honey selling fake
honey but the Court of Appeal judgment went
unreported by the old media even though it was a key issue. Not only has
Capilano Honey been selling dodgy honey for years but they lied and deceived the
Supreme Court of NSW to try to conceal it from the public in the long running
battle between myself and Capilano. Capilano Honey have also lied and deceived
the court in their almost identical claim against Beekeeper Simon Mulvany which
is now before the Supreme Court of Victoria.
Background to the Super-Injunction
suppression orders:
I wrote an article in September 2016
titled “Australia’s Capilano Honey admit
selling toxic and poisonous honey to consumers” about
Capilano Honey suing Beekeeper Simon Mulvany who runs the Save the Bees
Australia Facebook page. The article started
going viral here and in Asia. I wrote another article a few weeks
later about their CEO Ben
McKee and Capilano Honey and Mr McKee took legal
Capilano shareholder Kerry Stokes
has been suing me since April 2014 using the same lawyers and same tactics in
frivolous and vexatious defamation proceedings. Stokes is also the major
shareholder of Capilano Honey although that seems to
have changed as of a few weeks
ago but he is still a substantial shareholder
at least.
The Court of Appeal judgment
raises numerous issues some of which are:
- How did Capilano Honey manage to get the super-injunction, non-publication orders and suppression orders in the first place and how did they keep the dodgy court orders for over 2 years?
- Why did the old media not report the judgment especially given it was clearly relevant to the media storm in September / October 2018?
- Why have Capilano Honey never filed in court their evidence to prove their honey is safe for humans to support the injurious falsehood claim given there is a reverse onus of proof? For over 2 years why has the court not made Capilano Honey file their evidence?
- Why has the ACCC stopped its investigation into Capilano Honey’s fake honey when Capilano are refusing to provide the court with the required evidence they claim shows their honey is not poisonous?
- It a blatant SLAPP lawsuit (strategic lawsuit against public participation) so what are the Federal and State governments doing?
- The judgment by the 3 judges of the Court of Appeal shows evidence of judicial corruption, given their was no legal basis for the super-injunction and suppression orders, by Justice David Davies and former Supreme Court judge Peter Hall who is now the Commissioner of the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption. So why no action?
Key parts of the unanimous judgment by Justice Margaret
Beazley, Justice John Basten and Justice Ruth McColl: (Click here to read the full
judgment: Capilano Honey Ltd v Dowling (No 2)
[2018] NSWCA 217 (3 October 2018))
The super-injunction and
suppression orders against me were issued by the Supreme Court on behalf of
Capilano Honey in October 2016 and were lifted in June 2018. Capilano Honey
appealed and it was heard by the Court of Appeal on the 19th July 2018 with the
judgment given on the 3rd of October 2018. It starts off with the
Background as per
On 17 September 2016, Shane Dowling (the respondent)
posted an article on his website accusing Capilano Honey Ltd (the corporate
applicant) of “selling toxic and poisonous
On 6 October 2016, the respondent posted a further article on the
website making
allegations about the corporate applicant’s Chief Executive
Officer, Ben McKee (the individual applicant).
On 7 October 2016, the applicants
commenced proceedings against the respondent
for injurious falsehood and defamation. Prior
to commencing proceedings, they sought and were granted ex parte interim orders
including take-down orders, interlocutory injunctive relief restraining
republication, and orders prohibiting publication of any aspect of the
proceedings. On 10 October 2016, similar ex parte interim orders
were made regarding a further article published by the
respondent on his website on 9 October
(On the 10th of October 2016 Capilano Honey’s lawyers also asked
the court to charge me with contempt of court)
On 15 May 2017, three days after
directions were given with respect to a foreshadowed application by the
respondent to strike out the proceedings for want of prosecution, the applicants
filed and served a statement of claim.
On 8 June 2018, on the respondent’s application, and
following a contested hearing in April 2018, the primary judge (McCallum
J) made orders revoking the interim
and interlocutory orders.
At paragraph 56 of the judgment it
“The second difficulty arises from
the phrase “false statements”. In pursuing a claim in injurious falsehood, the
burden will be upon Capilano to prove that the allegations were false, were made
maliciously and caused damage to the company.”
Capilano Honey failed dismally to
make out their case. They used hearsay evidence, second-hand hearsay evidence in
affidavits by their lawyer Richard Keegan and in many instances no evidence at
all. Why were there no affidavits from any Capilano Honey employees? And where
is all the evidence showing their honey is not poisonous, toxic and
Keeping in mind that Capilano have
to also prove damage to their company as part of proving their injurious
falsehood claim the judgment says at paragraph 75: “the
applicants made no attempt to assess any financial loss, or likely loss, in
Australia.“. That in itself says Capilano Honey could not make out their
claim for injurious falsehood and have deliberately and knowingly misled the
A prime example of the scandalous
attempt to use evidence that can only be described as total dribble can be found
at paragraph 73 of the judgment where it quotes so-called evidence by Capilano
Honey’s lawyer Richard Keegan:
- In his 13 April 2018 affidavit Mr Keegan stated:[43]
“I am informed by Mr McKee and believe that he has received communications from a manager at one of Australia’s largest supermarket chains who has read the toxic honey article and has told Mr McKee that the article is posing ‘a very serious risk to our brand.’
And at paragraph 77 it
- In these circumstances, it cannot be said that the judge either misconceived or disregarded the evidence before her. It is true that she did not refer to the second-hand hearsay evidence of a conversation with a manager at a supermarket chain, but there is little that can be said about it. The content was vague, there was no indication of when the statement was made or in what context and the statement contained no particular reference to the source of the concern.
Using hearsay evidence is a joke
but for a qualified lawyer using second-hand hearsay evidence is scandalous. As
the judges said: “there
is little that can be said about it“. Richard Keegan should be stuck off
as a solicitor. This is a lawyer who is lying and perjuring himself in court to
help Capilano sell poisonous, polluted and fake honey to the
Capilano Honey would also have to
prove malice by me to make out their injurious falsehood claim but provided
bugger all evidence of it. But its worth noting that at paragraph 82 of the
judgment they said “An
ulterior motive was alleged, namely that the respondent was “fixated on
attacking Mr Kerry Stokes”, a part owner of Capilano.”
How paranoid is Kerry Stokes?
The lawyers representing Capilano
Honey are also Kerry Stokes’ and Channel 7’s lawyers (Stokes controls Seven) and
they would have had to get Kerry Stokes’ approval to put the reference to him in
their submissions. It shows a powerful prima facie case that Kerry Stokes is
running Capilano Honey’s legal case against me. Given that, any likely future
class action against Capilano Honey for poisoning the Australian public could
also go after Kerry Stokes’ $Billions as well.
Another reference to the judgment to reinforce what I
previously quoted is at paragraph 122 which points out that the super-injunction
and suppression orders had “an
unjustifiable chilling effect on freedom of speech“. It was always
blatantly a SLAPP
lawsuit and
the government should investigate. From what I have read INTERPOL are investigating the international food fraud element
which one would think would include investigating Capilano Honey and Kerry
Stokes role.
Capilano Honey have 2 Barristers
and numerous lawyers who specialise in this area of law representing them and
they knew they had no justification for the super-injunction and non-publication
orders. That is why they went to court ex-parte (by themselves and without my
knowledge) on the 7th of October 2016 to get the suppression orders and a
super-injunction so I could not tell anyone. They knew they could not defend the
court orders in a contested hearing and it should not have been allowed by the
judge Peter Hall and Justice David Davies and the appeal judgment says so. At
paragraph 114 of the judgment it says: “On
the evidence before the Court, there was no reason why the matter had to be
dealt with on the spot and a number of reasons why it should not have
I didn’t report the Court of
Appeal decision in October 2018 because I was in jail for 3 counts of contempt
of court of which 2 were for breaching suppression orders. Those suppression
orders no longer exist because they were invalid in the first place the same as
Capilano Honey’s suppression orders which adds further weight to my allegations
that NSW judges are corruptly issuing invalid suppression orders and selling
suppression orders to companies and individuals to help hide crimes they want
hidden from the public and law enforcement agencies.
The Capilano Honey matter against
me is a prime example of the judicial corruption issuing invalid suppression
orders. It is so corrupt even the 3 appeals court judges wouldn’t defend it. But
even though Justice Lucy McCallum found in my favour as the initial judge
overturning the suppression orders she needs to explain why she helped keep the
suppression orders going for over 2 years and why she has never issued orders
for Capilano Honey to file their evidence.
Justice McCallum has also
deliberately ignored for over 12 months and failed ordering the interrogatory
questions and discovery I have requested from Capilano Honey be complied with. I
have written articles about it before accusing Justice McCallum of taking bribes
from Capilano which she is well aware as the articles are before the court
as evidence and she has never refuted the
I thought I would start the year
of with a positive post. The judgment is well worth a read and a big win for
this website, its supporter and freedom of speech. The battle isn’t over yet as
the defamation and injurious falsehood case continues but we’re in a strong
legal position to win it and we’ve managed to do that with me as a
self-represented litigant up against a multi-million-dollar company with
shareholders with deep pockets. The support of the followers of this website has
been crucial in the battle, so thank you.
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